Instituto de Telecomunicações Annual Report 2003 March 2004 i INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ii ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - INTRODUCTION Table of Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 HISTORY ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 1 1.3 HIGHLIGHTS OF 2003 ................................................................................ 3 KEY IT INDICATORS .................................................................................. 7 2.1 HUMAN RESOURCES ................................................................................... 7 2.2 PROJECTS .............................................................................................. 7 2.3 PUBLICATIONS ......................................................................................... 8 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE ................................................................................. 9 4. RESEARCH AREAS ................................................................................... 11 4.1 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ...................................................................... 11 4.1.1 AREA COORDINATORS ........................................................................... 11 4.1.2 HUMAN RESOURCES.............................................................................. 11 4.1.3 SUMMARY OF RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS ...................................................... 15 4.1.4 RUNNING PROJECTS.............................................................................. 22 4.1.5 RUNNING AND CONCLUDED T HESES............................................................ 35 4.1.6 PUBLICATIONS.................................................................................... 42 4.1.7 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS .......................................................................... 54 4.1.8 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................................................... 55 4.2 OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................................ 59 4.2.1 COORDINATORS .................................................................................. 59 4.2.2 HUMAN RESOURCES.............................................................................. 59 4.2.3 SUMMARY OF RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS ...................................................... 61 4.2.4 RUNNING PROJECTS.............................................................................. 65 4.2.5 RUNNING AND CONCLUDED T HESES FINAL YEAR PROJECTS................................. 68 4.2.6 PUBLICATIONS.................................................................................... 72 4.2.7 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS .......................................................................... 81 4.2.8 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................................................... 81 4.3 NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA ...................................................................... 83 4.3.1 COORDINATORS .................................................................................. 83 4.3.2 HUMAN RESOURCES.............................................................................. 83 4.3.3 SUMMARY OF RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS ...................................................... 87 4.3.4 RUNNING PROJECTS.............................................................................. 94 4.3.5 RUNNING AND CONCLUDED T HESES...........................................................100 iii INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................108 4.3.6 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS .........................................................................119 4.3.7 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ........................................................................120 4.4 BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES ...............................................127 4.4.1 COORDINATORS .................................................................................127 4.4.2 HUMAN RESOURCES.............................................................................127 4.4.3 SUMMARY OF RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS .....................................................129 4.4.4 RUNNING PROJECTS.............................................................................134 4.4.5 RUNNING AND CONCLUDED T HESES...........................................................138 4.4.6 PUBLICATIONS...................................................................................143 4.4.7 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS .........................................................................154 4.4.8 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS ........................................................................155 iv ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - INTRODUCTION List of Tables T ABLE 1– BACKTRACK OF NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS IN IT, ACCORDING TO TYPE OF FUNDING ......... 5 T ABLE 2- F ORESEEN AND ACHIEVED SCIENTIFIC OUTPUT IN 2002. ........................................... 6 T ABLE 3 – CURRENT IT HUMAN RESOURCES ..................................................................... 7 T ABLE 4 – NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS IN 2003, ACCORDING TO FUNDING SOURCE ..................... 8 T ABLE 5 – NUMBER OF PUBLISHED WORKS IN 2003 ........................................................... 8 T ABLE 6 - TOTAL OPERATIONAL INC OME IN 2003 .............................................................. 9 T ABLE 7 – LIST OF MAJOR INCOME SOURCES DURING 2003. .................................................. 9 T ABLE 8– LIST OF MAJOR COSTS IN 2003. .................................................................... 9 T ABLE 9- MAIN ASSET CHANGES IN 2003. .................................................................... 10 T ABLE 10 –OVERVIEW OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA. ............. 11 T ABLE 11 – PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA . ...... 13 T ABLE 12 – NON- PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA . 14 T ABLE 13 – NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA IN 2003 ........ 22 T ABLE 14 – LIST OF FINAL Y EAR PROJECTS RUNNING IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003. ...................................................................................................... 37 T ABLE 15 - LIST OF MSC T HESES RUNNING IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003 39 T ABLE 16 - LIST OF PHD T HESES RUNNING IN THE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003 42 T ABLE 17 – OVERVIEW OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA ................ 59 T ABLE 18 – PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA ......... 60 T ABLE 19 – NON- PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA ... 61 T ABLE 20 – NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003. ... 65 T ABLE 21 – LIST OF FINAL YEAR PROJECTS RUNNING IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003. ...................................................................................................... 69 T ABLE 22 - LIST OF MSC. T HESES RUNNING IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003. 70 T ABLE 23 - LIST OF PHD T HESES RUNNING IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003 .. 71 T ABLE 24 – NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS IN THE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AREA DURING 2003. .. 94 T ABLE 25 – LIST OF F INAL Y EAR PROJECTS RUNNING IN THE NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA AREA DURING 2003. .....................................................................................................103 T ABLE 26 - LIST OF MSC T HESES RUNNING IN THE NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA AREA DURING 2003. .............................................................................................................106 T ABLE 27 - LIST OF PHD T HESES RUNNING IN THE NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA AREA DURING 2003. .............................................................................................................107 T ABLE 28 – OVERVIEW OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA.....................................................................................127 T ABLE 29 – PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA.....................................................................................128 v INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES T ABLE 30 – NON- PERMANENT COLLABORATORS WORKING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA.....................................................................................129 T ABLE 31 – NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROJECTS RUNNING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA.....................................................................................134 T ABLE 32- LIST OF F INAL Y EAR PROJECTS RUNNING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA DURING 2003 ...................................................................140 T ABLE 33 - LIST OF MSC T HESES RUNNING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA DURING 2003 ......................................................................................142 T ABLE 34 - LIST OF PHD T HESES RUNNING IN THE BASIC SCIENCES AND ENABLING T ECHNOLOGIES AREA DURING 2003.............................................................................................143 vi ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 History “Instituto association de of Telecomunicações” four institutions (it) is a private, with experience not-for-profit and traditions organisation, in research an and development in the field of Telecommunications: • “Instituto Superior Técnico” (IST); • “Universidade de Aveiro” (UA); • “Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra” (FCTUC); • "Portugal Telecom Inovação", (PTIn), ex. "Centro de Estudos de Telecomunicações" (CET), the research unit of the incumbent telecommunications operator “Portugal Telecom” (PT). it is organised around three sites: one in Aveiro, in the University Campus, another in Coimbra, in Pole II of the University of Coimbra and the third one in Lisbon, in Intituto Superior Técnico. An external laboratory is functioning in Covilhã, in the University of Beira Interior. Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros) grant from Programme CIÊNCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This investme nt enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be equipped at each site. Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994. Since 1995 it activities proceed regularly. Key developments in 2003 are sketched below leaving the details for the report of the scientific areas. it statutes were first approved in 1992, modified in 1997 and modified again in 2003. This report reflects the last version of the statutes. 1.2 Management it is managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly, and by site management boards, which include the site members of the Board of Directors. Site management boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month. 1 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all it researchers holding a Ph.D degree. The Scientific Board meets in Plenary or in Committees, both permanent and temporary. There are two permanent committees: Science and Technology Committee and Research Group Coordination Committee. it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee and together with the Accounts (after legal certification) are subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The General Assembly met once informally and twice formally. Th informal meeting was held at the Palace of S. Marcos, on February 14, to discuss and finalize the new it Statutes. The first formal meeting took place on March 27, on the Meeting Room of the Coimbra site, to discuss and vote (favourably) the new it Statutes, to aprove the Annual Report and Accounts for 2002, and to elect the Board of Directors. The second formal meeting was held on December, 19, on the meeting room of the Lisbon site, to discuss and aprove the Work Plan and Budget for 2004, to aprove the opening of an it delegation at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. The plenary of the Scientific Committee met for the first time on May 23, in Hotel dos Templários, Tomar, to discuss the Draft Proposal of the 2002 Annual Report, which received a favourable opinion, to discuss its Rules of Procedure and to ratify the Coordinators of the Scientific Areas. The Rules of Procedure were subsequently submitted to electronic voting and approved unanimously. On the same meeting the Scientific Board approved the list of senior it researchers. The Science and Technology Committee met for the first time, on October 17, at Hotel das Lezírias, Vila Franca de Xira, to discuss the new facilities to be implemented on the IT web portal, to discuss the Draft Proposal of the Work Plan and Budget for 2003, which received a favourable opinion, to discuss a proposal to open an it delegation at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, which also received a favourable opinion, to look into the request from Siemens SA to become an associate of it. The committee also discussed at length the current finance situation and looked for possible funding alternatives. The Research Group Coordination Committee met for the first time, on December 12, at Hotel das Lezírias, Vila Franca de Xira, to discuss the Work Plan and Budget for 2004, which received a favourable opinion, and to discuss ways to improve it intersite and intergroup cooperation. The Board of Directors met once a month. During 2003, due to funding situation, described in more detail below, there were no meetings with the Advisory Committee. 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - INTRODUCTION 1.3 Highlights of 2003 In the R&D scene 2003 may be shortly described as the “annus horribilis”. This statement stems from the fact that the normal funding from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) never came in. This includes both the basic funding and the Programattic funding under the Associate Laboratory contract As described in the 2002 Annual Report FCT was in arrears 560 k€ of which 211 k€ correspond to concluded PRAXIS projects, 140 k€ to the basic funding for the second seme ster of 2002 and 209 k€ to the Associate Laboratory Programattic funding for the second semester of 2002. Following a series of meetings of the highest level which included one meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic, two meetings with the Minister for Science and Technology and two meetings with both the President of FCT and the Manager of POSI (Operational Program for the Information Society), where the funding situation was thoroughly explained, during the second semester of 2003, and mostly during the last quarter, FCT managed to pay its 2002 debts, By the year end FCT was in arrears 1.57 M€, of which 786 k€ correspond to basic funding,692 k€ to Programatic funding and 98 k€ to concluded or running projects. Although FCT R&D funds have been hard to come by, the case of it is worse than most other research units (which have already received all 2003 FCT funding, with possible exception of projects) since its funds (together with another 2 Associate Laboratories and 15 research centers) are highly dependent on the POSI management. The behaviour of the POSI management appears to be in sharp contrast with the continuous government support of the information society. As is to be expected such delays in payments, which have not been solved by the time the report is being written (March 2004), had a devastating influence on it expectations and plans for 2003. Using other funding sources it managed to keep the two tec hnicians and two post-doctoral fellows admitted during 2002, but it would have been suicidal to try to admit the personnel foreseen in the Associate Laboratory contract. it searched extensively, and in a few cases sucessfully, for new source of funding, mainly internationally. As a result there were 2 new projects plus a continuing project funded by ESA and 4 new projects funded by the European Commission under the IST Programme (of which 2 are been carried out under IST due to contractual uncertainities at the time of signature). In addition a further 5 projects funded by the European Commission were sucessfully negotiated and are due to start (or have already started) in 2004. 3 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES As stated in the 2002 Annual Report it submitted 10 proposals to a call issue closed on the 27th of May 2002 of which 6 were sucessfull and started during the second semeter of 2003. There was no FCT Call for Proposals during 2003. During 2003, 79 projects were active, 58 nationally funded and 21 internationally, including: • 30 projects funded by FCT (21 under the POSI program, 8 under the POCTI program and 1 under the PNAT program); • 6 projects funded by Agência de Inovação (AdI); • 6 projects funded by it itself • 6 projects funded by Portugal Telecom Inovação; • 4 projects funded by Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP); • 2 projects funded by FEDER-PRAI-Centro • 2 projects funded by the Portuguese Navy; • 2 projects funded by ICP/ANACOM; • 1 project funded by SUDOE-INTEGERREG-III-B; • 1 project funded by ICEP; • 1 project funded by ICCTI; • 1 project funded by VODAFONE; • 9 projects funded by the Commission of the European Union; • 3 projects funded by ESA; • 4 COST actions. 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - INTRODUCTION Nationally Internationally funded funded 1996 39 18 1997 39 18 1998 47 20 1999 37 14 2000 60 17 2001 53 12 2002 49 15 2003 58 21 Year Table 1– Backtrack of number of active projects in it, according to type of funding. The simple listing of active projects is somewhat misleading since it does not reveal the fact that, due to delays in payments, a significant number of projects (funded by FCT under the POSI program) are only nominally active, waiting for last payments. During 2003 it hosted the following international conferences and seminars, which altogether attracted more than 900 participants: • I Symposium on Enabling Optical Networks, held at the Aveiro site, on June 16th, with about 60 participants; • IST Mobile & Wireless Communication Summit, held at the Congress Centre in Aveiro, in June 15 to 18, with about 400 participants. The fact that organization of the 12th venue of this prestigious conference was awarded to it demonstrates its recognition in the field of mobile communications; • Conftele’2003, held at the Congress Center in Aveiro, in June 18th to 20th, with 160 participants, which presented and discussed 133 papers. The conference programme included 3 keynote addresses by leading international experts in the field and a short course (on the afternoon of the first day) on Digital and Interactive Television; • EMMCVPR’2003 Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, an international workshop, held in Lisbon on July 9th, with 70 participants; • Wireless Internet: Network Architectures, Quality of Service, Services and Applications, a Summer School held at IST (Lisbon) on July, 21s t to 25th, with 40 participants; • HSNMC’03 – 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, held at Hotel Atlântico, Estoril, on July 23rd to 25th, with over 100 participants; 5 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES • MTPT – Advanced School and Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, held in Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, on September 8th to 12th, with about 70 participants. To reflect it 2003 activity some tangible objectives were defined in the Work Programme and Budget for 2003. Graduate and post-graduate Foreseen Achieved Final Year Projects Reports 50 91 MSc Thesis 24 35 PhD Thesis 18 11 Foreseen Achieved Books and Book Chapters 10 14 Papers in Journals 65 65 180 268 activities: Publications: Papers in Conference Proceedings Table 2- Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2002. The increase in the number of Final Year Project Reports is mainly due to the fact that, in contrast with 2002 that was used for the prediction, almost all reports are now accounted for. The large number of MSc thesis partly compensates the low number of PhD thesis. Anyway the number of PhD thesis is roughly double the number of PhD thesis concluded in the past 8 years. Although the number of concluded theses is below the expected value, we note that at the time of writing, a significant number of theses has already been concluded or submitted. The number of papers published in conferences proceedings increased due, partly, to Conftele 2003. 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 – KEY IT INDICATORS 2. KEY IT INDICATORS 2.1 Human Resources Position Aveiro Coimbra Lisbon Total Full Professor 5 3 6 14 Associate Professor 6 6 19 31 Assistant Professor 14 12 30 56 Post. Doc. 2 0 3 5 Coordinator Professor 0 2 2 4 Assistant Lecturer 2 15 0 17 PhD Student 23 7 41 71 MSc Student 23 8 31 62 Licenciado 24 2 6 32 0 0 1 1 99 55 139 293 Other TOTAL Table 3 – Current it human resources 2.2 Projects Funding Agency Number AdI 6 CRUP 4 ESA 4 EU 7 EU,IST Programme 6 FCT/PNAT 1 FCT/POCTI 8 FCT/POSI 21 FEDER, PRAI-Centro. 2 ICCTI 1 ICEP 1 ICP/ANACOM 2 7 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Internal 6 Portuguese Navy 2 PT Inovação 6 SUDOE INTERREG III-B 1 VODAFONE 1 Table 4 – Number of active projects in 2003, according to funding source 2.3 Publications Books Journ. Conferences 14 60 275 MSc PhD Thesis Thesis 35 11 TFC 91 Table 5 – Number of published works in 2003 "Books”- Fully authored books, Editor books, and book chapter contributions. "Journals”- Papers in International refereed journals. "Conferences”- Communications in International and National refereed conferences. "MSc and PhD Thesis” - Concluded dissertations. "TFC”- Concluded student Final Year Projects. 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 – FINANCIAL OUTLINE 3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE Operational income during 2003 totalled 2.036,7 K€, distributed as indicated in Table 6, and partially detailed in Table 7. Costs in 2003 totalled 1.865,3 k€, as partially indicated in Table 8. Main asset changes in 2003 are listed in Table 9. Sources of Income Amount [k€] Services to third parties 718,4 Subsidies 930,4 Other 387,9 TOTAL 2.036,7 Table 6 - Total operational income in 2003 Major clients of services Amount [k€] PT Inovação 396,8 VODAFONE 208,7 Main sources of subsidies Amount [k€] Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 800,5 Comission of the European Communities 57,9 European Space Agency 51,1 Table 7 – List of major income sources during 2003. Costs Amount [k€] Staff 516,7 Management costs 14,4 Scholarships 373,6 Missions 333,6 Books and journals 30,4 Consumables 80,0 Structural costs 421,9 Table 8– List of Major Costs in 2003. 9 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Assets Amount [k€] Increase in tangible assets 310,0 Depreciation 206,6 Technical and Scientific Equipment 279,4 Table 9- Main asset changes in 2003. 10 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS 4. RESEARCH AREAS 4.1 Wireless Communications 4.1.1 Area Coordinators • Carlos Cardoso Fernandes • José Carlos Pedro 4.1.2 Human Resources OVERVIEW Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 1 6 Associate Professor 3 8 Assistant Professor 4 2 Post. Doc. 15 1 Assistant Lecturer 1 PhD Student 9 21 MSc Student 4 11 Licenciado 6 4 TOTAL 28 2 66 Table 10 –Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communications Area. PERMANENT COLLABORATORS Name Degree Position Group Afonso Barbosa Agregação Full Professor RMOM - Lx Augusto Albuquerque Agregação Full Professor RCS Carlos Salema Agregação Full Professor RMOM - Lx 11 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES José Epifânio Franca Agregação Full Professor ICS - Lx José Leitão Agregação Full Professor CTPR José Neves Agregação Full Professor RMOM- Av Mário Lança Agregação Full Professor RMOM - Lx Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Agregação Associate Professor RMOM - Lx João Costa Freire Agregação Associate Professor RMOM - Lx José Carlos Pedro Agregação Associate Professor RMOM- Av Luís M. Correia Agregação Associate Professor RMOM - Lx Américo Correia PhD Associate Professor RCS António Alves Moreira PhD Associate Professor RMOM - Lx Carlos Paiva PhD Associate Professor RMOM - Lx Carlos Sá da Costa PhD Associate Professor RCS Francisco Cercas PhD Associate Professor RCS João Nuno Matos PhD Associate Professor RMOM- Av José Rocha Pereira PhD Associate Professor RMOM- Av António Navarro PhD Assistant Professor RMOM- Av António Rodrigues PhD Assistant Professor RCS António Topa PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx Armando Rocha PhD Assistant Professor RMOM- Av Carlos Leme PhD Assistant Professor ICS - Lx Custódio Peixeiro PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx Fernando Fortes PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx Fernando J. Velez PhD Assistant Professor RCS Fernando Nunes PhD Assistant Professor CTPR Francisco Sena da Silva PhD Assistant Professor CTPR João Vaz PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx João Vital PhD Assistant Professor ICS - Lx Jorge Pereira PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx Jorge Rodrigues da Costa PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx José Bioucas Dias PhD Assistant Professor CTPR José Joaquim Fernandes PhD Assistant Professor RMOM- Av Maria João Rosário PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx 12 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Mário Silveirinha PhD Assistant Professor OC - Co Nuno Carvalho PhD Assistant Professor RMOM- Av Pedro Santos PhD Assistant Professor RMOM - Lx Rafael Caldeirinha PhD Assistant Professor OC- Co Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro PhD Post. Doc. RMOM - Lx Table 11 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area. Other Collaborators Name Degree Position Group Adão Silva MSc PhD Student RMOM - Av Alexandre Passos de Almeida MSc PhD Student RCS Fernando de Sousa MSc PhD Student CTPR Fernando Santos Azevedo MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx Filipe Cardoso MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx Francisco Monteiro MSc PhD Student RCS Gabriela Galvano MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx João Gil MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx João Tavares MSC PhD Student RMOM - Av Joaquim da Silva Bernardino MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx Jorge Paulo Torres MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx José Nascimento MSc PhD Student CTPR José Sanguino MSc PhD Student CTPR Luis Moreira Mendes MSc PhD Student RMOM - Lx Luís Carlos Gonçalves MSc PhD Student RMOM- Av Manuel Barros MSc PhD Student ICS - Lx Manuel Dinis MSc PhD Student RMOM- Av Paulo Marques MSc PhD Student CTPR Pedro Amaro Sebastião MSc PhD Student RCS Pedro Pinho MSc PhD Student RMOM - Av Pedro Vieira MSc PhD Student RCS Susana Mota MSc PhD Student RMOM - Av Victor Santos MSc PhD Student RMOM- Av Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer RMOM- Av José Lino Teixeira 13 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Henrique Quaresma Licenciatura PhD Student RMOM - Lx João Carlos Silva Licenciatura PhD Student RCS João Eira Licenciatura PhD Student RCS Mário Marques Silva Licenciatura PhD Student RCS Nuno Souto Licenciatura PhD Student RCS Pedro Cabral Licenciatura PhD Student RMOM - Av Pedro Miguel Lavrador Licenciatura PhD Student RMOM - Av António Serrador Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Bárbara Coelho Gabriel Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM- Av Carla Oliveira Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Gonçalo Carvalho Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Guilherme St´Aubyn Mascarenhas Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx João Paulo Madaleno Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Av João Paulo Martins Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Av João Vinagre Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Joaquim Oliveira Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Jorge Sebastião Silva Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx José António Pereira Velez Licenciatura MSc Student RCS Marco Alexandre Ribeiro Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Mário Rui dos Santos Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM- Av Nuno Cota Licenciatura MSc Student RCS Pedro Cristiano Brás Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Pedro Marin Fernandes Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM - Lx Valdemar Monteiro Licenciatura MSc Student RMOM- Av António Rodrigues dos Santos Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM- Av Cristina Büchel M. dos Reis Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Lx Gonçalo Carpinteiro Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Lx João Angeja Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Av Lúcio Ferreira Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Lx Luís Carvalho Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Av Ricardo Matos Abreu Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Av Rui Rodrigues Licenciatura Licenciado RMOM - Av Tiago Lages Licenciatura Licenciado RCS Table 12 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area 14 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS 4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements Research work in the Wireless Communications Scientific Area of it covers the main aspects related to the air interface in wireless communications and supporting hardware/software. Activities fall within the following five general topics: - Antenna Analysis and Design; - Physical Modelling and Wave Propagation Characterisation; - Wireless Circuits and Devices; - Transmission and Reception Systems; - System Planning and Resource Management. ANTENNA ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Work on antennas may be grouped under two main topics: personal small-terminal antennas for frequencies below 6 GHz, and millimetre wave antennas for 4th generation mobile communications and for space applications. The first topic falls within the European funded FLOWS project, and the second topic falls within the FCT/POSI funded ILENA project, and the ESA funded ILASH project. Work has continued on new antenna proposals for integration into future personal multimode multi-antenna communications terminals that explore MIMO techniques. Two approaches were used for these antennas: the multi-band antenna approach, and the ultra-wideband antenna approach. Printed antenna technology was used for both types of antenna. Koch pre-fractal based antennas were designed fabricated and measured, covering the GSM1800, UMTS and HiperLAN2 bands. A remarkable miniaturization has been achieved. Also single patch single feed elements with slots, and integrated three patches with three feeds have been successfully considered for the triple-band design. On the ultra-wideband approach, work continued on single-arm spiral antennas with reduced ground plane, now to study experimentally the effects of proximity to mutually neighbouring spirals in MIMO configuration, and the influence of the terminal itself. Activity on millimetre wave dielectric antennas was focused on double material lenses either with on-axis feeds, or with off-axis feeds for space applications. A comprehensive literature survey was carried out to identify new approaches for the efficient analysis of this type of lenses, with a view to the development of a fully featured lens design software tool. Work started on a spectral domain method to evaluate its appropriateness for complex lens antenna analysis and its comparison with classical methods based on Geometrical Optics and Physical Optics. Work also continued on the evaluation of lens moulding fabrication technique. 15 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES In parallel with these activities, the millimetre wave anechoic chamber is being up-graded in the framework of the FCT/POCTI funded Project COMPACT to integrate new hardware. A first version of the new antenna measurement control software was completed and successfully tested. PHYSICAL MODELLING AND WAVE PROPAGATION CHARACTERIZATION Work in this sub-area addresses both guided-wave and non-guided wave phenomena characterization which includes radiowave propagation modeling. Electromagnetics of Complex Media One very strong work topic is related to electromagnetics of complex media: artificial materials obtained by random or periodic inclusion of metallic or dielectric particles into a host dielectric media to obtain unconventional electromagnetic properties not commonly found in natural materials. Performed work includes both characterization of the media itself (including the relation between inclusion shape and periodicity, with material macroscopic electromagnetic behavior), and wave propagation in guided wave structures using these type of materials. Artificial dielectrics with periodic lattice were characterized both in the low frequency limit and for arbitrary frequency to characterize its band-gap filtering characteristics. New techniques were developed in both cases for very efficient computation of these materials characteristics. Attention was dedicated to the characterization of frequency selective surfaces (FSS), to unbounded full 3D wire media with connected as well as non-connected wires, and to the characterization of resonant ring inserts positioned inside cut-off waveguides exhibiting negative permeability properties. Complex media is also of interest in the design of new waveguide components for microwave and millimeter-wave devices. Work pursued on characterisation of dispersion, guidance and leakage properties in open 3-dimensional planar chiral and pseudochiral (omega) waveguides, and in chiral optical fibres.. Propagation in Optical Fibers Work was done on soliton dynamics in dispersion-varying compensating fibers. The objective was the analysis of new transmission schemes where the normal dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) is replaced by dispersion-varying compensating fibre (DVCF) with decreasing or increasing dispersion profiles. In the framework of project TRANSPARENT, it was shown that the dynamic behavior of soliton pulses in such systems 16 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS may produce a performance improvement for specific profiles. Analytical and simulation studies will follow, in order to identify the best dispersion profiles for DVCFs and a generalization of the procedure to be applied in different dispersion maps. Radiowave Propagation Modelling Activities span over two main sub-topics: - Propagation in complex environments (propagation through walls, microwave and millimetre wave propagation in indoor and urban mobile communications scenarios, and propagation through vegetation); - Microwave radio links (land and satellite). Work continued on quantification models for building wall penetration loss when window apertures are present in land mobile communication scenarios (GSM and UMTS). This work was awarded the Luis Vidigal Prize from the Department of Electrical and Computer Eng from IST. In the framework of mobile directional channel characterization a few field measurements were made using a channel sounder. The measured data was explored by the SAGE algorithm to retrieve ray parameters. Some studies were developed to gain a better understanding of the method limitations and to get best results for ray parameters retrieval in real scenarios. Relationships were established between adaptive antennas beamformimg and wideband directional channel models for several scenarios in micro- and macro-cells; With respect to millimetre wave mobile communications, work was focused on experimental Channel Impulse Response (CIR) characterisation of indoor scenarios at 40 GHz. Measurements were carried out in a wide indoor sports pavilion, and in a office meeting room. CIR was calculated from spectral analysis of measured frequency domain results obtained with the millimetre-wave front-end and other equipment developed for the ACTS-SAMBA project Trial Platform. These CIRs and power delay profiles were compared against those obtained from a ray tracing-based prediction tool. Models were developed for fading characterization in broadband systems, enabling an accurate estimation of fading margins for several environments; Propagation through vegetation was also a strong area of research. Work continued on the characterisation of absorption, scatter and depolarisation of the incident microwave 17 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES and millimetre wave signals by vegetation media. Members of it participated in a UK Consortium, together with Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL), Universities of Glamorgan and Portsmouth, and QinetiQ, to perform an extensive programme of measurements aimed at the establishment of a narrow band prediction model for propagation through vegetation. Work also pursued on the development of a wideband (1-60 GHz) propagation model more suited for the characterization of high data rate wireless services influenced by vegetation as in sub-urban or rural areas. Research is continuing also on the development of a Discrete Radiative Energy Transfer generic model for non-homogeneous random vegetation media, drawing on the relations between its parameters and vegetation species. On Earth-Satellite propagation studies, an analogue beacon receiver was changed to receive a Hot-Bird6 Ku band. A versatile software using FFT based techniques to estimate co-polar and weaker cross-polar channels was developed. The study of an alternative equipment based on digital IF sampling and DSP techniques was initiated and is under development. Software for the analysis of beacon propagation data on the framework of the pre-processing stage was developed. Work continued on the ITEM project sponsored by Vodafone, aiming at contributing for public awareness of basic concepts related to electromagnetic radiation and population exposure in mobile communications. The public website has been continuously updated with on-line measurements from autonomous remote sensors, and portable unit measurements by the project team. Individual results are provided for more than 140 sites in Portugal, along with global cumulative results. Wireless Circuits and Devices Research work performed in this sub-area can be grouped under two general topics, one related to microwave circuit design, and the other to computer aided design of microwave/RF circuits and systems including simulation techniques and system/device modelling. In both cases, the underlying applications fall within the wireless area. RF and Microwave Circuit Design One main topic of research is related to active and passive filters, using different technologies. Active and passive bandpass filters were designed for 30GHz (Galactic project) with PM-HEMT 0.25um GaAs technology for comparison with coupled lines filters that were designed for the low cost LTCC (low temperature cofired ceramics). The LTCC coupled lines filters were fabricated and tested (Galactic project). To reduce the filter size, LTCC filters with defected ground structures were also designed and their performances 18 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS compared with the coupled lines filters. The design includes analysis and optimization of the yield for fabrication, in order to prove the possibility of using such substrates in 30GHz for high volume and low cost production. Other important research area is related to BiCMOS and CMOS RF circuits. Monolithic integrated LC voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) were fabricated on BiCMOS 0.8um technology for 2.4GHz and uses monolithic spiral inductors. Also single ended and differential low noise amplifiers (LNA) were fabricated on CMOS. These LNAs were integrated on 0.35um CMOS technology and were designed for the 2GHz band. Beyond that, the front-end of an S-band wireless transceiver was designed and implemented in a 0.35um CMOS chip. That included a common-source LNA, two CMOS quadrature mixers, one CMOS RC VCO with quadrature differential outputs, polyphase filter, and an output driver amplifier. Studies concerning the possibility of using SiGe monolithic technology for active filters applications were performed. First designs of LNA amplifiers to be used on those active filters were obtained. A grounded and a floating active inductor for 2GHz was also fabricated with CMOS 0.35 um process (ACTFIL project). Based on the obtained results, new active inductors were designed, fabricated and measured (AME project). Aspects concerning high frequency on-wafer measurements up to 6GHz with silicon substrates were also addressed. The measurements included S-parameters, noise figure, output power, distortion and phase noise. Computer Aided Design Tools for RF/Microwave Circuits and Systems Electric models were obtained up to 6GHz for spiral inductors, poly capacitors and resistors on BiCMOS and CMOS technology. Due to the inefficient models supplied by the CMOS MMIC foundries, semiconductor and passive devices models for CAD programs were developed in it. Due to the low resistivity of Si substrates, techniques for experimental characterization of MMIC components and sub-circuits were studied to support these modelling activities. Nonlinear distortion and efficiency modelling of power amplifiers based on GaN HEMT microwave devices had also increased. Its main objectives were the equivalent circuit nonlinear model formulation and extraction of a power GaN HEMT device. In what behavioural modelling activities at the system level are concerned, our efforts have been devoted to formulate a general nonlinear dynamic model whose extraction is 19 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES feasible with the present RF laboratory instruments or circuit simulation tools. For achieve that goal, a general non-recursive polynomial filter with enforced orthogonality for a certain class of multisine signals was studied. With respect to computer aided design tools of RF/microwave circuits, main research efforts have been directed to the co-simulation of wireless systems subject to multicarrier modulated signals. This consists in a very promising complex envelope driven simulation method, in which both generic behavioural and detailed equivalent circuit level models are supported. Transmission and Reception Systems Research work performed within this sub-area includes the following topics: UMTS capacity enhancement techniques, channel estimation techniques in satellite and land mobile communications, video bit stream video protection in wireless transmission, and signal processing in synthetic aperture radar. Wireless techniques such as space-time coding, beamforming (adaptive antennas) and minimization of multiple-access interference for the downlink of WCDMA were explored at it in the framework of IST-SEACORN project for enhancing the capacity of the UMTS system. The WCDMA UMTS system was studied at the Link Layer level to extend its capabilities, and the work included the development of a complete system simulator. Spectrally efficient modulation techniques like continuous phase modulation or QAM modulations were also studied to pursue performance enhancement in the future UMTS system. Another topic of research was related to channel estimation techniques in satellite mobile communications. Solutions were proposed within the stochastic nonlinear filtering framework to address the problem of detection of multi-level signalling schemes, namely the 16-DAPSK modulation, in the following environments: channels affected by Doppler effect, and channels disturbed by fading. An algorithm for Doppler frequency and Frequency-rate was proposed for non-geostationary satellite communications. Some work was dedicated to the problem of channel estimation in multi-carrier systems. Attention was also devoted to the application of nonlinear filtering techniques in CDMA systems. In particular, the problem of fast acquisition of code and frequency in GPS receivers was considered. The performance of TCH codes was evaluated using efficient simulation techniques considering both simple and mixed channels using Markov models. The taxonomy of those channels was performed and new upper bounds were analytically obtained for this class of TCH codes that agree with previous simulation results. 20 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS New convolutional codes and new turbo codes were developed based on TCH codes, and they were evaluated in terms of their performance and upper-bounds. The codes were applied in a CS-CDMA system in which the functions of spreading and coding were realized simultaneously by the same code. Multi User Detectors (MUD) were implemented for the UMTS system and also for the CS-CDMA systems using turbo-TCHs and turbo super-orthogonal codes. Implementation of Power Control schemes in a previously developed simulator for the UMTS system showed that the performance of this mode of operation strongly depends on multi-path interference. Different diversity schemes using several transmission antennas were studied: STD (selective transmit diversity using 2 antennas) , STTD (space time transmit diversity using 2 antennas), STBC (space time block coding using 4 or 8 antennas) and hybrid schemes with any combination of STD with STTD or STBC. Implementation of multidimensional rotation of symbols or CRM (Complex Rotation Matrix) schemes were also studied as a form to combat fading channels. In respect to video bit stream protection in wireless transmission, the research work spanned through the following topics: joint source-channel coding and modulation; network adaptation of video streams; statistical multiplexing of TV and data signals; MPEG-4/AVC video transportation over TV packet based transmission. In Synthetic Aperture Radar, the activity continued on the characterization of the ''blind angle ambiguity problem'', on the absolute phase estimation in interferometric SAR images, and on speckle noise filtering. Besides these research topics, the problem of linear unmixing in hyperspectral data was also addressed. System Planning and Radio Resource Management Research work in this sub-area covered traffic-based UMTS system capacity studies, and services and applications characterization. Different types of circuit switched traffic and possible future scenarios of multi-service traffic were used for evaluation of UMTS FDD system capacity. A software tool was developed with this objective. In the absence of UMTS traffic data, GSM/GPRS data was used instead to analyze combined data and voice traffic, as well as to analyze the effect of the double layer structure of 900/1800 MHz GSM on network management. With the same objective, the problem of dynamic channel allocation was also addressed, based on measurements performed on a real GSM network. Another software tool was developed to simulate the air interface of UMTS-FDD, enabling the analysis of traffic aspects as well as load and handover ones. Models were established 21 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES for traffic generation for UMTS, including a large variety of services and applications, enabling a better estimation of traffic, as well as an improved evaluation of load; Research on Enhanced UMTS services and applications characterisation, classification, and deployment scenarios has been performed within the IST-SEACORN project. Contributions have been given on multi-service traffic engineering in Enhanced UMTS. New approaches were proposed, based on practical results obtained for GPRS and UMTS. These aspects are being incorporated into the IST-SEACORN system level simulator, and new results are being produced. Work on Cost/revenue performance of Mobile Broadband Systems (MBSs) was concluded and published. 4.1.4 Running Projects Overview Funding Agency Number AdI 3 CRUP 4 ESA 2 EU 3 EU,IST Programme 6 FCT/POCTI 3 FCT/POSI 10 FEDER, PRAI-Centro. 1 ICCTI / GRICES 1 ICEP 1 ICP/ANACOM 1 Internal 1 Portuguese Navy 1 PT Inovação 1 VODAFONE 1 Table 13 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2003 22 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Activity in Projects Acron/Ref Title Descript. CHIRAL/POSI/CPS/39589/2001 2D and 3D Chiral and Omega Structures:Guidance,Leakage and Radiation Behaviour Three main objectives can be identified: (i) Electromagnetic characterization of 3D rectangular open chiral and omega uniform waveguides:guidance and leakage characteristics,new features due to chirality; (ii) Analysis of 3D open chiral and omega nonuniform structures:characteristics(reflection/transmission) of tapers and branches; (iii) Radiation characteristics of printed sources on planar layered chiral and omega structures:dependence of radiation characteristics(surface wave power,radiated power, impedance, bandwidth) on chiral and omega parameters. Acron/Ref Title Descript. COMMET A COmplete analog front-end for 3G MultiMEdia Terminals Definition and realization of a complete Analog Front-End for 3Gmultimedia terminal, integrating in a single-chip solution all the analog baseband functions with a RF Front-End. The work to be done will focus on innovative RF and baseband topologies for component count and cost reduction. Acron/Ref Title Descript. ACTFIL Active filters Design of active filters on Si MMICs Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. AME Advanced Microelectronics Engineering Training on design of CMOS monolithic integrated circuits recently graded engineers. CETMC/POSI/CPS/34829/2000 Channel Estimation Techniques in Mobile Communications In all-digital receiver implementations, an oscillator with good frequency stability but not synchronized with the carrier, heterodynes the 23 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES incoming signal to baseband (direct conversion) where its quadrature components are sampled. In this type of receivers carrier synchnronization is replaced by channel estimation, which consists of the following tasks: (i) estimation of the phase drift due to Doppler effect and/or frequency poor alignment between oscillators; (ii) estimation of the channel time-varying gain provoked by fading and/or shadowing. The problem of channel estimation presents new challenges with the emergence of mobile personal communications based on, for example, non-geostationary satellites, which are affected by significant Doppler frequency shifts. In these cases, the channel is strongly nonstationary (even with very short time intervals), leading to the need to update phase and gain estimates within the symbol interval. Channel estimation in mobile digital communications is a relevant research subject not only from the applications point of view but also by its theoretical and conceptual aspects. This project proposes to resume previous work in this area by focusing namely on the following aspects: a) synthesis of new algorithms for the simultaneous joint channel and clock estimation, and symbol detection based on stochastic nonlinear filtering; b) development of new open-loop frequency and frequencyrate estimators; c) application of the above-mentioned algorithms in scenarios of practical interest, such as the mobile digital communications with non-geostationary satellites; d) application to spread spectrum and multicarrier systems where significant improvements are foreseen. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. COMPACT/PRAXIS/2/2.1/TIT/1641/95 Compact Range for millimeter wave antenna measurements using dielectric lenses Implementation of an antenna measurement compact range that uses a dielectric lens as a collimating device,avoiding the positioning limitations associated with near-field systems.A new design used in the dielectric lens eliminates the need for a lens with edge serration that is commonly used to minimize edge diffraction. An overall system performance evaluation is performed. COST 284 COST 284 ''Innovative Antennas for Emerging Terrestrial and SpaceBased Applications'' To progress and innovate in the theoretical modelling and in the multidisciplinary design and development of new architectures, components, circuits and test techniques for antennas. The focus will be on antenna arrays, active and adaptive antennas and their beam forming, in support of broadband applications up to millimetre waves. 24 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. NLRFCMOS/AI-E/03 Desenvolvimento de modelos não lineares de dispositivos para microondas e integração monolítica de circuitos não lineares em silício para telecomunicações High frequency non-linear active devices (MOSFET and HBT) modelling concerning third order intermodulation distortion and thermal aspects. Study of measurement techniques for the proposed models. Circuit design using the obtained non-linear models. Non-linear measurements. Acron/Ref Title Descript. DNURS Development of a Navigation User Receiver Simulator This project aims at developing and validating a software receiver for GALILEO and GPS signals. The focus is placed at the signal processing part of the receiver (i.e., the subsystems that process the incoming IF or baseband samples and provide bit values, pseudoranges and carrier phase measurements). A software signal generator is being developed as it is a necessary element to test the software receiver and to obtain a complete Navigation User Receiver Simulator. The software receiver shall serve to rapidly prototype different receiver configurations, algorithms and techniques, assess the performance achievable with GALILEO signals, and create initial designs for future hardware implementations. This activity, proposed by the European Space Agency (ESA), is being implemented by two partners: Skysoft, which is responsible for the software signal generator, and Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (IT-Lisbon), which is responsible for the software receiver. Acron/Ref Title Descript. ESPREX/POSI/36555/CHS/2000 Earth Satellite Propagation Experiment at Ka Band Characterization of the Earth-Satellite Propagation Channel mainly: Scintillation - Attenuation - Ice depolarization The development of the measuring station and data analysis software is included in the project. Acron/Ref Title Descript. FindIt FindIt Project in consortium with other Portuguese partners, namely IDITEMinho and AMI.The objective is to develop a RTLS (Real Time Location System) for the Braga city bus yard. This system should be capable of providing positioning of the buses on the yard, but also be a 25 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES communications system enabling transmission of the buses important data, namely ticketing data and km readings that permit an efficient management of the fleet. Acron/Ref Title Descript. FLOWS/IST-2001-32125 Flexible Convergence of Wireless Standards and Services The objective is to show how multiple wireless standards (GSM, UMTS, HIPERLAN/2) and the services that they support can converge in a flexible manner within a consumer’s terminal. FLOWS will study and demonstrate the convergence of wireless standards allowing the user to be simultaneously connected to several of them and enabling transparent access to various services. The activity will be focused in the following areas: (i) Development of channel models for converging systems (GSM, UMTS, HIPERLAN, DVB and DAB), characterisation of services for the various systems, and analysis of traffic performance (Luis M. Correia, João Gil, Filipe Cardoso, Jorge Aguiar, Gabriela Galvano); (ii) Design of triple-band (GSM1800, UMTS, HiperLAN2) printed antennas, and small antennas to be integrated into a handset terminal. Analysis and simulation of possible MIMO multi-antenna configurations (Custódio Peixeiro); (iii) Design of multiband antennas using the fractal concept (António A. Moreira). (iv) Design and test of ultra-wideband antennas, including the evaluation of antenna performance when integrated into a real user terminal (Carlos A. Fernandes) Acron/Ref Title Descript. GMF4ITV GMF for ITV The overall objective of this proposal is to enhance the technological perspectives of the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) standard by providing a GMFfor iTV. It accelerates the uptake of DVB-MHP and provides an end to-end platform for interactive services on heterogeneous multimedia devices (STB and PC). The platform will enable the content and service provider to create, manage and, distribute linearily composed, pre recorded video streams in conjunction with non-linear data and allow interactivity at the end device on object or key-frame level of the content. Acron/Ref Title Descript. HeadSAR Head SAR Measurement System Specification To analyse the European and International Standards for head Specific Absortion Rate (SAR) measurement, with respect to mobile phone radiation. To contrast these standards with commercially available measurement systems, and specify an adequate measurement solution for ANACOM. 26 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. In@Bus In@Bus In@Bus is a project for PT Inovação, which objective is to develop a computer and telecommunications platform for buses and trucks. The buses system is supposed to provide communications via a mobile communications network (GSM or TETRA), bus radio access network to the passengers via a wireless portal (IEEE 802.11 and/or Bluetooth), integration with the ticketing and passenger counting systems, information displaying through LED information panel, video contents displaying through LCD monitors and passenger filming (for security purposes). The truck system should also provide GPS aided navigation and a computing full operational office including code bar reader integration for packages registration. The In@Bus project also includes the development of a RF identification system for bus stops, that shall help the GPS system to provide correct positioning in the city. The integration of passenger counting systems and bus billing system with the bus communications platform is also a goal of this project Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. ITEM Informação Técnica sobre Exposição à Radiação Electromagnética em Comunicações Móveis To provide ''public awareness'' information about exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic wave radiation. To perform a systematic monitoring of electromagnetic radiation level near mobile communications base station sites all over the country, and to share these results through a dedicated website. GALACTIC/IST-2000-30109 Innovative GaAs MMICs and Avanced LTCC packaging technologies for multicomponents Ka Band subsystems The objective of the GALACTIC project is to lay the foundations to the low-cost Ka subsystems. The key innovative technologies are highly integrated Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), integration and packaging. Those technologies are required for the design, fabrication and validation of a low cost, multi-component high power subsystem adequate for mass production. The integration will be validated on a Ka-band up-converter transmitter, which is the key building block of various future products for next generation broadband communication networks. 27 INSTITUTO Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ICNS/TIT/1583/95 fase II Integrated Communication and Navigation Systems The project deals with the following communication/navigation problems: 1- Receiver performance evaluation by applying importance sampling techniques. This problem was dealt with in Phase I assuming additive white Gaussian channels and phase drift modeled as Browniam motion. The purpose in Phase II is to to extend the study to fading channels and higher order phase drift dynamics. 2-In Phase I we modeled the relative emitter/receiver dynamics as a third order GaussMarkov process, and designed the receiver accordingly. To perform optimally, the assumed model has to fit the actual dynamics; otherwise, robustness criteria and adaptive algorithms have to be applied. ILASH/ESA-17514 Integrated Lens Antenna Shaping To develop a software code for the design and optimisation of multipleshell integrated dielectric lens antennas for millimetre-wave space applications. ILENA/POSI/34860/CPS/2000 Integration of Lenses and Planar Antennas To study the integration of lens antennas with printed feed elements. To extend homogeneous lens concepts to non-uniform printed material lenses. ISSMIA/TIT/1580/95 fase II Integration of Stochastic and Structural Models in Image and Pattern Analysis-Phase II The project considers the following remote sensing problems: 1Acquisition and processing in interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) imaging. Algorithms developed and evaluated by simulation in the first part of the project are now tested with real data. Executable versions of these algorithms will be made available in the Internet for comparison purposes. 2-Inverse synthetic aperture (ISAR) problem. The accurate target tracking demands the estimation of the absolute value of a carrier phase. Previous work on this area, developed by the team members, will be applied in various ISAR scenarios. 28 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. McPIC/POCTI/34424/ESE/2000 Mask Configurable Intelligent Power Integrated Circuits – Applications The main objective is the development of pre-processed Smart Power IC, configurable by the top metal layer(s), using low-cost standard CMOS technologies. This goal is to be attained through the development of a power switching cells library in a matrix arrangement based in a single NMOS cell. This arrangement should be capable of implementing power conversion, amplification and regulation functions, permitting high reliability and efficient compact solutions, in order to improve the quality of portable equipment. Personal communication systems and medical equipments, robotics and automotive applications are some of the types of applications envisaged as target for these Smart Power ICs. This methodology enables o l w cost semi custom designs and new ICs configuration strategies of easy industrial implementation towards Smart Power using standard CMOS technologies. Acron/Ref Title Descript. MC-CDMA MC-CDMA Investigate signal processing techniques for 4G MC-CDMA systems Acron/Ref Title Descript. MATRICE MC-CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems The main objective of the project is to define and validate access and transmission concepts based on MC-CDMA technology for provision of the broadband component of future mobile cellular systems. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. based MBBS Mobile Broadband System - Perform radio channel measurements using hardware developed in the framework of SAMBA project in the 40 GHz band. - Process the acquired data and calculate several parameters, namely, DS, AD, PDP, CB, etc. Compare the measured results with raytracing simulations. - Derive analytical models - Publish the results in international conferences. MOMENTUM/IST-2000-28088 Models and Simulations for Network Planning and Control of UMTS MOMENTUM aims at a long lasting impact on the development of UMTS planning tools. Major players of system manufacturers, network 29 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES operators, service providers, and operations research facilities have joined to meet the challenge of analysing UMTS system-behaviour and of developing powerful new planning methods for UMTS. MOMENTUM will: characterise new services UMTS is going to deliver; build usage profiles and planning scenarios to model the future demands; build the most advanced UMTS real-time system-level simulator; use the scenarios and the simulator to better understand the dynamics of UMTS networks and their sensitivity to system parameter settings; develop flexible models, algorithms, and new planning methods for the deployment of the future wireless telecommunication infrastructure; build and publish a library of UMTS scenarios and test cases to be used as a benchmark in the development of planning tools. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. SAMURAI Multimedia Services and Applications in Hospital, University and Urban Environments Besides the Wireless LAN deployment in University (Virtual University Campus) and Hospital (tele-medicine) scenarios, one will contribute with service classification and characterisation, source traffic validation via real data and inclusion of human and ergonomic aspects in mobile and wireless systems planning process. MULTIPLAN/ POSI/CPS/45726/2002 Multi-service cellular planning for mobile communication The project focus is cellular planning for multi-service mobile communications systems (3G, 3.5G and 4G) in the aspects of characterisation and classification of services and applications, resource re-use, teletraffic, cost/revenues and signal processing. Research is focused on i) Classification of new mobile and wireless services and applications, ii) Characterisation of applications through the identification of relevant parameters and the evaluation of their range of variation, iii) Identification of deployment scenarios, and realisation of forecasting studies for Internet and Multimedia traffic, iv) developing models for the impact of mobility in multi-service time -based and nontime based (real and non real-time) traffic, in the aspects of blocking and delay and v) cost/revenue optimisation. Original contributions will be pursued on developing and characterising these new applications and on the tele-traffic performance of advanced wireless and mobile networks (e.g., using models as the Markov- modulated Poisson Process/Bernoulli-Poisson-Pascal one or the ones for self-similar traffic). Cellular planning optimisation will be addressed through the inclusion of traffic aspects in a cost/revenue model and also into a cellular Mobile Broadband System planning tool develloped within our group. 30 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Navio Navy Video The main objective of this project consists of studying and developing error resilient video coding algorithms and transmission techniques appropriate for high frequency (HF) carriers allowing attaining high quality videoconference services in long distance communications. The short wave channel imposes several hostile propagation conditions that will affect video signal communications. Furthermore, the very low throughput bit rate (12800bps) provides a strong limitation on video communications. This project will attempt to overcome those appointed drawbacks. OALMT/E-72/03 Optimização de Amplificadores Linearizados em Presença de Sinais Reais Multi-Tom Os sistemas actuais de comunicações via rádio estão limitados em grande parte pela distorção não linear que os componentes que o constituem geram. Apesar dos esforços recentes no estudo da distorção não linear em amplificadores, misturadores etc, sujeito a sinais reais de telecomunicações, esses são normalmente virados para testes ideias de laboratório, como sejam os testes a um tom e dois tons sinusoidais. Como se pretende que os sistema de rádio emitam informação real e não ideal, o estudo destes sistemas quando em presença de um sinal real é fundamental para o correcto projecto dos mesmos. Devido à não existência de sobreposição e proporcionalidade nestes sistemas não lineares, a extensão dos testes ideais para as situações reais não é imediata, pelo que o estudo do comportamento dos sistemas não lineares em presença deste sinais é o principal objectivo deste projecto. Pretende-se com este trabalho determinar qual a relação entre a distorção medida num sistema não-linear geral (cuja concretização de maior interesse é o amplificador isolado ou com linearização externa) sujeito a dois tons e a realmente observada no mesmo sistema sujeito a uma excitação real, i.e., a um sinal de informação constituído por uma portadora de RF modulada por um sinal de banda-base aleatório. Sendo já conhecida solução para o problema mais simples do regime de sinal fraco e sem memória, pretende-se estender estes resultados ao caso dois amplificadores de potência (portanto em regime de sinal forte) e com memória. OPAMS/POCTI/ESE/37531/2001 Optimum Power Amplifiers for Modulated Signals Recent wireless communication systems demand very high signal to noise ratios (SNR). However, the continuous improvement of power amplifier (PA) efficiencies has led to an increased nonlinearity behavior, severely degrading system's fidelity. One former way to minimize this effect consisted on using constant envelope modulation systems, 31 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES trading higher spectrum bandwidths for lower distortion. Unfortunately, spectrum bandwidth became a scarce precious good imposing nonconstant envelope modulation schemes. Therefore, the PA nonlinearity is nowadays of primordial importance to the maximization of the SNR in this type of telecommunication systems. The main objective of this project is to propose new design PA procedures intended to improve linearity in presence of complex communication signals of non-constant envelope. To fulfill this goal, the time and frequency domain properties of the complex modulation techniques will first be studied. Special attention will be given to the peak to average ratio of the excitation's time description, and to its complex spectral representation, mainly to the correlation between its different spectral lines. The information gathered with this analysis, associated to the previous background of the authors, will inspire improvements to the existing nonlinear RF circuits' simulation tools, or even to the proposal of novel nonlinear analysis methods, specially tailored for the type of modulated signals under study. With the aid of the proposed simulation techniques, and the knowledge of the driving signal statistics, the nonlinear behavior of PA will be studied when in the presence of complex communication signals. The correct understanding of this behavior will end up in the suggestion of a new procedure for the design PAs optimized for linearity. Finally, a PA prototype specially designed for handling multitone complex modulated signals will be implemented and tested. That will serve as the practical validation of the proposed theoretical analysis methods and circuit design tools. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Programa IST Programa IST To provide logistic support to the national delegates to the Management Committee of the IST programme MEIOS ARTIFICIAIS/E-34/02 Propagation and Radiation in Complex Media Using Planar Technology Analysis of propagation and radiation of electromagnetic waves in multilayered planar structures using complex media including bianisotropic,biisotropic(quiral/omega),gyrotropic(ferrites/magnetized plasmas) and left-handed media.Two specific topics are addressed: radiation of elementary sources embedded in multilayer structures; characterization of artificial media in planar technology. RESOURCE/CPS/36336/1999 Radio resource optimization in third generation mobile systems Study and develop general UMTS/IMT 2000 systems. 32 planning tools for third generation ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. PROSAR/POSI/CPS/34071 Signal and Image Processing in Synthetic Aperture Radar This project addresses the following research topics topics in synthetic aperture radar (SAR): (1) Moving target detection and estimation; (2) Interferometry; (3) Image restoration. (1) Moving target detection, estimation, and imaging is important for wide area surveillance systems with limited revisit times. (2) The problem of interferometry is essentially the estimation of absolute phase from a pair (or more) SA images. Topographic maps are then obtained with basis on the estimated absolute phase images. (3) The pixel amplitude of SA images are, under mild conditions, a sample of a Rayleigh random variable. Therefore, the image amplitudes corresponding to an homogeneous region exhibit random fluctuations, termed ''speckled noise''. The following goals have been pursued, concerning each of the three referred topics: (1) Developing solutions to the so-called ''blind angle ambiguity'' problem. It means that using just an antenna it is impossible to infer the direction of the velocity vector. One way to remove the blind angle ambiguity is to make simultaneous bistatic SA measurements with two different antennas. Aiming at the resolution of the blind angle ambiguity problem with only one antenna, it is proposed the exploitation of recent results, derived by the proponents, on the relations between the received signal and the moving target velocity. (2) Developing Bayesian approaches to the absolute phase estimation in the presence of discontinuities. The inclusion of discontinuities is relevant to obtain meaningful estimates. On the other hand, most methods proposed in the open literature do not take discontinuities into account. (3) Developing Bayesian approaches to the amplitude restoration that, as in item (2), take the amplitude discontinuity into account. SEACORN/IST-2001-34900 Simulation of Enhanced UMTS Access and Core Networks SEACORN provides a fundamental contribution to the evaluation and development of Enhanced UMTS networks. It covers several aspects starting from the definition and characterisation of services and user profiles, including the modelling of the user's behaviour with respect to mobility and multimedia activity, and finally considering the optimisation of the networks from both points of views: the operator's and manufacturer's view of limiting the infrastructure and maintenance costs and the user's view of being provided with high quality services COST 273 Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Communications The main objective is to increase the knowledge on the radio aspects of mobile broadband multimedia networks, by exploring and developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools towards the 33 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES implementation of 4th generation mobile communication systems. It considers frequencies ranging from the upper UHF up to millimetre waves, and data rates higher than 2 Mb/s (probably up to 155 Mb/s). As a secondary objective, it is intended that it continues to play a supporting role similar to the one played by the previous Actions in the mobile communications area. That is, besides giving inputs to the development of 4th generation systems, it is also expected that it will contribute to the deployment of systems that are very close to completion of their standardisation phase, like UMTS and HIPERLAN 2. Acron/Ref Title Descript. COST 290 Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks The main objective of the Action is to increase the knowledge on future advanced Multiservice Wireless Networks (MWNs) MWNs and specifically on traffic nature and behaviour and its impact on network architecture, performance and planning. Special attention will be given to Quality of Service and related aspects in both access networks and core networks in the presence of mixed multimedia traffic. To accomplish this, new analytical tools, software implementations and prototypes will be developed and validated. Action has been divided into four Working Groups (WGs). Working Group 1: Traffic Engineering, Congestion Control and Parameters Estimation in Packet-Switched Mobile and Wireless Environment for 3G and beyond Working Group 2: Specific issues and QoS for Future Packet-Switched Mobile and Wireless Networks Working Group 3: Network Planning and Architectures Working Group 4: New Services and QoS Mobile Pricing Acron/Ref Title Descript. TRIVial Transmissão Rádio Interactiva de Vídeo Local Project TRIVial intends to develop a wireless residential platform. This project is included in telecommunications and information area and one of main goals is to study and consequently choose a local wireless network preferentially wide band as well as researching new video coding and transmission techniques appropriate for that network. The algorithms to be researched and recommended will take into account that the terminal equipments are the conventional TV sets associated to remote control units with keyboard and mice making them ideal to provide multimedia interactive applications. Those algorithms will also take into account interoperability aspects between the platform to be developed and the television DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) and radio DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) broadcasting networks. 34 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS 4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses Final Year Projects Supervisor Bárbara Coelho Gabriel Luís M. Correia Luís M. Correia António Topa Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Fernando J. Velez João Nuno Matos Armando Rocha Student Vitor Amaro Title Aplicações Cliente/Servidor para telemóveis - Estágio Francisco Villanueva Capacity design in GSM/GPRS Filipe Faustino Helder Dias Filipe Varanda Luís Prata Eduardo Lima João Henriques Rui Paulo Ricardo Pannuzzo Homero Leal Rui Gomes Bruno Malha Vera Carneiro Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Bruno Cheganças António Topa Patrícia Rodrigues End Date 1/2004 9/2004 Comparison of Cellular Structures in UMTS 12/2003 Componentes Fotónicos Passivos para Óptica Integrada 7/2004 Constant Flux Antennas for UMTS 12/2003 Deployment Scenarios and Teletraffic Engineering in Mobile Communications Systems Beyond 3G 7/2003 Desenvolvimento de Modelos de Canal Rádio e outras Feramentas de Optimização da Ligação e da Rede em Ambientes WLAN e Bluetooth 9/2003 Development of a Channel Radio Sounder 9/2003 Dielectric Lens Antennas for Space Applications 10/2004 Dispersão em meios quirais com aplicação aos guias quirais usados em Microondas 7/2004 Custódio Peixeiro Tiago Gandara Dual Band Dual Polarisation Microstrip Patch Antennas 2/2003 Fernando Nunes Susana Mendes Estudo Comparativo dos Sistemas de Navegação GPS e GALILEO 9/2004 Fernando Nunes Teresa Sousa Estudo Comparativo dos Sistemas de Navegação GPS e GALILEO 9/2004 35 INSTITUTO Nuno Carvalho Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Mário Rui dos Santos José Rocha Pereira João Rebelo Nuno Matos Jorge Silva Rui Alegre Davide Azevedo Jorge Amaral Carlos Borda João Nuno Matos Rogério Dias Custódio Peixeiro Luís M. Correia Fernando J. Velez TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Estudo do Impacto da Distorção Não Linear em Sistemas de Comunicação Digital Estudos de Penetração do Sinal de GSM e UMTS em Edifícios e Veículos (won the Luis Vidigal prize in 2003) Simão Pedro Torres Integração de um sistema de comunicações, de localização e de Romeu Duarte segurança de veículo Nuno Carvalho Custódio Peixeiro DE Rui Peneda Nuno Crispim Tiago Veiga Filipe Raposo Alexandre Félix João Almeida João Salgueiro Nuno Barroso 9/2003 11/2003 7/2003 Local radio positioning and identification system for indoor environments 7/2003 Medidor de Campo Electromagnético para Comunicações Móveis 9/2003 Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays for 10/2003 Smart Antennas Microstrip Patch Antennas for 4G Mobile Communication Systems 10/2003 Models for Traffic Forecast in UMTS 12/2003 Multimedia Services and Applications in hospital, University and Urban Environments 7/2003 Custódio Peixeiro Simone Spallina Optimisation of Microstrip Patch Antennas with Genetic Algorithms 2/2003 Custódio Peixeiro Radoslaw Urban Packaging Effects on Microstrip Patch Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 9/2003 António Rodrigues Luciano Manuel Moleirinho de Oliveira Packet Switched Data Tranmission Performance on an UMTS Network Mário Rui dos Santos Luís M. Correia António Rodrigues António Paiva Tiago Duarte Samuel Ferreira Paulo Oliveira Teresa Ramiro 10/2003 Portal WLAN/Bluetooth para PDAs/Notebooks 7/2003 Propagation models for UMTS 9/2003 Radio Resource Management for 6/2003 36 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS WCDMA Networks Bárbara Coelho Gabriel Nelson Eduardo Correia Santos Repetidor RF 9/2004 Bárbara Coelho Gabriel José Maria Lajo Simulação de diferentes modelos de propagação no sistema GSM 3/2003 Sincronização de frequência e estimação de canal em OFDM 9/2003 Sistema de Posicionamento Local e identificação rádio para ambientes interiores 7/2003 Fernando Nunes Mário Rui dos Santos Catarina Brites Eva Rosa Ricardo Abreu Miguel Sousa Cláudio Carvalho Sistema Modular para Ensaio de Henrique José A. Silva Torcato Paredes dos Técnicas de Modulação Utilizadas Santos em Comunicações Móveis Bárbara Coelho Gabriel Custódio Peixeiro Armando Rocha António Alves Moreira Luís M. Correia Carlos Cardoso Fernandes 10/2003 Nuno Coimbra Silva Sistemas de comunicações móveis via RDS 1/2004 Lucia Fregoli Small Multi- Band Microstrip Patch Antennas 8/2003 Study and Implementation of a Beacon Digital Signal Receiver 9/2004 Study of fractal type printed antennas for mobile terminals 9/2003 Ângela Barreiros Nuno Ramos Jerzy Guterman João Cardeiro Daniel Sebastião Gonçalo Perdigão Hugo Carmo Traffic modelling at the air interface 9/2004 in UMTS Ultra-wideband Antennas for Millimetrewave Space Applications 12/2003 Table 14 – List of Final Year Projects running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2003. MSc Theses Supervisor Francisco Cercas José Bioucas Dias João Vaz Student Title José António Pereira Design and Application of a New Velez Bluetooth Wireless Network Hélio Fernandes Algoritmos de Focagem em SAR João Carlos Pataca Amplificador de potência CMOS Vinagre para 5GHz 37 End Date 10/2005 5/2005 9/2005 INSTITUTO Luís M. Correia Carlos Salema Luís M. Correia António Navarro António Rodrigues João Costa Freire João Vaz DE An Analytical Traffic Model for the UMTS Radio Interface 3/2004 Pedro Manuel Geada Análise de margens de segurança Borda d'Água no projecto de feixes hertzianos 1/2003 Cristina Reis Pedro Fernandes Capacity Increase through MIMO in Converging Mobile and Wireless Systems 12/2004 Bárbara Coelho Codificação e transmissão de vídeo por ondas milimétricas 4/2004 Francisco António Taveira Branco Nunes Monteiro CPM Receivers Complexity Reduction in Wireless Communication Systems 1/2003 Guilherme de Oliveira St´Aubyn Mascarenhas Desfasadores activos CMOS para rádio-frequência José Bioucas Dias Sandra Coelho José Bioucas Dias Tiago Silva Nuno Carvalho António Rodrigues TELECOMUNICAÇÕES João Paulo Martins Ana Filipa Freitas 12/2004 Determinação da Temperatura de Superfície com Imagens Sintéticas do Sensor SEVIRI-MSG 6/2004 Estimação de Fase Absoluta em Interferometria SAR 6/2003 Estudo de Técnicas de Linearização 11/2004 em Dispositivos de RF Evaluation of the QoS for Geographical Information in Location Based Services Mário Miguel High-Speed Downlink Shared Henrique José A. Silva Carvalho Alves dos Channel evaluation in WCDMA Reis 1/2004 3/2004 Afonso Serralha Influence of buffering in Packet Switching at the Downlink Channel in Converging Mobile and Wireless Systems 12/2004 Luís M. Correia Teresa Leixo Influence of buffering in Packet Switching at the Uplink Channel in Converging Mobile and Wireless Systems 12/2004 Luís M. Correia Gonçalo Carvalho Influence of Traffic Distributions in UMTS Performance 4/2004 LNA monolítico CMOS para UMTS 9/2005 Luís M. Correia João Vaz Pedro Brás 38 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS António Rodrigues Pedro de Almeida Carvalho Vieira MIMO Systems for 3G Mobile Capacity Enhancement 12/2003 José Bioucas Dias Gonçalo Matias Multifrequency Multibaseline Interferometric SAR 4/2005 Oscilador monolítico controlado por tensão para 2.4GHz 3/2004 Propagation Models for Complex Environments in Mobile Communications 9/2005 João Vaz Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Carlos Paiva José Bioucas Dias António Rodrigues Armando Rocha Joaquim Oliveira Jorge Silva Relativistic formulation of classical Marco Alexandre dos electrodynamics with geometric Santos Ribeiro algebra Carlos Sousa Simulação de Dados em Sistemas Acústicos de Abertura Sintética Henrique Martins dos Spectrum Management System for Santos Cunha Microwave Links Jorge Tavares Luís M. Correia Jorge Aguiar Luís M. Correia Conceição Dias 11/2004 5/2004 12/2004 Study and Implementation of Radiolocation Techniques at HF 9/2004 Traffic Analysis at the Radio Interface in Converging Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems 1/2004 Traffic Simulation at the Air Interface of UMTS 4/2004 Nuno Carvalho António José Duarte Figueiredo Train Localization using RF systems Guilherme dos Santos 9/2003 António Rodrigues Nuno António Fraga UMTS FDD Radio Interface Juliano Cota Simulator 6/2004 João Nuno Matos Nuno Ferreira Utilização de Algoritmos de Separação Cega de Fontes (BSS) na detecção de códigos CDMA 12/2003 Table 15 - List of MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2003 39 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES PhD Theses Supervisor Rafael Caldeirinha Luís M. Correia José Leitão Maria João Rosário Maria João Rosário João Vaz José Neves Student Title A discrete RET Model for Millimetre-Wave Propagation Telmo R. Fernandes Through Vegetation in Sub-Urban Macro Cells João Gil José Eduardo C. Sanguino Henrique José da Silva End Date 10/2005 Adaptive antennas and channel models for mobile communications 5/2004 Ambiguity Resolution in GPS Positioning 6/2004 Antenas Activas Luís Miguel Moreira Auto-oscilador em tecnologia Mendes CMOS para 5GHz 11/2005 12/2006 Manuel Dinis Broadband Mobile Communications 7/2004 Luís M. Correia Filipe Cardoso Channel characterisation for broadband mobile communications 5/2004 Atílio Gameiro Paulo Marques Channel estimation for broadband mobile channels 12/2005 Francisco Cercas Codificação eficiente para sistemas João Carlos Marques de comunicações móveis de última Silva geração 10/2006 Maria João Rosário Fernando dos Santos Conversores Monolíticos em CMOS Azevedo para Comunicações Móveis 12/2006 Francisco Cercas Alexandre de Castro Efficient receiver for UWB using Passos de Almeida TCH codes 10/2004 Carlos Cardoso Fernandes João Vaz Atílio Gameiro Américo Correia Mário Silveirinha Electromagnetic Waves in Artificial Media with Application to Lens Antennas Filtros activos para alta frequência Joaquim Bernardino em tecnologia integrada monolítica para 30GHz Luís Gonçalves Mário Marques da Silva Frequency domain MUD for UMTSTDD Future Mobile Systems 40 9/2003 1/2006 12/2003 7/2005 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS José Leitão Alberto Sena da Silva Importance Samp ling Evaluation of Digital Phase Detectors with Carrier Phase Tracking Francisco Cercas Pedro Joaquim Amaro Sebastião Improved simulation tecnhiques for wireless communications 10/2006 José Rocha Pereira Pedro Tavares de Pinho Modelling and optimisation of antennas for mobile terminals using FDTD method and optimisation tools 12/2005 José Bioucas Dias Paulo Marques João Costa Freire Jorge Torres José Carlos Pedro José Bioucas Dias José Carlos Pedro José Leitão António Navarro Francisco Cercas Armando Rocha Rafael Caldeirinha José Neves Atílio Gameiro Moving Target Detection and Estimation in Synthetic Apertura Radar Multifunctions MMICs Pedro Miguel Silva Nonlinear Modeling of Microwave Cabral and RF Power Devices Cristina Ribeiro Oil Slick Surveillance Using ASAR and MERIS Data On the Study of Impairments Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Caused By Noninearities on Lavrador Wireless Systems Fernando Sousa João Tavares 6/2004 12/2004 7/2007 12/2006 7/2006 Open loop structures in digital receivers. Software Radio Approach 6/2004 Optimal source-channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial 4/2004 Optimização de receptores para Nuno Manuel Branco comunicações móveis de última Souto geração Susana de Jesus Mota 7/2003 Propagation Modelling for MIMO Channels Radiative Energy Transfer Modelling of Vegetation Effects on Harlem St. Michael Design and Performance of Fixed and Mobile Wireless Links 10/2006 3/2005 12/2004 Victor Santos Resource Management on Mobile Satellite Systems 7/2004 Adão Silva Space-time coding and preequalization for MIMO MC-CDMA sysytems 12/2005 41 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Atílio Gameiro António Morgado Space-time pre-equalization for WCDMA systems José Bioucas Dias José Nascimento Spectral Unmixing in Hyperspectral 12/2005 Data João Pedro Barata Wideband Receivers for Mobile da Eira Systems António Rodrigues 9/2003 12/2004 Table 16 - List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2003 4.1.6 Publications ANTENNAS Papers in Journals - Marques, P.; J. Dias; “Unambiguous Doppler Shift Estimation for Moving Targets with High Range Velocity Using SAR Data”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. (in press), January, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Moreira, A. A.; “Antenna Arrays for Multiple Standard MIMO Systems”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 555 - 558, June, 2003. - Gandara, T; “Dual Band Dual Polarised Microstrip Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for UMTS and Bluetooth/IEEE 802.11b Applications”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 107 - 110, June, 2003. - Gandara, T; C. Peixeiro; “Dual Band Dual Polarised Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for UMTS and Bluetooth/IEEE 802.11b Applications”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 107 - 110, June, 2003. - Gil, J.G.; L. M. Correia; “Impact of UMTS Macro-Cell Scenarios Directional Characteristics on Adaptive Beamforming Performance”, Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 22 - 26, June, 2003. - Salema, C.; “Radiation Pattern of Plane Aperture Antennas with Large Phase Errors”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 157 - 160, June, 2003. 42 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - Gil, J.G.; L. M. Correia; “The MMSE vs. Beamforming Gain Optima Discrepancy in Adaptive Beamforming Applied to Directional Channel Scenarios”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 495 - 498, June, 2003. - Brissos, J.; C. Peixeiro; “Triple-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for Cellular and WLAN Systems”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC, Beijing, China, Vol. 3, pp. 916 - 920, September, 2003. - Brissos, J.; C. Peixeiro; “Triple-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for CellularWLAN Integration”, Proc IST Mobile Wireless Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 807 811, June, 2003. - Peixeiro, C.; “Triple-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for GSM1800. UMTS and HiperLAN2”, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Columbus, Ohio, United States, Vol. 3, pp. 123 - 126, June, 2003. - Brissos, J.; C. Peixeiro; “Triple-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Element with an Input/Output for Each Band”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 165 - 168, June, 2003. Project Reports - Gandara, T; C. Peixeiro; “Design, Fabrication and Test of an 8 Microstrip Elements Horizontal Array Antenna for Telenor's Channel Sounder”, Instituto de Telecomunicações, FLOWS, July, 2003. - Rosário, M. J.; “Misturadores de RF Monolíticos”, IST, February, 2003. - Rosário, M. J.; P. C. B. Brás; “Relatório sobre um amplificador de baixo ruído no âmbito do projecto LDMOSCA”, IT, September, 2003. 43 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES CIRCUITS AND DEVIC ES Books - Pedro, J. C.; N.B.C. Carvalho; Intermodulation in Microwave and Wireless Circuits, Artech House, Norwood, MA, USA, 2003. Papers in Journals - Pedro, J. C.; J. Madaleno; J. A. Garcia; “Theoretical Basis for the Extraction of Mildly Nonlinear Behavioral Models”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided-Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 40 - 53, January, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Azevedo, F.S.; F. Fortes; M. J. Rosário; “A 1.9GHz Monolithic CMOS Up Conversion Mixer”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 83 86, June, 2003. - Oliveira, J.O.; J.M.C.V. Vaz; “A 2.4GHz LC-tuned VCO in BiCMOS technology”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 531 - 533, June, 2003. - Pedro, J. C.; “A Novel Simplified Analysis of Intermodulation Distortion in Diode Mixers”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 523 - 526, June, 2003. - Cabral, PC; J. C. Pedro; N.B.C. Carvalho; “An Integrated View of Nonlinear Distortion Phenomena in Various Power Amplifier Technologies”, Proc European Microwave Conf. EMC, Munique, Germany, pp. 69 - 73, October, 2003. - Santos, P.M.; H.J. Quaresma; A. Silva; M. Lança; “Breakdown improvement and reliable driving of high-voltage NMOS fabricated in fully implanted CMOS”, Proc European Power Electronics Conf. - EPE, Toulouse, France, Vol. CDROM, pp. p1 - p10, September, 2003. 44 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - Azevedo, F.S.; M. J. Rosário; J. Costa Freire; “CMOS Monolithic Wideband Image rejection Mixer With Polyphase Filters”, Proc Brazilian Microwave and Optolectonic Symp., Iguazu Falls, Brazil, Vol. 2, pp. 815 - 818, September, 2003. - Carvalho, N.B.C.; “Optimum Load Selection for Maximized Large Signal IMD Sweet Spots”, IV Conferência de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, pp. 527-530, Abril 2003.”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 527 - 530, April, 2003. - Santos, P.M.; H.J. Quaresma; A. Silva; M. Lança; “Design of High-Voltage devices in a fully implanted twin-well CMOS process”, Proc European Solid-State Device Research Conf., Estoril, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 343 - 346, September, 2003. - Santos, P.M.; H.J. Quaresma; A. Silva; M. Lança; “High-Voltage NMOS in 0,5um CMOS Technology for fast switching applications”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE, Rio de janeiro, Brazil, Vol. CDROM, June, 2003. - Fortes, F.; F.S. Azevedo; M. J. Rosário; “I-Q Monolithic Oscillator Design on Standard CMOS Technology”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 13 - 16, June, 2003. - Rosário, M. J.; F. Le-Strat; P. Alleaume; J.M.C.V. Vaz; J. Schrotg; T. Mueller; J. Costa Freire; “Low Cost LTCC Filters for a 30GHz Satellite System”, Proc European Microwave Conf. - EMC, Munique, Germany, Vol. 1, pp. 817 - 820, October, 2003. - Pedro, J. C.; N.B.C. Carvalho; “Mixed Time and Frequency Domain Behavioral Modeling and Simulation”, Proc Workshop on Fundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling, Philadelphia, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2003. - Pedro, J. C.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P.M. Lavrador; “Modeling Nonlinear Behavior of BandPass Memoryless and Dynamic Systems”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Philadelphia, United States, Vol. CD- ROM, June, 2003. - Pedro, J. C.; “Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Systems – An Overview”, Proc ARFTG Conf., Boulder, United States, Vol. 62nd ARFTG Conf. Workshop CDROM, December, 2003. 45 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Martins, J. P.; N.B.C. Carvalho; J. C. Pedro; “Post-Distortion Linearising Technique Applied to Mixers”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 111 - 114, June, 2003. - Pedro, J. C.; N.B.C. Carvalho; “Statistics of Microwave Signals and Their Impact on the Response of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems”, Proc ARFTG Conf., Boulder, United States, Vol. 62nd ARFTG Conference Dig., pp. 143 - 153, December, 2003. - Casimiro, A. P.; J. N. Xu; P.M. Santos; “Transistores in Mesh-Array for Power Management Applications”, Proc European Solid-State Device Research Conf., Estoril, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 199 - 202, September, 2003. Project Reports - Vaz, J.M.C.V.; “Aspectos sobre a simulação de circuitos integrados para RF”, Instituto Superior Técnico, February, 2003. - Vaz, J.M.C.V.; “Osciladores Sinusoidais Integrados Monolíticos”, Instituto Superior Tecnico, February, 2003. - Costa Freire, J.; “RF Systems”, IT, February, 2003. PHYSICAL MODELLING AND WAVE PROPAGATION CHARACTERIZATION Papers in Journals - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Effective Permittivity of Metallic Crystals: A Periodic Green's Function Formulation”, Electromagnetics, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 647 - 663, November, 2003. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Efficient Calculation of the Band Structure of Artificial Materials With Cylindrical Metallic Inclusions”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 1460 - 1466, May, 2003. - Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; “Fading Depth Dependence on System Bandwidth in Mobile Communications - An Analytical Approximation”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 587 - 594, May, 2003. 46 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - Belov, P. A.; R.M. Marqués; I.S. Nefedov; M. Silveirinha; C.R. Simovsky; A. Tretyakov; “Strong spatial dispersion in wire media in the very large wavelength limit”, Physical Review B, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 113103-1 - 113103-4, March, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Topa, A.; “Leaky modes in planar waveguides containing DNG metamaterials”, Proc International Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications - ICEAA, Torino, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 447 - 450, September, 2003. - Fernandes, T.R.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; J. Richter; M. AL-Nuaimi; “Modelling of Radiowave Propagation through Finite Vegetation Structures Based on RET”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 317 - 320, June, 2003. - Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; “A Comparison between Different Approaches for Fading Evaluation in Wideband Mobile Communications”, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Jeju, Korea, South, April, 2003. - Monteiro, V.M.; M. D. Dinis; J. Garcia; “A Detailed Indoor Millimetre-wave Channel Impulse Response Analysis Based on Experimental and Simulation Results”, Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. Volume II, pp. 671 - 675, June, 2003. - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; M. AL-Nuaimi; A. Seville; N. Neil Rogers; N. Savage; “A Generic Model of 1-60 GHz Narrow Band Radio Propagation through Vegetation”, Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “A New Method with Exponential Convergence to Evaluate the Periodic Green Function”, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Columbus, Ohio, United States, Vol. 2, pp. 805 - 808, June, 2003. - Rocha, A.; “A Software Tool for Propagation Data Analysis”, Proc Ka and Broadband Communications Conf., Nápoles, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 279 - 284, November, 2003. - Gil, J.G.; L. M. Correia; “Adaptive Beamforming Dependencies on Wideband and Directional Propagation Characteristics in Micro- and Macro-Cell UMTS Scenarios”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC, Beijing, China, Vol. 1, pp. 688 - 692, September, 2003. 47 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Xavier, D.; J. M. Venes; L. M. Correia; “Characterization of Signal Penetration into Buildings for GSM”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 175 - 178, June, 2003. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Design of Waveguide Filters Using a PBG Disk-Type Material”, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Columb us, Ohio, United States, Vol. 4, pp. 875 - 878, June, 2003. - Fernandes, C. F.; “DFB Laser Diodes for Single Longitudinal Mode Operation”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 205 - 208, June, 2003. - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; “Discrete Complex Spectrum of 3D Omega Waveguides”, Proc USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 221 - 221, June, 2003. - Silva, J. S. S.; C. A. Fernandes; “Effect of Window Dimensions on Wall Transmission Loss in Mobile Communications”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 235 - 238, June, 2003. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Effective Permittivity of 1D- 2D- and 3D-Wire Structures: An Analytical Approach”, Proc Matemática em Telecomunicações - Que Problemas? - MTQP, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 241 - 255, September, 2003. - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; “Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in 3D Planar Waveguides Using Unconventional Media”, Proc Encuentro de Electromagnetismo Computacional, Burgos, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, December, 2003. - Venes, J. M.; L. M. Correia; “Evaluation of Parameters for Model Selection Based on Grids”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 551 554, June, 2003. - Mota, S.M.; A. Rocha; “Exploring Experimental Results from SAGE Ray Retreival Algorithm”, Proc IST Mobile Wireless Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 681 - 684, June, 2003. 48 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Homogenization of Metamaterials with Wire Inclusions”, Proc Encuentro de Electromagnetismo Computacional, Burgos, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 3, December, 2003. - Silva, J. S. S.; R. Alegre; C. A. Fernandes; “Influência das Janelas no Nível de Penetração de Sinais de Comunicações Móveis em Edifícios”, Proc Conf. da Engenharia UBIEngenharias, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, October, 2003. - Fernandes, T.R.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; J. Richter; M. AL-Nuaimi; “Modelo para Propagação de Microondas e Ondas Milimétricas em Volumes Finitos de Vegetação Baseado no RET”, Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, November, 2003. - Cardoso, F.; L. M. Correia; “On the Equivalence between Time -domain and Environment-geometry Based Approaches for Fading Evaluation in Wideband Mobile Communications”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Silveirinha, M.; C. A. Fernandes; “Radiation from a Short Vertical Dipole in a Disk-Type PBG Material”, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Columbus, Ohio, United States, Vol. 3, pp. 990 - 993, June, 2003. - Fernandes, T.R.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; J. Richter; M. AL-Nuaimi; “Radiowave Propagation Modelling in Random Vegetation Media Using a Discrete Approach”, Proc EPSRC Prep Conference, Exeter, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 133 - 134, April, 2003. - Topa, A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; “Recent Results on the Electromagnetic Characterization of Chiral Planar Waveguides”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 115 - 118, June, 2003. - Richter, J.; M. AL-Nuaimi; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; N. Savage; A. Seville; N. Neil Rogers; “RET Input Parameter Estimation for a Generic Model of Propagation Through Vegetation Using Excess Attenuation and Phase Function Measurements”, Proc International Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - ICAP, Exeter, United Kingdom, April, 2003. - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; N. Neil Rogers; D. Ndzi; M. AL-Nuaimi; A. Seville; “Wideband Characterisation of Vegetation Media at Microwave Frequencies”, Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. 49 Proc Conf. on INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Silva, J. S. S.; C. A. Fernandes; “Window Effect on Wall Penetration Loss in Mobile Communications”, Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Columbus,Ohio, United States, Vol. 2, pp. 122 - 125, June, 2003. SYSTEM PLANNING AND RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Papers in Journals - Velez, F. J.; L. M. Correia; “Optimisation of Mobile Broadband Multi-service Systems Based in Economic Aspects”, Wireless Networks Journal, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 525 - 533, September, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Vieira, P.; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; “Capacity of MIMO Systems in 3G micro- and picocells”, Proc International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WPMC, Yokosuka, Japan, October, 2003. - Ferreira, L.; L. M. Correia; “Generation of Traffic Demand Scenarios for UMTS”, Proc IST Mobile Wireless Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Reis, M.R.; H. J. A. Silva; “High-Speed Downlink Packet Access: Concepts adn HARQ Performance”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 17 - 20, July, 2003. Project Reports - Velez, F. J.; L. Sousa; C. Santos; “Traffic Estimation and Service Characterisation”, IT/DEM, SAMURAI, December, 2003. TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION SYSTEMS Books - Salema, C.; Microwave Radio Links: From Theory to Design, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2003. 50 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Papers in Journals - Carvalho, N.B.C.; “Métodos de Entrada de Texto Especialmente Projectados para Comunicações Móveis”, Rev. do Dep. de Electrónica e Telecomunicções da Univ. Aveiro, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1 - 1, January, 2003. - Dias, J.; P. Marques; “Multiple Moving target detection and trajectory estimation using a single SAR sensor”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 604 - 624, April, 2003. - Correia, A.; A. Correia; “multi-user detection and intersymbol interference cancellation for WCDMA satellite UMTS”, International Journal of Wireless Inf. Networks, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 93 - 117, March, 2003. - Dias, J.; J. Leitão; “Reconstruction of Backscattering and extinction coefficients in Lidar: a stochastic filtering approach”, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,(In Press), December, 2003. - Cabral, PC; PC Cabral; J. C. Pedro; N.B.C. Carvalho; “Repetidor para o Sub-Sistema Rádio da Rede UMTS”, Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 785 - 789, January, 2003. - Assunção, P.A.; “Sistema DVB para Transmissão de Televisão Digital”, Ingenium, Vol. 2, No. 74, pp. 71 - 74, April, 2003. - Correia, A.; “Transmit Diversity Schemes for WCDMA”, Wireless Personal Communications Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 65 - 85, April, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Dias, J.; “A Fast GEM Algorithm for Bayesian Wavelet-Based Image Restotation Using a Class of Heavy-Tailed Priors”, Proc Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 407 - 420, July, 2003. - Nunes, F.; J. Leitão; “A New Fast Code/Frequency Acquisition Algorithm for GPS C/A Signals”, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Orlando, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, October, 2003. 51 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Cabral, PC; PC Cabral; J. C. Pedro; N.B.C. Carvalho; “A Repeater Prototype for the UMTS Network Radio Sub-System”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 277 - 280, June, 2003. - Souto, N.S.; J. C. Silva; F.C. Cercas; “Block turbo schemes using TCH codes”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 429 - 432, June, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; A. Correia; A. J. Rodrigues; “Characterization of Power Control for UMTS”, Proc International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WPMC, Yokosuka, Japan, Vol. 2, pp. 443 - 447, October, 2003. - Silva, M.; A. Correia; “Combined Transmit Diversity and Beamforming for WCDMA”, Proc European Personal Mobile Communications Conf. - EPMC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, April, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; A. Correia; A. J. Rodrigues; “Conversio n of reference tapped delay line channel models to discrete time channel models”, Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Orlando, United States, Vol. 1, October, 2003. - Correia, L. M.; “COST 273: Towards mobile broadband multimedia networks”, Proc International Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - ICAP, Exeter, United Kingdom, April, 2003. - Silva, J.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; A. Correia; A. J. Rodrigues; “Efficient simulation of tapped delay channel models using converted discrete time channel models”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 231 - 234, June, 2003. - Dias, J.; “Fast GEM Wavelet-Based Image Deconvolution Algorithm”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2003. - Gonçalves, L.G.; A. Gameiro; “Frequency Domain Equalizer for Multirate UMTS-TDD Systems”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC, Anchorage, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, May, 2003. 52 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - Navarro, A.; M. Rostami; J. Tavares; J. Angeja; “HF Channel Modelling for Real Time Packet Transmission”, Proc SPIE - Digital Wireless Communications, Orlando, United States, April, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; “Low Rate Convolutional Coding Schemes based on Nonlinear Cyclic Codes for Efficient Maximum Likelihood Decoding”, Proc International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WPMC, Yokosuka, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 117 - 121, October, 2003. - Pereira, J.; H. J. A. Silva; “New family of modulation techniques for mobile communications based on Soft Orthogonal Phase-shift Keying (SOPK)”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 10 - 14, June, 2003. - Souto, N.S.; J. C. Silva; F.C. Cercas; “Optimum bit-mapping for TCH (16,5) codes”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 425 - 428, June, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; “Parity Concatenated Turbo TCH codes”, Proc International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WPMC, Yokosuka, Japan, Vol. 3, pp. 54 - 57, October, 2003. - Souto, N.S.; J. C. Silva; F.C. Cercas; “Performance Comparison of Turbo Decoding Algorithms in UMTS FDD Radio Channels”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 541 - 544, June, 2003. - Souto, N.S.; J. C. Silva; F.C. Cercas; “Quasi-Systematic property of TCH codes”, Proc Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 657 - 660, June, 2003. - Faria, S.F.; P.A. Assunção; N. Rodrigues; L.M. Mendes; C. Lopes; C. Ribeiro; C. S. Silva; J. Pereira; L. Alves; P. C. Ventura; “Sistema de Controlo e Comunicações de uma Aeronave Não Tripulada - SkyGu@rdian”, Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 10 - 14, November, 2003. - Souto, N.S.; J. C. Silva; F.C. Cercas; “Special bit-mapping of TCH codes for application in turbo schemes”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 445 - 448, June, 2003. 53 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Nunes, F.; J. Leitão; “State-space Estimation of Rapidly-varying Carrier Frequency Offsets in OFDM Systems”, Proc IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Comm., Roma, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 370 - 374, June, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; A. Correia; F.C. Cercas; A. J. Rodrigues; “UMTS AWGN Simulation Results for Uplink, Downlink and HSDPA transmissions”, Proc Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 543 - 547, June, 2003. - Silva, J. C.; N.S. Souto; F.C. Cercas; A. Correia; A. J. Rodrigues; “UMTS AWGN Simulation Results with interference”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 91 - 94, June, 2003. - Navarro, A.; R. Rodrigues; J. Angeja; J. Tavares; L. Carvalho; F. Perdigão; “Video Conference over HF Packet Radio Channels”, Proc IEEE Military Communications Conf. MILCOM, Boston, United States, October, 2003. Project Reports - Correia, A.; “Simulation of Enhanced UMTS Access and Core Networks (SEACORN)”, European Commission, IST-2001-34900, February, 2003. 4.1.7 Other Achievements Awards - San José, E. R.; F. J. Velez; " Plan de Promoción Tecnológica del UMTS, "Premio al Mejor Artículo sobre tecnología UMTS" ", Awarded to Eva Reguera by Telefónica Móviles España S.A.U. for the paper: Eva R. San José and Fernando J. Velez, “Tele-traffic Engineering for Enhanced UMTS Multi-rate Applications”, in Proc. of EPMCC’ 2003 – 5th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, Apr. 2003, 26-11-2003. - Silva, J. S. S.; R. Alegre; " Prémio Luis Vidigal ", Trabalho Final de Curso com o título ''Estudos de Penetração do Sinal de GSM e UMTS em Edifícios e Veículos'', Licenciatura em EEC, IST , 01-10-2003. 54 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS Miscellaneous - Rocha, A.; " National Delegate ", Propagation Impairment Mitigation for Millimetre Wave Radio Systems ", COST280 , 01-12-2003. - Velez, F. J.; R. R. Paulo; R. Rei ; J. Salgueiro; N. Barroso; P. Dinis; T. Lages; " Seminars ", Serviços e Aplicações, Internet, Móveis e Sem Fios ", 30-10-2003. - Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " Invited Talks ", Comunicações Móveis: Mitos e Realidades, Invited Talk ", CRSC' 2003 - 4ª Conferência de Redes e Serviços de Comunicação , 09-04-2003. - Peixeiro, C.; " National Delegate ", COST 284 ", , 28-02-2003. 4.1.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - 12th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless communications, Technical Programme Chairman, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Organizing Committee, Custódio Peixeiro, 21-02-2003. - 13th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Comms, Technical Programme Committee, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - 1st Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - IBPRIA2003, Technical Programme Committee, José Bioucas Dias, 04-06-2003. - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Scientific Committee, Rafael Caldeirinha, 1805-2003. - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Technical Programme Chairman, Rafael Caldeirinha, 20-06-2003. - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Organizing Committee, Custódio Peixeiro, 1806-2003. - DSP 2001 7th International Workshop on Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Space Communications, Organizing Committee, Carlos Salema, 31-01-2003. - Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - EMMCVPR 03, Technical Programme Committee, José Bioucas Dias, 07-08-2003. - Engenharia 2003 - Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Scientific Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 07-11-2003. - EPMCC’2003 - 5th European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 14-04-2003. - ICT’2003 - International Conference on Telecommunications, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 12-06-2003. 55 INSTITUTO - IST Mobile & Wireless DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Communications Summit 2003, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 15-06-2003. - ITS2002 - International Symposium on Telecommunications, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 10-09-2003. - PIMRC’2003 - 14th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 07-09-2003. - WPMC’2003 – Communications, 6th International Technical Symposium Programme on Committee, Wireless Luís M. Personal Correia, Multimedia 21-10-2003 XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Scientific Committee, João Costa Freire, 2105-2003. - Organization and Chair of the Workshop on Nonlinear Measurement Techniques - 62nd ARFTG Conference, Fall 2003, Boulder, José Carlos Pedro. - Sub-Committee 7 - Nonlinear Circuit Analysis and System Simulation - of the Technical Program Committee of IEEE International Microwave Theory and Technique Symposium, Philadelphia, June 2003, José Carlos Pedro. Refereeing - 5th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR 2004, Paulo Marques, 02-11-2003. - ACM Wireless Networks, Luís M. Correia, 05-06-2003. - Conftele 2003, Nuno Carvalho, 13-11-2003. - ConfTele’2003 - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Luís M. Correia, 19-06-2003 - ConfTele'03, António Alves Moreira, 18-06-2003. - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Journal, António Topa, 20-07-2003. - European Microwave Conference, Afonso Barbosa, 11-04-2003. - ICC 2004, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - IEE Special Issue on Sonar and Navigation, Paulo Marques, 01-02-2003. - IEE Electronics Letters, José Carlos Pedro. - IEEE - Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Carlos Paiva, 17-02-2003. - IEEE Antennas as Wireless Propagation Letters, António Topa, 10-11-2003. - IEEE Communications Magazine, Luís M. Correia, 01-05-2003. - IEEE Geoscience an Remote Sensing Letters, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Journal of Electronic Imaging, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, year: 2002, Fernando Nunes, 06-03-2003. 56 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – WIRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS - IEEE Trans Veh. Tech, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Carlos Cardoso Fernandes, Reviewer, 01-012003. - IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Carlos Cardoso Fernandes, 05-10-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, António Topa, 14-10-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Rafael Caldeirinha, 05-12-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Luís M. Correia, 18-07-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Communications, Nuno Carvalho, 13-11-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Communications, year: 2001, Fernando Nunes, 21-02-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Nuno Carvalho, 01-01-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Fernando J. Velez, 15-07-2003. - IEEE Transcations on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - IEEE WCNC2004 conference, Fernando Nunes, 21-11-2003. - IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Luís M. Correia, 20-10-2003. - Institution of Physics Measurement Science and Technology Magazine, Nuno Carvalho, 13-11-2003. - IST Summit on Mobile and wireless Comms, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - IST-Mobile Summit 2003, Nuno Carvalho, 13-11-2003. - Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley., Fernando J. Velez, 16-02-2003. - Journées Nationales Microondes, João Costa Freire, 03-12-2003. - Machine Vision and Applications, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - MELECON'04, José Bioucas Dias, 09-12-2003. - PIMRC 2002 - 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Henrique José A. Silva, 25-02-2003. - VTC Spring 2003, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - WCNC’2003 – Wireless Communications Networks Conference, Luís M. Correia, 12-032003. - Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Luís M. Correia, 26-03-2003. - Wireless Personal Communications, Luís M. Correia, 09-03-2003. - WPMC 2003, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, Luís M. Correia, 10-10-2003. - Journés Nationales Microondes 2003, Lille, May 2003, José Carlos Pedro. - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, José Carlos Pedro. - IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, José Carlos Pedro. - IEEE Transactions on Communications, José Carlos Pedro. 57 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, José Carlos Pedro. - IEEE International Microwave Theory and Technique Symposium, Philadelphia, June 2003, José Carlos Pedro. - Report on the Project “Measurement and Modelling of Multiple Port Nonlinear Microwave Systems” submitted by Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Belgium to the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, José Carlos Pedro. - Report for National Institute of Standards Technology, NIST - USA on two of their papers on microwave device modelling and measurement technology, José Carlos Pedro. - Review Board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, José Carlos Pedro. - Review Board of International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, José Carlos Pedro. 58 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2 Optical Communications 4.2.1 Coordinators • Adolfo Cartaxo • José Ferreira da Rocha 4.2.2 Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 2 Associate Professor 1 1 3 Assistant Professor 6 1 2 Post. Doc. 1 Assistant Lecturer 1 PhD Student 6 MSc Student 4 1 Licenciado 2 1 TOTAL 23 6 2 5 2 12 Table 17 – Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area Permanent Collaborators Name Degree Position Group João Lemos Pinto Agregação Full Professor OC- Av José Ferreira da Rocha Agregação Full Professor OC- Av Artur Lopes Ribeiro Agregação Associate Professor EOC- Lx 59 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Adolfo Cartaxo PhD Associate Professor OC- Lx Atílio Gameiro PhD Associate Professor OC- Av Henrique José A. Silva PhD Associate Professor OC- Co Jorge Torres Pereira PhD Associate Professor EOC- Lx António Teixeira PhD Assistant Professor OC- Av Armando Pinto PhD Assistant Professor EOC- Av Carlos Ferreira Fernandes PhD Assistant Professor EOC- Lx João Pires PhD Assistant Professor OC- Lx Manuel Violas PhD Assistant Professor OC- Av Mário Lima PhD Assistant Professor OC- Av Paulo Monteiro PhD Assistant Professor OC- Av Rui Sousa Ribeiro PhD Assistant Professor OC- Av Paulo André PhD Post. Doc. EOC- Av Table 18 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area Other Collaborators Name Degree Position Group João da Silva Pereira MSc Assistant Professor OC- Co Luís Miguel Mendes MSc Assistant Lecturer OC- Co Telmo Fernandes MSc Assistant Lecturer OC- Co José Morgado MSc PhD Student OC - Lx Luís Cancela MSc PhD Student OC- Lx Mário Rui Leiria MSc PhD Student OC - Lx António Tavares Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer OC- Av António Jorge Morgado Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av João Lopes Rebola Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Lx Miguel Ângelo Madureira Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av Natasa Pavlovic Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Lx Paulo Jorge Marques Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av Rogério Nunes Nogueira Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av Rui Pedro Alves Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av Sérgio Junior Licenciatura PhD Student OC - Av Filipe Alves Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Av João Manuel Pedro Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Lx José António Magalhães Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Av 60 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Luis Miguel Ribeiro Teixeira Licenciatura MSc Student EOC- Av Mário Reis Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Co Pedro Charrua Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Lx Tiago Maia Licenciatura MSc Student OC - Av José Miguel Santos Licenciatura Licenciado OC- Av Teresa Almeida Licenciatura Licenciado EOC- Av Ricardo Gonçalves Oliveira Licenciatura Licenciado OC- Co Table 19 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area 4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements In the following, the achievements in the OCarea are grouped, under three sub-areas: - Optical Components and Subsystems - Optical Communication Systems - Optical Networking. Optical Components and Subsystems The work carried out in this sub-area concentrated on the modelling, performance evaluation, optimisation and implementation of key components and subsystems for alloptical Networks. In a subject with impact in many sub-areas of optical communications, the activities concentrated in the study, implementation and test of fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) for WDM and CWDM system. A specific activity on this subject, consisted on the study of dynamically adjustable chromatic dispersion compensators, based on chirped FBGs. It is known that environmental variations, such as changes in temperature can cause variations in the system overall dispersion. To overcome this problem, tuneable dispersion compensators are needed especially for high-speed systems. The adjustable chromatic dispersion compensators are achieved by adjusting the chirp of the FBG with an externally applied perturbation like temperature (gradient) or strain perturbation. In the area of arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG), characterisation of different techniques for implementation of these devices with flat frequency response was performed and the impact of fabrication errors on AWG frequency response was analysed. During the year of 2003 we have started work on specially doped fibres for amplifiers applications. The preliminary tests focus on the mechanical properties of the fibres doped 61 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES with Erbium and Thulium for the L and S bands, respectively. Future tests will concern the reshaping of the fibre spectral properties. Work has also been done on the expansion of the amplification band into the L band. One L band EDFA, with very high gain and flatness in saturated regime, has been developed and characterized. Directly modulated lasers for metropolitan area networks utilizing negative dispersion fibers were optimized and general features of optimal lasers for dispersion supported transmission systems were assessed. Analysis have been performed on modified distributed feedback (DFB) laser structures, namely multiple-phase shifted (MPS), distributed coupling coefficient (DCC) and amplitude modulated grating DFB lasers. In the latter a slow variation, linear or not, of the grating amplitude was considered. The impact of structural parameters on laser performance, either in threshold and above-threshold conditions, was carried on using matricial techniques (Transfer Matrix Method). Special attention was given to the possibility of achieving the single-longitudinal mode (SLM) operation in the abovethreshold regime. During the year 2003 the analysis and simulation of PIN and APD devices continued. The simulation tools previously developed have been updated in order to take into account some specific situations. One such case is the study of the frequency response of separate absorption multiplication avalanche photodiodes when the light is incident from either side of the device. The effect of the wavelength of the light on the device's bandwidth was also investigated. Great efforts have been directed towards the development of subsystems for achieving transparency in all-optical networks in the areas of OADM, wavelength converters and fibre Bragg gratings. A new technique, based on broadband orthogonal pumps together with semiconductor optical amplifiers and dispersion shifted fibres, was developed to improve the range of wavelength converters, based on the four wave mixing process. In the subsystems area, various optical add/drop multiplexers (OADM) structures based on AWG were analysed and their performance optimised, when operating in WDM optical networks. Validation of the probability density function of the output current of optically pre-amplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering and transparent optical networks was also achieved through Monte Carlo simulation. Optical Communication Systems In the field of optical communication systems, analytical and simulation work was carried out to characterize analytically the self-phase modulation (SPM) impact on cross-phase modulation (XPM) -induced degradation in dispersion compensated WDM systems and to 62 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS assess the influence of dispersion slope compensation on the XPM-induced degradation in dispersion compensated WDM systems. Advanced modulation formats, namely phase shaped binary transmission, enhanced phase shaped binary transmission, alternate mark inversion RZ, and duobinary carrier suppressed RZ with strong optical filtering were investigated for use in dense WDM (DWDM) systems with optical dispersion compensation. A generalized reduced model for performance assessment of optical line coding formats in dispersion managed systems was also developed. This model describes the performance limitations imposed by group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation in these systems. A novel, simple and generalized expression for the performance assessment of optically amplified receivers valid for arbitrary coding formats was proposed. Research has been pursued on the topic of soliton dynamics in dispersion-varying compensating fibres (DVCF). The objective of this work is to analyze new transmission schemes, where the normal dispersion compensating fibre (DCF) is replaced by a DVCF, hoping to identify an optimal dispersion profile. A possible analytical approach to the solution of this problem was presented and discussed in the workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, at Tomar. Communication systems using optical single side band transmission technique (OSSB) were investigated. This transmission technique has advantages for upgrading the capacity of the existing fibre networks. Novel Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMICs) were studied and implemented to generate OSSB signals. Work in this sub-area included also the optimization and implementation of electrical equalizers to compensate the fibre dispersion in 10 and 40 Gbit/s OCsystems. Orthogonal modulation techniques are being developed for high bit rate optical routing proposes. This combined modulation formats have been proposed recently to optically labeling of high-speed IP packets through DWDM networks. In this technique, the packet reading and routing are carried out directly in the optical domain. The use of optical label swapping allows the set up of optical paths along which the payload data is routed transparently, avoiding the electronic payload processing. In the studied orthogonal modulation technique, while the label is modulated in FSK (frequency shift key) format, the IP payload is modulated in ASK (amplitude shift keying). Free space optical transmission has been simulated. We have implemented a numerical model to simulate the propagation of a laser beam through the atmosphere. The introduction of this model in a photonic simulator allowed us to estimate the performance of free space OCdata links. This model allows the study of correlations between BER and atmospheric variable, helping us to understand the laser transmission through atmosphere. The atmo spheric variables considered were the air temperature and relative humidity, the wind speed and direction and the presence of liquid water in the form of 63 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES rain or fog. All these variables are responsible for the degradation of the link quality due to absorption, scattering, scintillation and beam wander. Optical Networking In the field of performance monitoring, techniques were developed for modelling the asynchronous performance monitoring method. This technique has great practical potential since it can be used in transparent optical performance monitoring, without the need of opto-electronic conversion. Investigation of the physical level limitations of transparent optical networks (TON) was performed. In this field, a Gaussian approach for the performance assessment of optical multiplexer / demultiplexer concatenation in those networks and a method to obtain the TON’s Q-factor, which takes into account the effects of inter-symbol interference, accumulated noise and crosstalk, were developed. Performance of TONs based on optical add-drop multiplexers using AWGs, in presence of fabrication errors, was also analysed. The OCDMA technique can provide simple network management and multiple access in optical networks. Theoretical studies were carried out in order to implement a demonstrator for high data rates and moderate distances. Also, some of the all-optical routing techniques were observed and a new technique based on OCDMA headers was proposed. Other techniques of orthogonal modulation formats were studied for use in routing nodes. In the field of radio over fibre, optimized wavelength interleaving techniques were demonstrated and its benefits studied. Research was also carried out on nonlinear effects in IP-over-WDM Networks. The objective of this work was to develop a methodology for evaluation of the influence of fibre nonlinear effects on the performance of IP-over-WDM networks, through the estimation of the packet error probability caused by nonlinear effects as a function of IP traffic characteristics and network critical parameters. A numerical method has been identified, and this is now being tested with typical parameters for core and metro networks, taking also into consideration different switching types. 64 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS 4.2.4 Running Projects Overview Funding Agency Number AdI 3 FCT/POSI 5 Table 20 – Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area during 2003. Activity in Projects Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. ConvOCO Conversão óptica de comprimento de onda Project in consortium with Siemens SA, which aims to develop techniques for optical performance monitoring, for each channel of a multi wavelength OC system, based in measurable physical properties. We intend also to study, simulate and implement a optical wavelength conversion module. Both physical functions should be capable to process and analyse optical intensity modulated signals with a 10 Gbit/s bitrate. Both functions will be integrated in a late prototype, where the developed functionalities will be demonstrated. The developed functionalities are in agreement with the needs of the future photonic networks, where the processing and analysis of the signals will be realized completely in the optical domain. DWDM/ODC/POSI/CPS/35576/1999 Dense Wavelength Division Dispersion Compensation Multiplexing Systems with Optical 1) development of analytical formulation for performance evaluation of arbitrary optical filters; 2) performance evaluation of various coding formats for DWDM systems which allows to assess the advantages/drawbacks of using those coding formats in DWDM systems; 3) performance evaluation of several ODC strategies in directly modulated systems; 4) generalisation of analytical formulation for the assessment of cross-phase modulation influence on the DWDM/ODC system performance; 5) assessment of limitations imposed by fibre transmission and nodes on the size and design of DWDM/ODC networks. 65 INSTITUTO Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES ETOBLU/80/03 Equipamentos Terminais Ópticos para Banda Lateral Única Chromatic dispersion in nondispersion-shifted fibers, limits significantly the transmission distance in optical systems operating at data rates in the range of 10Gbit/s, or higher, per wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) channel. This limitation is due to intersymbol interference (ISI), which leads to degradation on system performance. Given the large quantity of nondispersion-shifted fibre currently installed in telecommunications network, overcoming this limitation has become a very important scientific and commercial goal. One of the most promising techniques to overcome the dispersion limit is the transmission of optical single sideband (OSSB) signals. This project will develop OSSB transmission and receiver systems capable to upgrade the capacity of the installed fibre with transmission rates exciding the 10 Gbit/s. FS/POSI/33379/CPS/2000 Fiber Solitons: Propagation, Amplification and Switching To study fiber solitons in the following aspects: (i) the in-line control in WDM soliton communication systems; (ii) amplification of solitonlike pulses in erbium- doped fiber amplifiers; (iii) soliton switching in nonlinear fiber couplers; (iv) chiral solitons, i.e., solitons in chiral optical fibers. DOPTNET/POSI/CPS/42073/2001 Highly Dispersive Pulses in Dense WDM Optical Network Project is aimed to answering some practical questions concerning very high capacity optical networks, namely what is the maximum capacitylength product attainable in a connection, what are the requirements for the switching/cross-connecting nodes and the degradations effects induced by the optical wavelength converters presence. TOBLU/36567/2000 Single Side Band Optical Transmission Communication systems using optical single side band transmission techniques (OSSB) are investigated and studied the viability for the forthcoming generation networks. It will be developed novel Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMICs) to generate SSB signals, in the optical domain, at multigigabit regimes and also for electrical equalisation of the system dispersion. 66 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Acron/Ref Title Descript. Acron/Ref Title Descript. THE MOST Transimpedance Highly Efficient Micro & millimetrewave Optical Smart Transceiver To produce a completed smart transceiver module for OC at 10 Gbit/s and 40 Gbit/s WoNet/POSI/2001/CPS/40009 Wavelength Division Multiplexing and OCDMA for broadcast and Select Networks This project aims to demonstrate a network based on Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) where the multiple access to the media is free and based on an Broadcast/Select (B/S) Architecture. This type of transmission methodology is not new, however, the approach that is aimed within this project tries to innovate either in the network architecture or in the code utilization and limitations. With the proposed architecture, we will try to achieve further distances by concentrating the spectrally sliced spectrum in a controlled block and using more pure spectral sources, lasers with narrow spectral linewidth. Only one of these nodes will be present in the network, simplifying controlling processes, increasing network stability and decreasing nodes cost. In the user node, will try to have as much simplic ity as it is possible, by having the simple and cheaper, and totally optical in order to reduce the complexity of the optics and electronics. By mixing the concepts of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and OCDMA, we aim an optimized code that will result in an optimum number of users per band and the band optimum parameters, always having in mind the optimization of the network cost and complexity (number of lasers and complexity of the coder/decoder parts). Besides the already presented objectives, we will try to develop an totally optical router for this type of networks that will migrate codes in between bands and codes available in the network or neighboring networks. Also, based on the main components limitations will try to suggest the best utilization and limitations of this type of network when compared to other equivalent configurations. In summary, this project will try to improve the concept aiming to achieve a more efficient and less expensive approximation, making this type of network more appealing for practical and wide implementation. Doing this we will also achieve better domain in the design and implementation of fiber bragg gratings in order to have the best results for this type of application. 67 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses Final Year Projects Supervisor Student Fernando Jesus António Teixeira António Topa Title Aplicações para amplificadores ópticos Carlos Alheiro nas redes integralmente opticas Ricardo Jorge Bandas de Energia em Lasers Rodrigues André Semicondutores End Date 7/2003 7/2004 Códigos de linha para sistemas HDWDM Ricardo Viveiros Adolfo Cartaxo Nuno Veloso (multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda de elevada 2/2003 densidade) António Topa Adolfo Cartaxo Daniel das Neves Vieira Lima Massimo Battestini Comutação Fotónica da Informação em Sistemas de Comunicação Óptica com 7/2003 Solitões Design of dispersion managed optical fibre links 7/2003 Rui Pereira António Teixeira Interface para sensores ópticos 7/2004 José Batista Sancho Mendes Laboratório integrado com acesso Francisco Couto remoto António Teixeira Teresa Vieira António Teixeira Laboratório Integrado com Acesso Remoto e sua plataforma de gestão de Bruno Ramos 7/2004 acessos Amadeu Santos Optical Loop, Development of a António Oliveira Reconfigurable Controller Board Armando Pinto 7/2003 7/2004 Optimização da compensação de Adolfo Cartaxo Tiago Miguel Pereira Valente dispersão em sistemas DWDM utilizando modulação de amplitude com 7/2003 banda lateral vestigial Adolfo Cartaxo Pedro Miguel de Optimização da modulação de 68 9/2003 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Almeida Charrua amplitude com banda lateral vestigial em sistemas DWDM Optimização de um Router António Teixeira Filipe Martins integralmente óptico para uso em redes 7/2004 IP integralmente ópticas Paulo André Luís Carlos Tavares Redes de Bragg para CWDM Adriano Freitas António Teixeira Pedro Oliveira Sistema de informação para gestão laboratorial 7/2004 7/2003 Alexandra Rezende Paulo André Sistemas de comunicações ópticas 7/2004 Sistemas de Informação Aplicados 7/2004 Cândido Dias António Teixeira Rui Alheiro Nuno Alexandre Adolfo Cartaxo Gouveia Brazão Sistemas DWDM utilizando modulação Cláudia Susana de amplitude com banda lateral única 9/2003 Duarte Luís Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo Fánan Madeira Henriques Ana Sofia Pires Wavelength converters based on crossgain modulation for WDM networks Wavelength converters based on fourwave mixing for WDM networks 9/2004 9/2004 Table 21 – List of Final Year Projects running in the Optical Communications Area During 2003. MSc Theses Supervisor Student Title End Date Desempenho de sistemas de Adolfo Cartaxo Daniel Diogo Fonseca transmissão por fibra óptica com gestão de dispersão e usando códigos de linha 12/2003 espectralmente eficientes Design and analyses of metropolitan João Pires João Galhordas optical networks in the presence of physical layer impairments 69 12/2004 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Modelo reduzido para Descript. das Adolfo Cartaxo Ruben Soares Luís limitações da modulação cruzada de fase em sistemas de transmissão por 12/2003 fibra óptica com gestão de dispersão Henrique José A. Silva Sílvia Medeiros Vaz Nonlinear Effects in IP-over-WDM Pato Adolfo Cartaxo Pedro Miguel de Almeida Charrua Networks 12/2004 Optical transmission systems with AMI or modified duobinary coding and 9/2004 partial side-band suppression Optimização de multiplexadores de Adolfo Cartaxo Mário Rui Guerreiro inserção-extracção baseados em Leiria grelhas difractoras de guias de onda 12/2003 para redes ópticas transparentes Optimização de Nós em sistemas António Teixeira José Magalhães de”radio Over Fiber”para redes de 11/2004 comunicação móveis Pedro Miguel Carlos Paiva Cunha de Serra Camilo Paulo André João Pires Paulo Monteiro António Teixeira Berta Maria Barbosa Neto João Pedro Photonic Switching in WDM Soliton Communication Systems Redes de Bragg Dinamicamente Reconfiguráveis para a Compensação Paulo Santos 7/2004 de Dispersão Cromática Routing and wavelength assignment in WDM networks with optical protection Tiago Nuno Gaspar Sistemas de Comunicação por Fibra Maia 3/2003 Óptica em Banda Lateral Única Técnicas de Suporte para redes OCDMA 12/2003 9/2003 7/2004 Table 22 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Optical Communications Area During 2003 70 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PhD Theses Supervisor José Ferreira da Rocha Student Rogério Nogueira Carlos Paiva Fernando Janeiro António Topa Adolfo Cartaxo Atílio Gameiro Paulo Monteiro Natasa Bratislav Adolfo Cartaxo Communications Chirality and Nonlinearity in Optical Fibers Coding formats for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems Rui Alves Coding techniques for IR systems Miguel Ângelo Design of wide-band integrated optical Martins Madureira front-ends Nunes Vicente Passos Morgado João Pires Bragg Gratings for Optical Pavlovic José Augusto Adolfo Cartaxo Title Luís Cancela Direct modulation optical communication systems Multichannel optical networks based on hierarchical ring topologies Mário Rui Guerreiro Optical communication systems with Leiria optical regenerators End Date 10/2004 1/2004 2/2007 12/2003 12/2004 12/2004 12/2006 7/2007 Optimization of Optical Armando Pinto Meire Fugihara Telecommunication Systems Using 3/2006 Distributed Raman Amplification José Ferreira da Rocha Adolfo Cartaxo Adolfo Cartaxo Mario Lima Daniel Diogo Fonseca João Lopes Rebola Optimization of WDM Communication Systems Single side-band optical communication systems Wavelength division multiplexing optical communication systems 4/2003 9/2007 7/2004 Table 23 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area During 2003 71 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 4.2.6 Publications OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Papers in Journals - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Análise do desempenho em sistemas de comunicações ópticas baseada em histogramas de amplitude assincronamente amostrados”, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Telecomunicações, Vol. December, 2003. - Tavares, A.; R. Valadas; R. L. Aguiar; A. M. O. Duarte; “Angle Diversity and RateAdaptive Transmission for Indoor Wireless OC”, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 64 - 73, March, 2003. - Morgado, ; A. Cartaxo; “Assessment of laser noise influence on direct detection transmission system performance”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 759 - 768, March, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; M. J. N. Lima; R. F. Rocha; “Effects of Optical Filter Detunning in WDM Optical Networks”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 14, pp. 1073 - 1074, July, 2003. - Tavares, A.; R. Valadas; R. L. Aguiar; A. M. O. Duarte; “Experimental Characterization of Rate-Adaptive Transmission and Angle Diversity Reception Techniques”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 36 - 44, April, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Optical performance monitoring in high speed transparent DWDM networks through asynchronous sampling”, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Vol. sc2720, pp. 452 461, September, 2003. - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; “Q-factor estimation and impact of spontaneous-spontaneous beat noise on the performance of optically preamplified receivers”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 87 - 95, January, 2003. 72 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; H. Kalinowski; J. L. Pinto; “Raman Gain characterization in Standard Single Mode Optical Fibres for Optical Simulation Purposes”, Optica Aplicatta, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 559 - 573, December, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - André, P.S; A. N. Pinto; “Implications of Temperature in the Chromatic Dispersion: Consequences on High Speed Optical Networks Performance”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Tucson, United States, pp. 175 - 176, October, 2003. - Maia, T.; R. F. S. Ribeiro; P. Monteiro; M. Violas; “10Gbit/s Optical Single Sideband Transmission using Zero Forcing Equalization”, Proc International Conf. on Wireless and OC - WOC, Banff, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 104 - 109, July, 2003. - Maia, T.; M. Violas; P. Monteiro; R. F. S. Ribeiro; “10Gbit/s Optical Single Sideband Transmitter”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 241 - 244, June, 2003. - Fugihara, M.; A. N. Pinto; “A Comparative Study of EDFAs and DRAs in Dis persion Compensation Modules for Long-Haul Optical Communication Systems”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 355 - 358, June, 2003. - Luis, R.; A. Cartaxo; “About the estimation of the impact of XPM on the performance of WDM systems”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 245 248, June, 2003. - Morgado, ; A. Cartaxo; “Accurate estimation of BER floor due to laser noise on directly modulated direct detection transmission systems”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 331 - 334, June, 2003. - Matera, F.; et. al.; “Advanced Infraestructure for Photonics Networks - State of the Art and Prospects (IST ATLAS)”, Proc Conf. on Optical Networks Design and Modelling ONDM, Budapeste, Hungary, February, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; P.S André; P. Monteiro; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; “Alloptical Routing based on OCDMA Headers”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Tucson, United States, October, 2003. 73 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Teixeira, A.T.; “Analysis of Antennas with PBG substrate”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., Iguazu, Brazil, Vol. V1, pp. 207 - 209, September, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Asynchronous Sampled Amplitude Histogram Model for Optical Performance Monitoring in High Speed Network”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting LEOS, Tucson, United States, Vol. ThQ2, pp. 911 - 912, October, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Broadband Optical Wavelenght Converters”, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON, Varsóvia, Poland, July, 2003. - Romero, R.; O. Frazão; P.S André; H. Salgado; J. L. Santo; “Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings for OC and Sensors Applications”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 573 - 576, June, 2003. - Morgado, ; A. Cartaxo; “Comparison of laser optimisation for dispersion supported transmission systems at various bit rates”, Proc European Conf. on Networks and OC NOC, Viena, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 28 - 35, July, 2003. - André, P.S; A. N. Pinto; “Effect of Temperature on the Single Mode Fibers Chromatic Dispersion”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., IGUAZU, Brazil, September, 2003. - San José, E. R.; F. J. Velez; “Enhanced UMTS Services and Applications: a perspective beyond 3G”, Proc European Personal Mobile Communications Conf. - EPMC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 146 - 150, April, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; R.N. Nogueira; G. P. T. Reis; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Filter Optimization for Wavelength Interleaved Radio-over-Fiber Systems”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., Iguazu, Brazil, September, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; P. Monteiro; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Formatos de modulação ortogonais para transmissão de tráfego IP sobre redes ópticas DWDM”, Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, October, 2003. 74 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Leiria, M.; J. L. Rebola; A. Cartaxo; “Gaussian approach for the performance evaluation of transparent optical networks based on optical add-drop multiplexers”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 323 - 326, June, 2003. - André, P.S; A. N. Pinto; “Implications of Temperature in the Chromatic Dispersion: Consequence on High Speed Optical Networks Performance”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Tucson, United States, Vol. TuA5, pp. 175 - 176, October, 2003. - Fonseca, D.; A. Cartaxo; “Improved reduced model to describe SPM-limited 10 Gbit/s dispersion managed fibre links”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 517 - 520, June, 2003. - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; “Influence of Chirp Parameter on Pre-Distorted 10 Gb/s NRZ Installed Links”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 509 - 512, June, 2003. - Morgado, ; A. Cartaxo; “Laser optimization for dispersion supported transmission technique”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 569 - 572, June, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; R.N. Nogueira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; “Multiwavelength Conversion Based on a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Self Pumped converter”, Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Papeete, French Polynesia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, February, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; F. Oliveira; F. Jesus; R. F. Rocha; “Multiwavelength conversion based on reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers ”, Proceedings of SPIE , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 5036 , pp. 570 - 576 , July , 2003 . - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “New Technique for Implementing Multiwavelength Orthogonal Codes for OCDMA using Fiber Bragg Gratings written in High Birefringence Fibers”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Tucson, United States, October, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; “Numerical Methods for Fiber Bragg Gratings”, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, Varsóvia, Poland, July, 2003. 75 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Fonseca, D.; A. Cartaxo; “Optical duobinary transmitter optimisation”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 249 - 252, June, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; G. P. T. Reis; “Optimization of Fiber Bragg Gratings for Wavelength interleaved Radio over fiber Networks”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, July, 2003. - Silva, H. J. A.; “Optimization of the dispersion profile in soliton links with dispersionvarying compensating fiber”, Proc Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 24, CIM, pp. 229 - 239, September, 2003. - Fernandes, S.; A. N. Pinto; P.S André; M. Fugihara; “Pulse Broadening due to Higher Order Dispersion”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 391 - 394, June, 2003. - Matera, F.; et. al.; “Towards transport networks based on 40 Gbit/s transmission: results from the IST ATLAS project”, Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON, Warsaw, Poland, June, 2003. - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; “Validation of the probability density function of the output current of optically preamplified receivers with arbitrary optical filtering through Monte Carlo simulation”, Proc European Conf. on Networks and OC - NOC, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 1, pp. 151 - 158, July, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; “Wavelength Interleaved Radio-over-Fibre Optimized Scheme Based on Highly Birefringent Optical Filters”, Proc IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting - LEOS, Tucson, United States,October, 2003. Project Reports - Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; “Explicit expression for the performance assessment of optically preamplified systems with arbitrary modulation formats”, Telecomunicações, POSI/CPS/35576/1999-DWDM/ODC, September, 2003. 76 Instituto de ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; “Influence of Narrow Optical Filtering on Enhanced-PhaseShaped Binary Transmission Performance in Single Channel Systems”, Instituto de Telecomunicações, POSI/CPS/35576/1999, September, 2003. - Pavlovic, N.P.; A. Cartaxo; “Influence of Narrow Optical Filtering on Enhanced-PhaseShaped Binary Transmission Performance in Ultra Dense WDM Systems”, Instituto de Telecomunicações, POSI/CPS/35576/1999, October, 2003. - Charrua, P.; A. Cartaxo; “Optimização da modulação de amplitude com banda lateral vestigial em sistema s DWDM”, Instituto Superior Técnico, September, 2003. OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND SUB- SYSTEMS Papers in Journals - Lima, M. J. N.; A.T. Teixeira; R. F. Rocha; O. Frazão; P.S André; “Comparison of the thermal tuning capability of different types of Bragg grating filters for wavelength division multiplexing applications”, SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 2502 2505, September, 2003. - Morgado, ; A. Cartaxo; “Directly modulated laser parameters optimisation for metropolitan area networks utilizing negative dispersion fibers”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, June, 2003. - Abe, O.; H. Kalinowski; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; O. Frazão; “Production and Characterisation of Bragg Gratings written in High Birefringence Fibre Optics”, IEE Proceedings - Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 150, No. 6, pp. 495 - 500, December, 2003. - Pereira, D.; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; “Raman Amplifiers for use in WDM systems”, Rev. do Dep. de Electrónica e Telecomunicções da Univ. Aveiro, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 790 - 795, January, 2003. - Melo, M.; A.T. Teixeira; O. Frazão; L. Gomes; M. J. N. Lima; H. Salgado; “Tunable LBand Erbium Doped Fiber Ring Laser by Means of Induced cavity loss using a Fiber Taper”, Appl. Phys. Letters, No. 77, pp. 139 - 142, August, 2003. 77 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Papers in Conference Proceedings - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; O. Abe; H. Kalinowski; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “All-fiber Broad band orthogonal pumps wavelength converter”, Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Papeete, French Polynesia, February, 2003. - Abe, O.; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; H. Kalinowski; J. L. Pinto; “Analysis of Bragg grating writen in high birefringence fibre optics”, Proceedings of SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 5036, pp. 223 - 228, July, 2003. - Pereira, D.; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; “Aspectos de Modelização de Amplificadores Ópticos de Fibra Dopada de Érbio”, Proc Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal, April, 2003. - Pereira, D.; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; “Black Box Modeling of Gain in Erbium- Doped Fiber Amplifiers for L-Band”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 287 - 289, June, 2003. - Abe, O.; O. Frazão; H. Kalinowski; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; “Characterization of Bragg Gratings in Normal and Reduced Diameter HiBi Fibers”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., Foz Iguaçu, Brazil, September, 2003. - André, P.S; A. N. Pinto; J. L. Pinto; “Effect of Temperature on the Single Mode Fibers Chromatic Dispersion”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, Vol. 1, pp. 231 - 234, September, 2003. - Cartaxo, A.; Morgado; “Efficient and accurate numerical solution of stochastic partial differential equations: formulating a problem”, Proc Matemática em Telecomunicações Que Problemas? - MTQP, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 205 - 217, September, 2003. - Monteiro, P.; M. Violas; R. F. S. Ribeiro; R. F. Rocha; “Electronic Post-det ection Filter for Multigigabit Optical Communication Systems”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronics Applications, Orlando, United States, Vol. 03TH8691, pp. 192 - 197, November, 2003. - Lima, M. J. N.; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; O. Frazão; “Fiber Bragg gratings with variable negative mean index change”, Proc International Microwave and Optics 78 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Conf., Iguazu, Brazil, September, 2003. - André, P.S; H. Kalinowski; L. Borghesi; J. L. Pinto; “Measurement of RamaN gain coefficient in standard single mode optical fibres for DWDM photonic communications systems”, Proceedings of SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 5036, pp. 507 - 511, July, 2003. - Pereira, J. T.; “Modeling the Effect of Temperature on the Frequency Response of Separate Absorption and Multiplication Avalanche Photodiodes”, Proc Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engª Electrotécnica, Vilamoura, Portugal, Vol. I, pp. 31 - 36, July, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Modelo atmosférico para simulação de sistemas de comunicação ópticos em espaço livre”, Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, October, 2003. - Nogueira, R.N.; O. Abe; H. Kalinowski; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Precise characterization of fiber Bragg gratings for photonic communications systems”, Proceedings of SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 5036, pp. 176 - 181, July, 2003. - André, P.S; R.N. Nogueira; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; J. L. Pinto; R. F. Rocha; “Rational Harmonic Mode Locked Sources for High Speed DWDM Networks”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 283 - 285, June, 2003. - Kalinowski, H.; P.S André; “Simulation and evaluation of frequency coupling coefficients in the non linear dispersive regime of single mode fibres”, Proceedings of SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 5036, pp. 523 - 528, July, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; J. L. Pinto; “Simulation of Laser Beam Propagation Through the Atmosphere for OC Proposes”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 351 - 354, June, 2003. - Melo, M.; O. Frazão; P.S André; V. Marques; H. Salgado; J. L. Santo; “Spectral response evaluation of fiber Bragg gratings written in tappered single mode optical fibers”, Proc International Microwave and Optics Conf., Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, Vol. 2, pp. 643 - 645, September, 2003. 79 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Pereira, J. T.; “The Effect of the Absorption and Multiplication Layer Width on the Frequency Response of InGaAs/InP SAM-APD Devices”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 201 - 204, June, 2003. - Lima, M. J. N.; A.T. Teixeira; O. Frazão; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; “Thermal behavior of Bragg gratings formed in germanosilicate fiber”, Proceedings of SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 5036, pp. 187 - 192, July, 2003. - Abe, O.; O. Frazão; R.N. Nogueira; H. Kalinowski; J. L. Santo; J. L. Pinto; “Threeparameter simultaneous measurement using superimposed Bragg Gratings in highbirefringence optical fibers”, Proc IEEE Sensors, Nara, Japan, October, 2003. - Teixeira, A.T.; “Ultrafast all-optical switch in the infrared with thiatricabocyanine dye”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, July, 2003. - Mendes, S.; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; “Web based FBG Dispersion measurement”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 189 191, June, 2003. - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Wide Tuning Range All-Fiber Self-Pumped Wavelength Converter”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Nogueira, R.N. ; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Wide Tuning Range Self-Generated Orthogonal Pumps Source Based on a Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier”, Proc European Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany, June, 2003. OPTICAL NETWORKING Book Chapters - Pires, J. J. O. ; L. G. C. Cancela; “Crosstalk effects in large stricly non-blocking optic al switches based on directional couplers”- Chapter in High-Speed Networsk and Multimedia Communications, Mário Narques Freire, Pascoal Lorenz e Mike Myung-OK Lee, SpringerVerlag, 2003. 80 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Papers in Conference Proceedings - Pires, J. J. O. ; J. M. Pedro; “Efficient Routing and Wavelenght Assignment in WDM Shared Protection Rings”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 513 - 516, June, 2003. - André, P.S; A.T. Teixeira; M. J. N. Lima; R.N. Nogueira; R. F. Rocha; J. L. Pinto; “Optical Performance Monitoring in High Speed Transparent DWDM Networks through Asynchronous Sampling”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNMC, Estoril, Portugal, Vol. 1, July, 2003. - Silva, H.; M. C.G. Go uveia; “Optimization of the dispersion profile in soliton links with dispersion-varying compensating fiber”, Proc Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 229 - 239, September, 2003. 4.2.7 Other Achievements Miscellaneous - André, P.S; “Training Course”, Comunicações Ópticas Avançadas, 14-07-2003. 4.2.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - Conferência Iberoamericana em Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática CISCI 2003. - Technical Programme Committee, Rogério Nunes Nogueira, 01-08-2003. - HSNMC 2003: 6th IEEE International Conference on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, Organizing Committee, Henrique José A. Silva, 23-072003. - I SITE-ON, Conference Chairman, António Teixeira, 17-06-2003. - ICTON 03, Scientific Committee, António Teixeira, 05-03-2003. - M2USIC 03, Scientific Committee, António Teixeira, 28-08-2003. 81 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Refereeing - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Confetele’2003, Paulo Monteiro, 01-04-2003. - 36th Annual Simulation Symposium, Paulo André, 10-01-2003. - 4th Conference on Telecommunications (conftele’2003), Mário Freire, 18-06-2003. - ASTC - Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, Armando Pinto, 30-03-2003. - Conftele 2003, Paulo André, 01-03-2003. - Conftele 2003 - 3rd Conference on Telecommunications, António Topa, 01-03-2003. - CRC 2003 - 6.ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Henrique José A. Silva, 3009-2003. - Electronics Letters, Adolfo Cartaxo, 08-10-2003. - Electronics Letters, Paulo Monteiro, 01-04-2003. - Electronics Letters, Paulo Monteiro, 15-05-2003. - Expert for the 6th European framework, António Teixeira, 01-10-2003. - IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, Henrique José A. Silva, 23-02-2003. - IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Adolfo Cartaxo, 22-07-2003. - IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Adolfo Cartaxo, 08-08-2003. - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Adolfo Cartaxo, 22-03-2003. - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, João Lopes Rebola, 01-04-2003. - IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Adolfo Cartaxo, 22-01-2003. - IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Paulo André, 01-08-2003. - IMOC - International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Armando Pinto, 0109-2003. - IMOC 03, António Teixeira, 02-08-2003. - International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Paulo André, 01-03-2003. - IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, João Lopes Rebola, 19-06-2003. - Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, Armando Pinto, 14-07-2003. - Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Carlos Paiva, 17-02-2003. - Optical Fiber Technology, Paulo André, 01-04-2003. - Optics Communications, Adolfo Cartaxo, 10-10-2003. - Optics Communications, Carlos Paiva, 18-01-2003. - SCI - Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Armando Pinto, 27-072003. - SPIE Optical Engineering, Henrique José A. Silva, 23-02-2003. 82 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3 Networks and Multimedia 4.3.1 Coordinators • Mário Figueiredo • Rui Valadas 4.3.2 Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Full Professor 1 1 Associate Professor 2 1 4 Assistant Professor 2 9 6 Post. Doc. 1 Coordinator Professor 1 Assistant Lecturer 12 Lisboa PhD Student 7 4 6 MSc Student 12 4 10 Licenciado 15 1 Other TOTAL 40 2 1 35 27 Permanent Collaborators Name Degree Position Group Luís Sá Agregação Full Professor SIP - Co Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Agregação Full Professor NMMC- Av Fernando Pereira Agregação Associate Professor Image Carlos Belo PhD Associate Professor NMMC - Lx José Brázio PhD Associate Professor NMMC - Lx 83 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES José Luís Oliveira PhD Associate Professor NMMC- Av Rui Manuel Rocha PhD Associate Professor NMMC - Lx Rui Valadas PhD Associate Professor NMMC- Av Sérgio Faria PhD Associate Professor SIP - Co Abel João Gomes PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Co Amaro Sousa PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Av Ana Fred PhD Assistant Professor CTPR António Carlos Almeida PhD Assistant Professor NMMC - Lx Fernando Lopes PhD Assistant Professor SIP - Co Fernando Perdigão PhD Assistant Professor SIP - Co João Sobrinho PhD Assistant Professor NMMC - Lx Luís Alexandre PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Co Luís Cruz PhD Assistant Professor SIP - Co Maria Paula de Sousa PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Co Maria Paula Queluz PhD Assistant Professor Image Mário Figueiredo PhD Assistant Professor CTPR Mário Freire PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Co Paul Andrew Crocker PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Co Paulo Correia PhD Assistant Professor Image Susana Sargento PhD Assistant Professor NMMC- Av Vitor Silva PhD Assistant Professor SIP – Co Francisco Fontes PhD Post. Doc. NMMC- Av Pedro Amado Assunção PhD Coordinator Professor SIP - Co Frutuoso da Silva MSc Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Carla Calado Lopes MSc Assistant Lecturer SIP - Co Pedro Daniel Correia MSc Assistant Lecturer SIP - Co Carlos Miguel Ribeiro Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer SIP - Co João Carlos Silvestre Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer SIP - Co João Paulo Cordeiro Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Paulo Paiva Monteiro Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer SIP - Co Romeu da Silva Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Rui Cardoso Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co 84 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Rui Fernandes Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Rui Pereira Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Joel Rodrigues Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Co Hugo Proença Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Co Vasco Lagarto Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Degree Position Group José Monteiro Morgado Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Rui Manuel Coelho Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer NMMC- Co Daniel Zaragoza Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC - Lx Hugo Almeida e Marques Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Av Paulo Salvador Ferreira Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Av António Nogueira MSc PhD Student NMMC- Av Carlos Borges Lopes MSc PhD Student NMMC- Av João Ascenso MSc PhD Student Image Paulo Nunes MSc PhD Student Image David Coutinho Antão Licenciatura PhD Student CTPR Eduardo Marta Licenciatura PhD Student SIP - Co Emanuel Martins Licenciatura PhD Student SIP - Co Hugo Gamboa Licenciatura PhD Student CTPR José Pedro Fernandes Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Av Luís Cardoso Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Av Luís Ducla Soares Licenciatura PhD Student Image Nuno Rodrigues Licenciatura PhD Student SIP - Co Vitor Marques Licenciatura PhD Student NMMC- Av Jorge Gonçalves Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Jorge Patrão Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av José Maio Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Nuno Silva Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Ricardo Cadime Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Other Collaborators Name 85 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Arlindo Veiga Licenciatura MSc Student SIP - Co Artur Ferreira Licenciatura MSc Student CTPR Diogo Diogo Licenciatura MSc Student Image Duarte Palma Licenciatura MSc Student Image Helder Vidal Licenciatura MSc Student RCS João Santos Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Luís Oliveira Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Luisa Caeiro Licenciatura MSc Student RCS Marco Gomes Licenciatura MSc Student SIP - Co Maria do Céu Beirão Licenciatura MSc Student CTPR Pedro Alexandre Gonçalves Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Pedro Fonseca Licenciatura MSc Student Image Pedro Gonçalves Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Rui Marcelino Licenciatura MSc Student SIP - Co Rui Pires Fernandes Licenciatura MSc Student SIP - Co Sandra V. B. Jardim Licenciatura MSc Student CTPR Catarina Brites Licenciatura MSc Student Image André Lourenço Licenciatura MSc Student CTPR António Amaral Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Cristiano Pereira Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Miguel Figueiredo Licenciatura MSc Student NMMC- Av Fernando Bastos Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Filipe Cabral Pinto Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Henrique Teixeira de Sousa Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av João Barraca Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av João Paulo Firmeza Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Luís Miguel Silva Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Miguel Plácido Santos Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Nuno Guimarães Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Pedro Capão Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Pedro Carvalho Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Pedro Naia Neves Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av 86 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Telma Mota Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av Vitor Ribeiro Licenciatura Licenciado NMMC- Av MSc Other NMMC - Lx Roland de Haan 4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements The work in the area of Networks and Multimedia is organized in several topics: Architectures and protocols; - Traffic engineering; - Network operations, Management, and planning; - Impact of Telecommunications in Society; - Processing, analysis and coding of audio and visual information; - Pattern recognition and automatic learning; - Speech analysis and recognition. In the following, we briefly summarize the main achievements in each of these topics. Architectures and Protocols Routing protocols - Research focused on the convergence properties of path- and distance-vector protocols in a broad range of operational environments, from performance-oriented intra-domain routing to policy-oriented inter-domain routing in the Internet. A non-classic algebraic theory of network routing was developed which unifies these seemingly unrelated routing paradigms and establishes fundamental results. The theory views routing with path- and distance-vector protocols as a generalization of shortest-path routing. Instances of the theory have provided guidelines for the complex problem of inter-domain policy-oriented routing with the Border Gateway Protocol. IPv4-IPv6 transition scenarios - The evolution of IP networks from IPv4 to IPv6 protocol is being addressed by investigating architectures and protocols that can provide existing and new services in an integrated way and that can work over the most promising evolution scenarios where both protocols must exist. Particular attention is being devoted to the combination of DNS, multicast and mobility over both a single autonomous system and multiple autonomous systems. A set of solutions to provide mobile IP over IPv4-IPv6 transition scenarios was already investigated and this work is being subject of publication. 87 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Heterogeneous networking issues - The work performed was centered on heterogeneous networking issues, mainly on QoS aspects, and the integration of QoS with service concepts. A trial site and a QoS Broker were developed. On-going activities are: overall architecture of heterogeneous networks, including broadcast technologies; QoS signaling in these environments; ad-hoc networking, and service provision in ad-hoc networks. The results achieved during last year showed that integrated approaches to mobility, QoS and service management can be implemented using IP-based protocols with performance adequate for 3G interactive services. Some activity has also been done, in cooperation with the wireless area, in new radio resource allocation mechanisms, targeted to specific IP traffic. Signalling protocols for optical burst switching networks - We have analysed the network performance of signaling protocols, namely Just-in-time (JIT), Just-enough-time, Horizon, JumpStart, and JIT+. We are presently comparing the relative performance of these protocols in ring, chordal ring and mesh networks. Traffic Engineering Traffic modelling and analysis – An improved traffic model and parameter fitting procedure, based on Markov modulated Poisson processes, which is able to capture selfsimilarity over a range of time scales, was proposed. This version achieves a much lower number of states when compared with previous ones. The fitting procedure matches the complete distribution at each time scale, and not only some of its moments as it is the case in related proposals. This new version of the traffic model The characterization of general (non-exponential) ON-OFF sources and their adequacy to model real Internet traffic data in terms of queuing behavior, was also addressed. Statistical characterization of Internet traffic – We have analysed Internet traffic using multivariate statistical analysis techniques. We have identified patterns of similar behavior by grouping Internet users according to measurements carried out in two distinct ISPs. The grouping of the users was based on their traffic utilization measured every half-hour. Cluster analysis was used to identify the relevant Internet usage profiles. The cluster structure was validated through discriminant analysis. Congestion control in packet networks – This topic was the subject of a PhD thesis concluded in 2002 where new algorithms for feedback congestion control were proposed and analysed; the main achievements during this last year were: (i) the derivation of stability conditions for the proposed algorithms and, (ii) the proposal and study of mechanisms for source rate differentiation, supported on the algorithms proposed before, without increasing complexity in core routers. 88 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Traffic performance analysis in wavelength routing networks - The work focused on the role of network topologies in the traffic performance of wavelength routing networks. We found that the increase of the nodal degree from 2 to 3 leads to large nodal degree gains, whereas, the increase of the nodal degree from 4 to 5 leads to small nodal degree gains. Our results show that degree three and degree four topologies of smallest diameters are the best candidates for use in the optical core of IP-over-WDM networks. Design of MPLS over WDM networks - Multiple service network design is being addressed taking particular attention to both single layer design (MPLS networks) and multi-layer design (MPLS over WDM networks). On the MPLS layer, network design problems and solving techniques were studied for large-scale MPLS network design under two routing approaches, destination based ro uting and source-based routing. This work is being proposed for publication. On the MPLS over WDM network design, problems were addressed which are a combined WDM lightpath routing, core LSR placement and LSP routing aiming to determine the least cost network solution. These problems differ between them on the design requirements spanning between optical transmission maximum length, LSP maximum number of hops and fault-tolerance requirements. One of these problems was already published in IEEE INFOCOM 2003 conference and the others are being subject to publication. TCP/IP over HF links - Following a performance study of TCP/IP communications over an HF point-to-point transmission system done in previous year, further developments were done in order to implement a communication platform that can interconnect two LANs with an HF point-to-point link following the military standards STANAG 4539 and 5066. This platform supports the most important IP services (DNS, HTTP, Email, proxy, Web caching) optimised to take the most out of the link bandwidth and with the capacity of service differentiation between the services. This work is being supported by Portuguese Navy and will be terminated in the first months of next year. TCP/IP over satellite links - Work addressed the development of a transport architecture for reliable end-to-end transfer in satellite networks, as an alternative for overcoming the poor utilization of satellite links that TCP affords in such environments. The work in 2003 included, in the context of the second phase of the ESA TPSAT project, the redesign of the architecture and protocols developed in Phase 1 of that project, as a result of changed requirements. Activity was started in the study of long range dependence properties of traffic generated by polynomial and exponential backoff random access algorithms. COST 279 - Support continued to be provided to the coordination of COST Action 279, via a contract established for that purpose with the European Union. Part of the associated work involved the preparation of the COST 279 Mid-Term Seminar, to be held in Rome at 89 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES the end of January 2004, and the final editing of the COST 279 Mid-Term Report, prepared for distribution at the Seminar. Network Operations, Management and Planning Network security using software agents - We are developing an agent-based approach for detection and notification of security vulnerabilities in TCP/IP hosts. The software agents under development are to be FIPA-compliant and will allow an intelligent and dynamic detection of security vulnerabilities. QoS Management - IT has contributed to the specification and development of an API for Service Quality Management (SQM), within the OSS/J initiative. We specified and developed a prototype for the end-to-end QoS management of IP Networks (SQM v1.0, ) and defined a lab setup to carry out the related experimentations. We also carried out experiments of the IPTEL SER open-source platform, with special focus on trigger programming for Service Provisoning, using CPL (Call Processing Language). Techno-Economic Analysis of Networks and Services - This thematic area of research is devoted to the study of the technological, economic and financial aspects associated with the provision of telecommunications networks and services. The research has encompassed a variety of issues that include socio-territorial factors (regional topology, demography, socio-economic patterns, available networks and other infrastructures), technological issues (candidate network solutions, candidate service offers), regulatory framework and business models. Impact of Telecommunications in Society Telecommunications and Society - This thematic area of research is devoted to the study of the effects of emergent information and communication technologies and services (in particular telematic services such as Internet) upon different sectors of human and organizational activity. In addition, the role of telematic services and networks as basic preconditions for the efficiency of modern productive systems and catalizers of social and economic development is also addressed. Processing, Analysis and Coding of Audio and Visual Information Object-based rate control – The research activity in this area has continued to address the development of rate control solutions for video scenes represented as a composition of objects such as adopted by the MPEG-4 standard. During 2003, the major 90 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA achievement has been the study of the best rate and distortion models in the context of object-based MPEG-4 video encoding by comparing different rate and distortion models for Intra and Inter coding in the form of rate-quantization, distortion-quantization and rate-distortion functions. Object-based error resilience – We have continued to address the problem of maximizing the video quality when transmitting object-based video data through error prone channels. During 2003, the major achievements have been: 1) the development of a technique to conceal shape errors in the binary alpha planes or in the binary supports of gray scale alpha shapes corresponding to the objects in object-based image or video coding systems such as MPEG-4; this assumes that most contour segments are rather smooth and uses Bézier curves to interpolate them; 2) the development of a temporal technique to conceal shape errors in binary alpha planes or in the binary supports of gray scale shapes corresponding to the objects; to conceal the corrupted shape, the decoder starts by assuming that the alpha plane changes in consecutive time instants can be described by a global motion model; then, since not all alpha plane changes can be perfectly described by global motion, an additional local motion refinement is applied to deal with areas of the object that have significant motion. Video coding with fine granularity scalability – During 2003, the major achievement in this area has been the development of a H.264/AVC based fine grain scalable video encoder which also exploits the motion compensation tools of the H.264/AVC standard to take benefit of the temporal redundancy in the enhancement layer which is predicted from a high quality reference obtained from past information from the enhancement and base layers; moreover drift reduction techniques are proposed to limit the negative impact on the quality when part of the enhancement layer used for prediction is not received by the decoder. Face detection and recognition – Research in this area has been developed in collaboration with the Philips Laboratories in The Netherlands and has targeted the design of facial detection and tracking algorithms in the DCT compressed domain; a low complexity algorithm has been developed, able to perform in real-time in resourceconstrained environments such as mobile terminals. Extraction of text from video – Since the creation of content descriptions with high semantic value has become an important issue, this activity targeted the development of an algorithm able to perform the fully automatic extraction of natural and synthetic text from images and video, in the later case exploiting the temporal redundancy. Video Segmentation - Algorithmic development has focused on surveillance applications, using completely automatic segmentation techniques that estimate the camera noise and then automatically select the most appropriate threshold for separating moving from static regions. Also an automatically adjustable object memory is included to handle 91 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES situations when (parts of) the objects temporarily stop moving. This segmentation solution has been developed in the context of the integrated segmentation framework previously developed, by selecting the most appropriate techniques available that correspond to the segmentation scenario in which this application fits. The work on objective video segmentation quality evaluation has also continued and it has been applied to compare the adequacy of different candidate video segmentation algorithms for a given application. Video description - The application of video descriptions, which are extracted once from a given video and stored in a standard format (MPEG-7), has been considered. In particular, there has been work related to the usage of these descriptions for video summarization. Also the application of video description for video genre classification applications has been started. Image Restoration – Work on wavelet-based image restoration has been further pursued. We were able to develop iterative deconvolution algorithms, with provable monotonity properties, which, unlike previous methods, can be used with shift invariant wavelet bases. These new algorithms achieve state-of-the-art performance on benchmark problems. During 2003, we have also worked towards extending this type of approach to problems of blind deconvolution and of super-resolution. Still Image Compression – Here, basic research on the use of independent component analysis (ICA) for image compression has been carried out. Since the bases obtained with ICA are non-orthogonal, two methods were considered to obtain the image representations: matching pursuit type algorithms and orthogonalization of the ICA bases followed by standard orthogonal projection. Our main conclusions were: bases learned from natural images generalize well to other classes of images; bases learned from the other specific classes show good specialization. For example, for fingerprint images, our coders perform close to the special-purpose WSQ coder developed by the FBI. For some image classes, the visual quality of the images obtained with our coders is similar to that obtained by JPEG2000, which is currently the state of the art still image coder. Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning Unsupervised Learning - New clustering algorithms and partition combination techniques were given special attention, leading to original theoretical and algorithmic contributions. Work was also done on the topic of feature selection for unsupervised learning; in this topic, two types of methods were developed, one extending the classical “wrapper” approach, used in supervised learning, to the unsupervised case, the other by defining the concept of “feature saliency”, a quantity that we have shown that can be estimated by an expectation-maximization algorithm. 92 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Supervised Learning – The Bayesian techniques for learning sparse classifier that have been develop in 2002 were extended in several directions: inclusion of feature scaling/selection in kernel-based classifiers; multi-class formulations, by moving from a “probit” to a “logistic” formulation; development of faster bound-optimization algorithms, both parallel and sequential. Tutoring systems - Here, under a Bayesian learning approach, the personal identification problem was addressed, in the context of the work developed by a PhD student. Multimedia Databases – In this area, we are developing indexing and retrieval tools based on information distances (of the Kullback-Leibler type), both in a classical (Shannon) information theory context and in a computational (Kolmogorov) information theory framework. These approaches will allow developing “agnostic” measures (for example, of similarity), in the sense they they do not rely on any explicit probabilistic modelling and are theoretically universal. Speech analysis and recognition A main topic of research was the study and the implementation of a method to perform word confidence measures in an automatic speech recognition system. The confidence measure is computed during the decoding phase and is based on likelihood ratios between the top hypotheses that reach a word node. Experiments were carried out on a digit database with a connected-digit recognizer. This efficient method can be applied with advantage in small or medium vocabulary recognizers, with low computational resources. The digit recognizer was also integrated in the Windows Sapi environment. Another research topic was the study of a speech coder for very low bandwidth communication channels, with significance analysis of its parameters. A new addressed topic is the analysis of plosive sounds to enhance the speech perception of cochlear implanted persons. Also, a study of phoneme recognition with neural networks has been initiated. 93 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 4.3.4 Running Projects Overview Funding Funding Agency Number ESA 2 EU 3 FCT/POSI 4 Internal 4 Portuguese Navy 1 FEDER, PRAI - Centro 1 PT Inovação 5 SUDOE INTERREG III-B 1 Table 24 – Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area During 2003. Agency Activity in Projects Acron/Ref Title Description COST 279 Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking The main objective of the Action is to develop techniques for the analysis, design and control of advanced multiservice networks supporting mobility, multimedia and interworking, by means of the development and application of new and better analytical techniques for the mathematical understanding and optimisation of the behaviour of communications equipment, protocols, and network topologies and architectures, and of economic aspects such as pricing principles and network cost est imation. Acron/Ref Title Description COST 211 COST 211 quad Development of video analysis algorithms for segmentation and indexing. 94 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron/Ref Title Description CYBERAL CYBERAL - Broadband in Rural Zones Decreasing the dificulties that some rural and peripherical regions of the countries of the european SouthWest handle, related to the access to the Information Society, particulary the Internet. Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description DISMe Desenvolvimento Integrado de Soluções Multimédia Desenvolvimento Integrado Mobilidade IP, VoIP de Soluções Multimédia. IPv6, QoS, Euro-NGI Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet, Towards Convergent Multi-Service Networks Euro-NGI is a Network of Excellence from the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 2, Information Society Technologies (IST), of the European Community. The main objective of the Euro NGI network is to create and maintain the most prominent European center of excellence in Next Generation Internet design and engineering, acting as a “Collective Intelligence Think Tank”, representing a major support for the European Information Society industry and leading towards a European leadership in this domain. The recent technological advances will lead to exploitable innovative services once the integration of these technologies through innovative architectures is achieved. The Next Generation Internet (NGI) will offer view multi-service/multimedia, mobility, convergence (services and fixed- mobile), Quality-of-Service and variable connectivity as the norm. On one hand, future high-speed wire-line and wireless access technologies provide instant high bandwidth connectivity, which makes difficult to forecast traffic and thus to apply existing traffic engineering methods. On the other hand, the technology diversity explodes and mastering such a heterogeneous environment becomes essential to the network designer. This requires investigation into new multi-technology architectures. It is understood today that new design, planning, dimensioning and management principles are needed. In this context, the main topics addressed by the NoE are: - Mastering the technology diversity (vertical and horizontal integration) for the design of efficient and flexible NGI architectures. Providing required innovative traffic engineering architectures adapted to the new requirements and developing the corresponding appropriate quantitative methods. The network experts bring the required competences on the various technologies that will be integrated. They also bring a worldwide recognize expertise on the various topics that composes the traffic engineering and optimal dimensioning domain. Due to the wealth of technologies and tools, achieving the above cited objectives requires the integration of European research capacities to reach a critical mass. 95 INSTITUTO DE Acron/Ref Title Description RADNAV IV Development of a TCP/IP Service Platform to Run over HF Transmission Systems This project is a follow up of RADNAV III and has the following objectives: (i) implementation of the previously developed system (based on a single server and a single client connected by an HF transmission channel) on Portuguese Navy premises and validation of simulation results previously done, (ii) development of open source based routers to interconnect LANs (with attached servers and clients) through the HF channel and (iii) explore different queueing disciplines on the routers to achieve better utilization of the HF channel low bandwidth between the different TCP/IP servic es. Acron/Ref Title Description TELECOMUNICAÇÕES MULTIDIM / POSI/CPS/41459/2001 Dimensioning Multi-Service and Multi-Layer Networks: Optimization Models Study optimization algorithms for multi-service and multi-layer network design and dimensioning. Particular attention is devoted to the network design of ATM, MPLS and MPLS over WDM networks. Depending on the particular problems under study, different optimization techniques are pursuit: (i) model reformulations for efficient use of branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut algorithms and (ii) utilization of heuristic based algorithms like Lagrangean Relaxation with Sub-Gradient Optimization. Acron/Ref Title Description GRIP Gestão Integrada de Redes IP - To analyse the state of the art and best practices for the end-to-end QoS management on IP-centric Networks - To develop prototypes for QoS and Service Quality Management (SQM), using J2EE technology and OSS/J APIs - To evaluate the IPDR and OSS/J IP Billing APIs. Acron/Ref Title Description MPEG ISO MPEG standardization Specification of audiovisual representation standards (MPEG-4, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21). Acron/Ref Title Description Moby Dick / 2000-25394 Moby Dick The project will define, implement, and evaluate an IPv6-based mobility-enabled end-to-end QoS architecture starting from the current 96 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA IETF's QoS models, Mobile-IPv6, and AAA framework. A representative set of interactive and distributed multimedia applications will serve to derive system requirements for the verification, validation, and demonstration of the Moby Dick architecture in a testbed comprising UMTS, 802.11 Wireless LANs and Ethernet. In the event of these existing applications or the underlying architectures not providing what is required, the necessary modification will be undertaken. The implementations will be tested in a Trans-European trial between Madrid/Spain and Stuttgart/Germany with exchange students from the SOKRATES-ERASMUS exchange program. Acron/Ref Title Description VISNET / Proposal/Contract No: 506946 Networked audiovisual media technologies VISNET aims to create a sustainable world force of leading research groups in the field of networked audiovisual (AV) media technologies applied to home platforms. The member institutions have grouped together to set up a network of excellence with a clear vision for integration, research and dissemination plans. The research activities within VISNET will cover several disciplines related to networked AV systems and home platforms. Acron/Ref Title Description PIONEER PIONEER - Performance Issues in Optical NEtworks with intErnet tRaffic The project has three main objectives: i) to analyse performance issues in IP-over-WDM networks with static and dynamic wavelength routing; ii) to evaluate the performance of GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching) architectures and iii) to study the impact of nonlinear effects in IP-over-WDM networks. Acron/Ref Title Description Powerline Powerline To assess powerline communications capacity to compete technologically and costly with other access network solutions. Acron/Ref Title Description Sureté Security in TCP/IP Networks Investigation of several issues related with the security of TCP/IP, namely: (i) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Honey Pots, (ii) security in routing protocols, (iii) security in wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11), (iv) firewalls and traffic analysis systems, (v) IPSec and VPNs, (vi) public key criptography, digital certification and PKIs, (vi) tools for auditing, vulnerability analysis, and log analysing, (vii) authentication and confidentiality at the application level, (viii) anti-virus systems. 97 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Acron/Ref Title Description SITE SITE - Interactive System for the Inovation and Technological Transfer Increase the transfer of knowledge and cooperation between the cientific system (University, Institutes, Technological Centers, etc) and the economical tissue. Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description SAPA Software Agents for Prevention and Auditing of Security Faults in Netwoked Systems The main objective of this project is to improve the capabilities of networked systems to detect possible security flaws by using Agentbased applications. The main aim is to enable the dynamic, intelligent and autonomous detection of vulnerabilities and exposures in systems and to make them available to network administrators. We will use FIPA-compliant Agents to monitor the network and interact using ACL (Agent communication language). There are two main advantages of this approach: we will reduce the amount of data send to network administrators (currently used tools send huge amounts of data), and present only relevant information preprocessed by our agent. The other advantage is the ability of knowledge interchange between Network Agents and User Agents, which by it self can bring a natural enhancement to the overall performance of the system. SSL-AMDMR / POSI/33143/SRI/2000 Statistical and Structural Learning: Applications in Multimedia Data Mining and Retrieval The focus are statistical and structural learning techniques. Exploratory analysis (mining) and content-based retrieval of multimedia data serve both as a practically relevant application domain, and as a source of challenging problems. The Goals to be pursued: - new unsupervised learning criteria (i.e., simultaneous feature and model selection); unsupervised learning methods under a model-based framework and/or new clustering criteria; - new dissimilarity measures, adequate for various types of representation (strings, quantitative, and hybrid), typically found in multimedia; - combination of different types of representation in a coherent framework for similarity computation; comparison and blending of different clustering techniques / criteria into a workable methodology; - efficiency and scalability of learning algorithms. 98 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description SuperNet / POSI/35560/CPS/99 Support of Service Level Agreements in IP Networks The main objective of the project is to define, implement, and validate a QoS management architecture able to support Service Level Agreements on a Differentiated Services IP network. SCALE II / POSI/42069/CPS/2001 Trafic Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Multiservice Networks This project aims at proposing the adoption of traffic models based on real traffic traces to support the design and management of the future Internet. The project will initially extend the work initiated in the SCALE project to develop fitting procedures for MMPPs, through the proposal and implementation of procedures to fit Batch Markovian Arrival Processes and Markov Modulated Compound Poisson Processes. These processes are able to reproduce accurately the first-order statistics and the autocovariance structure for the time scales of interest, so as to describe appropriately the long-range dependence characteristics that are common in observed traffic. Other processes exhibiting these properties will also be explored, e.g., the autoregressive process with Markov regime. Overall, the model fitting activities will be constrained by the need to match the traffic characteristics that have more impact in network performance, within the time scales of interest. The impact of splitting the traffic in classes according to its statistical properties is also investigated by extracting models for each individual class from the aggragate traffic data and studying their interdependencies. Acron/Ref Title Description TPSAT Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks In this project is developed a transport architecture for reliable end-toend transfer in satellite networks, as an alternative for overcoming the poor utilisation of satellite links that TCP affords in such environments. The approach followed exploits the ideas of supporting the end-to-end concatenation of arbitrary transport protocols, and of providing and exploiting mechanisms for applications exchange information with a satellite resource manager about their resource requirements. The scope of the project comprises the development and validation of a transport and resource management architecture and of a transport protocol adapted to the satellite link environment, and the implementation and test of a prototype. 99 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Acron/Ref Title TPSAT2 Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks - Phase 2 Description In this project is developed a transport architecture for reliable end-to-end transfer in satellite networks, as an alternative for overcoming the poor utilisation of satellite links that TCP affords in such environments. The approach followed exploits the ideas of supporting the end-to-end concatenation of arbitrary transport protocols, and of providing and exploiting mechanisms for applications exchange information with a satellite resource manager about their resource requirements. The scope of the current 2nd phase of project TPSAT is the redefinition of the architecture developed in Phase 1 to a scenario of interconnection of LANs in a fashion transparent to end user applications and implementation and test of a prototype. 4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses Final Year Projects Supervisor Student Luis Domingues António Nogueira Paul Andrew Crocker Title Aplicação Distribuida para Rui Almeida Engenharia de Tráfego Sónia Venda Avaliação da Qualidade dos Sites Luís Silva Rui Manuel Rocha Configuration and Performance Rui Engana Management of 802. 11b WLANs Luís C. e Sousa Rui L. Aguiar 9/2003 9/2003 Controlo de elementos de rede para suporte de Serviços Nelson M. Santiago 3/2004 portuguese) Jorge Sousa Rui Manuel Rocha 9/2003 Bluetooth and IEEE802.11: internetworking scenarios (in Miguel Melo End Date 7/2003 Diferenciados Nuno Sénica Rui L. Aguiar Nuno Duarte Demonstrador de mobilidade heterogénea Diogo Gomes 100 9/2003 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Bárbara Coelho Gabriel João Pires Desenvolvimento de uma Pedro Salgueiro aplicação de Gestão Documental Gerador e analisador de Ethernet Ana Lopes para optimização de simulações Carlos Sá da Costa Verónica Gonçalves Gestão de espectro rádio com Maria Paula Queluz recurso a um sistema de Ricardo Carrapiço Duarte Manuel de Oliveira Duarte 12/2003 e testes Luis Natário Manuel de Oliveira 1/2003 9/2003 informação geográfica Integrated Networks with QoS: Marta Maria Costa Dimensioning and Techno- 7/2003 Economic Analysis Integrated Networks with QoS: Elisabete Durão Dimensioning and Techno- Figueiredo 7/2003 Economic Analysis Pedro Claro Rui L. Aguiar Interface rede IP-rádio 4G 9/2003 André de Oliveira Hugo Policarpo Interpretação Automática de João Deusdado Esboços Tomaz Crespo IST - WLAN: Site Survey and Mário Figueiredo Rui Manuel Rocha Francisco Contreiras Project 11/2003 9/2003 Memória longa em tráfego de José Brázio João Manuel Carolino de Almeida dados como resultado da dinâmica dos mecanismos de 9/2004 controlo das redes de computadores Carlos Sá da Costa Joana da Costa Lopes Lança Carlos Martins Fernando J. Velez Flávio Abreu Monitorização de elementos através da plataforma HP 6/2003 OpenView Parallel Processing using a Linux Cluster 101 7/2003 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Jorge Faria Phonemic Recognition for José Rebola Cochlear Implants Fernando Perdigão 9/2004 Nuno Inácio Francisco Fontes Projecto Probes 6/2004 Ricardo Pereira Francisco Fontes Paulo Ferrer Loureiro Projecto SIP André Marquet Carlos Sá da Costa Rede Piloto de Distribuição de Audio/Vídeo MPEG-4 sobre a Nuno Martins André Marquet Carlos Sá da Costa 7/2003 Internet Rede Piloto de Distribuição de Audio/Vídeo MPEG-4 sobre a Nuno Martins 6/2004 7/2003 Internet João Girão Rui L. Aguiar Redes Móveis Autónomas 9/2003 João Paulo Barraca Fernando Pereira Filipe Fonseca Lopes Segurança baseada no João Araújo Fonseca reconhecimento de faces Jorge Costa Maria Paula Queluz Emanuel Guerreiro Rui Manuel Rocha Luís Gueifão Diogo Romão Maria Paula Queluz João Barata Pedro da Fonseca Fernando Pereira Tiago de Carvalho Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Serviços de localização em sistemas de telecomunicações José Remédios Eduardo Jorge Pato Rodrigues 11/2003 7/2004 móveis Simulation Models for UMTS Networks (in portuguese) Sistema para assinatura de imagens fixas Sumarização automática de vídeo 9/2003 9/2003 9/2003 Techno-Economic Analysis of Multioperator Heterogeneous 9/2003 Networks Techno-Economic Analysis of José Pereira Marques Multioperator Heterogeneous Networks 102 7/2003 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Nuno Cordeiro Teste e validação de tecnologias Robson Lozano RPR João Pires 12/2003 Video and Audio Wireless Fernando Ventura Armando Pinto Intercommunicator Based on a Sergio Lopes 7/2004 GameBoy Console Hugo Elói Alves Fernando Perdigão Word Recognition using Phoneme Marcio Alexandre Models 9/2004 Matos Table 25 – List of Final Year Projects running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2003. MSc Theses Supervisor Rui Valadas Student Title Filipe Simões All-IP UMTS Networks End Date 12/2004 Avaliação da qualidade de Maria Paula Queluz serviço da informação Ana Filipa Freitas geográfica nos serviços de 1/2004 localização Fernando Pereira João Miguel Duarte Ascenso Codificação escalável de vídeo com elevada granularidade 12/2003 Confidence Measures for Fernando Perdigão Arlindo Oliveira Veiga Speech Recognition and OOV 4/2004 Detection Detecção Automática de Mário Figueiredo Maria do Céu Beirão Defeitos em Imagens de 9/2003 Têxteis Dimensioning of MPLS Rui Valadas Jorge Patrão Networks: Node and Link Amaro Sousa Sérgio Faria 12/2003 Optimization Rui V. P. Fernandes 103 Error Concealment for Video Applications 12/2004 INSTITUTO Fernando Pereira Fernando Pereira Sérgio Faria Rui L. Aguiar DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Duarte Manuel da Extracção automática de texto Conceição Palma a partir de vídeo Pedro Miguel Ferreira Face detection and tracking in dos Santos da Fonseca the compressed domain Rui Fernando da Luz Marcelino Feature Extraction in Compressed Video Domain Pedro Alexandre Sousa Gonçalves 4/2004 3/2004 12/2003 Implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de QoS 12/2003 para redes IP Independent Component Mário Figueiredo Artur Ferreira Analysis in Lossy Image 2/2003 Compression Integração de dados Maria Paula Queluz Jorge Rocha estatísticos na classificação de 4/2003 imagens de satélites Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Vitor Silva Amaro Sousa João Miguel de Integrated Networks with Arrochela Camizão Pais QoS: Broadband in Rural and da Rocha 9/2004 Peripheral Areas José Pedro Mateiro Matias Borrego Integrated Networks with QoS: Dimensioning and 9/2004 Techno-Economic Analysis Marco Alexandre Cravo Low density parity check Gomes codes: Applications Mobile IP on IPv4-IPv6 Luís Oliveira Transition Scenarios 4/2004 1/2004 Multi-access wireless Rui Manuel Rocha Helder António Vidal networks: roaming between mobility-aware IP and cellular 6/2004 networks Amaro Sousa Multicast Routing on IP António Amaral Networks 104 10/2004 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Pedro Amado Assunção Rui Valadas Amaro Sousa Rui Manuel Rocha Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui L. Aguiar Rui Valadas Fernando Pereira Rui Valadas Processamento de Informação Nuno Picado Santos Visual para Aplicações 2/2004 Multimédia Carla Ribeiro QoS in IP Access Networks QoS Network Design: a Daniel Martins Decision Supporting System QoS support for 802.11b Maria Luísa Caeiro wireless LANs Lina Maria Pestana Leão Qualidade de serviço (IP) em de Brito redes móveis Carla Maria Pinto de Paiva Qualidade de serviço em redes IP com Multicast João Plácido Santos Qualidade de Serviço sobre Redes Móveis Heterogéneas Secure Communications in Cristiano Pereira TCP/IP Networks Diogo Bento Rochinha Semantic Indexing of Soccer Diogo Video Simulation of Communication Filipe Cunha Networks using NS-2 12/2004 10/2004 10/2003 10/2003 10/2003 3/2004 12/2004 9/2004 12/2004 Sistema para gestão do Maria Paula Queluz Henrique Cunha espectro radio-eléctrico em 12/2004 ligações de microondas Amaro Sousa Survivable Routing on GMPLS Emanuel Moreira over SDH Networks 10/2004 Techno-Economic Analysis and Methodological Framework for Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Fernando Valente Broadband Provision in Rural Ramos and Peripheral Areas: Application to the Portuguese Landscape 105 9/2003 INSTITUTO Pedro Amado Assunção DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Pedro Daniel Frazão Correia Transcodificação de Vídeo para Redes de Baixo Débito 5/2003 Unsupervised Learning Ana Fred André Lourenço Methods and Combination 10/2004 Strategies Table 26 - List of MSc Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2003. PhD Theses Supervisor Mário Figueiredo Student Title Analysis of microrray gene Sandra Jardim expression data End Date 12/2005 Analysis of Optical Network Mário Freire Rui Manuel Ferreira Coelho Architectures with Support for Internet Protocol, Involving 12/2006 Extraction of Topologies from Databases Manuel de Oliveira Duarte Carlos Belo Fernando Miguel Rocha Bibliographic Archive for the Oliveira Científic Production António Cristóvão Congestion Control in Packet Matias de Almeida Switching Networks 9/2004 4/2003 Controlo de débito em Fernando Pereira Paulo Jorge Lourenço Nunes arquitecturas de representação de vídeo 12/2004 baseadas em objectos Data retrieval and Mário Figueiredo David Pereira Coutinho classification using 12/2005 information distances Dimensioning and Resource Amaro Sousa Carlos Borges Lopes Management of Multi-Service 7/2005 Networks Fernando Pereira Luís Eduardo de Pinho Error resilience for advanced Ducla Soares video coding systems 106 4/2004 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Hybrid Mário Figueiredo Artur Ferreira generative/discriminative 12/2005 supervised learning Information Extraction in Mário Freire Rui Costa Cardoso Distributed Environments 7/2006 Using Agents Technology Ana Fred Mário Freire Carlos Belo Models in Learning Systems: a Hugo Gamboa Bayesian Approach Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues 12/2006 Multicasting Protocols in IPover-WDM Networks with 7/2006 Optical Burst Switching ON-OFF Traffic in Packet Daniel Zaragoza Networks 10/2005 Resource Management in Rui Valadas Susana Sargento Networks with Quality-of- 2/2003 Service Support Rui L. Aguiar Rui Valadas Victor Manuel Letra Marques Serviços Multimédia para Redes Heterogéneas Statistical Characterization of António Nogueira ATM Traffic 12/2004 12/2004 Traffic Engineering for Rui Valadas Paulo Salvador Multiservice Broadband 12/2004 Networks Table 27 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area during 2003. 107 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Publications ARCHITECTURES AND PROTOCOLS Books - Freire, M.M.; P. Lorenz; M. Myung-Ok Lee; High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003. Papers in Journals - Sargento, S.; R. Valadas; J. Gonçalves; H. T. Sousa; “IP-based Access Networks for Broadband Multimedia Services”, IEEE Comm. Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 109 - 119, February, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Oliveira, L.oliveira; A. Amaral; A. F. Sousa; “Mobility in IPv4-IPv6 Transition Scenarios”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 31 - 34, June, 2003. - Sobrinho, J. L. S.; “Network Routing With Path Vector Protocols: Theory and Applications”, Proc ACM SIGCOMM, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 49 - 60, August, 2003. NETWORK APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES Papers in Conference Proceedings - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; “Aplicação de Métricas de Segurança em Redes Locais”, Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Covilha, Portugal, Vol. CD- ROM, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2003. - Ferreira, J.; F. J. Velez; “Enhanced UMTS Deployment and Mobility Scenarios”, Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. II, pp. 558 - 562, June, 2003. - Clemente, M. A.; F. J. Velez; “Parameters for Tele-traffic Characterisation in Enhanced 108 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA UMTS”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 375 378, June, 2003. - Ribeiro, C.; V. Silva; “Partial Shortening for xDSL DMT Transceivers with Symmetric Filters”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2003. - Ribeiro, C.; V. Silva; “Symmetric Eigenfilters for Partial Shortening in xDSL DMT Transceivers”, Proc International Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications - ISSPA, Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 399 - 402, July, 2003. - Rodrigues, J.; M. J. Barrulas ; “Towards Web-based Information and Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on HighSpeed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNMC, Estoril, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 188 - 197, July, 2003. - Bader, F.; C. Pinart; C. Christophi; E. Tsiakkouri; I. Ganchev; V. Friderikos; C. Bohoris; L. M. Correia; L. Ferreira; “User-Centric Analysis of Perceived QoS in 4G IP Mobile/Wireless Networks”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC, Beijing, China, September, 2003. NETWORK OPERATIONS, MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Papers in Conference Proceedings - Sebastião, P.; R. Tomé; P. Lourenço; F.C. Cercas; “A planning and design tool for WLAN: technical and economic aspects”, Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. GLOBECOM, San Francisco, United States, December, 2003. - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; “An Agent-based Approach for Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Networked Systems”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM, Split, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 49 53, November, 2003. - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; “DENOFAS: A Vulnerability Assessment Tool”, Proc IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet, Algarve, Portugal, Vol. IADIS Press, Vol. II, pp. 1105 - 1108, November, 2003. 109 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Freire, M.M.; R.M.C. Coelho; J. Rodrigues; “High Performance Optical Backbones for Next Generation Internet”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Information Technology: Coding and Computing - ITCC, Las Vegas, United States, pp. 170 - 174, April, 2003. - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; “Management of Security in TCP/IP Hosts Using Dedicated Monitoring Applications”, Proc IFIP/IEEE International Conf. on Network Control and Engineering for Quality of Service, Security and Mobility - NetCon, Muscat, Oman, pp. 263 - 273, October, 2003. - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; “Melhoria da Segurança de Sistemas em Rede Utilizando Agentes de Monitorização”, Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Bragança, Portugal, Vol. CD Actas, pp. 1 - 9, September, 2003. - Duarte, A. M. O.; R. L. Aguiar; F. M. Ramos ; J. P. Borrego; J. Rocha; D. C. Martins; “Metodologia e análise Tecno-Económica para oferta de Banda Larga em Zonas Rurais e Periféricas”, Proc Encontro Nacional do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 25 - 30, May, 2003. - Gouveia, L.; P. Patrício; A. F. Sousa; R. Valadas; “MPLS over WDM Network Design with Packet Level QoS Constraints based on ILP Models”, Proc IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, April, 2003. - Serrador, A. Serrador; L. M. Correia; “Optimisation of Cell Radius in UMTS-FDD Networks”, Proc IST Mobile Communications Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. v2, pp. 553 557, June, 2003. - Rocha, J.; F. M. Ramos ; R. L. Aguiar; A. M. O. Duarte; “Providing Advanced Telecommunications Services in Rural and Peripheral Areas : Methodological Framework ans Case Studies for Portugal”, Proc IADIS International e-Society Conf., Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 435 - 443, September, 2003. - Lages, T.; H. Santos ; F. J. Velez; “Redes sem Fios IEEE 802.11: Instalação, Configuração e Segurança”, Proc Engenharia - Jornadas da Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, November, 2003. - Cardoso, R.; M.M. Freire; N. M. Sampaio; “Towards an Agent-based Approach for Detection and Notification of Security Faults in TCP/IP Networks”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 972-98368-2-5, pp. 263 - 266, 110 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA June, 2003. - Borrego, J. P.; D. C. Martins; A. F. Sousa; A. M. O. Duarte; “UMTS Multi-Service Networks: Dimensioning and Techno-Economic Analysis”, Proc IST Mobile Wireless Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 858 - 862, June, 2003. - Rocha, J.; F. M. Ramos ; A. M. O. Duarte; R. L. Aguiar; “WiFi + Satellite : An Internet Access Network Solution for Remote Areas”, Proc IST Mobile Wireless Summit, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 868 - 872, June, 2003. Project Reports - Lages, T.; F. J. Velez; “Redes Sem Fios IEEE 802.11: Instalação, Configuração e Segurança”, University of Beira Interior, October, 2003. PATTERN RECOGNITION AND AUTOMATIC LEARNING Books - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, A. Rangarajan, M. Figueiredo, and J. Zerubia, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. Book Chapters - Law, M. ; A. K. Jain; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Feature selection in mixture-based clustering”- Chapter in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, S. Becker, S. Thrun, and K. Obermayer, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2003. Papers in Journals - Fred, A. L. N.; J. Leitão; “A New Cluster Isolation Criterion Based”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 8, August, 2003. - Bicego, M.; V. Murino; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “A sequential pruning strategy for the selection of the number of states in hidden Markov models”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 24, No. 9-10, pp. 1405 - 1417, June, 2003. 111 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; “Adaptive Spareseness for Supervised Learning”, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, pp. 1150 - 1159, September, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; A. K. Jain; M. Law; “A Feature selection wrapper for mixtures”, Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Puerto de Andratx, Spain, June, 2003. - Simões, D.; J. Redol ; N.H. Horta; “A New Approach Towards E-Learning Contents Standardization And Enhanced Usability”, Proc IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet, Carvoeiro, Portugal, November, 2003. - Alexandre, L.; A. Campilho; M. Kamel; “A Probabilistic Model for the Cooperative Modular Neural Network”, Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Maiorc a, Spain, Vol. LNCS vol. 2652, pp. 11 - 18, June, 2003. - Horta, N.H.; R. Luis; J. Redol ; D. Simões ; “Data Warehousing and Data Mining Applied to an E-Learning Platform”, Proc International Conf. on Multimedia and ICTs in Education, Badajoz, Spain, December, 2003. - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; “Does Independent Component Analysis Play a Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data?”, Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Puerto de Andratx, Spain, Vol. 2652, pp. 616 - 625, June, 2003. - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; “Fast Unsupervised Extraction of Endmembers spectra from Hyperspectral Data”, Proc Proceedings of SPIE, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. 5239, September, 2003. - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; “Fast Unsupervised Technique for Extraction of Endmembers Spectra from Hyperspectral Data”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 537 - 540, June, 2003. - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; “Independent Component Analysis Applied to Unmixing Hyperspectral Data”, Proc Proceedings of SPIE, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. 5238, September, 2003. 112 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Bicego, M.; V. Murino; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Similarity-based clustering of sequences using hidden Markov models”, Proc Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Leipzig, Germany, July, 2003. - Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; “Vertex Component Analysis: A fast algorithm to extract endmembers spectra from Hyperspectral data”, Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Puerto de Andratx, Spain, Vol. 2652, pp. 626 - 635, June, 2003. - Horta, N.H.; J. Redol ; D. Simões ; “VIANET-A New Web Framework for Distance Learning”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Greece, July, 2003. PROCESSING, ANALYSIS, AND CODING OF AUDIO AND VISUAL INFORMATION Book Chapters - Pereira, F.; “Content adaptation: the panacea for usage diversity ?”- Chapter in Visual Content Processing and Representation, José Maria Martinez, Springer-Verlag, 2003. Papers in Journals - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; R. Nowak; “An EM algorithm for wavelet-based image restoration”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 906 - 916, August, 2003. - Burnett, I.; F. Pereira; “MPEG-21: goals and achievements”, IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 60 - 70, October, 2003. - Correia, P.L.; F. Pereira; “Objective Evaluation of Video Segmentation Quality”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 186 - 200, February, 2003. - Soares, L. D.; F. Pereira; “Refreshment Need Metrics for Improved Shape and Texture Object-Based Resilient Video Coding”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 328 - 340, March, 2003. - Pereira, F.; I. Burnett; “Universal multimedia experiences for tomorrow”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 63 - 73, March, 2003. 113 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Papers in Conference Proceedings - Navarro, A.; J. Tavares; “A Common Channel Adaptation Approach for Video Coding”, Proc SPIE - Image and Video Communications and Processing, Santa Clara, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 440 - 449, January, 2003. - Correia, P.D.F.; V. Silva; P.A. Assunção; “A Method for Improving the Quality of Mobile Video under Hard Transcoding Conditions”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC, Anchorage, Alaska, United States, Vol. 2, pp. 928 - 932, May, 2003. - Correia, P.L.; F. Pereira; “A Proposal for the Classification of Video Segmentation Application Scenarios”, Proc Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS, London, United Kingdom, Vol., pp. 188 - 195, April, 2003. - Magalhães, J.; F. Pereira; “A system for universal access to multimedia content based on the MPEG-7 standard”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Correia, P.D.F.; V. Silva; P.A. Assunção; “Adaptação de Video Comprimido para Comunicações Multimédia em Redes Heterogéneas”, Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Bragança, Portugal,September, 2003. - Jardim, S. V. B.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Automatic Contour Estimation in Fetal Ultrasound Images”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2003. - Fonseca, P.; F. Pereira; “Automatic Video Summarization Based on MPEG-7 Descriptions”, Proc Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS, London, United Kingdom, April, 2003. - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Class-adapted image compression using independent component analysis”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2003. - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Coding images of specific classes using independent component analysis”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. 114 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - Pereira, F.; “Content adaptation: the panacea for usage diversity ?”, Proc Workshop on Coding Techniques for Very Low Bitrate Video - VLVB, Madrid, Spain, September, 2003. - Faria, S.F.; V. Silva; N. Rodrigues; L. Louro; P. J. Santos; “DSP Performance Evaluation for Motion Estimation”, Proc International Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications - ISSPA, paris, France, Vol. II, pp. 137 - 140, July, 2003. - Correia, P.D.F.; V. Silva; P.A. Assunção; “Frame Rate Control in Wireless Video Transcoding”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 219 - 222, June, 2003. - Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Image compression using orthogonalised independent components bases”, Proc IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, September, 2003. - Lopes, F.; “Mesh-based motion compensation using three-dimensional overlapped warping prediction”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. II, pp. 395 - 398, September, 2003. - Correia, P.L.; F. Pereira; “Methodologies for Objective Evaluation of Video Segmentation Quality”, Proc Visual Communications and Image Processing - VCIP, Lugano, Switzerland, Vol. 5150, pp. 1594 - 1600, July, 2003. - Magalhães, J.; F. Pereira; “MPEG-7 based color temperature customization”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, June, 2003. - Martins, A.; P. Aguiar; M. A. T. Figueiredo; “Navigating in Manhattan: 3D orientation from video without correspondences”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2003. - Correia, P.D.F.; V. Silva; P.A. Assunção; “Rate Control in Highly Constrained Wireless Video Transcoding”, Proc IASTED International Conf. on Communications, Internet and Information Technology - CIIT, Scottsdale, Arizona, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 791 - 796, November, 2003. - Navarro, A.; R. Rodrigues; F. Perdigão; “Significant Analysis of HVXC Speech Coding parameters at High Frequency”, Proc International Workshop on Interactive Rich Media 115 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Content Production - RICHMEDIA, Lausanne, Switzerland, Vol. 1, pp. 69 - 77, October, 2003. - Fonseca, P.; F. Pereira; “Skin Colour Detection Based on the MPEG-7 Dominant Colour Descriptor”, Proc Picture Coding Symp., Saint-Malo, France, April, 2003. - Fonseca, P.; F. Pereira; P.L. Correia; “Using MPEG-7 Descriptions to Create Video Summaries”, Proc Transmitting Processing and Watermarking Multimedia Contents, Bordeaux, France, pp. 71 - 76, April, 2003. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Book Chapters - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; “Performance Analysis of Degree Four Topologies for the Optical Core of IP-over-WDM Networks”- Chapter in Information Networking: Networking Technologies for Enhanced Internet Services, Hyun- Kook Kahng, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003. Papers in Journals - Nogueira, A.N.; P. S. Ferreira; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; “Modeling Network Traffic with Multifractal Behavior”, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 339 - 362, October, 2003. - Ferreira, P. S.; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; “Multiscale Fitting Procedure using Markov Modulated Poisson Processes”, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 23, No. 1-2, pp. 123 148, June, 2003. - Freire, M.M.; J. Rodrigues; R.M.C. Coelho; “The Role of Network Topologies in the Optical Core of IP-over-WDM Networks with Static Wavelength Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2/4, pp. 111 - 122, October, 2003. 116 Routing”, ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Papers in Conference Proceedings - Nogueira, A.N.; P. S. Ferreira; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; “A Hierarchical Approach Based on MMPPs for Modeling Self-Similar Traffic over Multiple Time Scales”, Proc International Working Conf. on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneuous Networks HET-NETs, Ilkley, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 37/1 - 37/13, July, 2003. - Vasconcelos, A.; L. M. Correia; “A UMTS Non-Uniform Traffic Distribution Model”, Proc International Symp. on Communications Theory & Applications, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 4, June, 2003. - Oliveira, R.; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; P. S. Ferreira; “Cluster Analysis of Internet Users Based on Hourly Traffic Utilization”, Proc International Working Conf. on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneuous Networks - HET-NETs, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 37/1 - 37/13, July, 2003. - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; “High Performance Optical Internet Backbones with Mesh Topologies”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Networks, Sydney, Australia, Vol. Harvesting the Power of Networked Systems, pp. 355 - 359, September, 2003. - Ferreira, P. S.; A.N. Nogueira; R. Valadas; “Joint Characterization of the Packet Arrival and Packet Size Processes of Multifractal Traffic based on Stochastic L-Systems”, Proc International Teletraffic Congress, Berlin, Germany, cdrom, August, 2003. - Nogueira, A.N.; P. S. Ferreira; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; “Markovian approach for modeling IP traffic behavior on different time scales”, Proc SPIE Conf. on Performance and Control of Next Generation Communication Networks, Orlando, United States, Vol. 5244, pp. 29 - 40, September, 2003. - Nogueira, A.N.; P. S. Ferreira; R. Valadas; “Modeling Network Traffic with Multifractal Behavior”, Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Papeete, French Polynesia, Vol. II, pp. 1071 - 1077, February, 2003. - Nogueira, A.N.; P. S. Ferreira; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; “Modeling Self-Similar Traffic through Markov Modulated Poisson Processes over Multiple Time Scales”, Proc IEEE International Conf. on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNMC, Estoril, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 550 - 560, July, 2003. 117 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Serrador, A. Serrador; L. M. Correia; “Multi-Service Cell Load Estimation on UMTS-FDD”, Proc International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WPMC, Yokuska, Japan, Vol. v2, pp. 554 - 558, October, 2003. - Coelho, R.M.C.; J. Rodrigues; M.M. Freire; “Performance Analysis of Degree Four Topologies for the Optical Core of IP-over-WDM Networks”, Proc International Conf. on Information Networking - ICOIN, Jeju Island, Korea, South, Vol. I, pp. 75 - 84, February, 2003. - Freire, M.M.; R.M.C. Coelho; J. Rodrigues; “Performance Implications of Meshing Degree for WDM-based Networks”, Proc IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Torino, Italy, pp. 37 - 41, June, 2003. - San José, E. R.; F. J. Velez; “Tele-traffic Engineering for Enhanced UMTS Multi-rate Applications”, Proc European Personal Mobile Communications Conf. - EPMC, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Vol. 1, pp. 375 - 379, April, 2003. - Freire, M.M.; J. Rodrigues; R.M.C. Coelho; “The Role of Network Topologies in the Optical Core of IP-over-WDM Networks with Static Wavelength Routing”, Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications, Tahiti, French Polynesia, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, February, 2003. - Freire, M.M.; R.M.C. Coelho; J. Rodrigues; “The Role of Nodal Degree in the Optical Core of IP-over-WDM Networks”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Computers and Communications - ISCC, Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, Vol. I, pp. 661 - 665, July, 2003. - Rodrigues, J.; R.M.C. Coelho; P. Crocker; H. J. A. Silva; M.M. Freire; “Topologies of Minimum Diameter for Interconnection of Optical Routers in IP-over-WDM Networks”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 95 - 98, June, 2003. 118 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA 4.3.6 Other Achievements Miscellaneous - Pereira, F.; “Member of Editorial Board”, IEEE Press”, 19-12-2003. - Guimarães, N.; “Training Course”, Curso de Formação Especializada - Sistemas de Informação”, Universidade de Aveiro, 09-09-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, Audiovisual content adaptation”, Plenary speech no Sixth Baiona Workshop on Signal Processing in Communications, Baiona- Espanha, 08-09-2003. - Pereira, F.; I. Burnett; “Guest Editor”, Multimedia adaptation”, Special Issue from Signal Processing: Image Communication, 01-09-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, MPEG-4/7/21: a family of standards”, Tutorial na International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2003), Klagenfurt – Áustria, 27-08-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, Trends on visual representation for multimedia communications”, Plenary Speech na 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, 26-07-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, Integration of multimedia technologies and MPEG-21”, Tutorial na IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’2003), Baltimore, MD - EUA, 25-07-2003. - Queluz, M.P.; “Technical Audit”, Technical audit of IST projects”, 27-06-2003. - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; “Invited Talks”, Model and Feature Selection for Finite Mixtures”, Red Temática de Reconocimiento de Formas y sus Aplicaciones, Espanha, 16-06-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, MPEG standards: media technology for advanced applications”, Tutorial na IV Conferência de Telecomunicações, Aveiro - Portugal, 1306-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Invited Talks”, MPEG-based audiovisual content adaptation”, Tutorial no Workshop Moumir, 09-06-2003. - Pereira, F.; “Seminars”, Representação audiovisual: novas tecnologias e aplicações”, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria - Portugal, 04-06-2003. - Queluz, M.P.; “Technical Audit”, Technical evaluations of FP6 projects”, 11-052003. - Velez, F. J.; “Technical Audit”, Evaluator of ist european projects: FP6-2002-IST-1, Strategic Objective Networked Audiovisual Systems and home Platforms”, 119 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES FP6-2002-IST-1, 10-05-2003. - Guimarães, N.; “Training Course”, Microsoft Certified Application Developer”, Microsoft Scholar Program, 13-03-2003. - Figueiredo, M. A. T.; “Invited Talks”, Pattern Analysis of Microarray Data: Clustering, Selection, Classification.”, INESC-ID, 20-02-2003. - Fred, A. L. N.; “Guest Editor”, Pattern Recognition in Information Systems”, Special Issue: Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, Guest Editors: Ana Fred and Anil K. Jain, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 35, Number 12, 2002, 20-02-2003. - Queluz, M.P.; “Technical Audit”, Technical audit of IST projects”, 12-01-2003. 4.3.7 Other Contributions Conference Committees - 12º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-10-2003. - 12º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-10-2003. - 13th International Packet Video Workshop, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-04-2003. - 3rd IASTED International Conference on Wireless and OC (WOC’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Mário Freire, 14-07-2003. - 4º Conferência de Redes e Serviços de Comunicação - CRSC´2003, Organizing Committee, João da Silva Pereira, 09-04-2003. - 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications (EC-VIP-MC 2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-07-2003. - 5th Symposium on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2003. - 6ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC’2003) - Protocolos, Tecnologias e Aplicações para a Ambientes Móveis, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Freire, 2909-2003. - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Manuel Rocha, 23-07-2003. - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia and Multimedia Communications, Organizing Committee, Rui Manuel Rocha, 23-07-2003. - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks Communications, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-07-2003. 120 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC´03), Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 23-07-2003. - 6th IEEE International Communications Conference (HSNMC’03), on High Conference Speed Chairman, Networks Mário and Freire, Multimedia 23-07-2003 Architectures for QoS Workshop, Scientific Committee, José Brázio, 28-03-2003. - ConfTele 2003 - 4th Conference on Telecommunications, Organizing Committee, Fernando Perdigão, 18-06-2003. - Distributed Systems and Distributed Multimedia da conferência International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2003), Technical Programme Chairman, Fernando Pereira, 01-08-2003. - Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Conference Chairman, Mário Figueiredo, 07-07-2003. - 4th Portuguese Conference on Telecommunications - ConfTele'2003, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Figueiredo, 18-06-2003. - HSNMC 2003 - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia, Organizing Committee, Fernando Perdigão, 23-07-2003. - IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN’03), Technical Programme Committee, Mário Freire, 08-09-2003. - Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - IbPRIA'2003, Scientific Committee, Mário Figueiredo, 21-02-2003. - IEEE 2003 Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM’03), Technical Programme Committee, Mário Freire, 01-12-2003. - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP'2003, Scientific Committee, Mário Figueiredo, 06-04-2003. - IEEE International Conference on High-Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications - HSNM C'2003, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Figueiredo, 2307-2003. - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2003, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Correia, 14-09-2003. - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-07-2003. - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-07-2003. - International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2003), Organizing Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2003. - International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-12-2003. 121 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2003), Technical Programme Chairman, Fernando Pereira, 01-08-2003. - International Conference on Visual Information Systems (VIS’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2003. - International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-11-2003. - International Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding (VLVB’2003), Scientific Committee, Fernando Pereira, 18-09-2003. - IST Mobile Communic ations Summit 2003, Organizing Committee, Rui L. Aguiar, 15-062003. - IST Mobile communications summit 2003 (TC), Technical Programme Committee, Rui L. Aguiar, 15-06-2003. - Picture Coding Symposium (PCS’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-04-2003. - PROPOR 2003 - 6th Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language - Written and Spoken, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Perdigão, 26-06-2003. - Redes de Computadores (CRC’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-09-2003. - 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-05-2003 - 3rd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - PRIS'2003, Technical Programme Committee, Mário Figueiredo, 20-06-2003. - UBI Engenharia’2003 - Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Organizing Committee, Mário Freire, 05-11-2003. - Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS’2003), Technical Programme Committee, Fernando Pereira, 01-04-2003. Editorial Committees - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE, Mário Figueiredo, Guest co-editor of a Special Issue on Machine Learning Methods in Signal Processing, 01-01-2003 to 31-122004. 122 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA Refereeing - 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’ 2003), Mário Freire, 05-11-2003 - 2004 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’2004), Mário Freire, 01-12-2003 - 22nd IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC’2003), Mário Freire, 10-02-2003 - 3rd IASTED International Conference on Wireless and OC (WOC’2003), Mário Freire, 14-07-2003 - 3rd International Conference on Networking (ICN’2004), Mário Freire, 01-12-2003 - 4th Conference on Telecommunications (Conftele´03), Maria Paula Queluz, 18-06-2003 - 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS´04), Maria Paula Queluz, 01-12-2003 - 6ª Conferência sobre Re des de Computadores - Protocolos, Tecnologias e Aplicações para Ambientes Móveis, Mário Freire, 29-09-2003 - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC´03), Maria Paula Queluz, 23-07-2003 - 6th IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC’03), Mário Freire, 23-07-2003 - ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, Paulo Nunes, 03-01-2003 - Computer Communications, Paulo Nunes, 21-02-2003 - Conference on Telecommunications 2003 - ConfTele'2003, Paulo Correia, 13-03-2003 Electronic Letters, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-06-2003 - Elsevier Telematics and Informatics, Mário Freire, 24-02-2003 - ETRI Journal, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Pedro Amado Assunção, 28-11-2003 - Globecom 2003, João Pires, 01-12-2003 - IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN’ 2003), Mário Freire, 08-09-2003 - IASTED International Conference on Computer Science and Technology (CST’2003), Mário Freire, 19-05-2003 - IEE Electronics Letters, Mário Figueiredo, 20-11-2003 - IEEE 2003 Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM’03), Mário Freire, 0112-2003 - IEEE Communications Letters, Mário Freire, 01-09-2003 - IEEE INFOCOM 2004, The Conference on Computer Communications, Mário Freire, 0112-2003 123 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2003, Paulo Correia, 06-032003 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP´03), Maria Paula Queluz,1409-2003 - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS´04), Maria Paula Queluz, 01-11-2003 - IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), OC and Networking Series, Mário Freire, 01-12-2003 - IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Metro Optical - Networks, Mário Freire, 01-10-2003 - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Pedro Amado Assunção, 28-11-2003 - IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-11-2003 - IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-06-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-02-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-03-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-11-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-06-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-08-2003 - IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 23-07-2003 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 06-03-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Fernando Pereira, 0404-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 22-042003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Pedro Amado Assunção,14-02-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 12-052003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 22-122003 - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Paulo Correia, 17-01-2003 124 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – NETWORKS AND MULTIMEDIA - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, PART I, Sérgio Faria, 16-01-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Mário Figueiredo, 20-11-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Paulo Nunes, 23-01-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Luís Ducla Soares, 19-02-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Paulo Correia, 08-07-2003- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Pedro Amado Assunção, 14-02-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Mário Figueiredo, 20-11-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, Fernando Pereira, 04-042003 - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine INtelligence, Mário Figueiredo, 2011-2003 - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - INFOCOM 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA., Fernando J. Velez, 30-03-2003 - Int. Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications - ISSPA 2003, Paulo Correia, 14-03-2003 - Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Journal of Real-Time Imaging, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Korean Telecom Journal, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Optical Engineering, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-06-2003 - Optical Engineering, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-05-2003 - Proceedings of IEEE, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Project Auditor for the IST European Programme, Maria Paula Queluz, 27-06-2003 - Project Auditor for the IST European Programme, Maria Paula Queluz, 12-01-2003 - Signal Processing, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Signal processing: Image Communicatio, Fernando Pereira, 04-04-2003 - Signal Processing: Image Communication - Special Issue on Multimedia Adaptation, Paulo Correia, 03-01-2003 - Telecommunication Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Mário Freire, 01-04-2003 - The Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’03), Mário Freire, 30-06-2003 - The International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN’2003), Mário Freire, 14-02-2003 - UBI Engenharia’2003 - Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Mário Freire, 05-11-2003 - Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services - WIAMIS 2003, Paulo Correia, 06-01-2003 125 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 126 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES 4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies 4.4.1 Coordinators • Dinis Magalhães Santos • Luís Alcácer 4.4.2 Human Resources Overview Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa Full Professor 1 2 1 4 4 Associate Professor Assistant Professor 2 8 Post. Doc. 2 Coordinator Professor 1 Assistant Lecturer 2 2 PhD Student 1 3 7 MSc Student 3 3 10 Lincenciado 2 Other TOTAL 7 1 1 16 37 Table 28 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area Permanent Collaborators Name Degree Position Group Dinis Magalhães Santos Agregação Full Professor ICS - Av Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Agregação Full Professor PSys Joaquim Júdice Agregação Full Professor AMath Luís Alcácer Agregação Full Professor TM António Cruz Serra Agregação Associate Professor IM 127 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Pedro Silva Girão Agregação Associate Professor IM António Cardoso PhD Associate Professor PSys Jorge Morgado PhD Associate Professor TM José Carlos Teixeira PhD Associate Professor AMath Maria Celeste Gouveia PhD Associate Professor AMath Maria Madalena Martins PhD Associate Professor AMath Rui Teives Henriques PhD Associate Professor TM António Victor Anunciada PhD Assistant Professor PE Beatriz Borges PhD Assistant Professor PE Francisco Alegria PhD Assistant Professor IM Helena Ramos PhD Assistant Professor IM José Cura PhD Assistant Professor ICS - Av Manuel Fonseca da Silva PhD Assistant Professor IM Maria Conceição Monteiro PhD Assistant Professor IM Nuno Horta PhD Assistant Professor ICS - Lx Pedro Ramos PhD Assistant Professor IM Rui L. Aguiar PhD Assistant Professor NMMC - Av Ana Charas PhD Post. Doc. TM Octavian Postolache PhD Post. Doc. IM José Dias Pereira PhD Coordinator Professor IM Luís Merca Fernandes PhD Coordinator Professor AMath Manuel Matos PhD Coordinator Professor TM João Luís Soares Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer AMath Manuel António Esteves Licenciatura Assistant Lecturer PSys Table 29 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area Other Collaborators Name Degree Position Group Luis Nero Alves MSc PhD Student ICS - Av Raúl Martins MSc PhD Student IM Ricardo Queirós MSc PhD Student IM Sérgio Cruz MSc PhD Student PSys André Mendes Licenciatura PhD Student PSys João Manuel Patrício Licenciatura PhD Student AMath 128 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Manuel Fernando Barros Licenciatura PhD Student ICS - Lx Nunzio Barbagalho Licenciatura PhD Student TM Raúl Domingos Monteiro Licenciatura PhD Student PE Stanimir Valtchev Licenciatura PhD Student PE Vitor Viegas Licenciatura PhD Student IM Acácio Manuel Amaral Licenciatura MSc Student PSys Américo C. Mendes Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Av Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Licenciatura MSc Student PE David Simões Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Lx Francisco Assunção Licenciatura MSc Student IM Francisco Nunes Licenciatura MSc Student PE Gonçalo Neves Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Lx Hugo Ribeiro Licenciatura MSc Student PE João Redol Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Lx Luís Gurriana Licenciatura MSc Student IM Marina Perdigão Licenciatura MSc Student PSys Mário Jorge Alves Licenciatura MSc Student IM Miguel Osório Licenciatura MSc Student ICS- Av Mónica Figueiredo Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Av Natália Gameiro Licenciatura MSc Student PSys Rui Vaz Luis Licenciatura MSc Student ICS - Lx MSc Other PSys António Pedro Silva Licenciatura Licenciado IM Hugo Marques Licenciatura Licenciado PE Luís M. Oliveira Table 30 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area 4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements The multidisciplinary area falling under the general heading of Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies comprises five main lines of research: - Technology and Materials - Integrated Circuits and Systems - Instrumentation and Measurement - Power Electronics - Applied Mathematics 129 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Technology and Materials Some new developments in the preparation of electroluminescent polymers with regulated solubility for the fabrication of patterned structures of the micron to nanoscale, with potential applications in multi-color displays, integrated electronics and smart photonic structures, have been achieved. A contribution has been made, by providing the suitable polymer, to the development of nanostructures of an electroluminescent organic polymer with a lattice constant of 333 nm via direct scanning near-field lithography. A new soluble electroluminescent polymer was synthesized which, in solid film obtained from a solution, becomes completely insoluble upon brief (10 seconds) UV irradiation, while the luminescence properties are maintained. Compared to the polymer firstly applied in the fabrication of nanostrutures, this new material carries on remarkable advantages related to higher chemical stability and easier processing. Strategies for improvement of light-emitting diodes have been developed, either by optimization of self-aligned processes or by preparation of adequate polymers for patterned structures. Collaboration with the University College London has been established in order to fabricate nanometer-size structures by near-field optical microscope assisted lithography using a precursor-form of a luminescent polymer and to prepare a new polymer able to undergo a similar processing. Studies of perylene-based molecular conductors under high magnetic fields have been initiated. The involvement of this group at IT was focused mainly on EPR studies of new synthesized compounds, either as final materials or precursor entities for the building up of molecular conducting materials. Integrated Circuits and Systems There are two distinct lines of work in this sub-area: • Design Automation • Electronic Systems Design 130 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES The former of these two can be further subdivided into the following lines of research: o development of design automation tools for “System-on-Chip” applications o development of E-Design/E-Learning environments to support collaborative design activities For the first of these, the tools are: i) circuit and system optimization techniques, particularly the use of modified genetic algorithms applied to a broad range of circuits and systems; ii) automatic circuit and systems topology search based on evolutionary computation methodologies; and, iii) symbolic analysis and synthesis for analog and mixed signal systems. For the latter line, i) web/data mining techniques, and, ii) partnerships with distance learning research teams. Electronic Systems Design can be split into the following tasks: i) timing issues, namely clock generation and distribution; ii) high-performance systems, namely front-ends for optical communications, both in CMOS and low-cost GaAs; and, iii) architectures for network systems, namely for QoS. Instrumentation and Measurement Work in the wide field of Instrumentation and Measurement can be further subdivided in the following topics: • ADC characterization and testing; • Smart sensors; • Telemetry and control; • Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation. In what concerns the first of these topics, new models were developed for ADC characterization and on their basis a new method for the analysis of dual-tone signal behavior in the phase plane was derived. The standard histogram method was also studied in terms of error and precision, and a novel quasi-static test method was proposed. A large amount of work in the field of use and integration of sensors in multi-sensor systems was performed, with an application to water quality measurements in mind. In this line of work, characterization of static and dynamic behavior of several electrochemical sensors was performed. A virtual Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) was developed on a PC platform, in order to characterize the analog and digital 131 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES channels of a Smart Transducer Interface Module (STIM) prototype. This work also included the interface that enables communication between the two units. Environmental studies also included the design and implementation of self-organizing maps for the analysis and classification of data in river water quality on-line monitoring system, and the design and implementation of an absorbance meter based on colored light-to-voltage converters. A distributed measurement system was developed to enable the monitoring of the RF spectrum for ANACOM-Azores. This involves several types of automatic measurements in the HF, VHF and UHF bands, as well as remote control of antennas in the relevant frequency ranges. Signal processing provided the background for these activities. Sine-fitting techniques have been developed for application in multiple channel acquisition systems where physical constrains exist. These numerical techniques have been applied to impedance measurement where they can reduce the final uncertainty of the impedance estimated parameters. Wavelet-based processing algorithms were developed for transient modulation of the cardiac autonomic system. Power Electronics In the sub-area that comes under this general heading (but also including some work in electrical machines and power transformers) the following lines of work may be identified: • High frequency soft switching converters: study, development, theoretical analysis and simulation of zero voltage switching DC-DC converters. Simulation of alternative energy storage topologies. Study of alternative converter topologies. Additional studies on applications on those topology developments, namely application in switching audio amplifiers and power active filters. • Active power filters: Optimization of standard topologies and control processes for power active filters. • Power audio amplifiers: Development of new circuit topologies and control processes for switch mode audio power amplifiers. • Contactless energy transmission Theoretical analysis, simulation and design optimization of resonant converters working as interfaces for inductive coupling in order to be used as a contactless power interface. The main objective of this work is to show the performance of the power stages when operating with a non-ideal 132 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES transformer, identifying the most important changes in converter characteristics due to the nonidealities. • Electromechatronics: studies in fault analysis, diagnostics and fault tolerance of electrical machines, transformers, power electronics and other special application machines. Attention has been also drawn to the maintenance aspects, specifically related to the telecommunications power supply systems, namely for switchedmode power supplies. Concurrently, topics related to the maintenance management and organization activities, in general, have been considered. • Power Quality, electronic ballasts, simulation of transformers. Applied Mathematics In the sub-area of Applied Mathematics, aside from theoretical studies and collaboration with fields of research other than Telecommunications, the following general subjects can be identified: • Optimization • Numerical Linear Algebra • Partial Differential Equations Specific topics include, not exclusively, the following: 1. Numerical Linear Algebra: Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations. 2. Complementarity problems: design, implementation, convergence analyses and testing of interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic algorithms and enumerative methods. 3. Global Optimization: complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulation-linearization techniques for bilevel programming, quadratic and bilinear programming and mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. 4. Discrete Optimization: global optimization algorithms for linear, nonlinear and complementarity problems with integer variables. 5. Solution of Structured Optimization Models, namely finance portfolio selection models, network models, eigencomplementarity problems and other engineering models. 6. Solution of Partial Differential Equations associated with contact problems and other variational models in engineering. 133 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 7. Design and solution of models of filtering and other areas in telecommunications. 8. Numerical Linear Algebra: preconditioning techniques for the solution of linear systems of equations. 9. Work has been completed on Computation of the Drazin inverse of a matrix over an arbitrary ring. 10. Studies of Von Neumann regularity of Bezoutian and Sylvester matrices with elements in a ring and its application to polynomial theory have been initiated. 11. Work on the characterization of the dispersion profile in soliton links with dispersion-varying compensating fiber was continued. 12. Iterative methods for large linear systems. A comparison between the explicit Group AOR method and the point AOR method was done for the model problem, which shows the computational advantages of this new technique. The interval version of a new iterative method was presented and some convergence conditions obtained. 4.4.4 Running Projects Overview Funding Agency Number FCT/PNAT 1 FCT/POCTI 5 FCT/POSI 2 ICP/ANACOM 1 Internal 2 Table 31 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area 134 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Activity in Projects Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description Fault Diagnosis/POSI/EEI/14151/98/2001 DSP- Based Winding Fault Diagnosis in Operating Three-Phase Power Transformers The major aim of the project basically comprises the development of a prototype, able to provide a complete and reliable diagnosis of the operating condition of three-phase power transformers, particularly regarding the occurrence of winding faults. PLEDs/POCTI/CTM/40063/2001 Energy transfer from electroluminescent polymers to phosphorescent dopants 1. Obtaining saturated green and red emission from light-emitting devices (LEDs) prepared from electroluminescent polymers doped with phosphorescent lanthanide complexes, and harvesting of the energy of the triplet excitations generated by charge injection. 2. Evaluate the feasibility of an ideal spin-polarised charge injection device, allowing for the selective generation of only singlets or triplets, via the use of the spintronics concept. Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description EUPAS EUropean Project for ADC-based devices Standardization European Network including 10 Universities and Research centres and 5 Industrial partners. Description: The aim of this project is to contribute to the improvement of the European rules concerning the test methods for analog-to-digital converters and sample-and-hold circuits, with emphasis on their dynamic behavior. During 2003, new test methods to circumvent the limits of the measurement instrumentation, to measure particular parameters required for specific applications and to diagnose problems in new converter designs will be investigated and proposed. BIOFET/POCTI/FIS/34668/99 Field Effect Transistor Array for Monitoring Electrical Activity From Single Cells in Culture The core of this project is to bring together the necessary skills to perform assays on single cells in vivo. Key issues to be adressed are: (i) electrical coupling between the cell and the FET-probe (ii) the FET noise level, (iii) micromanipulators to get the cells into the correct position on the substrate (iii) how drugs or other chemical agents modify the general pattern of signalling. 135 INSTITUTO Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Gels/POCTI/CTM/33653/99 Gels with innovative optical, magnetic and electrochemical properties The ma in goal of the project is the study of relevant physical properties of new hybrid xerogels (doped with lanthanide or ferromagnetic ions). Those sol-gel derived materials, based on oxyethylene units grafted onto silica networks by urea and urethane cross-links, are efficient white light emitters due to the convolution of a long-lived emission originated in the NH groups of the urea or urethane bridges with shorter-lived electron-hole recombinations occurring in the nanometersized siliceous clusters. This feature will be exploited to obtain efficient white-light hybrids. AQA/PNAT/1999/EEI/15 052/C Global Monitoring Based on Smart Sensors for Environment Quality The main objective and original contribution of this project is the study, design and implementation of intelligent automated measurement systems for the continuous monitoring of parameters considered important for the environment quality. These systems include smart cells (i.e. smart sensors or smart actuators) for some physical quantities with digital processing structures with prediction capabilities. As new intelligent techniques that will be developed within the project it should be underlined: ·The sensor fusion and integration that combine the information in a way that removes inconsistencies and presents clearly the best interpretation of readings input from many individual sources. ·Neural and neuro-fuzzy information processing that includes linearisation, prediction and the correction of sensor characteristics. Another direction of work will be the establishment of a client-server architecture linked through a computer network for distributed measurement systems. The client performs the continuous monitoring of the electrical signals related to the quantities to be measured and their transmission to the server database. For the water quantities the transmission is via the Global Standard for Mobile telecommunication (GSM) and a Global Position Sensor (GPS) is used for sensors position detection. OFETs/POCTI/CTM/41117/2001 Materials For Organic Electronics This project foccus on the investigation of promising organic materials, in particular, perylene, its derivatives, and phthalocyanines, using both high purity single crystals and high quality thin films, in field effect transistor structures. 136 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description Acron/Ref Title Description ESPECTRO Monitorização e Controlo do Espectro. Integração de Infraestruturas The purpose of this project is to automate the measuring procedures used in the different Monitoring Centers of ANACOM (Portuguese Telecommunications Regulator) to monitor and control the radiofrequency spectrum in Portuguese territory. The automation must allow remote operation, that is to say, to perform tests for instance in Azores from another Center, namely the main one sited in Barcarena. NMMADC/POCTI/ESE/32698/99 New measurements methods in Analog to Digital Converters testing Phase plane domain model of the ADC behavior will be explored and presented. This model will include frequency dependent phenomena as dynamic hysteresis. A procedure aiming at characterizing the ADC behavior on the phase plane domain will also be developed. The characterization method will resort to dual tone input signal and Fourier Transform based analyses of the output. OCAP/POCTI/ESE/41554/2001 Optimization of Circuit topologies for Active Power filters Active Power Filters is an important research domain of power electronics, related with power quality. The main drawbacks of power filters are: - high acquisition cost for the user, with moderate benefits to the user plant; the main benefits come to the mains network and power distribution company - electromagnetic compatibility problems, name ly those related with radio frequency conducted noise The project objective is the reduction of the systems cost and the increase of valuable functions to the user plant, namely including in the power filter some of the functions usually associated to the power conditioners. The use of soft switching power converters associated with adequate modulation techniques would reduce de EMC problems. SWITCH Power Electronics Circuits for Complex Power Systems Development of new power circuits topologies for difficult applications like contactless power transmission, precision and audio amplifiers, multi-loop controlled drives, single-stage medium and high power ACDC converters with sinusoidal input current. 137 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES 4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses Final Year Projects Supervisor Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Pedro Ramos Student João Lima Nelson Silva Gustavo Amaro Luís Alves José Cohen Abolnik Title End Date Análise e Síntese Simbólica de Circuitos e Sistemas Electrónicos 7/2004 Arquitectura de Segurança em Ambientes de E-Learning 7/2004 Automatic measurement system 12/2003 based on data acquisition board for PC Francisco Alegria João Paulo Torres Caracterização de Jitter em conversores analógico/digitais 7/2003 Francisco Alegria Rui Cabeço Caracterização de Jitter em conversores analógico/digitais 7/2003 Paul Andrew Crocker P.Margarido Colocação Circular de Polioninos usando Algoritmo Geneticos 2/2003 Computer Graphical Aide to Electro magnetism Learning 7/2004 Armando Pinto E.Faria André Oliveira Ivan Coutinho Pedro Ramos Andrea Fernandes Control Software for Anechoic Chamber Antenna Measurements 12/2003 Pedro Ramos João Cunha Control Software for Anechoic Chamber Antenna Measurements 12/2003 Conversor CC-CC com ZVS, Modulação de Fase e Controlo da Malha Reactiva 10/2003 Beatriz Borges Beatriz Borges Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Jorge Neves Bruno Gameiro Pedro Carola Nuno Eusébio Gonçalo Neves João Brites Nuno Figueiredo Nuno Sarmento Pedro Prates Pedro Silva Duarte Abrantes Tiago Duarte Conversor CC-CC isolado de 2kW com comutação suave E-Design/ E-Trainig - Ambiente para Suporte a Serviços de Apoio ao Projecto na WWW 7/2003 10/2003 Editor HTML/Javascript Integrado num Ambiente de E-Learning para a WWW 7/2004 Ferramentas de Comunicação num Ambiente de E-Learning para a WWW 7/2004 GENCHESS: Xadrez Inteligente 7/2004 Gestão Automática de Publicidade Orientada ao Cliente em Lojas Virtuais na WWW 7/2003 138 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Beatriz Borges António Tavares António Tavares Rui L. Aguiar Gestão Automática de Recursos Partilhados num Ambiente de ELearning 7/2004 Modelação Automática de Circuitos e Sistemas Electrónicos 7/2004 Optimização do Conversor Ressonante Série para Aplicação em Sistemas de Alimentação de Energia sem Contacto 1/2004 Ilídio Lopes Placa de Acesso para uma rede de comunicações sem fios por raios infravermelhos compatível com a camada MAC da norma 802.11b 7/2003 Décio Brito Placa de Acesso para uma rede de comunicações sem fios por raios infravermelhos compatível com a camada MAC da norma 802.11b 7/2003 Placa de acesso para uma rede de Decio Hermes Brito comunicações sem fios por raios Ilídio De Pina Lopes infravermelhos compatível com a camada MAC da norma 802.11b 9/2003 Paulo Almeida João Monteiro Sérgio Kong Paulo Castro Carlos Selidónio António Tavares Pedro Palmela Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade 7/2003 António Tavares António Rodrigues Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade 7/2003 Rede de Infravermelhos a Alta Velocidade 9/2003 Sistema de Aula Virtual numa Plataforma de E-Learning 7/2004 Rui L. Aguiar Hugo Ferreira Marques Rui Filipe Teixeira Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Nuno Horta Pedro Ramos Pedro Ramos Nuno Horta Alberto Carvalho José Coelho Nuno Fernandes Sérgio Velho Hugo Páscoa Paulo Grave David Simões Sérgio Carreira Francisco Freitas Luis Branco André Figueira Daniel Gomes Ruben Marinho Sistema de Gestão e Organização de Conferências na WWW 10/2003 Sistema para Gestão Cursos, Alunos e Tutores numa Plataforma de ELearning 10/2003 Sistema para Gestão Inteligente de Conteúdos numa Plataforma de ELearning 7/2003 Test software for the driver display of the ''Metropolitano de Lisboa'' subway and its subsystems 10/2003 Testing the control unit for the door in the subway trains of "Metropolitano de Lisboa" 9/2004 VIDEO Chat para Aula Virtual num Ambiente de E-Learning 7/2004 139 INSTITUTO Nuno Horta Rui Dinis DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES WEB-ICDESIGNER: Ambiente de Suporte a Actividades de E-DESIGN na WWW 7/2004 Table 32- List of Final Year Projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2003 MSc Theses Supervisor Maria Celeste Gouveia Student José Fernando Mariano Helena Ramos Mário Jorge Alves António Victor Anunciada Natália dos Santos Gameiro Carlos Ferreira ADC Modelling 12/2003 An Open Platform for smart sensors 12/2004 Análise do Comportamento Dinâmico do Motor de Relutância Variável Comutado, em Situações de Funcionamento Normal e de Avarias no Conversor de Potência Audio Switch Mode Amplifier Marina Mendes Eduardo de Sousa Sargento Domingues Balastro Electrónico Saraiva Perdigão António Cardoso Manuel António Marques Esteves António Cardoso Acácio Manuel Raposo Amaral Maria Celeste Gouveia Nuno Horta Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva End Date A volume associated to mxn matrices. Isabel Maria Coelho Applications in the computation of the 12/2004 Marinho Moore-Penrose inverse. Helena Ramos António Cardoso Title Eduardo Manuel Godinho Rodrigues Rui L. Aguiar Miguel Osório Rui L. Aguiar Américo Carvalho Mendes 12/2004 3/2004 Desenvolvimento de um Protótipo para o Diagnóstico de Avarias nos Enrolamentos de Transformadores Trifásicos 5/2004 Diagnóstico e Análise de Avarias em Fontes Comutadas 7/2004 Diagonalization of matrices over Artur Jorge Teixeira arbitrary rings. Applications in the P. Vaz computation of spectral inverses. Gonçalo Neves 2/2004 10/2005 E-Design/ E-Trainig - Ambiente para Suporte a Serviços de Apoio ao Projecto na WWW 12/2004 Elevadores 12/2004 Implementação de IP sobre novas camadas físicas 12/2003 Implementações dedicadas do algoritmo de Viterbi 12/2003 140 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES José Dias Pereira Vítor Viegas Implementation of a smart sensors system based on IEEE 1451 7/2003 Helena Ramos Vítor Viegas Imp lementation of a smart sensors system based on IEEE 1451 12/2003 Maria Celeste Gouveia Marisa Lapa Toste Mathematics in social sciences 10/2004 Pedro Ramos Measuring system with temperature Francisco Assunção control for characterization of electrochemical sensors 12/2004 Helena Ramos Measuring system with temperature Francisco Assunção control for characterization of electrochemical senssors 12/2004 António Cardoso Metodologias de Elaboração de Planos Pedro Miguel Martins de Manutenção na Central de Pina Ribeiro Termoeléctrica do Pego Helena Ramos Metrological characterization of an Luis Miguel Gurriana integrated sensors system for estuarine water assessement António Cardoso Nuno Horta António Victor Anunciada Rui L. Aguiar António Victor Anunciada Nuno Horta Ana Carla Vicente Vieira João Redol Manuel Ferreira Rui Alcobia Mónica Jorge Carvalho de Figueiredo Francisco Nunes José Iria Organização e Gestão da Manutenção das Instalações e dos Equipamentos Fixos do DEEC/FCTUC 3/2004 12/2004 1/2004 Plataforma Inteligente de E-Learning para Suporte de Actividades de Ensino 12/2004 à Distância Power Quality 9/2005 Recuperação de Relógio em Sistemas de Lógica Reconfigurável 4/2003 Resonant Converters 9/2005 Semantic Service Discovery on Smart Home Environments 2/2004 António Victor Anunciada Hugo Ribeiro Single-stage AC-DC converters 12/2004 Nuno Horta David Simões Sistema para Gestão Inteligente de Conteúdos numa Plataforma de ELearning 12/2004 Rui Luís Sistema para Gestão Inteligente de Informação numa Plataforma de ELearning com Recurso a Técnicas de Data Mining 12/2004 Nuno Horta Joaquim Júdice C. Baptista Solution of three global optimization problems arising in finance, hydraulics and telecommunications 141 7/2004 INSTITUTO Octavian Postolache Mihai Bruma DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Viscosity Measurement System based on PIC16F877 microcontroller 7/2003 Table 33 - List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2003 PhD Theses Supervisor António Cruz Serra Pedro Silva Girão António Victor Anunciada Student Ricardo Filipe de Queirós Raúl Monteiro Title High resolution ultrasound measurements 12/2006 Active Power Filters 12/2006 António Cruz Serra Aproximação estocástica à medida e Raul Daniel Lavado compensação de não linearidades sem Carneiro Martins memória Rui L. Aguiar Circuitos Analógicos em Modo de Luís Filipe Mesquita Corrente com Grande Largura de Nero Moreira Alves Banda António Cardoso End Date Diagnóstico e Análise de Avarias no Sérgio Manuel Ângelo Estator de Motores de Indução da Cruz Trifásicos Alimentados por Variadores Electrónicos de Velocidade 3/2004 12/2005 2/2004 António Cruz Serra Maria da Conceição Dynamic characterization of analogue Falcão Líbano to digital converters exhibiting slope Monteiro da Costa dependent nonlinearities Macedo 12/2003 António Cardoso Adérito Neto Alcaso Fault Tolerance in LCI Drive Systems 5/2004 Global optimization and applications to structural engineering models Joaquim Júdice I. Ribeiro Joaquim Júdice J. M. Patrício Joaquim Júdice P. Tavares Localization models in civil engineering M. C. Brás Mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints and applications to combinatorial optimization Joaquim Júdice Pedro Silva Girão António Cruz Serra Interior-point algorithms and applications to structured complementarity problems José Luis Correia da Medida Simultânea de Densidade e Mata Viscosidade de Líquidos Henrique Jorge Oliveira Fontes Quaresma Modelling and measurement electromagnetic interference in electronic devices 142 1/2004 10/2004 7/2004 12/2004 12/2003 12/2006 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Optimization models for filtering in telecommunications Joaquim Júdice P. Monteiro António Cardoso André Manuel dos Santos Mendes Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives Under Inverter Fault Conditions 7/2004 Luís Alcácer Nunzio Barbagallo Polymer LED active matrices 9/2004 Rui L. Aguiar Miguel Ângelo Martins Madureira Projecto de Receptores Integrados de Banda Larga 12/2005 Manuel Barros Síntese e Optimização Automática de Circuitos e Sistemas Baseada em Técnicas de Programação Evolutiva 12/2005 Nuno Horta António Cruz Serra Manuel José Freire Fonseca da Silva Sistema automático de medida de impedâncias Beatriz Borges Stanimir Stoyanov Valtchev Study of the Energy Balance in Resonant Converters Applied to Contactless Energy Transfer 10/2004 1/2003 12/2005 Table 34 - List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area during 2003 4.4.6 Publications Applied Mathematics Papers in Journals - Júdice, J. J.; J. Patrício; L. Portugal; M. Resende; G. Veiga; “A study of preconditioners for network interior point methods”, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5 - 35, January, 2003. - Patrício, J.; J. J. Júdice; M. Resende; L. Portugal; G. Veiga; “A study of preconditioners for network interior point methods”, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5 - 35, January, 2003. - Júdice, J. J.; C. Oliveira; J. Santos; “Análise comparativa dos modelos de selecção de carteiras de acções de Markowitz e Konno”, Investigação Operacional, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 211 - 244, January, 2003. - Figueiredo, I.; J. J. Júdice; P. Oliveira; “Complementarity and genetic algorithms for an optimization shell problem”, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 143 - 161, January, 2003. 143 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Martins, M.; D. J. Evans; “Convergence of the interval and point TOR method”, International Journal of Comp. Math., Vol. 80, No. 10, pp. 1227 - 1241, October, 2003. - Gouveia, M. C.G.; “Generalized Inverses of Bezoutian and Resultant Matrices over Integral Domains”, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 26 - 30, January, 2003. - Gouveia, M. C.G.; “Sylvester, Stein and Lyapunov equations over rings”, International Journal of Computer Research - IJCR, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1 - 6, February, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Ribeiro, I.; J. J. Júdice; H. Sherali; “An active set algorithm for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints and for bilevel problems”, Proc EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istambul, Turkey, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, July, 2003. - Patrício, J.; J. J. Júdice; L. M. Fernandes; I. Figueiredo; “An Investigatio n of a Nonlinear Obstacle Plate Optimization Problem”, Proc International Symp. on Mathematical Programming, Copenhague, Denmark, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, August, 2003. - Júdice, J. J.; J. Patrício; L. M. Fernandes; I. Figueiredo; “An investigation of a nonlinear obstacle plate optimization problem”, Proc International Symp. on Mathematical Programming, Copenhague, Denmark, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, August, 2003. - Silva, V.; F. Perdigão; “Computational Complexity of Discrete Fourier Transform”, Proc Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 225 - 228, September, 2003. - Gouveia, M. C.G.; “Generalized inverses of Bezoutian and Sylvester matrices over integral domains”, Proc WSEAS Multiconf. in Applied Mathematics, St. Paul´s Bay, Malta, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 5, September, 2003. - Júdice, J. J.; I. eigencomplementarity Ribeiro; H. problem”, Sherali; Proc “Global International optimization Conf. Optimization, Santorini, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2003. 144 on techniques Frontiers in for the Global ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES - Navarro, A.; B.F.C Gabriel; “Optimal M-QAM/DAPSK Allocation in Narrowband OFDM Radio Channels”, Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications”, Proc Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 219 - 224, September, 2003. - Júdice, J. J.; M. Queiroz; C. Humes; “The hinge fitting problem”, Proc International Conf. on Frontiers in Global Optimization, Santorini, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 1, June, 2003. IMPACT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ON SOCIETY Book Chapters - Salema, C.; “Infra-estruturas de Telecomunicações” - Chapter in A Casa do Futuro Interactiva, Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações, Lisboa, 2003. Papers in Journals - Oliveira, C.O.; G.C. Carpinteiro; L. M. Correia; “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from GSM and UMTS Base Station Antennas”, RadioProtecção, Vol. II, No. 2/3, pp. 121 138, May, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Horta, N.H.; D. Simões ; R. Luis; J. Redol ; “A New Approach Towards E-Learning Contents Standardization And Enhanced Usability”, Proc IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet, Albufeira, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1199 - 1103, November, 2003. - Oliveira, C.O.; G.C. Carpinteiro; L. M. Correia; “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from GSM and UMTS Base Station Antennas”, Proc COST 281 - Potential Health Implications from Mobile Communication Systems, Dublin, Ireland, May, 2003. - Oliveira, C.O.; G.C. Carpinteiro; L. M. Correia; “Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from GSM and UMTS Base Station Antennas”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 4th, June, 2003. - Oliveira, C.O.; G.C. Carpinteiro; L. M. Correia; C. A. Fernandes; “Projecto ITEM Informação Técnica Sobre Exposição à Radiação Electromagnétic a em Comunicações 145 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Móveis”, Proc Jornadas de Protecção contra Radiações, Lisboa, Portugal, Vol. X, November, 2003. INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT Book Chapters - Girão, P.M.; B. G. Lipták; P. M. Glattstein; “Electrical Meters and Sensors” - Chapter in Process Measurement and Analysis, Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Béla G. Lipták, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003. - Girão, P.M.; B. G. Lipták; R. W. Worrall; T. J. Clagett; “Thermistors” - Chapter in Process Measurement and Analysis, Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Béla G. Lipták, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003. - Girão, P.M.; B. G. Lipták; A. Brodgesell; “Torque and Force Transducers” - Chapter in Process Measurement and Analysis, Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Béla G. Lipták, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003. Papers in Journals - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; “Colored Light-to-Voltage Converters Based Absorbance Meter (invited paper)”, International Scientific Journal of Computing, Vol.2, No. 1, pp. 58 - 64, October, 2003. - Girão, P.M.; O. Postolache; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “Distributed Measurement Systems and Intelligent Processing for Water Quality Assessment”, Sensors & Transducers Magazine, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 74 - 85, December, 2003. - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; H. G. Ramos; “Increasing Ion Selective Electrode Performance Using Neural Networks”, International Scientific Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 17 - 24, July, 2003. - Borda, C.; R. Dias; N.B.C. Carvalho; J. N. Matos; “Medidor de Campo electromagnético”, Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 15 September, 2003. 146 19, ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES - Silva, M. F.; A.C. Serra; “New methods to improve convergence of sine fitting algorithms”, Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 23 - 31, March, 2003. - Martins, R.C.M.; A.C. Serra; “Representation and Measurement of Nonlinearities in Stimulus Signals”, IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 1160 1165, August, 2003. - Alegria, ; A.C. Serra; “Variance of the Cumulative Histogram of ADCs due to Frequency Errors”, IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 69 - 74, February, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Monteiro, M.C.; P Arpaia; A.C. Serra; “A Frequency Domain Approach to ADC PhasePlane Modelling and Testing”, Proc International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing - IWADC, Perugia, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 587 - 590, September, 2003. - Rocha, A.; L. Cupido; M. Sousa; “A Ka- Band Propagation Beacon Receiver”, Proc ESA Worshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Application, EsPOO, Finland, Vol. 1, pp. 177 - 182, May, 2003. - Postolache, G.; M. I. Rocha; L. Silva-Carvalho; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; “A Practical Approach of Wavelets Analysis to Follow Transitory Modulation of the Cardiac Autonomic System after Ethanol Administration”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 218 - 222, May, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “A Practical Approach to Ion Selective Electrodes Performance in Static and Dynamic Conditions”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 183 - 186, June, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; H. G. Ramos; J. M. Dias Pereira; “A Practical Approach to Ion Selective Electrodes Performance in Static and Dynamic Conditions”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 156 - 160, June, 2003. - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; H. G. Ramos; “A Remote Measurement and Control Solution for Distributed Hart 147 Systems”, Proc Conf. on Electronic INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES Measurement & Instruments - ICEMI, Tayuan, China, Vol. Vol.1, pp. 799 - 802, August, 2003. - Ramos, H. G.; J. M. Dias Pereira; V. Viegas; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; “A Virtual Instrument to Test Smart Transducer Interface Modules (STIMs)”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 529 - 533, May, 2003. - Postolache, G.; L. Silva-Carvalho; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; “A Wavelet-Based Method for Estimation of the Autonomic Balance after Experimentally Drug Administration”, Proc IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical & Computer, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 3, pp. 2083 2086, May, 2003. - Arpaia, P; P. Daponte; A.C. Serra; M. C. Monteiro; “ADC Testing Based on IEEE 105794 Standard - Some Critical Notes”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Baltimore, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 119 - 124, May, 2003. - Ramos, H. G.; O. Postolache; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; “An Application of the IEEE 1451.2 Correction Engine in an Integrated Sensing Structure”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 609 - 613, June, 2003. - Alegria, ; A.C. Serra; “Coherent Sampling of Sinewaves”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 131 - 134, June, 2003. - Monteiro, M.C.; P Arpaia; A.C. Serra; “Dual Tone Analysis for Phase-Plane Coverage in ADC Metrological Characterization”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, United States, Vol. 2, pp. 1334 - 1339, May, 2003. - Quaresma, H.J.; A. Silva; A.C. Serra; “Error correction technique for dynamic impedance measurement”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, United States, Vol. 2, pp. 1009 - 1012, May, 2003. - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; “HART Protocol Analyzer Based in LabVIEW”, Proc Conf. on Electronic Measurement & Instruments - ICEMI, Lviv, Ukraine, Vol.1, pp. 174 - 176, September, 2003. 148 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES - Silva, M. F.; A.C. Serra; P.M. Ramos; “Improving Convergence of Sine Fitting Algorithms”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 119 - 122, June, 2003. - Quaresma, H.J.; A. Silva; A.C. Serra; “Improving dynamic resistance and differential capacitance measurement of active devices”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. 1, pp. 959 - 962, June, 2003. - Ramos, P.M.; M. F. Silva; A.C. Serra; “Improving sine-fitting algorithms for amplitude and phase measurements”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. TC4, pp. 614 - 619, June, 2003. - Alegria, ; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; “Measuring Channel Switching Error in Data Acquisition Systems”, Proc Euro Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Perugia, Italy, Vol., pp. 175 - 177, September, 2003. - Alegria, ; P.M. Girão; V. Haasz; A.C. Serra; “Performance of Data Acquisition Systems from User’s Point of View”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, United States, pp. 1 - 4, May, 2003. - Monteiro, M.C.; P Arpaia; A.C. Serra; “Phase-spectrum Based Compensation of ADC Dynamic Hysteresis”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 587 - 290, June, 2003. - Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; H. G. Ramos; “Replacing Hart Hand-Held Terminals by PC Based Virtual Instruments”, Proc IMEKO World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vol. Vol.1, pp. 100 - 1004, June, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “Self Organizing Maps Aplication in Remote Water Quality Monitoring System”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail-Colorado, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 529 - 533, May, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “Self Organizing Maps in a Remote Water Quality Monitoring System”, Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Vail, Colorado, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 529 - 533, May, 2003. 149 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; H. G. Ramos; “Smart Wireless System for Pollution of Rivers and Estuaries”, Proc Conf. on Electronic Measurement & Instruments - ICEMI, Taiyuan, China, Vol. 2, pp. 1139 - 1143, August, 2003. - Martins, R.C.M.; A.C. Serra; “Stochastic Approach for Memoryless Nonlinearity Measurement”, Proc International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing - IWADC, Perugia, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 209 - 212, September, 2003. - Martins, R.C.M.; A.C. Serra; “Stochastic Approach for Nonlinearity Measurement Using Power Series Representation”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 143 - 146, June, 2003. - Quaresma, H.J.; A. Silva; A.C. Serra; “Técnica de correcção de erros para medida de resistência dinâmica”, Proc Congresso de Mecânica Computacional, Évora, Portugal, Vol. 3, pp. 1679 - 1686, April, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “Wireless Water Quality Monitoring System Based on Field Point Technology and Kohonen Maps”, Proc IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical & Computer, Montreal, Canada, Vol. I, pp. 211 - 216, May, 2003. - Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; H. G. Ramos; “Wireless Water Quality Monitoring System Based on Field Point Technology and Kohonen Maps”, Proc IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical & Computer, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 3, pp. 1873 - 1876, May, 2003. Project Reports - Girão, P.M.; O. Postolache; “Monitorização e Controlo do Espectro. Integração de Infraestruturas. Etapa I - Açores. Anexo”, Instituto de Telecomunicações, January, 2003. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Papers in Conference Proceedings - Madureira, M.; P. Montero; R. L. Aguiar; “BROAD-BAND TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIER FOR MULTIGIGABIT-PER-SECOND (40Gbps) OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN 0.135um PHEMT TECHNOLOGY ”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and System, Bangkok, Thailand, May, 2003. 150 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES - Horta, N.H.; M. Barros ; J. Silva; G. Neves ; “Enhanced Genetic Algorithm Kernel Applied to a Circuit-Level Optimization E-Design Environment”, Proc IEEE Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and System, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, December, 2003. - Madureira, M.; P. Montero; R. L. Aguiar; “HIGH GAIN GaAs 10Gbps TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIER WITH INTEGRATED BONDWIRE EFFECTS”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and System, Bangkok, Thailand, May, 2003. POWER ELECTRONICS AND POWER SYSTEMS Papers in Conference Proceedings - Anunciada, A.; R. Monteiro; “A New Soft-Switching Cell Usable in Bridge Converters”, Proc IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. - PESC, Acapulco, Mexico, Vol. 1, pp. 1851 - 1856, June, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; B. Borges; R. Monteiro; “Active Power Filters”, Proc International Conf. on Renewable Energies and Power Quality - ICREPQ, Vigo, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 235 - 240, April, 2003. - Gameiro, Natália S. Gameiro; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Analysis of SRM Drives Behaviour Under the Occurrence of Power Converter Faults”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Industrial Electronics - ISIE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Vol. CD- ROM, pp. 1 - 5, June, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; “Cost Minimization of a Multiple Section Energy Cable Supplying Remote Telecom Equipment”, Proc Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Tomar, Portugal, Vol. 1, September, 2003. - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Diagnosis of stator inter-turn short circuits in DTC induction motor drives”, Proc IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, Vol. CD- Rom, pp. 1 - 8, October, 2003. - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Diagnosis of stator, rotor and airgap eccentricity in three-phase induction motors based on the Multiple Reference Frames Theory”, Proc IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, Vol. CDRom, pp. 1 - 7, October, 2003. 151 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “DSP implementation of the Multiple Reference Frames Theory for the diagnosis of stator faults in a DTC induction motor drive”, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Atlanta, GA, United States, Vol. CD- Rom, pp. 223 - 228, August, 2003. - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Modelling and simulation of DTC induction motor drives for stator winding faults diagnosis”, Proc European Conf. on Power Electronics and Applications, Toulouse, France, Vol. CD-Rom, pp. p1 - p10, September, 2003. - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “New developments in the diagnosis of faults in lineconnected and direct torque controlled induction motors”, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON, Roanoke, VG, United States, Vol. CD- Rom, pp. 1361 - 1368, November, 2003. - Cruz, S. M. A. ; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Referenciais Múltiplos: um novo método de diagnóstico de avarias no estator de motores de indução trifásicos”, Proc Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engª Electrotécnica, Vilamoura, Portugal, Vol. III, pp. 6.239 - 6.246, July, 2003. - Gameiro, Natália S. Gameiro; A. J. M. Cardoso; “Simulação do Comportamento Dinâmico do Motor de Relutância Variável Comutado”, Proc Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Engª Electrotécnica, Vilamoura, Portugal, Vol. III, pp. 6.175 - 6.180, July, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; H. Ribeiro; “Single Stage AC-DC Converter with Input Power Factor Correction”, Proc International Conf. on Power Electronics and Drive Systems - PEDS, Singapore, Vol. 1, pp. 1480 - 1485, November, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; H. Ribeiro; “Single Stage AC-DC Converter with Input Power Factor Correction”, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON, Roanoke, United States, Vol. 1, pp. 2933 - 2938, November, 2003. TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Book Chapters - Morgado, J.; L. Alcácer; “Polímeros Condutores” - Chapter in Materiais Dois Mil, M. Amaral Fortes & P.J. Ferreira, IST Press, Lisbon, 2003. 152 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES Papers in Journals - Alves, H.; D. Simão; H. Novais; I. C. Santos; E. B. Lopes; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; “Charge transfer salts based on M(dcbdt)2 complexes (M=Au and Ni)”, Synthetic Metals, Vol. 135-136, No. 1, pp. 135 - 136, April, 2003. - Alves, H.; I. C. Santos; E. B. Lopes; D. Belo; V. Gama; D. Simão; H. Novais; M. T. Duarte; R. T. Henriques; M. Almeida; “Conductors based on metal- bisdicyanobenzodithiolate complexes”, Synthetic Metals, Vol. 133-134, No. 1, pp. 397 399, January, 2003. - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; L. Alcácer; J. Martinho; F. Cacialli; “Luminescence properties of polyfluorenes blends”, Synthetic Metals, Vol. 137, No. 1-3, pp. 1039 - 1040, April, 2003. - Riehn, R.; A. Charas; J. Morgado; F. Cacialli; “Near-field optical lithography of a conjugated polymer”, Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 526 - 528, January, 2003. - Morgado, J.; N. Barbagalho; A. Charas; M. Matos; L. Alcácer; F. Cacialli; “Self-assembly surface modified indium-tin oxide anodes for single-layer light-emitting diodes”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 36, pp. 434 - 438, February, 2003. - Charas, A.; J. Morgado; L. Alcácer; J. Martinho; F. Cacialli; “Steady state and time resolved photoluminescence properties of alternating polyfluorene copolymers”, Synthetic Metals, Vol. 135, No. 1-3, pp. 387 - 388, April, 2003. Papers in Conference Proceedings - Morgado, J.; A. Charas; N. Barbagalho; L. Alcácer; “Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes Based on a Soluble Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) with Interfaces Modified by SelfAssembly”, Proc European Solid-State Device Research Conf., Lisbon (Estoril), Portugal, Vol. 33, pp. 175 - 178, September, 2003. - Velez, F. J.; H. Santos ; T. Lages; “Redes sem Fios IEEE 802.11: Instalação, Configuração e Segurança”, Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 433 - 438, November, 2003. 153 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Morgado, J.; A. Charas; N. Barbagalho; L. Alcácer; “Towards”plastic” electronics and optoelectronics”, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. IV, pp. 39 - 41, June, 2003. 4.4.7 Other Achievements Prototypes - Ferreira, C.; A. Anunciada; “100W Switch Mode Audio Power Amplifier”, October, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; H. Ribeiro; “600W DC 48V Telecom Single Stage Power Supply with Power Factor Correction”, 0, June, 2003. - Anunciada, A.; H. Marques; “Pulse Generator for Mains Network Analysis”, December, 2003. Awards - Cruz, S. M. A. ; “New developments in the diagnosis of faults in line-connected and direct torque controlled induction motors”, Best Presentation at IECON 2003, 06-112003. Miscellaneous - Júdice, J. J.; C. Salema; C. A. Fernandes; “Editor of Conference Proceedings”, Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications”, 08-09-2003. - Dias Pereira, J. M.; “Guest Editor”, Manual de Problemas de Circuitos Eléctricos”, Escolar Editora - 1998 - 2000 exemplares, 30-05-2003. - Girão, P.M.; et. al.; “Technical Audit”, LABELEC Test of Equipment for Low Voltage Operation”, 15-04-2003. - Serra, A.C.; “Member of Technical Committee”, Deputy Chairman of the Technical Committee on Measurement of Electrical Quantities (TC-4) of the Instrumentation and Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)”, 26-03-2003. - Serra, A.C.; “Member of Advisory Committee”, Member of the Scientific Council of the PhD programme on Electrical Engineering – Instrumentation and Measurement, from Naples University Frederico II, Italy”, 26-03-2003. - Serra, A.C.; “Member of Technical Committee”, Member of the TC-10, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, for updating IEEE 1057 - standard for digitizing waveform records”, 26-03-2003. 154 ANNUAL R EPORT 2003 – BASIC SCIENCES & E NABLING TECHNOLOIES - Serra, A.C.; “National Delegate”, Portuguese delegate on IEC TC85-WG 16, ''Performance characteristics and calibration methods for digital data acquisition systems and relevant software”", International Electrotechnical Commission, 26-03-2003. - Serra, A.C.; “National Delegate”, Portuguese delegate to the General Council of the Instrumentation and Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)”, 26-03-2003. - Serra, A.C.; “National Delegate”, Portuguese representative on the working group for the contract model of research projects for the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union”, 26-03-2003. 4.4.8 Other Contributions Conference Committees - 7th FIGIPS - Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Organizing Committee, Rui Teives Henriques, 11-06-2003. - 8th Workshop on ADC modelling and testing, Technical Programme Committee, António Cruz Serra, 08-09-2003. - Advanced School and Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Organizing Committee, Luís Merca Fernandes, 08-09-2003. - Advanced School and Workshop on Mathematical Techniques and Problems in Telecommunications, Organizing Committee, Joaquim Júdice, 08-09-2003. - Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2003, Scientific Committee, Nuno Horta, 30-03-2003. - ICC 2004, Technical Programme Committee, Atílio Gameiro, 05-12-2003. - The Eurosensors XVII Conference, Technical Programme Committee, Pedro Silva Girão, 21-09-2003. - VII Congresso de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional, Technical Programme Committee, António Cruz Serra, 14-04-2003. - WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Celeste Gouveia, 01-09-2003. Refereeing - 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2003, Nuno Horta, 30-05-2003. - Annals of Operations Research, Joaquim Júdice, 21-02-2003. - Computers and Operations Research, Joaquim Júdice, 21-02-2003. 155 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES - Conferência Brasileira de Electrónica de Potência, Beatriz Borges, 22-04-2003. - Conftele, Beatriz Borges, 06-03-2003. - CONFTELE 2003, Pedro Silva Girão, 10-06-2003. - Design Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2003, Nuno Horta, 30-03-2003. - IEEE Sensors 2003, Pedro Silva Girão, 22-10-2003. - IEEE Trans. on Instr. & Meas., Raúl Martins, 15-08-2003. - IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, António Cruz Serra, 20-022003. - International Journal of Electronics, Francisco Alegria, 09-02-2003. - Journal of Computer Science and Interfaces, Elsevier., António Cruz Serra, 20-02-2003. - Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, Maria Celeste Gouveia, 24-11-2003. - Mathematical Reviews, Joaquim Júdice, 21-02-2003. - Measurement, Elsevier, António Cruz Serra, 20-02-2003 - Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Beatriz Borges, 15-01-2003. - Referee of the Governmental Czech republic Research Agency,”Grantová agentura Ceské republiky”. Member of the evaluation panel for research projects proposals on Instrumentation and Measurement., António Cruz Serra, 20-02-2003. - Referee of the Italian”Ministero dell’Università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica". Member of the evaluation panel for research projects proposals on Instrumentation and Measurement., António Cruz Serra, 26-03-2003. - SIAM Journal on Optimization, Joaquim Júdice, 21-02-2003. - XVII IMEKO World Congress, Pedro Silva Girão, 22-06-2003. Miscellaneous - Special Issue on ADC testing standardization, Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 25, n. 1, 01-03-2003. 156