RfP Identification No. No.APDCL/RAPDRP/DC/CAMC/01 dated 08-04-2016 Request for Proposal 24x7x365 Operation and Maintenance and providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Services of Basic Infrastructure at North-East Common Data Centre for Power Utilities t ASEB Campus, Dwarandha, Sixmile, Guwahati for 2 (two) years. Last Date of submission of Bid is 29-04-2016 at 01:30 PM Assam Power Distribution Company Limited, 6th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati Assam 781001 INDIA e-mail: no.rapdrp@gmail.com Phone: +91- 361- 2739979 Fax: +91- 361- 2739540 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) NOTICE INVITING TENDER NIT No. APDCL/R-APDRP/DC /CAMC/01 Date: 08-04-2016 Date of Pre Bid Meeting Last date/ time of receipt of Bids Date/ time of opening of Technical Bids 22-04-2016 01:30 PM 29-04-2016 at 01:30 PM 29-04-2016 at 02:00 PM Objective Cost of Bid Document (in Rs) Rs 5000/- No.APDCL/RAPDRP/DC/CAMC/01 dated 08-04-2016 NIT No. EMD (in Rs) Rs 2,00,000/- The Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL on behalf of Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd hereby invites sealed tenders from experienced and financially sound firm(s) for24x7x365 Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure of North East Common Data Centre at ASEB Campus, Dwarandha, Sixmile, Guwahati for a period of 2(two) years. The bid document will be available on APDCL website www.apdcl.gov.in. changes in the Bid Schedule, corrigendum etc. shall be notified on the APDCL website. (i) 24x7x365 Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure (ii) Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract at North East Common Data Centre for Power Utilities Location: Data Centre,ASEB Complex, Dwarandha, Sixmile, Guwahati Period: 2 years Bid document can also be obtained from the office of the undersigned by paying the cost of bid document in the form of a/c payee Bank Draft/ Banker‟s Cheque (non-refundable) duly pledged in favour of “Assam Power Distribution Company Limited” payable at Guwahati. The Cost of bid document should be submitted prior to the Pre-Bid Meeting to qualify for participation in the Pre-Bid meeting . The bidders have to submit the EMD amount as per the chart above in the shape of a/c payee Bank Draft/Banker‟s Cheque/ Bank Guarantee/ Fixed Deposit from Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled Bank duly pledged in favour of “Assam Power Distribution Company Limited” payable at Guwahati with a validity of 6 (six) months from the date of submission of the bid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any/all bids without assigning any reason thereof and to accept any bid or part of which is advantageous to APDCL and to award the contract to one Bidder. Sd/ Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-01 -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 1 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT: 1. Introduction: North East common Data Centre houses all computer servers and related equipments for the IT initiatives that have been undertaken under R-APDRP (RestructuredAccelerated Power Development and Reforms Program) project. R-APDRP is a GoI‟s initiative to reform Power Distribution Sector during the XIth Plan. The Data Centre provides IT related services to the power utilities of all the North Eastern States. It also provides continuous availability of all network services for smooth running of all modules. 2. Invitation of bids for the following works: Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure and providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Services Contract at North East Common Data Centre for Power Utilities . 3. Dates for bid submission: The dates of the NIT are fixed as follows: a. Date of floating of NIT : 08-04-2016 b. Date of Pre bid meeting : 22-04-2016 c. Last date of submission of bid : 29-04-2016 (1:30 PM) d. Date of opening of technical bid : 29-04-2016 (2:30 PM) 4. Bid Validity: The bids will remain valid for a minimum period of 180 days from the last date of submission of Bid. 5. Cost of bid document: Rs. 5000.00 (Rupees five thousand only). 6. Bid-Guarantee or Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Rs. 2(two) lakhs only 7. Place of Opening of Bids/ Address for communication : RAPDRP CELL O/o The Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL 6th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-01 8. Qualifying Requirements: The Bidder must meet the following conditions: 8.1 Financial Capability: As per last Audited Annual Accounts, the combined income from Operations and Maintenance of Tier-3 Data Centre and providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Tier-3 Data Centre operations only must not be less than Rs 40 (forty) lacs at the end of last financial year. 8.2 Technical Capability: -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 2 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) (i) 24x7x365 Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure (ii) Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract at North East Common Data Centre for Power Utilities 2 Years Mandatory Experience The bidder should have atleast one project experience in similar type of work and having credential for successfully carrying out Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure of a Tier-3 Data Centre and providing comprehensive maintenance services specifically in a power utility organisation(excluding their in-house O&M of Data Center or ownInternet Disaster Recovery Center for commercial use) which meets the following requirements during the last three (3) years: a. An order value of not less than Rs 20 lacs. b. Valid ISO 9001:2001 certification and valid ISO 14001:2004 certification is mandatory. Mandatory Requirement The bidder must have on its roll at least 3 CDCP (Certified Data Center professional) or 3 CDCS (Certified Data Center Specialist). Issuance of bid documents will not be construed to mean that such bidders are automatically considered qualified. Tender document will not be sent by post. APDCL reserves the right to reject any bid or part thereof or all bids received at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. Lack of experience of the bidders will render the bid liable for rejection. The certificates should form a part of the techno-commercial bid. 8.3 The Bidder must not be involved in any litigation with ASEB/ or any successor company of ASEB. The Bidder should submit a declaration to that effect. 8.4 The Bidder should submit an undertaking that the Bidder is not blacklisted by any utility. Parties Black listed in any utilities are barred from participating in the bid and even if they do so, they shall be disqualified. 8.5 The Bidder shall furnish latest VAT registration / Composite Registration / Service Tax Registration certificate / Employee‟s Provident Fund Registration etc. along with valid Labour Registration etc. and Income TAX / VAT / WCT Clearance Certificate. 8.6 The Bidder shall furnish copy of their PAN Card. The card must be in the name of the firm if the Bidder is a firm. If it is a joint venture, copy of PAN Card of all the partners must be submitted. 8.7 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified if they have: Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the qualification requirements, and / or Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completions, litigation history, or financial failures etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 3 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) 8.8 Manpower Requirement: For daily operation of the O&M contact, the vendor must provide atleast 8(eight) nos. of technically qualified persons on shift basis for 24x7x365 days in addition to atleast 1 (one) no. of supervisor with a qualification of not less than Diploma Engineering. 8.9 Must have back-end agreement with all major OEMs regarding technical support and supply of spare parts as and when required. 9 Submission of bid: The Bidder shall submit the bid in a sealed envelope containing two separate sealed envelopes as follows: Envelope I: Techno-commercial bid Envelope II: Price bid Following information must be written on these two envelopes: a) Name of Bidder with full address. b) “Techno-Commercial bid with earnest money” for envelope I , and “Price bid” for envelope II c) NIT reference number. Envelope I for Techno-commercial bid will include vendor‟s scope of work, qualification and number of persons to be deployed at site , responsibilities, guarantees, commercial terms and conditions, vendor‟s company credentials, experience of similar assignments, registration details, etc. as per requirement. A brief technical plan is to be submitted for carrying out the O&M works for 2 (two) years. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Earnest money as stipulated above should be submitted with the Techno-Commercial bid in the form of Bank Draft/ Bank Guarantee/ Fixed Deposit from Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank pledged in favour of “ ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED, Guwahati1” with a validity period of 180 days. Any bid without earnest money will be rejected outright. The earnest money will be released to the unsuccessful bidders on finalization of the bids. The EMD to the successful Bidder will be released on submission of Performance Bank Guarantee. All proposals should be submitted in one original and 3 (three) copies along with 1 (one) soft copy. N.B – A bid without the required documents and insufficient information may be considered as technically non-responsive bid. Envelope II for Price bid will include rates for carrying out 24x7x365 Operations and Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure and Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) at Data Centre -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 4 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) for 2 (two) years. Quoted rates should be firm and inclusive of all taxes. However the taxes if any should be shown separately in addition. Both the envelopes should be placed in a bigger envelope duly sealed, super scribing: --- Name of Bidder, --- NIT reference no. and --- addressed to the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL 6th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-01 Note: a. If there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and total price should be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between the words and figures, the amount in words should prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors as above, that bid will be rejected and the amount of bid guarantee/security will be forfeited. b. No separate declaration offering discount on price will be allowed. Offered price in the price schedule will be final. 10 Terms & Conditions: 10.1 Quoted rates should be firm and inclusive of all taxes and duties. Quoted rates must be valid for a minimum of 180 days. 10.2 There will be pre-bid discussion with the intending bidders on the date and time notified in the NIT in the office of the undersigned regarding terms and conditions and scope of work. 10.3 The bid should be submitted to RAPDRP CELL, Office of the Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan , Guwahati and will be opened on the scheduled date & time in presence of the intending bidders. 10.4 APDCL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid in part or in full or spilt the work or cancel/withdraw the Notice Inviting Tender without assigning any reason thereof whatsoever and in such case, no Bidder/ intending Bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action. 10.5 One single agreement will be signed with the successful Bidder for the work. 10.6 In case of a joint venture firm, the relevant deed in support of joint venture such as an agreement duly registered or certified by Notary must be submitted along with the bid. In absence of such documents, the tender from a joint venture firm shall be rejected. 11. Overview of North East Common Data Centre -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 5 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) North East Common Data Centre for Power Utilities has been designed on standard architecture which includes the Basic Infrastructure and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Infrastructure covering an area of approximately 6000 sq ft located at Sixmile,Guwahati-22. The item wise details of the Basic Infrastructure available at NE Data Centre has been described in this section and documented with their make/ model, capacity and quantity in Annexure I for information. The existing physical areas of the Data Centre includesa. Server room. b.Electrical room-I. c.Electrical room-II. d.NOC room. e.Staging room. f. Customer Care Centre g.SCADA/DMS centre h.DG Set area (outdoor area) i.Compact Sub-station (CSS) j.Common area of the Data centre . 11.1 Precision Air Conditioning (PAC) The system is designed to provide precision air-conditioning so as to maintain a temperature of (22+1)oC and (24+1)oC dry bulb temperature at Server Room and Electrical Room respectively at 50% relative humidity with a tolerance of +/- 5% in relative humidity, under maximum ambient condition of 40.5oC Dry Bulb and 28.3oC Wet Bulb, without formation of hot pocket zone in any part of the airconditioned rooms. Specifications: Sl No. 1. 2. Item PAC (8.5T) PAC (6.5T) Description Make: Emerson, PEX 130 EC With ICOM, 8.5 T Make: Emerson, PEX 125 EC With ICOM, 6.5T Quantity 8 nos. Location Server Room 4 nos. Electrical Room 1 & 2 11.2 Comfort and Ductable Air- Conditioners For Comfort air-conditioning, the system design shall be such as to maintain a temperature between 24.4oC to 25.5oC / 23.3oC dry bulb temperature at 55% relative humidity with a tolerance of +/5% in relative humidity under same ambient. Specifications: -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 6 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Sl No. 1. 2. 3. Item Description Quantity Location Comfort AC (2 T) Comfort AC (1.5T) Ductable AC (5.5T) Make: Blue Star. Make: Blue Star. Make: Blue Star. 4 nos. 8 nos. 3 nos. Spread across DataCentre Customer Care Centre 11.3 Electrical System and Equipment OPERATIONAL LOGIC OF POWER SUPPLY The data centre power supply is from 2(two) nos 1MVA Compact Sub-Stations for lighting,power and HVAC loads in addition to IT loads through UPS. The standby power also has 2 numbers of 625 KVA DG Sets for entire load which work in parallel fashion with auto synchronising facility. In normal condition, both the transformers shall remain charged and share load. Failure of supply from either of the loaded transformers will lead to automatic transfer of total load to the next transformer. When there is loss of power from both the transformer sources, one of the DG sets (which was not operative last time) shall start immediately. In the event of failure of the stated DG, the next DG will start if there is still failure of power from both transformers. Upon restoration of any Transformer Power, the changeover from DG power to Main Power will be automatically done by the AMF panel by switching off the DG set after a specified period of time. The Intelligent Micro-controller of the AMF Panel maintains the logic of such load management and operational sequence. This AMF cum synchronizing panel is given total manual override to take care of unexpected failure of auto start. The entire electrical power distribution for Data Centre provides dual distribution path so that there is no Single Point of Failure [SPOF] available from the LT panels to IT Equipments. So all elements of the electrical systems, including backup system, are typically fully duplicated, and critical servers are connected to both the "A-side" and "B-side" power feeds so as to achieve N+1 Redundancy in the systems. The power distribution is designed for a 24 hour/365 day operation and for 100 % uptime. DG Sets: The standby power also has 2 numbers of 625 KVA DG Sets for entire load which work in parallel fashion with auto synchronising facility as mentioned in the above section. Specifications: Make : Jackson Model : JSP-625 Capacity: 625KVA Date of manufacture: 07-06-2012 Control type: Powercom (Cummins) Fuel capacity : 800 litres (diesel) Battery: 12V, 100AH (2nos) Engine make: Cummins Engine model: CJ625D5P Full load current: 870 Amps (0.8pf) Voltage: 415V, 3 Phase Frequency: 50Hz RPM : 1500 -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 7 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Quantity: 2nos. Location: Outdoor AMF cum Synchronizing Panel for DG sets: The AMF cum synchronizing panel controls the DG sets operational sequence along with load management with the following operational logic and related feature: While the GRID supply is healthy, the Diesel Generating set is at rest and load is supplied directly by the grid through grid circuit breaker. The 415V 3Ph, 4wire supply, tapped from line on the side of incomer, is fed as input to the AMF panel. The status of the supply is monitored by the U/V relay provided in the AMF panel. When the Grid voltage fails or drops below a certain pre-set value, the automatic control system gives a starting signal to the diesel generator set after ensuring the grid CB at 415v is off. As soon as the alternator set reaches its operating speed & rated voltage,then a signal shall be generated by the D.G control panel to close the DG incomer CB at 415V . A maximum of three attempts of starting facility for the DG set is provided and in case the diesel engine fails to start & reach its operating speed with in stipulated time, as per DG set characteristic, the feature automatically locks out the operation of DG set and further operation of DG set is prevented in both auto & manual condition. This lockout signal is given to a hooter, indication lamp with rest button and two potential free contacts. When the main supply is restored to normal value for at least one minute then a suitable signal is generated which closes the Main supply ACB automatically and open the DG supply ACB. The DG set has thus reverted to its standby condition and will only start when the mains fail again. Selector switch shall be provided with selection of Auto/ Manual feature. The panel has all necessary relays, devices etc. for operating the DG in Auto Synchronising mode with necessary facility for sharing the loads automatically in each DG and performing the synchronising through relays. This also has the facility such that in case Auto Synchronising fails, manual synchronising can be done. The sensing to start the DG under Transformer/Grid source failure is with Auto Mains fail feature. The load sharing is done with load controllers, which should be settable for each DG independently and give the command to start the DG after one DG reaches particular set load. Specifications: Make: Jackson Type: 2x625KVA DG GCU based Auto Synch and Auto load sharing Panel with load management. Voltage: 415 V, 3 phase Frequency: 50Hz Quantity: 1no. Location: Outdoor The following Electrical Panels are installed in Data Centre: Sl No. Item Description Quantity Location -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 8 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) 1 Main LT Panel 2 Utility Panel 3 4 Precision Air Conditioner Panel PDU Panel 5 Customer Care Panel Make: L S Power Control, 1000Amps, 3Phase, 415V Make: L S Power Control, 400Amps Make: L S Power Control, 400Amps Make: L S Power Control, 200KVA Make: L.S Power Control, 125Amps 2 Nos. Electrical Room -1 and 2 1 No. Electrical Room -1 2 Nos. Electrical Room -1 and 2 2 Nos. Server Room 1 No. Customer Care Centre The following Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)s are installed in the Data Centre. Sl No. 1 Item Description Quantity Location Automatic Transfer Switch Make:Emerson Neutral Power (ASC07000),1000Amps, 3Phase,415V 2 Nos Electrical Room -1 and 2 o One annual inspection, cleaning, calibration and testing of ATS. o De-energize the switchgear. COMPACT SUB-STATIONS (33/0.4 KV,1MVA CSS) The main power supply of the Data Centre is fed from 2(two) numbers 33/0.4 KV,1MVA CSS. These CSS are presently connected in load sharing fashion with a plan to commission a change-over switch for them which will enable the entire Data Centre load to be transferred to one of the CSS in case of failure of the other. Specifications: Make: ABB Year of Manufacture : 2014 Type: CSS-SN:7.12 HV Switch Gear : 33KV, 630A LV Switch Gear: 433V, 1600A Quantity: 2 nos. Location: Outdoor UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLIES (UPS) 2(two) numbers 160KVA Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) (3Ph,415V,Make: Eaton) provides 3 phase/ Neutral AC to the Server Racks only through a 4 wire power system. The UPS are fully redundant with N+1 configuration. The back-up time is at least 30 minutes on full load operation during which alternative feed must be provided to the input power from either of the available two DG set power backup sources. The battery sets for the each UPS consist of -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 9 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) 240(Two hundred and forty) nos. of 2V,600AH, Exide make SMF batteries. The power to these UPSs are fed through 2(two)nos. 180KVA Isolation Transformers (3Ph,415V,Make: Voltex Power Tech) Apart from the above 160KVA UPSs, another 2(two) nos 20KVA UPSs provide power to emergency lighting, Customer Care Centre computers etc. The battery set for these 2(two) UPSs consist of 30(thirty)nos. 12V,42AH,Exide(Powersafe)SMF batteries. Power to these 20KVA UPSs are fed through 2(two) nos. 25KVA Isolation Transformers (3Ph,415V, Make:Voltex Power Tech). 11.4 ) HONEYWELL’S ENTERPRISE BUILDING INTEGRATOR SYSTEM: Honeywell‟s EBI system takes care of a building‟s security management, building management, and fire monitoring etc. It is a one-window, web enabled system that allows to control everything from HVAC, lighting, and energy, to life safety and security sub-system etc. While EBI is generally used in a wide range of applications, here it is used as an application for the Data Center building management system comprising of the under stated sub-systems. It is fully integrated with Microsoft Windows with industry networking standards and is based around a client server architecture maintaining a real-time database that provides information to local or network based clients. The description of the various sub –systems in use are as below: Security Manager (Access Control System): Security Manager option provide a way of ensuring the security of people, locations and intellectual property. Its comprehensive approach to access control and security accommodates all security requirements including: Efficient management of cardholder details. Provides flexibility to maintain different levels of security for areas with the same facilities. Access card design and creation. Comprehensive control and monitoring of all card holders at site, including shift management, guard tour, and visitor management. It provides an effective screening of people who desire to access facilities and the areas within it Prompt, intelligent alarms at central location, including operator response instructions and dead man timer. Provides ability to respond quickly & effectively to alter the security levels within the facility. Specific system objective is basically Access Control i.e. prevention of unauthorized entry in to specific controlled/restricted areas. The system consist of a central controller called AXISS-II and different sub-controllers for individual door interfaced to the EBI PC in the BMS room, which acts as a Centralized Monitoring & Control station for Access Control. The AXISS-II Controller sits over LAN. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 10 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Sl Name of the Equipment Qty Location 1 Access Control Panel-Honeywell 7 BMS Room 2 Bio-metric Card Reader 2 Server Room & NOC Room 3 Proximity Car Reader 12 Spread out in the Data Center 4 Emergency Door Release 5 NOC Room, BMS Room, CC Room, Server Room, Staging Room Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Application: Honeywell Digital Video Manager is a CCTV application that combines the advantages of digital video recording with the WEB and Networking technologies. It can be configured so that it initiates recordings in response to EBI alarms and events. Operators can also switch between EBI and the DVM displays in a seamless manner. The system basically uses HD-16DVR-D that encompasses the following features: Real-time Surveillance: Real-time video on monitors or computers via analog video output, VGA ports and HDMI ports. 16 video input and various layout options of the video windows. Display recording status and video events on the video window Check system logs on local machines and IE client. Record and Play: Multiple operations-search, playback, online surveillance and video download while recording. Various recording modes-manual, scheduled, alarm, motion detection etc. Prerecord on video detection and external alarm. Videos stored on DVR playback facility via the network. Quick Video search with various playback speeds. Alarm: 16-channel external alarm inputs. External alarm detecting devices include smoke sensors, infrared sensors, temperature sensors etc. PTZ Control: Twisted Pair RS 485 communication to PTZ and decoders -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 11 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) PTZ protocols to control the PTZ and decoders. Network Operations: Remote real-time surveillance PTZ control Playback, search and download video recordings Configure system settings and upgrade the firmware Handle alarms and view system log remotely with user password management. Sn Name of the Equipment 1 CCTV Cameras 2 DVR Make Qty Location Honeywell 13 Spread out in the Data Center 1 BMS Room FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: The fire detection and alarm system consist of multi criteria smoke detector, manual call points, control relay modules, fault isolator modules and response indicators. It comprises primarily initiating devices & output devices. Thus in the event of any fire condition and depending on the type of fire condition like smoke and type of the detector employed in the affected area, the same is reported to the central fire alarm panel which will trigger the hooters of the concerned area. Further by pulling the manual pull stations, the panel will be notified of a fire condition and accordingly will drive sounding devices or trigger and actuation if applicable. Notification of all these conditions will be provided at the fire alarm panel and the logs of the same will be stored in the CPU of the fire alarm panel. The system at APDCL DC consist of XLS-200 controller connected to intelligent detectors, manual call points, fault isolator module, monitor module, control relay modules, response indicators and hooters. In this system every individual detector/module is in continuous communication with the controller panel and transmits alarm/normal status as per value of the surround smoke content (smoke), status of potential free contact (MCP) along with their address and type. The panel receives the information and depending on the value the panel reports the appropriate condition such as Fire, Pre-Alarm, trouble etc. The threshold value for the alarm and pre-alarm can be set for individual detectors from the panel. Sn Name of the Equipment Make Qty 1 Fire Alarm Panel XLS-200 Honeywell 1 7 nos for Server room and Electrical -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 12 2 NOVEC Fire Suppression System NITIN Fire Protection ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Room-1 and 2 3 Portable Fire Extinguisher (5kg)- KANEX ABC Type 8 nos spread out in the Data Centre PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: It is a system required for a facility where general as well as selective annunciation is to be made. A building or a facility is divided in to a number of zones and accordingly announcements can be made in particular zone. In APDCL, Data Center Infrastructure the ground and the first floors are provided with PAS with loud speakers in different zones. The call stations and microphones are placed in the BMS room in the ground floor. The Public Address system zone controller is having a trigger input ports which are normally open type. Upon receipt of alarm input from control relay modules of fire alarm system, pre-recorded alarm message is activated and played in all zones. The alarm message has the highest priority and will over write any ongoing manual annunciation. The components of PAS includes the following: 6W wall or roof mounted speakers-LDB 0606 & LBD 3902, 15W wall mounted speakers- LBD 3921, 30W Horn speaker-LBC 3493. Zone controller- used for zone selection Amplifier- required as per the number of speakers Desk mounted call station including zone selection keypad. Sn Name of the Equipment Make Qty Location 1 Plena Voice Alarm System Bosch 1 BMS Room 2 Speakers Bosch 22 Spread out in the Data Center VESDA ASPIRATION SYSTEM: The Aspiration System is capable of detecting smoke at low obscuration levels. This enables detection of smoke at the incipient stage. The Aspiration system incorporates a network of pipes, supporting devices. It is versatile modular system that meets the specific requirements. It is broadly divided into: o Pipe Network. o Laser Detectors. The Aspiration system incorporates a network of pipes with sampling holes continuously collecting air samples from the area being protected. The sample air in the pipe network is drawn to the detector by a high efficiency aspirator. The detector can detect minute concentrations of smoke, this is expressed as percentage obscuration per meter or foot. If smoke is detected it is reported through the CPU card to the -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 13 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) display assigned to the detector. The detector can be configured to raise alarms at different levels. The area covered by the Aspiration System is the Server Room in the Data Center. SN Equipment Name Make Location 1 VESDA System-1 Honeywell Server Room 2 VESDA System-2 Honeywell Server Room WATER LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEM: Water leak detection and alarm systems are increasingly critical in areas, where an unnoticed water leakage could cause major damage, disruption to services and subsequent loss of assets. As the heating and cooling services modern buildings like Data Center gets more complex specially with the installation of Precision ACs, leak detection systems are becoming an increasingly essential part of the overall control, monitoring and alarm package with simultaneous and subsequent restoration of the abnormal situations to normal condition. Water leak detection is installed in sensitive and critical areas like Server room, Power room etc to give early warning of leakage from any source, e.g. pipes, tanks, and air conditioning plants. Water sensing detection cable is connected to control panels. This technology can detect any conductive fluid, not just water. With this intelligent cable sensor single or multiple water leaks can be detected in a specific area or areas in conjunction with a dedicated start of line interface or control panel. Buildings typically divide a visible area into several zones and monitor each zones using an Saini multi-zone control panel. The sensing cable is placed on the floor or sub-floor around the potential leak sources, with each cable monitoring one zone. If water or conductive liquids contact the cable anywhere along its length, the control panel annunciates the water leak alarm and indicates in which zone the leak is located. Sn Name of the Equipment Make 1 Water Leak Detection Panel Honeywell Qty Location 2 BMS Road There are in total 8 zones distributed in the server room area in the Data Center infrastructure of APDCL. RODENT REPELLENT SYTEM: The system installed in DC, APDCL is an Ultrasonic Rodent Repellent system for pest control in the Server Room. The powerful sound waves generated by the satellites of VHFO Model are within hearing range of many pests. The satellite units are connected to the main console and do not need a separate power connection. The Rodent Repellent System consists of: o Master Console (VHFO Model): The master console is installed in the main control room/ server room from where it can drive up to a maximum of 12 satellite units. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 14 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) o Transducer: These are electronic transmitters of high frequency sound waves (well above 20 KHz frequency which is upper hearing range limit of the human ear). They emit intensive sound at high decibel levels (sound pressure) that is audible and painful to pests though inaudible and harmless to humans. The pests usually leave the area being protected by the ultrasound. Sn Name of the Equipment Make 1 Honeywell Rodent Repellent System Qty 4 Location Server Room, Power Room, BMS Room & CC 12.SCOPE OF WORK 12 (I) Providing 24X7 Operation and Maintenance For daily operation of the O&M contact, the vendor must provide atleast 8(eight) nos. of technically qualified persons on shift basis for 24x7x365 days in addition to atleast 1 (one) supervisor with a qualification of not less than Diploma Engineering. i. 24*7 *365 Operation and Maintenance of Data Centre Infrastructure ii. Manpower Personnel to be deputed in Alternate Shifts for Smooth Operation of 24*7 iii. All Service and Support/Maintenance related activity will be as Per the terms of the SLA iv. Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly Uptime Reports to be submitted to APDCL v. To ensure availability of the Data Centre (DC) Infrastructure like Power, Cooling, CCTV, Access Control, Smoke/ Fire detection and Suppression system and other peripheral equipment installed at the Data centre. vi. To carry out the Preventive & reactive maintenance of Data Centre (DC) infrastructure/ components including carrying out the necessary repairs and replacements of parts wherever needed to keep the service & operation levels of the DC Infrastructure in tune with the requirements of the SLA. 12 (II) Scope of Services for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) Note: Uptime is defined as overall DATA CENTER uptime. Provide maintenance of all the critical systems and as per PM schedule. Provide the technical solutions / suggestions based on the existing electrical set up. Where the repair work has impact or risk of services interruption, escalate immediately to APDCL to schedule appropriate time for carrying out the necessary corrective actions. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 15 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Provide a single point of contact and comprehensive name list of all CAMC personnel. This list will include full contact details and shall be checked and updated on a quarterly basis (If any changes happen). CAMC vendor wills point out to APDCL any entry channels observed (for pests /lizards/ rats/insects etc) to prevent such pests from entering into the protected areas where sensitive equipments are commissioned. 12 II (A). MAINTENANCE OF HONEYWELL SYSTEMS FOR DATA CENTRE AREA-(PM visit ¬QUARTERLY BASIS). a. Checking & cleaning up of Smoke Detectors. Replacement, repair if required. b. Checking for operation of entire Fire Alarm System. Items related to FAS will be repaired, replaced if required. c. Checking for operation of entire Rodent Repellant System. Repair, replacement, if required. d. Checking of functionality of Hooters, Manual Call Points. Repair, replacement if required. e. Checking & Cleaning of Cameras & the systems associated with it. Repair, replacement of spares if required. f. Checking up of operation of Water Leak Detection System. Repair, replacement, if required. g. Give the operational feedback report quarterly basic of BMS system. h. Checking of VESDA filter and replacement, as and when required. i. Repair, replacement of BMS system related panel batteries, PCB‟s as and when required. EXCLUSIONS: New version BMS software up gradation, If required. If the discharge is due to fire in the Data Center and areas related to NOVEC discharge area, then refilling of Fire Suppression (NOVEC or FM 200) gas is not covered under current scope. However ,if the discharge is due to leakage from the cylinders owing to poor maintenance or due to any other reason except for discharge due to fire ,then refilling will be covered as a part of the scope of work. RESPONSE TIME: Telephonic response will be immediate, for site intervention Max 12 -18 hours hours from call login. 12 II (B). MAINTENANCE OF DG & AMF PANELS (PM visit -QUARTERLY BASIS). a. Quarterly preventive maintenance visits for Engine Alternator, Panel Board, and Synchronizing Panel. b. B – Check will be done after 300 hrs or after every 6 months whichever is earlier. c. Supply of all maintenance consumables for B -Check, and lube oil including top up, Air filters alignment as when required. d. Repair and replacement of Water hoses, Fuel pipe, fan belts, safety, sensor, gauges, diodes, fuses, lamps, lugs, for engine Alternator & Control Panel, AMF & Synchronizing Panel, Air filters as and when required. e. If possible repairing will be done multiple times but replacement will be done one time of PCC Unit, Self starter, Battery, charging Alternator, Battery Charger, and AVR. f. To carryout periodic maintenance, troubleshoot in engine, alternator and control panel. g. Ensuring service levels agreed in the contract. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 16 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) h. Check the conditions of motors shaft & belts. Repair and replacement if required. i. Cleaning of radiator fins, water separator will be done as and when required. j. Coolant top up will be done as when required. k. Battery terminal will be checked, repaired and replaced as and when required. l. Battery Clamp, External gasket will be checked, repaired and replaced as and when required. m. Repair and replacement of External Rubber O rings or Gasket, Drive Belt, Door Heinz. Out of CAMC charges for DG-Major Repairs & Replacements: Except the above mentioned, consumables if required to make the DG workable, may be repaired /replaced on reasonably chargeable basis/market price. Engine: a. Repairs or Replacement of Radiator, Fan, Fan hub, Water Pump, Cylinder Head, Fuel Pump, Injectors, turbocharger, Diesel tank internal cleaning ,radiator internal Cleaning, Alternator Resistance Value Major meant. b. Engine Major Repairs, Overhauling/ Top Overhauling. Alternator: a. Replacement or Re-Winding. b. Replacement / reworking of Acoustic enclosure / canopy, fuel tank, Exhaust Silencer, & Exhaust piping. c. Replacement of Breaker / Power Contactors, AMF controller, PLCs, Bus Bar & Power Cables, Relays, and Rotating Rectifier. RESPONSE TIME: However in case of breakdown of engine accessories, the authorized service engineer should attend to the problem within 12 hours, after receiving information by phone call/fax Letter etc. 12 II (C). MAINTENANCE OF PRECISION AC (PM visit -QUARTERLY BASIS). a. Cleaning up of Unit, Air Filter, cooling coil & condenser coil. (If required with water). Air filter will be replaced. Cooling coil and condenser coil will be repaired. b. Cleaning of Humidifier bottle, electrodes, water supply strainer and drain inside the machine. Humidifier bottle, electrodes, water supply strainer will be replaced and repaired if required. c. Checking of drive belt & replace if required. d. Lubrication of bearings will be done if necessary. e. Checking for operation of Unit, Controller & condenser. Replacement, repair of controller if required. Repairing of condenser and unit will be done several times. f. Measurement of current each individual equipment. g. Checking of all the overload relay settings and set as per requirement for normal operation. h. Checking of all electrical components for loose connections and tightening if necessary. i. Checking of refrigeration piping for any gas leakages. Repair, replacement if required. j. Checking of refrigeration system and pressure readings and set as per requirement for normal operation. k. Checking of pulleys, Motor mounts, and Condenser fan mounts etc. Repair, replacement if required. l. Checking of panel insulation, temperature readings. Repair, replacement of panel insulation if required. m. Checking of Microprocessor controllers for operation. Repair, replacement if required. EXCLUSIONS: -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 17 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) • Repairs / replacement of electrical main incoming switch (Switch fuse unit), Main incoming cable, fuses, control transformers & indicating lamps. • Repairs / replacements of Water piping & accessories, Ducting, Dampers, Duct lining, grilles, False ceiling, any kind of masonry / structural work. • Replacement of sheet metal parts. 12 II (D) . MAINTENANCE OF COMFORT AC (PM visit -QUARTERLY BASIS). a. Cleaning up of Unit, Air Filter, cooling coil & condenser coil. (If required with water). b. Checking up of operation of entire unit, controller & condenser. Repair, replacement of controller, condenser if required. c. Measurement of current of each individual equipment. d. Checking of all electrical components for loose connections and tightening if necessary. e. Checking of refrigeration piping for any gas leakages. Repair, replacement if required. f. Checking of refrigeration system and pressure readings and set as per requirement for normal operation. Gas top up will be done as per requirement of the units. g. Checking of pulleys, Motor mounts, and Condenser fan mounts etc. Repair, replacement if required. EXCLUSIONS: • In door & Outdoor of the unit replacement is not included in this scope. • Changing any plastic material is not in included in the scope. RESPONSE TIME: Telephonic response will be immediate, for site intervention Max 12-18 hours hrs from call login. 12 II (E) . MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL PANELS (PM visit -YEARLY BASIS). a. Cleaning up of dust & greasing (only on moving parts) of total panel. b. Do the tightness of the junction points/nuts & bolts. Repair, replacement if required. c. Checking the breaker settings & function and set as per requirement for normal operation. d. Checking of the cable sockets conditions. Repair, replacement if required. e. Checking of measuring meters & its functions. Repair only in case of requirement. f. Repair & replacement of selector switches & indication lamps. g. Maintenance and repair of all circuit breakers will be done. EXCLUSIONS: • Replacement of any bus bar & bus bar material is not included in scope. • Repair & replacement of any sheet metal is not included in scope . • Light fixtures consumables is not included in scope of work. RESPONSE TIME: Immediate. 12 II (F) MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES (PM visit -YEARLY BASIS). a. b. c. d. e. One annual inspection, cleaning, calibration and testing of ATS. De-energize the switchgear. Remove the arc chutes and pole covers. Test and re-calibrate all trip sensing and time delay functions in the switchgear. Vacuum clean the accumulated dust from the ATS and accessory panels. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 18 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Inspect for moisture or signs of previous wetness or dripping. Remove any grime with an approved solvent. Inspect all insulating parts for cracks or discoloration due to excessive heat. Inspect all main arching contacts for excessive erosion. Inspect all main current carrying contacts for pitting and discoloration due to excessive heat. Inspect all control relay contacts for excessive erosion and discoloration due to excessive heat. Manually operate the main transfer movement to check proper contact alignment, deflection, gap and wiping action. Check all cable and control wire connections to the transfer switch control and sensing panel and other system components and tighten if necessary. Re-energize the switchgear and conduct a test by simulation a normal source failure. Testing of ATS with Test Switch. Six free visits for breakdown calls with respect to ATS related issues. Free visits for parts replacement. Working condition of each ATS will be reported to customer before commencement of AMC. Day to day routine maintenance and operation of the units is not in CAMC scope. Repair & replacement of critical spares like Group 5 controller – 7000 series, Display membrane consisting LED indicators and test switch, coil kit 380V-415V with rectifier, Arching contact sets are under CAMC SOW. EXCLUSIONS: Replacement of any bus bar & bus bar material is not in scope. ANY OTHER ITEM NOT SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN ABOVE SCOPE. RESPONSE TIME: Telephonic response will be immediate, for site intervention Max 18-24 hours hrs from call login. 12 II (G) . CHECKING & REFILLING OF ALL PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR DATA CENTRE AREA (ONCE IN A YEAR). Yearly checking of all the portable fire extinguisher & refilling of fire extinguisher placed in the DC only. EXCLUSIONS: Damage of cylinder or empty after use cylinder will not be considered for checking & refilling. 13. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SOW 1. Operation & Maintenance of the site infrastructure should be done by the Vendor on a preventive basis meaning hourly/daily system checks should be carried out by the Vendor based on the criticality of the component to ensure smooth operation all systems and the corresponding reports should be maintained for verification by APDCL. 2. Any anomalies identified during the periodic system checks should be reported to APDCL immediately. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 19 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) 3. Any cost incurred during the O&M Contract period because of lapse at the Vendor‟s end will have to be borne by the Vendor itself and will be liable to further penalizations as deemed necessary by APDCL. 4. All penalties will be calculated as per the Highest Slab applicable on the Total Breached Units of the corresponding item. 5. The Vendor should submit a comprehensive SLA Adherence Report along with corresponding detailed reports for individual components of every SLA item in hard & soft copy to APDCL on monthly basis. 6. Declaration of consumable list as per requirement. 7. Creation of Operational Procedure, which includes – a. Standard Operating Procedures b. Emergency Operating Procedures c. Method of Procedure (MOP) d. Safety Analysis of Method of Procedure (MOP) e. Change Management Procedure 8. Site Operational KPI Management 9. Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Annual reports. 10. Day to day operations of Data Centre a. Services required for installing additional server such as checking availability of physical space, spare power and cooling capacity. b. Service required for removal of servers. c. Check of Physical inventory. d. Authorization of Access Control of personal working inside data center. e. Requirement of fuel to be informed to authorized APDCL personnel. f. Daily Log sheets. g. CCTV backup creation and storage. h. Removal and Re-fixing for false floor tile for any maintenance under floor. i. Daily incident review. j. Site Walk Through verification of system functionality. 11. Reporting of any violation of site works / access permission. 14. Checklist of the attachments to be submitted with the bid: Sr.No 1. 2. Attachment Form of Submission RfP Submission Covering Letter (Annexure I) On Official Letter Head of the Bidder Bank Guarantee (EMD) for Bid Security as specified As mentioned in NIT; executed on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. One Hundred only. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 20 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Sr.No Attachment Form of Submission A/C Payee Bank Draft/ Banker‟s Cheque 3. Tender Fees (if not submitted during pre-bid meeting) 4. List of clients served by the Bidder related to O&M of tier-3 Data-Centres in India. On Official Letter Head of the Bidder 5. Certificates from clients certifying completion of O&M work of tier-3 Data-Centres in India. 6. Copy of work order from clients related to O&M of tier-3 Data Centres in India. 7. Audited Financial Statements distinctly indicating On Official Letter the annual turnover for the Financial Years 2014Chartered Accountant. 15,2013-14, 2012-13 for the Bidder. 8. Copy of relevant requirement. 9. Copy of back-end agreement with all major OEMs as per requirement. 10. Attested copy of Certificate of latest VAT registration / Composite Registration / Service Tax Registration certificate / Employee‟s Provident Fund Registration etc. along with valid Labour Registration etc. and I TAX / VAT / WCT Clearance Certificate 11. Attested copy of PAN Card for Bidder. 12. 13. 14. ISO certificate as Name and Contact Information of the Bidder. per Head of On Official Letter Head of the Bidder On Official Letter Head of the Bidder Self-certification of Non-Blacklisting by any of the On Official Letter Head of the Government Departments, Agencies or Public Bidder Sector Undertaking (PSU). Self-certification that the Bidder is not involved in On Official Letter Head of the any litigation with ASEB/ or any successor Bidder -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 21 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) Sr.No Attachment Form of Submission company of ASEB 15. Undertaking on qualified service personnel as per On Official Letter Head of the requirement. Bidder 15. Evaluation of Bids and Award of work: i) The evaluation of bids will be carried out, first of techno-commercial bid and thereafter opening the price bid of only those who qualify and meet the technical requirement. ii) The technical bids shall be evaluated based on the available documents submitted by the Bidder. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the bids, and qualification of the bidders, APDCL may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification of its bid. Any clarification submitted by a bidder that is not in response to a request by APDCL shall not be considered. iii) Company reserves the right not to order/ award the job to the price-wise lowest party if the party during evaluation is found technically non responsive. iv) Price bid of technically non-responsive bidders shall not be opened. v) Criteria for Price Bid evaluation: Price Bids of only such bidders will be opened whose offers have been declared Technically Responsive. The Price Bids of technically responsive bidders in separate sealed envelope will be opened after evaluation of the Technical Bids. Price Bids of unsuccessful Bidders will not be opened in any case. Price Bids should be un-conditional, failing which the bid shall be summarily rejected. 16. Termination of work order: Company reserves the right to terminate the work order at any stage in accordance with the Company‟s General Condition of supply and installation in force. 17. Terms of Payment: The contractor will raise payments invoices quarterly. The terms of Payment will be strictly based on the terms of SLA. All payments shall be made from the office of The Chief General Manager (PP&D), APDCL after due verification of the bill by the concerned officers. 18. Performance Bank Guarantee: The Bidder shall deposit Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank, having regional office in Guwahati and countersigned by the regional office, In favour of „ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED‟ @ 10% of the contract value. The Performance Bank Guarantee is to be submitted at the time of execution of the Agreement. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 22 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) The Performance Bank Guarantee must be valid up to 90 days beyond the date of successful completion of project. 19. Guarantees and Penalties While carrying out the work, no damage to any other parts of the overall machinery/environment will be caused by the contractor. If so done, the contractor will be liable for compensating the same to the satisfaction of the concerned authority 20. Bidder should examine and understand: All prospective bidders are required to thoroughly study and carefully examine all the terms and conditions, instructions, drawing & specifications pertaining to the work and visit the field of work to fully satisfy and acquaint themselves about the nature and location of work. 21. Disclaimer : While the Company will make every endeavor to extend necessary facilitation in expediting the work, the contractor shall be responsible to organize and arrange all necessary inputs right from mobilization activities up to completion of the project. Company will not entertain any failure / delay on such accounts. Also, Company will not be responsible for any compensation, replenishment, damage, theft etc. as may be caused due to negligent working, insufficient coordination with Government / non Government / Local Authority by the contractor and/ or his personnel deputed for work. The contractor shall take necessary insurance coverage under LIC/GIC. etc. for his working personnel and the goods in store as well as in transit. The contractor will be deemed to have made himself acquainted with the local working conditions at site(s) and fully provide for into the bid submitted. 22. Terms and conditions, which are not specified, herein above will be governed by Company‟s General Conditions of supply and erection in force. Annexure-I Cover Letter <<To be submitted on the letterhead of the bidder>> To Chief General Manager (PP&D), Assam Power Distribution Company Limited Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar Guwahati - 781001 Sir, Having examined the tender document, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the services of 24x7x365 Operation and Maintenance of Basic Infrastucture at North-East Common Data Centre at ASEB Campus, Dwarandha, Sixmile, Guwahati-22 -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 23 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) under the above-named Contract in full conformity with the said tender document and our financial offer in the Price bid which is made part of this tender. We agree to abide by this tender, for the Tender Validity Period specified in the tender document and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by APDCL in respect of any matter regarding or arising out of the RFP shall be binding on us. We hereby expressly waive any and all claims in respect of Bid process. We confirm that there are no litigations or disputes against us, which materially affect our ability to fulfill our obligations with regard to fulfilling our obligations as per the RFP. BID GUARANTEE/ EMD We have enclosed a Bid Guarantee, in the form of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… (Please fill in alternative chosen) For a sum of …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… …… (Amount in words & figures) in original and three copies of the original, valid for a period of 30 days beyond the Bid validity date. Signature & stamp of Bidder Note: This form must be signed & stamped in original to be submitted to this office along with Tender fee and EMD. -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 24 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD (APDCL) SECTION: II PRICE SCHEDULE TO BE SUBMITTED (I) Providing 24X7 Operation and Maintenance services at Data Centre in Guwahati for two years Service Number of Unit Rate* Cost* of Services of providing Service TOTAL Manpower for services the Manpower Resources for the Tax COST Required of Manpower entire 2 years (24 Months) (Rs) (I) Resource per (excluding service tax) (Rs) (Rs) Month (Rs) Technical 8 Assistant Supervisor 1 Total Cost (I) (II) Providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) at Data Centre Guwahati for two years Service Basic cost of services (Rs) Comprehensive Maintenance Contract Services Service Tax (Rs) in TOTAL COST (II) (Rs) Annual (CAMC) Total Cost (II) GRAND TOTAL : Total Cost (I) + Total Cost (II) The GRAND TOTAL [Total Cost I + Total Cost-II] for the entire scope of work shall be considered for Financial (Price) Evaluation . APDCL reserves the right to issue Letter of Award for issuing only one scope of work -----------------------------------------------------------------Page: 25