INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 Size optimization of stand-alone photovoltaic system under local weather conditions in India Mahendra Lalwani1, D.P. Kothari2, Mool Singh1 1- Department of Electrical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur 2- Former Director i/c, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India ABSTRACT In this paper we scrutinized optimal sizing of solar array and battery in a stand-alone photovoltaic (SPV) system, under the conditions of a fixed tilt angle and continuous size variations of solar array and battery. Calculations and results for distinctive size combinations of solar array and battery are based on the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) of the SPV system. At a particular load demand and the desired LPSP, the optimal size combination is achieved at the minimum system cost. Our case study shows the procedure of the size optimization of the SPV system in Indian weather conditions. Keywords: Stand-alone photovoltaic system, Loss of power supply probability, Tilt angle, Maximum power point tracker, Borowy’s method, Size optimization. 1. Introduction India has approximately 300 sunny days per year and receives an average hourly radiation of 200 MW/km2, so the solar is an important, although currently underutilized, energy resource in India. For providing Electricity to remote areas where higher solar radiation is received, SPV systems are becoming increasingly viable and cost-effective. The State of Rajasthan receives maximum solar radiation intensity in India with very low average rainfall (Arora et al. 2010). In stand-alone systems the solar energy yield is matched to the energy demand. Since the solar energy yield often does not coincide in time with the energy demand from the connected loads, additional storage systems (batteries) are generally used. This SPV system typically consists of a solar array, a controller with maximum power point tracker (MPPT), a battery, an inverter and loads. The structure of an SPV system is shown in figure 1. In SPV system, the solar array transforms solar radiation falling on its surface into DC electricity. The controller with the MPPT helps to extract utmost power from the solar array. It is unconcerned with the variation of solar radiation and temperature and conserves the battery from overcharging and under-discharging. The energy is stored in the battery when solar array produces more power than load demand or supplies power to load when the solar array produces less power than the load demand during cloudy or rainy days or at nights. The inverter converts DC into AC at a similar voltage level and frequency of the power grid for the convenient usage of normal AC loads. As output power of a solar array deviates with weather conditions, the rewarding activity of the SPV system is to find out the optimal size of a solar array and battery to meet load demand. Therefore we have done studies on sizing of the SPV system (Shrestha and Goel 1998, Sidrach-de-Cardona and Mora Lopez 1998). The optimum size of solar array and battery is chosen based on the proper balance between the LPSP and the system cost in 951 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 different configurations. The different configurations of battery and solar array with system cost are shown in figure 2. Battery Sun Radiations DC Controller, MPPT DC DC Loads DC DC SPV Array Inverter DC to AC AC Loads 500 15 400 12.5 10 300 7.5 200 5 100 2.5 0 Cost ( ` ) x 10000 Panel (Wp) & Battery (Ah) Figure 1: Stand-alone Photovoltaic System 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Different Configration Panel Size (Wp) Battery Size (Ah) Total Cost (`) Figure 2: Different configurations of battery and solar array with system cost The impact of tilt angle on sizes of the SPV system was scrutinized for the given load demand (Bhuiyan and Ali 2003), the optimal size of solar array and battery was obtained when the tilt angle was adjusted in accordance with seasons. Based on the spirit of Borowy’s method (Salameh and Borowy 1996), this paper scrutinizes optimum sizes of solar array and 952 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 battery in the SPV system under the conditions of a fixed tilt angle and continuous size variations of solar array and battery. For the chosen LPSP at the given load demand, the optimal size unification is acquired at the minimum system cost. Our case study shows the procedure of the size optimization of the SPV system in Indian weather conditions. 2. Methodology 2.1. Everyday energy generation of a solar array As the solar radiations incident on solar array of SPV system the energy is generated. This output of a solar array rests on solar irradiation, temperature of solar cell and the operating point of the SPV system. The solar irradiation is the integration of solar radiation of a day. Solar arrays are rated at a solar radiation level of 1000 W/m2 and temperature of a solar cell is 25°C, the peak sun hours (PSHs) are often used to represent solar irradiation so that the daily output of the solar array is easily calculated by using the peak watt (W p ) of solar array times the PSHs, where the PSHs is equivalent to the length of time in hours at a solar radiation level of 1000 W/m2 (Markvart 2000). The temperature of solar cell significantly affects the output power of a solar array. The temperature of solar cell (Tc ) can be estimated by using ambient temperature (Ta ) and solar radiation (Messenger 2004, Shen et al. 2005). Tc = Ta . (1+1.25 ξ ) (1) Here, ξ is the average solar radiation over a day, in kW/m2. The MPPT is included in this SPV system for the operating point of a solar array, thus the solar array always operates at the maximum power point. The daily energy output of a solar array can be calculated by, Espv = Pspv maxima .{1+ ρ .(Tc - 25)} .PSHs. ηconnection . ηother (2) Here, ρ is the negative temperature coefficient of power with respect to solar cell temperature; Pspv max ima is the maximum power output of the solar array under a solar radiation of 1000 W/m2. ηother and ηconnection are the factors representing other losses (caused by accumulative dust, etc.) and connection losses respectively. 2.2. Everyday battery caliber In SPV system the operating conditions of the battery are very different from those which we using in conventional systems because SPV system is neither a constant source of current nor a voltage. As the solar radiation and temperature deviates the output power of a solar array, which is used to charge the battery, deviates (Shen W.X 2009). Under such uncontrolled 953 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 charge/discharge cycles, the estimation of the battery state of charge (SOC) is complicated (Piller et al.2001). In this study, battery charge/discharge efficiency is adopted to estimate daily battery SOC. Since the battery discharge efficiency is normally assumed to be 100%, the battery charge efficiency is considered to be the round-trip efficiency which can normally be found in the battery specifications. The energy stored in the battery on the ‘ x ’ day during the charging period is calculated by, E ( x) EBatt ( x) = EBatt ( x -1).(1- µs ) + Espv ( x) - load . ηbattery ηinverter (3) and the energy stored in the battery on ‘x’ day during the discharging period is calculated by, E ( x) EBatt ( x ) = EBatt ( x -1).(1- µs ) + Espv ( x ) - load ηinverter (4) Here, the energy stored in the battery on the ‘x’ and ‘x-1’ day are EBatt ( x) and EBatt ( x − 1) respectively; µs is the daily battery self-discharge rate; Espy ( x) is the energy generated by the solar array on ‘x’ day; Eload ( x) is the load demand on ‘x’ day; ηinverter is the efficiency of the inverter and ηbattery is the charge efficiency of the battery. The energy stored in the battery on any ‘x’ day is within the following limits, EBatt maxima ≥ EBatt ( x ) ≥ EBatt minima (5) Here EBatt max ima is the maximum allowable energy level which is equal to the rated capacity of the battery AH battery times the rated voltage Vr and EBatt min ima is the minimum allowable energy level which must be remain in the battery for each cycle to have the battery life as stated in the battery specifications. EBatt min ima is determined by the maximum depth of discharge (DOD) or minimum SOC, EBatt minima = (1- DODmaxima ) . AH battery = SOCminima . AH battery (6) Here, SOC = 1 - DOD In general, the lower the battery DOD needs to be maintained, the lower the cost of the systems, the shorter the battery life, and vice versa. The selection of the maximum allowable DOD is actually a compromise between system life and cost. The battery SOC on the ‘x’ day is, 954 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE SOC ( x) = ISSN - 0976-4259 EBatt ( x) AH battery .Vr (7) 2.3. The Base of size optimization In SPV system when the generated power is higher than load demand, excess power is used to charge the battery and when the generated power is lower than the load demand during cloudy or rainy days or at nights, the battery provides the deficient part of power or fed full power to the load. The reliability of power supply to the load is described by the loss of power supply probability (LPSP). LPSP is the ratio of the number of hours that the system fails to supply a load to the total number of hours required by the load. An LPSP of 0 means that the power can fully meet load demand; whereas an LPSP of 1 means that the power can never meet load demand. An LPSP from 0 to 1 means the power cannot fully supply to the load when the solar power is not enough while the battery has been in the allowable maximum DOD or the allowable minimum SOC. The purpose of the size optimization of solar array and battery is to match the load demand at the desired LPSP with the preset allowable minimum battery SOC at the minimum cost of the system. The SOC of battery on any ‘x’ day depends on the SOC on the previous (x-1) day, the solar power for a charging battery and the load demand for discharging a battery on ‘x’ day. When the SOC of battery is 0 i.e. fully discharged or the preset allowable minimum value is reached, the system controller will stop discharging the battery and protect the battery from over-discharging. When the SOC of battery is 1 i.e. fully charged, the system controller will stop charging and prevent the battery from overcharging. For the allowable minimum battery SOC the LPSP is, LPSP = P { EBatt ( x) ≤ EBatt minima ; x ≤ X } (8) It means LPSP is the probability of the SOC at any ‘x’ day, within a period of X days, to be less than or equal to the minimum allowable energy level EBatt min ima . Hence, the LPSP can be calculated by ∑ LPSP = ∑ X x =1 X LES ( x) E ( x) x =1 load (9) where, LES ( x) is the loss of energy supply on ‘x’ day, LES ( x ) = Eload ( x) − { Espv ( x) + EBatt ( x − 1) − EBatt minima } . ηinverter (10) 955 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 The LPSP of the solar photovoltaic system is calculated by Eq. (9). By using different size combinations of solar array and battery can meet the given load demand for the desired LPSP. To determine the optimal size combination, the cost function of the SPV system is defined as, ϒsys = Wspv .λ + AH battery . ψ + ϒ oth (11) where ϒsys is the total costs of the systems; Wspv is the capacity of the solar array; AH battery is the capacity of the battery; ϒ oth is the other total costs except the solar array and the battery, which is considered to be constant, including the costs of the controller with MPPT, inverter, etc. is the unit cost of the battery (`/Ah), λ is the unit cost of the solar array (`/Wp). From (11), the condition to minimize ϒsys is: ∂AH battery ∂Wspv =− ψ λ (12) 400 Size of battery (Ah) 350 300 250 200 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 Size of solar array (Wp) Figure 3: Size of solar array versus size battery at an LPSP of 0.01 956 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 By using graphical methods we solve the Eq. (12), in the way that the two curves will be drawn in the AH battery versus Wspv coordinate system, Figure 3. One curve represents different size combinations of the solar array and battery for the desired LPSP. The other curve is the line with a slope of (– ψ / λ). The tangent point of the two curves corresponds to the optimum sizes of solar array and battery. 3. Case study for local weather conditions By the above introduced method we solve a case study for the size optimization of solar photovoltaic system based on Indian (Jodhpur-Rajasthan) weather conditions. The solar radiation data is used in the optimization process which is taken from India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi. The load profile (Chronological load curve) of a typical house in remote areas in India (Jodhpur-Rajasthan) is shown in figure 4. The details of the corresponding load profile are shown in table 1(a) & (b). Table 1(a) Load Symbol CFL-1 CFL-2 Ceiling Fan Table Fan TV C1 C2 CF TF TV Rating in Watt 25 11 60 25 70 Table 1(b) Time Schedule Loads Used Power(Watts) Energy (Wh) 12 midnight to 6 am 6 am to 7 am 6 am to 8 am 8 am to 9am 9 am to 5 pm 5 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 7 pm 7 pm to 8 pm 8 pm to 11 pm 10 pm to 11 pm 11 pm to 12 pm Total Energy TF TF+C2 TF+CF TF+TV CF CF+TF CF+TF+C2 CF+C1+C2+TF CF+C1+C2+TV TF+C2 TF 25 36 85 95 60 85 96 121 166 36 25 150 36 170 95 480 85 96 121 498 36 25 1792 957 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 It is assumed that the battery DOD cannot be higher than 0.8 or the SOC cannot be lower than 0.2; the desired LPSP of the system is set to 0.01 which means there is 14.4 min poweroff within one day or 3.65 days power-off within one year. With the help of the program developed by using the MATLAB, the LPSPs for different size combinations of solar array and battery are calculated. Figure 5 shows the calculated results in 3D plot. 180 160 L o a d d e m a n d (W a tt) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 Time(Hours) 20 25 Figure 4: Chronological load curve of our Case study Figure 3 shows the different size combinations of solar array and battery at an LPSP of 0.01 by adding the line with a slope of (–ψ/λ), where ψ = 78 (`/Ah) and λ=112 (`/Wp). The tangent point of the two curves corresponds to the optimal size combination of solar array and battery which are approximately equal to 300 Ah and 375 Wp, respectively. If the commercial availability of solar array and battery is taken into account, 3 battery units with 100 Ah and 5 solar modules with 75 Wp are selected. With this optimum configuration, daily energy generation and battery SOC over the year are evaluated and the corresponding results are shown in figures 6 & 7, respectively (Ajit 2009). For the LPSP of 0.01, the size ratio of battery to solar array in this case study is about 0.69 Ah/Wp (300 Ah/375Wp) while the size ratio of battery to solar array in is about 0.84 Ah/Wp. 958 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 0.25 LPSP 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 100 250 200 300 350 300 400 Size of battery (Ah) 400 450 Size of solar array (Wp) D a ily sum o f g loba l sola r ra dia nt e xposure (M Jm-2 ) Figure 5: 3D plots of different size combinations of solar array and battery at different LPSP values. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day Figure 6: Daily sum of solar radiant exposure in India (1 kWh = 3.0 MJ) 959 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN - 0976-4259 1 0.9 0.8 B attery SO C 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day Figure 7: Battery State of Charge The conditions in this study are based on the Indian context, while the conditions in (Ai et al. 2003) are based on the Hong Kong context. For both the places, weather conditions, load profiles and unit costs of the system components are very different. 4. Conclusion In this study, we presented the size optimization technique for solar array and battery in the SPV system for Indian weather conditions. The criterion of optimal sizes of solar array and battery was to find it at the minimum cost of the system, under the specific load demand and the coveted LPSP. The solar radiation data used was of the state Rajasthan, receiving the highest global radiation. This work exhibits the significant impact of the places of the system used as well as the types of the adopted systems on the optimization results. Although the case we have considered takes Rajasthan for study i.e. solar radiation data, the same method is applicable to other areas as well. 5. References 1. Ai B, Yang H, Shen H, Liao X., (2003), “Computer-aided design of PV/wind hybrid system. Renewable Energy”, 28, pp 1491–512. 2. 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