Balance of Electric and Diffusion Forces Ions flow into and out of the neuron under the forces of electricity and concentration gradients (diffusion). The net result is a electric potential difference between the inside and outside of the cell — the membrane potential Vm. This value represents an integration of the different forces, and an integration of the inputs impinging on the neuron. Electricity Positive and negative charge (opposites attract, like repels). Ions have net charge: Sodium (N a+ ), Chloride (Cl−), Potassium (K +), and Calcium (Ca++) (brain = mini ocean). Current flows to even out distribution of positive and negative ions. Disparity in charges produces potential (the potential to generate current..) Resistance Ions encounter resistance when they move. Neurons have channels that limit flow of ions in/out of cell. + V − + − G I The smaller the channel, the higher the resistance, the greater the potential needed to generate given amount of current (Ohm’s law): I= V R Conductance G = 1/R, so I = V G (4) Diffusion Constant motion causes mixing – evens out distribution. Unlike electricity, diffusion acts on each ion separately — can’t compensate one + ion for another.. (same deal with potentials, conductance, etc) I = −DC (Fick’s First law) (5) Equilibrium Balance between electricity and diffusion: E = Equilibrium potential = amount of electrical potential needed to counteract diffusion: I = G(V − E) (6) Also: Reversal potential (because current reverses on either side of E) Driving potential (flow of ions drives potential toward this value) The Neuron and its Ions Inhibitory Synaptic Input Cl− −70 Leak Excitatory Vm Cl− Synaptic Input Na+ Na/K Pump +55 Vm K+ −70 K+ Vm Vm Na+ −70mV 0mV Everything follows from the sodium pump, which creates the “dynamic tension” (compressing the spring, winding the clock) for subsequent neural action. The Neuron and its Ions Inhibitory Synaptic Input Cl− −70 Leak Excitatory Vm Cl− Synaptic Input Na+ Na/K Pump +55 Vm K+ −70 K+ Vm Vm Na+ −70mV 0mV Glutamate → opens Na+ channels → Na+ enters (excitatory) GABA → opens Cl- channels → Cl- enters if Vm ↑ (inhibitory) Drugs and Ions • Alcohol: closes N a • General anesthesia: opens K • Scorpion: opens N a and closes K Putting it Together Ic = gc(Vm − Ec) (7) Inet = ge(Vm − Ee) + gi(Vm − Ei) + gl (Vm − El ) (8) Vm(t + 1) = Vm(t) − dtvmInet (9) Vm(t + 1) = Vm(t) + dtvmInet− (10) e = excitation (N a+ ) i = inhibition (Cl− ) l = leak (K +). or Putting it Together: With Time Ic = gc(t)g¯c(Vm (t) − Ec) (11) e = excitation (N a+ ) i = inhibition (Cl− ) l = leak (K +). Inet = ge(t)g¯e(Vm (t) − Ee) + gi(t)g¯i(Vm(t) − Ei) + gl (t)ḡl (Vm(t) − El ) (12) Vm(t + 1) = Vm(t) − dtvmInet (13) Vm(t + 1) = Vm(t) + dtvmInet− (14) or It’s Just a Leaky Bucket excitation g e Vm inhibition/ leak ge = rate of flow into bucket gi/l = rate of “leak” out of bucket Vm = balance between these forces g i/l Or a Tug-of-War excitation ge Ee Vm Vm Vm Vm Ei gi inhibition In Action 40− −30− 30− −35− 20− −40− 10− −45− 0− −50− −10− −55− −20− −30− −40− I_net g_e = .4 −60− −65− −70− 0 g_e = .2 V_m 5 10 15 20 cycles 25 30 35 40 (Two excitatory inputs at time 10, of conductances .4 and .2) Overall Equilibrium Potential If you run Vm update equations with steady inputs, neuron settles to new equilibrium potential. To find, set Inet = 0, solve for Vm: Vm = geg¯eEe + gig¯iEi + gl ḡl El geg¯e + gig¯i + gl ḡl (15) Can now solve for the equilibrium potential as a function of inputs. Simplify: ignore leak for moment, set Ee = 1 and Ei = 0: geg¯e Vm = geg¯e + gig¯i Membrane potential computes a balance (weighted average) of excitatory and inhibitory inputs. (16) Equilibrium Potential Illustrated Equilibrium V_m by g_e (g_l = .1) 1.0 V_m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 g_e (excitatory net input) 1.0 Computational Neurons (Units) Summary yj ≈ g g E +gg E +ggE i i i l l l Vm = e e e g g +gg +gg e e i i l l γ [Vm− Θ] + γ [Vm− Θ] + 1 + β net = ge ≈ <x i w ij > + N w ij xi 1. Weights = synaptic efficacy; weighted input = xiwij . Net conductances (average across all inputs) excitatory (net = ge(t)), inhibitory gi(t). 2. Integrate conductances using Vm update equation. 3. Compute output yj as spikes or rate code. Thresholded Spike Outputs Voltage gated N a+ channels open if Vm > Θ, sharp rise in Vm. Voltage Gated K + channels open to reset spike. −30− 1− Rate Code Spike −40− 0.5− −50− 0− act −60− −70− −0.5− −80− −1− 0 V_m 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 In model: yj = 1 if Vm > Θ, then reset (also keep track of rate). Rate Coded Output Output is average firing rate value. One unit = % spikes in population of neurons? x ): Rate approximated by X-over-X-plus-1 ( x+1 yj = γ[Vm(t) − Θ]+ γ[Vm(t) − Θ]+ + 1 (17) which is like a sigmoidal function: 1 yj = 1 + (γ[Vm(t) − Θ]+)−1 1 compare to sigmoid: yj = −η 1+e j γ is the gain: makes things sharper or duller. (18) Convolution with Noise X-over-X-plus-1 has a very sharp threshold activity Smooth by convolve with noise (just like “blurring” or “smoothing” in an image manip program): Θ Vm Fit of Rate Code to Spikes 50− 1− 40− 0.8− 30− 0.6− spike rate noisy x/x+1 20− 0.4− 10− 0.2− 0− 0− −0.005 0 0.005 V_m − Q 0.01 0.015 Extra Computing Excitatory Input Conductances g ≈Σ e 1< s a xw > i ij a+b α xw i ij 1 β N b 1< s xw > i ij a+b α xw i ij B A Projections One projection per group (layer) of sending units. ! 1 Average weighted inputs $xiwij % = n i xiwij . Bias weight β: constant input. Factor out expected activation level α. Other scaling factors a, s (assume set to 1). Computing Vm Use Vm(t + 1) = Vm(t) + dtvm Inet− with biological or normalized (0-1) parameters: Parameter Vrest El (K +) Ei (Cl−) Θ Ee (N a+) mV -70 -70 -70 -55 +55 (0-1) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.25 1.00 Normalized used by default. Detector vs. Computer Memory & Processing Computer Separate, general-purpose Detector Integrated, specialized Operations Logic, arithmetic Detection (weighing & accumulating evidence, evaluating, communicating) Complex Processing Arbitrary sequences of operations chained together in a program Highly tuned sequences of detectors stacked upon each other in layers