Reference: Article 250.64 (B) 2011 NEC

Exposed grounding conductors at a service pole, service pedestal, or building are required to be secured.
Reference: Article 250.64 (B) 2011 NEC-Securing and Protection Against Physical Damage.
“Where exposed, a grounding electrode conductor or its enclosure shall be securely fastened to the
surface on which it is carried.”
PVC conduit is required to be strapped within 3 feet of termination point.
Reference: Article 352.30 (A) 2011 NEC-Securely Fastened.
“PVC conduit shall be securely fastened within 3 ft. of each outlet box, junction box, device box, conduit
body, or other conduit termination.”
Conductor sizes and types for dwelling unit services and feeders shall be sized per Table 310.15 (B)(7)
of the 2011 NEC.
Conductor sizes and types for services and feeders other than dwelling units shall be sized per Table
310.15(B)(16) of the 2011 NEC.
Disconnecting means are required for feeders supplying a building or structure.
Reference: Article 225.32. of the 2011 NEC
“Location. The disconnecting means shall be installed either inside or outside of the building or structure
served or where the conductors pass through the building or structure. The disconnecting means shall be
at a readily accessible location nearest the point of entrance of the conductors.”
A separate building or structure supplied by a feeder or branch circuits is required to have a grounding
Reference Article 250.32 (A) of the 2011 NEC
“Grounding Electrode. Building(s) or structure(s) supplied by feeder(s) or branch circuits(s) shall have a
grounding electrode or grounding electrode system installed in accordance with Part III of Article 250.”
“Exception: A grounding electrode shall not be required where only a single branch circuit, including a
multiwire branch circuit, supplies the building or structure and the branch circuit includes an equipment
grounding conductor for grounding the normally non-current-carrying metal parts of equipment.”
An equipment grounding conductor is required to be run with the feeder conductors to a separate building
or structure and cannot be bonded to the grounded conductor (neutral) at the building or structure.
Reference: Article 250.32 (B) of the 2011 NEC.
“Grounded Systems. For a grounded system at the separate building or structure, an equipment
grounding conductor as described in 250.118 shall be run with the supply conductors and be connected to
the building or structure disconnecting means and to the grounding electrode(s). The equipment
grounding conductor shall be used for grounding or bonding of equipment, structures or frames required
to be grounded or bonded. The equipment grounding conductor shall be sized in accordance with
250.122. Any installed grounded conductor shall not be connected to the equipment grounding conductor
or to the grounding electrode(s).”
Equipment grounding conductors are required to be bare, green or if larger than 6 AWG, they may be
marked green at terminations.
Reference: Article 250.119
“Identification of Equipment Grounding Conductors. Unless required elsewhere in this Code,
equipment grounding conductors shall be permitted to be bare, covered, or insulated. Individually covered
or insulated equipment grounding conductors shall have a continuous outer finish that is either green or
green with one or more yellow stripes except as permitted in this section. Conductors with insulation or
individual covering that is green, green with one or more yellow stripes, or otherwise identified as
permitted by this section shall not be used for ungrounded or grounded circuit conductors.” “An insulated
or covered conductor larger than 6 AWG shall be permitted, at the time on installation, to be permanently
identified as an equipment grounding conductor at each end and at every point where the conductor is
Neutral conductor or grounded conductor is required to be white, or gray.
Reference: Article 200.6 of the 2011 NEC.
“Means of Identifying Grounded Conductors. An insulated grounded conductor of 6 AWG or smaller
shall be identified by a continuous white or gray outer finish or by three continuous white stripes on other
than green insulation along its entire length.” “An insulated grounded conductor larger than 6 AWG shall
be identified by one of the following means:
(1) By a continuous white or gray outer finish.
(2) By three continuous white stripes along its entire length on other than green insulation.
(3) At the time of installation, by a distinctive white or gray marking at its terminations. This marking
shall encircle the conductor or insulation.” Only the grounded conductor shall be so identified.
Flexible cord is not a wiring method listed in chapter 3.
Chapter 4 Article 400 2011 NEC is Flexible Cords and Cables
400.7 Uses Permitted. 400.8 Uses Not Permitted.
NM cable installed in Post Frame construction
NM cable shall be installed 1-1/4 inches back from the front of framing members or be protected by
installation in conduit or another approved method to a point 8 feet above the floor.
Reference 300.4 , 2011 NEC.