Faculty Disclosures MR Angiography: Techniques and Pitfalls Vincent B. Ho, M.D. Financial Disclosure: Grant/Research Support: General Electric Medical Systems Off-Label/Investigational Drug Use: Dr. Ho will discuss the usage of Gd-chelate contrast agents for cardiovascular MRI/MRA which is an “off-label” use. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of Dr. Ho and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of USUHS or the Dept. of Defense. Presentation Objectives At the end of this presentation, the participant w ill be able: • To discuss common MR techniques for vascular evaluation • To describe common pitfalls of MRA methods MRA Techniques Time-of-Flight MRA Phase Contrast MRA Steady State Free Precession MRA Gd-Enhanced MRA Vincent B. Ho, M.D., M.B.A. Professor of Radiology Uniformed Services University Bethesda, Maryland Pros and Cons of MRA Benef its: • Does not require iodinated contrast materials • Fast (especially Gd-enhanced MRA) • Readily perf ormed on most current scanners • Does not require ionizing radiation Disadvantages: • MRI has contraindications (e.g. pacemakers) • Stents ty pically cause artifacts on MRI • Not necessarily “push button” Time-Of-Flight MRA Principle: • In-Flow Effect (a.k.a. “wash-in” phenomenon or “f low related enhancement”) Arterial-Venous Segmentation: • Selective Saturation Band Concerns: • Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] • Saturation Effects (e.g. in-plane flow) • Pulsatility Artifacts 1 Time-Of-Flight MRA Time-of-Flight (“In-Flow” phenomenon) Principle: • In-Flow Effect (a.k.a. “wash-in” phenomenon or “f low related enhancement”) Arterial-Venous Segmentation: • Selective Saturation Band Concerns: Imaging Slice Resultant Image Satur ate d Sp ins • Saturation Effects (e.g. in-plane flow) • Pulsatility Artifacts • Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] Time-of-Flight Time-of-Flight (“In-Flow” phenomenon) (“In-Flow” phenomenon*) Imaging Slice Resultant Image Saturation Band Imaging Slice Resultant Image Time-of-Flight Time-of-Flight (“In-Flow” phenomenon) (“In-Flow” phenomenon*) Imaging Slice Resultant Image Imaging Slice Saturation Band Resultant Image 2 Time-Of-Flight MRA TOF Pitfall: Spin Saturation Principle: • In-Flow Effect (a.k.a. “wash-in” phenomenon or “f low related enhancement”) Arterial-Venous Segmentation: • Selective Saturation Band Concerns: Imaging Slice • Saturation Effects (e.g. in-plane flow) • Pulsatility Artifacts Resultant Image Satur ate d Sp ins • Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] TOF Pitfall: Spin Saturation Time-Of-Flight MRA Principle: Overestimation of stenosis • In-Flow Effect (a.k.a. “wash-in” phenomenon or or “f low related enhancement”) mimicing of vascular Arterial-Venous Segmentation: occlusion • Selective Saturation Band Concerns: Imaging Slice Resultant Image Satur ate d Sp ins • Saturation Effects (e.g. in-plane flow) • Pulsatility Artifacts • Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] Phase Contrast MRA Phase Contrast MRA Principle: Principle: • Phase Shifts • Phase Shifts Arterial-Venous Segmentation: Arterial-Venous Segmentation: • Velocity and Direction Prescription • Phase Map Data • Velocity and Direction Prescription • Phase Map Data Concerns: • • • • Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] Pulsatility Artifacts Velocity and Direction Prescription Time Bipolar Flow Encoded Gradients 3 PC Data Speed Phase Contrast MRA Phase Map Principle: • Phase Shifts Arterial-Venous Segmentation: Dilated Azygous Vein Magnitude Concerns: • • • • Pulsatility Artifacts Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] Velocity and Direction Prescription Time Steady State Free Precession Phase Contrast MRA Axia l n on-G d 3 D P C MR A • Velocity and Direction Prescription • Phase Map Data (SSFP, TrueFISP, BalFFE, FIESTA) Axia l Po st Gd 3 D MR A Principle: • T2/T1 ratio (and some “in-flow”) Ao Arterial-Venous Segmentation: Rt. Renal Artery Stenosis Concerns: • • • • Gd i mproves PC MR A! Pulsatility Artifacts Intravoxel Dephasing [Benefit: Flow Jet] Velocity and Direction Prescription Time • Anatomic segmentation by operator Concerns: • B0 Homogeneity • Specif ic Absorption Rate (SAR) • “Contamination” by adjacent structures with high T2 (eg. biliary tree and gallbladder) 3D SSFP Coronary MRA RCA and LM Gd-Enhanced 3D MRA LAD • Vascular imaging relies on the T1-shortening of blood by circulating Gd-chelate contrast media • Imaging during arterial transit (arterial phase) of the bolus affords preferential arterial illustration RCA LCx Relative Signal Intensity 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 CNR 0.05 0 Ho VB, et al. M RA C lu b 2 00 3 Gd-enhancement (T1 = 100 msec) Muscle (T1=600 msec) Blood (T1=1200 msec) 0.35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of RF pulses 4 Gd-enhanced 3D MRA Principle: • Sy nchronization of imaging (center of k-space) for peak vascular contrast enhancement Gadolinium-Enhanced MRA Arterial depiction relies on the synchronization of imaging with the arterial phase of the Gd bolus Artery Arterial-Venous Segmentation: Signal Intensity Vein • Timing (e.g. arterial phase) Time Concerns: • Patient Preparation • Timing • “Ringing Artif act” Preferential Arteria l Enhancement K-space Data for Conventional Sequential 3D MRA ? Center of k-space Imag in g D el ay Tim e Gd-Enhanced MRA: Timing Gd-Enhanced MRA: Timing Artery Artery Vein Time Resultant Image Gd-Enhanced MRA: K-space Timing of Gd-MRA depends on the MRA k-spac e sc heme Vein Signal Intensity Preferential Arteria l Enhancement Conventional Sequential Center of k-space Imagin g Volume Resultant Image K-Space Scheme Conv entional Acquisition (Sequential or Linear) ky Artery k-Space Scheme Signal Intensity Time Imagin g Volume Time Vein Signal Intensity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : : kz Sequential Centric Elliptical Centric Partial Fourier Reverse Sequential Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 5 K-Space Scheme K-Space Scheme Conv entional Centric Acquisition (Sequential) Elliptical Centric Acquisition ky ky : : 7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8 : : K-space Trajectory: From center to next closest radial point to center kz Result: Compact acquisition of central k-space data kz Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 K-Space Scheme K-Space Scheme Conv entional Partial-Fourier Acquisition (“0.5 NEX”) Partial-Fourier Reverse Sequential Acquisition ky ky 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : : : : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 kz over sca n re gi on f or lo w spati al fr eq ue ncy estim ati on over sca n re gi on f or lo w spati al fr eq ue ncy estim ati on Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 Gd-Enhanced MRA: K-space Timing of Gd-MRA depends on the MRA k-spac e sc heme Artery Vein Time Signal Intensity Preferential Arteria l Enhancement Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 Gd-MRA: Timing Timing Scan Real-Time Triggering MR Fluoroscopy MR SmartPrep Multi-Phase Imaging Artery Conventional Sequential k-Space Scheme Center of k-space kz Sequential Centric Vein Time Preferential Arteria l Enhancement Elliptical Centric Partial Fourier Reverse Sequential Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 ? Imaging Delay Time 6 Test Bolus Gd-MRA: Timing Timing Scan Real-Time Triggering MR Fluoroscopy MR SmartPrep Multi-Phase Imaging Prescription: Place monitoring slice over the target vessel Pulse sequence: axial FMPSPGR, S/I sat, TR 20 msec, TE min, FA 60 degrees, 31.5 kHz bandwidth, 256x128, 1 NEX …1 image/1-2 sec Axial Timing Run Injection: 1-2 mL @ 2 mL/sec followed by 25 mL saline flush via MR-compatible injector Apply Inferior and Superior Sat Bands Test Bolus for Gd-MRA Timing* Test Bolus for Gd-MRA Timing* Td = Time to Arte ri al Enh an ce me nt Td = Time to Arte ri al Enh an ce me nt Test Bol us Test Bol us Tg = Dur atio n of Arteri al E nh an ce me nt Di ag nost ic Bo lu s Ts = Time to Start of Sca n Tg = Dur atio n of Arteri al E nh an ce me nt Di ag nost ic Bo lu s Ts = Time to Start of Sca n Ta = Data Ac q uis itio n Ts = Td + Tg/2 - Ta/2 *Earls JP, Rofsky NM, DeCorato DR, et al. Ts = Td + 2 sec Radiology 1996;201:705-710 Gd-MRA: Timing Gd-MRA: Timing Timing Scan Real-Time Triggering MR Fluoroscopy MR SmartPrep Multi-Phase Imaging B Timing Scan Real-Time Triggering MR Fluoroscopy MR SmartPrep Multi-Phase Imaging C 2000 Dete ct Gd 1800 MR Fluoro Trigger 3D MRA w/SENSE Inte gral of Ec ho Spee d A Ta = Data Ac q uis itio n 1600 1400 1200 1000 Gd-MRA (centric) 800 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tim e (s ec ) 7 Gd-MRA: Timing Contrast Administration Timing Scan Real-Time Triggering MR Fluoroscopy MR SmartPrep Multi-Phase Imaging • Right antecubital IV (at least 22G) • Match bolus duration with at least half that of the imaging time, namely central k-space • Contrast Dose: 20 to 30 mL @ 2 mL/sec Hany et al (ISMRM 1998,768) estimated that need AT LEAST 0.12 mmol/kg Multi-Phase 3D MRA • Saline Flush: 30 mL @ 2 mL/sec Im aging Param eters • Shortest possible TR and TE • Optimize spatial resolution vs. time (e.g. 2-3 mm for aorta; ≤ 2 mm for renal arteries) Examples: 0.75 FOV, 0.5 NEX, ± 64 kHz • ZIP (a.k.a. zero filling) … improv es MIP (NOTE: spatial resolution not really better) • Centric (or elliptical centric) k-space phase ordering...partial Fourier using rev erse sequential • Parallel Imaging (a.k.a. SENSE, ASSET) Left Sided Venous Injection Patient Preparation • Test BH capacity and instruct patient • Respiratory bellows • Cardiac gating (cine MR) • Oxygen and hyperventilation • Patient positioning • Coil selection • Surgical history (e.g. extra-anatomic shunt, stents) • Right antecubital IV Gd-MRA: K-space Scheme Timing of Gd-MRA depends on the MRA k-spac e sc heme T2* artifact caus ed by the high c oncentration of Gd during the ini tial “pass” thr oug h the left brac heoc ephalic vein Artery Vein Time Sol ution: Right antec ubi tal injecti on and multiphase (delayed phas e) imaging Signal Intensity Preferential Arteria l Enhancement Conventional Sequential k-Space Scheme Arterial Phase Delayed Phase Center of k-space Sequential Centric Elliptical Centric Partial Fourier Reverse Sequential Ho VB, et al . Top Magn Reson Imaging 2001;12:283-299 8 Gd-MRA: K-space Scheme “Ringing Artifact" on Gd-MRA Timing of Gd-MRA depends on the MRA k-spac e sc heme “Ringing Artifact” Artery Signal Intensity Vein Time Preferential Arteria l Enhancement Conventional Sequential Sequential Centric k-Space Scheme Elliptical Centric Partial Fourier Reverse Sequential Center of k-space Acknowledgements Bill Corse Julianna Czum Thomas Foo Kai Yiu Ho Maureen Hood Scott Pereles Martin Prince Barry Stein 9