[CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez CURRICULUM VITAE DR. CIRO ALBERTO NÚÑEZ GUTIÉRREZ 1. PERSONAL DATA Date of birth: 25 de diciembre de 1970. Place of birth: Tampico, Tamaulipas. Nationality: Mexican Gender: Male Marital status: Married R.F.C.: NUGC701225 R-54. CURP: NUGC701225HTSXTR02 Address: Andador 13, No. 115, col Fovissste. San Luis Potosí, S. L. P. Tel home: +52-444-8 54 56 27 2. EDUCATION Aug 89 – Dec 93 Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering in Electronics, Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí, (Technological Institute of San Luis Potosí), San Luis Potosí, S. L. P., Mexico. Graduation date: October25th ,1995. Sep 94 – Feb 97 Master of Science in Electronics, Centro Nacional de Investigación y DesarrolloTecnológico(National Center for Research and Technological Development), CENIDET. Graduation date: February 7th, 1997. Jen 98 – April 2002 Ph. D in Electrical Engineering, Centro Nacional de Investigación y DesarrolloTecnológico(National Center for Research and Technological Development), CENIDET.Thesis title: "Study of nonlinear control strategies applied to active power filter" Graduation date: April 26th, 2002. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez 3. Ph. D ANDBACHELOR DEGREE TEACHING Reported from admission to UASLP: PeriodAugust 2002-February 2003: Electricity and Magnetism I, bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5hours per week. Period February - August 2003: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Period August 2003 - February 2004: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Logical Design,bachelor grade, 4 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5hours per week. Preparatory course of control theory for master degree admission (only during the period July-August 2003). Length 50 hours. Period February – August 2004 Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Logical Design,bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Period August 2004 - February 2005: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Logical Design,bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5hours per week. Semester February – August 2005: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Logical Design,bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Semester August 2005 – February 2006: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Electronics I, bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Linear Systems, masterdegree, 5hours per week. Semester February – August 2006: Electricity and Magnetism I,bachelor degree, 5 hours per week. Electronics I, bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Semester August 2006 – February 2007 Control Engineering I,bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Electronics I, bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5hours per week. Semester February – August 2007 Power Electronics II,bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Electronics I, bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Semester August 2007 – February 2008: [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Control Engineering I,bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Basic Electronics I, master degree, 4 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5 hours per week. Semester February – August 2008: Control Engineering I, bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Electronics I, bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. Semester August 2008 – February 2009: Control Engineering I, bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Linear Systems, master degree, 5 hours per week. Basic Electronics, master degree, 4 hours per week. Semester February – August 2009: Control Engineering I, bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Electronics I,bachelor degree, 4 hours per week. SABBATICAL TEACHING AT THE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA Period August 2009 – December 2010: Power Electronics I, bachelor degree. Analog Electronics, bachelor degree. Period February 2010 – April 2010: Power Electronics I, bachelor degree. Control Engineering I, master degree. Semester August 2010 – February 2011: Control Engineering I, bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Linear Systems, masterdegree, 5 hours per week. Basic Electronics, master degree, 4 hours per week. Semester February 2011 – August 2011: Control Engineering I, bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Industrial Electronics A,bachelor degree, 3 hours per week. Basic Electronics, masterdegree (graduate mechanical), 4 hours per week. Power Electronics, partial-time Masters with industry, 4 hours per week. 4. COMPLETED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS FROM YEAR 2002, WHEN I JOINED UASLP A) PUBLISHED AND ACCEPTED ARTICLES IN REFEREED CONGRESSES. [1]C. Núñez, J. Lira, V. Cárdenas “Studying and modeling of three-phase PWM rectifierused to balance symmetric and asymmetric voltage sags”,Congress of Asociación Mexicana de Control Automático(Mexican Society of Automatic Control)AMCA 2003. Ensenada,B. C. N., Mexico. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez [2] M. Bañuelos, R. Álvarez, C. Núñez, “Introduction to Nonlinear Observers to Voltage Active Filter Control”. National Congress of Engineering Electrical and Electronics of Mayab. Merida 2004, Mexico. [3] F. Pérez, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez, I. Cervantes, “Direct Voltage Control for Buck Converter”. European Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, EPE’2004, Riga, LATVIA. [4] J. Lira, V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez. “Analysis and Design of a PWM Rectifier Using the DQ Theory and a Digital Control Based in a DSP”, IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2004, Celaya, MEXICO. [5] M. Flota, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez. “Nonlinear Observers Applied to Reduce Sensors in Series Active Filter”, International Power Electronics Congress, IEEE International Power Electronics Congress,CIEP’2004. [6] J. Lira, V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez. “Sag Compensation by the use of a PWM Rectifier Maintaining Harmonic Elimination and Power Factor Compensation Capacity”.International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEE/CIE 2004, Acapulco, MEXICO. [7] F. Pérez, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez. “Direct voltage control for boost converter” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEE/CIE 2004, Acapulco, MEXICO. [8] R. Jaramillo, R. Alvarez, C. Núñez“Identification of induction motor parameter using an extended Kalman Filter” International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEE/CIE 2004. Acapulco, MEXICO. [9] H. Miranda, V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez “A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter for Shunt Active Filter Using Space-Vector Control” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’ 2004. ALEMANIA. [10] F. Pérez, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez. “Comparison of multimotor synchronization techniques”.30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’ 2004.Busán, COREA. [11] F. J. Perez-Pinal, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez “Multi-motor Synchronization Technique applied in Traction Devices”. IEEE International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, 2005.pp.1542 – 1548. [12] O. López, V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez. “Electric backup system using supercapacitors with current active filter” Congress of the Mexican Society of Automatic Control AMCA 2005, Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico. [13] M. Flota, R. Álvarez, C. Núñez. “Sliding Mode Observer Control for a Series Active Filter” Congress of the Mexican Society of Automatic Control AMCA 2005, Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez [14] M. Flota, R. Álvarez, C. Núñez. “Sliding Mode Observer-Based Control for a Series Active Filter”, International Conference onElectrical and Electronics Engineering, 2005 2nd Publication pp 254 – 257. [15] F. J. Perez-Pinal, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez. “A novel speed control approach in parallelconnected induction motor by using a single invertir and electronic virtual line-shafting”. Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC’2005. [16] J. Pérez, V. Cárdenas, L. Morán, C. Núñez. “Single-phase AC-AC converter operating as a dynamic voltaje restorer (DVR)”, Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2006. [17] M. Flota, J. Lira, C. Núñez, R. Álvarez, F. Pazos. “Passivity based control for a single-phase, full bridge, active rectifier”, Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2006. [18] M. Flota, R. Álvarez, C. Núñez, J. Lira. “Performance oftwocontroltechniques for singlephaseactiverectifier” . NationalCongressofAutomaticControl2006, UNAM-Mexico. [19] V. Mora, C. Núñez, V. Cárdenas, H. Miranda. “Simple and practical FPGA implementation of space vector modulation based on geometrical considerations” International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2006. [20] M. Gallegos, R. Alvarez, C. Núñez.“A survey on sensorless control of induction motors”. International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2006. [21] C. Núñez, J. Lira, V. Cárdenas, R. Álvarez. “Single-phase, high quality, line commutated switches power rectifier with voltage sag compensation capability”. Congreso del Área Andina ANDESCON 2006. [22] J. Lira, C. Núñez, M. Flota, R. Alvarez. “A control strategy to improve voltage sag ridetrough in single phase multilevel active rectifier”.2006 3th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering.ICEEE’2006.Veracruz, México. [23] F. J. Pérez-Pinal, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez, I. Cervantes. “Power Management Strategies for a Fuel Cell/ Supercapacitor Electric Vehicle”. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC’2007. Texas, USA. [24] M. Flota, R. Alvarez, C. Núñez. “Observer Based Control for a Single Phase Active Rectifier”, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineerings (ICEEE), 2007, México D. F. [25] F. J. Pérez-Pinal, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez, I. Cervantes, A. Emadi. “Electric Differential for Traction Applications”, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC’2007. Arlington, Texas, USA [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez [26] M. Flota, R. Alvarez, Hugo R. C Núñez, “Nonlinear Partial State Feedback Controller for a Single Phase Active Rectifier”, 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, México. 2008. [27] V. Godínez, J. Lira, C. Núñez, “Lossess Analysis in Power Semiconductor Devices of a Single Phase Active Multilevel Rectifier with Voltage Sag Ride-Through Capability”, International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2008, Cuernavaca Morelos, México. 2008. [28] V. Godínez, J. Lira, C. Núñez, E. Rodríguez, F. Pazos, “Analysis of the Safety Operation Limits of a Single-Phase Active Multi-Level Rectifier with Voltage Sag Ride-Through Capability”, Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC’2008, Rodas, Greece, 2008. [29] R. Echavarría, G. Acosta, C. Núñez, “An Unbalance Voltage Compensator Using a Fast On Load Tap Changing Regulator”, European Power Electronics Conference, EPE 2009, Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2009. [30] Rosas E., Cárdenas V., Alcalá J. C. Núñez, “Active and Reactive Current Decoupled Control Strategy Applied to a Single Phase BTB Converter”, 2009 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic, Control (CCE 2009), Toluca, Mexico. November 10-13, 2009, pp. 204-209. 2009. [31] H. Sira-Ramírez, C. Núñez, N. Visairo, “Linear Control of the “Buck” Converter with Unknown Resistive Loads”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2010, 4-7 july 2010 [32] N. Visairo, J. Lira, C. Núñez, H. Sira-Ramírez, “Input-Output Linearization and GPI control of a Single-Phase Active Multilevel Rectifier” 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2010. [33] R. Echavarría, C. Núñez, L. Bortoni, “A Solid State Unbalance Voltage Compensator” International Conference on Power Electronics, CIEP’2010. [34] J. Alcalá, V. Cárdenas, E. Rosas, C. Núñez, “Control System Design for Bi-directional Power Transfer in Single-Phase Back to Back Converter Based on the Linear Operating Region”, The Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2010, Palm Springs, USA, feb 2010 [35] A. R. Ramírez-López, J. Lira, N. Visairo, C. Núñez, “Input-Output Linearization of a SinglePhase Active Multilevel Rectifier in D-Q Synchronous Reference Frame”, International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2010. Pp 15-20. [36] H. Rodríguez, V. Cárdenas and C. Núñez, “Peak Demand Reduction Strategy for Energy Conversion in X-ray Systems”, 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2011 B) PAPERS PUBLISHED IN JOURNALS [1] J. Lira, C. Núñez, M. Flota, R. Álvarez, F. J. Perez-Pinal, “Five-Level, Single-Phase Active Rectifier with Extended Functions”, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Editorial Praise Worthy Prize, vol 2, ISSN 1827-6660, 2007. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez [2] M. A. Gallegos, R. Alvarez, C. Núñez. “Comparative study of nonlinear speed observers for induction motors”, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Editorial Praise Worthy Prize, vol 2, ISSN 1827-6660, 2007. [3] F. J. Pérez-Pinal, C. Núñez, R. Alvarez, M. Gallegos, “Step by Step Design of the Power Stage of a Ligth Electric Vehicle”, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Editorial Praise Worthy Prize, vol. 3, ISSN 1827-6660, 2008. [4] M. Flota, R. Alvarez, C. Núñez, N. Visairo, “Sliding modes observer based control for a single-phase active rectifier”, International Review of Automatic Control, Editorial Praise Worthy Prize, , ISSN 1827-6660, 2007. [5] C. Núñez, J. Lira, V. Cárdenas, R. Alvarez, “Control of a PWM Rectifier with extended functions based on a Digital Signal Processor”Journal of Engineering and Technology Research UNAM, Mexico, February 2009. [6] C. Núñez, J. Lira, F. Pazos, R. Echavarría, “Active Rectifier with Extended Functions: An Alternative Compensation of Voltage Sags and improve the quality of Grid” Journal of Engineering and Technology Research UNAM, Mexico, 2010. [7] J. Pérez, C. Núñez, V. Cárdenas, “Linear Control for Single Phase PWM Rectifier Full Bridge” Journal of Engineering Electrical, Electronics and computation RIEE&C, vol. 7, No. 2, December 2009. [8] C. Núñez, J. Lira, R. Echavarría, N. Visairo, “Analysis of the Boundaries to Compensate Voltage Sag Events Using a Single Phase Multi-Level Rectifier”, European Power Electronics Journal, EPE Journal, vol. 20, December 2010, No. 4, pp 5 – 11, 0939-8368 [9] H. Sira-Ramírez, C. Núñez, N. Visairo, “Robust Sigma-Delta Observer Based Control of a Buck Converter with Uncertain Loads” International Journal of Control, vol. 83, No. 8, August 2010, pp. 1631-1640, ISSN 0020-7179. [10] C. Núñez, R. Echavarría, N. Visairo, H. Sira-Ramírez, J. Lira, “Quality of Electrical Power, a concept with history and future” Electrical world magazine, COLOMBIA, PUBLISHED. [11] J. Lira, N. Visairo, C. Núñez, A. Ramírez, H. SiraRamírez, “A robust non-linear control scheme for a sag compensator active multilevel rectifier without sag detection algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, ADMITTED 5. THESIS ADVISORY BACHELOR DEGREE THESIS COMPLETED “ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A THREE-PHASE MAINS VOLTAGE DISTURBANCES AND THEIR COMPENSATION THROUGH A SERIES ACTIVE FILTER” Advisor: Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Ph – Master student: Juan Antonio Barajas Cruz [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Degree: December 2005. “PHASE-CONTROLLED RECTIFIER CAPACITY OFFSET VOLTAGE SAGS AND POWER FACTOR CORRECTION” Advisor:Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Ph – Master student:Eduardo F. Martínez Montejano Degree: July 2007 “MONITORING AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY IN THE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY IN TAMAULIPAS” Advisor:Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Ph – Master student:Roberto Becerra Huerta Degree: January 2011 MASTER DEGREE THESIS COMPLETED “ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NONLINEAR CONTROL SCHEME FOR ACTIVE POWER FILTER PARALLEL TYPE” Advisors: Dres. Marco Oliver Salazar andCiro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Master student: Nancy Visairo Cruz. Degree: December 1999. Institution:National Center of Research and Technology Development, CENIDET “PHASE SERIES ACTIVE FILTER FOR HARMONIC VOLTAGE COMPENSATION” Advisor: Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Ph – Master student:Gustavo Iván Alarcón Rocha. Degree: June 2000 Institution:National Center of Research and Technology Development, CENIDET “HYBRID SERIES ACTIVE FILTER OPERATING AS DISTURBANCES COMPENSATOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT” Advisor: Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Ph – Master student: Miguel Angel Zapata Azarcoya. Degree:Diciembre del 2003 Institution:National Center of Research and Technology Development, CENIDET “ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A THREE-PHASE MAINS HARMONICS AND COMPENSATION BY ACTIVE POWER FILTER.” Advisor: Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Ph – Master student:Roberto Villalobos Blas. Degree: April 2nd, 2004. Institution:Technological Institute ofMinatitlán, Veracruz “NONLINEAR OBSERVERS APPLIED TO AN ACTIVE FILTER VOLTAGE” Advisors: Dres. Ricardo Álvarez Salas and Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez. Ph – Master student: Manuel Israel Flota Bañuelos Degree:December 2004 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez “OPTIMIZATION SCHEME ARBITRARY PATTERN GENERATION BASED PWM DSP’S AND FPGA’S” Advisors: Dr. Ciro A. Núñez Gutiérrez and Dr. Víctor M. Cárdenas Galindo Ph Student: Víctor M. Mora Ramírez Degree:May 2006 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. “A REGENERATIVE CELL ANALYSIS PHASE FOR CONTROLLING BIDIRECTIONAL POWER FLOW” Advisor: Dr. Víctor M. Cárdenas Galindo and Dr. Ciro A. Núñez Gutiérrez Master Student: Emanuel Rosas Hernández Degree: February 2010 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A GENERALIZED PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL CONTROLLER IN A SINGLE PHASE MULTILEVEL ACTIVE RECTIFIER” Advisor: Dres.NancyVisairo Cruz and Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Master Student:Adrián René Ramírez López Degree:December 2010 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí PHD THESIS COMPLETED “CONTRIBUTION TO THE DESIGN OF THE DRIVE SYSTEM OF AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE” Advisor: Dres. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez and Ricardo Álvarez Salas Ph – Master student: Francisco Javier Pérez Pinal Degree:January 2008 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí “CONTROL AND MONITORING OF INDUCTION MOTORS WITHOUT MECHANICAL SENSORS” Advisor: Dres. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez and Ricardo Álvarez Salas Ph – Master student:Marco Antonio Gallegos Lara Degree:February de 2008 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí “CONTROL SCHEMES OBSERVER ANALYSIS APPLIED TO THREE-PHASE RECTIFICATION SYSTEMS” Advisor: Dres. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez and Ricardo Álvarez Salas Ph – Master student:Manuel Israel Flota Bañuelos Degree: January 2009 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí “ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF A MULTILEVEL ACTIVE RECTIFIER WITH EXTENDED FEATURES” Advisor: Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Master student: José de Jesús Lira Pérez Degree: July2009 Institution: Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez 6. COORDINATION OF BACHELOR DEGREE AND POSGRADE a) Academic Coordinator of Posgrade of Electrical Engineering from September 15th, 2004 to September 14th, 2006. 7. PATENT CERTIFICATE a) Patent international scope related to the project "Development of software for mobile system for monitoring the operation and sectioning points in electricity distribution networks", developed for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Company and protected by a confidentiality agreement (see attached proof). 8. SCIENTIFIC OR TECHNICAL REPORTS a) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy quality MEXICHEM S.A of C.V. Company, Petrochemical company located in Altamira, Tamaulipas. b) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy quality ALCAN, S.A. of C.V Company. Assembly company located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas c) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy quality DUPONT S.A of C.V Company. Company dedicated to the manufacture of paints, located in Altamira, Tamaulipas. d) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy quality ABSORMEX S.A of C.V Company dedicated to the manufacture of paper, located in Altamira, Tamaulipas. e) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy qualityBASF, S.A. of C.V.Petrochemical Company located in Altamira, Tamaulipas. f) Monitoring and analysis of the electrical energy quality BIOFILM, S.A of C.V. Petrochemical company located in Altamira, Tamaulipas. g) Development of software for mobile system for monitoring the operation and sectioning points in electricity distribution networks. With the company Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. In the first six companies, shows the cover of the technical report. It isn´tpresented the complete report because is protected by a confidentiality agreement. For SchweitzerEngineering Laboratories Company, is a record for the same reason. 9. QUOTES [1] S. Ramírez, N. Visairo, M. Oliver, C. Núñez, V. Cárdenas, “Harmonic Compensation in the AC mains by the use of current and voltage active filters controlled by a passivity – based law” International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’00. 7 QUOTE Quoted on: Nonlinear Robust Control Based on Passivity for Parallel Active Filter. J. A. Olmos López, G. V. Guerrero Ramírez, L. G. Vela Valdéz. At the annual Congress of the Mexican Society of Automatic Control AMCA 2004. Reducing the neutral current in three-phase systems employing active filters. Luis Saldierna, Víctor Cárdenas, Ricardo Alvarez. At the annual Congress of the Mexican Society of Automatic Control AMCA 2004. Analysis and Implementation of a Master-Slave Control based on a Passivity Approach for Parallel Inverters Operation. IEEE, International Power Electronics Congress, 10th IEEE, 16-18 Oct. 2006, pp 1-5, 2006 Using a Single-Phase AC-AC Converter Controlled by a Passivity-based Law to Voltage Sags and Swells Compensation. International Power Electronics Congress, 10th IEEE 16-18 Oct. 2006, pp. 1 – 6 [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Selecting between linear and nonlinear control in a dynamic voltage restorer.Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE15-19 June 2008 pp. 3867 – 3872 Single-phase ac-ac converter operating as a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 6-10 Nov. 2006. Pp 1938 – 1943. Non-linear optimal controller for unified power quality conditioners. Power Electronics, IET.April 2011, Volume: 4 , Issue: 4, Pp 435 – 446. [2] V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez, N. Vázquez. “Analysis and evaluation of control techniques for active power filters: Sliding mode control and proportional integral control” Applied Power Electronics Conference APEC’ 99. 6 QUOTE. Quoted on: Neural Network controlled three-phase three-wire shunt active Power Filter. Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2006 IEEE International, 9-13 July 2006 Vol. 1. pp. 5 – 10 Voltage source Inverter Based three-phase shunt active Power Filter: Topology, Modeling and Control Strategies. Industrial Electronics, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on. 9-13 July 2006, Vol. 2, pp.785 – 790 Investigation of Single-Phase Inverter and Single-Phase Series Active Power Filter with Sliding Mode Control. Sliding Mode Control, Technical University, Sofía, pp 25 – 44. An Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Methodology Applied to Shunt Active Power Filter.Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2010 March 2010 pp. 1–4 Control Techniques for Active Power Filters 2010 International Conference onElectrical and Control Engineering (ICECE),25-27 June 2010, pp 3493 - 3498 The Optimization-Sliding Mode Control For Three-Phase Three-Wire DSP-based Active Power Filter. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006. IPEMC 2006. CES/IEEE 5th International, 14-16 Aug. 2006 pp 1 - 5 *3+ C. Núñez, V. Cárdenas, M. Oliver, G. Alarcón “Voltage disturbances and unbalance compensation by the use of a 3-phase series active filter” Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’ 01.8 QUOTE. Quoted on: Mitigation of Voltage disturbances using adaptive perceptron-based control alghoritm. A. Elnady, M. M. A. Salama. In IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 20, No. 1, january 2005, pp 309-318. Power Conditioner for Variable-Frequency Drives in Offshore Oil Fields. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, March-april 2010, vol. 46 pp. 731 – 739 Voltage and Current Unbalance Compensation Using a Parallel Active Filter. Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE, 17-21 June 2007 pp. 2919 – 2925 Voltage and current unbalance compensation using a static var compensator, Power Electronics, IET, Nov. 2010, Volume: 3 , Issue: 6 , pp 977 - 988 A controller to compensate voltaje sags, unbalance and harmonic distortion using a series active filter. G. Escobar, P. Mattavelli, A. M. Stánkovic, V. Cárdenas. En [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 10-13 Dec. 2002, pp 3091 - 3096 vol.3 Simulações computacionais de filtros activos de potência em condições reais de operação, Thesis of Maestría, University of Minho. Utilize Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) to compensate unbalanced 3phase currents in transmissions systems. Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, 2009. EPECS '09. International Conference on, 10-12 Nov. 2009 pp. 1 - 5 An a-b-c Reference Frame-Based Compensation Strategy for Series Active Power Filter Control.Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2006 1ST IEEE Conference on, 24-26 May 2006, pp 1 – 4 [4] G. Alarcón, C. Núñez, V. Cárdenas, M. Oliver. “Design and Implementation of a 3-Phase Series Active Filter to Compensate Voltage Disturbances”. IEEE, VII International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2000. Acapulco, Mexico, October 2000. Páginas 93-98. 3 QUOTE. Quoted on: Implementação de um filtro activo de potência para optimização da interface entre a rede e outros sistemas eléctricos : estudo e desenvolvimento de filtros activos de potência do tipo série com sistema de controlo implementado em computador pessoal, Tesis de doctorado, Universidad de Minho Simulações computacionais de filtros activos de potência em condições reais de operação, Thesis de Maestría, University of Minho Advanced common control method for shunt and series active compensators used in power quality improvement, Electric Power Applications, IEE Proceedings -, 7 Nov. 2004, Volume: 151 , Issue: 6 , pp 658 - 665 [5] H. Miranda, V. Cárdenas, J. Pérez, C. Núñez. “A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter for Shunt Active Filter Using Space-Vector Control”. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC’2004, Aachen, Germany, june 2004. 10 QUOTE. Quoted on: Hybrid Multilevel Converters: Unified Analysis and Design Considerations. C. Rech, J. R. Pinheiro. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol 54, No. 2, april 2007, pages: 1092-1104 Power Distribution in Hybrid Multicell Converter with Nearest Level Modulation. M. Pérez, J. Rodríguez, J. Pontt, S. Kouro. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,4-7 june 2007. ISIE’2007, june, pages: 736-741. Use of multilevel inverter for elimination of harmonics in high voltage systems, Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), 2010 The 2nd International Conference on, 26-28 Feb. 2010, vol.2 , pp 311 - 315 . A design method of hybrid cascade multilevel structure for active power filter application in moderate-voltage grid, Power Electronics Conference (IPEC), 2010 International, 21-24 June 2010, pp 2670 - 2675 Advanced static VAR compensator using a new topology of multilevel inverters energized from non-equal DC sources, Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE, 20-24 July 2008, pp 1 - 8 . [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Power quality improvement at medium-voltage grids using Hexagram Active Power Filter, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE, 21-25 Feb. 2010, pp 47 - 57 A scalable multi-input multi-level voltage sourced converter. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009. CCECE '09. Canadian Conference on, May 2009 pp 265 – 268. Study on control method of cascade H-bridges active power filter for distribution system, Electricity Distribution (CICED), 2010 China International Conference on, 13-16 Sept. 2010, pp 1 - 4 Performance investigation of multilevel inverter based active power filter in distorted high voltage supply system, Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 6-9 Dec. 2010, pp 1 - 6 Comparison of control strategies for multilevel inverter based active power filter used in high voltage systems, Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) & 2010 Power India, 2010 Joint International Conference on 20-23 Dec. 2010, pp 1 - 6 . [6] J. Lira, V. Cárdenas, C. Núñez. “Analysis and Design of a PWM Rectifier Using the DQ Theory and a Digital Control Based on a DSP”. IEEE IX International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP’2004. Celaya, Mexico, October 2004. Páginas 177-182. 4 QUOTE Quoted on: Predictive Direct Power Control - A New Control Strategy for DC/AC Converters. IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on. 6-10 Nov. 2006, pp. 1661 - 1666 Flicker Mitigation by Active Power Control of Variable-Speed Wind Turbines With Full-Scale Back-to-Back Power Converters. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, Sept. 2009 Vol. 24, pp. 640 - 649 Predictive control of the 2l-vsi and 3l-npc vsi based on direct power control for mv gridconnected power applications, GOI ESKOLA POLITEKNIKOA FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, Ph.D. THESIS Analysis of converter topological structure for direct-drive wind power system with PMSG, Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2010 International Conference on, 24-28 Oct. 2010, pp. 1 - 5 [7] J. Lira, C. Núñez, M. Flota, R. Álvarez. “A Control Strategy to Improve Voltage Sag Ride-Through in Single-Phase Multilevel Active Rectifier”, 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) and XII Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE2006). Veracruz, Ver., September 6-8, 2006. 2 QUOTES. Quoted on: Ride through capabilities of load during voltage sag/swell and power interruption with zigzag transformer. Hafidz, S.A., Basu, K.P. Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications, 2008. CITISIA 2008. IEEE Conference on Publication Date: 12-13 July 2008 On page(s): 119-122 Location: Cyberjaya, [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Mitigation of single-phase voltage sag and swell with zigzag transformer. Basu, K.P., Hafidz, S.A. Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2008. DRPT 2008. Third International Conference on Publication, April 2008 On page(s): 2369-2373, Nanjuing China. [8] F. J. Perez-Pinal, C. Nunez, R. Alvarez, “Multi-Motor Synchronization Technique applied in Traction Drives”, IEEE International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, pp 1542-1548, 2005. 2 QUOTE Quoted on: Fault evaluation of Relative-Coupled BLDC Drives for Multi-Facet Mobile Robot with Distributed Speed Factors. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2006, VPPC’2006. 6-8 Sept 2006, pp 1-6 Study of multi-motor belt system's synchronization compensation control based on current feedback, Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011 International Conference on, 16-18 Sept. 2011, pp 1283 - 1286 [9] F. J. Perez-Pinal, C. Nunez, R. Alvarez, I. Cervantes, “Comparison of Multi-motor Synchronization Techniques”, 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, vol 2, pp 1670-1675, 2004. 12 QUOTES Quoted on: Fault evaluation of Relative-Coupled BLDC Drives for Multi-Facet Mobile Robot with Distributed Speed Factors. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2006, VPPC’2006. 6-8 Sept 2006, pp 1-6. CAN-based Synchronized Motion Control for Induction Motors. International Journal of Automation and Computing, February 2009, pp 55-61. Le reference en fourniture de documents scientifiques Stability of an Electric Differential for Traction Applications, Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Sept. 2009, Vol 58, pp 3224 – 3233. Electric Differential for Traction Applications, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2007. VPPC 2007. IEEE, 9-12 Sept. 2007, pp 771 – 776. Research on simulation of multi-axis servo synchronization control strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC), 2011 2nd International Conference on, 8-10 Aug. 2011, pp 4264 – 4267. Research on multi-motor synchronous system based on CAN, Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2010 8th World Congress on, 7-9 July 2010, pp 4209 – 4214. A novel approach of fixed joint multi-motor power balance control, Electrical Machines and Systems, 2008. ICEMS 2008. International Conference on, 17-20 Oct. 2008, pp 1567 – 1570. Normalized Coupling Method for Multi Shafts Speed Synchronization, Advanced Materials Research, February, 2012, pp 2227-2230. Research on Multi-Motor Synchronization Control Based on the Ring Coupling Strategy for Cutterhead Driving System of Shield Machines, Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volumes 52 - 54), March, 2011, pp 65-72. Simulation of three-motor synchronous control system based on BP neural network, System Simulation and Scientific Computing, 2008. ICSC 2008. Asia [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Simulation Conference - 7th International Conference on, 10-12 Oct. 2008, pp 1358 - 1363 Three-motor synchronous decoupling control based on BP neural network, Control and Decision Conference, 2009. CCDC '09. Chinese, 17-19 June 2009, pp 5365 - 5368 [10] J. Perez, V. Cardenas, L. Moran, C. Nuñez, “Single-Phase AC-AC converter operating as a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)” IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 -32nd Annual Conference on, Nov, 2006, pp. 1938-1943. 20 QUOTES. Quoted on: A Single-Phase Z-Source Buck–Boost Matrix Converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25 No.2, pp 453-462 Mitigation of Voltage Disturbances Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Direct Converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 25, no. 4, 2010, pp 2676 – 2683 Interphase AC–AC Topology for Voltage Sag Supporter, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Feb. 2010, vol. 25, pp 514 - 518 Compensation of voltage disturbances in distribution systems using single-phase dynamic voltage restorer, Electric Power Systems Research, December 2010, Volume 80, Issue 12, Pp. 1413–1420 Implementation of a single-phase matrix converter induction motor drive, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ARCHIV FUR ELEKTROTECHNIK), Volume 90, Number 6 (2008), 425-433, A Dynamic Voltage Restorer based on vector-switching matrix converters. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, (ICIT), pp 637 – 642. Operation and control of dynamic voltage restorer using single-phase direct converter, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 52, Issues 8–9, August 2011, Pages 2965–2972. Voltage quality improvement by a dynamic voltage restorer based on a direct three-phase converter with fictitious DC link, Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, August 2011, Vol 5, pp 814 - 823 . Dynamic voltage restorer using direct ac/ac converter with fictitious dc link, Power Electronic & Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2010 1st, 1718 Feb. 2010, pp 361 - 366 Voltage swell/sag compensation with single-phase Z-source AC/AC converter. 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2009. EPE '09. Pp 1 – 8 Sensitive load voltage compensation against voltage sags/swells and harmonics in the grid voltage and limit downstream fault currents using DVR, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 83, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 80–90 Characteristics of Single Phase Matrix Converter tested with passive loads, Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA), 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 3-5 Oct. 2010, pp 137 - 142 A novel dynamic voltage restorer based on matrix converters. Modern Electric Power Systems 2010, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 1 – 7 Dynamic voltage restorer using push-pull inverter. Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2011 2nd, pp 274 – 278 DynamicmodelingandcontrolofanAC-linkdynamic voltage restorer. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), pp 1615 – 1620 [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Generalized single phase Z-source matrix converter, Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 2011 IEEE, 3-5 Oct. 2011, pp 404 - 408 Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using PWM AC-AC Converter. The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference, pp 2690 – 2695 Three-phase cross-phase voltage sag compensator to compensate balanced/unbalanced voltage sags and phase outages in distribution systems, Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 2011 IEEE, 3-5 Oct. 2011, pp 128 – 133. Performance Evaluation of Single Phase AC-AC Matrix Converter Tested with Passive Loads.PrasopchokHothongkham Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siam University 38 Phetkasem Rd., Phasicharoen, Bangkok, Thailand. Application issues of four-step technique used in harmonic voltage compensator based in a single-phase matrix converter, Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control,CCE,2009 6th International Conference on, 10-13 Jan. 2009, pp 1 - 6 . [11] F.J. Perez-Pinal and C. Nunez R. Alvarez, "A novel speed control approach in parallelconnected induction motor by using a single inverter and electronics virtual line shafting" in IEEE Power Electron. Specialists Conf. PESC, Recife, June 2005, pp. 1339 – 1345. 1 QUOTE. Quoted on: ABB, Sensorless Control of an Induction Motor at Zero Flux Frequency, Department of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stocholm, 2010, pp 1 – 86 [12] Nuñez-Gutierrez C., Lira-Perez J. “Control of a PWM rectifier with extended features based on a digital signal processor”. Engineering, Research and Technology, 10 (1), 2009. 1 QUOTE. Quoted on: Generic electronic card design for controlling three-phase motors. Engineering Research and Technology. Vol XIII, No. 1, 2012, 21-31, ISSN 1405-7743 FI-UNAM [13] R. Echavarría, G. Acosta, C. Núñez, “An Unbalanced Voltage Compensator Using a Fast On Load Tap Changing Regulator”, European Power Electronics Conference, EPE 2009, Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2009. 2 QUOTES. Quoted on: A new type single phase switching voltage regulator. Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2010 IEEE, 12-16 Sept. 2010 PP. 1778 – 1785 The control unit of a single phase voltage regulator. IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 7-10 Nov. 2010 PP. 710 – 715. [14]J Lira, N Visairo, C Nunez, A Ramirez, H Sira-Ramirez “A RobustNonlinear Control Schemefor a SagCompensator Active MultilevelRectifierWithoutSagDetectionAlgorithm”PowerElectronics, IEEE Transactionson 27 (8), 3576-3583. 1 QUOTE. Quoted on: [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez OntheRobust Control of Buck-Converters-DC Combinations.PowerElectronics, IEEE Transactionson, pp 1. Motors [15] H Sira-Ramírez, CA Núñez, N Visairo. Robust sigma–delta generalisedproportional integral observerbased control of a ‘buck’converterwithuncertainloads. International Journal of Control 83 (8), 1631-1640. 9 QUOTES. Quoted on: A disturbancerejection-flatnessbased linear output feedback control approachfor tracking taskson a Chua'scircuit.Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011 50th IEEE Conferenceon. 12-15 Dec. 2011. pp 3496 – 3501. Ontherobust linear control of the “buck-buck” converter: An active disturbancerejectionapproach. American Control Conference (ACC), 2012. 27-29 June 2012. Pp 6608 – 6613. Position control of verylightweight single-link flexible armswithlargepayloadvariationsbyusingdisturbanceobservers. Robotics and AutonomousSystems. Volume 60, Issue 4, April 2012, Pp 532–547. Robust input–output slidingmode control of thebuckconverter. Control EngineeringPractice. Available online 30 March 2012. Ontherobust control of theboostconverter. IECON 2011 - 37th AnnualConferenceon IEEE Industrial ElectronicsSociety. 7-10 Nov. 2011.pp 1497 – 1502. Flatness-based linear output feedback control fordisturbancerejection and tracking taskson a Chua'scircuit. International Journal of Control. Volume 85, Issue 5, 2012. Power factor compensation and DC-link voltageregulationfor a single-phase PWM multilevelrectifier. PowerElectronics, IET. September 2012, pp 1456 – 1462. [16] J Alcalá, V Cardenas, E Rosas, C Núñez. “Control systemdesignforbi-directionalpower transfer in Single-Phase Back-to-Back converterbasedonthe linear operatingregion”. AppliedPowerElectronicsConference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty. 1 QUOTE. Quoted on: Balancingthepower of transformers in lowvoltagedistributionfeedersbyusingthe Back - to - Back powerconverter. ElectricalEngineering Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2011 8th International Conferenceon. 26-28 Oct. 2011. Pp 1 – 6. [17] FJ Perez-Pinal, C Nunez, R Alvarez, U Cervantes, A Emadi. “Electric DifferentialforTractionApplications”.VehiclePower and PropulsionConference, 2007. VPPC 2007. IEEE, 771-776. 2 QUOTE. Quoted on: Synchronous control methodforfour in-wheelotors of electricvehicle (EV). Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2010 International Conferenceon. 1013 Oct. 2010. Pp 2036 – 2039. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Speedregulation control combiningfeedforwardwithfeedback of hub motor for motor-wheeldrivingelectricvehicle. Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE), 2011 International Conferenceon. 16-18 Sept. 2011. Pp 4976 – 4979. 10. SUPPORTS OBTAINED THROUGH EXTERNAL FUNDING SOURCES a) b) c) d) Funding for PROMEP. Amount: $ 359, 174.00 Complement PROMEP support. Amount: $ 45,000 Funding of basic science project CONACYT. Amount: $ 317, 220 Funding FOMIX-CONACYT project, in collaboration with Dr. Rodolfo Solis Echavarriaof Polytechnic University of Victoria. Amount: $ 776, 000.00 e) Financing of basic science project CONACYT, in collaboration with Dr. Nancy Visairo Cruz. Amount: $ 450,000.00 f) Management donation from the company SEL Mexico. Amount: $ 316,833.04 g) Management MSc Part time Industry. Amount: $ 337.800 h) INNOVATEC Project in collaboration with Dr. Hector Perez for the company SEL Mexico. Amount: $ 559,130.00 i) Electric Vehicle Project in collaboration with institutions: CENIDET, IIE, ITESM Campus Toluca, IPICYT, UASLP. Amount: $ 639,000 j) FORDECYT Project in collaboration with institutions: Industrial Minera México, Mexicana de Cobre, Minera San Xavier-Newgold, Mexichem flour, NegociaciónMinera Santa María de la Paz y Anexas, ServiciosAdministrativosPeñoles, Minera Frisco, First Majestic, CámaraMinera de México. Amount: $61,880,000 Total managed by external funding: $ 3,800,157.00 11. PROOF OF THE COMPANY SEL TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS a) Attached proof 12. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION a) National System of Researchers, Level 1. b) Recognition by the PROMEP desirable profile c) National Thesis Contest Electrical Research Institute in the area of electrical networks, second in doctoral level, as a student d) National Thesis Contest Electrical Research Institute in the area of energy efficiency, as a consultant, First Place. e) Reconnaissance biographical silver edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World 13. OTHER ACTIVITIES THAT DO NOT INCLUDE VOUCHER 1. Participation as speaker in the activities of the week UASLP engineering. Title of Paper: Quality in the national grid. Date: November 13th, 2002. 2. Participation as speaker in the activities of the week UASLP engineering. Title of Paper: Harmonic, its causes and effects. Date: November 12th, 2003. 3. Participation as a speaker at the Technological Institute of Minatitlan. Title of Paper: Link control and power electronics: a development alternative. Date: April 2 nd, 2004 4. Participation as a speaker at the seminar of Selected Topics in Control, held in the Graduate in Electrical Engineering. Title of Paper: Link control and power electronics: a development alternative. Date: February 26 th, 2004. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez 5. Participation as an organizer during the first congress of the engineering academy. Level of participation: logistics coordinator and board secretary. Date: May 15 th to 17 th 2003. 6. Participation as an investigator for the Ninth Host Summer Science UASLP 2003. Visiting Scholar: Brenda Irene Rodriguez Fierro. Hometown: College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 7. Participation as an organizer for the IEEE International Power Electronics Congress CIEP '2002. Level of participation: Reviewer of technical papers. Date: June 12 th, 2002. 8. Participation as an organizer for Interuniversity Congress XIII electronics, computer and electrical CIECE IEEE-2003. Level of participation: Reviewer of technical papers. Date: April 11th, 2003. 9. Participation as a judge in the State Contest Prototyping VII 2005, organized by Department of Industrial Technology Education from San Luis Potosi DGETI. Date: May 16 th 2005 10. Participation as Speaker at the Latin American Congress on Automatic Control CLCA'2002, Guadalajara, Jalisco, MEXICO. Abstract Title: "Performance improvement of voltage and current active filters by the use of a nonlinear passivity-based control." 11. Participation as a speaker at the Congress of the Mexican Association of Automatic Control AMCA 2003. Ensenada, B.C.N. MEXICO. Abstract Title: "Study and modeling of three-phase PWM rectifier used to compensate voltage sags symmetrical and asymmetrical." 12. Participation as a speaker at the National Conference of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mayab. Merida 2004, MEXICO. Abstract Title: "Introduction to Nonlinear Observer Control of a Voltage Active Filter". 13. Participation in the European Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, EPE'2004, Riga, LATVIA F. Perez, paper title: "Direct Voltage Control for Buck Converter". 14. Participation in the IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP'2004, Celaya, MEXICO. Abstract Title: "Analysis and Design of a PWM Rectifier Using the DQ and a Digital Control Theory Based in a DSP". 15. Participation in the International Power Electronics Congress, IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP'2004. Abstract Title: "Nonlinear Observers Applied to Reduce Sensors in Series Active Filter. 16. Participation at the International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering Conference on ICEEE / CIE 2004, Acapulco, MEXICO. Title of Paper: "Sag Compensation by the use of a PWM Rectifier Maintaining Elimination Harmonic Compensation and Power Factor Capacity". 17. Participation in the International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering Conference on ICEEE / CIE 2004, Acapulco, MEXICO.Paper Title: "Direct voltage control for boost converter". 18. Participation in the International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering Conference on ICEEE / CIE 2004. Acapulco, MEXICO. Abstract Title: "Identification of induction motor parameter using an extended Kalman Filter" 19. Participation in the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC '2004. GERMANY. Abstract Title: "A Hybrid Multilevel Inverter for Shunt Active Filter Using Space-Vector Control" [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez 20. Participation in 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON '2004. Busan, Korea. Abstract Title: "Comparison of multi-synchronization techniques". 21. Participation in the International Electric Machines and Drives Conference IEMDC, 2007. San Antonio, Texas, USA. Abstract Title: "Multi-motor synchronization technique in Applied traction devices" 14. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COURSES TAUGHT Technical Course on investors Lorain medium and high power INTTELMEX Telmex Institute of Technology. 1999. Course Tutorial: applications in power electronics quality issues mains. III Congress for competitiveness. ITESRC'98. Course Tutorial: active filters for harmonic compensation and power factor correction in three-phase systems. IV Congress for competitiveness ITESRC 2000. Tutorial Course: AC Voltage Regulators. Support program for industrial electronics department PASIDE '98. Tutorial Course: Quality and efficient use of electricity. Support program for industrial electronics department PASIDE '98. Technical course of renovation: Protection systems in power grids. PEMEX exploitation, Ciudad del Carmen, 2002. Refresher Course: Power Electronics. PEMEX exploitation, Villa Hermosa, Tabasco, 2008. PARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS In collaboration with industry Development of a 150KVA three phase active filter for compensation of harmonics and power factor correction in substation electrical transport system of the city of Mexico. Development of harmonic filters for industrial applications, with the company Magnetic Ground of San Luis Potosi. Analysis of voltage regulators of various capacities for the company in Mexico ENFIL S. A. C. V. in Querétaro Analysis of electrical network quality in the company of Matehuala AMOCO. Analysis, design and installation of capacitor banks for power factor correction in the company switches Matehuala. Development of a mobile system for monitoring the operation and sectioning points in electricity distribution networks. SEL Company of Mexico, supported by INOVAPYME, 2009 Analysis of the electrical conversion efficiency of zinc ore in the electrodeposition process plant Industrial Minera Mexico, supported by INOVAPYME, 2009. Monitoring and Quality Analysis of Electric Power Industry Electrical Electronics Tamaulipas State. FOMIX Project in collaboration with the University of Victoria, 2009-2011. Development of energy quality about FORDECYT Project …. [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Financed COSNET (National Council of Technological Education). Name: Driver Development nonlinear systems with application to active filtering. Project No.: 750.98-P Validation: 1998. Name: Quick stabilizers jacks CA Project No.:983.98-P Validation: 1998 Name: Quick stabilizers jacks CA Project No.:686.99 – P Validation: 1999 Name: Applications for new schemes ofQuick stabilizers jacks CA Project No.:2444 - P Validation: 2000 Financed DGIT (Directorate General of Technical Institutes) Name: Analysis and control of a class of nonlinear systems, time-varying and its application to improve the quality of electric power by active power filter. Project No.:612.2/2312/00 Validation: 2001 Financed CONACYT (National Council for Science and Technology) Name: Analysis and control of a class of nonlinear systems, time-varying and its application to improve the quality of electric power by active power filter. Project No.:612.2/2312/00 Validation: 1999 – 2000 Name:Analysis of three-phase systems with extended features rectification. Project No.:45920/A-01 Validation: 2005-2007 Financed FAI (Fund for Research Support of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi) Name: Development of a conditioner type series for mitigating voltage disturbances in Three-phase power. Project No.:CO2-FAI-11-6.67 Validation: 2003 Financed PROMEP (Teacher Improvement Program) Name:Development of a conditioner type series for voltage disturbances cancellation in Three-phase power. Project No.:FOLIO UASLP PTC-50 [CURRICULUM VITAE] Dr. Ciro Alberto Núñez Gutiérrez Validation:2003 15. STAYS RESEARCH Project Name: Study of electrical power quality in the electrical industry electronic state of Tamaulipas. Institution: University of Victoria Host Researcher: Dr. Rodolfo Solis Echavarria Period of stay: 10 August 2009 to 9 August 2010