STUDIES ON SOUNDS FROM MUSICAL PILLARS OF MAHAMANDAPAM OF VITTHALA TEMPLE AT HAMPI C. Babu Rao T.Jayakumar Baldev Raj Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam-603102, Tamil Nadu, India CBR/IGCAR Why these studies ? Like some other interesting questions : • Why the wortz steel produced about ages back is one of the strongest steels ? • Why the Delhi iron pillar forged centuries ago is not rusting even now ? This technology is almost lost. And we are not able to answer some of these questions satisfactorily. Answering them helps in understanding the past STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY May also bring out new uses for old technologies STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR One such question is … One such question is … How the Hampi musical pillars, sculptured out of granite stone, are able to produce musical sounds similar to those produced by various musical instruments ? Our work is a starting point in this direction STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Vithala temple (1422 AD) at Hampi is one of the world heritage sites. Musical pillars on the Mahamandapam (great-stage) of the temple made of granite stone. Solid stone columns in these pillars produce audible sound, when struck with a finger. A great attraction and surprise for tourists from all over the world. Present study is the first ever attempt to scientifically investigate the acoustic properties of the musical columns in the pillars STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR CLASSICAL LITERATURE Vayu Purana Visvaksena Samhita Naarada Samhita Petrology On how to choose : Geological indicators (Location etc) Stone Physical indicators of polished and unpolished stones Testing methods : Visual inspection for major defects Smearing techniques to detect defects (surface bearing cracks) This is equivalent to modern practice of leak penetrant testing. Smearing liquid - different varieties of milk (cow milk. human milk etc) Should break only after several blows Æ Strength Acoustic Impact testing Sound of partly baked brick Æ bala (young) Deep sound Æ yuva (mature) Anunasika Nasal sound Æ vriddha (old) (possibly due to presence of crack) STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR CLASSICAL LITERATURE Silparathna Ajithaagama Regarding Musical Pillars Pum sila (male) perfectly cylindrical gives sound of elephant bell Sthri sila (female) wide bottom and narrow head gives sound of cymbal Napumsika sila (neutral) narrow top and bottom and wide middle part give off no sound STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Plan of Mahamandapam Present study is concentrated on the 11 most popular pillars, which are associated with sounds of specific musical instruments STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY • Metallography – Optical microscopy – Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM ) • Elemental Analysis – X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM ) • Phase Analysis – X-ray diffraction (XRD ) – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM ) To answer the question Which rock has been used ? STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY - metallography Optical micrographs STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY - metallography Microcrack Microcrack at surface (Z=0 μm) at sub-surface (Z=8μm) Scanning Acoustic Microscopy STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY - metallography Region-1 Region-3 Region-2 SEM Micrograph at low magnification STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – metallography – elemental analysis Detailed SEM micrograph of Region-1 QUARTZ EDAX Spectrum from region-1 STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – metallography – elemental analysis Detailed SEM micrograph of Region-2 FELDSPAR EDAX Spectrum from region-2 STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – metallography – elemental analysis Detailed SEM micrograph of Region-3 BIOTITE EDAX Spectrum from region-3 STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – metallography SEM Region-3 Biotite Region-3 Biotite Region-2 K-Feldspar Region-1 Quartz STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – elemental analysis XRF STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – elemental analysis XRF STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – phase analysis XRD STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – phase analysis XRD STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – phase analysis XRD X-ray diffractograms were recorded in the angular range of 12°-70° using CuKα radiation with a step size of 0.02° and dwell time of 4 seconds at each step Phase identification was carried out based on Hanawalt search procedure which compares the peaks from the spectrum with peaks from the standards of different phases published as Powder Diffraction File (PDF) cards from ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data) showed presence of 3 phases Since, a volume percentage of above 2% is required to detect phases present in the sample by XRD, some of the other minor phases which might be present could not be detected. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – phase analysis SEM / EDAX XRD Quartz Quartz Feldspar (Potassium / Sodium aluminium silicate) Biotite Sodium aluminium silicate (Albite low) Potassium aluminiumsilicate (microclinic) STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – phase analysis TYPICAL GRANITE STRUCTURE STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – elemental analysis SEM / EDAX Quartz Si, Al, K, Ca, Na, Fe, Ni Feldspar Si, K, Al, Na, Ca, Fe, Ni Biotite XRF Major Elements Si , Al , Fe , K , Ca , Mg Minor and trace elements Mn, V, Cu, Pb, Ba, La, Ti, Zn Fe, Si, K, Al, Mn, Cl, Ti, Ni STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR PETROLOGY – elemental analysis Chemical Signature which can be compared with the spectrum of granites quarried across the Hampi region / country To answer the question Which rock has been used ? STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Our question is … Our question is … How the Hampi musical pillars, sculptured out of granite stone, are able to produce musical sounds similar to throse produced by various musical instruments ? STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Musical column of the Hampi pillar can be modeled as a bar of circular cross section undergoing flexural vibrations. Assumptions : The pillar with the musical column is monolithic structure Æ bar is considered to be clamped at both the ends to simulate the monolithic structure fused to other parts of pillar. The vibrations are transverse in nature. There is no tension in the bar and the restoring force is mainly due to elastic forces within the bar. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR During transverse flexural vibrations the bar undergoes bending. In order to keep the bar in equilibrium a shearing force is developed. Restoring force is mainly due to elastic forces within the bar. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR If y(x, t) is the time variant displacement at position x along the axis of the bar then the equation of motion governing the transverse vibration in the bar is given by E is Young’s modulus ρ is density Κ Is radius of gyration If we assume the cross section of pillar to be circular bar then K = d/4 d is diameter of the bar y(x ,t) x STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Equation of motion Solution of equation of motion is given by y (x,t) = cos (ωt + φ) [A cosh (ωx/v) + B sinh (ωx/v) + i cos (ωx/v) + D sin (ωx/v) ] where ω is angular frequency A , B , C and D are arbitrary constants. v is velocity of transverse wave Velocity of transverse wave v is a function of ω and velocity of longitudinal waves cL v2 = ω K cL = 2 π f E/ρ where f is frequency of vibration ( ω = 2 π f ) STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Boundary conditions : Vibrating bar is clamped at both ends at x = 0 and at x = L y=0 =0 These conditions will be satisfied only for certain values of f given by tan (π f L / v) = ± tanh (π f L / v) First three frequencies Fundamental frequency f1 = 0.89 Harmonics f2 = 2.75 f1 d L2 cL f3 = 5.40 f1 where cL is velocity of longitudinal waves in the granite STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Dimensional Measurements The musical column of the pillar is a tapered structure (maximum at bottom) with an ornamental extension on either ends The diameter of the column was measured at the lowest (maximum) and upper most (minimum) regions. The diameter was derived by measuring the circumference. The length measured was that of the column excluding the ornamental regions on the top and the bottom of the column. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Measurement of Velocity of Longitudinal Waves in the Musical Column A microprocessor based ultrasonic flaw detector (EPOCH-IV, M/s. Panametrics, USA) along with a pair of transducers of 500 kHz was used in through transmission mode to determine velocity of longitudinal waves (cL ) in the musical columns. The transducers were coupled to the musical columns using grease as couplant. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Recording of Sound Waves from the Musical Columns The sound produced by striking at the centre of the musical columns with thumb was recorded in a laptop computer using a capacitor type microphone. digitization 22 kHz resolution 16 bit Specific software was developed in LabVIEW with features for recording the sound waves and for analysis of the sound pattern in time and frequency domains. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR 1 2 3 STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI 4 CBR/IGCAR Recording of Sound Waves from the Musical Columns Peak frequencies and time for decay of amplitude to 1/20 of the peak in autocorrelation function were analysed for each of the sound produced by the musical columns. Prior to recording the sound waves produced by the musical columns, the quality of the performance of the microphone was verified by recording and analyzing the sound waves produced by using a signal generator and a standard speaker. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Pillar No. Musical instrument pillar is associated No.of colum ns Length range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Longitudina l wave velocity range (m/s) Sound properties Frequency (Hz) Lower Higher Decay time (ms) 2 Saptaswara 14 960 1050 75 - 100 5300 - 5500 243 - 396 687-1000 452 3 Panchtala 9 750 830 62 - 100 4600 - 5300 442 - 588 1046-1280 429 Damaru 9 1050 1100 97 - 106 5200 - 5700 273 - 375 739-786 515 3A 5A Kerala Mridangam 5 960 1010 115 - 122 5500 - 5600 338 - 412 783-901 590 4 Jaltarang 7 760 800 90 - 130 5400 - 5500 495 - 780 - 532 5 790 865 98 - 106 5300 - 5500 444 - 457 1148 227-567 6 790 865 102 - 111 5400 - 5740 533 - 656 953 889 5 11 Mridanga Ghanta 14 Ghatam 12 1100 1130 102 - 122 5300 - 5600 305 - 454 774 600 16 Veena 4 710 860 100 - 106 5200 - 5500 745 - 821 - 499 24 Tabla 10 985 1005 97 – 107 5200 -5600 296 - 407 - 376 Shankha 5 820 925 95 - 112 5200 - 5450 399 - 471 983 -1060 664 4200 680 - 760 20A 15A Damaged 181 f1 = 0.89(d/L2)cL STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR f1 = 0.89(d/L2)cL Effective length may be shorter Æ possible crack STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Effective length may be shorter Æ possible crack Visible crack STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Musical column of the Hampi pillar can be modeled as a bar of circular cross section undergoing flexural vibrations. Assumptions : The pillar with the musical column is monolithic structure Æ bar is considered to be clamped at both the ends to simulate the monolithic structure fused to other parts of pillar. The vibrations are transverse in nature. There is no tension in the bar and the restoring force is mainly due to elastic forces within the bar. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR CLASSICAL LITERATURE Silparathna Ajithaagama Regarding Musical Pillars Pum sila (male) perfectly cylindrical gives sound of elephant bell Sthri sila (female) wide bottom and narrow head gives sound of cymbal Napumsika sila (neutral) narrow top and bottom and wide middle part give off no sound STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Pum sila (male) Cylindrical Elephant bell Sthri sila (female) Wide bottom narrow top Cymbal STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT Napumsika sila (neutral) Narrow top and bottom wide middle dull sound CBR/IGCAR HAMPI Our question is … Our question is … How the Hampi musical pillars, sculptured out of granite stone, are able to produce musical sounds similar to throse produced by various musical instruments ? STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Studies on musical instruments string / wind / percussion Instruments Characterisation of sounds produced by musical instruments Synthesis of sounds produced by musical instruments Synthesizer Sounds similar to those produced by musical instruments can be artificially synthesized Sounds similar to those produced by musical instruments are now artificially synthesized electronically In an intelectual exercise this was demonstrated about 600 years back. Mechanical synthesizers were successfully created by the great sculptures of that time STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Sounds similar to those produced by musical instruments are now artificially synthesized electronically I will demonstrate that there are collective vibrations when one of the columns is struck other columns also vibrate STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR VIBRATION ANALYSIS I will demonstrate that there are collective vibrations when one of the columns is truck other columns also vibrate STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR • The musical columns undergo flexural vibrations • Since each pillar contains more than one musical column, it is likely that there will be coupling between the columns. • When struck, the vibrating columns develop a vibration pattern. If the structure of the pillar is such that the antinodes in the vibration pattern occur at other musical columns of the same pillar the note can be sustained for a longer duration. • In order to verify this hypothesis, vibration analysis has been carried out on two pillars namely : Pillar 2 (Sapthaswara) with decay time of 452ms and Pillar 11 (Ghanta) with decay time of 889ms. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Pillar No. Musical instrument pillar is associated No.of colum ns Length range (mm) Diameter range (mm) Longitudina l wave velocity range (m/s) Sound properties Frequency (Hz) Lower Higher Decay time (ms) 2 Saptaswara 14 960 1050 75 - 100 5300 - 5500 243 - 396 687-1000 452 3 Panchtala 9 750 830 62 - 100 4600 - 5300 442 - 588 1046-1280 429 Damaru 9 1050 1100 97 - 106 5200 - 5700 273 - 375 739-786 515 3A 5A Kerala Mridangam 5 960 1010 115 - 122 5500 - 5600 338 - 412 783-901 590 4 Jaltarang 7 760 800 90 - 130 5400 - 5500 495 - 780 - 532 5 790 865 98 - 106 5300 - 5500 444 - 457 1148 227-567 6 790 865 102 - 111 5400 - 5740 533 - 656 953 889 5 11 Mridanga Ghanta 14 Ghatam 12 1100 1130 102 - 122 5300 - 5600 305 - 454 774 600 16 Veena 4 710 860 100 - 106 5200 - 5500 745 - 821 - 499 24 Tabla 10 985 1005 97 – 107 5200 -5600 296 - 407 - 376 Shankha 5 820 925 95 - 112 5200 - 5450 399 - 471 983 -1060 664 4200 680 - 760 20A 15A Damaged 181 VIBRATION ANALYSIS STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR VIBRATION ANALYSIS 10 7 9 6 5 2 4 1 Acceleration responses at other columns when one of the columns, marked with white dot, is struck. The diameter of the blob is proportional to the RMS acceleration of the midpoint of the column. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR VIBRATION ANALYSIS Pillar 2 (Sapthaswara) Acceleration responses at other columns when one of the columns, marked with white dot, is struck. The diameter of the blob is proportional to the RMS acceleration of the midpoint of the column. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR VIBRATION ANALYSIS Pillar 2 (Sapthaswara) Acceleration responses at other columns when one of the columns, marked with white dot, is struck. The diameter of the blob is proportional to the RMS acceleration of the midpoint of the column. 3 m/sec2 to 6 m/sec2 Decay time 452 msec STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI VIBRATION ANALYSIS 6 5 Pillar 11 (Ghanta) 4 Acceleration responses at other columns when one of the columns, marked with white dot, is struck. 3 The diameter of the blob is proportional to the RMS acceleration of the midpoint of the column. 1 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 6 m/sec2 to 9 m/sec2 Decay time 889 msec STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI VIBRATION ANALYSIS • vibration analysis has revealed the existence of collective vibration modes in the columns of a pillar when one of the columns is struck. • In particular coupling between near resonant columns is observed. • Correlation between the degree of coupling and the sustenance of long duration vibrations is established. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Further studies suggested ¾ Driving point impedence measurement ¾ Energy transfer between the vibrating column and surrounding air ¾ Role of coupling between adjacent musical columns ¾ Finite element analysis – Numerical simulation of vibrations of models of musical pillars and synthesis of resultant sound from multiple columns in a single pillar ¾ Finally …….Proof of pudding …..…Replicate a musical pillar with predefined musical properties. STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Contributors C.Babu Rao Anish Kumar T.Jayakumar Govind K. Sharma K.V.Rajkumar S Mahadevan S Sosamma P. Sukumar C Pandian M V R Prasad P Parameswaran M Radhika and Baldev Raj Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam-603102 Tamil Nadu, India P.Arundhati ISVSA Project Scientist Indian National Science Academy New Delhi, India STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR Thanks to Archaeology Department Hampi STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR MUSICAL PILLARS OF HAMPI STUDIES ON MUSICAL PILLARS AT HAMPI CBR/IGCAR