RF Circuits Inductance • Inductance depends on the physical configuration of the conductor. If a conductor is formed into a coil, its inductance is increased • A coil of many turns will have more inductance than one of few turns. If a coil is placed around an iron core its inductance will increase • RF coils can be wound on special iron cores or can use an air core by winding the coil wire on a non-magnetic material (paper) • At high frequencies a straight piece of wire can have significant inductance • The approximate inductance of a single-layer air-core coil may be calculated as follows d 2 n2 L (µ H ) = 18 d + 40 l L = Inductance d = Diameter l ≥ o.4 d l = Length n = Number of Turns Example: A 10 µ H inductor is required. The form on which the coil is wound is one inch diameter and 1.25 inches long. d = 1, l = 1.25, L = 10 n= 10 [ (18 x 1) + ( 40 x 1.25) ] 1 = 26.1 turns • A 26 - turn coil would be close enough. Since the coil is 1.25 inches long the number of turns per inch will be 26.1 / 1.25 = 20.9 • Consulting a wire chart we find that no. 17 enameled wire (or anything smaller) can be used • When winding the coil the spacing between turns should be made uniform • Most inductance formulas lose accuracy when applied to small coils because conductor thickness is no longer negligible. The figure below shows the measured inductance of VHF coils and may be used as the basis for circuit design • Machine-wound coils with the diameters and turns per inch given in tables 4 and 5 below are commonly available • Forming a wire into a solenoid increases its inductance, and also introduces distributed capacitance between each turn which is at a slightly different potential • At some frequency the effective capacitance will have a reactance (impedance) equal to that of the inductance and the inductor will show self-resonance • Above self-resonance, a coil takes on the reactive properties of a capacitor • At low frequencies the inductance of a straight, round, nonmagnetic wire in free space is given by 2b L = 0.0002 x b ln − 0.75 a L = Inductance in µH a = Wire radius in mm b = Length in mm • Skin effect reduces the inductance at VHF and above. As the frequency approaches infinity the 0.75 constant approaches 1.0. As a practical matter the effect is only a few percent • A VHF or UHF tank circuit can be fabricated from a wire parallel to a ground plane with one end grounded. A formula for the inductance is a follows: • Another conductor configuration that is frequently used for inductors is the flat strip. This arrangement has lower skin effect loss because it has a higher surface area to volume ratio 2b w + h 0 . 5 0 . 2235 + + L = 0.00508 x b ln b w + h L = Inductance in µ H, b = Length in inches w = Width in inches, h = Thickness in inches • • • • • For RF circuits the losses in solid iron core coils can be reduced to a useable level by grinding iron into a powder and mixing it with an insulating binder The core is usually shaped in the form of a cylinder (slug) to fit inside the form on which the inductor is wound By pushing the slug in and out of the coil the inductance can be varied over a considerable range When two coils are araranged with their axis on the same line as shown below current in coil 1 creates a magnetic field that cuts coil 2 which creates an EMF in coil 2. This EMF is a result of the mutual inductance between the two coils Maximum coupling is achieved when one coil is wound over the other. The coupling is least when two coils are far apart and at right angles. Resonance • The frequency at which a series circuit is resonant is that at which XL = X C f = • • • • 1 2π LC A number of plots of current versus frequency for different values of R can be seen below The shape of the curve is determined by the ratio of reactance to resistance A “sharp” circuit will respond a great deal more to the resonant frequency than other frequencies. A “broad” circuit will respond almost equally to a band of frequencies centered around the resonant frequency. Both types of circuits are useful Most diagrams of resonant circuits show only inductance and capacitance; no resistance is indicated. However, resistance is present in the wire of the coil and due to dielectric losses in the capacitor at higher frequencies • The value of reactance of either the inductor or capacitor at the resonant frequency divided by the series resistance in the circuit is called the Q (Quality factor) of the circuit Q = Quality factor Q= X R X = Reactance of coil or capacitor R = Series resistance • • • The unloaded Q of a circuit is determined by the inherent resistance associated with the components When a voltage of the resonant frequency is inserted in series in a resonant circuit the voltage that appears across either the inductor or capacitor is higher than the applied voltage. The large current through the reactance of the inductor and capacitor causes large voltage drops. The voltage across either element is QE where E is the applied voltage The -3 dB bandwidth (bandwidth at 0.707 relative response) is given by Bandwidth −3dB = fo Q Filters • RF filters are commonly built using standard topologies (Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptical, etc.) and passive IC networks • These filters can be designed using standard tables and computer simulations • The designs are easily scaled for different frequencies and impedance levels • The relationship between load resistance (RA), load reactance (XA), line impedance (Zo) (assuming negligible line resistance) and reflection coefficient is as follows ρ= • • • ( RA − Z o ) 2 + X A 2 ( Z o − RA ) 2 + X A 2 If RA = Zo and XA = 0 → ρ = 0 This represents the matched condition where all the energy is transferred to the load If RA = 0 → ρ = 1 This means all the power is reflected back to the source If reflections exist, a voltage standing wave pattern will result. The raito of the maximum voltage on the line to the minimum voltage (provided the line is longer than a quarter wavelength) is defined as the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) • • Since ISWR = VSWR it is common to simply use the term SWR The SWR is related to the reflection coefficient as follows SWR = • • 1+ ρ 1− ρ ρ= SWR − 1 SWR + 1 Power loss in a transmission line varies logrithmically with the length. It is customary to express line loss in dB per unit length Addition loss occurs when the transmission line is not matched properly. The loss as a function of VSRW is shown below Classes of Amplifier Service • Class A amplifier is chosen to permit power supply current to flow over the entire 360o of the input signal cycle. Class A amplifier is linear, however the power supply efficiency is poor (< 50 % typically 25 %) • Class B amplifier is chosen to permit power supply current to flow over most of the 360o of the input signal cycle. Class B amplifier has some non-linearity, however the power supply efficiency is good (typ. 60 %) and no supply current flows when no input signal is applied • Class C amplifier is chosen to permit power supply current to flow only in narrow pulses corresponding to the peaks of the input signal. Class C amplifiers are extremely non-linear . High Q tank circuits are required to suppress unwanted frequency components. Principle asset is high efficiency (typ. 85 %). Can also be used as a frequency multiplier • Even higher frequency can be achieved with specialized Class D and Class E amplifiers Frequency Scaling • To scale he frequency and component values to the 10 - 100 or 100 1000 MHz range multiply all tabulated frequencies by 10 or 100 respectively, and divide all C and L values by the same number. The gain and SWR data remains the same • To scale to 1 - 10 KHz, 10 - 100 KHz, or 0.1 - 1.0 MHz range, divide frequencies by 1000, 100, or 10 and multiply component values by the same number Impedance Scaling • If the desired new impedance level differs from 50 Ω by a factor of 0.1, 10 or 100, the 50 Ω designs are scaled by shifting the decimal points of the component values. For example, if the impedance level is increased by ten (to 500 Ω) the decimal point of the capacitors is shifted to the left one place and the decimal point of the inductors is shifted to the right one place • A simple algorithm can be used for scaling by a factor of 1.2, 1.5 or 1.86 • The standing wave ratio (SWR) indicates the level of signal reflection. For RF applications, SWR values less than 1.2 are recommended to minimize undesired reflections Coupled Resonators • Coupled resonators are frequently encountered in RF circuits. Applications include simple filters, oscillator tuned circuits and antennas • This circuit can be applied when it is desired to match a low-value load resistance (such as found in a mobile whip antenna) to a more practical value • As the frequency of operation is increased, discrete components must become physically smaller, eventually a point is reached where other forms of networks must be used. Also, the Q of the devices themselves becomes critical for RF circuit operation • Additional matching networks can be seen below Transmission Lines • A transmission line is the means by which RF energy is conveyed from one point to another. Common examples include coaxial (coax) cable and TV parallel - wire line. At high frequencies and power levels special wave guides can be used • In transmission lines the propagation delay from one end to the other must be taken into account • In a practical transmission line the energy travels from 65 - 97 % of the speed of light. This line characteristic is called the velocity factor (VF) of the line • The transmission line may be thought of as being composed of a whole series of small inductors and capacitors connected as shown below • Each inductor represents the inductance of a short section of one wire and each capacitor represents the capacitance between two such short sections • All the small inductors have the same value and all the small capacitors have the same value. If an impulse is applied on one end, the combination of inductors and capacitors has a characteristic impedance ( ZO ). Its value is approximately equal to L / C where L and C are the inductance and capacitance per unit length • In the transmission line above there are no resistors and thus no power is lost in the line. However, as far as the source is concerned the impedance ZO is exactly the same as if the line were replaced by a pure resistance. This is because the energy leaves the source and travels out along the line. The characteristic impedance determines the amount of current that can flow when a given voltage is applied to the line • All practical transmission lines exhibit some power loss due to the inherent resistance in the conductors that make up the line and dielectric leakage between conductors. Generally these losses can be ignored • The inductance and capacitance per unit length depend upon the size of the conductors and the spacing between them. A line with closely spaced large conductors will have low impedance Matched Lines • Transmission lines are connected to, or terminated in a load at the output end of the line. If the load is a pure resistance of value equal to the characteristic impedance of the line, the line is said to be matched • Such a line acts just as if the line was infinitely long. Energy travels outward along the line from the source until it reaches the load, where it is completely absorbed • If a very short burst of power is emitted from a source this is represented by a vertical line at the left of the series of lines below • As the pulse appears across the load all the energy may be absorbed or part of it may be reflected. The reflected wave is represented by the second in the series. As the second line reaches the source the process is repeated. After a few reflections the intensity of the traveling wave becomes very small • The ratio of the voltage in the reflected wave to the voltage in the incident wave is defined as the voltage reflection coefficient ( ρ ) Q of Loaded Circuits • When a circuit delivers power to a load (as in the case of a transmitter) the power consumed in the circuit is usually negligible compared to that in the load. The parallel impedance of the resonant circuit will be so high compared to the load that the impedance of the combined circuit is equal to the load resistance. Under these conditions the Q of a parallel resonant circuit loaded by a resistive impedance is Q= • R X The effective Q of a circuit loaded by a parallel resistance increases when the reactances are decreased. A circuit loaded with a relatively low resitance must have low reactance elements (large capacitance and small inductance) to have a high Q Impedance Transformation • An important application of the parallel resonant circuit is an impedance matching device in the output circuit of an RF power amplifier • There is an optimum value of load resistance for each type of transistor and set of operating conditions, however, the resistance of the load is usually much lower than the value required for proper device operation • To transform the actual load resistance to the desired value, the load may be tapped across part of the coil. This is equivalent to connecting a higher value of load resistance across the whole circuit • At high frequency the magnetic flux lines do not cut every turn of the coil. A desired reflected impedance usually must be obtained by experimental adjustment • When the load resistance has a very low value (less than 100 Ω) it may be connected in series in the resonant circuit as shown in Figure A below. In which case it is transformed into an equivalent parallel impedance • If the Q is at least 10, the parallel impedance is X2 ZR = R Z R = Resistive parallel impedance at resonance X = Reactance of coil or capacitor R = Load resistance inserted in series • • • • If the Q is below 10 the reactance will have to be adjusted to obtain a resistive impedance of desired value While the circuits above provide an impedance step up, the circuits have some disadvantages such as a common connection with no DC isolation and a common ground with potentially troublesome ground loop currents As a result a circuit with only mutual magnetic coupling is often preferential Networks involving reactive elements are usually narrow band in nature. As we shall see ferites allow us to construct impedance transformers that are both broad band and high frequency Transformers • Two coils having mutual inductance constitute a transformer. The coil connected to the source of energy is called the primary and the other is called the secondary • Electrical energy can be transferred from one circuit to another without direct connection. In the process voltage levels can be changed • • A transformer can only be used with AC The induced voltage in the secondary is proportional to the number of tuns in each coil η ES = E P S ηP E S = Secondary voltage E P = Primary voltage η S = Number of turns in secondary • • • η P = Number of turns in primary Note that the above equation is ideal and does not take into account losses A transformer cannot create power. Hence, the power taken from the secondary cannot exceed that taken by the primary from the source In an ideal transformer the following relationship is true η Z P = ZS P ηS 2 Z P = Impedance looking into primary terminals from source of power ZS = Impedance of load connected to secondary • A load of any given impedance connected to the secondary of a transformer will be transformed to a different value looking into the primary (impedance matching) • The transformed (reflected) impedance has the same phase angle as the load impedance • For use in RF circuits a suitable core type must be chosen to provide the required Q. The wrong core material destroys the Q of an inductor or transformer at RF • Ferrite or powdered iron cores are commonly used for RF • Toroid cores are useful from a few hundred hertz well into the UHF spectrum. The principal advantage of this type of core is the selfshielding characteristic • Ferrite beads are small toroidal inductors that are typically less than 0.25 inches in diameter • They are commonly used as parasitic suppressers at the input and output terminals of amplifiers. Another common application is in decoupling networks that are used to prevent unwanted migration of RF energy from one section of circuitry to another • In some circuits it is necessary only to place one or more beads over a short length of wire to obtain ample inductive reactance to create an RF choke Common RF Circuits Ladder Networks • Any two circuits that are coupled can be drawn schematically as shown below. The circuit in the box of Figure A could consist of an infinite variety of resistors, capacitors, inductors and even transmission lines. However, it will be assumed that the network can be reduced to a combination of series and shunt elements consisting of only inductors and capacitors. • The circuit in Figure B is often called a ladder network. If no resistive elements are present or can be neglected, the network is said to be lossless (i.e. It will consume no power). Note that this assumption is usually not valid for transmitting circuits • • • The most important consideration in coupled networks is the amount of power delivered to the load Common to use standard source resistances (RP) of 50, 75, 300 and 600 ohms. The value of RP might be considered as the impedance level associated with a complex combination of sources, transmission lines, coupled networks and even antennas The maximum available power is given by PMAX • EAC 2 = 4 RP If the coupling network is lossless the power deliverd to the load is PO = I IN 2 RIN • The effective attenuation is defined as the ratio of the power deliverd to the load in terms of the maximum available power PO ATTN = − 10 log PMAX • In the special case where XP and XS are either zero or can be combined into a coupling network and where RP is equal to RS the effective attenuation is equal to the insertion loss • The insertion loss is the ratio of the power delivered to the load (with the coupling network present) to the power delivered to the load with the coupling network absent • Unlike the attenuation the insertion loss can take on a negative value (i.e. power gain). This is due to the fact that the maximum available power does not occur with the coupling network out of the circuit because of unequal source and load resistances and non-zero reactances. With the coupling network present the resistances are matched and the reactances are “tuned out” • The action of the coupling network is to maximize the power delivered to the load. They are commonly referred to as matching networks • In many cases it is desirable to deliver the greatest amount of power to a load at specific frequencies. A device which accomplishes this is called a filter. It is often possible to combine the processes of filtering and matching into one network