Title Author(s) Citation Issued Date URL Rights Probabilistic optimal sizing of stand-alone PV systems with modeling of variable solar radiation and load demand Ng, SKK; Zhong, J; Cheng, WM The 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA., 22-26 July 2012. In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting Proceedings, 2012, p. 1-7 2012 http://hdl.handle.net/10722/153086 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting Proceedings. Copyright © IEEE. 1 Probabilistic Optimal Sizing of Stand-Alone PV Systems with Modeling of Variable Solar Radiation and Load Demand Simon K. K. Ng, Student Member, IEEE, J. Zhong, Senior Member, IEEE, and John W. M. Cheng, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents a comprehensive sizing methodology which could contain all key elements necessary to obtain a practical sizing result for a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system. First, a stochastic solar radiation model based on limited/incomplete local weather data is formulated to synthesis various chronological solar radiation patterns. This enables us to evaluate a long-term system performance and characterize any extreme weather conditions. Second, a stochastic load simulator is developed to simulate realistic load patterns. Third, two reliability indices, Expected-Energy-Not-Supplied (EENS) and Expected-Excessive-Energy-Supplied (EEES), are incorporated with an Annualized Cost of System (ACS) to form a new objective function called an Annualized Reliability and Cost of System (ARCS) for optimization. We then apply a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to obtain the optimum system configuration for a given acceptable risk level. An actual case study is conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed methodology. Index Terms—Stand-alone PV system, sizing optimization, Expected-Energy-Not-Supplied (EENS), load signatures, particle swarm optimization (PSO). W I. INTRODUCTION ith increasing emphasis on climate change and sustainable development, renewable resources are more widely used in power generation to reduce carbon emissions. Among all renewable resources, solar energy is one of the most abundant ones and photovoltaic (PV) technologies have seen significant improvement in cost and performance in recent years. Although PV technology is still costly, it has become feasible and cost competitive in small-scale standalone system. Since solar energy is intermittent with diurnal characteristics, energy storage such as a battery bank is essential to act as a backup to ensure a reliable supply [1]. For sizing evaluation, there are two main types of simulation scenario [2], namely chronological and analytical. The former requires a time series data while the latter uses a probability density function (pdf) to simulate the stochastic characteristic of the renewable resources. The chronological This work was supported by the HKU seed funding program for basic research (project no. 200911159128) and CLP Power Hong Kong. S. K. K. Ng and J. Zhong are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: kkng@eee.hku.hk; jzhong@eee.hku.hk). J. W. M. Cheng is with the CLP Research Institute Ltd., Hong Kong, China (e-mail: john.cheng@clp.com.hk) 978-1-4673-2729-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE simulation is used in this paper because it emulates system conditions in a continuous time-line to enable detailed evaluation of the batteries [3]. Accurate solar radiation data is one of the most important parameters for the feasibility study of a PV project because it is the main cause of failure/inadequacy in a stand-alone system if all energies (generated and stored) are depleted [4]. Industrial PV sizing practice requires historical and measured solar data on site. However, typical durations of measured data are from a few months to a year which can only offer a limited view to project its long-term performance. To enhance the accuracy, modeling solar radiation using artificial neural network (ANN) [5]-[7] and regressive model [8]-[10] has been proposed but share different degree of limitations. In this paper, we propose to use two commonly accessible weather data, namely solar radiation and total rainfall, to synthesis variable chronological solar radiation patterns. On the demand side of the power balance equation, load is also varying with time and common practices just use a constant value (e.g. maximum). However, assuming a constant load pattern may oversimplify the stochastic load nature. We therefore propose a load simulator based on load signatures as described in [11], [12] to generate a more realistic and chronologically-based consumption pattern for our studies. The optimum design of the system is mainly evaluated by two objectives: reliability and cost. For reliability, a commonly used index is Loss-of-Load-Probability (LOLP) [2], [3], [13]. However, this index is not able to measure the severity of the shortage period and neglect the excessive energy that could not be captured by battery due to its capacity. In order to incorporate these, the Expected-EnergyNot-Supplied (EENS) [14] and the Expected-ExcessiveEnergy-Supplied (EEES) are bundled with an Annualized Cost of System (ACS) [3] to form a new objective function called Annualized Reliability and Cost of System (ARCS) for the optimization process. Among various optimization techniques proposed to solve similar sizing problem (e.g. probabilistic approach [14], graphical construction method [13] and artificial intelligence method [3], [7]), we propose to use a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to obtain the optimum configuration of PV modules and batteries because it is generally recognized to be robust in finding global optimal solutions, especially in multi-model and non-linear 2 optimization problems [15]. This paper is organized as follows. Section II provides a mathematical formulation of various system components. The modeling of meteorological conditions is presented in Section III. Section IV presents a probabilistic load simulator. Reliability and cost assessment tools are given in Section V. A stochastic optimal sizing optimization formulation and the use of PSO algorithm to solve the problem are described in Section VI. Simulation and results based on a case study is presented in Section VII and finally the conclusion. II. MODELS OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS A stand-alone PV system mainly includes three components: 1) PV array, 2) battery bank and 3) inverter. This paper focuses on the system sizing in which the PV arrays and the batteries are configured in parallel. When solar energy is available, surplus PV energy will go into the battery until it is fully charged. Conversely, the battery will be discharged to meet the load if solar energy is inadequate or inexistent. This section describes the mathematical formulations of the system components. A. PV Array Power Model PV array is consisted of modules which are the basic power conversion units. The number of PV modules is one of the decision variables in our sizing problem because it determines the total PV power output as shown in (1): ( )= ( ) ; = 1,2, … , (1) where ( ) is the total PV power output at time t in W; ( ) is the power output of PV module at time t in W; and is the number of PV modules. To determine the total PV power output, an accurate model of PV module in terms of received solar radiation is necessary. In this paper, a regression model is used [16] and formulated as follows: ( )= ( )+ ( ) + ( ) + ( ) ( ); = 1,2, … , ( ) (2) where ( ) is the solar radiation at time t in W/m2; ( ) is the wind speed at time t in m/s; ( ) is the ambient temperature at time t in oC; and , , and are regression coefficients which can be estimated from measured data. B. Battery Bank & Inverter Model A proper sized battery bank requires a detailed formulation of charging and discharging processes and this can be characterized by the State-Of-Charge (SOC) of the battery. SOC at any time, says t, is related to the previous state of SOC ( ) as follows: and to the battery power ( )= + ( − 1) ∙ (1 − ) ( ) ∆ ; = 1,2, … , (3) where ( ) and ( − 1) are the SOC at time t and t–1, respectively; is a self-discharge rate of the battery bank; is a round-trip efficiency; ∆ is the time step; is the energy capacity of a single battery in kWh; is the number of batteries; and T is the simulation period. An initial condition of the SOC, i.e. (0), is set to be 0.8 in this paper. In order to prevent the battery bank from overcharging and overdischarging, SOC is commonly used as a decision variable of the bi-directional inverter with the following SOC constraints: ≤ ( )≤ ; = 1,2, … , (4) where and are the minimum and maximum SOC values of the battery bank, respectively. The sign of battery power ( ) can be positive or negative depending on whether the battery bank is in charging or in discharging modes as shown by following power balance equation of the system: ( )= ( )− ( ) ; = 1,2, … , (5) where ( ) is the load demand at time t in W; is the inverter efficiency. Since there is a power conversion loss in the bi-directional inverter, this efficiency loss is considered as part of the load demand. III. MODELS OF METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS In this section, we provide a statistical method to synthesis the meteorological conditions in a chronological manner. The meteorological data include solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind speed, which are required to determine the power output of PV arrays. A. Modeling of Solar Radiation To generate the chronological solar radiation, we have to consider two key elements: 1) weather for two consecutive days and 2) profile of solar radiation for each day. 1) Weather for two consecutive days The Markov chain model is widely used to simulate different meteorological conditions such as solar radiation [17] and wind speed [18]. We apply a first-order Markov chain model with daily total rainfall as a variable to simulate the daily weather sequences. The first-order Markov chain model indicates that the next step only depends on the present state and not on any earlier states. In our study, the Hong Kong weather data from 2009 to 2010 are used to model the variations of daily weather conditions. For simplicity, the daily total rainfall is categorized into three states: 1) Sunny day (i.e. total rainfall = 0) 2) Light raining day (i.e. 0 < total rainfall ≤ 10 mm) 3) Heavy raining day (i.e. total rainfall > 10 mm) With above categorization, the 3 × 3 daily transition 3 proobability matrrix shown as followss: , = , deriived from the weather dataa is 0.80 = 0.36 0.16 0.19 0.01 0.58 0.06 0.67 0.17 (6) Matrix in (6) contains the trransition probaabilities from ma staate i at day d to a state j att day d+1. An ny loss of load d is likkely to occur in a system if several heaavy raining days d haappen in a contiinuous mannerr. In order to generate the daily weatherr sequences, the folllowing proced dures are propo osed based on [18]: [ 1) A cumulativ ve probability transition mattrix is obtain ned by summing g cumulatively along each row w of , ; 2) An initial staate, says i, is raandomly set; r value between 0 an nd 1 is generaated 3) A uniform random and comparred with the elements in row i of to determine th he next state. If I this number is larger than the cumulative probability off the previous state but smaaller qual to the cumulative c prrobability of the than or eq following state, the follow wing state is dettermined to be the next state; mber of days are 4) Step 3 is reepeated until a desired num generated in n the simulation n (e.g. 10,000 days). d s radiation n for each day 2) Profile of solar With the daily y weather statte generated ass above, the next n steep is to simulaate the daily prrofile of solar radiation. Table I sum mmaries the mean μ and standard deviiation σ of so olar ennergy for the three proposed d weather states based on the acttual data. In general, we can n assume that the t distribution n of solar energy for fo each weaather state fo ollows a norm mal g a disstribution. Wiith the parameters of Tablee I and using noormally distribu uted random number n generattor, the stochastic daaily solar energ gy can be obtaiined for each state. s Then, baased onn this value, an n iterative pro ocedure is used d to simulate the daaily profile of solar radiation. TAB BLE I MEAN AND D STANDARD DEV VIATION OF WEATH HER STATES ndard deviation Stan Weather statte Mean (k kWh/m2) (kWh/m2) 1) Sunny day 4.4 40 1.11 2) Light raining day 2.5 56 1.71 3) Heavy raining 0.45 g day 0.9 93 s day, thee daily profilee of We know thaat for perfect sunny solar radiation looks like a Gaussian disttribution and the hape) is arou und ennergy (which is the area under the sh 6.663kWh/m2 as shown s in Fig. 2. 2 If the presen nt state is a sun nny daay, and the daily d energy is randomly assigned to be 5.553kWh/m2. By y adding somee random flucctuations, we can 2 iteeratively curtaiil an area of 1.10kWh/m 1 in n Fig. 2 to obttain solar irradiancess at different times. t Fig. 3 shows s a seriess of mulated solar radiation r profile. sim Fig. 2 Sollar radiation profilee for perfect sunnyy day Fig. 3 Sim mulated chronologiical solar radiationn B. Moddeling of Ambieent Temperaturre In thhis paper, wee use a lineear regressionn model to approxim mate the ambbient temperatture given thhe simulated solar irrradiance as shoown in (7): ( )= ( )+ ; = 1,2, … , (7) where and aree regression ccoefficients whhich can be estimateed from measuured/historical data. C. Moddeling of Wind Speed The w wind speed nnear ground leevel is also ussed as input parametters for the PV V power outpuut because it caan affect the module temperature. The first-ordeer Markov chaain model as mentionned in modelinng the solar raddiation can also be applied to modeel the wind speeed [18]. IV. MOD DELS OF STOCH HASTIC LOADS By siimulating diffeerent householld appliances iindividually, the loadd profile can be emulated. Such a detaileed model is viable, fflexible and reepresentative [12]. A good eestimation of consump mption patterns is necessary iin order to sizee the system econom mically and reliiably. The pree-requisite of the accurate estimatiion of load paatterns is to haave an appliannce database which contains exppected househhold equipmeent of the mers. Then, tthe load sim mulator beginss with the consum simulatiion of on-offf operations oof each appliaance in the databasee. The load prrofile can be ssimulated by ssumming up individuual appliance’ss operations. In geeneral, househoold appliances can be classiffied into four types baased on their nnatures and opeerating charactteristics [12] and thiss classification is shown in Taable II. 4 TAB BLE II TYPE OF APPLIANCE Type of aappliance A B C D Op perating period p Fixed Variable V Fixed Variable V Number of occcurrence per case Fixed Fixed Variable Variable Examples Rice cooker Induction cook ker Toaster Air conditioneer With such cllassification, the t following load simulattion proocedures are prresented: 1) In each casee, i.e. 24 hrs, time t segmentss are defined (ee.g. four segmen nts in this paperr); ppliance, we assign a prob bability for itt to 2) For each ap operate in each time seg gment, e.g. 0.1 for segmen nt 1 gment 2 (06:00 0 – 12:00), 0.1 for (00:00 – 06:00), 0.7 for seg 00 – segment 3 (12:00 – 18:00)) and 0.1 for seegment 4 (18:0 24:00). Thesse probabilitiess are derived frrom actual usaage; 3) A random number n between n 0 and 1 is drrawn in each tiime step to deterrmine whether the appliance is switched on n. If this number is smaller than n the assigned probability in the w be on at th his time interv val. segment, the appliance will This processs only deterrmines the randomness of an appliance’s on time and the off time is based on the expected operating period as shown in Taable II; 4) The numberr of occurrencce of the applliance is coun nted during the simulation. s Th he step 3) willl be terminated d if the predefined switching frequency fr is reaached; 5) Steps 2) – 4)) are repeated for f other appliaances. Fig. 4 showss a simulatio on result by using applian nces meentioned in Tab ble II. Figg. 4 Simulated resu ult of load simulato or V. SYSTEEM PERFORMAN NCE ASSESSME ENT TOOLS ( )≤ = (8) ( )− ( )| ( )≤ (9) We ccan obtain thee EENS by ssumming up tthe deficient energy iin the simulatioon and it can bbe considered toogether with the systeem cost in our objective funcction To avvoid oversizinng the system m, another indeex which is called E EEES, is also considered w with the objective function and it caan be defined aas: = ( )− ( )| ( ) (10) This index aims to evaluate the eexcessive energgy generated by PV aarrays given thee SOC has reacched the upperr bound. B. Econnomic Model The sstand-alone PV V system consiists of various components with unneven life exppectancy. The lifetime of P PV modules usually is the longest ((e.g. 25 years). For others, thheir lifetimes are mucch shorter (e.g.. 5 years for batteries). Sincee PV project is a longg-term investm ment, a net preesent value (N NPV) method with thee concept of A Annualized Cosst of System (A ACS) is used to propeerly benchmarkk the system ccosts. In essennce, the ACS consistss of three mainn components: 1) annualizedd capital cost ( )); 2) annualizzed replacemeent cost ( ) and 3) annualizzed maintenannce cost ( ). In our stuudy, we only considerr the costs off two main parrts, namely PV V array and battery bank, and the cost of invertter is includedd in the first one for simplicity. 1) Annnualized capiital cost The aannualized capital costs of thee PV array andd the battery bank aree given as folloows: = A. Reliability Model M The optimum m design of th he system is evaluated e by two t c These two t obbjectives conccurrently: reliaability and cost. obbjectives are ussually evaluateed separately and a we proposse a unnifying objectiv ve function as follows. The LOLP is a wellw knnown index to analyze system m reliability. Mathematically M y, it cann be representeed in terms of SOC S as follow ws: = Throuugh simulationn, we can eassily obtain the LOLP by estimatiing the probaability of thee SOC falls below the minimum um value. Sincce this index iis associated w with the risk level, w we have definned it as one of the constrraints in the optimizaation problem.. In addition too LOLP, we allso proposed to use ttwo other reliiability indicess. The first onne is EENS which iss given as folloows: ( , )= (1 + ) (1 + ) −1 (11) is the initiial capital cost of a componennt in $; CRF where is the ccapital recoverry factor which represents the present value oof a series off equal annuall cash flows; is the componnent lifetime inn year; and r is the annual real interest rate. 2) Annnualized replaacement cost The rreplacement coost is required ffor a componennt if it gets a lifetime which is shoorter than thee project lifetiime. In this paper, oonly the batteryy bank requiress to be replaceed during the project llifetime (of couurse, one can aalso include thee inverters if desired)). The annualizzed replacemennt cost of the bbattery bank 5 is given as follow ws: = ( , )= (1 + ) −1 (12) whhere is the replacement cost of the battery b bank in n $; is the batteery bank lifetim me in year; SF FF is the sink king funnd factor obtaiined from the future f value off a series of eq qual annnual cash flow ws. 3) Annualized d maintenancee cost The annualizeed maintenancee cost is consttant for each year y y, it is not considered with an nnuity. annd for simplicity V VI. SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION P MODEL WITH PARTICLE A SWAR RM OPTIMIIZATION A. Optimization Formulation d with the ACS S to In this paper, EENS and EEES are bundled n called Annu ualized Reliabiility forrm a new objective function annd Cost of System S (ARCS S) which can n simultaneou usly opptimize both reeliability and system cost. The T mathematiical forrmulation of th he sizing probleem can be writtten as follows: min , = ∙ + + + + ∙ + + (13) ≤ = 0,1 1,2 … = 0,1 1,2 … (14) (15) (16) (local) aand gbest (gloobal) [15]. Thee procedures oof Fig. 5 are summarrized as follow ws: 1. An initial guess oof the decision parameters is m made and an inittial set of partiicles for the PSO algorithm is generated randdomly. 2. A llocal weather data at the pootential PV sitte is used to gennerate a time sseries of meteoorological connditions with the period equal tto the project lifetime. Thosse conditions are then used to determine thee PV array poower output. Bassed on the simuulated load proofile and PV poower output, the SOC can be caalculated in eaach time step. 3. Thee PSO algorithhm is then useed to optimizee the system connfiguration. It iteratively ssearches for the optimal connfiguration (i.ee. ∗ and ∗ ) to minimizee the ARCS as shown in (13). The sizinng constraints which are assoociated with reeliability indicees as shown inn (14) will be exaamined for eachh system configuration. 4. Thee optimal confi figuration is obtained either bby reaching a maxximum numbeer of iterationss of the PSO aalgorithm, or by ssatisfying the iimposed consttraints. Otherw wise, the least cosst configurationns will be usedd to update the particles for Carlo simulatioon. It should bbe noted that the next Monte C sincce there are onnly two decisionn variables in tthe problem, the PSO algorithhm can searchh a near optim mal solution durring the veryy early iterations (e.g. less than 10 iterrations). Suubject to whhere is th he value of losst load in $/kW Wh; is the annnualized EEN NS in kWh/y year; is i the value of exxcessive energy y in $/kWh; is the ann nualized EEES S in kW Wh/year; is the upper bound b of the . The first two terms in (13)) are the reliaability cost wh hich quuantifies the seeverity of losss of load poweer with and a thee wastage of excessive e solarr energy with . The th hird annd fourth termss are the ACS for f the PV arraay and the batttery baank, respectivelly. Constraint (14 4) is to ensuree the reliability y of the propo osed sizzing should bee lower than an n acceptable risk level, such h as 1% % in the simulation. Constraaints (15) and d (16) impose the disscrete natures of o the decision n variables. B. Sizing Frameework Based on the proposed mo odels and evalluation indicess, a floowchart to obttain the optimu um design parrameters (i.e. annd ) of th he PV system by using a PSO P algorithm m is shown in Fig. 5. b on the evolution off a The PSO algorithm is based poopulation of particles and th here are two fitness valuess to guuide the particcles toward thee best solution ns, namely pb best Fig. 5 Fraamework of optimaal sizing by PSO 6 TABLE VI COSTS AND LIFETIME OF SYSTTEM COMPONENTSS Initial capitaal Replacemennt Maintenancee cost cost cost (/year)) 3000 US$/kW W N/A 5 US$/kW 100 US$/kW Wh 500 US$/kW Wh 50 US$/kW W VII. V SIMULATIO ON AND RESUL LTS To demonstraate the proposeed sizing meth hod, a case stu udy waas conducted using u actual meeteorological data d obtained frrom a real stand-alon ne system insstalled in a reemote island near n 0 to Hoong Kong. The meteorologiccal conditions from 05/2010 044/2011 are used d to derive thee weather modeels. The techniical paarameters of thee PV module and a the battery bank are given n in Taables III and IV, respectiv vely. The exp pected househ hold apppliances are given in Table V. Based on the t proposed lo oad mulator, a sam mple of chronological load sim mulation is sho own sim in Fig. 6. It can n be seen that the peak load d usually occurr at d 14kW. The average a daily lo oad nigght with peak power around coonsumption is about a 61kWh. b1 4.73 00.20/day ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TAB BLE III SPECIFICATIONSS OF PV MODULE b2 b3 b4 -0.01 0..24 0.11 (W) 200 TABLE IV SPECIFICATIONS OF O BATTERY BANK K (kWh) 0.90 0 0.97 10 0.20 TAB BLE V ESTIMATED APPL LIANCE DATABASE E Applian nce Power (kW) Air con nditioner 1.50 Water pump p 4.00 1.80 Inductiion cooker 0.50 Lightin ng 1.00 Microw wave oven 0.20 Refrigeerator 0.50 Rice Co ooker 0.70 Water Boiler B 0.07 TV 0.06 PC 0.95 Quantity 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 PV arrayy Batteryy m 60 TABLE VII PARA AMETERS OF PSO ALGORITHM ω c1 c2 0.7 0.7 1.2 Lifetime (year) 20 5 g 100 method, the opptimal sizing Basedd on the propposed sizing m results ffor LOLP achieeving 1%, 2% and 5% are givven in Table VIII, givving a minimuum ACS of US$65,441, US$$60,324 and US$51,8883, respectiveely. A sennsitively analyysis is also connducted to proovide an indepth sttudy on the sizzing results by varying the nuumber of PV moduless given the fixxed number oof batteries (i.ee. = 23) and the correspondingg result is givenn in Table IX. The optimal % LOLP is givven by bold system configuration based on 2% m Table IX, it is observed thaat increasing letter in the table. From mber of PV moddules causes a conflicting ressult between the num the EEN NS and the E EEES. On one hand, it is reeasonable to observe that the EE ENS drop signnificantly withh increasing EEES is also number of PV modulees. On the othher hand, the E modules. increasinng with the nuumber of PV m TABLE VIIII OPTTIMAL SIZING RESU ULTS OF DIFFEREN NT RISK LEVELS USING PSO ALGORITHM M Ac ceptable LOLP 1% 2% 5% ∗ ∗ 125 120 112 26 23 18 A ACS(US$) 65,441 60,324 51,883 TABLE IX SEENSITIVITY ANALY YSIS OF VARYING NUMBER OF PV MODULES Number oof PV modules 130 100 110 140 120 EENS/y /year 235 2,557 1,142 122 493 (kWhh) EEES/yyear 3,753 635 5667 62 11,992 (kWhh) ACS (U US$) 62,9088 57,741 65,491 55,157 660,324 ARCS(U US$) 115,4644 101,905 137,399 137,725 1000,004 V VIII. CONCLU USION Figg. 6 Simulated load d profile for case study s ws a typical initial i capital cost, c replacem ment Table VI show coost, maintenancce cost and lifeetime of each component in the system based on generic cost reeference [3]. The T value of annd are assumed to be $32/kWh h and $12/kW Wh, resspectively. Theere are several parameters inv volved in the PSO P alggorithm such as a the number of o particles m, weighting facttors c1 and c2, the in nertia factor ω and the max ximum numberr of t values aree given in Table VII. iteerations g and their In thhis paper, we presented a sizing methodoology which includess stochastic moodels of solar rradiation and lload patterns for a sttand-alone PV V system usinng a chronologgical Monte Carlo siimulation methhod. A Markovv chain methodd to synthesis a time sseries weather data was propposed which iss essential to describee the intermiittent solar ppower outputss. We also presenteed a stochasticc load model too produce a m more realistic consump mption pattern for sizing stuudies. The optimal sizing objectivve was also deeveloped such that reliabilityy and system cost cann be considereed simultaneouusly. The propposed sizing framewoork was solvedd by a PSO alggorithm. We finnally applied the propposed framew work to a case study to dem monstrate the feasibiliity of the methhod. 7 IX. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the financial supports and valuable technical advices given by CLP Power HK and CLP Research Institute, particularly Messrs. Raymond Ho, C. C. Ngan and Dr. Jian Liang. X. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] L. Chaar, “Chapter 26 - Solar power conversion,” Power Electronics Handbook (Second Edition), pp. 661-672, 2007. W. Zhou, C. Z. Lou, Z. S. Li, L. Lu and H. X. Yang, “Current status of research on optimum sizing of stand-alone hybrid solar– wind power generation systems,” Applied Energy, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 380-389, Feb. 2010. H. X. Yang, W. Zhou, L. Lu and Z. H. Fang, “Optimal sizing method for stand-alone hybrid solar–wind system with LPSP technology by using genetic algorithm,” Solar Energy, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 354-367, Apr. 2008. A. Fragaki and T. 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Her areas of interest are power system operation, electricity sector deregulation, ancillary service pricing, and smart grid. John W M Cheng (M’99) received the B. Eng. from the University of Saskatchewan, M.Eng. and Ph.D. from McGill University. He is currently the Manager of Technology Research & Deployment of CLP Holdings based in Hong Kong. His research interests include load signature studies, Monte Carlo simulations, renewable energy technologies and smart grid applications. He is a P.Eng registered in Ontario and a member of HKIE, CIGRE and IERE.