Monitoring with Effect Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems Keith Presnell1 and Dave Turcotte2 1. Deputy Director, Northern Territory Centre for Energy Research Phone: 61-8-8946 6883, Facsimile : 61-8-8946 6993 AUSTRALIA 2. CANMET-Energy Diversification Research Laboratory Phone: +1 450-652-5572, Facsimile: +1 450-652-5177 CANADA Abstract Equitable assessment of the performance of "Stand Alone Systems" is complicated by configuration options, application possibilities, and cultural variables. Task III of the International Energy Agency’s Photovoltaic Power Systems sub-committee (IEA PVPS) is developing a monitoring manual, designed to facilitate fair comparison of system performances. The Manual, • • • provides a system classification that is based on an amalgam of system configuration and system application, recommends individual sets of performance monitoring parameters that reflect the use for which the data might be intended, and introduces quality management procedures for monitoring case study performances. Used correctly, the Manual will serve to improve computed data quality, simplify performance analyses and raise the level of confidence in the conclusions inferred from the data, especially for third parties. It is proposed that the guidelines be tested in the current Five Year Work Plan for Task III, via a series of case studies representing the system categories identified by the process. 1. Motivation and Background Prospective users of sustainable energy based systems usually require advice about which technology best suits their needs. More often than not, different system architectures, monitoring procedures and application specifics, so complicate comparisons between the performance of “isolated or stand alone” systems that they utterly confuse the technology capability issue. Third parties, interested in “sustainable energy” solutions, face claims and counterclaims about proprietary products, and are plied with an assortment of performance data, some derived from the maker’s specification, some measured in the field, but nearly all collected on a piecemeal basis without any form of quality control. The solution is to introduce sensible quality procedures and establish monitoring guidelines that provide for equitable comparison of system performance. The International Energy Agency, Photovoltaic Power Systems (IEA PVPS) latest Task III Work Plan registers the problem, and allocates substantial effort to minimising the difficulty. It provides that a monitoring manual be prepared with guidelines setting out how to equitably monitor system performance for a range of “stand alone” PV systems. The Guidelines effectively prescribe quality “entrance levels” for registering a case study on the IEA PVPS data-base, and in doing so they raise the level of confidence in the conclusions inferred from the data, especially for third parties. Monitoring with Effect: Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems Presenell & Turcotte Task III’s motivation is the need to be able to analyse the performance of a series of case studies to determine what comprises a successful, or conversely an unsuccessful, installation. To do this it requires a monitoring environment that is conducive to equitable comparison of system performance. It can then disseminate the information to industry and in doing so accelerate development of product improvements. 2. Objective • Task III’s objective with this initiative is to help establish a data-base from which the performance characteristics of “stand-alone” PV systems for different applications and operating environments can be equitably evaluated. • It is intended that analyses derived from the data will serve to guide potential investors in their choice of PV system, and help to ensure that available finance is used to best effect. 3. Approach Taken The approach taken was to categorise the types of stand alone systems that might be used, and in parallel generate monitoring guidelines designed to introduce industry quality procedures for acquiring performance data and there from extracting meaningful performance indicators. 3.1 System Categories: An amalgam of system application and system architecture was used to establish “stand alone” system categories. The primary objective was to limit the categories to the minimum number possible, given the need to ensure that performance assessments still provide for realistic comparison of system capabilities. A copy of the adopted categories is provided in Figure 1. They range from a simple Photovoltaic (PV) array delivering dc electricity directly to load, through to hybrid system configurations delivering ac electricity to load. A straight diesel generator category is also included to provide a datum against which the performance of various PV systems can be measured. The participating members of Task III have been asked to nominate case studies for any category where they believe they can “showcase” a technology. This does not preclude other agencies nominating a case study, but if they do, they will be required to nominate what level of monitoring would be undertaken, and to guarantee that quality monitoring procedures would be used in accordance with the draft Manual. Renewable Energy Transforming Business 759 Monitoring with Effect: Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems Presenell & Turcotte Figure 1. Classification for Stand-alone PV Systems System Configuration PV generator /dc load PV/Storage/ PV/storage/ Inverter Conventional appliances and tools PV/ engine ac hybrids (Restricted supply) (conventional demand) Other Hybrid configurations eg dc engine generators and/or other RE’s Engine generator sets (conventional demand) Notes: Typical Application Water pumping & treatment. Eutectic refrigerators Code Primary demand Battery charging Back up provision PV1 PV generation supply of dc electricity PV2 Stored energy PV Generation Stored energy Additional battery capacity invert electricity from storage to ac PV3 Stored energy PV generation Stored energy Additional battery capacity Primary ac electricity from generator PV4 PV Generation Excess PV Generation Stored energy Additional battery capacity Stored energy PV generation Stored energy Engine generator set Stored energy Engine generator set ac electricity from storage NA Peaking power NA Case Study reference C/kWh % user satisfaction NA PVH1 Primary ac electricity from RE generation PVH2 PV generation Excess PV Generation Battery storage & Primary ac electricity from diesel gen-set. PVH3 Gen set Gen set Parallel variations as above PV1a, PVH1a etc All electricity generated as ac. D1 All electricity generated as ac. D2 N/A Engine generator set or multiple sets Gen set NA Covered by set sizing Nil, or portable emergency engine generator, or tractor mounted welder etc Gen set NA Multiple sets Multiple sets Primary demand is the electricity dispatched to the user but not including battery recharging. Peaking power is the electricity required to meet daily peak demands. Backup provision is the provision made for maintaining the service during periods when there is insufficient output from the renewable energy components of the system to meet demand. Renewable Energy Transforming Business 761 Monitoring with Effect: Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems Presenell & Turcotte NOTES ACCOMPANYING FIGURE 1 It was found necessary to include system application as well as configuration as a basis for the categorisation. This resulted in eight typical categories and two atypical categories. Of the two atypical categories, one covers straight diesel generators and was included to provide a performance base line to work from. The other provides the classification system with the flexibility needed to accommodate the range of possible hybrid configurations where the PV is hybridised with other renewable energy resources. PV1: This is the simplest of systems, where PV output goes directly to a dc load. For example water pumping. PV2: Take PV1 and add the facility for storing electricity (battery and regulator) to arrive at category PV2. The storage component is used to provide electricity on a 24h/day basis, which is why it warrants a separate category. Solar home systems are an example of PV2 . PV3: This category, which includes an inverter, facilitates performance measurement to determine the differences between systems supplying a dc load and systems that supply ac power. The system is configured to meet demand via the battery storage system. Under normal operating circumstances this configuration would only be used for smaller demands. PV4: With this configuration, PV input is dispatched directly to load via the inverter. Output from the PV in excess of the demand, is used to charge the batteries. This configuration is more typical of large PV systems where efficient use of the PV power is a significant consideration. PVH1: The next category steps up to a hybrid configuration. Again demand is met by power from the batteries. The typical application for this configuration is a small remote site where the variable load impacts negatively on diesel set maintenance costs and fuel transport is expensive. The battery storage plus PV capacity needs to be sufficient to meet daytime demands ideally leaving the diesel to charge the batteries in a few hours coinciding with peak demand, ideally placing a steady, 80% load on the diesel over that period. PVH2: As demand increases, the configuration outlined for PVH1 becomes less attractive due to battery power leading to excessive system efficiency losses. Under these circumstances the PV, is configured to feed directly to load, and in conjunction with battery charging duties for the diesel generator when it would otherwise be lightly loaded, it serves to reduce the load fluctuations that otherwise cause a problem with diesel maintenance. The diesel set can then be down sized to better match the base load. At night when demand falls, the diesel can be closed down so that it is not operating under-loaded, and the smaller demand is able to be carried via the batteries. PVH3: In large diesel systems with a demand curve that exhibit a temperature related peak, PV capacity can be added to meet that peak, In this configuration, the diesel set/s carry the base load 24 hours a day. This configuration does not require a storage battery, and strategically, it is the most commercially prospective of all PV power generation configurations. PVa: This is the first of the atypical categories. It is included to cover the range of hybrid configurations that may develop as other renewable energy sources such as wind are used in conjunction with PV’s. D1 & D2: Straight diesel generators are the second atypical category. There are two configurations, the single diesel or “lighting plant” system, and the multiple-set diesel power station. Renewable Energy Transforming Business 762 Monitoring with Effect: Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems Presenell & Turcotte 3.2 Preparation of the Monitoring Guidelines: A review of existing data-bases holding data from “stand-alone” PV systems, quickly established that in the main, performance capability is usually taken directly from the system manufacturer’s specification, and cases where system performance had been measured in a scientific manner over time, are rare. The review also confirmed that the scope and form of data provided in a manufacturer’s specification varied between products and brand names, frustrating comparisons thereof. Planning for the Activities included in the Task III Workplan soon highlighted the need for reliable performance data. However, the logistics of monitoring a case studies for the range of data that might be needed, while maintaining consistent quality throughout the exercise, is daunting. The solution was to prepare a set of monitoring guidelines arranged so that the data needs of the various end users was prescribed as a series of discrete data sets. This enables the Project Manager to nominate the type of monitoring that they considered relevant for their purposes up front, and in the process eliminate any parameters extraneous to their needs. Thus, the concept of monitoring Guidelines evolved to include seven discrete data sets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General. Quality measures. Commercial performance indicators. System performance modelling/analysis. Battery storage performance. Appliance performance evaluation.. User adaptation to technology In addition to providing guidelines for collecting data, the Manual will: • • • • • Include valuable information about methodology and the techniques of quality monitoring. Provide a description of the different types of sensors, data acquisition systems and associated hardware to help guide those planning to monitor a new system. Provide tips and tricks to help avoid common pitfalls associated with monitoring. Address reporting procedure to minimise it as a source of interpretive error and loss of valuable information. Provide a system “Key” to link third party needs with the classification system 3.3 The Key: Section 3 of the Manual includes a key that can be used to determine which of the identified PV system categories is most appropriate for a given situation. Once a prospective user is aware of the category that best suits their needs, they can refer to the appropriate case study/s to determine what performance they might expect. The performance of each case study listed will have been monitored in accordance with one or more sets of monitoring parameters. These sets are described in section 2 of the Manual. The person/company nominating a case study for the data base will, up front, be required to nominate which of the data sets they intend using for their performance monitoring. This process is intended to simplify comparison of the performance of different systems. Renewable Energy Transforming Business 763 Monitoring with Effect: Performance Evaluation of Stand Alone, PV Systems 4. Presenell & Turcotte Conclusions • Although the Monitoring Manual is primarily oriented to the needs of Task III for a coherent framework for its activities, it will also be useful for external bodies. Essentially, the “attraction” for a Project Manager considering whether or not to offer a case study as an IEA reference project, is that prospective investors will demand access to quality-managed data as soon as they realise it is available. This means that a case study that has qualified for inclusion on the database will be exposed in a positive manner to those considering investing in sustainable energy technology. • Provision of a commercial electricity supply using renewables is a recent advance. Being new, there is a need to convince the “establishment” of its performance capabilities. To date, most demonstrations in Developing Countries have been less than impressive, with the process being characterised by parallel lessons in perpetuity. The answer is to accumulate experience and use it as a springboard to better performance. • The Task III Monitoring Manual is the first step in this direction. I urge you all to support the initiative and commit to the second step, which is capacity building • Introducing quality measures to performance monitoring will help to establish international performance benchmarks for the industry. In turn, this will help focus efforts to mature the competencies and depth of industry capabilities needed to position renewable energy comfortably in the mainstream of international commerce. Renewable Energy Transforming Business 764