?{}tri hN PROBLEM 2.65 A 2.5-m length of a steel pipe of 300-mm outer diameter and 15-mm wall thickness is used as a colunn to carry a 700-kN centric axial load. Knowing that E = 200 GPa and v = 0.30, determine (a) the change in length of the pipe, (b) the change in its outer diameter, (c) the change in its wall thickness. SOLUTION d,=0.3m l=0.015m d, L=2.5m =do-2t=0.3-2(0.015) =0.27 A= m P=700xl0rN d?) = o.z'l'z)= 13.4303 xlo 3 m2 +U: [{o.r' - (d 6=-L-- (7ooxlo3x2'5) E.4 (200x10'q)(13.4303x10r) 6 =-0.652 mrn =-651.51x10*6 m 6 L -651.51x10{ 2.5 { = -260.60 x 10-6 €r*. = -ys = -(0.30)(-260.60 x l0{ ) = 78.180x (b) (c) l0{ Ld, = doero, = (300 mm)(78.180 x 10-6 ) Ld.=0.0235mm <( A/ = o.ool l73 mm { r\t =t€r.or=(15 mm)(78.180x10{) PROPRIETARY II'IATERIAL, O 2012 The McGraw-Hill C'ompanies, Inc. reproduced, or distributed All rights reserved. No part of this Manual rray be displayed, in any fonn or by any means, without the prior rvritten pennission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators permitted by McCraw-Hill tbr their individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using rvithout permission. it PROBLEM 2.66 An aluminum plate (E=14GPa and v=0.33) is subjected to a centric axial load that causes a normal stress d Knowing that, before loading, a line of slope 2: I is scribed on the plate, determine the slope of the line when o = 125 MPa. SOLUTION The slope after deformation is 1on6 =2(1t'r) l+ e, x"( 106 "' = t25 ''u x"'u^ t.^- o- E €y = tu, a = -vtx= 74x10' +tt1 = t.6892x l0-3 -(0.33X1.6892 xl0-3; = -0.5574x10-3 2!1 -^0'9=0r0llf-a) I + 0.00 16892 = 1.99551 tanl = t.995s l < PR0PRIETARY MATERIAL. O 2012 The N{cGraw-Hill Companies. Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior wrilten pemrission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators permitted by McGrarv-Hill for their individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using it rvithout permission. PROBLEM 2.74 The homogeneous plate ABCD is subjected to a biaxial loading as shown. It is known that oz - 6u and that the change in length of the plate in the x direction must be zero, thal is, t, = 0. Denoting by E the modulus of elasticity and by v Poisson's ratio. determine (a) the required magnitude of o,, (6) the ratio oul e ,. SOLUTION 0, = Og, 6y =0, t, =0 ,. = vo, vo,) = voo) |@. - *ro. - (.a) ox =voo (.h) ,,=|{-ro,-vot-+o,1=!u{-r'oo-0 *o;=\t-oo PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, O 2012 The McGrarv-Hill Companies, Inc. 10 teachers rvithtrut permissiorr. a reserved. No part o[ this Manual may be displayed" in any form t'rr by any means, without the prior written pennission of the publishel or used beyond the limited and educators permitted hy McGraw-Hill for tlreir individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using it reproduced, or distributed distribution All rights ?=* 1 PROBLEM 2.79 The plastic block shown is bondecl to a rigid suppofi and to a vertical plate to which a 55-kip load P is applied. Knowing that fbr the plastic used G = 150 ksi, determine the deflection of the plate. SOLUTION I 1 { I !r h A = (3.2)(4.8) = 15.36 in2 P=55xl03lb P 55xl0l- '-7- r-5-16 G = I50 x t y=L --j580.7 psi 103 psi 3580.7 = 23.871 x l0-3 G - -::-::-150 x l0' h=2in. 6 = hy = (2)(23.8jlx l0-3) = 4'7 .7 x 10-3 in. 5 = 0.0417 in. J{ PROPRIETARY M.'ITERIAL, O 2012 The illcGraw-Hitl Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced. or distributed in any ltrrm or by any means, witlrout the prior written pernrission of the publisher, or used beyond the 1imited distribution to teachers arrd educators permitted by McGrarv-Hill tbr their individual course preparation. A student.sing this manual is using it rvithout permission. PROBLEM 2.82 Two blocks of rubber with a modulus of rigidity G = 10 Iv{Pa are bonded to rigid suppofis and to a plate l.B. Knowing that h=200 mm ancl c =125 mm, cletermine the largest allowable load P arrd the smallest allorvable thickness a of tlre blocks if the shearing stress in the rubber is not to exceed 1.5 MPa and the deflection of the plate is to be at least 6 rnrn. SOLUTION *_-7lp 2t D* - +P*- Shearingstress: +,P _de l* t=+=* P =2bcr =2(A.2 m)(0.125 rn)(l.5xl0r ri.Pa) P = 75.0 kN < Shearingstrain: y={ =+ aG Gd r tl0xl0n I)at(0.00(r m) 4=J_r_ =j--:---:-----:=:_-:-jj-.=0.0_l 1.5 x 10" pa rn a = 40.0 rnm { PROPRIETARY \IATERIAL. (9 2{ll2 The lVlc(irarv-Hill (-'ompanies, lnc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed. iu any lbrnr or by any means. without tlte prior rvritten perrnission olthe publisher. or used beyond the lirnitsd reproduced, or distribr,rted rvithout pernr,ission.