Guide to Unit Publication Officers How to use the MIS Reportal

Guide to Unit Publication Officers
How to use the MIS Reportal Publication Collection Admin Reports
Research Analysis & Operations
September 2013
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Using the Reportal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Accessing reports from the MIS Reportal ............................................................................................................................. 4
Research Publications Universe ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Officially Submitted Data ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Section 2: How to use the Publication Reports in the MIS Reportal .......................................................................................... 6
Publication Year ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
UQ Author Affiliation ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
UQ Author Unit Affiliation ................................................................................................................................................ 7
UQ Aurion Unit ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
UQ Non-HERDC author..................................................................................................................................................... 8
eSpace Record Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
eSpace Collections ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Non-HERDC eSpace Collection ....................................................................................................................................... 10
HERDC Publication points............................................................................................................................................... 11
Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit – Trend and Current ....................................................................................... 12
By Title Report................................................................................................................................................................ 13
By Author Report ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Bibliographic Citation Report ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Publications by Author ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Using this Report ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Staff Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation............................................................................................................ 20
Staff Current Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Staff Official Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Student Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation ...................................................................................................... 24
eSpace Publications Collection Progress Count per Unit .................................................................................................... 26
Section 3: Official Data Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Available Reports ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
ERA Weighted Publication Points Per School, 5 Year Trend ........................................................................................... 27
ERA Weighted Publication Points Per Faculty, 5 Year Trend .......................................................................................... 27
Publication Points Per Staff Member by School, 5 Year Trend....................................................................................... 27
Publication Points Per Staff Member by Faculty, 5 Year Trend ...................................................................................... 28
SBPF Publication Points per School (Current) ................................................................................................................ 28
Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
The University of Queensland’s Publication Data Collection process is a continuous year-round
collection that incorporates automatic downloading of data where possible, central verification, and
HERDC auditing. The data is collected, processed and audited annually through the efforts of a
dedicated Library team, staff from UQ Research and Innovation, and Unit Publication Officers (UPOs)
appointed in each Institute, School and Centre of the University.
This will ensure each researcher has an accurate and up-to-date publication listing that can be used
for all of the purposes. It uses the UQ Library eSpace repository as the single authoritative source of
verified, comprehensive information on all UQ research outputs (with appropriate metadata).
This guide will explain how UPOs can use the reports to monitor the publication reports of their
Units for completeness and accuracy.
Uses of the data include (but are not necessarily limited to):
HERDC funding (Research component of Commonwealth Funding)
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) – research quality measure
Budget Contribution Model (BCM)
Reportal performance data
Further information about the above processes can be found at:
The Guide to Unit Publication Officers: Publication Collection Reports on the Reportal should also
be used in conjunction with the following guides:
Guide to Unit Publication Officers: How to use My UQ eSpace;
2013 HERDC Publication Specifications
These reports can be used to produce lists of publications by Unit or individual and can be used to
produce a bibliographic listing of publications.
These reports will not allow you to directly edit or enter data into eSpace. You need Unit Publication
Officer access to the Library My UQ eSpace. See the Guide to Unit Publication Officers: How to use
My UQ eSpace for further information on gaining access to and using My UQ eSpace.
While we are collecting all publications, each year we are interested in HERDC Publications as a
priority at this time. Please refer to for guidelines on publication eligibility.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Using the Reportal
The MIS Reportal is a critical component of the process of managing a Unit’s publication collection.
Business Objects is a reporting tool maintained by the University’s Management Information
The reports for the publication collection can be accessed from the MIS Reportal, however you will
need to apply for access if you do not already use the Reportal.
This manual will provide guidance on how to use the standard publication reports made available on
the Reportal, but it assumes that the UPO has undertaken basic Reportal training provided by MIS:
Accessing reports from the MIS Reportal
Log in using the REPORTAL LOG IN from the MIS homepage:
Once you are in the Reportal, there are two distinct sets of publication data. The set you want to use
will depend on what information you are seeking.
Research Publications Universe
To see what is being collected and assessed for the current submission, the Publication Admin
reports are based on the Library My UQ eSpace publications collection system. Use these reports to
monitor and correct your Unit(s) publication submission. The relevant reports can be found by going
to the following folder:
 Standard Reports
 Research
 Publications
 Admin
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Officially Submitted Data
If you want to see what has been reported as official data in previous collections you will want to run
the reports from the Performance Indicators Universe. The relevant Publications Performance
Indicators reports can be found by going to the following folder:
 Standard Reports
 Research
 Publications
Further information about the Performance Indicators reports can be found in Section 3:
Performance Indicators Reports in this document.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Section 2: How to use the Publication
Reports in the MIS Reportal
The data in the UQ Library eSpace system is imported into the Research Publications Universe in the
MIS Reportal each night. The Publication Collection Admin reports in the Reportal are therefore used
to report data as it was in eSpace from the prior day. The publication reports an important method
of data integrity and progress checking. The Publication Admin reports in the Reportal are to be used
to supplement eSpace and are an essential component in managing your collection in an efficient
and timely manner.
Use these reports to check for the following issues:
Author Unit affiliation is correct and complete;
All publications have been claimed and entered;
All publication details are correct;
HERDC classification is correct;
Provide evidence of UQ Author affiliation.
There are two reports that can be used to supply evidence that a UQ staff member or student author
was a UQ author when required:
“Staff Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation” and
“Student Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation”
The other reports can be used by Unit Publication Officers to check the data in eSpace so that
corrections can be submitted. These reports are:
“Publications by Author”; and
“Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit – Trend and Current”.
If there any errors or gaps identified using these reports, use My UQ eSpace to report the error (see
the Guide to Unit Publication Officers: How to use My UQ eSpace, downloaded from:
The corrections can also be submitted by clicking on either the "Username" or "Fix Record" hyperlink
column at the end of each publication record in these reports. This link will take you directly to the
chosen researcher’s “My Research” list in My UQ eSpace. You will need to be logged into My UQ
eSpace to use these links. Once in My UQ eSpace, use the "Fix" button to supply the required
These reports have several fields and data elements in common that are important to understanding
the information being presented. Here is a list of the most common elements:
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Publication Year
To be included in a submission, the appropriate Publication Year must be listed in either the eSpace
record’s Publication Year of the Year Available field. One or both of those years must be the year
prior to the current collection. For example, for the 2013 HERDC, we can only include publications
that are published or made available to the intended audience in 2012. The Year Available usually
refers to publications that are published ‘in press online’ before the official publication year but can
refer to any situation where the publication was made available on a date that is different to the
official publication date.
Example of differing Year Available and Publication Year on a publication.
UQ Author Affiliation
Authors that are UQ staff should have their staff Aurion Id assigned to each of their publication
records in eSpace. This will allow their publication records to be identified as theirs in other systems
that uses the data. This includes the UQ Reportal, Q-Index and UQ reSEARCHers.
However, from a HERDC perspective, this is not sufficient to identify an author as a HERDC eligible
author on its own. The author must also meet the author affiliation criteria
( Authors identified in
eSpace as UQ HERDC eligible authors will have either a UQ by-line on the publication or there will be
an author affiliation statement attached.
UQ Author Unit Affiliation
An author that is a UQ staff member and also has UQ affiliation evidence will have one or more UQ
Unit Affiliation splits recorded on the eSpace record. This is used to determine the HERDC point
distribution to the Unit(s) associated with the author. An author can have more than one Unit per
publication, provided that all Unit attributions for the author sum to 100% for that publication. Each
author can have different Unit % attributions on different publications and the attribution is initially
based on the by-line listing. This % is NOT based on the author’s contribution to writing the article.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example of UQ authors with Unit Affiliation Splits on an eSpace record.
Same record as above example showing the data as it appears in the Reportal Trend and Current report.
UQ Aurion Unit
This is different to the UQ Unit Affiliation listed above and is not recorded on the eSpace record. It is
instead based on either the author’s Current or Historical Official (one who is not currently
employed by UQ but was so in previous years) Staff appointment within UQ. This is independent of
the publication’s by-line. The Official and/or Current Aurion Unit is used in the Reportal Publications
reports to produce a current listing of staff for the Unit, so that the UQ Unit Affiliations on eSpace
publication records can be checked for accuracy or that Non-HERDC UQ authors (due to lack of a UQ
by-line on the publication or other evidence) can be identified. See below for more information on
Non-HERDC authors.
UQ Non-HERDC author
If a UQ Current or Historical Official author does not have sufficient by-line or other affiliation
evidence the author will be given a Unit Affiliation of 0% for that Unit and a Non-HERDC affiliation of
100%. These authors will not generate points for this publication in the HERDC submission.
Example of an author being listed as a Non-HERDC UQ author on an eSpace Publication record.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Same record as above example showing the data as it appears in the Reportal Trend and Current report.
eSpace Record Status
If a record has an Official Collection of ‘Unassessed’ in any of the Publication Reportal reports, it
means that the Audit Team has not yet assessed the record against the current HERDC guidelines to
determine eligibility.
Before the Audit Team assesses a record, the details of the record and the required evidence needs
to be first processed by the eSpace Team. The Record Status field in the Publication Reportal reports
can be used to determine if the eSpace Team has begun processing the record. A Record Status of
‘Published’ means that the eSpace record is being (or has been) processed by the eSpace Team. A
Status of ‘Submitted for Approval’ means the record is still be processed by the Team.
Example of the types of Record Statuses for Unassessed records.
eSpace Collections
eSpace publication records that have been assessed as being eligible for submission in a given year
will have the appropriate ‘Official 20xx Collection’ added to the record in eSpace. For example, an
eligible 2012 publication will added to the ‘Official 2013 Collection’.
The record will also have its Q-Index Code recorded as either A1, B1, C1 or E1 as appropriate and it’s
Q-Index Status code listed as ‘Confirmed’. If a record has a confirmed Q-Index Code of A1, B1, C1 or
E1 but is not in an ‘Official 20xx Collection’ then it may mean it meets all the HERDC requirements
except for the Publication Year or Year Available requirements. This means it will generate points
(see below) for Q-Index purposes but it cannot be included in a HERDC submission.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example of a confirmed C1 publication being included in the Official 2013 HERDC submission.
Note that eSpace records will have one or more School Collections added to the record. These
School Collections are used by eSpace for purposes that are not related to the HERDC assessement.
A record does not need to be added to a School Collection to be included in the HERDC submission
but it must have the appropriate UQ Author Unit Affilation on it to be eligible (see above for
information on UQ Author Unit Affiliations).
Non-HERDC eSpace Collection
Publications that do not meet the HERDC eligibility criteria relevant to that publication year will have
the Non-HERDC Collection added to the record in eSpace.
Example of an eSpace record being made ineligible for HERDC submission due to none of the authors having UQ
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Same record as above example showing the data as it appears in the Reportal Trend and Current report.
HERDC Publication points
These reports include an estimate of the Publication Points that the publication will earn for the
author. Publication points are used by both the Q-Index and the HERDC submission, although they
have somewhat different weightings applied to the Publication, depending on the type. In the
Reportal and the HERDC submission, the basic formula is:
For C1 Journal Articles and E1 Conference Papers, the publication is given a value of 1 divided
by the total number of contributors to the item. For example, if there are three authors of a
publication, one third should be counted for each author who was a staff member or student of
the University of Queensland.
For A1 Books, the points are apportioned according to the number of authors, multiplied by 5.
For B1 Book Chapters, authors should be apportioned according to the following methodology:
The first chapter contributed to by an author is given a value of 1 divided by the total
number of contributors to the chapter. The remaining chapters in the book contributed to
by the same author are scored on a pro rata basis.
The value of the remaining chapters for the author is calculated by adding the share of
each remaining chapter contributed by the author, then multiplying by 4 and dividing by
(the total number of chapters in the book minus 1).
Only records that are in the correct Official 20xx Collection and are Category Status “Confirmed
Code” will generate points for the HERDC submission.
Q-Index will use confirmed publications points and also A1, B1, C1 or E1 Category Status of
‘Provisional Code’. However, the points in this report will differ from the points in Q-Index as that
system uses a different weighting scheme. More about the Publication points for Q-Index can be
found at:
Example of Publication points for publications on a Reportal report.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit – Trend and
When you first run this report you will be required to select a Publication Year and the desired UQ
Unit in two different fields from the prompts. The first Unit will be a current Organisation Unit listed
in Aurion which employs the staff listed in this report. The second Unit will pick up any authors
which have the Unit assigned to them on records in eSpace. To effectively use this report, choose
the name of the Unit in both prompts that most closely matches the name of your desired Unit. In
most cases the name will be identical in both prompts but occasionally there are some slight
differences in format. See UQ Author Unit Affiliation and UQ Aurion Unit for further information
about these prompts.
This report will show all publications related to the selected Unit either because the author is
currently a staff member or was an Official staff member historically. It will also include publications
where the Unit was assigned as an affiliated Unit to an author on the record in eSpace. Student
authors will not be included unless the Unit has been assigned to them in .
The selected Publication Year will retrieve records that have the year in the Year Available field
and/or the Publication Year field on the eSpace record.
Records that are Record Status ‘Submitted for Approval’ in eSpace will display on this report.
Example of using the prompts in the report.
There are 3 tabs on this report, with the primary difference between each of them being how the
publication records are sorted and displayed. The tabs are:
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
By Title Report
This report tab shows publications listed alphabetically by title, for all publications on which there is
at least one author listed as affiliated with the Unit selected. When the report is unfiltered, all
authors of the publication will be listed here, including authors from other Units or who are external
to the University.
Using this Report
Both the "by Author" and "by Title" tabs can be filtered using the Input Controls.
Example showing the Input Control panel for filtering
As an example on using the report, to determine which records will be submitted in the 2013 Official
HERDC submission, select "Official 2013 Collection" from the In Collection Input Control and click the
‘OK’ button associated with the control. You then need to select your Unit from Author Unit Name
Input Control and again click the “OK” button associated with that control.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example using Input Controls to filter to the “Official 2013 Collection” and Author Unit “Business”
When filtered this way the report will show all publication records that will be submitted in the
chosen Collection for HERDC submission for the selected Units. Only records that have undergone
HERDC eligibility assessment and are determined to meet the criteria will be added to the Collection.
See the 2013 HERDC Publication Specifications for further information on the eligibility criteria.
Example of a publication record after filtering to “Official 2013 Collection” and Author Unit “Business”
Only authors that have an Author Unit Affliation with the Unit will be displayed. If the publication
includes authors from other UQ Units, than the number of authors displayed may be less than the
total number of internal authors listed for that record. To see a list of all authors on a publication
you can either click on the Pub ID in this report or look at the record in the ‘By Title’ tab.
Each record on this report has a number of links that can be used to see more detail or to submit
corrections in eSpace. As noted above, the Pub ID link can be used to see the deals on the record in
eSpace. If you are also logged into eSpace, you will be able to access summary detail and author
affiliations for the record. See the Using eSpace documentation for further information.
Example of author details and links to eSpace for submitting a “Fix” request
You can also submit a “Fix Record” request by clicking on the Fix Record link for that record. This will
open a new browser tab My UQ eSpace at the Fix Record page where you can submit a correction
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
request. You need to be logged into eSpace for this link to function. See the Using My UQ eSpace
guide for further information.
Example of the eSpace “Fix Record” form
Non-HERDC Authors
If a Unit author on this report has an Author Unit of “!NON-HERDC” on this report, it means the
author does not have a by-line, or other evidence of UQ author affiliation, on the publication
identifying them as a UQ author. In this case the author is given listed as “!NON-HERDC” and will
NOT be submitted as a UQ author. These authors will not be attributed points for the listed
Example of an author with an “Non-HERDC” Author Unit affiliation
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
This report can be filtered to list all Unit authors that are currently listed as non-HERDC and will
therefore not count as a UQ author, select Author Unit Name of "!NON-HERDC" from the Author
Unit Name Input Control.
Example of using the Author Unit Name Input Control to apply a “Non-HERDC” Author Unit affiliations filter.
Unit Publication Officers should check if this is correct. If not, the author can be claimed in one of 2
1. If the author has a UQ by-line on the publication, please use the Fix button for the record in
eSpace to submit a correction, indicating the author name and that there is a UQ by-line for
them; or
2. If the author does not have a by-line but should be considered UQ for the purpose of HERDC
you will need to submit further supporting evidence in order to claim the author as a UQ
author for HERDC submission. If the author is a RHD student, see Student Author Affiliation
Supporting Documentation below. If the author is a staff member, see Staff Author
Affiliation Supporting Documentation.
There is also a Send Author Affiliation Evidence link associated with each Unit author on the
records in this report. This link can be used to send author affiliation evidence to the eSpace
Team via email. Please ensure that all required evidence is attached to the email before
The Non HERDC Publications
In addition to the “!NON-HERDC” Author Unit, please note that there is also a Non-HERDC Collection
in eSpace. Any publication record that is deemed to be ineligible for inclusion in one of the Official
collections will be added to this collection. To have a publication moved from Non-HERDC you need
to supply evidence and a strong justification as to why it meets the eligibility criteria as outlined in
the 2013 HERDC Publication Specifications. When a record is added to the Non-HERDC Collection, a
reason is usually listed in either the eSpace record’s HERDC Notes or can be found from the Detailed
History link at the bottom of the eSpace record. If a reason is not listed, the record might be in the
Non-HERDC collection because NONE of the authors have an UQ author affiliation. Alternatively the
record might be one of the excluded subtypes, like an Editorial.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example of the eSpace History of Changes form
You can view all records for your Unit that will not be included in the HERDC submission by selecting
the “Non HERDC” collection from the In Collection Input control and clicking the associated “OK”
Example of using the Reportal Input Control to filter the report to display records in the Non HERDC collection
Publication records in the "Non-HERDC" collection can have a "Cat." code of A1, B1, C1 or E1. This
means the record can potentially be submittable in an Official HERDC collection but none of the
authors have a UQ by-line or author affiliation. An author affiliation for at least one of the authors is
required before this item can be included in an Official collection.
If the author does not have a by-line but should be considered UQ for the purpose of HERDC you will
need to submit further supporting evidence in order to claim the author as a UQ author for HERDC
submission. If the author is a RHD student, see Student Author Affiliation Supporting
Documentation below. If the author is a staff member, see Staff Author Affiliation Supporting
Due to limitations in the Reportal report design, you are unfortunately unable to filter the report to
display “Unassessed” records only. Both "All Values" and "Unassessed" will display all records,
regardless of which collection the record is in.
By Author Report
This report will include all the same publication records as the By Title but will group the
publications by author. The Author Unit Name listed on each publication indicates what is recorded
in eSpace. If these are incomplete or incorrect, the records will have to be updated in My UQ
eSpace. Please advise corrections using the Fix button on the eSpace record.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
This report may include staff who are not current members of this Organisational Unit, either
because the Organisational Unit is given as the Author Unit Name on the publication record or
because the author was staff of the Unit in the last couple of years.
Example of publication records on the By Author report
Bibliographic Citation Report
This report will produce list all the same records as the By Title report but displays them in citation
format. To make each citation line more manageable, the report will list only the first 6 authors on
each publication (with et al. to indicate if there are more than 6 authors).
Example of records being displayed on the Bibliographic Citation report
Publications by Author
This report will return all records of the selected researcher that also have the selected Publication
Year. This includes records where the selected year appears in the Year Available field and/or the
Publication Year field.
You will be required to select a Publication Year from the prompt, as well as an author using either
the author’s:
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Staff ID (Aurion ID);
UQ Sign In ID; or
by their name (in the format of Surname, First Name. % can be used as a wildcard).
Example of searching for an author’s listing of publications using given name and surname criteria.
Once you have run the Query, the format for this report is designed to be very similar to the
Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit – Trend and Current.
Unit Publication Officers can use this report to submit corrections by clicking on either the
"Username" or "Fix Record" hyperlink column at the end of each publication record. Please choose
the most appropriate username. This link will take you to My UQ eSpace where, once you have
logged in, will take you directly to that record in the chosen researcher's "My Research" list. Once in
My UQ eSpace, use the "Fix" button to supply the required correction.
Example of the author Unit details assigned to a publication record and a record waiting processing by the eSpace Team
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Publication records that are either Provisional or Confirmed as A1, B1, C1 or E1 will also have the
HERDC Weighted points allocated to each UQ Unit based on the author's Author Unit Affiliation
percentage. A summary of each Unit's total points will be included on each report Tab.
Examples of records with varying Record Statuses and the current HERDC Publication points for the author per record
Records that are ‘Submitted for Approval’ in eSpace (unpublished records) will display on this report.
Using this Report
All 3 report tabs (“By Author”, “By Title (all authors)” and “Bibliographic Citation Report”) can be
filtered using the Input Controls. See the section on Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit –
Trend and Current earlier in this guide for more detail.
To determine which records will be submitted in the 2013 Official HERDC submission, select "Official
2013 Collection". You then need to select your unit from Author Unit Name. When filtered this way
the report will only show all publication records that will be submitted in the HERDC submission for
that Collection Year where at least one author on the publication is affiliated (on the eSpace
publication record) with the Unit selected. Publications which do not have Author Unit Affiliations
assigned will not appear and/or have not undergone a final HERDC audit will not appear.
To determine if this author is listed as being non-HERDC on any of the publication records and will
therefore not count as a UQ author, select Author Unit Name of "!NON-HERDC" from the "In
Collection" Input Control. These authors will not be attributed points for the listed publication in a
HERDC. Unit Publication Officers should check if this is correct. If not, and the author has a UQ byline on the publication, please use the Fix button for the record in My UQ eSpace to submit a
correction, indicating the author name and that there is a UQ by-line for them.
Publication records that have been deemed ineligible for submission and have therefore been added
to the "Non-HERDC" collection may still have a "Cat." code of A1, B1, C1 or E1. This is because the
record can potentially be submittable in an Official HERDC collection but none of the authors have a
UQ by-line or other author affiliation attached to the record. An author affiliation for at least one of
the authors is required before this item can be included in an Official collection. Only the authors
with UQ affiliation will be counted in the submission, as per the usual rules.
Staff Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation
If a UQ author does not list the University of Queensland in the by-line of a publication, but should
be considered UQ for the purpose of HERDC you will need to submit further supporting evidence in
order to claim the author as a UQ author for HERDC submission. If the author is a RHD student, see
Student Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation report instead.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
The authors of any research publications being counted in the HERDC Research Publication Return
must be affiliated with the University of Queensland and the affiliation must usually be identified
either within or on the work being claimed.
Where author affiliation with the University of Queensland is not identified within a work, the
following evidence retained in verification material would be sufficient to demonstrate author
affiliation and should include:
• a statement from the author indicating that he or she undertook the research leading to the
publication in his or her capacity as a staff member or student of the University of
• an extract from the University of Queensland staff or student list that lists the author.
This report can be used to supply the required extract from the official staff list of the University for
use as the additional supporting evidence. This report will list any staff who are currently employed
by UQ or were part of our Official Staff census in the last 5 years.
A statement from the author indicating the research was done on behalf of the University is also
To use this report, you can search for a UQ staff member by searching on either their name; on their
UQ username (if known); or on their staff Aurion ID (if known).
If searching for a staff member by name, you will need to use both their Surname AND their
Preferred Name. Enter their given name in the Preferred Name field and use the “%” wildcard to
give the best results (eg. John%).
If searching using the staff member’s UQ Username (or Sign In ID) or the staff member’s Aurion ID,
you do not have to add their name to the criteria. However, it is recommended that you add an “x”
to any field not being searched on, as improves the search function.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example of using the Search Prompts.
This report should return details of both the researcher’s current staff appointment as well as his or
her’s past appointments with the University.
This report can be printed or saved as a .pdf file and submitted, along with the statement from the
author, to the eSpace Team. See the Guide to Unit Publication Officers: How to use My UQ eSpace
for further information.
Staff Current Report
This report will list the Current Staff appointments plus the combined Staff Current and Historical
appointments as recorded in Aurion.
If searching for a staff member by name, you might get results for more than one person. In this
case, you can use the Input Control to filter the report to the appropriate individual. When saving
the report to use as evidence, please ensure the report only lists the individual staff member being
claimed as a UQ author. You can get the Aurion ID of the correct person from this report and then
use the Input Controls to filter to that Aurion ID. Please note that the report uses data from both the
Current Staff and the Staff Official Universes for the last few years. That means you need to apply
the Input Control to both the Aurion Number (Staff Current) and Aurion Number (Staff Official All)
Input Controls. Alternatively you can rerun the query using the found Aurion Number.
Example of using the Search Prompts to search by surname and Preferred Name (using the wildcard “%”)
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example of using the Input Control Panel to filter the name search results.
Example of Selecting the Aurion Number (Staff Current) Input Control
When filtering using the Aurion Number (Staff Current) Input Control, also remember to use the Aurion Number (Staff
Official All).
Staff Official Report
This report is different from the Current Staff report in that it displays the Officially reported staff
from the annual 31 March Staff Census. If a staff member is no longer current they will not appear in
the “Staff Current” report (this includes they Historical section of that report). However, if the staff
member was staff on one of the Census dates in previous years, they should appear on this report.
When using either of these reports, please pay attention to the appointment dates on the record.
The University can only claim publications where the research was done on behalf of the University.
If the record indicates that the researcher was not at the University of Queensland at the time that
the research was undertaken, then we cannot use their staff record as proof of author affiliation.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Example: if a publication has a publication date of 27 February 2012, then the UQ “Appt From Date” here would indicate
that the author was not at UQ long enough to research and write the paper.
Student Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation
If a UQ author does not list the University of Queensland in the by-line of a publication, but should
be considered UQ for the purpose of HERDC you will need to submit further supporting evidence in
order to claim the author as a UQ author for HERDC submission. If the author is a staff member, see
Staff Author Affiliation Supporting Documentation report instead.
The authors of any research publications being counted in the HERDC Research Publication Return
must be affiliated with the University of Queensland and the affiliation must usually be identified
either within or on the work being claimed.
Students (domestic or international) are considered to be those students undertaking HDR training
to achieve a Research Doctorate (including Professional Doctorates) or a Research Masters.
Where author affiliation with the University of Queensland is not identified within a work, the
following evidence retained in verification material would be sufficient to demonstrate author
affiliation and should include:
a statement from the author indicating that he or she undertook the research leading to the
publication in his or her capacity as a staff member or student of the University of
an extract from the University of Queensland staff or student list that lists the author.
This report can be used to supply the required extract from the official student list of the university
for use as the additional supporting evidence. This report will list any students who are current or
were students reported in the Official census in the last 5 years.
A statement from the author indicating the research was done on behalf of the University is also
To use this report, you can search for a UQ student by searching on either their name; or their
Student ID (if known).
If searching for a student by name, you will need to use both their Surname AND their Preferred
Name. Enter their given name in the Preferred Name field and use the “%” wildcard to give the best
results (eg. John%).
If searching using the Student ID you do not have to add their name to the criteria. However, it is
recommended that you add an “x” to any field not being searched on, as this speeds up the search.
This report should return details of both the student’s current enrolment as well as his or her’s past
enrolments with the University. When using this report, please pay attention to the appointment
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
dates on the record. The University can only claim publications where the research was done on
behalf of the University. If the record indicates that the researcher was not at the University of
Queensland at the time that the research was undertaken, or that the student was not a PhD or
Research Masters student, then we cannot use their student record as proof of author affiliation.
This report can be printed or saved as a ‘.pdf’ file and submitted, along with the statement from the
author, to the eSpace Team. See the Guide to Unit Publication Officers: How to use My UQ eSpace
for further information.
Like the Staff report above, if you are searching for a student by name, you might get results for
more than one person. In this case, you can use the Input Control to filter the report to the
appropriate individual. When saving the report to use as evidence, please ensure the report only
lists the individual student being claimed as a UQ author. You can get the Student ID of the correct
person from this report and then use the Input Controls to filter to that Student ID. Please note that
the report uses data from both the Current Student and the Student Official Universes for the last
few years. That means you need to apply the Input Control to all the Student ID Input Controls or
rerun the query using the found Student ID.
Example of using the Input Controls to filter to a particular student.
NOTE: some students are also staff. It is preferable to use a staff record if one is available.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
eSpace Publications Collection Progress Count per Unit
This report can be used to monitor the relative progress of the current. Use it as an indicator of how
many records that are in eSpace compared to how many you are expecting. The relative progress is
based on the number of records from the previous collection. Please use regularly towards the end
of each collection (about April) to ensure that your numbers are what you are expecting. If low,
please use Publications by Author Unit or Aurion Unit – Trend and Current and eSpace to
determine if any records are missing or if any are attributed to a different Unit (see Author Unit
Affiliation section above).
The report is currently set up to compare the progress of current collection (the 2013 collection of
2012 publications) to previous (2012 collection of 2011 publications). This report will give a count of
the number of publication records in eSpace by Collection Year and Publication Type (restricted to
Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles and Conference Papers). It includes all audited and still to be
audited records.
Example of the eSpace Publications Collection Progress Count per Unit report
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
Section 3: Official Data Reports
The Performance Indicators Universe in the Reportal is a data set of Officially reported data on
Publications, ERA weighted data, Staff FTE, Research Income and Student EFTSL. As the data is
Officially reported it is only updated annually after each data set is submitted.
The reports from the Publications folder in the Reportal should be used when reporting data that
has already been Officially reported. To report on the progress of the current collection, used the
live data in the Publications > Admin folder.
There are several reports available, each designed to report a different dataset. Be careful to note
that the reports will therefore have a different weighting applied to their Publication Points. Reports
that use the ERA-Weighted Publication Points applies the following Weighting per category:
Pro-rated Weighted Points
A1 Research books
B1 Book Chapters
C1 Journal Articles
E1 Conference Papers
Published in
Nature or Science
A*-ranked journals
A-ranked journals
B-ranked journals
C-ranked journals
ERA listed journals not yet ranked
Journals not on the ERA ranked journal list
published in
A-ranked conferences
B-ranked conferences
C-ranked or unranked conferences
A brief summary of the available reports are below. Please read the Notes tab on each report for
further information on how each report functions.
Available Reports
ERA Weighted Publication Points Per School, 5 Year Trend
This report shows ERA Weighted Publication Points earned by individual Schools for the past 5 years.
ERA-Weighted Points evaluate the overall research performance of disciplines within institutions.
ERA Weighted Publication Points Per Faculty, 5 Year Trend
As the Publication Points Per Staff Member by School, 5 Year Trend report by listing by Faculty
Publication Points Per Staff Member by School, 5 Year Trend
If you wish to report data that lists publication points most closely matches the HERDC submission,
then use this report.
This report contains 3 tabs.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
The Total Publication Points report can be used to see what totals were reported in each publication
year for the past 5 years. The report can be filtered to Faculties using the Faculty Name Input
Example of the points per school for the years 2007-2011.
The FTE Academic Staff (Level B and Above) report show the FTE of all Teaching and Research (T&R)
and Research Only (RO) staff employed at Level B or higher on a fixed term or continuing
appointment as at March 31 each year. These figures are used in the Average Publications Points
(Table) report listed below.
The Average Publications Points (Table) shows the average DIISRTE Category Publication Points
earned by individual Schools for the past 5 years based on the number of Academic Staff for each
School or Institute. The calculations take into account all Teaching and Research (T&R) and Research
Only (RO) staff employed at Level B or higher on a fixed term or continuing appointment as at March
31 each year.
Publication Points Per Staff Member by Faculty, 5 Year Trend
As the ERA Weighted Publication Points Per School, 5 Year Trend report by listing by Faculty only.
SBPF Publication Points per School (Current)
This report shows HERDC Category (A1, B1, C1 and E1) Publication Points earned by Level B and
Above Academics for each of the Schools, for the reported year. Data on both tabs report on the
total ERA-Weighted Points for the Schools and Centres. ERA-Weighted Points evaluate the overall
research performance of disciplines within institutions.
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer
If you have any questions about the HERD Collection and classification, please contact:
Stephen Colhoun
Manager, Research Data Analysis
Research Analysis and Operations
Phone: (07) 336 53786
(07) 336 54455
Bibliographic Data Collection Information Website
Further information regarding the Bibliographic Data collection including instructions, specifications
and forms can be found at:
The University of Queensland | Using My UQ eSpace as a Unit Publications Officer