District of Summerland SLIDE GATE REPLACEMENT – SCREEN WORKS Tender Documents Contract No. 5330-127 September, 2015 Agua Consulting Inc Agua Project No. : 023-05.04 This page is intentionally left blank as this document is designed for double-sided printing Section 00003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT Section No. Description No. of Pages Division 0 Section 00003 Section 00100 Section 00200 Section 00300 Section 00502 Section 00600 Section 00700 Section 00800 Contract Table of Contents Invitation to Tender Instruction to Tenderers Tender Form Contract Agreement – CCDC2 – 2008 Contract Forms and Bonds General Conditions of Contract – CCDC2 - 2008 Supplementary Conditions Division 1 Section 01010 Section 01025 Section 01300 Section 01400 Section 01650 Section 01700 Section 02601 Section 02602 Section 02603 General Requirements Summary of Work Measurement for Payment Submittals Quality Control Equipment Installation Contract Closeout Slide Gate Electric Actuator Butterfly Valve 2 2 6 10 8 2 2 2 2 8 2 6 4 2 APPENDIX A - Plan View and Section Drawings Drawing Title C-01 C-02 Agua Consulting Inc. Tender Drawings Location Plan Civil Works - Sections Rev. No. Section 00003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT This page is intentionally left blank to accommodate double sided printing Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00100 INVITATION TO TENDER Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT Sealed Tenders clearly marked “District of Summerland SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT” will be received at the offices of the District of Summerland Public Works office at 9215 Cedar Avenue Summerland, British Columbia, V0H 1Z2 until 2:00 pm, local time, September 30, 2015. The received Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter on that date. The work consists of: The removal and disposal of the existing sluice gates currently installed at the Screen Works building including the hydraulic ram equipment; Installation of two (2) new aluminum intake sluice gates to fit 36” diameter opening; Installation of two (2) motorized solenoid controllers to power the new intake sluice gates; Electrical disconnection and reconnection to existing power within the building; Divers support (as necessary) to carry out the installation underwater, and; (Optional Price) Removal of 2 existing wafer butterfly valves and Supply and Installation of two (2) new wafer potable water rated 36” diameter butterfly valves; Each Tender must have enclosed a Security Deposit (certified cheque) or Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the Tendered Price. A mandatory site inspection is scheduled for September 23, 2015 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) site. Travel time to the site is 10 minutes west from downtown Summerland east on Prairie Valley Road. Tender documents will be available in digital format only after 9:00 a.m., September 14, 2015 at the District of Summerland website (Bids and Tenders/RFPs). Documents will also be available on the Provincial BC Bid site as the same time. The bidder is responsible for checking the web pages for updates and Addenda related to the project. Project documents may be viewed on or after September 14, 2015 in Summerland at the above address during normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm). Technical enquiries can be directed to Mr. Bob Hrasko, P Eng (250.212.3266) or Mr. Aaron Hahn, AScT (250.718.9087). General enquiries related to the project can be directed to the Devon Van der Meulen of the District of Summerland. The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be accepted. Mr. Bob Hrasko, P.Eng. Agua Consulting Inc. 3660 Anderson Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7V8 Cell (250) 212-3266 Email rhrasko@shaw.ca Agua Consulting Inc. Mr. Devon Van der Meulen Manager of Water Operations 9215 Cedar Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2 Phone (250) 404-4075 Fax (250) 494-3399 Email dvandermeulen@summerland.ca Section 00100 INVITATION TO TENDER Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT Location Plan – Screen Works Location Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 1 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. TENDER CALL .1 Sealed Tenders fully executed, dated and endorsed will be received at the offices of the District of Summerland at 9215 Cedar Avenue, Summerland, BC, V0H 1Z2 up to 2:00 pm, th local time, on Wednesday, 30 of September, 2015. The intent of this Tender is to obtain a formal offer to construct and complete the: “SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT” for the District of Summerland Contract # 5330-127 herein referred to as the "Work" which is located at the north end of Summerland Reservoir which is just above and southwest of the Summerland Water Treatment Plant in the Prairie Valley area of Summerland. 2. .2 Submit one copy of the Tender as set out in Section 00300 of this document, signed and sealed together with the required securities in an opaque envelope, clearly identified with the Tenderer's Name and Contract Name on the outside. .3 The work will require a contract to be formed between the Contractor and Owner, the District of Summerland. .4 Tender Documents may be obtained in digital format from the District of Summerland webpage under the Bids & Tenders/RFP page starting on September 14, 2015. The bidders are responsible for checking the web pages for updates and/or Addenda during the tender process. Documents will also be available from the Provincial BC Bid website starting at the same time. .5 Amendments to a submitted Tender will be permitted if received in writing prior to Tender closing and if endorsed by the same party or parties who signed and sealed the Tender. The Consultant cannot guarantee that the District of Summerland’s fax machine will be available to receive revisions prior to tender closing. The fax machine number is (250) 494-3399. .6 Tender Documents may be viewed at the District of Summerland Public Works Office at the above address after September 14, 2015 up until September 25, 2015. .7 Tenders will be opened immediately after 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday the 30 day of September, 2015 at the District of Summerland Public Works Offices located at 9215 Cedar Avenue, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2. th SECURITY DEPOSIT .1 Tenders shall be accompanied by a security deposit as follows: Bid Bond in an amount of 10% of the Tender Price; or Certified Cheque in an amount not less than 10% of the Tender Price. .2 Endorse the Bid Bond or Certified Cheque in the name of the Owner as Obligee, signed and sealed by the Contractor and Surety. .3 Use Bid Bond Form CCDC Form 220, or latest edition, and shall remain valid for the entire period the offer. .4 All Security Deposits except those of the lowest three Tenderers, will be returned with reasonable promptness after the opening of Tenders. Agua Consulting Inc. .5 .6 3. 6. 7. Except where noted, the Tender Price is to include all applicable taxes, duties and brokerage fees. The successful Tenderer will be required to provide sufficient detail and documentation as may be required by the Owner for exemption or for rebates on exempt items. The Goods and Services Tax shall not be included in the separate line items of the Tender Form but is to be provided separately at the bottom of the Tender Form. CONSENT OF SURETY .1 Submit with the Tender, a "Consent of Surety" stating that the Surety is able to supply the Performance and Labour and Material Payment Bonds as specified. .2 "Consent of Surety" is included within the Tender Form (Section 00300). BONDS .1 The successful Tenderer shall provide both a Performance Bond and a Labour and Materials Payment Bond in terms satisfactory to the Owner. Each bond shall be for fifty percent (50%) of the total Tender Price. The Tender shall therefore be accompanied by an undertaking of a guarantee or surety acceptable to the Owner to the effect that the Surety company will become bound for the Tenderer in both of these bonds. .2 The Owner requires the Contractor to remedy all defects in the work for a period of 18 months following the date of Substantial Performance. The Contractor shall provide a Maintenance Bond in an amount equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the Total Tender Price indicated within their submission, valid for 18 months following the date of Substantial Performance. This Maintenance Bond will be released by the Owner after the 18 month, provided that the system functions as required with all deficiencies and project related works completed. .3 Include the cost of all Bonds in the Tender Price. COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK .1 8. All Prices shall be in Canadian Dollars. TAXES .1 5. If no Contract is awarded, all Security Deposits will be returned. CURRENCY .1 4. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 2 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT The remaining Security Deposits will be returned after delivery to and acceptance by the Owner of the required Performance and Labour and Material Payment bonds by the accepted Tenderer. The Tenderer, in submitting the Tender, agrees that the Work can be completed by the date set out in the Tender form, Article 2.2. TENDER SIGNING .1 The Tender must be executed under seal by the Tenderer. .2 If the Tenderer is an individual or a partnership, the Tender shall be executed and sealed by the individual or a partner in the presence of a witness and the signer must show the capacity in which he signs (eg: "Partner" or "Proprietor"). Agua Consulting Inc. .3 .4 9. 11. 12. Tenders that are unsigned, improperly executed, incomplete, conditional, illegible, obscure, contain arithmetical errors or additions not called for, reservations, erasures, alterations or irregularities of any kind, may be rejected as incomplete. TENDER WITHDRAWAL .1 A Tenderer who has already submitted a Tender may submit amendments to the originally submitted Tender in writing or by Fax at any time before the official closing time, provided that the Tender amendments are endorsed by the same party or parties who signed and sealed the Tender. The last Tender received shall supersede and invalidate all Tenders previously submitted by the Tenderer. .2 A Tender may be withdrawn by the Tenderer by written notice delivered to the Project Manager prior to the time fixed for opening Tenders. SCHEDULES TO TENDER FORM .1 Tenderers shall complete all Appendices and submit same with the Tender; .2 Submit a List of Stipulated Prices (Schedule A) as itemized; .3 Submit a Project Schedule (Schedule B). The contractor must provide his intended approach, i.e. dry installation or submerged installation, to install the slide gates within Schedule B; .4 Submit a Listing of Hourly Rates for Labour and Equipment (Schedule C); .5 Tenderers Qualifications (Schedule D). Provide qualifications of the staff coordinating and directing contractors forces and coordinating subcontractors. Include names and experience; .6 Provide a List of Subcontractors (Schedule E). Provide the names of the Subcontractors for each designated part of the Work; .7 Product Suppliers (Schedule F), Submit the corresponding supplier for each designated Product; .8 Consent of Surety (Schedule G). Provide form complete from Surety Company. DURATION OF OFFER .1 13. If the Tenderer is a joint venture, each party to the joint venture shall execute the Tender under seal in the manner appropriate to such party. TENDER INELIGIBILITY .1 10. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 3 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT If the Tenderer is a limited company or corporation, the Tender shall be executed under the seal of the company, affixed in the presence of the authorized officers or two directors. Tenders shall be open for acceptance and irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days after the Tender closing date, regardless of the acceptance of another Tender. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER .1 The Owner reserves the right to accept the Tender which is deemed most advantageous. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. Agua Consulting Inc. .2 14. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 4 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT After acceptance, the Consultant, on behalf of the Owner will issue to the successful Tenderer a written Notice of Acceptance. SITE EXAMINATION .1 The Tenderer shall examine the Place of the Work before submitting a Tender and shall satisfy himself as to the nature and location of the Work, the means of access to the site and shall obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and circumstances which may affect his Tender. The Tenderer is responsible for obtaining all information required for the preparation of the Tender. .2 A mandatory site visit to the place of the Work has been arranged for the General Contractors and their Sub Contractors as follows: Date: September 23, 2015, Wednesday Time: 1:00 P.M. Place: Summerland Water Treatment Plant, 16700 Prairie Valley Road; .3 15. SOILS INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE .1 16. Soils Investigation information for the site is not required. CONFIDENTIALITY .1 17. Claims for additional costs will not be entertained with respect to conditions which would reasonably have been ascertained by an inspection of the site prior to the Tender closing date. The Tenders shall be made without any connection, comparison of figures, or arrangement with or knowledge of any other person or persons making a Tender for the same work and shall be, in all respects, fair and without collusion or fraud. OMISSIONS / DISCREPANCIES / INTERPRETATIONS .1 Tenderers finding discrepancies or omissions in the Tender Documents or having doubt as to the meaning or intent thereof shall at once notify the Consultant who will, if necessary, send written instructions or explanations to all Tenderers. .2 Oral interpretations made to any Tenderer shall not effect a modification of any provision of the Tender Documents. .3 Questions arising during the bidding period should be directed to: Agua Consulting Ltd Attention: Robert Hrasko, P.Eng. Phone: (250) 212-3266 Alternate: Aaron Hahn, AScT. Phone: (250) 718-9087 .4 During the tendering period Tenderers may be advised by Addenda of any alterations to the Tender Documents. All such changes will become part of the Contract and the effects shall be included in the Tender Price. .5 The Consultant will endeavour not to issue any Addenda later than five (5) calendar days prior to the Tender closing date. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 5 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 18. METRIC PRODUCTS .1 19. 20. All Tender Documents are in the metric system, and unless noted otherwise, metric products shall be used. ALTERNATIVES / EQUALS .1 Equipment or materials other than those specified may be allowed if of equal or greater quality. Acceptable equipment shall be that which has been reviewed and approved by the Consultant five (5) working days prior to the closing of Tenders. .2 In submission of alternatives to products specified, Tenderers shall include for any changes required to the Work to accommodate such alternative Products. A later claim by the Contractor for an addition to the Contract Price because of changes in the Work necessitated by use of alternative Products shall not be considered. .3 Selected products are specified and/or shown on the drawings and identified by manufacturer's name, type and catalogue number. .4 The Tender shall be based on the use of only the selected products. .5 Proposals for alternative products may be considered if submitted as an attachment to the Tender. .6 Submission shall provide sufficient information to enable the Consultant to determine acceptability of such products. .7 Provide complete information on required revisions to other work and products to accommodate each alternative product and the amount of addition or reduction from Tender amount including required revisions for each alternative product. .8 Unless a proposal for an alternative product is submitted in this manner and later accepted, provide the product specified. WORKING HOURS .1 Work inside the Owner's property and existing facilities shall be carried out between the hours of: 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on weekdays and between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on weekends unless other arrangements are made between the Owner and the Contractor. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00200 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS Page 6 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 21. BUILDERS LIEN ACT .1 The Builders Lien Act, as revised in 1997, shall apply to this Project. All items affected by the Act, including the filing of times for certification, payment and holdback amounts, shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Builders Lien Act (1997). .2 The Consultant is to be the certifier for this Project, as required to provide Certificates of Completion for the contract and subcontracts. .3 The Contractor will be required to assess the contract and subcontracts for Certification of Completion. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 1 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT DATE: Submitted by: (Legal Name) (Address) Fax: ( ) To: Telephone: ( ) District of Summerland 9215 Cedar Avenue PO Box 159 Summerland, BC, V0H 1Z0 Hereinafter called the “Owner” Project: Screen Works Gate Replacement District of Summerland Contract # 5330.127 1. OFFER .1 We, the undersigned, having examined and read Addenda No. ______to No. _______ and the Tender Documents inclusive, all as issued by Agua Consulting Inc., and having visited the Project Site, we hereby offer to enter into a Contract to perform the Work required by the Tender Documents for the stipulated price of: (Total in Words) Dollars $ in Canadian funds, which price includes all specified cash and contingency allowances and the applicable taxes in force at this date except as may be otherwise provided in the Tender Documents. .2 2. We have included herewith the security deposit and Consent of Surety as required by the Instructions to Tenderers. ACCEPTANCE .1 This Tender shall be open for acceptance and is irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days from the Tender date regardless of the acceptance of another Tender. .2 If this Tender is accepted by the Owner within sixty (60) days of the Tender closing date and we receive written notice of this acceptance, we will: Agua Consulting Inc. Execute the "Agreement" within seven (7) days of receipt of the form for execution. Furnish the required Bonds within seven (7) days of the date of the Notice of Acceptance. Commence work within seven (7) days after the date of the Notice of Acceptance. Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 2 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 3. Substantially complete the Work within 15 weeks of Notice of Acceptance by Agua Consulting Inc.. .3 If this Tender is accepted within the time stated herein, and we fail to execute the Agreement and provide the required Bonds, or we request to withdraw, the security deposit shall be forfeited as damages to the Owner by reason of our failure, limited in amount to the lesser of the face value of the deposit or the difference between this Tender and the Tender for which the Contract is signed. .4 In the event our Tender is NOT accepted within the time stated herein the required security deposit shall be returned to the undersigned in accordance with the provisions in the Instructions to Tenderers, unless a mutually satisfactory arrangement is made for its retention and validity for an extended period of time. SCHEDULES The schedules listed shall be read with and form part hereof of the Tender. 4. Schedule “A” Listing of Stipulated Prices Schedule “B” Construction Schedule and Method Schedule “C” Hourly Rates for Labour and Equipment Schedule “D” Tenderers Qualifications Schedule “E” List of Sub-Contractors & Suppliers Schedule “F” Consent of Surety DECLARATIONS We hereby declare that: i) We agree to perform the work in compliance with the required completion schedule stated in the Tender Documents and attain Substantial Performance of the work within 15 calendar weeks of the Notice of Acceptance. ii) No person, firm, or corporation other than the undersigned has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this Tender is made. iii) We agree that Subcontractors shall not be changed unless permission of the Consultant is obtained. iv) We agree that Product Suppliers shall not be changed unless permission of the Consultant is obtained. v) This Tender is open for a period of 60 days from the date of Tender closing. vi) We acknowledge that the Owner shall have the right to reject any and all tenders for any reason or to accept any tender which the Owner in its sole discretion deems the most advantageous to itself. We acknowledge that the Owner may rely upon criteria which the Owner deems relevant even though such criteria have not been disclosed to the Tenderer. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 3 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 5. ADDENDA .1 6. The following Addenda have been received. The modification to the Tender Documents noted therein have been considered and the effects are included in the Tender Price: Addendum # Dated Addendum # Dated Addendum # Dated SIGNATURES SIGNED AND SUBMITTED for and on behalf of: (Corporate Name of Tenderer) (Authorized Signatory) (Witness signature) (Name and Title of Person Signing) (Name and Title of Witness) (Date) Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 4 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE “A” LIST OF STIPULATED PRICES Herewith is the Schedule of Prices which is an integral part of the Tender. Provide prices for the following items. Stipulated Prices are referenced to Section 01025, Measurement for Payment. DESCRIPTION EXTENSION Division 1 – General Requirements 2.1.1 General Requirements (Bonding Insurance) $ 2.1.2 Mobilization / Demobilization $ Division 1 Subtotal $ Division 2 - Base Works 2.1.3 Removals – Slide Gates and Hydraulic Drives $ 2.1.4 Supply and Install Slide Gates $ 2.1.5 Supply and Install Electric Valve Acutators $ 2.1.6 Supply and Install Electrical Connection and Panels $ 2.1.7 Commissioning $ Division 2 Subtotal $ SUMMARY Division 1 – General Requirements $ Division 2 – Civil Works $ Subtotal $ Contingency Allowance $ GST 5% $ SCREEN WORK BASE BID $ Optional Prices O1 Remove existing butterfly valves, Supply and Install 2 900mm butterfly valves starting at same time as slide gate works - 2015 $ O2 Remove existing butterfly valves, Supply and Install 2 900mm butterfly valves at later date in 2016 Agua Consulting Inc. $ $ 5,000 Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 5 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE “B” PROJECT SCHEDULE The Tenderer shall complete a construction schedule that they propose to use in the completion of the project. The form below or a similar form generated through project management software is acceptable: ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 week State general work approach: i.e. underwater gate installation method to be used WORK PROCEDURE Agua Consulting Inc. 16 17 18 19 20 Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 6 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE “C” HOURLY RATES FOR LABOUR AND EQUIPMENT Hourly Rates for Labour Herewith is a list of Hourly Rates for varying job roles required for the project. The hourly rate is to be listed for the varying job categories and will be utilized to determine the cost of any cost plus or authorized additional work. The rates shall be all-inclusive and should include holiday pay, Worker’s Compensation, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, other benefits, and accommodation and/or travel allowance. Hourly rates shall not include any markup for Contractors supervision, overhead and profit. Mark-up for those items must be added separately as defined in the Supplementary Conditions. ITEM JOB CATEGORY HOURLY RATE Hourly Rates for Equipment The Tenderer shall list equipment used and available for use on this project. The hourly rental rates listed herein will be used to determine the cost of any cost plus or authorized additional work. The rates shall be all-inclusive to cover the cost to operate the equipment. This includes operator wages, fuel, maintenance and depreciation. Hourly rates shall not include any markup for Contractors supervision, overhead and profit. Mark-up for those items must be added separately as defined in the Supplementary Conditions. ITEM EQUIPMENT TYPE Agua Consulting Inc. MAKE, MODEL AND YEAR HOURLY RATE Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 7 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE “D” TENDERERS QUALIFICATIONS The Tenderer shall provide a summary of recent previous experience comparable to the proposed work, and the name of the responsible reference for each project (owner or their agent). YEAR OWNER / NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK VALUE ( $ Cdn) REFERENCE (c/w Contact No.) Herewith is a list of the key Personnel and their experience referred to in Article 3 of the Tender Form submitted: NAME Agua Consulting Inc. PROJECT ROLE QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 8 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE “E” LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS Herewith is the list of "Subcontractors and Suppliers" which is an integral part of the Tender. Provide Subcontractors for the following areas of work or stipulate own forces if carrying out that portion without a Subcontractor. Work Discipline Diving Contractor (if required) Electrical Contractor Slide Gate Supplier Butterfly Valve Supplier Electric Actuator Supplier Process Mechanical assembly work Agua Consulting Inc. Subcontractor Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 9 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE F - CONSENT OF SURETY (example) Date:_____________, 2015 “Name and Address of Surety Company District of Summerland 9215 Cedar Avenue Box 159 Summerland, B V0H 1Z0 Dear Sirs: RE: SUMMERLAND CONTRACT NO. # 5330-127 Screen Works Gate Replacement Should the District of Summerland [hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”] accept the Tender and execute an Agreement with __________________________, [ hereinafter referred to as the Tenderer], we, the undersigned Surety Company, do hereby consent and agree to become bound to the Owner as Surety for the Tenderer in any of the following Bonds, on the standard format of the Canadian Construction Association. 1. Performance Bond for an amount equal to 50% of the Total Tender Price. 2. Labour and Materials Payment Bond for an amount equal to 50% of the Total Tender Price. 3. Maintenance Bond consisting of a Letter of Credit in the amount of 25% of the Total Tender Price valid for two years following the date of Substantial Performance. We, the undersigned Surety Company, agree to furnish the Owner with the Performance and Labour and Materials Payment Bonds within 7 days after written notification that the Owner has requested the said Bond or Bonds. We hereby further declare that our Company is legally entitled to do business in the Province of British Columbia. Yours truly, (Name of Surety Company) (Address) (SEAL) Note: This Agreement must be executed on behalf of the Surety Company by its authorized Officers under the Company’s corporate seal. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00300 TENDER FORM Page 10 of 10 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT END OF TENDER FORM This page is intentionally left blank to accommodate double sided printing Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 1 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL The Canadian Construction Documents Committee, Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 – Stipulated Price Contract, 2008, is hereby modified as follows: B.C. BUILDERS LIEN LEGISLATION Wherever the General Conditions of the Contract refer to “applicable lien legislation”, it shall mean the BC Builders Lien Act as revised by Bill C38 in 1997. If there is any disagreement between the General Conditions of the Contract and the BC Builders Lien Act, the latter shall govern. 2. ARTICLES ARTICLE A-3 Subsection 1.3 is deleted and replaced with the following: “1.3 Subject to adjustment in Contract Time, as provided for in the Contract Documents, attain Substantial Performance of the Work by January 22, 2015, and Total Performance of the Work by January 29, 2015.” ARTICLE A-5 Revise Section 5.1 to read: “5.1 Subject to provisions of the Contract Documents, and in accordance with the BC Builders Lien Act, the Owner shall pay in Canadian funds:” Revise subsection 5.1.3 as follows: “5.1.3 Should the Owner fail to make payments to the Contractor as they become due under the terms of the Contract, or in an award by arbitration of court, interest at one and a half percent (1.5%) per annum above the bank rate on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable. Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis. The bank rate shall be at a rate established by the Bank of Canada as the minimum rate which the Bank of Canada makes short term advances to the chartered banks.” Add subsection 5.1.4 as follows: “5.1.4 withhold ten percent (10%) of each progress payment to be held in a holdback trust account.” Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 2 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS MODIFY DEFINITIONS The definition of Subcontractor in Definition 5 is deleted and replaced with: Subcontractor A person, firm, or corporation undertaking the execution of a part of the Work by virtue of an agreement with the Contractor, which has been approved by the Owner. Substantial Performance of the Work The definition of Substantial Performance of the Work in Definition 19 is deleted and replaced with: “.1 The work is substantially performed when: 1) “when the Work, or a substantial part thereof, has passed inspection and testing and is ready for use or is being used for the intended purposes, and: 2) when the work to be performed under the Contract is capable of completion or, when there is a known defect, correction is a cost of not more than: i) 3% of the first $500,000 of the Contract price; ii) 2% of the next $500,000 of the Contract price, and; iii) 1% of the balance of the Contract price. .2 For the purposes of this Contract where the Work or a substantial part thereof is ready for use or is being used for the purposes intended and the remainder of the Work cannot be completed expeditiously for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor or, where the Owner and the Contractor agree not to complete the Work expeditiously, the price of the services or materials remaining to be supplied and required to complete the work shall be deducted from the Contract price in determining Substantial Performance.” ADD TO DEFINITIONS Payment Certifier The Consultant is the Payment Certifier for this project, as required by the Builder’s Lien Act. Addendum Addendum means an addition to or a change in the Contract Documents that is issued by the Consultant prior to the tender closing. Total Performance of the Work Total Performance of the Work means when the entire Work, except those items arising from the provisions of GC 12.3 – WARRANTY, have been performed to the requirements of the Contract Documents and is certified by the Consultant. Place of Work Agua Consulting Inc. Add “The place of work for Slide Gate Replacement – Screen Works” is located approximately seven (7) kilometers west of downtown Summerland, BC on Prairie Valley Road. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT GC 1.1.7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS .1 ADD clause “constructed works take precedence over drawing dimensions and details. Prior to fabrication of any item dependent upon accurate dimensions of details or the constructed works, the Contractor shall take field measurements of such constructed works. GC 2.3 REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF WORK .1 Add the following clause: 2.3.8 If the consultant is required to make visits for the purpose of witnessing the testing of equipment or materials, or the factory inspection of materials, or materials on more than one occasion for the same piece of equipment or materials, by reason of delays of the Contractor, or malfunctioning of the equipment under test, or from improper installation or whatever caused by the Contractor or his subcontractors, the Contractor shall pay the Owner the additional fees and expenses incurred for the additional visits by the Consultant that are charged to the Owner. GC 3.6 SUPERVISION .1 Add GC 3.6.3 as follows: To coordinate the work, the Contractor or person(s) authorized to act for the Contractor will attend regular meetings with the Consultant or his representative during the period over which the work under the Contract is carried out, at a time and place to be determined by the Consultant. GC 3.11 USE OF THE WORK .1 Add the following clauses 3.11.3 The Contractor shall maintain the Working Area in a tidy condition and free from the accumulation of debris. 3.11.4 Night work is not permitted. As project work carries over into late autumn, appropriate lighting and safety measures must be taken. GC 5.2 APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT .1 Amend GC 5.2.2 as the addition of the following: Applications for payment on account may be made monthly as the Work progresses. The Contractor shall present to the Consultant one digital and one paper copy of the estimate that he has certified to be correct. These copies of each progress payment certificate shall be delivered by the Consultant to the Owner. The Owner, upon receipt of the progress payment certificate verified as aforesaid and upon its approval by the Consultant, will process the payment to the Contractor. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 4 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT GC 5.3 PROGRESS PAYMENT .1 Replace with the following clause below. The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement – payment no later than 30 days after the date of Certificate for Payment issued by the Consultant. .1 .2 .3 GC 5.4 .1 The Contractor shall provide the Consultant with satisfactory evidence in the form of a WCB Certificate of Clearance that they have made suitable provision for meeting the liability under the Workman’s Compensation Act of BC, prior to the release of any monthly progress payment. The Contractor shall provide the Consultant with a Statutory Declaration that all liabilities incurred by the Contractor and its Subconstractors in carrying out the Contract have been discharged and that all liens in respect of the Contract have expired or have been satisfied, discharged or provided for by payment. The Statutory Declaration shall be provided prior to all monthly progress payments except the first one. A Maintenance Bond in the amount of 25% of the Contract Price will be required from the Contractor upon certification of Substantial Performance of the Work. SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK Add GC 5.4.4 as follows: Concurrently with the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, the Consultant will prepare a written list of items of the work to be corrected and/or completed that were apparent to him in his inspection and assessment of the work. The issuance of this list does not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to correct and/or complete all deficiencies in the performance of the Contract except as provided by GC 2.4 DEFECTIVE WORK. In addition with the monies held back in accordance with the applicable lien legislation, the Owner may hold back monies equal to two (2) times the cost, as estimated by the Consultant, to correct and/or complete the items appearing in the said list from the next payment to be made following the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Performance. If the Contractor should fail to complete and/or correct such items within a reasonable time not to exceed a maximum of sixty (60) days, the Owner may use the monies held back to complete and/or correct such items. GC 5.5 PAYMENT OF HOLDBACK UPON SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK .1 Add to the end of GC 5.5.3 as follows: The holdback amount shall be paid into a holdback account which shall be administered in accordance with Section 5 of the Builders Lien Act (1997). GC 5.7 FINAL PAYMENT .1 Revise GC 5.7.4 with the following: “Subject to the provision of paragraph 10.4.1 of GC 10.4 – WORKERS COMPENSATION, and any lien legislation applicable to the Place of Work, the Owner shall no later than thirty Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 5 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT (30) days after the issuance of a final certificate of payment, pay the Contractor as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement – PAYMENT.” GC 5.10 COMPENSATION TO OWNER FOR EXTENSION OF TIME .1 Add new clause GC 5.10.1 as follows: “In the case the Work is not completed within the Contract Time, the Owner may extend the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. If the time limit is extended, and it is determined that the reasons for delays are solely due to the responsibilities of the Contractor, the Owner shall have the right to charge the Contractor and to deduct from the final payment the actual costs to the Owner for additional engineering, inspections, superintendence and other overhead expenses that the Owner can show would not have otherwise occurred.” PART 6 CHANGES IN THE WORK Throughout Part 6, Changes in Work, “Change Directive” shall have the same meaning as and may also be referred to as a “Field Order”. GC 6.1 OWNER’S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES .1 Add new clause GC 6.1.3 as follows: “When the valuation of a change in the work is to be determined either by estimate and acceptance in a lump sum, or by cost and fixed, or percentage fee, the valuation shall be in accordance with the following:” Mark-Up The actual cost of net increases or decreases to the Contract Value due to changes in the work shall be marked up as follows: Contractor’s own work 10 % Sub-Contractor’s own work 10 % Sub-Contractor’s Work: Contractor’s mark-up 5% Substantiation When requested, the Contractor shall submit details, quantities, prices and fees together with substantiating documentation. Time for Submission and Acceptance of Quotation The Contractor shall co-operate in the pricing of changes by submitting quotations within 10 days of the Engineer’s request. Quotations shall remain open for acceptance for 21 days from the date of submission. Other Methods for the Valuation of Changes The Consultant shall determine the amount, if any, to be added to, or deducted from, the sum named in the Tender, in respect of any changes ordered. All such work shall be valued at the prices set out in the Form of Tender and the Schedule of Additional unit prices if such are applicable in the opinion of the Consultant. If this contract does not include any prices applicable to changes requested, then the Contractor and the Consultant may agree on a price which shall be comparable to prices quoted on work of a similar nature. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 6 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT Valuation methods presented in the construction documents are mutually exclusive in terms of their application. GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE .1 Replace GC 6.3.4 with the following: “Upon receipt of a Change Directive, the Contractor shall proceed with the change in the Work. The adjustment in Contract Price for a change carried out by way of a Change Directive shall be determined on the basis of the cost of expenditures and savings to perform the work attributable to the change, as set out in paragraph 6.1.3.” .2 Replace GC 6.3.9 with the following: “The Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Consultant may require, an itemized accounting of the cost of expenditures and savings referred to in paragraph 6.3.4 together with supporting data” GC 6.5 DELAYS .1 Add clause GC 6.5.6 as follows: “No claim for delay shall be allowed unless the Contractor has submitted and updated on a monthly basis, a construction schedule as set out under GC 3.5 – CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, and unless the Contractor by means of the schedule can demonstrate that the critical path of the construction schedule has been adversely affected. .2 Add clause GC 6.5.7 as follows: The Owner is not liable to pay Standby Time for any labour or equipment rental under this Contract. .3 Add clause GC 6.5.11 as follows: Immediately upon signing the Contract, the Contractor must review product requirements and anticipate foreseeable delivery delays of any items. If delays in deliveries of material, equipment or articles are foreseeable, propose substitutions or other remedial actions in ample time to prevent delay in performance of the Work. No substitution of any item will be permitted unless the specified item cannot be delivered to the job site in time to comply with the Schedule and the Consultant has approved the substitutes. To receive approval, proposed substitutes must equal or exceed the quality, finish, and performance of those products specified and/or shown, and must not exceed the space requirements allotted on the drawings. The Contractor must provide documentary proof of equality. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 7 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT .4 Add clause GC 6.5.12 as follows: Liquidated Damages The contractor recognizes their performance obligations to the District of Summerland and realizes that the water system must remain operational at all times. The failure to supply continuous water from the reservoir to the Water Treatment Plant may result in serious water supply restrictions and economic impacts to the District. It is agreed by the Parties to the Contract that in case all the Work called for under the Contract is not finished by the completion date specified in the Tender Form, or as amended by the Consultant, damage may be sustained by the Owner. It is also recognized by the parties that it will be impractical and extremely difficult to ascertain and determine the actual damage which the Owner will sustain in the event of and by reason of such delay. The Parties therefore agree that the Contrator will be obligated to pay to the Owner for additional proven costs that will accrue as a result of late completion during the period in excess of the prescribed date of completion. The Owner may deduct any amount under this paragraph from any monies that may be due or payable to the Contractor or any account whatsoever. The Liquidated Damages payable under this paragraph are in addition to and without prejudice to any other remedy, action or other alternatives that may be available to the Owner. .5 Add clause GC 6.5.13 as follows: The Contractor shall not be assessed with Liquidated Damages for any delay caused by Acts of God, or of the Public Enemy, Act of the Owner, the Consultant, or of any Foreign State, Fire, Epidemics, Quarantine restrictions, embargoes, or delays of Sub-contractors or suppliers due to such causes. If the Contractor is delayed by reason of alterations or changes made under GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT, PART 6, GC 6.1 CHANGES, the time of completion shall be extended as determined by the Consultant in his sole discretion. GC 9.1 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY Add the following clauses to GC 9.1: 9.1.7 GC 10.2 .1 The Contractor shall furnish and bear the cost of any security personnel he may require for protection to perform this Contract. LAWS, NOTICES, PERMITS AND FEES Subsection GC 10.2 is amended by the addition of: 10.2.8 The Contractor will notify, obtain inspections and approvals from, and co-operate with other organizations involved or affected by the Work, such as telephone, light and power, gas, rail and government agencies. GC 11.2 .1 BONDS Section GC 11.2 is deleted and replaced with the following: Agua Consulting Inc. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 8 of 8 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 11.2.1 The Contractor, together with the surety company approved by the owner and authorized by law to carry on business within this Province, shall furnish a "Performance Bond" in the name of the Owner for Fifty (50) percent of the Contract Price to assure the Contractor completes performance of the Work on the standard bond form, Canadian Construction Documents Committee, Document No. 22, latest edition. The bond shall remain in effect until 18 months after the date the Consultant accepts the entire work. 11.2.2 The Contractor, together with the surety company approved by the owner and authorized by law to carry on business within this Province, shall furnish a "Labour and Material Payment Bond" in the name of the Owner for Fifty (50) percent of the Contract Price to assure the Contractor makes payment to all parties directly contracted to him on the standard bond form, Canadian Construction Documents Committee, Document No. 22, latest edition. The bond shall remain in effect until 18 months after the date the Consultant accepts the entire work. GC 12.3 .1 WARRANTY Subsection 12.3.1 is revised to read: 12.3.1 The warranty period with regard to the Contract is one (1) year from the date of completion of all acceptance tests to the satisfaction of the Owner. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. .2 Add the following Clause to Subsection 12.3: 12.3.7 Any defective item of equipment necessitating substantial repairs or replacement within the Warranty Period shall be subject to further Warranty Period of 18 months from the time of repair completion and accepted commissioning of the replacement parts. The cost associated with the extended warranty shall be borne by the Contractor. GC 13 1. RECORD DRAWINGS Add new clause to General Conditions 13.1 The Contractor shall keep one set of Contract Drawings on the site at all times. As the work progresses, they shall record in a neat legible manner, all changes in the work. The following information shall be recorded for each change. i) Full Description of Change ii) Date iii) Authority 13.2 At the completion of Work, this set of drawings shall be forwarded to the Consultant for incorporation into a set of “Record Drawings” for this project. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01010 PROJECT SUMMARY Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT C1. GENERAL 1.1 Project Scope .1 The objective of this contract is to remove and replace the existing slide gates that are in front of the screens at the Screen Works Building at the Summerland Balancing Reservoir, located approximately 400m south west of the Summerland WTP. The two existing 36 inch Armtech gates are operated by means of a hydraulic ram that sits above the gate at main floor level within the Screen Works building. The hydraulic rams are to be removed and replaced with electric valve actuators. Electrical connection is required to supply power to the new valve actuator. .2 Optional pricing is requested to remove and replace the two existing 36 inch wafer butterfly valves that exist in the structure after the screens. .3 The Contract includes the following components: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 1.2 1.3 general requirements, mobilization/demobilization; isolation of working area for each slide gate so as not to impact water flow and quality to WTP; removal of existing slide gates and supply and installation of new gates; Disconnection and removal of existing hydraulically operated valve actuator; Electrical connections and commissioning of slide gate and valve actuators ; Optional: Isolation of 36” butterfly valves, removal and replacement; Project Schedule .1 Begin the work at the earliest possible date respecting signing and administrative requirements; .2 Provide additional information for materials if they vary from the design standard; .3 Begin shop drawing process and obtain manufacturer’s shop drawings for gate, actuator, and for butterfly valve (if optional item is included); Project Constraints .1 Confined space and WCB requirements to access slide gates and butterfly valve chambers must be met. A entry plan must be prepared by the Contractor for entering the work area. Input will be able to be provided to the successful bidder by Summerland and Agua to assist in this regard; .2 Water supply to the Water Treatment Plant must be maintained through adjacent process train while the one supply train is being worked on. All workers and equipment that will be underwater must be clean, disinfected prior to entering the raw water. The WTP can be scheduled run off of the WTP clearwell with the pumps off while divers enter to work on the slide gates. .3 Water from this site is conveyed to the head of the WTP. For the pumps at the head of the WTP to function, a flow of 240 L/s is required; .4 Work must be done during the low water demand times of year, i.e. after October 15 annually when Summerland irrigation connections have been turned off; Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01010 PROJECT SUMMARY Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT .5 1.4 The butterfly valve replacement work, if awarded within the same contract, must occur after the slide gates are installed. Gate Installation Options .1 There are three known acceptable options available to the contractor for slide gate installation; .1 Option 1 - Bolt Gate onto existing thimble. The existing gates are mounted on a steel thimble that is cast into the concrete wall. Divers would at the earliest stage of the project have to enter the screen works and review the condition of the thimble and bolts and measure the bolt pattern so that a matching slot arrangement can be fabricated for the slide gates. One bolt would also have to be removed to confirm bolt diameter and length. .2 Option 2 - Oversize gate mount to encompass the existing thimble and cast a 25mm thick grout pad between the gate mounting and the wall. The grout pad would have to be poured underwater. A system to align the gate underwater and then enclose the grout would have to be developed; .3 Option 3 – Oversize gate to mount over the existing thimble. A 15mm thick neoprene gasket would be installed against the concrete wall and the tolerance for the wall cannot exceed a deviation of more than 1/16” along the gate mounting surface. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01025 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Related Work 1.2 .1 This Section describes the basis of Measurement and Payment for work carried out under these documents and governs over payment references in the technical specifications. .2 Payment clauses that follow refer to items listed in “Schedule A – List of Stipulated Prices“ of the Tender Form. .3 Payment for specific items of work carried out each month will be assessed by the Consultant on the basis of percentage complete. Consideration will be given to materials onsite, amount of work carried out, and effort required to complete the specific item of work. The Consultant reserves the right to withhold sufficient funds on items that are partially complete. .4 Stipulated price line items are to be complete for the general area of work specified. .5 The price for commissioning or support from suppliers is to be included in each of the specific areas of work as set out within these specifications. .6 The sum of all of the payment items is to be equivalent to the value of a complete project. Items not specifically listed are to be included in the most closely related stipulated price. Federal and Provincial Taxes .1 All tenders shall be bid inclusive of GST. .2 The Contractor shall: (a) Provide the Owner with all documentation necessary for the Owner to recover the GST paid in the Contract. All tax thus recovered shall be the property of the Owner. (b) Indicate the GST as a separate item on each progress claim and invoice submitted to the Owner. 1.3 Interest .1 1.4 Should either the Owner or the Contractor fail to make payments as they become due, the interest rate agreed upon in Article A-5.3 of the Agreement shall apply to the outstanding amount. Contingency .1 Include in the Contract, a stipulated price of $5,000 for use upon Owner's written instruction via Change Order. .2 Additional required works are to be first approved by the Consultant in accordance with GC 4.2, Contingency Allowance. .3 Contractor's costs for Products, delivery, installation, labour, insurance, payroll, taxes, bonding, equipment rental, overhead and profit will be included in Change Orders authorizing expenditure of funds from this Contingency Allowance. .4 Funds will be drawn from the Contingency Allowance only by Change Order. .5 At closeout of Contract, funds remaining in Contingency Allowance will be credited to Owner by Change Order. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01025 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT .6 The Contingency Allowance is to be included within the Total Tender bid. The contractor agrees to bond with the Contingency Allowance included. 2. MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT CLAUSES FOR STIPULATED PRICE BID ITEMS 2.1 Stipulated Price Line Items .1 General Requirements: This item is to cover general requirements in Division 1 of the specifications. Items such as time spent for meetings, project administration and coordination and miscellaneous items such as bonding and insurance. The price provided within General requirements will be paid out on the monthly progress draws at a rate proportional to the time elapsed for the project. .2 Mobilization / Demobilization: Project start-up costs and shut-down costs are to be covered within this item. The amount provided in this item is not to exceed 5% of the total tender price. Payment will be made at the lump sum price shown in the Tender Form. Sixty percent (60%) of the lump sum amount will be paid for on the first progress payment certificate due after the Contractor has established their operation onsite. The remaining forty percent (40%) will be paid upon completion of the contract and removal of equipment and cleanup of the work areas to the satisfaction of the Consultant. .3 Removals: Removals will be paid upon completion of materials removed from site. All costs for labour, tools, equipment, handling, disposal, and trucking are to be included in the lump sum price; .4 Supply and Installation of Slide Gates: Payment will be for provision of submittals, supply and installation of gates. Include within supply and install price incidentals such as grout pads for the gate against the wall, attachments to the wall for gate and gate stems, penetrations through the floor (if necessary) and the cost to either work underwater or divert flow around the gates; .5 Supply and Installation of Electric Valve Actuators: Payment will be a lump sum that includes submittals, supply and installation of valve actuators including all incidental mounting and connection equipment; .6 Supply of Electrical Connections and Control Panel: Payment includes shop drawing submittal for control panel and electrical work to connect and energize the valve acutators; .7 Commissioning: Payment will be a lump sum to prove out the electric actuator and slide gate operations O1 Remove Existing Butterfly Valves and Supply and Install New valves (2015): Optional Price is to carry out the butterfly replacement work at the same time as the slide gate work is underway 2015; O2 Remove Existing Butterfly Valves and Supply and Install New valves (2016): Optional Price is a carry out the butterfly replacement work at a later date in 2016. This price would include remobilization costs; END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01300 SUBMITTALS Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 1.3 .1 Shop drawings and product data .2 Samples .3 Progress photographs .4 Certificates and transcripts Administrative .1 Submit to Consultant submittals listed for review. Submit with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to not cause delay in the Work. Failure to submit in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. .2 Work affected by the submittal shall not proceed until review is complete. .3 Review submittals prior to submission to the Consultant. This review represents that necessary requirements have been determined and verified, or will be, and that each submittal has been checked and co-ordinated with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Submittals not stamped, signed, dated and identified as to the specific project will be returned without being examined and considered void. .4 Verify field measurements and affected adjacent Works are coordinated. .5 Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submission is not relieved by consultant's review of submittals. .6 Contractor's responsibility for deviations in submission from requirements of Contract Documents is not relieved by Consultant review. .7 Keep one reviewed copy of each submission on site. Shop Drawings and Product Data .1 The term "shop drawings" means drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are to be provided by the Contractor to illustrate details of a portion of the Work. .2 Indicate materials, methods of construction and attachment or anchorage, erection diagrams, connections, explanatory notes and other information necessary for completion of Work. Where articles or equipment attach or connect to other articles or equipment, indicate that such items have been coordinated, regardless of the Section under which the adjacent items will be supplied and installed. Indicate cross references to design drawings and specifications. Agua Consulting Inc. .3 1.4 Section 01300 SUBMITTALS Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT Adjustments made on shop drawings by the Consultant are not intended to change the Contract Price. If adjustments affect the value of Work, state such in writing to the Consultant prior to proceeding with the Work. .4 Make changes in shop drawings as the Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents. When resubmitting, notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested. .5 Submit one electronic version of prints of shop drawings for each requirement requested in specification Sections and as the consultant may reasonably request. .6 Submit one electronic version of product data sheets or brochures for requirements requested in specification Sections and as the Consultant may reasonably request where shop drawings will not be prepared due to standardized manufacture of product. .7 If upon review by the Consultant, no errors or omissions are discovered or if only minor corrections are made, one (1) electronic copy will be returned and fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. If shop drawings are rejected, noted copy will be returned and resubmission of corrected shop drawings, through the same procedure indicated above, shall be performed before fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. Progress Photographs 1.5 .1 On commencement of Work and at monthly intervals thereafter, supply the Consultant with copies of different view digital photographs to indicate progress of the Work. Photographs are to be taken by a competent photographer. .2 On completion of the work, or at time designated by the Consultant provide a digital file of all photos taken on the project site for the project record; .3 Digital photos are to be date stamped or have digital identification of the date and time of when the photograph was taken; Certificates and Transcripts .1 Immediately after award of Contract, submit Workers' Compensation Board status and transcription of insurances. 2. PRODUCTS ( NOT APPLICABLE ) 3. EXECUTION ( NOT APPLICABLE ) END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01400 QUALITY CONTROL Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 1.3 1.4 .1 Inspection and testing, administrative and enforcement requirements .2 Independent inspection agencies .3 Access to work .4 Procedures .5 Defective work .6 Reports Inspections .1 The Owner and the Consultant shall have access to the Work. If part of the Work is in preparation at locations other than the Place of the Work, access shall be given to such work whenever it is in progress. .2 Give timely notice requesting inspection if Work is designated for special tests, inspections or approvals by Consultant instructions, or the law of the Place of the Work. .3 If the Contractor covers or permits to be covered Work that has been designated for special tests, inspections or approvals before such is made, uncover such Work, have the inspections or tests satisfactorily completed and make good such Work. .4 The Consultant may order any part of the Work to be examined if the Work is suspected to be not in accordance with the Contract Documents. If, upon examination such work is found not in accordance with the Contract Documents, correct such work and pay the cost of examination and correction. If such Work is found in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the cost of examination and replacement. Independent Inspection Agencies .1 Provide equipment required for executing inspection and testing by the appointed agencies. .2 Employment of inspection / testing agencies does not relax the responsibility to perform Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. .3 If defects are revealed during inspection and / or testing, the appointed agency will request additional inspection and / or testing to ascertain full degree of defect. Correct defects and irregularities as advised by Consultant at no cost to the Owner. Pay costs for retesting and re-inspection. Access to Work .1 Allow inspection / testing agencies access to the Work, off-site manufacturing and fabrication plants. .2 Co-operate to provide reasonable facilities for such access. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01400 QUALITY CONTROL Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1.5 1.6 1.7 Procedures .1 Notify the appropriate agency and Consultant in advance of the requirement for tests, in order that attendance arrangements can be made. .2 Submit samples and / or materials required for testing, as specifically requested in specifications. Submit with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence so as not to cause delay in the Work. .3 Provide labour and facilities to obtain and handle samples and materials on-site. Provide sufficient space to store and cure test samples. Defective Work .1 Refer to GC 2.4 Defective Work. .2 Remove Defective Work, whether the result of poor workmanship, use of defective products or damage and whether incorporated in the Work or not, which has been rejected by the Consultant as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. Replace or re-execute in accordance with the Contracts Documents. .3 Make good other Contractor's work damaged by such removals or replacements promptly. .4 If in the opinion of the Consultant it is not expedient to correct defective Work or Work not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner may deduct from the Contract Price the difference in value between the Work performed and that called for by the Contract Documents. The amount shall be determined by the Consultant. Reports .1 Submit three copies of inspection and test reports to the Consultant. .2 Provide copies to Subcontractor of work being inspected or tested and / or manufacturer or fabricator of material being inspected or tested. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 1 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Intent .1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 This section describes general requirements for process, and electrical equipment relating to supply, installation, testing, and commissioning; and the verification thereof. Definitions .1 Manufacturer: The manufacturer is the person, partnership, or corporation responsible for the fabrication of equipment provided to the Contractor for the completion of the Work. .2 Manufacturer's Representative: A Manufacturer's Representative is a trained serviceman empowered by the Manufacturer to provide installation, testing, and commissioning assistance to the Contractor in his performance of these functions. Expertise and Responsibility .1 The Consultant recognizes the expertise of the Manufacturers. .2 Should the Consultant issue an Addendum, Field Order, Change Order, or Instruction to change the Work which would, in the opinion of the Contractor, compromise the success or safety of the Work, then it shall be incumbent on the Contractor to notify in writing the Consultant to this effect within two ( 2 ) days. Equipment Delivery .1 The Contractor shall be responsible for receiving, unloading, and storage of equipment. .2 The Contractor shall ensure that he has fully informed himself of precautions to be taken in the unloading of equipment and its subsequent storage. .3 The Contractor shall inspect the contents of any equipment delivery to satisfy himself of the contents thereof and damage which may have occurred during transport. Installation Assistance .1 Before commencing installation of equipment, where indicated in the specifications, the Contractor shall arrange for the attendance of the Manufacturer's Representative to provide instructions in the methods, techniques, precautions, and any other information relevant to the successful installation of the equipment. .2 The Contractor shall inform the Consultant, in writing, of the attendance at the site of any Manufacturer's Representative for installation training at least fourteen ( 14 ) days prior to arrival. .3 When the Manufacturer's Representative is satisfied that the Contractor is aware of all installation requirements, he shall so certify by completing Form 101 attached to this specification. .4 The completed form shall be delivered to the Consultant prior to departure of the Manufacturer's Representative from the site. Agua Consulting Inc. .5 1.6 Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 2 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT Installation of the equipment shall not commence until the Consultant has advised that he has received the completed Form 101. Installation .1 If necessary, or if so directed by the Consultant during the course of installation, the Contractor shall contact the Manufacturer to receive clarification of installation procedures, direction, or any other additional information necessary to continue or complete the installation in an appropriate manner. .2 If it is found necessary, or if so directed by the Consultant, the Contractor shall arrange for the Manufacturer's Representative to visit the site to provide assistance during installation, all at no cost to the Owner. .3 Prior to completing installation, the Contractor shall inform the Manufacturer and arrange for the attendance at the site of the Manufacturer's Representative to verify successful installation. .4 The Contractor shall advise the Consultant in writing, at least seven ( 7 ) days prior, of the Manufacturer's Representative's scheduled arrival. .5 The Manufacturer's Representative shall conduct a detailed inspection of the installation including alignment, electrical connections, belt tensions, rotation direction, running clearances, lubrication, workmanship and all other items as required to ensure successful operation of the equipment. .6 The Manufacturer's Representative shall identify any outstanding deficiencies in the installation. .7 In the presence of the Manufacturer's Representative, the Contractor, and the Consultant, the equipment shall then be given a one ( 1 ) hour trial run. .8 If deficiencies noted by the Manufacturer's Representative or which become evident in the trial run prejudice the successful completion of the trial run, the deficiencies will be rectified by the Contractor and the Manufacturer's Representative will be required to re-inspect the installation, at no cost to the Owner. .9 On successful completion of the trial run, the Manufacturer's Representative will certify successful installation by completing Form 102 attached to this specification. .10 The completed Form 102 shall be delivered to the Consultant prior to departure of the Manufacturer's Representative from the site. .11 Tag the equipment with a 100mm by 200mm card stating "Equipment Checked. Do Not Run." stenciled in large black letters. The Contractor shall sign and date each card. 1.7 Operation and Performance Verification .1 Equipment will be subjected to a demonstration, running test, and performance tests after the installation has been verified and any identified deficiencies have been remedied. .2 The Contractor shall inform the Consultant at least fourteen ( 14 ) days in advance of conducting the tests and arrange for the attendance of the Manufacturer's Representative. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 3 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT The tests may be concurrent with the inspection of satisfactory installation if mutually agreed by the Contractor and the Consultant. .3 The Manufacturer's Representative will conduct all necessary checks to equipment and if necessary, advise the Contractor of any further checking, flushing, cleaning, or other work needed prior to confirming the equipment is ready to run. .4 The Contractor shall then operate the equipment for at least one ( 1 ) hour to demonstrate to himself the operation of the equipment and any required ancillary services. Any remedial measures required to ensure satisfactory operation shall be promptly undertaken. .5 The Contractor shall then notify the Consultant of his readiness to demonstrate the operation of the equipment. The Consultant shall attend, as expeditiously as possible. .6 With the assistance of the Manufacturer's Representative, the Contractor will demonstrate that the equipment is properly installed. Alignment, piping connections, electrical connections, etc. will be checked and if appropriate, code certifications provided. .7 The equipment shall then be run for one ( 1 ) hour. Local controls shall be satisfactorily verified by cycling the equipment through several start-stop operations, modulating its output, or some combination. Operating parameters such as temperature, pressure, voltage, vibration, etc., will be checked to ensure that they are within the specified or Manufacturer's recommended limits, whichever is more stringent. .8 On satisfactory completion of the one ( 1 ) hour demonstration, the equipment will be stopped and critical parameters, such as alignment, will be rechecked. .9 The equipment will be restarted and run for seven ( 7 ) days, of which the last forty-eight ( 48 ) hours shall be consecutive. During this period, as practicable, conditions will be simulated which represent maximum or most severe, average, and minimum or least severe conditions. These conditions will be mutually agreed by the Contractor and Consultant on the basis of the information contained in the technical specifications, as well as the methods utilized to create the simulated conditions and the time periods allotted to each. .10 Performance tests will be conducted either concurrent with or subsequent to the running test, as practicable and agreed between the Consultant and the Contractor. Performance tests shall also be attended by the Owner’s operations staff as part of the acceptance procedure. Testing procedures and conditions shall be agreed to among the Contractor, Consultant, and Owner based on information in the specification. The Consultant is the final arbiter. However, the Contractor is solely responsible for conducting the tests. .11 Performance tests shall be as dictated in the technical specifications for each item of equipment or as reasonably required by the Consultant to prove adherence to the requirements listed in the specification. .12 The Contractor shall submit the results of the performance tests to the Consultant, documented and summarized in a format acceptable to the Consultant. The Consultant reserves the right to request additional testing. No equipment shall be accepted and handed over to the Owner prior to the satisfactory completion of the performance test(s) and receipt of the test reports. .13 All water, chemicals, temporary power, heating, or any other ancillary service required to complete the initial demonstration, running test and performance tests are the responsibility of the Contractor. .14 Should the initial demonstration, running test or performance tests reveal any defects, then those defects shall be promptly rectified and the demonstration, running tests, and / or performance tests shall be repeated to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Additional costs incurred by the Contractor, the Consultant, or the Owner, due to repeat demonstration, running tests, and / or performance tests shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 4 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT .15 On successful completion of the demonstration, running test, and performance tests, Form 103 attached to this specification will be signed by the Manufacturer's Representative, Contractor, and the Consultant. .16 The Contractor shall affix to the tested equipment a 100mm by 200mm card reading "Operable Condition - Do Not Operate without Contractor's Permission." stenciled on in large black letters. 1.8 Operator Training .1 For equipment specified to include training, arrange for the attendance of the Manufacturer's Representative to provide classroom training session(s) to operating staff. Give the Consultant at least fourteen ( 14 ) days notice of the session(s). At no time schedule the sessions for more than three ( 3 ) weeks prior to commissioning. .2 The training sessions shall last one ( 1 ) day each. The presentation shall be given during the three week period preceding the start of the seven ( 7 ) day operating period required for Form 103. .3 Coordinate the training session(s) with the supplier. .4 Prepare a draft handout taking the form of the relevant sections of the operation and maintenance manual supplemented with any other information needed to fully explain the equipment operation .5 Prepare a draft agenda, broken into two 2 h periods outlining the content of the training sessions. Allow 0.5 h at the beginning of the first period for the Consultant to provide a summary of the design intent relating to that equipment. Following the engineering design overview, provide ( as a minimum ) information covering major equipment operation, mechanical and instrumentation engineering. .6 Submit the draft handout and draft agenda to the Consultant for review. Upon obtaining the Consultant's acceptance, prepare five ( 5 ) copies of the handout and submit to the Consultant. .7 Inform the Consultant of any requirements for audio-visual aids three ( 3 ) days before training session. .8 The Contractor and manufacturers representative will be responsible to document each training session with a detailed set of minutes and provide five ( 5 ) sets of training seminar manuals at the end of the project in similar format to the O&M Manuals. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 5 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF READINESS TO INSTALL FORM 101 I have familiarized the installer of the specific installation requirements related to the equipment listed below and am satisfied that he understands the required procedures. PROJECT: ITEM OF EQUIPMENT: TAG NO: REFERENCE SPECIFICATION: MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE Agua Consulting Inc. DATE Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 6 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY INSTALLATION FORM 102 I have completed my check and inspection of the installation listed below and confirm that it is satisfactory and that defects have been remedied to my satisfaction except any as noted below: PROJECT: ITEM OF EQUIPMENT: TAG NO: REFERENCE SPECIFICATION: OUTSTANDING DEFECTS: MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE Agua Consulting Inc. DATE Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 7 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE OF EQUIPMENT SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FORM 103 We certify that the equipment listed below has been operated for at least seven ( 7 ) days of which the last two ( 2 ) days are consecutive and that the equipment operates satisfactorily and meets its specified operating criteria. No defects in the equipment were found. The equipment is therefore classed as "conforming". PROJECT: ITEM OF EQUIPMENT: TAG NO: REFERENCE SPECIFICATION: MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE DATE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE DATE CONSULTANT DATE END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01650 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Page 8 of 8 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01700 CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 .1 Final cleaning .2 Project record documents .3 Shop drawings Final Cleaning Remove waste products and debris other than that caused by the Owner, other contractors or their employees, and leave the Work clean and suitable for occupancy by Owner. Remove surplus products, tools, construction machinery and equipment. products and debris other than that caused by the Owner or other Contractors. 1.3 Remove waste Record Documents - Actual Site Conditions Record information on a set of blue line opaque drawings.. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal work until required information is recorded. Specifications: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including manufacturers, trade name, and catalog number of each project actually installed, particularly optional items and substitute items. Other Documents: Maintain manufacturer's certifications, inspection certifications, field test records, and documentation required by individual specifications sections in appropriately labelled 3 ring binder. Include in binder shop drawings and product data. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 01700 CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS – GATE REPLACEMENT Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 1 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Intent .1 This section provides general specifications for the proposed sluice gates. The information in this section should be sufficient for the contractors to obtain pricing and shop drawings from the suppliers; .2 The slide gates are to be complete and functional once installed. There is a requirement for commissioning and training as set out within this section; .3 This section, in conjunction with the contract drawings, sets out the following items: .4 1.2 1.3 Physical sizes for the slide gates; • Standard product requirements and standards to be met; • Space and size available in which to work and in which to housing the equipment. This work is replacement work and does not constitute new construction or change in operating procedures for the District of Summerland Materials .1 This section covers Stainless Steel Gates and Operators. The equipment provided under this section shall be fabricated, assembled, erected, and placed in proper operating condition in full conformity with the drawings, specifications, engineering data, instructions and recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. .2 Gates and operators shall be supplied with all the necessary parts and accessories indicated on the drawings, specified, or otherwise required for a complete, properly operating installation, and shall be the latest standard product of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of fabricated gates. Governing Standards .1 1.4 • Except as modified or supplemented herein, all gates and operators shall conform to the applicable requirements of AWWA-C561 standards. Quality Assurance .1 The manufacturer shall have 5 years experience in the production of substantially similar equipment, and shall show evidence of satisfactory operation in at least 10 installations. The manufacturer’s shop welds, welding procedures and welders shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirement of the latest edition of AWS Sections D1.1, 1.2 and 1.6. .2 The fully assembled gates shall be shop inspected, tested for operation and leakage, and adjusted before shipping. There shall be no assembling or adjusting on the job sites other than for the lifting mechanism. Steel pipe to Schedule 40 (std) ASTM A53, Grade B, Carbon Steel ( only for inside building application ). Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 2 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1.5 1.6 Submittals .1 The manufacturer shall submit for approval by the purchaser, drawings showing the principal dimensions, general construction and materials used in the gate and lift mechanism. .2 The manufacturer shall submit for approval by the purchaser, complete engineering design calculations in compliance with AWWA standards latest edition. Performance .1 Sluice gates shall be substantially watertight under the design head conditions. Under the design seating head, the leakage shall not exceed 0.01 US gallons per minute per foot of seating perimeter. Under the design unseating head, leakage shall not exceed 0.05 US gallons per minute per foot of perimeter. 2. SLUICE GATE 2.1 Materials and Construction 2.2 .1 Gates shall be either self-contained or non self-contained of the rising stem or non-rising configuration as indicated on the gate schedule; .2 All parts of the gate shall have a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch; Design Head .1 2.3 2.4 Approved Manufacturers .1 Gates supplied under this section shall be Model GH-46 Stainless Steel Gates as manufactured by Golden Harvest Inc. (800-338-6238) or engineer approved equal; .2 Supplier contact for gates and actuator design standard Jim Yargeau – Spartan Controls – (604) 422-3730 Wall Thimble .1 2.5 Wall thimble is not required from the gate manufacturer. Wall thimble exists within the existing concrete structure. Option to use wall thimble or to use an installation to encompass the thimble is the decision of the contractor;. Frame .1 2.6 The gate shall have a design head of 28 feet of water, with a safety factor included of 4 times the ultimate strength and 2 times the tensile strength, i.e. 112 feet of head for ultimate strength rating and 56 feet of head for tensile strength rating; The gate frame shall be stainless steel and designed for maximum rigidity. The frame configuration shall be of the flush-bottom type and shall allow the replacement of the top and side seals without removing the gate frame from the wall or wall thimble. Sluice .1 The sluice shall consist of stainless steel plate reinforced to limit its deflection to L/360 of the gate's span under the design head. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 3 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 2.7 2.8 Guides and Seals .1 The guides shall be provided with ultra high molecular weight polyethylene seats on both sides of the sluice and shall be of such length as to retain and support at least two thirds (2/3) of the vertical height of the sluice in the fully open position. Guide frame shall not weigh less than 13 lbs. per foot. .2 Side and top seals shall be frame mounted. Seals shall be J-bulb type with a slotted stainless steel retainer bar. All seals shall be mechanical and fully adjustable in the field. .3 The flush bottom resilient neoprene seal shall be mounted to bottom of disc and seal against the invert portion of the frame. Frame mounted invert seals will not be considered. Yoke and Pedestal .1 2.9 2.10 Stem and Couplings .1 The operating stem shall be of stainless steel designed to transmit in compression at least 2 times the rated output of the operating manual mechanism with a 40 lb effort on the crank or handwheel. .2 The stem shall have a slenderness ratio (L/R) less than 200. The threaded portion of the stem shall have Acme type cold rolled threads with a maximum surface of 16 micro-inches. .3 Where a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric operator is used, the stem design force shall not be less than 1.25 times the output thrust of the hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder with a pressure equal to the maximum working pressure of the supply, or 1.25 times the output thrust of the electric motor in the stalled condition. .4 Stems in more than one piece shall be joined together by solid couplings. .5 Gates having a width equal to or greater than two times their height shall be provided with two lifting mechanisms connected by a tandem shaft. Stem Guides .1 2.11 Stem guides shall be fabricated from stainless steel. Stem guides shall be equipped with a UHMWPE bushing. Guides shall be adjustable and spaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. The L/R ratio shall not be greater than 200. Stem Cover .1 2.12 Non-self contained gates shall be provided with floor mounted pedestal. Pedestal shall be cast iron or mild steel and provided with shop coating. Rising stem gates shall be provided with a clear polycarbonate stem cover. The stem cover shall have a cap and condensation vents and a clear mylar position indicating tape. The tape shall be field applied to the stem cover after the gate has been installed and positioned. Lifting Mechanism EIM M2CP Electric On/Off Actuator 120VAC Supply Voltage CSA Explosion Proof Enclosure Manual Override Handwheel, 40lbs Max Rimpull Roughly 3 Min Stroke Time Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 4 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 2.13 Materials Specification Table Part Material Sluice, Spigot, Frame, Stiffeners, Yoke, Guide angles. Stainless Steel Type 304L Side and Top seals Neoprene ASTM D-2000 or EDPM Invert seal Neoprene ASTM D-2000 or EDPM Bearing bars, Guides, Stem guide Liner Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene ASTM D4020 Bottom seal Neoprene ASTM D-2000 Threaded stem, Stem guides Stainless Steel ASTM A-276, Type 304 or 316 Fasteners Stainless Steel Type 304L or 316 Pedestal Cast Iron ASTM A126, class B or Mild Steel A36/A36M Stem cover Polycarbonate ASTM A-707 Lift and stop nut Manganeze Bronze ASTM B584, UNS-C86500 3. EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation .1 3.2 Clean off scale, dirt and/or biofilm build-up, inside of chamber before assembly. Remove welding slag or other foreign material from piping. Clean concrete and wire brush and scarify surfaces; Installation Method .1 Advise Consultant in writing of type of installation that will be constructed. Refer to Section 01010 Summary of Work, Clause 1.4 – Gate Installation Options for available installation methods; .2 If an alternative method is being considered, advise Consultant in writing; .3 Carry out exploratory diving as required to confirm method of installation, existing gate locations, bolt patterns, bolt lengths, and other information needed for gate fabrication. Forward information to gate supplier; .4 Provide shop drawings and – or samples of gaskets and connections materials. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 5 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 3.3 3.4 Connections .1 If connecting new gate to existing wall thimble, carry out as per manufacturer’s recommendations on collection of information on existing installation and preparation; .2 If setting up grout pad, ensure proper adhesion of grout to wall and provide samples of products proposed for submerged installation. Ensure smooth and continuous grout contact in void. .3 Provide dielectric type connections wherever joining dissimilar metals in open systems. Installation .1 Install slide gate as per manufacturer’s recommendations .2 Provide clearance for proper installation of stem for smooth operation 4. COMMISSIONING 4.1 General .1 Commissioning in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. .2 Provide sign-off and certification as per Specification Section 1650, Equipment Installation. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02601 SLUICE GATE MATERIALS Page 6 of 6 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT This document is designed for duplex printing This page is intentionally left blank Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02602 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS Page 1 of 4 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Intent .1 This section provides general specifications for the electric actuators. The information in this section should be sufficient for the contractors to obtain pricing and shop drawings from the suppliers; .2 The electric actuators are to be complete and functional once installed. requirement for commissioning and training as set out within this section; .3 This section, in conjunction with the contract drawings, sets out the following items: .4 1.2 Type, size and operational requirements for the actuators; • Standard product requirements and standards to be met; • Environmental ratings. This work is replacement and repair work and does not constitute new construction or change in operating procedures for the District of Summerland Actuator Package .1 1.3 • The electric actuator shall include the electric motor, reduction gearing, vavle stem drive nut/bushing, position limit switches, mechanical overload torque switches, ductile iron gear case and automatic declutchable handwheel for manual operations. Quality Assurance .1 1.4 There is a The manufacturer shall have 5 years experience in the production of substantially similar equipment, and shall show evidence of satisfactory operation in at least 10 installations. Submittals .1 The manufacturer shall submit for approval by the purchaser, drawings showing the principal dimensions, general construction and materials used in the actuators. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 Actuator Materials and Construction .1 Gears: Motor speed reduction shall be by means of a gear train consisting of hardened steel spur gears and self-locking work and work gear set. The worm shall be heat treated alloy steel and have worm thread surface rolled or ground. The worm gear shall be bronze. Non-metallic gears in the power train are not acceptable; .2 Rotating Components: All gearing and shafting shall be supported on anti-friction bearings. All thrust components shall be supported by use of tapered roller bearings; Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02602 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS Page 2 of 4 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT .3 Handwheel Drive: The actuator shall be furnished with a handwheel located in a 90 degree plane from the actuator output drive, with a maximum pull requirement of 60 pounds of valve travel loads. An external manual declutch lever shall be included to place the actuator in manual mode. The lever shall not require more than a 10 pound force to engage even when the valve has been tightly seated. The lever is to be padlockable in either handwheel or motor mode of operation. Operation by motor hall not cause the handwheel to rotate, or operation of the handwheel shall not cause the motor to rotate. Handwheel shall operate in the clockwise direction to close; .4 Lubrication: All gearing and bearings shall be grease lubricated and suitable for yearround service based on prevailing ambient temperature conditions; .5 Electric Motors: Electric motors shall be specifically designed for valve actuator service and be totally enclosed, non-ventilated. The enclosure shall meet Nema 4 (waterproof). Motors shall be capable of operation under maximum specified loads when voltage to the motor is within +/- 10% of the nominal voltage. Motor shall have Class F insulation with thermal overload sensors imbedded in the motor windings; .6 Limit Switches: Limit switches shall be geared to the drive mechanism and in step with actual valve position at all times, whether operation is by power or manual mode. Switches shall be activated by a rotor type design. Contacts shall be silver and have a rating of 10 amps at 120 VAC. A minimum of (3) N.O. and (3) N.C. contacts shall be provided for each travel direction. The limit switch gear mechanism shall be enclosed to prevent entrance of foreign matter or wire entanglement. Use of cams or screws to set switches or designs requiring battery back-up methods to ensure position control in the event of a power failure is not acceptable. .7 Torque Switches: The actuator shall include an adjustable torque switch to interrupt the motor power circuit when an obstruction is encountered in either direction of travel or when torque seating of valves is required for tight shut-off. The torque switch shall have a calibrated dial for adjustment and have means to ensure maximum actuator rating is not exceeded. Contacts shall be same construction and rating as limit switch. Mechancial torque springs for load control shall be field replaceable without need of actuatior dismantling or removal of the worm assembly. .8 Position Indicator: Local position indication for quarter vavles shall be by indicator dial located on the gear operator and graduated in 25 percent increments. For rising stem multiturn actuators a dial window indicator shall be located on the limit switch compartment cover and labeled 0 to 100% open and graduated in 5 percent increments. If remote position indication is specified, this shall be by means of a 1000 ohm potentiometer in step with valve position at all times whether operation is electric or manual. .9 Electric Controls: As a minimum, the actuator shall be furnished with power and control terminal strips, space heater (25 watt), limit switches, torque switches, all housed in a control compartment meeting Nema 4. The rectangular enclosure shall have a bonded o-ring seal and a hinged cover. Cover bolting shall be captive stainless hex head screws. Actuator shall be set up for Open-Close service controls. Controls to accommodate connection to District of Summerland SCADA system. Control voltage required shall be 120VC, 60Hz. Built in transformer to be part of actuator electrical enclosure. Shop drawing submittal with electrical wiring diagrams to be provided. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02602 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS Page 3 of 4 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT panel. Indicating lights shall be provided in panel, LED type to indicate open, closed, and intermediate valve position. Green is valve open, red colour for valve closed. Lighting to indicate power is on. Warning red light required for torque switch tripped. A three-way selector switch is required on the control panel for local (hand) – off – remote (auto) control. Overall panel must be lockable. 2.2 Approved Manufacturers .1 Actuators specified under this section shall be model specified or engineer approved equal: EIM M2CP Electric On/Off Actuator, Model 2FNG-6, 36 rpm, 120 VAC supply voltage, 120 VAC or 24 VDC Remote control voltage (to be verified with Summerland prior to ordering) CSA explosion proof Enclosure, manual override wheel, 3 min stroke time 1 hp, 32 amp current draw @ 15 min running, 118 amps current draw peak; .2 Supplier contact for actuator design standard Jim Yargeau – Spartan Controls – (604) 422-3730 3. EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 3.2 .1 Provide shop drawing submittal of product for review; .2 Removal of existing hydraulic equipment prior to equipment installation; .3 Prepare drive bushings and actuator components as per manufacturer’s recommendations; .4 Ensure slide gate is secure and mounted prior to fitting actuator. Actuator may be unbalanced when lifting. Use certified weight rated slings. Installation Method .1 Advise Consultant of any anomalies for installation prior to beginning install. Verify mounting surfaces integrity prior to starting installation; .2 Utilize industry standard attachment devices for penetrations or bolting of mounting or support brackets into existing concrete floor or walls; .3 Ensure slide gate and actuator are in same position ( i.e. closed) and drive bushing matches stem position; .4 Secure actuator to slide gate utilizing fixing bolts, stainless steel grade 304 or higher grade; .5 Adust stop bolts on actuator to match stopping position for slide gate; .6 Check voltage on actuator nameplate to match with supply voltage. Ensure actuator is properly grounded. Connect as per manufacturer’s recommended procedures. Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02602 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS Page 4 of 4 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 4. COMMISSIONING 4.1 General .1 Commissioning in accordance with manufacturers recommendations; .2 Supplier to be on-site during commissioning to verify equipment installation conforms with manufacturer’s recommendations so that warranty is valid; .3 Carry out basic settings related to end of travel limit actions, torque values, limit positions and valve operations. Follow manufacturer’s procedures. .4 Carry out configuration settings for control, control indication, and required equipment functions. Follow manufacturer’s procedures. .5 Provide sign-off and certification as per Specification Section 1650, Equipment Installation. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02603 BUTTERFLY VALVE Page 1 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 1. GENERAL 1.1 Intent 1.2 .1 This section provides general specifications for the butterfly valve replacement. The information in this section should be sufficient for the contractors to obtain pricing and shop drawings from the suppliers; .2 The butterfly valve installation is to be complete and functional once installed. There is a sign-off requirement for commissioning set out within this section; .3 This installation is replacement work and does not constitute new construction or change in operating procedures for the District of Summerland Valve Package .1 1.3 The valve shall include wafer style butterfly valve, stainless steel valve stem for required length, service gear for submerged installation, attachment hardware for stem, stainless steel bolt kit for wafer valve installation. Quality Assurance .1 1.4 The manufacturer shall have 5 years experience in the production of substantially similar equipment, and shall show evidence of satisfactory operation in at least 10 installations. Submittals .1 The manufacturer shall submit for approval by the purchaser, drawings showing the principal dimensions, general construction and materials used in the actuators. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 Butterfly valve .1 2.2 Wafer style, rated for potable water use AWWA or NSF 61 rated, 36” diameter, pressure rating 150 psi, 22 foot stem extension; Approved Manufacturers .1 Butterfly valve specified under this section shall be model specified or engineer approved equal: Keystone GRW/GRL Butterfly valve, 900mm model, GRW 36 D12N A1 K G1 DI ASTM 536 Body, wafer BUNA-N seat,431 Stainless steel stem, 316 stainless steel disc Operator Type: Submerged Service Gear Operator c/w 50mm diameter Operator nut Maximum pressure 150 psi, 22 ft tall stainless stem extension .2 Supplier contact for actuator design standard Jim Yargeau – Spartan Controls – (604) 422-3730 Agua Consulting Inc. Section 02603 BUTTERFLY VALVE Page 2 of 2 SCREEN WORKS GATE REPLACEMENT 3. EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 3.2 .1 Provide shop drawing submittal of product for review; .2 Field measure dimensions and product data to confirm size and space requirements prior to ordering valve; .3 Slide gate installation replacement to be completed prior to existing gate removal; .4 Ensure lifting equipment for valve rated for the application; .5 Conform with WCB requirements for confined space entry; Installation Method .1 Provide procedure for valve removal and replacement to Consultant and District staff for review; .2 Carry out during low demand time of year. Ensure WTP are advised ahead of time of requirement to draw down supply main to WTP. Provide one week’s notice; .3 Clearwell to be full at start of removal. Carry out works during normal working hours. Clean all equipment, tools and have contingency plan in the event that the valves cannot be removed and installed in the same day; .4 If work cannot be completed in valve chamber area in one day, clean and disinfect the chamber prior to end of day; .5 Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for valve installation; 4. COMMISSIONING 4.1 General .1 Commissioning in accordance with manufacturers recommendations; .2 Supplier to be on-site during commissioning to verify equipment installation conforms with manufacturer’s recommendations so that warranty is valid; .3 All connections to be water tight. Visual inspection for drips and gasket seating will be reviewed; .4 Carry out basic operations related to valve functions for open and closing; .5 Provide sign-off and certification as per Specification Section 1650, Equipment Installation. END OF SECTION Agua Consulting Inc.