Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004, pp. 1341∼1348 The Effects of Using the Electric Circuit Model in Science Education to Facilitate Learning Electricity-Related Concepts Kyunghee Choi∗ and Hyunsook Chang Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750 (Received 18 November 2003, in final form 19 April 2004) Among many science topics taught in the middle school, students find electricity-related concepts most difficult to understand. Many studies show that there is a significant gap between the level of students’ performance in the tests and the amount of content on the subject. This implies that students have difficulty understanding abstract concepts and that a revision of the current teaching strategies is needed in order to facilitate students’ learning and understanding of the subject matter. This study, therefore, purported to examine students’ ability to comprehend the content on electricity when a electric circuit model was applied and incorporated in teaching. Sixty eighth-graders were sampled from a middle school in Seoul, and they were divided into three groups: two experimental groups and one control group. In experimental group I, the electric circuit model developed for this study was used. In experimental group II, the electric circuit model, presented with a flowing-water analogy in the science textbook, was used. In the control group, only the flowing-water analogy in the textbook was used as teaching strategy. The results of this study show that there were statistically significant differences between the two experimental groups and the control group, which implies that the use of the electric circuit model as a concrete and tangible teaching aid was more effective in explaining electricity-related concepts than use of the flowingwater analogy alone. There was, however, no significant difference between the first experimental group, which used the electric circuit model alone, and the second experimental group, which used the model with the flowing-water analogy. The study shows that utilizing more concrete visual aids and props such as the model, are effective in facilitating the learning process and in increasing comprehension of the material. PACS numbers: 01.40.Gm Keywords: Physics education, Model, Analogy, Electricity-related concepts I. INTRODUCTION Electricity-related concepts, such as electric current, voltage and resistance, are important concepts taught in the elementary, middle, and high schools. However, several studies point out that many students in science classes are having difficulties in understanding these concepts, and often develop misconceptions on these topics [1–3]. Not being able to clearly understand the topic contributes to limited performance on tests and negatively affects students in learning further academic concepts. Even the university students who took advanced physics classes in high school had misconceptions about the basic concepts on topics related to electricity, as did the middle-school students [4]. Such problem will continue to persist if the traditional teaching methods are continuously adopted in the classroom [5]. There are many reasons these misconceptions happen ∗ E-mail:; Tel: +82-2-3277-2615; Fax: +82-2-3277-2684 in class teaching. One of the main reasons may be that for abstract concepts such as electricity, helpful teaching aids, which assist students to clearly visualize the phenomenon and grasp the concept, need to be presented along the theory. For example, when teaching electricity, not being able to observe the actual flow of the electric charge is one of the main reasons for misconceptions. It is difficult for the students to imagine the electric flow by merely watching a light bulb turning on when connected to a circuit. Therefore, abstract concepts like the electric current, voltage, and resistance need appropriate use of both verbal analogies and physical models that will help students to visualize and comprehend the concept. Recently, using models has become one of the most effective methods for helping students to understand scientific concepts [6–9]. A model is a simplified and formulated structure that explains an abstract property of a phenomenon or object in a convincing way. Also, a model is a structured means of communicating knowledge in different forms, including elaborative diagrams, symbols, tables, and figures and tangible aids, in order to best describe what needs to be communicated [10]. -1341- -1342- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004 In science textbooks, abstract concepts, principles, or theories are often explained with the use of models or analogies. The model of the atom that imitates the solar system and the DNA structure by Watson and Crick are good examples of models frequently used in the class. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine if there is any difference in learning and comprehension when a developed electric circuit model was used, as opposed to using pictures of flowing-water when teaching electricityrelated concepts in science class. II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1. Use of Analogy When introducing a new concept, we often start explaining by using things that are already familiar with. When we make inferences of what we already know and treat it as an example, we call it an “analogy” [11–13]. Using analogy effectively helps both teachers and learners to communicate and understand abstract science concepts [14]. Since analogies used in science classes transform the abstract concepts into more concrete ones, they are especially helpful for the students with weak comprehension skills [15–17]. Bruner [18] stated that as long as the material is described in an intellectually appropriate way, children at any stage of cognitive development could learn the material. This means children in a concrete operational stage of the development, when an abstract concept is taught with appropriate visual analogies and aids, can understand the material. Therefore, meeting the student’s level of knowledge and structuring the learning content based on student’s cognitive level is important task for teachers. Analogy is often referred to as a base domain or a source domain, and according to Gentner and Gentner [11], an analogy should include the relational aspects of target concepts but not necessarily the properties of each concept. When the structure of an atom, for example, is compared to that of the solar system, their relational properties, such as the planets and the sun pulling each other, planets rotating around the sun, and planets being far less massive than the sun, should be represented by the electrons and a nucleus as analogs. However, the elementary properties of the sun, such as its temperature, mass, and size, do not need to be shown in the atomic structure. In another instance, a description of the electric circuit often uses a water circulation analogy; the water pipe represents the electric wire; the pump or reservoir represents the battery; the narrow part of the pump represents the resistance; and lastly, the water flow represents the electric current. This analogy represents inter-relational concepts but not necessary the properties of water, such as its density, purity, or temperature. In cognitive psychology, analogs to facilitate analogical reasoning should accompany surface similarity and systematicity. Surface similarity means that an analogy should be presented with the concrete object that best represents the target concept. If there is much similarity between the analog and the target concept, then one can use information derived from the analogy in the process of comprehending the target concept. Systematicity of an analog, on the other hand, means that an analog should effectively represent the physical structure of the target concept [19,20]. Gentner and Landers [21] stated that in order to improve students’ reasoning abilities, surface similarity plays an important role. On the other hand, Zook [22] stated that using analogies with high surface similarities helps students to improve analogy recognition but contributes to limited expansion of knowledge. Holyoak and Koh [23] added that structural similarity should be more emphasized than surface similarity to facilitate spontaneous transfer of the main concept. The desired concept learning almost always lies in the systematic process similarities. However, some students can map the surface analogy instead of the systematic process analogy, or the invalid rather than the valid attributes [24]. Therefore, there should be guidance for students in mapping systematic relationships [22,25]. Many researchers reported that the use of pictures and models with analogies is efficient in understanding abstract concepts [3, 26, 27] because verbal analogy alone is insufficient for students to understand the concept. However, when presented both verbally and visually using aids or props, the learning process is more efficient, yielding long-term memory of the concept [27]. Also, Duit [17] reported that multiple analogies could be more helpful because analogies are helpful in learning specific parts of the target domain. Korean science textbooks use many analogies to explain abstract concepts; however, there is a lack caution or appropriateness in using these analogies. For example, when using the flowing-water analogy for the electricity, the elements of electricity are not correctly mapped in regards to the respective parts in the analogy. Moreover, there is no explanation regarding the gap between the actual concept of electricity and the simplified flowing water image as an analogy. 2. Models and Teaching/Learning The terminology “model” can be interpreted and applied in various ways. A model usually consists of a structural mapping to represent a certain domain, and in this aspect, the use of the flowing-water analogy to explain an electric circuit can be called the flowing water model [17]. A model is one of the ways to represent objects, events, or theories. Generally speaking, making a model means transforming certain aspects of an analogy into a physical structure; therefore, it may only partially describe, The Effects of Using the Electric Circuit Model in Science Education· · · – Kyunghee Choi and Hyunsook Chang or lack information on, the target concept. However, developing a model is one of the major scientific gains and has played a significant role in learning and exploring various concepts in science. In addition, a model allows abstract concepts to be visualized and further facilitates student’s understanding [13]. According to Harrison [28], the school modeling spectrum includes both implicit and explicit models. The implicit iconic symbols used in mathematics and science (e.g., y = x2 , H2 O) are models because they represent functions, variables, particles, and processes. At the explicit level, science often uses concept-building analogical models, such as scale models, pedagogical analogical models, maps and diagrams, mathematical and theoretical models, and simulations, to represent objects, ideas, and processes. Black [29] classifies conceptual models into four major types of sources from which they are derived. They are scale, analogy, mathematical, and theoretical models. Firstly, scale models are mathematically enlarged or reduced for a better understanding of a real object. Small bugs enlarged to the size of a dog, a big building reduced to a smaller size that can be placed on a table, a globe, or enlarged models of the human body for a closer look of each part, etc. are examples of scale models. These models attempt to imitate the materials used to make the target object and the external appearance of the target object. Second, analogy models refer to ones that are simplified in order to emphasize certain attributes in the target concept. Analogical models always “break down” the attributes into shared and unshared attributes, where the unshared attributes are not transformed into the model [28]. For example, a ball and stick model showing the structure of a chemical compound is made from plastic spheres and straws; the flowing-water model explaining electric circuits is constructed from the organizations and operation of the domestic water supply; and a cardiovascular model using blue and red plastic lines represents veins and arteries. The electric circuit model used in this study is also an example of an analogy model. Third, a mathematical model is written in an algebraic expression. For instance, a mathematical model of an ideal gas is obtained by ascribing symbols (T , V , and P ) to the properties of a gas (temperature of ideal gas, volume, and pressure) and representing their relationship within a mathematical equation such as P V = nRT . The fourth type is a theoretical model. The origin of a theoretical model is from another area of inquiry where it was already being used. Charles Darwin, for example, used a “rough-and-ready” model for the mortality of domestic livestock as the source for the model of “natural selection”. There are also other models, such as solid and exact models. The former refers to ones created for practicality by representing the object in solid form, emphasizing certain characteristics of the object. The latter refers to models that are made exactly the same, size-wise and -1343- material-wise, in order to represent something valuable [30]. Models are one of the most useful teaching tools that can be used in classes when abstract concepts are being taught. Using visual materials, including pictures, drawings, graphs, videos or films, real objects, animations, computer simulations, remote control experiments, and models, in class promotes efficiency of learning and enhances students’ problem-solving skills. These are convincing reasons for teachers to utilize these tools in teaching [30–34]. At times, however, certain misunderstandings may be derived from the use of a model since there may be disparities between the model itself and what the model purports to represent. Therefore, it is important that students be informed that the models are only a simplified form of the concept and that there may be a gap between the actual object and the simplified one in terms of size and content. If the model has been oversimplified from the original concept, then the students may experience difficulty in grasping the concept and acquire misconception. Constructivists advise teachers to provide their students enough time to explore and share opinions on the applicability and limitations of the model. Even if the conceptual model is approved by scientists, teachers need to be aware of where the model came from, what it is purported to communicate, and what its limitations are for applicability [17, 24, 35]. Because it is impossible to develop exactly a perfect model to represent the target concept, the students have to learn to recognize the gap between the two, and at the same time, teachers should inform them of the gap. III. METHOD 1. Subject Sixty eighth-grade students in Seoul, South Korea, participated in the study. The subjects were divided into three groups: one control group and two experimental groups. In experimental group I, the electric circuit model developed for this study was used in teaching concepts about electricity. In experimental group II, the electric circuit model was used along with the flowingwater analogy from the science textbook. For effectively teaching electricity using the model, the FAR guide of Treagust et al.[14] was used. In the control group, only the flowing-water analogy in the textbook was used in describing electricity. 2. Procedure Pre and post-tests were given to all three groups. The pre-test was administered one week before the intervention in order to assess students’ knowledge of the content. -1344- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004 The electricity chapter was taught for five days as an intervention. After the intervention, a post-test was given in order to determine the effectiveness of interventions in all three groups, which used different strategies utilizing the model and analogy. Lesson plans in the intervention dealt with themes and topics as following using the analogies and models shown in Table 1. 3. Questionnaire A questionnaire was developed for this study in order to appropriately assess the students’ previous knowledge on electricity and its related concept (See Appendix). The developed questionnaire was validated and reviewed by professionals in science education. The questionnaire was composed of eleven questions: six multiple-choices questions on the concepts of electric currents, voltage, and resistance, two multiple-choice questions on the relationships between these concepts, and three short-answer question about the concepts. Some of the items in the questionnaire were controlled when presented as a pretest or post-test in order to minimized the presentation effect since the questionnaires were presented as the pretest. The items were re-ordered in the post-test, and the possible answers for each of the multiple-choice questions were shuffled. Each question was worth 1 point. 4. Electric Circuit Model The electric circuit model was developed based on the moving-crowd analogy used in Gentner and Gentner’s [11] study. The analogy of a moving crowd used the image of people moving around in a tunnel with narrow gates. This analogy is effective for understanding the concepts of not only voltage and current but also resistance. In this analogy, the resistance is symbolized by the narrow gates; the resistance decreases if the gates are connected in parallel, which yields a widened gate. However, one should be concerned in using this analogy when explaining 2, 3 or more resistors that come in a series. A crowd moving through a passage or tunnel consisting of a series of gates will only model the additive restricting effect of extra series resistors, provided the people have to open and close the gate each time they pass through a gate. If the gates are just narrowings, instead of doors that need to be opened or closed, then the people could pass through at the rate determined by the narrowest gate, not at the rate determined by the sum of the gates’ effects. With this regard, a model was developed for this study based on Gentner and Gentner’s moving-crowd analogy [11]. The model was based on electrons running in one direction in a wire as people move around in the tunnel. The model was designed with a stripe of roundshaped polystyrene foam attached to a wooden board. Fig. 1. Diagram of the electric circuit model : All the electrons are attached to the soft polystyrene foam track which is attached to a thin wooden board. Fig. 2. Diagram of the narrow door and electrons going through the narrow door: As the motive force increases, electrons flow faster. This means that a greater voltage in a circuit causes an increased electric current. Using the speed control handle attached on the other side of the wooden board, it is possible to show that the electrons lose speed when the voltage is lowered. The narrower and the longer the door is, the less able electrons are to go through the door. This means that increased resistance in the circuit causes the electric current to decrease. The polystyrene foam circulated at different speeds by using handle attached on the other side of the wooden board. The runners, made of polystyrene foam balls and painted faces, were placed on top of the polystyrene foam. In the study, the runners represented the electrons, the line of runners running on a track represented the current, and the motivation of runners to run and reach the goal represented voltage. On one portion of the polystyrene foam, battery model and narrow doors are added to retrain the movement of runners, which represented resistance <Fig. 1, 2, Table 2>. The electric circuit model helped students get a better understanding of the abstract concepts relating to electricity through visualized aid. IV. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The purpose of this study was to determine students’ level of understanding by comparing the use of the developed model and the picture of flowing water in teaching electricity in the science class. In the pre-test results, the average score of the control group was 4.50, that of experimental group I was 5.05, and that of experimental group II was 5.65. However, there was no significant The Effects of Using the Electric Circuit Model in Science Education· · · – Kyunghee Choi and Hyunsook Chang -1345- Table 1. Comparison of analogies applied to each group. Group Concept Electric wire Electric current Control group Path of water flow Water flowing rate Voltage Water pressure Experimental group I Race course Passage rate of runners Goal-directed motivation for runners to keep them running Narrowness of pipe Picture Resistor Form of analog Narrowness of door Picture, model Experimental group II Path of water flow, race course Water flowing rate, passage rate of runners Pressure of water, goal-directed motivation for runners to keep them running Narrowness of pipe, narrowness of door Picture, model Table 2. Structure-mapping of the electric circuit model. Concept Electrons are flowing through the electric wire. Voltage Structure-Mapping Runners are flowing running through the track. Goal-directed motivation for runners to keep them running. (The term voltage is mentioned only in middle-school science textbooks and explanations on voltage are given at the high-school level. Because this research was done on middle-school students, voltage was not explained based on potential difference in detail; however, in high-school science, it is necessary to relate voltage with the concept of electrical potential.) The narrow door interrupting the runners Resistance Table 3. ANOVA results on Post-test. Test Post ∗∗∗ Group Control Experiment I Experiment II N 20 20 20 Mean 8.00 9.20 10.05 SD 2.03 1.06 0.94 F-value 10.41∗∗∗ p < .001 difference in the groups when analyzed using ANOVA. The analyses of post-test results in the three groups are shown in Tables 3 and 4. The average post-test score in the control group was 8.00, which was the lowest among the three groups. The average in experimental group I was 9.20 and that in experimental group II was 10.05. The ANOVA analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference among the three groups (p<.001). With multiple comparisons, the control group and experimental group I were significantly different (p=.01), as were the control group and the experimental group II (p<.001). There was, however, no significant difference between the two experimental groups. The above results show that the students in the two experimental groups, who were taught using the electric circuit model, obtained better understanding of electricity-related concepts than those in the control group, which used the flowing-water analogy alone. However, there was no significant difference between the two experimental groups: those who were given the electric circuit model and those who were given both the electric circuit model and the flowing-water analogy. This implies that the electric circuit model served as a sufficient aid for students to understand electricity-related concepts and that the flowing-water analogy in the Korean textbooks does not have a significant effect in facilitating learning. The study further analyzed each item in the post-test in order to examine which items were significantly different among the three groups in terms of comprehending the concepts. There was no significant difference among the three groups on questions 1 and 6, which assessed students’ level of knowledge on the concept of voltage. Regarding question 6 on water flow, it is interesting that there was no significant difference among the three groups. This implies that students in experimental group I were able to figure out the concept of the flowing-water analogy without being exposed to the concept in class. This further implies that they were able to transfer the knowledge another concept, which means they had a concrete understanding of the content. Regarding question 10, which asked the students to define voltage, students in the control group responded by saying “pressure of electricity”. The Korean word for voltage is jun − ab, which is derived from the Chinese jun meaning electricity and ab meaning pressure; therefore, the students often separate the combined word into two for the definition. However, the students in -1346- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004 Table 4. Multiple Comparison Results on Post-test. Dependent variable The score of Post exam ∗∗ p = .01, ∗∗∗ Comparison control - experiment I control - experiment II experiment I - experiment II value of contrast −1.20 −2.05 −0.85 df 1 1 1 t-value −2.65∗∗ −4.541∗∗∗ −1.88 p < .001 the experimental group were able to provide appropriate answers in defining voltage by stating “motive power for electrons to keep them flowing in the electric wire” (pcontrol−experiment I , pcontrol−experiment II <.05). Regarding questions 1, 6, and 10 which ask about the voltage and the connection of batteries, students in the experimental groups who were taught with the electric circuit model responded more appropriately than those who were taught using the flowingwater analogy. Regarding question 4 on the electric current, there were no significant differences among the three groups. However, regarding question 3 (pcontrol−experiment I , pcontrol−experiment II <.05) and question 9 (pcontrol−experiment I , pcontrol−experiment II , pexperiment I−experiment II <.05), the students in the control group responded that electric current was the flow of electricity. On the contrary, most of the students in the experimental group responded that electric current was the flow of ‘electrons’. Regarding questions 3 and 9 on electricity flow, the students in the experimental groups scored higher than students in the the control group (pcontrol−experiment I , pcontrol−experiment II <.05), which indicates that the electric circuit model was more effective in explaining electricity flow than the flowing-water analogy. Among the three groups, the students in the experimental group which used both the model and the analogy scored the highest in explaining the electricity flow. This implies that when provided with both the model and the analogy, students obtained a clearer understanding of the concept. Regarding questions 2, 5, and 11 on resistance, there was no significant difference among the groups for questions 2 and 11; however, there was a significant difference for question 5 where scores of students in experimental group I and experimental group II were higher than the scores of students in the control group (p<.05). For questions 5, the students in all three groups did not learn the mathematical formula of R ∝ (l/A); however, in the experimental groups, the concept was explained by showing the width of door against the cross-section of certain material, such as glass, coopers and iron. The length of the door represented the length of the material. Similarly, the students in the experimental groups scored higher for questions 7 and 8 on the relationship among voltage, electric current, and resistance (pcontrol−experiment I , pcontrol−experiment II <.05). This implies that students who were taught with the electric circuit model had a better understanding of the relationship between voltage, electric current, and resistance than those who were taught with the flowing-water analogy. The results of this study yield the following conclusions: It is clear that the electric circuit model was more effective in helping the students comprehend and understand electricity-related concepts than the flowing-water analogy which is frequently used in Korean science textbook. Therefore, it is suggested that more appropriate analogies need to be developed and applied appropriately to help students comprehend abstract phenomena. It is the teacher’s aim to best facilitate a student’s learning experience and to motivate his or her interest by using various visual aids and props. Because many science concepts are difficult to understand when verbally explained, the use of various teaching aids to provide concrete images and to visualize the concept is important teaching strategy. APPENDIX A Post-test Questionnaire ( ) year ( ) class name ( ) “The following question indicates how much you learned about electricity during the science classes. These questions have nothing to do with your grade. Please answer the question as best as you can. Thank you for your help.” 1. What is the best way in Fig. 3. to connect the batteries in order to make the electric current flow strongly? Fig. 3. Battery connections. (1) (A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) The Effects of Using the Electric Circuit Model in Science Education· · · – Kyunghee Choi and Hyunsook Chang 2. As you see on Fig. 4, iron beads are rolled down a slope which has many sticks on it. As the number of sticks is increased, the more time it will take for the iron beads to reach the bottom because they will hit the sticks. What do the sticks represent? -1347- 5. Which of the following shows the smallest amount of electrical resistance? Table 5. Various materials. A B C D E Material Copper Copper Iron Glass Glass Length (m) 10 5 10 5 10 2 Dimension (cm ) 2 4 2 3 1 (1)A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E 6. When the electric current is represented by flowing water as shown in Fig. 7, which one of the following is mapped onto the voltage? Fig. 4. A slope which has many sticks on it. (1) voltage (2) resistance (3) electric current (4) electric wire (5) electricity 3. As you can see on Fig. 5, if you make a circuit and close the switch, electric current flows and turns the light bulb on. Current is the flow of ( ). Fig. 7. Bucket. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) the the the the the size of the bucket number of water molecules depth of the water in the bucket direction of water flow size of the opening at the bottom of the bucket Fig. 5. Electric circuit. (1) the material inside the battery (2) nuclei (3) electric wire (4) electricity (5) electrons 4. In Fig. 6. the electric current flowing through point ‘a’ is 3 A (ampere) and through ‘b’ is 2 A. Then what is the electric current flowing through point ‘c’ ? 7. Which of the flowing graphs correctly shows the relationship between electric current and voltage among Fig. 8? Fig. 8. Graphs. (1) (A) Fig. 6. Electric circuit. (1) 1 A (2) 2 A (3) 3 A (4) 5 A (5) 8 A (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5) (E) 8. Which of the following correctly explains the relationships among electric current, voltage, and resistance? (1) Electric current is increased when resistance is reduced. (2) Voltage decreases when electric current is increased. -1348- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2004 (3) Resistance is reduced when voltage is increased. (4) Increase in resistance causes increase in the electric current. (5) Electric current, voltage, and resistance have no relationship to each other. 9. Define electric current. 10. Define voltage. 11. Define resistance. REFERENCES [1] R. Driver, E. Guesne and A. Tiberghien, Children’s Ideas in Science (Open University Press, Milton Keynes [Buckinghamshire], Philadelphia, 1985). [2] Y. Kim and S. 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