Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 Manufacturing and mechanical properties of soy-based composites using pultrusion J. Zhua, K. Chandrashekharaa,*, V. Flanigana, S. Kapilab a Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Missouri-Rolla, 101 Mechanical Engineering Building, Rolla, MO 65409 1350, USA b Department of Chemistry, Center for Environmental Science and Technology, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409, USA Received 19 April 2003; revised 8 August 2003; accepted 20 August 2003 Abstract Two primary cost driving factors for the composites industry are raw materials and labor. Inexpensive alternative epoxy resin systems based on epoxidized soyate resins are developed for fiber reinforced composite applications. This research investigated on the manufacturing and mechanical characterization of fiber/epoxy composites using chemically modified soy-based epoxy resins. Co-resin systems with up to 30 wt% soyate resins were used to manufacture composites through pultrusion. Mechanical tests show that the pultruded composites with soy based co-resin systems possess comparable or improved structural performance characteristics such as flexural strength, modulus, and impact resistance. Maximum mechanical properties enhancement is demonstrated by the enhanced epoxidized allyl soyate (EAS) formulation. Further property improvement is obtained through using a two-step prepolymer process. The EAS holds great potential as partial supplement for polymer and composites applications from renewable resources. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: A. Glass fibres; A. Resins; B. Mechanical properties; E. Pultrusion 1. Introduction Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials possess superior properties such as high strength and stiffness to weight ratio, resistance to environmental deterioration, high electrical insulation and low assembly cost. Over the years, FRP composites have found increasingly wide applications in a variety of industries including the aerospace, transportation, sporting goods, chemical engineering, construction and electrical industries. More recently, FRP composites are gaining increasing market share in civil infrastructure applications due to their unique advantages over traditional steel and concrete materials. Examples include the external bonding of FRP plates on concrete buildings for strengthening, and external confinement by wrapping FRP shells on highway bridge columns to increase both strength and durability. Emerging new construction applications include FRP reinforcement for concrete * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1-573-341-4587; fax: þ1-573-341-6899. E-mail address: (K. Chandrashekhara). 1359-835X/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2003.08.007 structures, bridge decks, concrete-filled FRP tubes, and FRP reinforcing tendons, etc. Although this fast growing industry consumes over 20% of total nationwide composite shipments, composite materials represent only a very small percentage of the entire civil infrastructure market. Widespread application in this construction market is still limited by the cost of raw materials like fiber and resin. With growing opportunities to use pultruded composites in civil structural applications, the development of increasingly cost effective raw materials is of great interest. Innovative combination of FRP with other inexpensive materials is becoming an active research subject. Triglyceride vegetable oils such as epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) possess functional epoxy groups, which can react with suitable reagents. They can be polymerized to form elastomeric networks and are attractive raw material resources for polymer synthesis [1]. Low cost soy-based resins would offer a significant cost reduction through the partial replacement of epoxy resin for composite applications. Furthermore, vegetable oil is biodegradable and, therefore, environmentally friendly. With the depleting of 96 J. Zhu et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 the limited petroleum resources, use of this renewable resource for industrial applications is attracting great interest. Epoxidized vegetable oils therefore provide potentially inexpensive alternatives to other traditional petroleum-based resins. Another major concern for FRP composites is that typical thermoset resin composites have low impact damage resistance tolerance because of brittleness or low toughness of resins such as epoxy [2]. The composite materials are susceptible to impact damage either during assembly or in service. This restricts composite applications to load levels far below their real capabilities when the safety factor is considered. Modification of epoxy resins to improve these properties has been the subject of intense research interest. In the research at Eastern Michigan University, prepolymerized ESO has been used to toughen epoxy resins [3]. The ESO is comprised of long chain fatty acid, which make the material more flexible (Fig. 1). The mixture of ESO into epoxy resin resulted a more ductile resin behavior. However, it also resulted in some degradation on the mechanical strengths when used as a toughening agent. The oxyran functionality of ESO allows it to participate in cross-linking with a suitable curing agent, therefore allowing it to participate in cross-linking reaction along with epoxy resin, as a result, offers opportunity to be chemically incorporated into cross-linked matrix structure rather than just act as plasticizer. The curing characteristic and mechanical properties have been investigated using modified epoxidized soyate resins as partial supplements in conventional epoxy systems [4]. Several researchers have studied the feasibility of manufacturing FRP composites from soybean oil. Crivello et al. [5] reported the fabrication and mechanical characterization of glass fiber reinforced composites from ESO. Photopolymerization by ultra-violet initiation was used to fabricate glass fiber reinforced multilayer composite laminates. A group of researchers from the University of Delaware [6] investigated the fabrication of natural fiber-reinforced composite from soybean oil derived polyester. They were looking for a way to modify the soybean oil chemical structure, to add more functional hydrogen group into soybean oil by genetic engineering. Lu and Stoffer [7] investigated the curing of commercial ESO with various amine curing agents. A glass fiber reinforced composite was fabricated using ESO as matrix and mechanical properties were evaluated. The feasibility of using ESO in the pultrusion process was previously investigated at the University of Fig. 1. Structure of fully epoxidized soybean oil. Missouri-Rolla [8]. Addition of commercial ESO manufactured by Witco to the EPON epoxy resin showed comparable properties over the base resin at a low content of ESO. The objective of this research was to explore the utilization of the enhanced soyate resins, namely epoxidized allyl soyate (EAS) resin, and epoxidized methyl soyate (EMS) as additives for the composite materials manufactured through pultrusion process. Co-resin systems with a higher content of soyate resins up to 30 wt% were successfully used for fabricating composites. Manufacturing characterization and the effect of soyate resins on the mechanical properties of final composites products were evaluated. 2. Experiment 2.1. Materials Glass fiber reinforced composite specimens were fabricated through a pultrusion process with a varied of soyate resin formulations. The base epoxy resin system was comprised of Shell EPONq9500/EPI-CUREq9550. This is a modified bisphenol epoxy resin specially designed for pultrusion. Different weight ratios of ESO from Witco Corporation, EAS and EMS, which were synthesized at the University of Missouri-Rolla, were added to the base EPON 9500 system to form the soyate co-resin systems. Internal lubricant Mold WIZ INT-PUL 24 from Axel Plastics and clay filler ASP400P from Engelhard Corporation were added to improve the process of pultrusion. The reinforcement for the unidirectional pultrusion was E-glass fiber roving with 113 yields from Owen’s Corning. The resin mixtures by weight are shown in Table 1. 2.2. Manufacturing of fiberglass composites by pultrusion Pultrusion is the fastest and the most cost-effective composite manufacturing processes, and is well suited to high volume production for structural applications. Pultrusion technology also improves composite properties compared to other methods because the fibers are under tension as the resin cures and are tightly bonded to each other [9]. When the composite material is put under a mechanical Table 1 Formulation of resin system for pultrusion Materials Parts by weight (pbw) Epoxy resin mixture MOLD WIZ INT-PUL 24 ASP-400P Air release BYK 55 EPI-CURE curing agent 100 1.0 10 0.2 Refer to Table 2 J. Zhu et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 97 Fig. 2. The schematic representation of the pultrusion process. load, the load is taken immediately by the high strength fibers. FRP composite specimens were manufactured using a Durapul 6000 Labstar pultrusion machine at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The 36 in. length die has a cross-section profile of 2 in. £ 0.125 in. (Fig. 2). Glass reinforced composites were made with fiberglass rovings of 113 yield that provides a fiber content of 63% by volume. The EPON 9500/9550 will cure at a die temperature ranging from 170 to 190 8C. Maximum safe processing temperature should be controlled under 200 8C to prevent the resin premature at the die entrance area. The pulling speed was 12 in./min and varied slightly throughout the process. After pultrusion, all test specimens were post cured for 90 min at 160 8C in an oven. the trigger valve is released. By varying the pressure in the system, the velocity of the ball and the kinetic energy of impact are regulated. The timer uses two lasers signals to record the time duration as the ball crosses the two signals. This is used to calculate the velocity of the ball. All samples were impacted with the same energy level of 37 J, which produced propagated crack damage that was easily seen. For unidirectional fiber oriented composite by pultrusion, the crack initiated and grew along the fiber direction. The crack lengths were measured and used for preliminary evaluation on the impact properties. 2.3. Mechanical testing The rectangular composite test specimens with dimensions of 10 in. £ 0.5 in. £ 0.125 in. were cut from pultruded panels with a high speed router and edges were polished with very fine aluminum oxide sandpaper. Tensile testing of pultruded fiberglass composites specimens was performed using an INSTRON 4204 machine. Each specimen was tested to failure following the procedure in accordance with ASTM D3039-97. Flexural strength and modulus were tested in the same INSTRON machine following ASTM D790 standard. The specimens dimension is 5 in. £ 0.5 in. £ 0.125 in., the span was 2 in., and cross-head speed was 0.1 in./min. Impact testing is also one part of the overall program to characterize new polymer composites by their physical and mechanical properties [10]. In this study, a low velocity impact test was used to compare the effect of the different resin formulations on impact resistance of composites. A custom-built gas gun ballistic apparatus (Fig. 3) was used to fire a 3/8 in. diameter spherical steel ball on to the composite panels. It consists of a pressurized nitrogen gas tank, a pressure barrel, the gun barrel, a high-precision laser timer, and supporting fixtures mounted at the end of the gun barrel. The composite panel was mounted on the fixture and covered by a projectile containing box. To fire the balls, the chamber is pressurized to a prescribed level and then Fig. 3. Layout of the gun barrel (a) with cross-section shown in (b). 98 J. Zhu et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Process feasibility for pultrusion Many types of resins have been used for the pultrusion process, including the thermoset resins (unsaturated polyester, vinylester, epoxy, phenolic, etc) and thermoplastic resin. In general, a resin mixture for pultrusion must possess suitable properties such as low viscosity (ranging from 500 to 2000 cps), high reactivity and long pot life in the impregnation bath [11]. After adding epoxidized soyate resins, the properties of the co-resin mixtures change. In general, the viscosity of the co-resin formulation drops as the proportion of soyate resin additive is increased. The pure EPON 9500 epoxy has a viscosity range of 4000– 9000 cps, whereas partially ESO has a much lower viscosity of 94 –543 cps at room temperature [12]. The reduced viscosity allowed resin to penetrate into the fiber reinforcement easily and resulted in good wet-out. Soyate resin prepolymer had similar viscosity to the EPON epoxy resin and did not reduce the viscosity of co-resin systems. Gel time and the pot life of the resin mixture were also not noticeably affected by the addition of soyate resin materials. Overall, the soyate co-resin systems with various formulations performed well for the pultrusion process. 3.2. Mechanical characterization of pultruded composites 3.2.1. Using one-step blending co-resin systems In the first stage of this research, the co-resin systems for pultrusion were prepared through a one-step direct blending process. The varied weight ratios from 10 to 30% of the soyate resins ESO, EAS, and EMS were added in base EPON epoxy. The effect of varied contents of soyate resins on the mechanical properties of the FRP composites were investigated. Tensile and flexural properties. While the high tensile strength and elastic modulus of the fiber is primarily responsible for the strength and stiffness of a fiber reinforced composite structure, the resin matrix provides the load transfer between fibers, maintains fiber alignment, and stabilizes the fibers against buckling. Although the mechanical properties of a composite part is dominated by the amount and orientation of the fiber reinforcements, the resin must be strong and stiff enough to adequately transfer the load to the fibers for the structure to benefit from the presence of the fibers. The main factor that affects the resin properties is the cross-linking density. In addition, long molecules with high molecular weight increase the intertwining and entangling of the molecular chains when large and stiff molecular groups are attached to the backbone. ESO possesses flexible nature due to long-chain molecular structure. It contains functional epoxide rings, which are capable of chemically participating in the cross-linking reaction together with existing epoxy resins. The addition of flexible ESO into epoxy resins would increase failure strain of the resin. The results of the mechanical testing of the pultruded composites are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The average ultimate strength of specimens were almost the same as the neat EPON epoxy resin at very low level 10 wt% of soyate resins but began to decrease with the increasing content of the soyate resins. Because soy-based resins have lower reactivity and less functional epoxy group density, the cross-linking density of the soyate co-resin systems will decrease when the proportions of soyate resins increase. However, Young’s modulus of the composites using soyate co-resins did not show much change compared with the base epoxy resin when low content soyate resins less than 20% were added. Unlike tensile properties, the flexural properties of a unidirectional composite structure are much more dependent on the nature of the resin because the fibers are generally not oriented in the direction of the applied force. Therefore, the resin makes the greater contribution to the flexural properties than to the tensile properties. The movement of molecules relative to each other is a major factor in influencing the flexural strength and stiffness of the polymer. In fact, higher proportions of soyate resins in the new co-resin systems yielded a more flexible final product. They may allow for further alignment of the fibers and inhibit initial matrix crack formation and subsequent propagation. As a result, the ESO and EAS co-resin systems showed some improvement in flexural properties, especially on the modulus at low level of soyate resin additives. Compared to the commercial Witco ESO, the modified EAS systems showed superior mechanical properties. These experimental results demonstrated the greatest potential for the EAS resin as a supplement to epoxy resin. Impact properties. The impact response in fiber reinforced epoxy composites reflects a failure process involving crack initiation and growth in the resin matrix, fiber breakage and pullout, delamination and disbonding. The energy absorbing capability of the composites during impact is therefore strongly dependent on the tensile strain capacity of the resin and the interface between fiber and resin [13]. The flexible resins derived from soybean oil have high strain-tofailure properties. The increased flexibility and reduced yield strength could improve impact resistance of the composites using the co-resins with the soyate resin additives. In the impact testing, the damage was visually inspected. The damage included a circular area radiating out from the point of impact and cracks propagated along the unidirectional roving direction. It was found that the various resin formulations produced different crack lengths. The crack length can be used to qualitatively indicate the impact resistance of each specimen. Fig. 4 gives the crack length comparison for different resin formulations. The results showed that specimens with soy-based resins ESO and EAS had reductions in crack length of about 20% as compared to the neat EPON formulations. The flexible ESO and EAS J. Zhu et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 Fig. 4. Impact crack length of composites with various resin formulations. resin systems improved the impact damage resistance of composites. But the EMS formulation conversely gave high impact crack length and showed the decreased impact properties. This was because the EMS with low degree of epoxidation made the matrix even more brittle than pure EPON epoxy resin. Effect of soy-based resin on pultrusion pulling forces. Pulling force provides a relative measure of resistance to pulling parts out of the die through pultrusion [14]. Under normal operating conditions, overall forces can be affected by numerous factors such as the viscosity of the resin, the relative percentage of glass and resin, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the gel and solid phase of the materials, the length of the die, the cross-sectional area of the cavity, and most importantly the degree of shrinkage of the resins. Typically, epoxy resin is much more difficult to pultrude than polyester and vinylester resins because epoxy shrinks very little upon curing and is prone to stick to the die. A high content of mold release additive is normally needed to perform the epoxy composites pultrusion successfully [15]. In this research, an extra benefit using soyate co-resin system was found, i.e. the pulling force during pultrusion process was significantly reduced and epoxy composites pultrusion process becomes easier. The pulling force values are compared for various resin formulations as shown in Fig. 5. This benefit is due to the good lubricity properties from the oily fraction of soy-based resins. 3.2.2. Using two-step prepolymer co-resin systems Due to the low reactivity of epoxidized soy-based resins, the co-resin systems from one-step direct blending did not achieve a high density cross-linking due to short curing time during the pultrusion process. The utilization of an epoxidized soy-based resin supplement was limited to low levels below 20 wt% for pultruded composite without sacrificing mechanical properties. In order to increase the utilization of ESO, a two-step process was developed. Epoxidized soyate prepolymers were prepared using amine 99 Fig. 5. Pulling forces of pultrusion with various resin formulations. curing agent PACM and then blended into base EPON epoxy [4]. The weight ratio 10/4 of all soyate resins to PACM was used. The corresponding amounts of EPI-CURE 9550 were reduced based on the EPON epoxy amount minus the portion that is assumed to react with unreacted secondary amine of PACM. The resin formulation is listed in Table 2. When preparing the prepolymer, the heating time was controlled so that prepolymer viscosity was adequate and pot life was long enough for pultrusion. Figs. 6 –9 give the tensile and flexural properties of pultruded composite specimens using the two different processes. Considerable improvements on mechanical properties are observed using the two-step mixture compared to the one-step mixture. The tensile and flexural properties of the composites with 10 –20 wt% levels of EAS and ESO were comparable with that of a base epoxy resin system. At the higher content soyate resin up to 30 wt%, the reduction in tensile and flexural properties was also much less pronounced. For example, tensile strength only decreased 8.1% from 1020 to 937 MPa for 30 wt% EAS formulation. The flexural strength only decreased 5.7% from 1448 to 1365 MPa. In comparison, the tensile strength Table 2 Co-resin system formulations by weight ratio for two-step process Resin formulation EPON 9500 (parts) Epoxidized soyate resins (parts) PACM (parts) EPI-CURE 9550 (parts) Neat EPON epoxy 10 wt% ESO 20 wt% ESO 30 wt% ESO 10 wt% EAS 20 wt% EAS 30 wt% EAS 10 wt% EMS 20 wt% EMS 30 wt% EMS 100 90 80 70 90 80 70 90 80 70 0 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 0 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 32.6 28.0 23.7 18.9 28.0 23.7 18.9 28.0 23.7 18.9 ESO ESO ESO EAS EAS EAS EMS EMS EMS ESO, epoxidized soybean oil; EAS, epoxidized allyl soyate resin; EMS, epoxidized methyl soyate resin. 100 J. Zhu et al. / Composites: Part A 35 (2004) 95–101 Fig. 6. Variation of tensile strength with soyate resin content by two methods. Fig. 9. Variation of flexural modulus with soyate resin content by two methods. functionalities, resulting in the higher cross-linking density. In comparison, the EMS had the least epoxide functionalities and thereby resulted in the lowest performance. Overall, the EAS showed the greatest potential as an epoxy supplement even with a lower degree of epoxidation than that of the commercial ESO. It is expected that a higher content of EAS resin over 30 wt% can be used as a epoxy resin supplement for the composites, and even better mechanical properties can be obtained once a high degree of epoxidation is achieved. Fig. 7. Variation of flexural strength with soyate resin content by two methods. was reduced by 14.7% for 20 wt% EAS formulation when the one-step mixtures were used. All tensile and flexural modulus increased at low content of soy-based resins. These strength improvements were attributed to the increased incorporation of soy-based resins into the cross-linked epoxy network by the prepolymerizing process, and therefore, resulting a stronger matrix. Among the three types of soy-based resins, the EAS formulation co-resin system consistently gave the highest strengths for the pultruded composites. This was because the EAS had the highest reactivity and more epoxide Fig. 8. Variation of tensile modulus with soyate resin content by two methods. 4. Conclusion This research demonstrated a new method for utilization of ESO in structural composites manufacturing by pultrusion. The alternative inexpensive soyate resins will lower the composite material cost without limiting the mechanical properties of the final products. The lubricity of soybean oil significantly reduces the pull force. This program proved the process feasibility of pultruding the composites with the soy-based resin systems. The test results indicated that pultrusion epoxy resin formulation could contain up to 30 wt% soyate resins with similar or improved mechanical properties. Furthermore, the soyate resin additives increased impact resistance of the pultruded composites because of the benefits of the added elongation and ductility provided by the epoxidized soyate resins. More mechanical properties enhancement was demonstrated for the modified EAS formulation when compared to a commercial ESO. Further property improvement was obtained through using a two-step prepolymer method. Higher content of soy-based resins can be used as partial supplements for conventional petrochemical-based epoxy resins once higher degree of epoxidation is achieved. The modified soyate resins from the renewable resources showed considerable promise for widespread use in the polymer and composite industries. For future work, optimization of curing agent formulation will be conducted to further improve the properties of soybased composites. Also, environmental effects like moisture and UV exposures will be investigated. J. 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