EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MAURY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS March 10, 2016 Prepared By: EMG 10461 Mill Run Circle Suite 1100 Owings Mills, MD 21117 T: 800.733.0660 Y O U R P A R TN E R IN Contact Info: Joseph Bernatowicz Program Manager T: 800.733.0660 ext. 6318 R E A L E S TA T E L IF E C Y C LE P LA N N IN G & M A N A G E M E N T 800.733.0660 • www.emgcorp.com 1 Table of Contents Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Opinions of Probable Cost ....................................................................................... 5 Methodology.............................................................................................................................. 5 Overall Building Rating ........................................................................................................... 5 School Rating – Facility Condition Index..................................................................... 6 Purpose and Scope Purpose The purpose of EMG’s efforts was to assist Maury County Public Schools by providing valuable tools and information as a result of its Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs). . EMG conducted building and facilities condition assessments of twenty-two school sites. In addition, a 20-year capital asset plan in coordination with the school district was provided. For this effort, the major independent building components were observed and their physical conditions were also evaluated in accordance with ASTM E2018-01, in order to evaluate the physical aspects of this property and how its condition may affect the District’s financial decisions over time. These components include the site and building exteriors and representative interior areas. The estimated costs for repairs and capital reserve items were included. All findings relating to these opinions of probable costs were included in the narrative sections of each Report. Scope The District contracted with EMG to conduct a comprehensive Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) consisting of field observations, document review and related due diligence tasks for each site. As a result, the facility assessment demonstrated the following: Determined the present condition and estimated life expectancy of various building systems and components. Created a strategic plan for capital repairs, lifecycle component replacement and building modernization. Anticipated facility reserve analyses - projections of ongoing degradation of facilities' components and costs associated with the reserve or replacement of these components as they reach the end of their useful lives Provided a Funding needs analysis report of deferred maintenance and systems and reserves funding need for the next twenty years Established a standard operating procedure for the evaluation of sites by establishing a standard facility assessment software platform. Establish anticipated renewal and replacement costs for the various systems and components Identify and document recommended corrections for all deficiencies and provide cost estimates for corrections. Prioritize, categorize and classify deficient conditions, associated corrective actions and information concerning building systems and deficiency categories. Coordinate and consult with the updates to the master plan for prioritization of projects. The FCA will be a guide for future replacement, repairs and improvements for the District to keep each facility in proper working condition. Calculate the Current Replacement Value (CRV) and Facility Condition Index (FCI) for each site. The exterior and interior doors, door hardware, window systems, flooring, floor covering, walls, wall coverings, ceiling tiles, and ceiling finishes are included in this assessment scope. The evaluation team conducted a walk-through survey of the school buildings in order to observe building systems and components, identify physical deficiencies and formulate recommendations to remedy the physical deficiencies. As a part of the walk-through survey, the evaluation team surveyed 100% of the facility’s interior. In addition, EMG surveyed the exterior of the properties including the building exterior and roofs. The evaluation team interviewed the building maintenance staff to inquire about the subject property’s historical repairs and replacements and their costs, level of preventive maintenance exercised, pending repairs and improvements, and frequency of repairs and replacements. The evaluation team developed opinions based on their site evaluation, interviews with relevant maintenance contractors, municipal authorities, and experience gained on similar properties previously evaluated. The evaluation team questioned others who are knowledgeable of the subject property’s physical condition and operation or knowledgeable of similar systems to gain comparative information to use in evaluation of the subject property. The evaluation team reviewed documents and information provided by the District staff that could also aid with the knowledge of the subject property’s physical improvements, and extent and type of use. The physical condition of building systems and related components were defined as being in one of three conditions: Good, Fair, or Poor.. For the purposes of this effort, the following definitions were used: Good = Satisfactory as-is. Requires only routine maintenance over the evaluation period. Repair or replacement may be required due to a system’s estimated useful life. Fair = Satisfactory as-is. Repair or replacement is required due to current physical condition or estimated remaining useful life. Poor = Immediate repair, replacement, or significant maintenance is required. EMG’s calculation of probable capital needs methodology involves identification and quantification of those systems or components requiring immediate actions or capital funding reserves over the lifecycle horizon of the facility key components. 4 Opinions of Probable Cost The estimates for the repair and capital reserves items were noted within the individual Facility Condition Assessments. These cost estimates are developed by construction resources such as R.S. Means and Marshall & Swift, invoices and/or bid documents provided by the School system and EMG’s experience with past costs for similar properties, city cost indexes, and assumptions regarding future economic conditions. Methodology OVERALL BUILDING RATING The 20-year Replacement Reserve Tables and the Facility Condition Index are valuable to the Capital Facilities Plan. They are intended to provide the Maury County Public Schools with the information necessary to properly maintain and plan for each school site. The data will allow school districts to properly plan and prioritize capital improvements. This data is presented in the Executive Summary Table A. 5 School Rating – Facility Condition Index The overall rating of the buildings was determined by an FCI Ratio. The Current Year FCI is the ratio of Immediate Repair Costs to the building’s Current Appraisal Value. Similarly, a Five-Year ratio of anticipated Capital Reserve Needs over the next five compared to the Current Appraised Value. Appraised Values were provided by MCPS. FCI CONDITION RATING Good Fair Poor Very Poor DEFINITION PERCENTAGE VALUE In new or well-maintained condition, with no visual evidence of wear, soiling or other deficiencies. 0% to 5% Subjected to wear and soiling but is still in a serviceable and functioning condition. Subjected to hard or long-term wear. Nearing the end of its useful or serviceable life. Has reached the end of its useful or serviceable life. Renewal is now necessary. School Name: > than 5% to 10% > than 10% to 60% > than 60% 2016 Rating: 1 Baker Elementary Poor 2 Central Office Fair 3 College Hill Good 4 Culleoka Unit School Good 5 E.A. Cox Middle Good 6 Hampshire Unit School Poor 7 Highland Park Elementary Poor 8 Howell Elementary Good 9 J.E. Woodard Elementary Poor 10 Joseph Brown Elementary Poor 11 Maintenance Department Good 12 Marvin Wright Elementary Good 13 McDowell Elementary Very Poor 14 Mt. Pleasant Elementary Fair 15 Mt. Pleasant High School Poor 16 Mt. Pleasant Middle Fair 17 Riverside Elementary Good 6 18 Santa Fe Unit School Fair 19 Spring Hill Elementary Poor 20 Spring Hill High Good 21 Spring Hill Middle Good 22 Whitthorne Middle Poor See the Executive Table A for more detailed rating information, appraised values, and replacement costs. 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – TABLE A Year Location APPRAISAL Baker Elementary Central Office College Hill Culleoka Unit School E.A. Cox Middle Hampshire Unit School Highland Park Elementary Howell Elementary J.E. Woodard Elementary Joseph Brown Elementary Maintenance Department Marvin Wright Elementary McDowell Elementary Mt. Pleasant Elementary Mt. Pleasant High School Mt. Pleasant Middle Riverside Elementary Santa Fe Unit School Spring Hill Elementary Spring Hill High Spring Hill Middle Whitthorne Middle $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ GrandTotal (22) $260,543,531 Greater than 60% Between 10% - 60% Between 5% - 10% Less than 5% 6,437,548 2,017,386 5,509,888 22,858,120 18,106,679 8,741,234 7,127,692 10,217,217 11,699,579 7,650,311 1,039,452 10,561,521 5,897,651 9,442,715 14,589,620 15,836,467 8,223,913 12,383,260 9,544,387 29,592,367 22,149,224 20,917,300 VERY POOR POOR FAIR GOOD ALL FCI YEAR1 53% 7% 5% 4% 4% 16% 13% 1% 18% 57% 3% 3% 73% 10% 15% 7% 3% 7% 13% 4% 0% 13% 1 8 4 9 22 FCI FCI YEAR 5 YEAR 10 65% 8% 15% 14% 5% 23% 17% 8% 19% 59% 5% 4% 76% 98% 16% 12% 12% 20% 15% 13% 1% 17% 3 13 2 4 22 67% 18% 88% 71% 10% 94% 18% 15% 21% 67% 9% 13% 83% 106% 65% 21% 16% 24% 26% 18% 4% 51% / 1 5 10 15 20 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 $3,411,216 $132,417 $266,282 $984,263 $770,328 $1,418,548 $941,331 $81,896 $2,073,859 $4,370,529 $34,119 $275,593 $4,283,791 $916,575 $2,172,710 $1,041,018 $214,590 $861,365 $1,210,377 $1,125,492 $78,004 $2,725,560 $561,025 $24,372 $10,462 $1,371,690 $0 $132,072 $107,756 $0 $70,774 $31,592 $0 $0 $14,543 $291,351 $16,883 $0 $363,121 $33,018 $243,149 $1,503,389 $0 $870,212 $122,366 $147,791 $102,113 $11,677,017 $75,213 $956,112 $43,008 $89,510 $103,599 $0 $0 $0 $457,527 $0 $0 $0 $0 $170,737 $693,226 $1,400,687 $0 $7,087,174 $0 $62,565 $12,196 $150,233 $181,801 $53,732 $149,167 $0 $62,202 $22,838 $0 $0 $0 $29,740 $13,613 $0 $1,458,072 $57,987 $161,318 $50,154 $0 $0 $482,141 $584,272 $61,693 $964,802 $212,749 $106,789 $98,825 $0 $0 $59,555 $0 $151,503 $0 $54,604 $0 $0 $303,986 $51,441 $84,168 $0 $26,303 $6,191 $29,389,862 $5,645,410 $23,126,078 $2,465,618 $3,249,021 Total Escalated Estimate 2016 - 2035 $4,861,538 $1,403,432 $6,081,409 $21,739,228 $7,733,552 $9,360,566 $2,006,292 $2,316,454 $3,637,731 $6,432,042 $234,235 $2,692,087 $4,936,785 $13,941,863 $20,543,688 $5,727,472 $4,317,651 $16,852,976 $5,269,769 $6,708,923 $6,170,196 $13,216,964 $166,184,853 8 12 1 1 22 The Table above shows that based on its FCI ratio, nine (9) school sites are currently in either poor or very poor rating, four (4) sites are Fair, and nine (9) sites are Good. If no funds are expended for capital renewal or capital improvements during the next 5 years, sixteen (16) schools would be considered either Poor or Very Poor, two (2) sites Fair, and four (4) sites as Good. A Facility Condition Index of 5% or less is Good Condition A Facility Condition Index between 5% and 10% is considered Fair Condition A Facility Condition Index between 10% and 60% is considered Poor A Facility Condition Index greater than 60% is considered Very Poor 8 9