C. U. Shah University Faculty of Technology & Engineering C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology (Managed By WardhmanBharti Trust) Accredited by NAAC with B Grade Department of Electrical Engineering SYLLABUS OF REMIDIAL SESSIONAL EXAMINATION AUGUST-SEPT 2016 SYLLABUS (B.E. SEMESTER: V) SEM: 5THEE& EEE Sr.No 1 Date: 16-August-2016 Power Electronics -I(4TE05PEL1) Power Semiconductor Devices: Power semiconductor devices their symbols and static characteristics, characteristics and specification of switches, types of power electronic circuits operation, steady state and switching characteristics and switching limit of power transistor, operation and steady state characteristics of power MOSFET and IGBT, of thyristor, , Thyristor: operation and VI characteristics, two transistor model, methods of turn-on operation of GTO, MCT and TRIAC, , triggering circuits Phase Controlled Converters: 2 3 Single phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive loads, effect of freewheeling diode. Single phase fully controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive loads Linear Control Theory(4TE05LCT1) Introduction to Control Systems: Introduction, Examples of Control Systems, Closed-loop Control versus OpenLoop Control Mathematical Modelling of Dynamic Systems: Introduction, Transfer Function and Impulse-Response Function, Automatic Control Systems, Modeling in state Space, State-Space Representation of Dynamic Systems, Transformation of Mathematical Models with MATLAB, Mechanical Systems, Electrical and Electronic Systems, Signal Flow Graphs, Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models Mathematical Modelling of Fluid Systems and Thermal systems: Introduction, Liquid-Level Systems, Thermal Systems Electrical Power System(4TE05EPS1) Introduction To Basic Structure Of Power System: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, generating stations, Schematic arrangement, advantages and disadvantages, efficiency, choice of site, types of prime movers, characteristic, speed control and auxiliaries. Environmental aspects for selecting sites and locations for; (a) Steam power station, (b) Hydro power station, (c) Nuclear power station (d) Gas turbine power plant. Variable Load ,Economics, power factor on Power Station: Structure of Electrical Power system, Load curve, importance terms and factors, load duration curves, types of load and calculation, Peak load calculation in power station and electrical systems, methods of meeting the 4 5 load interconnected grid system.Economics of Power generation, depreciation, importance of high load factor,tariff, power factor improvement, power triangle, disadvantage of low factor,causes of low power factor, calculations of correction, introduction of power system. Overhead Transmission Line: Performance Of Lines: Short, medium and long lines - Representation, A, B, C, D constants, Voltageregulation and Transmission efficiency Electrical Machine-III(4TE05EMC1) Testing of DC machines: Introduction DC Machine, Principle, construction, merit and demerit DCmachine and DC Servo motors, PMBLDC motors, Permanent Magnet Machines,Hopkinson test, Field Test, Separation of losses, Brake test Synchronous Machines: Introduction, generated emf, Harmonics in voltage waveforms, MMF of distributed windings, rotating magnetic field, Torque, Operations, Machine efficiency, Armature reaction and it’s compensation, Short circuit ratio, Effect of increase in excitation, Effect of change in torque and speed, Determination of Synchronous reactance, regulation by ZPF method, AIEE methods, Synchronizing & load shadding between two machines, Operating characteristics, Load angle and Power flow equations, Capability curves, Two reaction model of Salient pole machines, Parallel operations, Load sharing between generators, Effect of unequal voltages & percentage impedance, Governor characteristics, Hunting, Short circuit transients, single phase generators. Electronics Communication(4TE05COM1) Signals and Spectra: Introduction of Communication Systems, Classification of Signals, Signal Operations, Trigonometric and Exponential Fourier Series, Aperiodic signal representation by Fourier Integral, Fourier Transform, Signal Energy and Energy Spectral Density, Signal Power and Power Spectral Density Amplitude modulation Amplitude modulation, DSBSC and SSB modulation and demodulation, Generation of Amplitude modulated wave, DSB-SC signal and SSB-SC signal, comparisons of various AM systems M.G.Mathukiya/B.C.Raval/V.K.Mehta (Exam Committee) Nimit Shah I/C H.O.D C. U. Shah University Faculty of Technology & Engineering C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology (Managed By WardhmanBharti Trust) Accredited by NAAC with B Grade Department of Electrical Engineering SYLLABUS OF REMIDIAL SESSIONAL EXAMINATION AUG-SEPT 2016 SYLLABUS (B.E. SEMESTER: VII) SEM: 7TH ELECTRICAL 1 Date: 16-August-2016 Power Electronics-II (4TE07ICP1) Multi-Level Converters: Bridge inverters, Need for multi-level inverters, Concept of multi-level ,Topologies for multi-level: Diode Clamped, Flying capacitor and Cascaded multilevel Configurations; Features and relative comparison of these configurations; Switching device currents; DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, features of multilevel converters and Applications. 2 Power Supplies: DC Power Supplies: Switched-Mode DC Power Supplies, Fly back converter ,Forward converter, Push pull converter, Half bridge converter, full Bridge converter, resonant DC power supplies, Bidirectional power supplies. UPS: On line, Off line, Line Interactive, Chargers, Inverters, Transfer Switch, Transformer, Control and Design. Electrical Machine Design - I (4TE07EMD1) Basic Considerations In Electrical Machines Design: Design factors, Limitations in design, Modern trends in design of electric machines, Conducting materials, Magnetic materials, Insulating materials and its classification. Temperature rise, Expression for temperature rise, heating and cooling time constants, examples. Types of duties and ratings, Types of enclosure, Selection of motor capacity, examples. Cooling of machines. 3 Design of Transformer: Specification, Output equation of transformer, Output equation- Volt per turn. Stacking factor, Ratio of iron loss to copper loss, Relation between core area andweight of iron and copper. Optimum designs, variation of output and losses in Transformer with linear dimensions, examples. Design of core, Choice of flux density and current density, Choice of window space factor, window dimensions. Design of yoke, Overall dimensions, examples. Design of high voltage and low voltage winding, examples. Estimation of operating characteristics: Primary and Secondary resistance, Leakage reactance of windings, Regulation, examples. Mechanical forces, No load current calculation, Change of parameters with change of frequency. Temperature rise of transformer, Design of tank, examples. Inter Connected Power System(4TE07ICP1) 4 5 6 Introduction: Concept of Interconnection, Hierarchical Grid arrangements, Cascade Tripping, Islanding, Load dispatch centre Economic Operation of Power System : Introduction, Characteristics of Thermal Units, Objective Function and Constraint for the Economic Dispatch Problem, Lagrange Multiplier Method – An Overview,Economic Dispatch Problem- Neglecting Transmission Line Losses Power System Protection(4TE07PSP1) Introduction: Requirements of protective systems- primary and auxiliary protection, types of backup, essential requirements of protective systems basic terminology- method of discrimination, instrument transformer Different relays, its characteristics and application: Operating principles and constructional features of electromagnetic relays classification of relays, principle, types of electromagnetic relays- theory of induction relay torque- various types of induction relays- general equations ofelectromagnetic relays, over current relays, instantaneous over current relay,plug setting and time multiplying setting in induction disc relays- directional relays, differential relays, distances relays etc. applications. Advanced Power System (4TE07APS1) Introduction: Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS),Advances in power Electronics SwitchingDevices, Principles and Applications of Semiconductor Switches Power Quality Wave shape signal during disturbance, Sources of harmonics, Adverse effect of Harmonics, Power Quality specification as per IEEE standard,Power quality disturbances in voltage,Measurements and Investigation of power quality, Application of various devices for protecting equipment against power supply disturbances Electrical Power Utilization and Traction(4TE07EPU1) Electric Drives: Advantages of electric drives. Characteristics of different mechanical loads.-Typesof motors used in electric drive, Electric braking, Plugging, Rheostat braking.Regenerative braking, Methods of power transfer by direct coupling by usingdevices like belt drive, gears, pulley drives etc. ---Examples of selection of motors, for different types of domestic loads -----Selection of drive for applications such asgeneral workshop, textile mill, paper mill, steel mill, printing press, crane, lift etc.-.Application of flywheel. -Specifications of commonly used motors e.g. squirrel cage, slip ring induction motors, AC series motors, FKW motor Electric Traction: Electric traction, Advantages of electric traction , Different systems of electric traction, DC and AC systems, diesel electric system, types of services – urban, suburban, and main lines and their speed-time curves , Different accessories for track electrification such as overhead capacitor wire, conductor rail system, current collector-pantograph Factors affecting scheduled speed , Electrical block diagram of an electric locomotive with description of various equipment and accessories, Types of motors used for electric traction, Starting and braking of traction motors , Introduction to EMU and metro railways M.G.Mathukiya/B.C.Raval/V.K.Mehta (Exam Committee) Nimit Shah I/C H.O.D C. U. Shah University Faculty of Technology & Engineering C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology (Managed By Wardhman Bharti Trust) Accredited by NAAC with B Grade Department of Electrical Engineering SYLLABUS OF RMIDIAL SESSIONAL EXAMINATION AUG-SEPT-2016 SYLLABUS (B.E. SEMESTER: III) SEM: 3rd ELECTRICAL Date: 16-AUG-2016 Sr. No 1 2 Engineering Mathematics-3(4TE03EMT1) Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet’s conditions Trigonometric series, Euler’s formulae, Fourier expansion of periodic functions with period 2 Fourier series of even and odd functions Fourier series of periodic functions with arbitrary periods Half range sine and cosine series Harmonic analysis Laplace Transform: Definition of the Laplace transform, Linearity property Laplace transform of elementary functions with proof First Shifting theorem Inverse Laplace Transform by using formula and using partial fraction Laplace Transform of derivative Laplace Transform of Integrals Differentiation of Laplace Transform Integration of Laplace Transform Evaluation of integrals by Laplace Transforms Circuit Theory (4TE03CIT1) Network terminology and simplification Techniques Network, Network Element, Branch, Junction Point, Node Measurement, Sources, Voltage sources, Current Sources, Dependent Source. Introduction to Network simplification techniques, KVL, KCL, Mesh Analysis, Nodal Analysis, Dot conventions, Coefficient of Coupling, Combination of sources. Network Theorems Introduction, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Millaman’s Theorems, Reciprocity Theorem, Tellegan’s Theorem. Introduction to Graph Theorem, Loop Analysis, Node Analysis, KVL and KCL equilibrium equations. 3 Analog Electronics Circuits (4TE03AEC1) 4. Power Supplies Review of diode rectifier circuits and filters, need for regulation, break down diode regulators, series regulators, Short circuit protection, three pin I.C. regulators Amplifiers-I Biasing of BJT Low frequency parameters and equivalent circuits, Analysis of single stage BJT amplifier configuration using Hybrid models, input & output impedance, voltage & current gain calculations, Effect of bypass and coupling capacitors on frequency response, 5. Binary System: Digital computer and digital systems, Binary Number, Number base conversion Octal and Hexadecimal Number, complements, Binary Codes, Binary Storage and register, Binary Logic, Integrated Circuit Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Basic Definition, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorem and Properties of Boolean Algebra ,Min terms And Max terms, Logic Operations, Digital Logic Gates Simplification of Boolean Functions: Different types Map method, Product of sum Simplification, NAND or NOR Implementation, Don’t Care condition, Tabulation method Combinational Logic: Introduction, Design Procedure, adder, subtractor, Code Conversion, Universal Gate Digital Circuits (4TE03DCI1) Electrical Machine-1 (4TE03EMC1) D.C Generator: Generator Principle, Simple loop generator, Practical generator, Yokepole Cores and Poles Shoes-Pole Coils- Types of D.C. Armature Winding-Armature winding terminology, dummy coils, Brushes and Bearing, types of generators, E.M.F. equation, Iron Loss in armature, Total Losses in DC generator Power Stages, Condition for maximum efficiency, Armature Reaction and Commutation, Methods of Improving Commutation, Generator Characteristics, voltage build up process, critical resistance and speed, No load & load characteristics. Performance of shunt, series and compound generators, Uses of DC Generators. D.C Motor: Motor Principle, Significance of back e.m.f, Voltage Equation, Condition of Maximum Power, Torque, Armature Torque of a Motor, Shaft torque, Speed of a d.c. motor, Speed regulation torque and speed of a d.c. motor, Motor Characteristics. B. C. Raval /M.G. Mathukiya/V. K. Mehta (Exam Committee) Nimit Shah I/C H.O.D C. U. Shah University Faculty of Technology & Engineering C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology (Managed By WardhmanBharti Trust) Accredited by NAAC with B Grade Department of Electrical Engineering SYLLABUS OF REMIDIAL SESSIONAL EXAMINATION AUGUST-SEPT 2016 SYLLABUS (B.E. SEMESTER: IV) SEM: 4THEE& EEE Sr.No 1 2 Date: 16-August-2016 Integrated Circuits & Applications (4TE04ICA1) Integrated Circuits Fundamentals: Classification of IC’s based on scale of integration. Manufacturing techniques an applications i.e. analog or digital. Fabrication techniques, advantages over discrete components. Basic Operational Amplifier: Various configurations and analysis of differential amplifier. Constant current source, current mirror circuits. IC operational amplifier and its characteristics, Specifications, parameters. Frequency response of Operational amplifier likes 741, 308, 356 etc. Applications of Operational amplifier such as DC/AC amplifier, voltage to current and current to voltage converter, Differentiator, Integrator, Bridge amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, analog simulation for solution of differential equation. Voltage Regulators. Microcontroller & Interfacing (4TE04MCI1) 8085 Microprocessor : Introduction to Microprocessor, Microprocessor systems with bus organization, Microprocessor Architecture & Operations, Memory, I/O Device, Memory and I/O Operations, Pin Diagram and Functions, Demultiplexing Of Buses, Generation Of Control Signals, Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycles, TStates, Memory Interfacing. Introduction to MCS 51Families: Digital system Organization, Interfacing other logic families,MC51 Architectures, Date Transfer Schemes, MC51 based systems, the presiders, basic Building Block of x51, 8051 Hardware Overview, Architecture, Memory Organization, Special Function registers, I/O Ports, Accessing External Memory, Timer/ Counters, SerialPort Interface, Interrupt structure, Enhance Architecture, Overview AT89C2051 Flash Controller, Characteristics, Pin Layout, Memory Organization, Modes operations, High speed Derivatives, AT89C52, PIC8F4431 Controller, ADμC842 Flash Controllers(SX FAMILY) M.G.Mathukiya/B.C.Raval/V.K.Mehta (Exam Committee) Nimit Shah I/C H.O.D C. U. Shah University Faculty of Technology & Engineering C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology (Managed By WardhmanBharti Trust) Accredited by NAAC with B Grade Department of Electrical Engineering