Pharmacy Education Creates Its Own Stimulus Package

The News Magazine of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Academic Pharmacy
Jul | Aug | Sept 2009
Volume 2 Issue 3
Its Own
American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
Discover · Learn · Care : Improve Health
table of contents
News in Brief
News Briefs
Raising the Bar
In Memoriam
Capitol Hill
Diary of a PharmCAS
2009 Teachers
of the Year
A Virtual Reality
at Purdue
Leading the
2009 Annual Meeting
Faculty News
Faculty News
for You
Creates Its
Own Stimulus
Photo Credits
Mem tion:
Wor s at
The Last Word
Page 8: Sarah Kiewel
Page 10: Dr. C.A. Bond: Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center; Dr.
Calvin Brister: West Virginia University
Page 11: Dr. Lon N. Larson: Drake University; Dr. Henry A. Palmer: University of
Connecticut; Dr. Emmanuel B. Thompson: University of Illinois at Chicago
Photo Services
Page 14: South Carolina College of
Page 15: Ohio Northern University
Page 21: Photos by John Underwood of
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Purdue University and are courtesy of
Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP)
Pages 22–25: Dr. Christina Madison,
University of Southern Nevada
Page 37: Christina Murrey, José C.
Rodriguez, The University of Texas at
Page 38: Loma Linda University
Page 39: Nick Romanenko, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey
Page 41: Washington State University
Page 45: Dr. Mary Monk-Tutor, Samford
Back cover:
letter from the editor
Dear Colleagues:
No doubt everyone can recite the memorable MasterCardTM commercial that ends with “priceless.” Adapting it to those things close to our hearts would go something like this: The average cost of attending one
year of Pharm.D. education at an in-state public school : $14,636. The average salary of a U.S. pharmacy
school dean: $208,675. The average starting salary of a Pharm.D. resident: $38,500. The economic impact
of a college or school of pharmacy…priceless!
Actually, the paper by Drs. Gourley, White-Means and Wallace, which deservedly earned the 2009 Rufus
Lyman Award for the best paper published in the previous year in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, did such a calculation. Their bottom line stated that “for every dollar invested in The University
of Tennessee College of Pharmacy by the state of Tennessee, the net economic impact is $27.90.” Not a
bad return!
This issue of Academic Pharmacy Now profiles nearly ten percent of AACP member institutions and the
economic impact they are making in their communities and states. It’s not just all numbers, either. In fact,
a case can be made that the greatest returns from investments, whether public or private, in pharmacy education are the intangibles that can never be adequately captured in numbers. These are things like the outreach our faculty and students make to K-12 schools or to senior centers. It is the care provided in studentrun clinics and the impact of a compassionate interaction with a homeless person who hasn’t encountered
kindness in a long time. The list of these types of activities is endless and critically important.
In these challenging economic times it is crucial that each of us in the Academy is able to make the argument for our value and the ROI achieved when the state, federal government or private donors consider
whether to put their resources in our portfolio or someone else’s. I trust the cases made in this issue will
enable others to tell their own story.
And speaking of stories, AACP leaders and staff cannot stop talking about the outstanding AACP Annual
Meeting and Seminars held in Boston in July! With exceptional attendance and an array of programs of
superior quality, everyone walked away fulfilled and equipped with more new ideas for courses and faculty
development than could ever be implemented in a year. The success of our meeting is that programming
comes from members who are committed to sharing with and learning from each other about how to make
pharmacy education better and stronger. It keeps us on the cutting edge whether in terms of active learning, experiential education, social media or pharmacogenomics. Please accept our thanks for all the contributions you have made to this year’s and previous meetings. The call will soon be issued for special sessions
and abstracts for the 2010 meeting in Seattle. Watch the AACP Web site and E-lerts for details.
Best wishes for a great new academic year!
Lucinda L. Maine, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Executive Vice President and CEO
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
about us
Academic Pharmacy
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Established in 1972 as AACP News, Academic Pharmacy
Now features comprehensive news stories that reflect
the discovery, learning and caring of more than 100 U.S.
colleges and schools of pharmacy. It is the only magazine focused strictly on the advancements of pharmacy
faculty and their students. The magazine is distributed
to all U.S. pharmacy institutions as well as more than
3,200 individual AACP members across the country.
Published quarterly as a membership service by the
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Inc. For
address change, please return mailing label with current
school affiliation.
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©2009 by the American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy. All rights reserved. Content may not
be reprinted without prior written permission.
We welcome your comments.
Executive Vice President/Executive Editor
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Issuance & Closing Dates
Frequency: 4 issues a year
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
1727 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
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American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
Discover · Learn · Care : Improve Health
Mailing Date: On or before the 27th of each month
before the month of issue.
Issue Closing Date
December 15, 2008
March 15, 2009
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
June 15, 2009
September 15, 2009
news in brief
News Briefs
URI College of Pharmacy Receives Gift
The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy received a
$500,000 gift commitment from an alumnus that will go toward
the cost of the college’s planned $75-million building.
Ernest Mario, who received a master’s degree and doctorate from
the college in 1964 and 1966, respectively, pledged the money as
president of the Mario Family Foundation. The URI Foundation
said the money would help pay for a 167-seat 3D “visualization
auditorium” that will use a projection system similar to IMAX to
display molecular and anatomical images and data.
URI plans to build the new 147,000-square-foot pharmacy building in the north district of the Kingston campus, which is being
transformed into a life-sciences hub. Construction is scheduled
to begin later this year, said URI Foundation President Glen R.
The University of Arizona College of
Pharmacy to Train Pharmacy Faculty
from Saudi Arabia
A new project is underway to start clinical training in Arizona to
benefit pharmacy faculty members in Saudi Arabia.
The University of Arizona (UA) College of Pharmacy will soon
launch the program to train two dozen pharmacy faculty members from King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
During the first three years of the contract, the program will
bring in more than $3.4 million to the college to pay for needed
personnel and cover other expenses.
The objective is to teach the professors more about clinical pharmacy practice and education so they can then return to Saudi
Arabia to further develop their clinical pharmacy education programs.
According to Michael Katz, coordinator of the UA college’s international education efforts, this could be the largest agreement
involving international pharmacy faculty training in the United
States. He hopes this agreement will spur a larger international
training and education program at the college.
Telepharmacy Rescues Drug Stores,
Improves Healthcare and Creates Jobs
in North Dakota Towns
Through the use of state-of-the-art telecommunications tech-
nology, pharmacists are able to provide pharmaceutical care to
patients at a distance. Telepharmacy expands access to quality
healthcare to communities nationwide, primarily in rural, medically-underserved areas.
Through the North Dakota Telepharmacy Project, a licensed
pharmacist at a central pharmacy site supervises a registered
pharmacy technician at a remote telepharmacy site through
the use of video conferencing technology. The technician prepares the prescription drug for dispensing by the pharmacist.
The pharmacist communicates face-to-face in real time with the
technician and the patient through audio and video computer
The North Dakota Telepharmacy Project is a collaboration of
the North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences, the North Dakota Board of Pharmacy,
and the North Dakota Pharmacists Association. North Dakota
was the first state to pass administrative rules allowing retail
pharmacies to operate in certain remote areas without requiring
a pharmacist to be present.
As of September 2008, 72 pharmacies are involved in the North
Dakota Telepharmacy Project, 24 central pharmacy sites and 48
remote telepharmacy sites supported by a HRSA grant.
Approximately 40,000 rural citizens have had their pharmacy
services restored, retained or established through the North Dakota Telepharmacy Project since its inception. The project has
restored valuable access to healthcare in remote, medically underserved areas of the state and has added approximately $12
million in economic development to the local rural economy including adding 40–50 new jobs.
Maryland Health Officials Seek
Guidance from School of Pharmacy
Representatives from the state of Maryland and several pharmacy professional organizations visited the University of Maryland
School of Pharmacy on May 7 to talk with its Board of Visitors
about pharmacists’ role in the federal governments’ pending
healthcare reform plans.
John Colmers, Maryland’s Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, led his presentation with a recap of the recent H1N1, or
swine flu, outbreak, and asked for feedback from the School of
Pharmacy, with its extensive network of pharmacists, on “what
worked and what didn’t work.”
Colmers said that “we are not out of the woods yet. We have
identified that this is a virus that is in our population and we are
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
in the phase now of lessons learned.” He said his department is
gathering data on medication and counseling provided by pharmacists during the outbreak.
Colmers also said his department is a strong partner with the
school, which is the oldest and largest pharmacy school in the
state and is associated with a network of several hundred preceptors for students. The volunteers, usually pharmacists, serve as
Wayne State Student Pharmacists’
Service Project Reaches South Africa
From Detroit to Africa, second-year student pharmacists at the
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at
Wayne State University (WSU) are crossing international borders and “Fighting AIDS with Nutrition” (FAWN).
Within a two-week period, the students collected cans of nutritional supplement and $1,300 in donations to ship 115 cases (24
cans/case) to Botswana, Malawi and South Africa. The shipment of liquid nutritional supplement is expected to strengthen
the immune system of 20 AIDS victims for three months.
WSU student pharmacists James Barclay, Naila Catic, Jona Lekura and Chidi Nwanyanwu chose FAWN to meet their community
service requirement for the early practice patient care course.
They learned of the non-profit organization to assist AIDS patients in South Africa from course coordinator Geralynn Smith,
director of experiential education programs in the Department
of Pharmacy Practice.
The University of Findlay Announces
College of Pharmacy
The University of Findlay announced that its School of Pharmacy is now the College of Pharmacy. The decision reflects the
growth of the program, which began admitting students in fall
2005, and its growing role within the university and Findlay
communities. The School of Pharmacy was previously under the
umbrella of the College of Health Professions, but is now the
College of Pharmacy and joins other academic colleges at The
University of Findlay for business, education, health professions,
and liberal arts and sciences.
The pharmacy program, which was the first new program of its
kind in 100 years in the state of Ohio, will graduate its first class
of 60 students in 2010. The creation of the program was in response to an aging population with greater reliance on pharmaceutical treatment of diseases and ailments.
Texas Tech University HSC Professor
Continues to Develop Research Field
Earlier in his career as a researcher, Dr. Mark Lyte, professor in
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, created a new field
of research—microbial endocrinology—when he discovered that
bacteria could actually respond to the very same neuroendocrine
hormones that make up the human nervous system. The field,
he explained, represents the intersection of microbiology and
“It has provided a new way to look at how bacteria interface with
us in both health and disease,” Dr. Lyte said. “When you consider that bacteria can recognize hormones such as those that are
produced during stress, then a whole new way of looking at the
mechanisms by which infection occur takes on a new light.”
Dr. Lyte said the field of microbial endocrinology also seeks to
understand how hormones in our gut, which are produced by
the gut’s enteric nervous system (also known in the press as “the
second brain in the gut”), regulate the bacteria that live within
our intestinal tract and are essential for our survival as they help
to process the food we eat.
Dr. Lyte has since been awarded a book contract from Springer
Publishers for a volume dedicated to the research field he created. He will co-author the work with the help of a long-time
collaborator in England. The book, to be published later this
year, will have contributions from investigators working as far
away as Russia.
New University of Florida FDA/CDER
Graduate Scholarship Program
This fall, the Food & Drug Administration’s Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (CDER) is partnering in graduate education for the first time with the University of Florida (UF) in an
effort to recruit individuals to become research scientists trained
in safety and regulatory decision-making.
The FDA/CDER Graduate Scholarship program works in collaboration with the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps. It offers funded graduate education to career-minded
healthcare professionals who are interested in research surrounding the safe, effective and cost-effective use of medications.
The new research program will provide master’s and doctorate
education developed to advance scientific training and analysis
involved in the safety and regulatory decisions unique to the
center’s and agency’s mission. The partnership plans to admit
15 to 20 recent graduates from the health sciences annually into
graduate programs in the UF College of Pharmacy Department
of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy. Extensive hands-on experience in FDA regulatory science, including regulatory review
opportunities and mentoring, will be provided by affiliate faculty
located at CDER.
news in brief
UCSF Study Reveals How to Make
Gasoline from Yeast and Bacterium
A chemical precursor molecule of gasoline can be produced
from biomass and salt, according to research by University of
California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy’s Dr. Christopher A. Voigt and UCSF colleagues. In this case, the precursor is
methyl halide, and the gasoline derived from it through catalytic
conversion is chemically indistinguishable from that produced
from petroleum and would not require new vehicle engines, according to Voigt. His approach to methyl halide production uses
cellulose-rich, non-food crop waste or grasses and consequently
would not displace food-producing crops.
The results of this research were published online April 20, 2009
by the Journal of the American Chemical Society and have subsequently attracted international media attention. Voigt, who is a
professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, is the
principal investigator of the study.
Using tools from synthetic biology, the group programmed the
DNA of yeast to produce methyl halides from biomass and salt.
In doing so, they created an artificial symbiotic relationship between a bacterium and yeast. The bacterium, which was originally isolated from a French garbage dump, can eat non-food
agricultural waste and convert it to a form that the yeast can then
turn into methyl halides.
New Members Join AJPE Editorial Board
Five new members of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education (AJPE) Editorial Board began their three-year terms
in July. Drs. Harold L. Kirschenbaum (Long Island University),
Amy L. Seybert (University of Pittsburgh), Zubin H. Austin
(University of Toronto), Frank Romanelli (University of Kentucky) and Monica G. Holiday-Goodman (The University of
Toledo) will join returning Board members Drs. Patrick J. Davis (The University of Texas at Austin), Sudip K. Das (Butler
University), Gary E. Delander (Oregon State University) and
JoLaine R. Draugalis (The University of Oklahoma) who were
reappointed for three-year terms along with 16 continuing members of the Board.
Board members serve as reviewers for manuscripts, write editorial viewpoints, serve as guest editors, review Journal performance
and recommend to the editor topics that would be of interest to
Journal readers. Board members completing their terms are Dr.
Bradley A. Boucher (The University of Tennessee), Jeffrey C.
Delafuente (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Dr. Wendy Duncan (St. Louis College of Pharmacy). Criteria considered
for Editorial Board appointments include: consistent publication
of high quality papers in the Journal, outstanding contributions
to one or more disciplines in pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences, leadership in pharmacy education and expertise in a field
of education or health professions.
Roosevelt University Appoints New Dean to Develop College of Pharmacy
Roosevelt University is creating a College of Pharmacy at its
Schaumburg Campus and has appointed Dr. George E. MacKinnon III, former AACP vice president of academic affairs, as
founding dean.
The new College of Pharmacy will be Roosevelt’s sixth college
and the first it has opened since 1970. The creation of this college is important because pharmacists are urgently needed in
Illinois and across the nation. According to a study by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, the state will have
more than 500 openings for pharmacists annually through
2014. Employment of pharmacists is expected to grow by 22
percent between 2006 and 2016, which is much faster than the
national average for all occupations, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reports.
“We are prepared to meet the demand for pharmacists head
on,” said Roosevelt University President Chuck Middleton.
“We expect to have 65 students when the college enrolls its first
class in fall 2011 and we anticipate that number will grow to a
total of 195 students within three years.”
A Wisconsin native, Dr. MacKinnon possesses more than 20
years of experience as a pharmacy administrator and educator. He has held joint academic appointments in medicine and
pharmacy at several educational institutions and has engaged
in clinical practice, research, teaching and administration. He
previously was associate dean, founding chairman and professor at the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy
Administration, Midwestern University College of Pharmacy
–Glendale and the assistant dean for experiential and postgraduate education at the Chicago College of Pharmacy.
“Roosevelt University is presented with a tremendous opportunity through the establishment of the new College of Pharmacy
to offer a health science program in Chicago’s northwest suburbs in partnership with world-class regional and rural health
care facilities, national chain pharmacies and local pharmacy
practitioners,” said Dr. MacKinnon. “The new College of Pharmacy will embody the spirit of Roosevelt University in preparing its diverse graduates to become responsible citizens in a
global society, of which the profession of pharmacy is an integral part of ensuring optimal medication therapy outcomes
in patients.”
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
UF Researchers Say Genetic Tests May Improve Dosing of Widely Used AntiClotting Drug
Doctors can use a patient’s genetic information to more accurately prescribe doses of a commonly used blood-thinning drug
whose potency and side effects vary greatly from one person
to the next, reports an international team of medical scientists,
including researchers from the University of Florida College of
Writing in the Feb. 19 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers describe how they developed a way to use information about a patient’s genetic makeup to determine optimal
doses of the anticoagulant warfarin, commonly referred to as a
blood thinner.
An estimated 2 million new patients with heart conditions or
other risk factors begin warfarin treatment annually in the United States, making warfarin one of the most widely prescribed
drugs in the world. It is used to prevent blood clots, which can
lead to heart attacks, strokes or death.
“In this study, we used data from the largest, most diverse group
of patients to date to develop a method for using genetic information in combination with other patient information to determine the dosage of a very commonly used drug,” said Dr. Julie
A. Johnson, director of the UF Center for Pharmacogenomics,
associate director of the UF Genetics Institute and winner of the
2007 AACP Paul R. Dawson Biotechology Award. “This is one
of the top five drugs that cause hospitalizations for adverse effects. The real value will be to patients getting warfarin therapy
prescribed for the first time.”
On the basis of the findings, the National Institutes of Health announced it will soon launch the largest multicenter, randomized
clinical trial in the United States to test whether a gene-based
strategy for prescribing the initial warfarin dose will improve
patient outcomes. The University of Florida will be one of 12
centers participating in this trial.
“Warfarin is a complicated drug to use because of its very narrow
therapeutic window,” said Johnson, a professor and chairwoman
of UF’s Department of Pharmacy Practice. “It’s a matter of balance. At one end there is a clotting risk, at the other is a bleeding risk, and in the middle is where we get the desired benefits
from the drug. Finding the right dosage for a patient can be very
Adding to the challenge is that one person may need 10 times
more of the drug than the next. Traditionally, doctors target the
dose by taking a person’s standard clinical information, such as
age, weight, gender, ethnicity and health conditions, and gradually adjust the dosage over a few weeks by observing how the
drug affects clotting.
However, when information about two genes, CYP2C9 and
VKORC1, is factored into the initial determination, scientists
found they could more accurately predict ideal dosages.
Scientists used health information and DNA samples from 4,043
patients and created three dosage procedures. One was based on
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
age, weight and other standard health variables. A second procedure added genetic information to the patient data and was
referred to as the pharmacogenetic algorithm. A third model
simply used a fixed dose of five milligrams of warfarin per day.
After matching their predictions with what eventually turned out
to be the appropriate warfarin dosage for each patient, the scientists found the pharmacogenetic method provided a significantly
better prediction of the actual therapeutic dose.
The greatest benefits were observed in 46.2 percent of the patients, who required either 21 milligrams or less, or 49 milligrams
or more of warfarin per week, according to the study. These are
the patients on the extreme ends of the dosage range who would
suffer the most ill effects from an overdose. The study included
patients from countries around the world, including Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Israel, Brazil, the United Kingdom and the United States.
“This research study has made an important advance toward
personalizing medicine — it uses data from countries around the
world to develop a gene-based strategy for warfarin dosing that
could benefit a wide range of patients,” said Dr. Jeremy M. Berg,
director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences
(NIGMS), which partially funded the study. “This is a wonderful
example of international cooperation and the results are especially valuable for the United States, since our population is so
genetically diverse.”
The investigation relied on more than 20 teams in nine countries on four continents joining to form the International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium, which was spearheaded by
scientists involved in the National Institutes of Health Pharmacogenetics Research Network and PharmGKB, an online pharmacogenomics resource where data from the study is now freely
available to scientists.
In the Feb. 19 issue of The New England Journal in which this
research appeared, Drs. Janet Woodcock and Lawrence J. Lesko
of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research noted that understanding individual differences
in the response, either positive or
negative, to medicines is an important goal for pharmacotherapy.
“Pharmacogenetics has the potential to increase benefit and reduce harm in people whose drug
responses are not ‘average,’” they
wrote. “Given the expected volume of genetic information and
the relative paucity of randomDr. Julie A. Johnson, professor
ized, controlled trials involving
at the University of Florida’s
marketed drugs, we need clear
colleges of pharmacy and
thinking about what is required
medicine and director of the UF
Center for Pharmacogenomics.
for the adoption of pharmacogenetic testing.”
news in brief
Pharmacists Could Cut Medication Mistakes and Save Thousands of Dollars,
Says UNC Study
Pharmacists who spend extra time talking to heart patients
about their drugs and looking for medication errors make a
significant difference at reducing mistakes, according to a study
conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill (UNC).
The study suggests pharmacists could play a significant role at reducing medication errors, which cost the United States as much
as $177 billion a year. The study also explained that many commonplace errors go unnoticed, causing adverse health reactions.
Dr. Michael D. Murray, Mescal S. Ferguson distinguished professor and chair of the Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes
and Policy and colleagues at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, studied the effect of a program that trained pharmacists to
prevent drug-related errors.
They studied 800 people with heart failure or high blood pressure who took part in one of two clinical trials.
One group worked with pharmacists who had been trained to instruct patients on the proper use of their medications, to monitor
the patients and to communicate with their doctors to spot errors.
The other group got medication from pharmacists with no special training.
Murray and colleagues, writing in the Archives of Internal Medicine, said they found 210 medication errors or harmful side effects among the patients in the study.
The most common errors included giving patients a prescription for a drug that should be avoided in elderly patients, vaginal
yeast infections in women taking antibiotics, or prescriptions for
multiple products containing the painkiller acetaminophen.
Compared with the control group, people who got their drugs
from specially trained pharmacists had a 35 percent lower risk
of adverse drug reactions and a 37 percent lower risk of medication errors.
Murray and colleagues said pharmacists trained at looking for
medication errors and explaining proper use of medications
to patients with complex conditions could save a 50,000-patient outpatient practice roughly $600,000 in annual charges
to the payer.
Butler Helps Faculty, Staff Lead Healthier Lives Through New MTM Program
College of Business Executive-in-Residence Jack Smith is on
blood pressure medicine; he also exercises more and follows a
low-sodium diet full of fruits and vegetables. Smith’s regimen
comes as a result of his participation in Butler University’s new
“Manage My Medication” program.
heartburn, low thyroid or depression, or taking four or more
monthly prescription medications.
Once qualified, a patient will receive an initial consultation with
one of Butler’s faculty pharmacists. Consultations include a review of patient’s medications, medical history and insurance to
see if there are opportunities to save money on medications. All
patients also receive screenings for high cholesterol, high blood
pressure and diabetes, as well as a BMI test.
Developed by Butler’s Health Horizons, a collaborative effort
between the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS)
and Butler’s Human Resource Department to improve the health
and well-being of faculty and staff, “Manage My Medication”
brings Butler employees who are taking multiple medications or “After we do a review we put together a medication action plan,”
who have certain diseases together with COPHS faculty phar- said Maffeo. “This could be anything from the time of day they
should take their medications to whether they should take their
macists for one-on-one consultation.
medicine with or without food.” If a patient needs medication
The decision to start the program was threefold. “Butler became changes or further medical treatment, the faculty pharmacist
medically self-insured in 2007 and with this change, the optimi- contacts their physician.
zation of healthcare resources and medications has become critical,” said Dr. Carrie M. Maffeo, director of health education and Each patient comes back in for a follow-up appointment about
assistant professor of pharmacy practice. “It was also a natural two or three months after their initial visit.
fit for COPHS, which has the expertise as pharmacists, so it’s
A small number of Butler student pharmacists support the proreally tapping into the resources that we have.”
gram by volunteering their time to develop patient charts and
The program also reinforces the college’s focus on public health “take away” wallet-size medication cards that list the patient’s
and wellness, one that is supported by a $25 million grant from medication, insurance and physician’s contact information. Students also have the opportunity to sit in with the faculty pharmathe Lilly Endowment.
cist for the consultations.
While the program is open to all faculty and staff enrolled in Butler’s insurance plan, as well as spouses and domestic partners, Since the program began in early February, more than 45 faculty
only some employees qualify. To qualify, employees must be tak- and staff have participated and another 40 have shown interest.
ing at least one monthly prescription medication for high blood Maffeo said she expects even more faculty and staff to join in the
pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, diabetes, asthma, GERD/ months ahead.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
In Memoriam
C.A. Bond
Calvin C. Brister
On June 8, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) School
of Pharmacy family lost one of its most treasured members when Dr. C.A. (CAB)
Bond passed away at his Amarillo home.
Dr. Calvin C. Brister, professor emeritus
at the West Virginia University (WVU)
School of Pharmacy Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, passed away
on Dec. 30, 2008. Dr. Brister was a wellknown and respected professor. He retired in July 2008 after 37 years of service
at the School of Pharmacy. Dr. Brister
brought a genuine love and compassion
for his fellow humankind and the ability
to always see the value and potential in every person he encountered at the Health
Sciences Center. A scholarship fund is being established in memory of Dr. Brister.
He had a special place in his heart for students with financial needs and the school
hopes to honor his memory by providing
support to students in his name. Checks
can be made out to the WVU Foundation
with Dr. Brister Scholarship for Pharmacy in the memo portion. Gifts may be sent
to the WVU Foundation, P.O. Box 1650,
Morgantown, WV 26507.
CAB was a founding faculty member and associate dean for the TTUHSC School
of Pharmacy. He did his undergraduate work at the University of San Francisco
and completed his Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of California, San
Francisco. He also completed an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
(ASHP) accredited residency in clinical pharmacy at the University of California
Hospital and the San Francisco Veterans Administration Hospital.
CAB spent 23 years at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UW) Schools of
Pharmacy and Medicine where he was professor of pharmacy and psychiatry. He
also served as UW’s associate dean for professional affairs for 12 years. In 1994,
the Department of Veterans Affairs recognized his practice as one of the eight best
clinical pharmacy practices with a VA Practice Achievement Award.
CAB and his wife, School of Pharmacy department chair and AACP past president
Dr. Cynthia L. Raehl, relocated to Amarillo from the UW School of Pharmacy in
1995 to help plan the new TTUHSC pharmacy school, recruit the founding faculty
and admit the first class of students for its inaugural semester in the fall of 1996.
“I came to TTUHSC because it presented me with an opportunity to help create
a school with one of the best professional curriculums,” CAB said in 2006 as the
school celebrated its tenth anniversary. “I was impressed with the quality of the
building and facilities and how committed the people were.”
During his long and distinguished career, CAB’s dedication to the profession of
pharmacy was recognized many times. Together he and Cindy received seven Research Literature Awards from the ASHP Research and Education Foundation, the
most recent coming in 2008.
“The partnership that Cindy and CAB enjoyed benefited all of pharmacy in that
together they produced outstanding research and insights into clinical pharmacy
practice that moved the national agenda for patient-centered pharmacy practice
forward,” said Dr. Lucinda L. Maine, AACP executive vice president and CEO.
CAB also earned Fellowship status in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy
(ACCP) and ASHP, and in 2005 he received the ACCP Russell Miller award for his
sustained contributions to the literature of clinical pharmacy.
In 2001, CAB was the recipient of a TTUHSC President’s Distinguished Research
Award. Five years later, the university bestowed upon him the title of University
Distinguished Professor. He was also named the 2007 Distinguished Alumnus
honoree by his alma mater, the University of California, San Francisco.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Nathan Back
Dr. Nathan Back, professor emeritus of the
University at Buffalo (UB) School of Pharmacy and first chairman of the Department
of Biochemical Pharmacy, passed away on
March 1, 2009 in Jerusalem, Israel at the
age of 83.
Dr. Back, who arrived at the university in
1959, was the author of 180 PubMed articles as well as many books and referred papers. His work on the fibrinolysin systems
and kallikreins earned him an international reputation. In 1995 he participated
in mission to Israel as advisor to the Negev College in the pharmaceutical sciences
where he explored the establishment of a
pharmaceutical sciences program to ease
the country’s shortage of pharmacists.
news in brief
Lon N. Larson
Henry A. Palmer
Emmanuel B. Thompson
Dr. Lon N. Larson died on May 8, 2009
from cancer. He was born Jan. 17, 1949
in Joice, Iowa to Royden and Dorothy (Otto) Larson who preceded him
in death. He grew up in Woden, Iowa,
earned his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy
from Drake University in 1972 and went
on to receive an M.S. and Ph.D. degree
from The University of Mississippi in
healthcare (pharmacy) administration.
He worked in regional health planning
and health insurance before beginning
his academic career at The University of
Arizona. He came to Drake University in
1991, where he went on to be named the
Ellis and Nelle Levitt professor of pharmacy social and administration sciences.
University of Connecticut School of
Pharmacy dear friend and colleague Dr.
Henry A. Palmer passed away on May
23, 2009 following a long illness and a
heroic fight. In May, the School of Pharmacy honored Hank and many donors
to the newly established Palmer Professorship at a brunch in the pharmacy/
biology building. We are heartened to
know that Hank was able to thank and
visit with colleagues, friends and former
students one last time, an event made
even more special by the presence of his
Dr. Emmanuel B. Thompson, 80, associate professor emeritus at the University
of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, died Jan. 7, 2009. The award-winning
teacher’s research focused on cardiovascular pharmacology and he also worked
with other pharmacology researchers
testing natural plant remedies for diseases such as sickle cell anemia.
Dr. Larson recently received Drake University College of Pharmacy’s highest
award, the 2009 Lawrence C. and Delores
M. Weaver Medal. He is the only member
of Drake’s faculty and staff to have twice
received the Madelyn M. Levitt Mentor of
the Year Award. Dr. Larson also received
Alumni Achievement Awards from both
Drake and The University of Mississippi.
In June 2009, Dr. Larson received the
Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) Robert G. Gibbs Distinguished Pharmacist
Award posthumously. The award is presented to a pharmacist in recognition of
outstanding contributions to the profession of pharmacy and to the Iowa Pharmacy Association.
Dr. Larson had two passions in life: teaching/mentoring students and baseball. He
recently gave a lecture titled “Choosing
Your Attitude” in which he explained that
although he had cancer, he considered
himself the luckiest man alive.
It is hard to sum up a life and a career
like Hank’s. His impact on literally thousands of students and pharmacists will
be felt for many years to come. His former students and protégés can be found
across the United States and around the
world making a difference in the lives
of patients and practicing their profession with the empathy and dedication
to purpose that was the essence of their
mentor. We will all miss his wise counsel,
his enduring optimism, and his love for
pharmacy and pharmacy education. We
will not soon see his like again.
Hank’s best and most important decision came early in his life when he married Janice. For five decades, Janice and
Hank forged a partnership based on
love, commitment and service to others;
we are all the better for having these two
exceptional people in our lives.
Dr. Thompson was a senior research
pharmacist at Baxter Laboratories before joining the College of Pharmacy
in 1969. He taught undergraduate and
graduate students in pharmacy as well
as public health, applied health sciences and nursing. He was a lecturer in
pharmacology at the Illinois College of
Podiatric Medicine and Chicago State
University, and worked with high school
and undergraduate minority students
in summer research programs. He was
elected Teacher of the Year by pharmacy
seniors in 1971 and received the Urban
Health Program’s Health Sciences Faculty Award in 1993. After Dr. Thompson’s retirement in 1994, he continued to
teach part-time and worked to develop a
program to encourage undergraduate
minority students to attend graduate
school in health sciences research.
—reflected by Dr. Robert L. McCarthy,
dean, University of Connecticut School of
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
Better Meds, Lower Cholesterol Levels are Goals of University of Maryland
School of Pharmacy Study
Drug makers might be able to triple the absorbing power of
some medications and lower toxic risks of others, as a result of
a study at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy on
how bile acids travel through the gut.
Many medication compounds and nutrients can get stuck in
membranes in the intestine. Bile acid transporter proteins help
them along. “We can determine how the compounds travel
across the membrane,” Swaan added.
The study, led by Dr. Peter Swaan, a professor of pharmaceutical sciences, and colleagues at the School of Pharmacy, has
been boosted by a $1.5 million grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Also, the study could help lower doses of drugs already on the
market to make them safer and still effective, and lower toxicity
risks in some patients. The study could also help some drugs in
manufacturers’ pipelines absorb better. About half of all drugs
that are tested in clinical trials fail due to inadequate absorption
into the body. The study could result in more drug candidates
reaching the market, he said.
Swaan said the researchers want to exploit the natural cleansing and digesting process of bile acid recycling through the
gall bladder, intestines and liver. By studying the structures of
intestinal bile acid transporters, special membrane embedded
proteins that ease bile acids through, then perhaps drugs can be
designed to better transport through highly complex intestinal
“We have made some fairly good progress. This builds on our
previous work that helped us find key residues for apical bile
salt [acid] transporters that play a role in drug-protein interactions. We can develop a three-dimensional model, which can be
used in the rational design of novel therapeutics…for enhanced
intestinal permeability.”
Swaan is encouraged by the results. So far they have identified a
pathway in a bile acid transporter and measured its dimensions
by which the bile salts go through at about 600 molecular weight
(size). “This is good because most drug molecules are around
this molecular size.”
Additionally, the research could provide therapies to help reduce
cholesterol because bile acid transporters, by preserving a circulating pool of bile acids, are involved in maintaining a balance of
cholesterol, which is a natural substance serving important functions including making cell membranes and some hormones.
Oklahoma Teams Up with Union Public Schools to Educate Youth About Asthma
According to a January 2007 article in the Tulsa World, Oklahoma has the third-highest prevalence of childhood asthma in
the country, a fact that does not surprise most asthma specialists in the Tulsa area.
teachers and parents of children at each school, utilizing the
American Lung Association’s “Asthma 101” program. There
were two training sessions at each school (one in English and
one in Spanish) for a total of four sessions.
In response to these statistics, the Tulsa Area Asthma Steering
Committee (TAASC) identified partners such as the American Lung Association–Regional Chapter, The University of
Oklahoma (OU) College of Pharmacy, Tulsa Health Department, Community Service Council, the OU Physicians Tulsa
for Community Health (Bedlam Clinics), OU Family Medicine
and Union Public Schools to address asthma in the Tulsa region through education and preventative asthma medication
The next stage consisted of a school-based asthma management program for children with asthma. Second-year OU
student pharmacists utilized the American Lung Association
“Open Airways for Schools” program. This six-lesson (45 minutes for each lesson) program spanned three weeks and was
targeted specifically to third through fifth grade students. Children who complete this program should be able to take steps to
prevent asthma symptoms, recognize the symptoms of asthma
when they first occur, and discuss and solve problems related
to asthma with parents, medical professionals, teachers and
In April, TAASC conducted a pilot project in two public schools
in the Tulsa area. Through the direction of the OU College of
Pharmacy, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students were
screened for asthma, utilizing an American Lung Association
questionnaire. Any child indicating they may be “at risk” for
asthma or having uncontrolled asthma symptoms were referred
to their medical provider or to the OU Physicians Community
Health Clinic.
After the screening phase, training was implemented by conducting an asthma education and awareness program for
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
In a relaxed atmosphere, using flip charts and the availability
of crayons for random drawings, students were guided through
the program by trained student pharmacists. Demonstrations
of “belly breathing” or breathing through a straw engaged the
children in understanding asthma symptoms. The encouragement by the student pharmacists to see the final prize—“you
will be an asthma expert when we finish”—was a goal each elementary school student wanted to accomplish.
Capitol Hill News
by Will Lang
Willnewsonin brief
Academic Pharmacy: Supporting
Evidence-based Policy Making
This edition of Academic Pharmacy Now provides clear evidence
that a college or school of pharmacy is an economic engine that
supports and improves the community in which it is located.
With the current focus on healthcare reform in the United States
Congress, it is important to also recognize the impact that colleges
and schools of pharmacy are making on public policy. At press
time, the Senate Finance Committee continues to work toward a
bi-partisan proposal for health reform. The Senate Committee on
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions has filed and passed out of
their committee the Affordable Health Choices Act (1). The House
of Representatives is working toward combining the proposals developed by the Committees on Education and Workforce, Energy
and Commerce and Ways and Means into HR 3200 (2). Many of
the provisions included in both the House and Senate proposals
reflect a clear appreciation for a reorganized healthcare system
that will benefit from the evidence-base developed through the
teaching, research and service of pharmacy faculty.
Whether a final healthcare reform bill will eventually be signed by
the President remains to be seen. Yet, the health and education
issues reflected in these legislative provisions will remain important with or without legislative resolution. The overarching policy
issues of cost, access and quality find some resolution or support
through the evidence-base created by academic pharmacy. AACP
has contributed dozens of examples to congressional staff of how
community-campus partnerships are creating greater value across
the healthcare continuum, improving the quality of care patients
receive, and increasing, or at least maintaining, access to critical community-based services including service delivery utilizing
telemedicine technology. To ensure that a healthcare system
reorganized by legislative fiat or local action to address community
need includes the integration of comprehensive clinical pharmacy
services across the continuum of care will require sustained evidence from academic pharmacy.
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Comparative effectiveness research is an important element of
current healthcare reform proposals due to its expectations for
creating an evidence-based approach to system reorganization
focused on outcomes and not on payment structure. Both House
and Senate proposals include provisions that would increase support for comparative effectiveness research. To reach consensus
on how care is delivered and what outcomes should be expected
from that care, we need to compare systems of care and individual
practice patterns for their effectiveness.
Quality Measurement
Defining and measuring quality is another policy element included
in both House and Senate proposals. The determination of what
quality is allows for the creation of measures that can determine
a provider’s, practice’s, or system’s ability to provide quality care.
Pharmacy is in the beginning stages of defining and developing quality measures. These efforts can be expected to receive
greater support through the quality provisions of both House and
Senate proposals. Academic pharmacy is actively engaged in
quality measurement related to the delivery of pharmacy services
through the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) (3). The consensusbased activities of the PQA are in line with what is envisioned
in congressional expectations for improving quality and moving
toward an evidence-based system of care.
Care Coordination
Both House and Senate proposals contain several provisions
associated with improving the coordination of care by increasing
the likelihood that a patient will receive care through a medical
home responsible for ensuring his or her needs are met efficiently
and effectively. The House legislation looks to health professions
education for developing innovative education experiences that
would support the development of medical homes as well as the
integration of medication therapy management across the continuum of care. Creating teams from a disparate, independent
group of practitioners, many focused on very specific aspects of
a patient’s mental and physical well-being, is difficult. We need a
strong research agenda that is committed to the establishment of
educational models that will ultimately establish team-based care
as the standard of care.
This agenda is supported in part by federal programs such as the
Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) (4) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (5) through its patient safety
and clinical pharmacy collaborative. Through participation in an
AHEC or the collaborative, academic pharmacy can change the patient, professional and payer perception of the value of integrating
clinical pharmacy services into care models. These partnerships
also provide students with a patient-care experience that is culturally and economically varied, enabling them to become empathetic
and culturally competent caregivers.
It is clear that academic pharmacy has contributed a significant
evidence-base to the important policy discussion around healthcare reform. It is also clear is that local communities benefit from
engagement with academic pharmacy partners and the results,
while not always recognized at the national level, can and do create the opportunity for increased access to high quality care that
is team-based and meets the needs of individual patients and the
community as a whole. This local activity is the true reform mechanism to which our nation must look. It is essential that academic
pharmacy not rest on its laurels since the health of our nation remains at stake regardless of the ups and downs of federal legislative efforts
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Affordable Health
Choices Act:
House of Representatives, Committees on Education and Workforce, Energy
and Commerce and Ways and Means:
Pharmacy Quality Alliance:
Area Health Education Centers:
Health Resources and Services Administration:
news in brief
Television Comedian with Local Ties
Gives Commencement Address at MUSC
Healthcare would be an empty field if it wasn’t for colleges of
pharmacy. At least, that’s the way Stephen Colbert sees it.
Colbert, host of the popular program “The Colbert Report” on
cable TV’s Comedy Central, was the featured speaker at the
180th Commencement of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) on May 15. He gave a shout-out to pharmacists
for helping all the other professional students through their programs.
“But the real heroes graduating today are the pharmacists,” Colbert said in his address, beginning a rousing round of applause.
“Where would we be without them? And more importantly, how
would you have graduated without them? Graduates, let’s take
a little poll here. Who was your favorite study partner? Ritalin?
Adderall? Provigil? Anyone have a whole study group? Students
are laughing, not the faculty. Isn’t that interesting?”
Colbert, the youngest of 11 siblings, grew up in Charleston, S.C.
where his father was vice president for academic affairs at MUSC.
He received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
Approximately 815 graduates received their degrees from
MUSC’s six colleges (Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health
Professions, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy) during the outdoor ceremony in the Horseshoe on the MUSC campus.
The pharmacy Class of 2009 at MUSC represented a transitional
year for pharmacy in the state of South Carolina—the Class of
2010 will be the first class composed entirely of South Carolina
College of Pharmacy (SCCP) students. SCCP was formed in
2004 with the pharmacy schools of MUSC and the University
of South Carolina combined to form a single college with two
Colbert attended Virginia’s Hampden Sydney College and
graduated from Northwestern University in Chicago where he
trained and performed with the famed Second City comedy
troupe. He later moved to New York City and worked with network and cable television programs, including Comedy Central’s
“The Daily Show,” which earned numerous Emmy and Peabody
awards. In 2005, he became host of his own popular show on
Comedy Central.
“Incidentally, besides giving me an honorary doctorate, I was
hoping you could give me an honorary prescription pad, too,”
he added.
To see a video clip of Colbert’s comments about student pharmacists, visit
Stephen Colbert, host of the popular program “The Colbert Report” on cable TV’s Comedy
Central, was the featured speaker at the 180th Commencement of the Medical University
of South Carolina (MUSC) on May 15. He is pictured with Drs. Joseph and Cecily DiPiro.
Stephen Colbert, the youngest of 11 siblings, grew up in Charleston, S.C. where
his father was vice president for academic affairs at MUSC. He received an
honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
ONU Faculty and Students Raise
Expectations at Ray’s Markets
Every faculty member at Ohio Northern University (ONU)
Raabe College of Pharmacy has the opportunity to shape the
young minds of future pharmacists and considers it a priority to
enrich their educational experience and enhance their professional development by providing unique patient care opportunities in the community.
Dr. Kristen N. Finley, assistant professor of pharmacy practice,
made it her priority when she organized an outreach program
with ONU’s Raabe College of Pharmacy and Ray’s Market in
January 2009. Ray’s Markets are located in Lima, Ohio where
approximately 19.2 percent of families and 22.7 percent of the
population are below the poverty line, including 33.3 percent
of those under the age 18 and 14.3 percent of
those age 65 or over, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Goals for the collaboration were to
increase the development and implementation of
evidence-based disease management programs in
the community; raise cultural awareness among
students to engage in patient care within various
patient populations; and promote the importance
of public health through immunizations and
screenings. All screenings performed throughout January–May 2009 were free of charge to the
general population.
ings, and they varied from first-year professional students to
their fourth year on advanced pharmacy practice rotations. This
was an amazing opportunity to teach student pharmacists in the
grocery-chain setting and instill the importance of giving back
to the community. Students were able to take blood pressures,
use blood glucose meters, perform osteoporosis heel scans, educate patients and most importantly, provide excellent service
to Ray’s customers.
“This has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job,”
Finley said. “I was so impressed with the professionalism demonstrated by our students and their ability to shape a patient’s
healthcare experience in such a positive way.
The initial “Heart Health” screenings took place
once a week during February and March and
lasted approximately six hours. The screenings
consisted of blood pressure measurements, blood
glucose readings and educational resources distributed to patients. A tri-fold board display with
information on hypertension and lifestyle modifications was also present during the event.
Student pharmacists from Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy collaborated
The second focus for the months of April and
with Ray’s Market to provide “Heart Health” screenings for residents of Lima, Ohio from JanMay was “Women’s Health,” with topics including
uary–May 2009. Students took blood pressure measurements, blood glucose readings and
osteoporosis, prenatal care, cardiovascular issues
provided educational resources to patients. They also addressed women’s health topics such
as osteoporosis, prenatal care, cardiovascular issues and breast cancer awareness.
and breast cancer awareness. At these screenings,
four tables were set up to discuss the abovementioned topics and every table had a tri-fold board
display and educational resources for patients to take home. “By creating this educational outreach opportunity for our stuThe prenatal care table even had recipes and foods rich in folate dents, I hope that they will continue to help the needs of their
for patients to sample. Blood pressures were measured as well
communities and inspire their students one day to be passionate
as patients’ bone density T-scores using the Sahara Dexa scan about patient care.”
Ohio Northern University will continue its collaborative relaApproximately 400 patients were screened and educated during
tionship with Ray’s Market by providing other health screenJanuary–May 2009. Two to five ONU student pharmacists were
ings, immunizations and wellness events throughout the 2009–
present at the “Heart Health” and “Women’s Health” screen- 2010 year.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Diary of a PharmCAS Super-User
The following is the second in a series of
diary entries from a PharmCAS Super-User,
documenting their experience from the
launch of the program to present time. Be
sure to check out future entries in upcoming
editions of Academic Pharmacy Now.
mCAS and
r first year of Phar
We m
n go from here.
August 1, 2004:
e and where we ca
admission cycle an
have time to refle
live for the 2005
PharmCAS ha
CAS and PharmAd
ing to use Pharm
this year, we’re go
d used paper
pies of materials an
perless environLast year, we still
oving to a more pa
d data, we can lo
to information an
IT on-the-fly
ment. With th
ior in PharmAdM
things up
sily communicate
will allow us to ea
AdMIT software
cants via e-mail.
’d like to make
armAdMIT that we
only can we commu
We noticed other
ission cycle. Not
and have ou
better use of
ly through e-mails
cate with
can also se
in th
tions logged with
ters through e-mail
is another feature
of PharmAdMIT
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The interview sc
. Once we enter th
to sche
that we’ll impl
m, it’ll be a breeze
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ores can
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PharmAdMIT pr
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make much gr
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CAS; intervie
into PharmAdM
ess can be entered
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ation into Excel an
simply want to ex
we can easily do th
late it from there,
PharmAdMIT. W
tracking feature of
Then there’s th
items and fees that
lar supplemental
en applicants
can set up particu
nd that informaour school in Ph
e items, we can se
view these via their
submit them. Whe
plicants can easily
tion back to Ph
PharmCAS accoun
ived from Pharm
d statistics we rece
With the pl
r participatin
e “drill-d n”
about our own scho
our applicants. Th
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closely study the
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d in-state) just
of the demograph
y or
ally help with reat gender, ethnicit
rmation should re
e our more prod
to name a few. Th
e we can enhanc
cruitment. W
me of our targeted
we will change so
efforts and maybe
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
June 1, 2005: An
other admissions
cycle is over.
Looking back, th
ere were so man
y new processes
we implemented.
The processing of
applications by
PharmCAS seem
ed to go much m
ore smoothly this
year. How the Ph
armCAS staff man
ages to verify
applicant inform
ation as expeditio
usly as they do
is beyond me! Elec
tronic letters of re
were added in th
e PharmCAS syste
m this year. We
weren’t sure how
all of that would
go but it went
amazingly well.
Many suggestions
were made after
the last admissions cycle and Ph
armCAS really pa
id attention! It’s
great to know th
ey take into acco
unt the feedback
they get from appl
icants and college
s and schools of
Our staff and ad
missions committ
ee members are
really starting to
“buy into” the wh
ole electronic
process and the
fact that things do
n’t always have
to be done the wa
y they were in the
past. The initial
fear of moving to
a more high-tech
environment has
dissipated. Applica
nts and admissio
ns teams seem
to be comfortable
with the electronic
It’s been a good
year and it looks
like the next admissions cycle wi
ll be even better.
We keep finding
more and more th
ings that PharmCA
S and PharmAdMIT have to
Can you guess the identity of this
PharmCAS Super-User? Keep reading
the diary to find out who it might be.
Mark Your Calendars:
American Pharmacy Educator
Week is Coming Soon
As the summer draws to a close, AACP is gearing up for the inaugural celebration of American Pharmacy Educator
Week, October 25–31, 2009. This week, to be held annually during the last week of October, is a chance to recognize the innovative discoveries and accomplishments of America’s pharmaceutical scientists and educators who
dramatically influence science and the delivery of patient care every day.
To help prepare member institutions for American Pharmacy Educator Week, the CEO dean of each college or
school will receive a kit of tools and resources to implement new and inventive ways that will encourage students
to consider a career in academic pharmacy. The kit includes the following materials to get schools started with
activities for the week:
1. The official proclamation from the United States Congress announcing American Pharmacy Educator Week as a
national celebration to show appreciation for the work of our nation’s pharmacy educators.
2. “Mini Folder” brochures that provide information for students on:
a. Why they should consider career paths in pharmacy education,
b. Career opportunities available in pharmacy education,
c. Facts and figures about the Academy, and
d. Exceptional discoveries that have taken place at America’s colleges and schools of pharmacy.
3. Posters to display year-round with quotes from national leaders in pharmacy education.
4. Decals with discoveries that showcase the great work of our pharmacy educators. These can be placed in highly
traversed hallways, on floors or anywhere they are likely to catch the eyes of on-the-go students and faculty.
5. Buttons faculty members can wear to express why they love their career in academia.
6. Letter to the Editor template that deans can modify to include pertinent information for local or state media outlets.
7. AACP Online Career Center Business Cards to share with students so they can see what positions are currently
open in the Academy.
8. Adopt-a-Pharmacy-Student plan to help you mentor and recruit students on your campus.
9. CD with downloadable materials such as a Web banner, Letter to the Editor template and Adopt-a-PharmacyStudent guide.
Do you have a passion for learning,
inspiring others and
impacting patient care?
“Academic pharmacy allowed me to continue my research while mentoring students. I
am fortunate to have had the opportunity to make a life-changing impact on so many
of the students I have taught and mentored. I love pharmacy education because it has
given me a world of satisfaction that only a chosen few can achieve.”
Victor A. Yanchick, Ph.D.
Dean, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy
“I love to learn and enjoy helping
others learn, too. As a motivator,
my goal is to teach students
how to teach themselves and
become lifelong learners. If I
can get them to love learning,
then I have succeeded.”
Stephen H. Fuller, Pharm.D., BCPS, CPP
Associate Professor
Campbell University School of Pharmacy
“My mentors taught me how to make a positive
impact on the future of pharmacy—by being
an educator. I must constantly stay abreast of
information, search for new ways to facilitate
learning and work with wonderful students,
faculty and staff that challenge me every day.
What better career can one have?”
Gireesh V. Gupchup, B.S.Pharm, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy
shape the future of tomorrow’s
become a pharmacy educator!
Talk with your Mentor today or visit the AACP Web site at for more information.
October 25–31, 2009
American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
How can your school participate in American Pharmacy Educator Week? Consider hosting an information booth on
campus to promote careers in pharmacy academia to current students. Display an American Pharmacy Educator
Week Web banner advertisement on your school’s Web site and link it to the Academic Pharmacy Career Information
section on the AACP Web site. Suggest that your faculty wear buttons during the week that share why they love their
career in academia.
American Pharmacy Educator Week materials will be available for download on our Web site by visiting www.aacp.
org/career/facultyrecruitment/apew. Also, don’t forget to submit your American Pharmacy Educator Week activities for
inclusion in an upcoming issue of Academic Pharmacy Now. E-mail with stories and photos
of how you celebrated the discoveries and accomplishments of America’s pharmaceutical scientists and educators.
news in brief
2009 Teachers of the Year
Each year, AACP member institutions submit their teachers of the year for recognition at the Annual Meeting and Seminars. This
year’s honorees were feted at a special luncheon and at the Closing Banquet at the 2009 Annual Meeting in Boston. AACP congratulates the 2009 Teachers of the Year:
Albany College of Pharmacy and
Health Sciences
Dr. Dudley G. Moon
Dr. Michael J. Raley
Loma Linda University
Dr. Naomi R. Florea
Dr. Rebecca J. Gryka
Dr. Robert Teel
Appalachian College
of Pharmacy
Dr. Charles R. Breese
Dr. Sarah T. Melton
Long Island University
Dr. Bupendra Shah
Auburn University
Dr. Murali Dhanasekaran
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences–Boston
Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Levine
Dr. Timothy J. Maher
Butler University
Dr. Julie M. Koehler
Dr. Angela V. Ockerman
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences–Worcester
Dr. Linda M. Spooner
California Northstate
College of Pharmacy
Dr. Xiaodong Feng
Mercer University
Dr. Leisa L. Marshall
Creighton University
Dr. Keith J. Christensen
Dr. Robert I. Garis
Dr. Eric B. Hoie
Dr. Aimee L. Limpach
Dr. Amy M. Pick
Dr. Victoria F. Roche
Drake University
Dr. Robert P. Soltis
Duquesne University
Dr. Marc W. Harrold
East Tennessee State University
Dr. Stacy D. Brown
Dr. Rick Hess
Dr. Brooks B. Pond
Florida A&M University
Dr. Nathaniel E. Eriakhuemen
Dr. Marlon S. Honeywell
Dr. Sylvia H. Jackson
Dr. Jasmine N. King
Dr. Magdi R.I. Soliman
Idaho State University
Dr. Kevin W. Cleveland
Dr. James C.K. Lai
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic
Dr. Kimberly A. Burns
Dr. Teresa A. Schweiger
Dr. Sarunas Sliesoraitis
Midwestern University–Chicago
Dr. Shridhar V. Andurkar
Midwestern University–Glendale
Dr. Erin C. Raney
Dr. Volkmar Weissig
North Dakota State University
Dr. Robert K. Sylvester
Northeastern Ohio Universities
Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy
Dr. Dale E. English II
Dr. Robb McGory
Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey
Dr. Donald R. Gerecke
Samford University
Dr. Marshall E. Cates
South Carolina College of Pharmacy–
MUSC Campus
Dr. Philip D. Hall
South Carolina College of Pharmacy–
USC Campus
Dr. James M. Chapman Jr.
South Dakota State University
Dr. Xiangming Guan
South University
Dr. Samit U. Shah
Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Dr. J. Christopher Lynch
Dr. Cathy D. Santanello
Southwestern Oklahoma
State University
Dr. Scott F. Long
Dr. Randall P. Sharp
St. John Fisher College
Dr. Fred F. Farris
Dr. Karl G. Williams
Northeastern University
Dr. Barbara L. Waszczak
St. John’s University
Dr. Mary Ann Howland
Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Hamid Omidian
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Dr. Zachary A. Stacy
Oregon State University
Dr. David T. Bearden
Dr. Natalea A. Braden
Dr. Gary E. DeLander
Dr. Myrna Y. Munar
Dr. Philip J. Proteau
Sullivan University
Dr. Raghunandan Yendapally
Temple University
Dr. Anna Wodlinger
Pacific University Oregon
Dr. Brad S. Fujisaki
Texas A&M Health
Science Center
Dr. Mary L. Chavez
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Dr. Curt J. Carlson
Texas Southern University
Dr. Edward C. Bell
Purdue University
Dr. Kevin M. Sowinski
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center
Dr. Craig D. Cox
Dr. Kenneth L. McCall III
Dr. Reza Mehvar
Dr. James Stoll
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
news in brief
The Ohio State University
Dr. Kenneth M. Hale
Dr. Werner Tjarks
The University of Arizona
Dr. Michael Mayersohn
Dr. John E. Murphy
The University of
British Columbia
Dr. Mary H.H. Ensom
Dr. David W. Fielding
Dr. Lucy Marzban
Ms. Tessa Nicholl
Dr. Ronald E. Reid
Dr. Wayne Riggs
Dr. Adil Virani
The University of Georgia
Dr. Robin L. Southwood
The University of Iowa
Dr. Michael E. Ernst
Dr. Michelle A. Fravel
Dr. Kathleen E. Horner
Dr. Ryan B. Jacobsen
Dr. Deanna L. McDanel
Dr. Jeffrey C. Reist
Dr. John M. Swegle
Thomas Jefferson University
Dr. Emily R. Hajjar
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Dr. Edward (Ted) B. Roche
Touro College of Pharmacy New York
Dr. John D. Bauer
Dr. Keith Veltri
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Dr. Adam M. Persky
Touro University
Dr. Brett H. Heintz
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Neal J. Benedict
University at Buffalo, The State
University of New York
Dr. Nicole Paolini-Albanese
University of Puerto Rico
Dr. Jorge Duconge
University of Arkansas for Medical
Dr. Eddie B. Dunn
University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Mark Baje
Dr. Kevin Box
Dr. James Gasper
Dr. Jeff Lansman
Dr. Nancy Nkansah
Dr. Norman J. Oppenheimer
Dr. Paula Rivera
University of Charleston
Dr. Gannett P. Monk
University of Rhode Island
Dr. Erica L. Estus
University of Southern California
Dr. Roscoe Atkinson
Dr. Tien M. Ng
Dr. Michael Z. Wincor
University of the Incarnate Word
Dr. Helmut B. Gottlieb
University of the Pacific
Dr. Sian Carr-Lopez
University of the Sciences in
Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore
The University of Kansas
Dr. Rick T. Dobrowsky
University of Cincinnati
Dr. Patricia R. Wigle
The University of Louisiana at Monroe
Dr. Christopher Betz
Dr. Benny L. Blaylock
Dr. Seetharama Jois
Dr. Michelle O. Zagar
University of Colorado Denver
Dr. Douglas N. Fish
Dr. Ty H. Kiser
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Dr. Beth A. Martin
University of Connecticut
Dr. Brian J. Aneskievich
University of Wyoming
Dr. Kem P. Krueger
University of Florida
Dr. Gerald E. Gause
Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Joanne Peart
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Dr. Daniela Guendisch
Dr. R. Scott Holuby
Dr. Kenneth R. Morris
Ms. Mimi F. Pezzuto
Washington State University
Dr. Mark W. Garrison
Dr. Raymond M. Quock
The University of Mississippi
Dr. Stephen J. Cutler
Dr. Daniel M. Riche
The University of Montana
Dr. David S. Freeman
Dr. Lisa V. Wrobel
The University of New Mexico
Dr. Mark T. Holdsworth
The University of Oklahoma
Dr. Tracy M. Hagemann
The University of Texas
at Austin
Dr. Carolyn M. Brown
The University of Toledo
Dr. Mary F. Powers
Ms. Kimberly A. Schmude
The University of Utah
Dr. Karen M. Gunning
University of Washington
Dr. Nanci L. Murphy
University of Kentucky
Dr. Mikael D. Jones
Dr. James R. Pauly
West Virginia University
Dr. Jason D. Huber
Dr. Lena M. Maynor
Mr. W. Clarke Ridgway
Dr. Mary K. Stamatakis
University of Maryland
Dr. Peter Swaan
Western University of Health Sciences
Dr. Huan (Mark) M. Nguyen
University of Minnesota
Dr. Michael C. Brown
Dr. Angela K. George
Wilkes University
Dr. Jonathan D. Ference
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Dr. Cameron C. Lindsey
Dr. Patricia A. Marken
Wingate University
Dr. Olga M. Klibanov
Xavier University of Louisiana
Dr. Camtu N. Ho
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Patient Safety Focus of Immersive
Virtual Environment for Training
Pharmacists at Purdue
Cost and limited availability of pharmacy
clean rooms—sterile environments where
pharmacists prepare materials that need
to be guaranteed contamination-free—
make it difficult for students to gain experience in such a facility.
But thanks to a Purdue University project, it is now easier for students to train
in proper clean-room procedures using a
flight simulator-like virtual version. The
3-D immersive environment—think the
holodeck of the Starship Enterprise—was
created from hundreds of digital photos
of actual hospital clean rooms and even
includes ambient sound recorded in
those facilities.
“It gave us a first-hand feel of what we can
expect,” said Tara Holt, a third-year Purdue student pharmacist. “The detail that
was put into this project really helped
make it as close to reality as possible.”
part of Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP), the university’s central information technology organization, and
ITaP’s Rosen Center for Advanced Computing. It uses cutting-edge techniques,
virtual environments among them, to
explore new methods for research and
lows them to navigate and manipulate
it. Head-tracking capability adjusts the
view as a user looks around, or “walks”
through the environment, which is detailed down to the labels on the medicine bottles. The software also has been
modified to run on desktop and laptop
Astronauts and pilots train in flight simulators, Abel reasoned, so why not student
pharmacists? He collaborated with Envision Center Managing Director Steve
Dunlop, who enlisted help from Purdue
Computer Graphics Technology Department students.
The virtual clean room was created from
hundreds of digital pictures taken at
Clarian Health Partners and Wishard
Health Services in Indianapolis, facilities
compliant with USP 797, the federal regulation governing pharmacy clean rooms.
The computer-graphics technology students also captured ambient sound and
included it in the simulator.
“To our knowledge, this is the only virtual clean room,” Dunlop said. Student
pharmacist Lindsey Corbets said the virtual clean room let her practice what she
has been taught and explore how a clean
room is set up. But she sees possibilities
beyond that.
The result stunned Jill Tyner when students began working in the virtual environment during the first semester of
2009. Her reaction wasn’t atypical.
“The technology that made this possible
Generally found in hospitals and home
healthcare companies, pharmacy clean “I think virtual reality technology is going is unbelievable,” said Tyner, a Purdue
rooms are used to prepare drugs, intra- to become a very big part of teaching,” student pharmacist. “After this experivenous drips, syringes, chemotherapy said Corbets. “It can be used in many dif- ence, I would feel comfortable stepping
treatments and the like, especially those ferent types of classes, from simulating into a clean room and explaining the difadministered directly into the blood- clean rooms all the way to showing what ferent areas.”
stream—a factor that makes vital the use the inside of a body could look like.”
The virtual clean room is not perfect—
of a clean room and proper clean-room
procedures. Concern over the rise of The Envision Center is exploring several and that’s by design. Abel asked Carrie
antibiotic-resistant pathogens has only other immersive virtual training projects Jacobs, a sixth-year pharmacy doctoral
for healthcare and for geriatric care pur- student, Sheetal Patel, a Purdue pharincreased the need for such expertise.
poses, as well as for first responders and macy fellow, and Ashley Vincent, a pharThe number of clean rooms where stu- emergency personnel and construction macy resident, to test the simulator before bringing in students and to prepare
dent pharmacists can train is limited, managers.
a lab curriculum for use with the facility.
however. When the training involves
real materials, it also can be expensive, A Purdue Provost’s instructional grant, Version one, they decided, was a bit too
sometimes prohibitively so. Dr. Steven along with funding from Purdue’s phar- clean.
R. Abel, assistant dean for clinical pro- macy school, paid development costs for
The Envision Center team added a pop
grams in the Purdue University School of the virtual clean room.
can to a refrigerator for medicines, some
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
immerempty cardboard boxes along a wall,
said Purdue student pharmacists tend to
get brief training at the end of their third sive environment at the Envision Center improperly stored syringes, misplaced
year, just before they serve a practicum and will work on wall-sized panels and medicine bottles and other clean room
portable display systems, too. The equip- no-nos. Abel said the idea is to help
that could land them in a clean room.
ment employs 3-D glasses and a wireless teach proper clean-room procedures by
The situation got Abel thinking when controller (similar to a Nintendo Wii having students identify improper items
he toured Purdue’s Envision Center for controller) to put users in the middle of included in the virtual environment.
Data Perceptualization. The center is the virtual world being projected and al-
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
awards section
Top: Dr. Steven R. Abel, assistant dean for clinical programs
in the Purdue University School
of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, points out features of
the virtual clean room to students
navigating the immersive environment. The virtual clean room
was modeled from hundreds of
digital pictures taken at real hospital pharmacy clean rooms.
Right: Ashley H. Vincent, a Purdue pharmacy resident and
virtual clean room instructor, introduces students to the virtual
pharmacy clean room, which is
running in the background in
an immersive, 3-D environment
at Purdue’s Envision Center for
Data Perceptualization.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
University of Southern Nevada faculty member Dr. Christina Madison
and the Southern Nevada Health District nursing staff provided free
immunizations as part of a collaboration with Catholic Charities for
the World Refugee Day event.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Raising the Bar
University of Southern Nevada College of Pharmacy provides
enhanced clinical pharmacy services to Las Vegas Valley
by Maureen O’Hara
In July 2009, the University of
Southern Nevada (USN) College
of Pharmacy celebrated its 10th
anniversary as the state’s first
and only college of pharmacy.
Among the college’s many
accomplishments during its
first decade is the successful
placement of clinical pharmacy
faculty into all of the major
hospital systems in the Las
Vegas Valley, significantly raising
the level of pharmacy practice in
the Valley and in turn, providing
better patient care.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
At the time of the college’s inception,
only two major hospitals in the Las Vegas Valley had clinical pharmacists. Now
all hospitals in the Valley have either cofunded or fully-funded USN College of
Pharmacy clinical faculty staffing and
rounding with physicians.
The effort to introduce clinical pharmacy services to all hospitals began after an
ad hoc committee of practice faculty was
formed to assess the college’s needs and
identify different clinical positions required both in the classroom and on rotation sites. Simultaneously, the college’s
administration was reaching out to acute
care hospitals in the Las Vegas Valley to
determine what needs they had to fulfill,
hoping that they could help the hospitals
meet their clinical needs while fulfilling
the college’s curricular needs.
Dr. Renee Coffman, dean of the USN
College of Pharmacy, spearheaded the
initiative and first looked to University
Medical Center, a Clark County hospital,
as a site for practice faculty and student
“Medical and nursing students from the
University of Nevada system were doing clinical rotations there and from our
perspective, we really needed some advanced clinical sites as we increased the
number of students over time,” Coffman
Top: USN student pharmacists created a poster
display to communicate the Know your Sign
Campaign, which promoted STD testing and
Middle: USN student pharmacists Robert Miravite and Wendy Nissen provide blood pressure
checks at the World Refugee Day Event.
Right: USN faculty member Dr. Christina Madison, along with USN student pharmacists and
nursing staff, provided free vaccinations including influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertusiss, and
Hepatitis A and B during a Project Homeless
Connect health screening for the homeless
population in the Las Vegas Metropolitan area.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
As the relationship between the hospital and the college developed, Coffman
was able to place additional clinical
pharmacy faculty at the hospital, which
now boasts three fully-funded positions
in internal medicine and approximately
$350–$400,000 in faculty salaries.
One such faculty member is Dr. Mark
Decerbo, associate professor of pharmacy at USN College of Pharmacy, who
holds a practice site at University Medical Center. Decerbo has been instrumental in the recruitment of qualified clinical
faculty, serving on the college’s recruitment committee, meeting with potential
feature story
faculty candidates and attending various
meetings to not only promote available
positions at USN, but careers in pharmacy academia as well.
Other Las Vegas Valley hospitals with
USN College of Pharmacy clinical faculty are Sunrise Hospital and St. Rose
Dominican Hospitals.
“This is a win-win situation for us and
the hospitals,” Coffman said. “They
have received clinical pharmacy services
that allow them to offer more to their
patients, such as help with medication
therapy management and formulary
adherence, while at the same time providing us with opportunities for our students to do rotations and for our clinical
faculty to have practice sites.”
“I have been extremely fortunate to have
the opportunity to educate our students
about public health and how a pharmacist can play an important role in providing this kind of care,” Madison said. “My
goal when I became a pharmacist was to
help people and every day I come home
from working at my practice site and I
feel that I have made a positive impact in
someone’s life.”
Coffman added, “What’s most exciting is the opportunity for students to be
involved in not only public health but
to see patients on a daily basis who are
coming into the district health clinics. So
our students are providing a lot of clinical pharmacy services in addition to the
faculty member.”
USN student pharmacist Robert Miravite checks a patient’s blood pressure at a Health Screening community event.
Two years ago, the USN College of Pharmacy partnered with the Southern Nevada Health District to provide clinical
pharmacy services to the Public Health
District, which serves more than 1.7
million Nevada residents. At the time,
pharmacy services offered by the health
district consisted of a per diem contract
with a pharmacist who repackaged bulk
medications once a month. Coffman met
with district officials and reached an
agreement to place pharmacy faculty in
their clinics to see patients, manage their
medications, and also train the college’s
students doing advance pharmacy practice experiences.
Dr. Christina Madison is the USN College of Pharmacy faculty member who is
fully integrated into all of the Southern
Nevada Health District clinics, which includes sexually transmitted disesase, Tuberculosis, family planning, immunization and HIV clinics. At the Tuberculosis
clinic, Madison’s role is to provide drug
information and therapeutic recommendations to physicians and nursing staff,
and at the immunization clinic, Madison
ensures proper vaccine documentation,
identifies any additional required vaccinations and administers vaccines to
infants, children and adults.
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feature story
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feature story
Academic Pharmacy
in Boston
More than 1,800 members of
the Academy convened in the
birthplace of the American
Revolution in July to attend the
2009 AACP Annual Meeting.
With record-setting numbers of
special sessions on faculty recruitment and retention, pharmacy education assessment,
accreditation and leadership,
meeting attendees left armed
with tools to continue Leading
the Revolution at their home institutions and ready to shape
the future of global healthcare.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
“The success of the Annual Meeting is
that members come together to learn
from and with each other,” said Dr. Lucinda L. Maine, AACP executive vice
president and CEO. “This is an elegantly
simple yet highly essential equation.”
Surpassing last year’s Teachers Seminar
attendance, this year’s event kicked off
the 2009 Annual Meeting on Saturday,
July 18 as more than 300 pharmacy educators gathered at the Westin Boston
Waterfront Hotel to engage each other
about “digital natives” and the promises
and pitfalls of teaching today’s millennial students. Participants brought their
laptops to the interactive session and
worked as teams to prepare presentations in various creative manners not
using PowerPoint. Blogs, Twitter and
podcasting were among the many Web
2.0 topics that were explored.
Across the hotel, five years of Academic
Leadership Fellows Program alumni
gathered for a special reunion and symposium, featuring keynote speaker Dr.
Top: Members of The University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy were voted the most spirited school contingent at the Show
Your School Spirit Welcome Reception on Saturday evening.
Middle: Dr. Rodney J. Ho (left), recipient of the Paul R. Dawson
Biotechnology Award, Dr. Bruce A. Berger (center), recipient of
the Robert K. Chalmers Distinguished Pharmacy Educator Award,
and Dr. Duane D. Miller (right), recipient of the Volwiler Research
Achievement Award, discussed excellence in pharmacy education and research at the Examining Excellence Awards Plenary
on Monday afternoon.
Bottom: The 2009 AACP/Wal-Mart Scholars were feted at a Welcome Reception given by the Council of Faculties and Department Chairs.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the Ernest L.
Arbuckle Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School.
Fellows enjoyed presentations from
legacy speakers, a networking lunch
for sharing memories and camaraderie
among five years of Fellows cohorts.
The University of New Mexico claimed
victory at the Show Your School Spirit
Welcome Reception, which officially
kicked off Annual Meeting festivities on
Saturday evening. Dressed in red shirts
and waving red-and-white foam paws,
College of Pharmacy Dean Dr. John A.
Pieper accepted the top prize donning
a university mascot Lobos hat. Groups
from West Virginia University, Mercer
University and the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
embodied their school’s spirit with
matching hats, decorative jewelry and
homemade t-shirts. The reception also
featured School Posters at which attendees could mingle and network with fellow pharmacy educators.
President Baldwin Seeks to Expand
Pharmacy’s Educational Horizons
AACP President Jeffrey N. Baldwin, professor at the
University of Nebraska Medical Center College of
Pharmacy, announced three major initiatives for the
Academy to pursue over his next year as president:
faculty recruitment and retention and assessment
services, the establishment of a global alliance for
pharmacy education, and maximizing pharmacists’
contributions to primary care. To learn more about
President Baldwin’s “20/20 Vision: Expanding
Pharmacy’s Educational Horizons,” visit the AACP
Web site at
Top: AACP Executive Vice President and CEO Dr. Lucinda L.
Maine (left) and West Virginia University School of Pharmacy
Dean Dr. Patricia A. Chase (right) congratulate Dr. Rae R. Matsumoto (center) on her completion of the Academic Leadership
Fellows Program.
Top right: Immediate Past Speaker of the House Dr. Rodney A.
Carter discusses AACP’s programs, products and services during the Exhibitor’s Opening Reception on Sunday evening.
Bottom: From left: Immediate Past President Dr. Victor A.
Yanchick, AACP Executive Vice President and CEO Dr. Lucinda
L. Maine and President Dr. Jeffrey N. Baldwin.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
William Taylor, best selling author of
Mavericks at Work and founding editor of Fast Company, a magazine that
chronicles the convergence of new ideas,
breakthrough technologies and enduring
values, spoke to a standing-room-only
crowd at the Opening General Session
on Sunday, July 19. Taylor’s captivating
message focused on the importance of
leadership in a time of crisis. He challenged the audience to become innovators and change agents, and to respond
to crises while plowing forward.
“Leaders must go against the status quo
now more than ever,” he said. “Emerge
from this period of turmoil with closer
connections to students and patients, with
more energy from colleagues, and with a
clear and compelling vision of the pharmacist. Remember, a crisis is a terrible
thing to waste. We must respond to those
crises and learn lessons as we go forward.”
Top left: At the 2009 Closing Banquet, Dr. George R.
Spratto (center) was honored with the Distinguished
Service Award.
Top right: Delegates listen to Speaker of the House
Rodney A. Carter at the Final House of Delegates Session on Wednesday, July 22.
Bottom left: AACP Senior Vice President Dr. Kenneth
W. Miller listens to the Academic Leadership Fellows
Program symposium keynote speaker Dr. Rosabeth
Moss Kanter. Miller announced his retirement from
AACP during the Closing Banquet.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Punctuating his message was an example
of London Drugs, a chain of pharmacies
in western Canada at which customers
can do just about everything, from purchasing a wedding license and life insurance to visiting a day spa or consulting
with a pharmacist.
Taylor noted that this company, despite
its seemingly chaotic business operation,
has created an engaging and heartwarming relationship with its surrounding
community and therefore plays a significant role in the lives of its customers on
a daily basis.
feature story
“It’s not enough to focus on efficiency
anymore,” he said. “Look for ways to
make the experience with your students
or patients more meaningful. Create an
emotional and psychological contract
with them.”
Following the opening general session,
Taylor signed more than 100 copies of
Mavericks at Work while talking with attendees about their passion for teaching,
research and service.
Programming at the 2009 Annual Meeting explored new developments in pharmacy education and practice. More than
100 special sessions provided attendees
with a wider range of professional development opportunities. Sessions spanned
four days and focused on innovative
topics such as utilizing Web 2.0 to reach
millennial students and teaching interprofessional education to ultimately
improve patient outcomes. New to this
year’s meeting were four simultaneous
science symposiums that catered to the
diversity of AACP member interests. The
sessions discussed such varied topics as
objective structured clinical examinations, women and the pathway to leadership, nanotechnology and drug development, and enhancing the preparation of
pharmacists and other healthcare professions in the area of patient safety.
Attendees also had two opportunities
to peruse the more than 450 Research
and Education Posters that highlighted
individual and school research activities,
while discussing the latest pharmacy education products and services at each of the
nearly 40 exhibitor booths.
Tuesday night marked the end to another
exceptional Annual Meeting as the Academy
gathered together to celebrate its collective
accomplishments, as well as say goodbye to
two longtime friends and staff of AACP. The
Closing Banquet featured the presentation
of the Rufus A. Lyman Award to authors Dr.
Dick R. Gourley et al. from the Universities
of Tennessee and Memphis for the best pa-
Top right: 2010 Pharm.D. candidate Jennifer Nesiba of
the University of Nebraska Medical Center talks with
other meeting attendees about UNMC faculty member
Dr. Jayashri Sankaranarayanan’s research and education
poster, “Assessing a Community Service Learning Model
of Pharmacy Student Led Education of Diverse Elementary
Bottom: Keynote speaker William Taylor (seated) signed
more than 100 copies of his book, Mavericks at Work, and
spoke with attendees about their passion for research,
teaching and service.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
per published in the American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education. Dr. Gourley
challenged the audience to think about
their own institution’s economic impact
and replicate their study to promote the
societal and fiscal contributions made
by colleges and schools of pharmacy nationwide.
This page
Opposite page
Top left: University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
Dean Dr. Barbara G. Wells (right) and associate dean
for clinical affairs Dr. Leigh Ann Ross (left) discuss Ross’
research and education poster, “Implementation of a
Community-Based Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management Services Model.”
Top right: At the Closing Banquet Tuesday evening, thenAACP president Dr. Victor A. Yanchick thanked members
of the Academy for their commitment and dedication to
pharmacy academia. “It truly has been an honor to represent academic pharmacy and I have learned so much
because of this experience,” he said.
Bottom: AACP Executive Vice President and CEO Dr. Lucinda L. Maine talks with attendees during the Welcome
Reception and School Posters event.
Bottom right: (from left) Dr. Todd D. Sorensen of the University of Minnesota, Dr. Peggy Piascik of the University
of Kentucky and Dr. Russell B. Melchert of the University
of Arkansas for Medical Sciences share memories of the
2005–2006 cohort of the Academic Leadership Fellows
Top right: AACP Vice President for Professional Affairs
Dr. Arlene A. Flynn (right) discusses the Academic Leadership Fellows Program with Dr. Debra A. Copeland of
Northeastern University.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Honoring his significant and sustained
contributions to pharmaceutical education, the Distinguished Service Award
was presented to Dr. George R. Spratto,
dean emeritus at West Virginia University. Dr. Spratto’s successful career spans
more than three decades for which he
thanked his professional colleagues as
well as his late mother, who worked in a
factory so that Dr. Spratto could attend
college. Dr. Cynthia L. Rahel, AACP immediate past president, was presented
with a presidential clock honoring her
continued service to the Association and
to the Academy. Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy Dean Dr. Arthur A. Nelson Jr. accepted the honor on behalf of Dr. Raehl
and thanked her for boldly challenging
the Academy and making a lasting imprint on AACP.
Two members of AACP staff were also
recognized at the banquet for their
nearly 35 years of collective service to
the Academy. Senior vice president Dr.
Kenneth W. Miller and member services
coordinator Sam Tart thanked AACP
and its members for their support and
feature story
dedication to academic pharmacy. Each
will receive a rocking chair as a token of
appreciation from the Association.
AACP would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the meeting’s sponsors and exhibitors, as well as
the many speakers and contributors who
helped make the 2009 Annual Meeting
an unequivocal success. While the bar
has been raised yet again for the 2010
Annual Meeting July 10-–4 in Seattle,
AACP will continue Expanding Our Horizons in pharmacy education and practice. We hope to see you there!
—Maureen O’Hara
Annual Meeting Rebate Program a Success
In these tough economic times, AACP wants to ensure our members have access to the invaluable
programs, products and services that help them prepare America’s future pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and educators. To help alleviate the financial burden on our member institutions, AACP
offered an institutional discount for current members who registered for the full Annual Meeting at
the early-bird rate of $540. Eighty-nine schools took advantage of the rebate program, which collectively saved our members nearly $30,000.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
Pharmacy Education
Creates Its Own
$timulus Package
The state of our nation’s economy is not only taking its toll on
American wallets, but on their health as well. According to a recent
survey by the National Business Group on Health, more than one
in four respondents reported forgoing healthcare treatment to save
money on copayments or insurance costs, and one in five responded that they have skipped taking prescription medications.
Despite these hardships, our nation’s colleges and schools of pharmacy continue to be significant sources of economic stimulation and
key providers of healthcare services to underserved communities.
This year’s Rufus A. Lyman Award was presented to a team of authors who have sparked a national interest in expanding
the data on pharmacy schools’ positive societal and fiscal contributions. Their paper, “The Economic Impact of a
College of Pharmacy,” quantifies the dollar value of economic returns to a community when a college of pharmacy attains its fourfold mission of research, service, patient
care and education.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
Drs. Dick R. Gourley and Shelley I. White-Means, both from The University of Tennessee (UT), and Dr. Jeff Wallace of the University of
Memphis, concluded that the UT College of Pharmacy’s revenue
of $22.4 million resulted in an indirect output impact of more than
$29.2 million, for a total impact of nearly $51.6 million in output (production of goods and services), while supporting 617.4 jobs and total
earnings of $18.5 million during the 2004–2005 school year. To read
their complete text, visit the AJPE Web site at
The research findings of Gourley et al. prompted editors here at
Academic Pharmacy Now to ask our members what they are doing
to positively impact their local and state economies all while improving patient care.
University of Hawaii at Hilo
By the time its inaugural class graduates in 2011, the University
of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo) College of Pharmacy will stimulate more than $50.2 million per year in economic activity in
the state. The college will also support an additional $15 million in earnings, according to a study by a UH Hilo economist.
“If growth continues as planned, our data shows the College
of Pharmacy will more than double its current output, making it a significant growth pole within the university as well as
within the state,” said Dr. David Hammes, UH Hilo professor
of economics.
Hammes conducted an analysis of the current and projected
economic impact of the college. The data was based on the period between 2008 through 2012.
Hammes found in his study that the College of Pharmacy is
bringing in $4.2 million revenue from tuition for the 20082009 academic year. These are tuition dollars that would not
come to Hawaii without this program because UH Hilo is the
 Jul/Aug/Sept
 Jul/Aug/Sept
only school in the Pacific basin that offers a doctorate in pharmacy, Hammes pointed out.
“Building a college that educates pharmacists in Hawaii owes
a great deal to the leadership of Chancellor Rose Tseng and
Dr. Jerry Johnson,” said Dr. David McClain, president of the
10-campus University of Hawaii System. “Their vision and its
execution represent yet another channel via which the university is a positive force in the economy of our state.”
But beyond tuition revenues, students, faculty and staff are
responsible for injecting $7.7 million into the local economy
this year through increased spending by visitors, attracting
grant and research funds, and on spending for living expenses.
Hammes found that direct expenditures of $12 million result
in a total increase of $22.8 million in increased demand for final goods and services within the state and supports 274 new
jobs statewide. These impacts will grow as the college expands,
Hammes said.
feature story
The University of Texas at Austin
Tough economic times have forced some
Americans to turn to self-care, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and alternative medicines,
but researchers at The University of Texas
at Austin (UT Austin) College of Pharmacy
warn that doing so may be putting patients’
health at risk.
“Sufferers of various ailments are reaching
for these products because of the painful economic downturn, an increased availability of
non-prescription drugs as well as a growing
self-care revolution in the country,” said Renee
Acosta, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy who teaches a course on OTC drugs.
The College of Pharmacy has taught OTC drug
courses for years and this fall hired a faculty
member to teach complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The college also has a
faculty member who specializes in herbal use
among Mexican Americans and another who
studies CAM patterns in African Americans.
“Botanicals and nutritional supplements can
be extremely helpful to patients when used
under the care of a qualified practitioner or
with proper knowledge,” said Rosa Schnyer, a
doctor of acupuncture and Chinese botanical
medicine who joined the faculty this semester.
His research has shown that more and more
people, particularly along the U.S.-Mexican
border, are using herbal products instead of
conventional medicines to treat health problems but are failing to inform a physician.
“Although medicinal plants are commonly
assumed to be a safe, inexpensive and natural alternative to conventional medications,
some herbal products could potentially pose a
health risk to consumers,” Rivera said.
“It is important for pharmacists to know
which non-prescription botanical and nutritional pharmaceuticals are safe for patients to
use over the counter and which may interact
negatively with their medications,” she said,
adding that 62 percent of adults in the U.S.
use some form of CAM to either augment or
replace conventional medical care.
African Americans are also substantial users of CAM therapies yet little is known
about their patterns of CAM use. Dr. Carolyn
Brown, professor of pharmacy, has been trying to find out. Her study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, looks at patterns of
CAM use in African Americans. She is exploring patients’ treatment decisions, particularly
as they relate to use of prescribed medications
and complementary and alternative treatment
Dr. José O. Rivera, assistant dean in the College
of Pharmacy and director of the UT El PasoUT Austin Cooperative Pharmacy Program,
in collaboration with Dr. Armando GonzálezStuart, has been studying herbal use and potential problems for the past eight years.
Her research focuses on understanding cultural and social elements that may affect both
quality of care and therapeutic outcomes of
patients with chronic illnesses, particularly
ethnic minority patients who experience a
disproportionate burden of poor health.
Top: There are more than 100,000 over-the-counter (OTC) drugs on the market, says Renee Acosta, who teaches an
OTC course in The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy. As more and more drugs switch from prescription
to over the counter, she recommends seeking advice from a pharmacist when buying these products.
Bottom: Dr. José O. Rivera’s research has shown that more and more people, particularly along the U.S.-Mexican border, are using herbal products instead of conventional medicines but are failing to inform a physician about their use.
This photo of an herbal stand in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, was taken for his study of herbal stores.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
Loma Linda University
One of the many ways in which colleges and schools of pharmacy impact their local economy is by providing free patient care
at local health fairs to underserved members of the community.
Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy students and faculty
did just that when they provided valuable health information
and medication counseling to more than 75 residents of Moreno
Valley, Calif. during a four-hour health fair in May.
The health fair, sponsored by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and staffed
by School of Pharmacy faculty and students, represented the
first time the school’s professional student organizations collaborated to provide community service.
Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy first-year
student pharmacists Connie Elejalde, Erin Carpenter
and Emily Garispe helped Moreno Valley residents with
their diabetes. Having easy access to health information
is a significant perk for a community that suffers from a
higher-than-average unemployment rate.
Residents received diagnostic testing for such diseases as osteoporosis, diabetes and hypertension. They also received counseling for cholesterol, cough and cold, asthma, heartburn and their
existing medications. Each booth focused on a specific disease
state and was managed by one of the student professional organizations. One faculty member was also assigned to each booth
to mentor the student pharmacists.
The economic impact of the health fair is significant because of
the challenging financial situation facing many Moreno Valley
residents. The socio-economic make up of Moreno Valley is primarily struggling immigrant families that are on a tight budget
and work in service or skill-based jobs.
University of Connecticut
At the University of Connecticut (UConn) School of Pharmacy,
providing care to the uninsured is a top priority, as well as an
opportunity for interprofessional collaboration and positive
stimulation to the local economy. In cooperation with UConn’s
schools of Dental Medicine, Medicine, and Nursing, the School
of Pharmacy takes part in the Urban Service Track Program,
established to prepare healthcare professionals committed to
providing healthcare to underserved populations in Connecticut’s inner cities. These Urban Health Scholars obtain clinical
training experiences in urban communities, serving those who
cannot afford healthcare, including the homeless, migrant farm
workers and other underserved groups.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The economy in New Jersey has also been hit hard in 2009.
Dr. Enid Morales, a clinical associate professor at the Ernest
Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey, is devoted to providing crucial medication therapy
management to members of underserved communities in New
Brunswick, New Jersey.
She recently consulted with a 15-year-old girl at the Eric B.
Chandler Health Center who had not been taking her asthma
medication. Joining her were two student pharmacists on their
first clinical rotations. Together, they spent the next half hour
with the teenager, educating her about the pathophysiology of
asthma and the important role medication plays in controlling
disease progression.
Patients may skip medications for lack of money or miss appointments for lack of cab fare. Cultural beliefs and educational barriers may interfere with patients’ adherence to medical
and pharmaceutical regimens. Patients concerned about lost
wages or missed school days may neglect to attend follow-up
care. Limited access to healthy foods may hamper patients’ efforts to control diabetes or hypertension through diet. All of
these considerations—and more—must come into play when
Morales and her students counsel patients.
This innovative program is the only one in New Jersey that allows student pharmacists to train under the mentorship of a
clinical pharmacist at an outpatient community health center.
Assisting Morales—and learning valuable professional and sociocultural lessons—are sixth-year student pharmacists serving
advanced clinical clerkships in ambulatory care.
The work of Morales and her students is made more complex
by the social and health challenges of their patients, who have
multiple hardships and few economic resources. Many of the
center’s patients have serious chronic illnesses, including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and HIV/AIDS.
Struggles with employment, housing, literacy and domestic issues may compound their medical problems.
“The ‘best’ medication is not good therapy if the patient can’t afford
it,” said Dr. Enid Morales of Rutgers’ Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
Working as the onsite pharmacist at a community health center, the
professor has mentored nearly 100 students, including Hasham Khawaja (right), through a clinical clerkship program providing direct patient
care and pharmaceutical services to a low-income minority population.
Oregon State University
Oregon State is also helping to deal with the nationwide crisis of the uninsured through federally-qualified
health centers that receive funding and support from
the Health Resources and Services Administration. One
such place is the Community Health Centers of Benton
and Linn Counties (CHCBLC). This organization operates four community health centers, two of which are
school-based. The main health center, located in Corvallis, Ore., is less than a mile from the Oregon State
University College of Pharmacy. The partnership between these two organizations has created a scenario
in which the health center, College of Pharmacy and
patients reap many benefits.
Faculty from the Oregon State University College of
Pharmacy entered into a partnership with the CHCBLC
in 2006. Clinical faculty provide services in two of the
four locations, which include disease state management
in chronic pain, diabetes and hypertension. Consults on
complex medication regimens can also be requested.
The partnership between the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties and the Oregon State
University College of Pharmacy has created unique
and beneficial opportunities for both organizations.
Most importantly is that the health center’s patients
have benefited from the partnership. They now have an
additional healthcare provider focused on improving
health outcomes through the safe, appropriate use of
drug therapies, as well as a resource for managing their
own health.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
feature story
University of Pittsburgh
Over on the East Coast, the Grace Lamsam Pharmacy Program for the Underserved at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy is also providing free patient care to underserved Pittsburgh communities and its economic
impact is felt throughout the region.
For more than 10 years, the Lamsam Program has partnered with community
agencies, such as Health Care for the Homeless, and works to ensure that costeffective medicines are available in adequate quantities in community clinics.
This past year, the Health Care for the Homeless served 6,000 patients in almost 18,000 visits. This translates into a cost-avoidance of nearly $750,000
each year because of the availability of cost-effective medications onsite. In
addition, the School of Pharmacy supports faculty students and residents who
provide clinical pharmacy services at eight clinic sites weekly.
The Lamsam Program also provides clinical pharmacy services at the North
Side Christian Health Center. Forty percent of patients who utilize this urban community health center are uninsured. Prior to the program’s involvement with the Health Center, patients with diabetes struggled to monitor their
blood sugars or even access essential medication such as insulin. The School
of Pharmacy faculty, pharmacy residents and students assist the patients with
the paperwork necessary to access free medications and supplies.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Thanks to newly-created pages on the school’s Web site titled
“Medical Outreach and Global Health Initiative,” Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy is making it easy for
its students to help underserved and lower-income communities while also helping to alleviate the financial burden on many
patients who seek quality healthcare services.
Dr. Evan Sisson, assistant professor of pharmacy and Web page
creator, wanted to make basic outreach information more accessible for students.
Examples of recent projects include the 2007 and 2008 Remote
Area Medical Health Expedition in Wise County, Va. During
the 2008 RAM expedition, nearly 1,600 volunteers provided
5,475 services to 2,670 patients. Among those volunteers were
14 VCU School of Pharmacy students and two faculty members
who spent nearly three days working with patients who had no
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
medical insurance.
While 2009 figures are not yet available, RAM organizers said
a total of $1,725,418 worth of free medical care was provided
at the 2008 event.
Two other large community outreach efforts are the VCU
School of Pharmacy Health Fair and the VCU/MCV Campus
Community Health Fair. This year, the school’s third annual
health fair at a local middle school offered a twist on the usual:
in addition to 17 patient-education booths and diabetes and
hypertension screenings, health-education classes designed
specifically for second through seventh graders were available.
While their parents visited the “adult” portion of the fair, children were invited to participate in interactive mini-classes on
topics such as heart health, nutrition, substance abuse, poison
and smoking prevention.
feature story
Washington State University
While most pharmacy professors don’t make home visits to isolated elderly people in need of help, the same cannot be said
for Dr. Stephen M. Setter, associate professor of pharmacy at
Washington State University (WSU) College of Pharmacy.
Setter and two other WSU pharmacy professors—Drs. Joshua
Neumiller and Brian Gates—help the Spokane, Wash. Mental
Health agency and the Visiting Nurse Association of Spokane
provide services to people with little or no safety net. At the
invitation of the social worker or nurse, they and a few student
pharmacists visit a patient at home, review their medications,
examine their drug regimen and look for signs of drug interactions. They then make recommendations on how to improve the
patient’s therapy and also go on follow-up visits to see that the
patient is being compliant.
A fellow WSU professor has made recent progress with another
underserved group. For two weeks in October, Dr. Lisa Woodard and six student pharmacists drove approximately 45 miles
outside of Spokane and set up a diabetes screening station at the
Chewelah Casino, owned and operated by the Spokane Tribe.
Brian Presley, a Washington State University student pharmacist, engages with Laurence McCarthey at a diabetes screening in October 2008.
The group attracted 68 patients and did random blood glucose tests, blood pressures and body composition testing. Participants also received information on how they could make
healthier lifestyle choices. Three participants were referred to a
physician and all participants were invited to meet the students
again at the casino in April for a follow-up visit.
University of Washington
Students and faculty at the University of Washington
(UW) School of Pharmacy facilitate and participate in
a wide array of health programs that are free-of-charge
to members of their local community, all of which have
a significant positive impact throughout the Pacific
Northwest and beyond.
During the 2007–08 NFL season, for example, several
student pharmacists helped Novartis Pharmaceuticals
with its pilot Tackle Hypertension project. The students checked patients’ blood pressure and offered insight on hypertension at Seattle Seahawks home games
as well as at area Costco stores during the weekends.
Preventing or treating hypertension can reduce the incidence of stroke in the United States by 31 percent and
heart failure by 48 percent, according to Hypertension:
Principles and Practice. And given that the AHA estimates that stroke and heart disease will cost the United
States a combined $234 billion this year, such reductions can mean huge savings to the healthcare system.
With this in mind, the NFL and Novartis expanded the
Tackle Hypertension project during the 2008-09 season, launching similar initiatives in six additional NFL
cities. And UW student pharmacists were once again
called upon to help at Seahawks games.
In addition to participating in these kinds of external
projects, UW student pharmacists also regularly coordinate their own health fairs, workshops and programs
to deal with a wide range of important health issues.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
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faculty news
Faculty News
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
• Jeffrey Brewer, associate professor of pharmacy practice, Albany
• Ronald A. DeBellis, assistant
dean, Vermont Campus
• Paul Denvir, assistant professor,
sociology and communication,
Albany Campus
• Lynn Evans, assistant professor,
psychology, Albany Campus
• Salvatore Morana, assistant
professor, pharmacy practice,
Vermont Campus
• Marcel Musteata, assistant professor, pharmaceutics, Albany
• Anthony Nicasio, assistant
professor, pharmacy practice,
Albany Campus
• Amit P. Pai, associate profes-
sor, Pharmacy Practice, Albany
• Michael Racz, assistant professor, biostatistics, Albany Campus
• Leon E. Cosler has been selected as a reviewer for grant
applications to the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality
• Arnold Johnson has been appointed to the editorial board of
the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.
• John Polimeni has been awarded
a Fulbright Scholar grant to
lecture and do research at the
Academy of Economic Studies in
Bucharest, Romania.
• Ray Chandrasekara was promoted to associate professor with
tenure in the Department of Arts
and Sciences.
• Carlos A. Feleder was promoted
to associate professor with
tenure in the Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Kevin M. Hickey was promoted
to associate professor with
tenure in the Department of Arts
and Sciences.
• Nicole M. Lodise was promoted
to associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice.
• Robert M. Levin received
$82,275 from Astellas Pharma
Global Development for his
grant application titled “Effect of solifenacin alone or in
combination with antioxidants
in the treatment of experimental
overactive bladder dysfunction in
Auburn University
• Paul W. Jungnickel was elected
for a third 2-year term as National Secretary of the Rho Chi
Pharmacy Honor Society.
• Krisan T. Anderson and Faculty
Mentor Pamela Stamm are one
of the 65 student-faculty recipi-
ent pairs for the 2009 AACP/
Wal-Mart Scholars Program.
• Kenneth Neil Barker, Sterling
Distinguished Professor of pharmacy care systems and director
of the Center for Pharmacy Operations and Designs, will retire
effective Oct. l, 2009.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
• Alice C. Ceacareanu was awarded the AMGEN Oncology Leadership Award for 2009 Research
• Eugene M. Morse was selected
to receive a $1,501,194 five-year
AIDS International Training
and Research Program (AITRP)
award from the National Institutes of Health’s Fogarty International Center.
• Karl Fiebelkorn was presented
with the Robert M. Cooper Memorial Award.
• Donald E. Mager was elected as
Fellow in the American College
of Clinical Pharmacology.
• Robert M. Straubinger received a
$236,157 shared instrumentation
grant from the National Center
for Research Resources for a
high-performance computational
cluster to support research in
proteomics in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Core Instrumentation Facility.
• Gayle A. Brazeau was promoted
to professor of pharmacy practice.
University of California, San Francisco
• Susan Desmond-Hellmann was
named chancellor of UCSF.
• Christopher Cullander has accepted the position of campus
director of institutional research.
University of Cincinnati
• Teresa M. Cavanaugh, assistant
professor, Division of Pharmacy
Practice and Administrative Sciences
• Kelly T. Epplen, assistant professor, Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences
• Gary A. Gudelsky, co-investigator
with Neil Richtand, received
funding from Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific Affairs for $160,000
for a research project titled “Paliperidone, glutamate and dopamine in a primary schizophrenia
prevention model.”
• Gary A. Gudelsky, co-investigator on an NIH grant with Neil
Richtand (PI), was awarded
$400,000 for two years for the
project “Antipsychotics, hypoglycemia, glutamate and cognition.”
• Pamela C. Heaton received
funding from the state of Ohio in
the amount of $1.2 million for a
Medtapp DUR program.
• Gerald B. Kasting received an
award of $491,139 for a threeyear project titled “Prediction
of Epidermal Bioavailability of
Contact Allergens.” The project
is sponsored by COLIPA, the European Cosmetics and Toiletries
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
• Jill M. Boone, professor, Division of Pharmacy Practice and
Administrative Sciences
• Karen A. Gregerson, granted
tenure, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Pamela C. Heaton, associate professor with tenure, Division of
Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences
• Karissa Y. Kim, associate professor, Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences
Caut s at
Mem rk
Members Working For
faculty Dr. Mary Monk-Tutor, pharmacy professor
at Samford University, has an interest in established pharmacies, especially those with
soda fountains, because of their rich cultural
and professional history in the community. So
when she took a six-month sabbatical from
the McWhorter School of Pharmacy four years
ago, she used it as an opportunity to travel
throughout the Southeast and document their
history through interviews and photographs.
Two dogs, an RV and seven states later, MonkTutor and her husband Terry created Drug
Store Soda Fountains of the Southeast, a coffee table book that chronicles their journey.
She tells Academic Pharmacy Now about their
adventure below.
Describe what the book is about. What
types of pharmacies did you visit?
The book includes the history of more than 50
of these unique pharmacies scattered across
Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, the
Carolinas and Tennessee, along with full color
photographs and nostalgic soda fountain recipes. Many of these pharmacies are over 100
years old. We also included a few other pharmacies in the book that did not have a soda
fountain because they were just so interesting that we could not leave them out. A few
of these are Chelsea Apothecary in Chelsea,
Ala., Bondurant’s Pharmacy in Lexington, Ky.
and Corner Drug Store in Vicksburg, Miss.
How did you and your husband embark
on this project?
We wanted to be able to collaborate on something and thought that my sabbatical project
would be a good opportunity for this. So, we
needed a project topic that involved something related to pharmacy and fine arts. We
also wanted to be able to travel together as a
family. I have an interest in established pharmacies, especially those that still have soda
fountains. When we looked at all of those
things together, we came up with the idea
Pharmacy Educator Takes
Trip Down Memory Lane
of traveling around in a motor home with our
dogs, visiting drug store soda fountains. We
would have loved to visit every state, but my
sabbatical was only six months long (and gas
was close to $3/gallon) so we restricted our
geographical area to the South.
better balance and perspective in my life. Four
years later, I am still working on my sabbatical project by promoting the book. I continue
to plan additional research on the topic and
hope to have an opportunity to take another
sabbatical in the future.
Who did you interview? Did you hear
any interesting stories while talking with
locals and pharmacists?
What feedback have you received from
your colleagues and students?
I interviewed the owners and managing pharmacists at each pharmacy, along with other
store employees and even some customers.
One of my favorite anecdotes from the trip occurred in Brent’s Pharmacy in Jackson, Miss.
when an elderly customer told me that he
loved to bring his grandson to the soda fountain because “it’s the only place that’s exactly
the same as when I was a kid.” Other favorite anecdotes include the fact that Hoskins
Drug Store in Clinton, Tenn. had a successful, full-service beauty salon inside the store
until 2000. Bell’s Pharmacy in Sebree, Ky. still
makes cherry colas using a syrup dispenser
they purchased in 1936.
You were on a sabbatical while working
on the book. What did taking a sabbatical mean for your career?
While a sabbatical is often presented as a perk
in academia, it can be difficult for those of us
in pharmacy to actually take one because of
ongoing responsibilities. Although no one
in my school of pharmacy had applied for a
sabbatical in about 20 years, my dean and
department chair at the time were both very
The best things about my sabbatical were having the opportunity to spend so much concentrated time with my family and to simply slow
down the pace of my life a little bit. Focusing
on one major project was actually difficult for
me to adjust to after years of multitasking, but
once I got used to the new pace, I regained a
The response has been overwhelmingly positive and not just from those involved in pharmacy. I think anyone who grew up going to a
local drug store soda fountain has wonderful
memories of that and appreciates the history
and the nostalgia of the book. Student pharmacists who did not realize such a thing exists
have also been interested in the novelty of the
idea of serving food in the pharmacy. I’ve had
the opportunity to make presentations about
the project at national professional meetings
and for local organizations, and it is always
very well received.
How can someone purchase the book?
Drug Store Soda Fountains of the Southeast
($48) was published in December 2008 by
Health Care Logistics. It is available online at and at
or by phone from Gifts for Healthcare Professionals at 1-800-276-1109.
Drug Store
of the Southeast
Mary Monk-Tutor and
Terry Tutor
Remember to submit your Faculty News today!
It’s fast and easy to make sure your college or school of pharmacy is
featured in the Faculty News section of Academic Pharmacy Now.
Pharmacy now
Visit the AACP Web site at and
the School
Submission Form on the News and Publications portion of the new site.
faculty news
Drake University
• Michael T. Andreski, assistant
professor of social and administrative sciences
• Cheryl Clarke, assistant professor
of pharmacy practice
• Kim Huey, associate professor of
health sciences
• Andrea L. Kjos, assistant professor of social and administrative
• Ginelle Schmidt, assistant professor of pharmacy practice
• Matthew Hubble was named
Adjunct Preceptor of the Year.
• June F. Johnson received certification as a Board Certified
Advanced Diabetes Manager.
• Linda Kalin was named Riche
Preceptor of the Year.
• Carrie Koenigsfeld was named
CPHS Preceptor of the Year.
• Lon N. Larson received the 2009
Lawrence C. and Delores M.
Weaver Medal of Honor.
• Chuck Phillips received the
Hartig Distinguished Professor
• Renae J. Chesnut received the
Hartig Faculty Development
• Heidi J. Price was named CPHS
Mentor of the Year.
• John Gitua is the non-CPHS
Teacher of the Year.
• Robert P. Soltis recently was
named the first recipient of the
C. Boyd Granberg Professional
Leadership Award for his service
to professional pharmacy organizations.
• David P. Zgarrick has been selected as a 2008–09 Fellow of the
American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmaceutical
Research and Science (APhAAPRS).
• The Iowa Board of Regents has
awarded a $60,000 grant from
the Grow Iowa Values Fund to
Pramod Mahajan for a new laboratory for training and research in
• June F. Johnson has been promoted to chair of the Department
Pharmacy Practice.
• Richard J. Morrow, professor of
pharmacology, retired this year.
University of Florida
• Leslie Hendeles was invited to
be one of 13 voting members to
serve on the Pulmonary-Allergy
Drugs Advisory Committee of the
Food and Drug Administration.
• Hendrik Luesch has received
a two-year, $641,000 National
Institutes of Health/National
Cancer Institute grant under the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
for “Chemistry and Biology of
Largazoles.” Luesch also has been
selected as one of 10 inaugural
recipients of the Jack Wessel
Excellence Awards for Assistant
• Working under the mentorship
of Hendrik Luesch, Jason Kwan,
a graduate student in medicinal
chemistry, was awarded the 2009
American Society of Pharmacognosy Student Research Award.
• Two researchers in the UF College of Pharmacy have received
2009 Opportunity Funds Awards
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
from the UF Division of Sponsored Research: Hendrik Luesch
received $86,000 for his research,
In vivo target identification
and antitumor efficacy of novel
anticancer agents. Sihong Song
received $80,000 for his research,
Alpha 1 antitrypsin for treatment
of lupus.
• Efe Odia has been awarded a
$3,000 Health Science Student
Fellowship from the Epilepsy
Foundation for Cost and Quality
of Care in Epilepsy: An Episode
of Care Approach.
faculty news
The University of Findlay
• Debra L. Parker has been appointed chair of the
Pharmacy Practice Department.
University of Houston
• Catherine L. Hatfield has been appointed director,
Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences.
• Russell E. Lewis has been elected at-large director of
the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Board
of Directors.
• Ke-He Ruan has been appointed associate editor of
BMC Biochemistry.
• Kimberly K. Birtcher has been awarded Fellow status
with the National Lipid Association.
• Rajender R. Aparasu has received a one-year, $98,000
grant for his project, Impact of Atypical Antipsychotic
Use on Health Care Utilization in the Elderly.
• Anees A. Banday has received a three-year, $308,000
grant from the American Heart Association for his
research into Oxidative Stress and Transcriptional
Regulation of Renal AT1 Receptors in Hypertension.
• Diana S-L. Chow has received a $66,137 grant from
the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation-North
American Clinical Trials Network for Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Evaluations of Riluzole in
36 Acute Spinal Cord Injured (ASCI) Patients, and a
$44,557 grant from TOLMAR Inc. for Comparative
In Vitro Evaluations of TOLMAR’s Liposomal Doxorubicin with Doxil.
• Jason Eriksen has received a one-year, $99,970 grant
from the Alzheimer’s Association for his study, Role
of PGRN in Microglial Activity in Alzheimer’s Disease; and a two-year, $125,000 grant funded by the
Department of Defense U.S. Army Medical Research
and Materiel Command and awarded by the Alliance
for NanoHealth for his study, Nanoparticle-based
Molecular Imaging of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy,
a Major Risk Factor for Stroke.
• Michael L. Johnson has received a $100,000 grant
from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality for his study, Outcomes of Angiotensin Receptor
Blocker (ARBs) Use for Heart Failure in the Elderly.
• Maria V. Tejada-Simon has received a one-year,
renewal grant of $60,000 from the Fragile X Research
Foundation (FRAXA) for her study, Rac-dependent
Regulation of Neuronal Morphology in Fragile X
• Diana S-L. Chow has been promoted to full professor.
• Michael L. Johnson has been awarded tenure.
• David A. Wallace has been promoted to clinical associate professor.
Idaho State University
• Paul S. Cady has been appointed interim dean to fill
the leadership role with the recent announcement of
Dean Joseph Steiner. Steiner has accepted the position of dean of the University of Wyoming College of
Health Sciences.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
University of Illinois at Chicago
• Michael E. Johnson was invited to serve as a member
of the steering committee for the U.S.-China Roundtable on Scientific Data Cooperation.
• Hayat Onyuksel accepted an invitation to serve as
a member of the Nanotechnology Study Section,
Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of
Health, for the 2008–2009 term.
• William T. Beck was elected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Member-atLarge of the Section on Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Norman R. Farnsworth received the 2009 Mary
Swartz Rose Senior Investigator Award from the
American Society for Nutrition.
• Scott G. Franzblau was selected as a 2009 Teaching
Recognition Program Award recipient.
• Robert E. Gaensslen was selected as the 2009 Honors College Fellow of the Year by the UIC Honors
College Fellow of the Year Selection Committee.
• Kristen L. Goliak received the 2008 Pharmacists
Mutual Insurance Company’s Distinguished Young
Pharmacist Award presented by the Illinois Pharmacists Association.
• Charles P. Woodbury, associate professor of medicinal chemistry, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
and Pharmacognosy
The University of Iowa
• Jill Fowler, assistant professor, clinical and administrative pharmacy
• Karen A. Baker was awarded the Hancher-Finkbine
Medallion, which recognizes leadership, learning
and loyalty.
• Erin Thatcher was a first place winner at the 2009
Regional Pappajohn NewVenture Business Plan
• Michael E. Ernst was promoted to full professor.
• Aliasger K. Salem was promoted to associated professor with tenure.
The University of Kansas
• Brian J. Barnes, associate professor of pharmacy
practice with tenure
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
• Karen E. Moeller, clinical associate professor of
pharmacy practice
• Janelle F. Ruisinger, clinical associate professor of
pharmacy practice
faculty news
University of Maryland
• Steven Fletcher was named
an assistant professor in the
Department of Pharmaceutical
• Maureen Kane was named
an assistant professor in the
Department of Pharmaceutical
• Mary Lynn McPherson was appointed to the Maryland State
Advisory Council on Quality
of Care at the End of Life for a
four-year term.
• Gail Rattinger was named a research assistant professor in the
Department of Pharmaceutical
Health Services Research.
• Wanli Smith was named an assistant professor in the Department
of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Peter Swaan was appointed to
the National Institutes of Health
Xenobiotics and Nutrient Disposition and Action Study Section,
where he will serve a three year
• Jia Bei Wang was appointed to
the National Institutes of Health
Molecular Neuropharmacology
and Signaling Study Section for a
four year term.
• Wanda Williams was named an
instructor in the Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Cynthia J. Boyle received the Phi
Lambda Sigma National Leadership Award for exemplifying
leadership qualities in support of
the pharmacy profession.
• David A. Knapp was honored on
May 11 by officials at the University of Maryland, Baltimore with
a life-size oil portrait to be hung
in the new Pharmacy Hall Addition in 2010.
• Gail Rattinger received the 2009
RPS Inc. American Foundation
for Pharmaceutical Education
Pharmacy Faculty Development
Fellowship in Geriatric Pharmacy and a Best New Investigator Podium Presentation award
from the International Society
for Pharmacoeconomics and
Outcomes Research.
• Kathryn A. Walker was certified
as a pain educator by the American Society of Pain Educators.
• Amy Davidoff received $49,936
from the American Association
of Retired Persons for Medicare Out-of-Pocket Spending:
Update and Trend Analysis. She
also received $371,250 from
the National Cancer Institute
for Patient Performance Status:
Prediction Model Development
and Validation.
• C. Daniel Mullins received
$50,000 from the Center for
Medical Technology Policy for
Health Technology, Comparative
Effectiveness Analysis.
Needs of Kidney Transplant
• Mona L. Tsoukleris received
$26,090 from the Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine
for Pediatric Asthma Feedback
and Alert System (PAAL).
• Amy Davidoff, research associate
professor in the Department of
Pharmaceutical Health Services
• Stephen G. Hoag, professor in
the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Charmaine D. Rochester, associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and
• Fadia Shaya, associate professor
in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
• Linda Simoni-Wastila, professor
in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
• Deborah Sturpe, associate
professor in the Department of
Pharmacy Practice and Science
• Hongbing Wang, associate
professor in the Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Francoise Pradel received
$34,858 from the Drug Information Association for Adherence
and Unmet Drug Information
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
University of Kentucky
• Kenneth B. Roberts, dean of the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy since March 2000, has
announced he will step down from that position at
the end of this fiscal year. He has been appointed to
the Earl Platt Slone Endowed Professorship in Pharmacy Practice and Science effective July 1, 2009.
College of Notre Dame of Maryland
• Paulo Carvalho has been appointed assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Anne Y.F. Lin will receive the Alumni Outstanding
Achievement Medal from St. John’s University in
New York.
Mercer University
• Susan W. Miller was appointed to the AACP Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Assessment
and Accreditation Advisory Group.
• Ashish A. Advani was awarded a grant ($21,000)
from Alaven Pharmaceuticals, LLC for the Drug
Information Center.
• Ajay K. Banga was awarded a grant in the amount
of $100,000 from Transport Pharmaceuticals for
“Transdermal Drug Delivery by a Combination of
Microneedles and Iontophoresis.”
• Martin J. D’Souza received a grant from the Georgia Cancer Coalition in the amount of $50,000 for
the study “Nanosphere Based Oral and Transdermal Vaccines for Breast Cancer-Next Generation
of Vaccines.” Dr. D’Souza, also received multiple
grants from the Dialysis Clinic, Inc. for “Effect of
microencapsulated catalase and superoxide dismutase microspheres on oxidative stress” ($12,435);
“Combination of gentamicin and NF-kB microspheres” ($8,937); “Determination of the toxicity of
the microspheres of the anti-sense oligonucleotides
to NF-kB” ($5,644); “Effect of microencapsulated
anti-sense oligomers to NF-kB on cytokine production”($6,142); and “Combination of gentamicin and
NF-kB microspheres” ($8,937).
University of Nebraska Medical Center
• Jeffrey N. Baldwin has been promoted to professor.
The University of New Mexico
• Ludmila Bakhireva was awarded a $100,000 grant
from the Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research
Foundation (ABMRF) for the project, Traditional
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
and Novel Biomarkers in Identification of Moderate
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
faculty news
University of Minnesota
• Nichole M. Kulinski joined the
Department of Pharmaceutical
Care and Health Systems as an
assistant professor.
• Bjoern Bauer will serve as a coinvestigator on a $14,950 grant
awarded by the Whiteside Institute for Clinical Research. The
$14,950 grant will support the
proposal Improving Glioblastoma Chemotherapy Through
• Gunda I. Georg, Derek J. Hook
and Vadim J. Gurvich, along with
James Maher from the Mayo
Clinic, have received funding
through the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and
Medical Genomics in the amount
of $622,693 to support their
project, Small Molecule Screens
for Selective Growth Inhibitors
in a Yeast Model of Familial
• Jon C. Schommer is the recipient of a $86,956 grant from the
Pharmacy Manpower Project for
his project a 2009 Sample Survey
of the Pharmacist Workforce.
• Doneka R. Scott received a
$5,000 grant for an MPSO Leadership Retreat from The Target
Campus Grant Program.
• Timothy P. Stratton received a
$15,000 grant from the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging for
his project, TeleMTM, which
includes MTM interviews for
homebound citizens in Carlton
• Timothy S. Tracy, along with
co-investigators Dick Brundage
and Ilo Leppik, have received
approval for the renewal of their
grant, Pharmacogenetics and
Drug Interactions (Years 5–8).
The grant, involving both in vivo
and in vitro studies to explore
the interplay of genotype and
fraction of drug metabolized on
the extent of drug interactions,
will be renewed in the amount
of $1,171,415 direct costs
($1,768,836 total costs).
• Natalia Y. Tretyakova received
two R01 NIH grant renewals:
DNA Cross-Linking by Diepoxybutane in the amount of
$889,265, and Sequence Distribution of Tobacco CarcinogenDNA Adducts in the amount of
Ohio Northern University
• David Bright, assistant professor
in pharmacy practice
• Donald L. Sullivan was awarded
the Jack L. Beal Post-bacculaureate Alumni Award from The
Ohio State University.
Pharmacists’ Opinions Concerning Required Residencies.
based Design of Broad-spectrum
Glutamate Racemase Inhibitors.
• Janelle Crossgrove, New Investigator Program, AACP, $10,000
for Sex Differences in Beta-Amyloid Removal at the Blood-CSF
• Mark E. Olah, NIH, $150,000 for
Epac1 Signaling in Angiogenesis.
• David F. Kisor, Applied Medical
Research, $5,100 for Absorption
of Aspirin.
• Kimberly A. Broedel-Zaugg and
Desirae Heimann, Ohio Pharmacists Foundation, $750 for Ohio
• Tarek Mahfouz and Amy Stockert, New Investigator Program,
AACP, $10,000 for Structure-
• James B. Reiselman, Apotex,
$75,000 for the development of
a financial management simulation activity for community
• Kelly M. Shields, associate professor with tenure
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
Purdue University
• Steven R. Abel received $60,131
from R.L. Roudebush VA Medical Center for “R.L. Roudebush
VA Medical Center.”
• Eric L. Barker, Gregory H. Hockerman and David E. Nichols
received $209,177 from National
Institutes of Health for “Psychostimulant Recognition by
Serotonin Transporters.”
• Eric L. Barker and Val J. Watts
received $12,000 from Smith
Family Break Thru Fund for
“Drug Screening Assay Development for Niemann-Pick Disease
Type C.”
• Donald E. Bergstrom received
$10,000 from Cornell University
Medical College for “Understanding the Fundamental Properties of Reversible Assembly of
• Vincent J. Davisson received
$56,200 from Trask Trust Fund
for “Reagents for Biomolecular
Labeling, Detection and Quantification Employing Raman
• Robert L. Geahlen received
$25,252 from PHS-NIH National Cancer Institute for “Syk and
Associated Proteins in Breast
Cancer-Amendment B.”
• Robert L. Geahlen received
$24,343 from PHS-NIH National Cancer Institute for “Tyrosine
Protein Kinases and Lymphocyte
Activation-Amendment B.”
• Richard A. Gibbs received
$26,951 from PHS-NIH National Cancer Institute for
“Inhibition of Prenalyted Protein
• Jasmine D. Gonzalvo received
$5,000 from ASHP Research &
Education Foundation for “A
Needs Assessment: Community
Pharmacists Communication
with Spanish-Speaking Patients.”
• Mark A. Green and Kara D.
Weatherman received $25,000
from Cardinal Health for “Cardinal Health Fellowship in Clinical
Nuclear Pharmacy and Radiopharmaceutical Safety.”
• Rodolfo Pinal received $35,000
from Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
for “Identification of Robust
Analytical Strategy for Characterization of Amorphous Formulations.”
• Carol B. Post received $201,963
from PHS-NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases for “Protein Stability
and Antiviral Activity in Human
• Jean-Christophe Rochet received
$199,408 from PHS-NIH National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke for “Membrane Binding and Aggregation
of a-Synuclein.”
• Amy H. Sheehan received
$77,890 from Ortho-McNeil
Janssen Science Affairs LLC for
“Joint Academic/FDA/Industry
Regulatory Pharmaceutical Fellowship.”
• Daniel T. Smith received $24,479
from Clinton Foundation HIV/
AIDS Initiative for “Reformulation Approach to Improving the
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
Oral Absorption of HIV/AIDS
• Daniel T. Smith received $30,000
from Clinton Foundation HIV/
AIDS Initiative for “Reformulation Approach to Improving the
Oral Absorption of Atazanvir.”
• Daniel T. Smith received
$50,000 from Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative for
“Optimization of the Crystallization of Tenofovir Disoproxil
• Lynne S. Taylor received
$217,930 from Virginia Technology for “Enhanced Delivery of
Phytochemicals by Nanodispersion in Polysaccharide Matrices.”
• Ross V. Weatherman received
$1,525 from PHS-NIH National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for
“Novel Bioconjugates as Probes
of Estrogen Receptors.”
• Yoon Yeo received $4,000 from
National Science Foundation for
“Nanostructured Materials for
Future Therapy.”
• Yoon Yeo received $800 from
Samsung Medical Center for
“Dependent of Effectiveness of
Recombinant Human Growth
Hormone on the Routes of Administration.”
• Yoon Yeo and Gregory T. Knipp
received $151,024 from PHSNIH National Cancer Institute
for “Peritumorally Transformable Nanoparticles for Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy of Ovarian
• Yoon Yeo received $120,000
faculty news
from Indiana State Department of Health for “Rapid and
Sustained Axonal Reconnection
for Injured Mammalian Spinal
• Yoon Yeo received $15,102 from
PHS-NIH National Cancer
Institute for “Peritumorally
Transformable Nanoparticles for
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy of
Ovarian Cancer-Amendment B.”
• David R. Foster, associate professor of pharmacy practice
• Changdeng Hu, associate professor of medicinal chemistry and
molecular pharmacology
• Kimberly S. Plake, associate professor of pharmacy practice
• Kevin M. Sowinski, professor of
pharmacy practice
• Alan J. Zillich, associate professor of pharmacy practice
• Rodolfo Pinal, associate professor of industrial and physical
University of Pittsburgh
• Philip Empey, assistant professor
of pharmacy and therapeutics
• Scott M. Mark was selected to
serve on the American Society
of Health-System Pharmacists
Quality Improvement Initiative
Expert Panel.
• Melissa Somma McGivney was
appointed to a second three-year
term as an American College of
Clinical Pharmacy representative to the Pharmacist Services
Technical Advisory Coalition.
• Sharon E. Connor was honored
by the executive board of the
School’s American Pharmacists
Association Academy of Student
Pharmacists as the Faculty Member of the Year for 2009.
• Sandra Kane-Gill has been elected as a Fellow of the American
College of Clinical Pharmacy.
• Edward P. Krenzelok has been
named the School of Pharmacy’s
inaugural Dr. Gordon J. Vanscoy
Chair of Pharmacy.
• Susan M. Meyer, with colleagues
in the University of Pittsburgh’s
School of Nursing and School
of Medicine, has been selected
to receive a University of Pittsburgh Provost’s Innovation in
Education Award for We Need
to Talk: Facilitating Improved Interprofessional Communication
Through the Use of Standardized Colleagues, a project aimed
at improving interprofessional
communication between pharmacists, nurses, and physicians.
• Christine Ruby Scelsi was
selected by the Class of 2008 as
recipient of the Preceptor of the
Year Award.
• Raman Venkataramanan received the 2009 Bristol-Myers
Squibb Mentorship in Clinical
Pharmacology Award from the
American College of Clinical
Pharmacology. Venkataramanan
also received the 2009 University
of Pittsburgh Provost’s Award
for Excellence in Mentoring, an
award that recognizes faculty
for their mentoring of doctoral
• Yuyan Jin was awarded a
Critical Path Research grant for
$120,408 from the FDA CDER
for Public Health Model for
Optimal Use of Antihypertensive
• Susan M. Meyer received
$175,125 from Highmark and
$52,000 from Pfizer for The
Pennsylvania Project: Preparing
Pharmacists for Patient-Centered Care.
• Kim C. Coley was promoted to
the rank professor, pharmacy
and therapeutics.
• Amy C. Donihi, Colleen M. Culley and Sherrie L. Aspinall were
promoted to the rank of associate professor, pharmacy and
• Janice L. Pringle was promoted
to the rank of research associate
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
The University of Oklahoma
• Michael James Smith has been appointed assistant
dean for Tulsa programs.
• Staci M. Lockhart, appointed to clinical associate
professor, Department of Pharmacy, Clinical and
Administrative Sciences
• Kelly M. Standifer has been appointed chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
• Jodi N. Sparkman received the United States Public
Health Service Unit Commendation as a member of
the Rapid Deployment Force #3 Pharmacy Branch
and Augmentees.
• Vibhudutta Awasthi, NIH S10 Instrument Grant,
“SPECT Imaging Module,” $367,023.
• Melissa S. Medina, appointed to clinical associate
professor, Department of Pharmacy, Clinical and
Administrative Sciences
• Nathan Shankar, appointed to professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Garo P. Basmadjian, professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, retired June 30, 2009.
• H. Richard Shough, professor and chair, Department
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, retired June 30, 2009.
University of the Pacific
• Joseph A. Woelfel, San Joaquin County Department
of Human Services, two grants each of $15,000; 1)
Medication Use Safety Training and Pharmaceutical
Care for Seniors and their Caregivers and 2) Osteoporosis and Falls Prevention Screening, Education,
and Intervention for Seniors.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
• Cynthia DePiano, clinical assistant professor
• Longqin Hu, National Cancer Institute, $301,220,
“Homogeneous HTS Assays to Screen for Inhibitors of Keap1-Nrf2 Interaction.” In collaboration
with Dr. Tony Kong (Rutgers) and Dr. Lesa Beamer
(University of Missouri), Dr. Hu received a new R01
grant from the National Cancer Institute.
• Deepali Dixit, clinical assistant professor
• Eugenia Levi, clinical assistant professor
• Dong Churl Suh, professor I
• Guofeng You, professor I
• Sandra M. Aguero, clinical assistant professor
• Danielle J. Coppola, clinical assistant professor
• Debra L. Laskin, National Institute of Environmental
Health Services, $363,291, “Activated Macrophages
and Ozone Toxicity.”
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
• Laura A. Mandos received the 2009 Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching.
University of Southern Nevada
• Jason Asleson, assistant professor of pharmacy
• Meghan Jeffres, Pfizer, $16,800, Epidemiology,
prevalence and risk factors for acquisition of heteroresistant vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) and vancomycin-intermediate
(VISA) Staphylococcus aureus.
• Arup Chakraborty, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
• Andrew Draper, assistant professor of pharmacy
• Kayta Kobayashi, instructor
• Surajit Dey, associate professor of pharmaceutical
• Elizabeth J. Unni, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences
• Erik Jorvig, associate professor of pharmaceutical
• Alana Whittaker, assistant professor of pharmacy
• Paul Oesterman, associate professor of pharmacy
• Darla Zarley, associate professor of pharmacy practice
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
• Amie Blaszczyk was named the 2009 Marvin Marks
Volunteer of the Year by the North Texas Chapter of
the American Parkinson Disease Association.
• James Stoll has accepted the position of associate
dean for faculty enhancement.
• On Sept. 1, Thomas J. Thekkumkara will become
regional dean for the main TTUHSC-SOP campus in
• On Sept. 1, Quentin R. Smith will become senior associate dean of sciences.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
Virginia Commonwealth University
• Ron Ballentine was selected for
inclusion in Who’s Who in the
World, Marquis Who’s Who
Publication, 2009–2010 Edition.
• Donald F. Brophy was appointed
as the interim chairman of the
Department of Pharmacy. He
also was appointed to the Editorial Board of Pharmacotherapy.
• Gretchen M. Brophy was appointed to the NIH Special
Emphasis Panel “Multi-drug
Combinations to Promote neurological Recovery in Traumatic
Brain Injury (RO1).
• Renee L. Murray has joined
the Department of Pharmacy
as the director of the Office of
Experiential Education’s IPPE
• Ann M. Wiesner will join the
faculty of the Department of
Pharmacy in August 2009.
• James Zhang was appointed to
the Scientific Committee, The
International Health Economics
Association (IHEA) 7th World
Congress, 2009. In addition, he
was selected for Who’s Who in
Medicine and Healthcare, Marquis Who’s Who Publication,
2009-2010 Edition.
• Peter R. Byron received an engraved medallion—“a symbol of
the university’s most prestigious
academic positions,” following
VCU’s first Investiture Dinner to
honor faculty members holding
endowed chairs and professorships.
• Kai I. (Annie) Cheang received
the Elizabeth Fries Award at the
VCU Women’s Health Conference.
• Jean-Venable “Kelly” Goode
was the first-place recipient of
the 2009 NACDS Foundation
Community Pharmacy Faculty
• David A. Holdford and William R. Garnett were inducted
as APhA-APRS Fellows of the
American Pharmacists Association (APhA) at the annual
• Joseph L. McClay was recognized with a 2009 NARSAD
Young Investigator Award.
• Donald F. Brophy, “In vitro
effects of recombinant human
fibrinogen on hemostatic parameters in plasma from patients
with fibrinogen deficiency.”
Pharming Healthcare, Inc. April
1, 2009–March 30, 2010. Total
budget $88,950.
• Gretchen M. Brophy, co-investigator, “Biomarkers of Mild
and Moderate Traumatic Brain
Injury.” NIH Grant with the
University of Florida. 5-year,
$6,027,252 total budget. 10%
Effort, $98,990 total VCU budget. Funding period: 5/20095/2014.
• David A. Holdford (PI) and Terri
L. Warholak and Donna S. West,
$90,000, “A baseline evaluation
of the integration of the ‘Science
of Safety’ into the curriculum of
the Doctor of Pharmacy degree
in U.S. colleges of pharmacy.”
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy/Food & Drug
Association (2009).
• Mary Jayne Kennedy, 7 R21
HD050564-03, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD),
“Urinary Proteomics in Aminoglycoside-Treated Newborns,”
Co-Investigator: Henry Rozycki,
Amount Awarded: $48,321
(direct and indirect), Funding Period: 4/1/09–3/31/10;
and, A.D. Williams Foundation,
“Evaluation of Genetic Biomarkers of Aminoglycoside-Induced
Kidney Injury in Newborn
Infants,” Co-investigators: Henry
Rozycki, Todd Webb, Amount
Awarded: $14,500, Funding
Period: 4/1/09–3/31/10.
• Sallie D. Mayer (PI), Cheang K,
Moczygemba LR. Virginia Commonwealth University Council
for Community Engagement
Grant, research study titled, “Development and Implementation
of a Chronic Care Model in a
Medically Underserved Population.” Awarded May 2009,
• Leticia “Tish” Moczygemba (PI),
Barner JC, Gabrillo ER. American Society of Health-Systems
Pharmacy Foundation Junior
Investigator Grant, “The Impact
of Pharmacist-Provision of a
Telephone MTM Program to
Medicare Part D Beneficiaries: A
12-Month Follow-Up.” Awarded
May 2009, $25,000.
• Leticia “Tish” Moczygemba (PI),
Goode JR, Osborn R, Alexander
A, Kennedy A, Gatewood S,
Matzke G, Dungee-Anderson
faculty news
ED, Kirkwood C, Rose R. Virginia Commonwealth University
Council for Community Engagement Grant research study titled,
“The Use of Diffusion Theory to
Promote CARE (Coordination
of medicAtion Reconciliation
among providErs) in a Homeless Population.” Awarded May
2009, $10,000.
• Ronald E. Polk (PI), Amy Pakyz,
M. Oinonen. “A Study of “MIC
creep” to vancomycin in the University HealthSystem Consortium Hospitals.” Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Total = $93,263, Direct
= $74,610, Indirect = $18,653.
• Benjamin W. Van Tassell, “Pharmacologic MyD88 inhibition
prevents adverse cardiac remodeling in experimental acute
myocardial infarction.” A. D.
Williams ($15,000).
University of Washington
• Kelly Lee has joined the Department of Medicinal Chemistry as
assistant professor.
• Rodney J. Ho received a Technology Gap Innovation Fund
commercialization grant from
the UW and the Washington
Research Foundation. The grant
was for his project titled “Gdnanoparticles as high performance Magnetic Resonance
(MR) contrast media.”
• Jie Xing has joined the Department of Medicinal Chemistry as
a visiting scholar from China.
• Eldon Spackman has been
awarded a $6,000 American
Foundation for Pharmaceutical
Education predoctoral fellowship
for the twelve-month academic
year beginning in September.
Washington State University
• Sayed S. Daoud, appointed,
Department of Defense training
grants review panel
• William E. Fassett, appointed,
editorial advisory board, Journal
of the American Pharmacists Association.
• Linda G. MacLean, chair-elect,
AACP Self-Care Therapeutics/
Nonprescription Medicine SIG
• Angelo A. Ballasiotes, clinical
assistant professor
Wayne State University
• David S. Bach and Linda A.
Jaber received Awards of Excellence for their contributions
and leadership in promoting the
principle of public health relative
to pharmacy.
• Howard J. Normile was the recip-
ient of the Outstanding Academic
Partner Award for his efforts in
creating an endowment to support
pharmacy student education.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
faculty news
West Virginia University
• Amber Chiplinski, clinical assistant professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
• Marie A. Abate was awarded a Community Pharmacy
Foundation grant in the amount of $34,049 for her
project, Integration/Analysis of a Multifaceted Medication and Health Management Information System
in a Community Setting.
• Betsy Meredith Elswick, clinical associate professor,
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
• Amanda D. Geist, clinical assistant professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
• Jason D. Huber, associate professor with tenure, Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Working with Peter M. Gannett, Jarod Kabulski, a
fifth-year graduate student, was awarded second place
for his presentation, Au-bound P450 platform: an in
vitro tool for predicting in vivo drug metabolism at
the Science, Technology, and Research Symposium.
• Eugene H. Makela was named one of two award winners in the Therapeutic Case Report competition at
the annual meeting of the College of Psychiatric and
Neurologic Pharmacists.
• Charles D. Ponte, Department of Clinical Pharmacy,
received the 2008 School of Pharmacy Board of Advisors Excellence in Teaching Award. Ponte is a 2009
Faculty Recipient of the AACP/Wal-Mart Scholars
Program and also received the credential of Certified
Pain Educator (CPE) from the American Society of
Pain Educators in March 2009.
• Yon Rojanasakul was selected as a recipient of the
Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award, the premier
research honor bestowed by West Virginia University.
• Working with Yon Rojanasakul, Siera Talbott, a sixthyear graduate student, received the first place award
for her presentation, FLIP s-nitrosylation modulated
NK-kappaB regulation: implications for death receptor signaling at the Science, Technology, and Research
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
• Jason Huber was awarded a NIH/NINDS grant in the
amount of $320,469 for his project, Age Influences
Neuropoietic Signaling at the Neurovascular Unit
during Stroke.
• S. Suresh Madhavan was awarded a Unisys Corp.
grant in the amount of $423,420 for the Unisys Pharmacy Provider Call Center project.
• Rae R. Matsumoto received $163,845 from The
University of Mississippi for Novel Pharmacologic Interventions for Drugs of Abuse. She was also awarded
two NIH/NIDA grants. The first grant is in the
amount of $244,342 for her project, Sigma Ligands
for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose. The second
grant is in the amount of $321,323 for, Synthesis and
Evaluation of o-Active Cocaine Antagonists.
• William P. Petros was awarded an Adherex Technologies grant in the amount of $55,000 for his project,
Eniluracil Topical Formulation Development\Lab
Testing. He also received an Adherex Technologies
grant in the amount of $90,000 for his project, Pilot
Study of Eniluracil Containing Ointment for Prevention of Hand Foot Syndrome (HFS) Following
Capecitabine (Xeloada).
• Yon Rojanasakul was awarded a NIH/NHLBI grant in
the amount of $355,629 for his project, Regulation of
Fas-Mediated Lung Cell Apoptosis.
• Elizabeth J. Scharman was awarded a US DHHS/
HRSA grant in the amount of $139,737 for the Poison
Control Centers Stabilization and Enhancement Grant
• Douglas C. Slain was awarded an ASHP Foundation
grant in the amount of $5,000 for his project, An Assessment of a Pharmacy-Based Enhancement to the
Hospital Medication Reconciliation Process.
the last word
Faculty Vacancies in the Academy
New Position Status
(as of Nov. 1, 2008)
Length of Position Vacancy
Not reported
1.9% (8)
>36 months
3.9% (16)
Existing position
53.6% (222)
0–6 months
51.2% (212)
31–36 months
1.2% (5)
New position
43.2% (179)
25–30 months
2.9% (12)
19–24 months
5.3% (22)
New position created
by reallocating funds
3.1% (13)
13–18 months
13.5% (56)
Reason for Vacancy
Expiration or termination of contract
4.2% (10)
11.0% (26)
Individual in position retired
16.1% (38)
Spouse or partner relocation
3.8% (9)
Individual in position moved to a faculty position within the pharmacy college or school
3.8% (9)
Individual moved to a position in
government or public sector
2.5% (6)
Individual in position moved to a faculty position at another pharmacy college or school
17.8% (42)
Individual moved to a practice position in the health care private sector
17.4% (41)
Individual in position moved to a faculty
position in a non-pharmacy program
4.2% (10)
Individual moved to a position in pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry
4.7% (11)
Individual moved to an administrative
position in a non-pharmacy program
1.3% (3)
7–12 months
20.0% (83)
Individual moved to an
administrative position
at another pharmacy
college or school
7.2% (17)
Individual moved to an administrative position
within the pharmacy college or school
5.9% (14)
a: Some vacant positions include multiple reasons for vacancy.
b: The total number of not applicable responses because the
position is new totaled 187.
academic Pharmacy now  Jul/Aug/Sept 2009
American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
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