a{O. Z§. 288/08 ZJa OZgodm gm‘m{OH$ e¡j{UH$ à{Vð>mZ Ah‘XZJa g§M{bV S>m.° gr. ìhr. am‘Z ~mbd¡km{ZH$ narjm {XZm§H$ - 6/3/2016 JwU - 100 doi - 1 Vmg 30 {‘. B¶Îmm - 9 dr narjm H«$§ . - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {dÚm϶m©Zm gyMZm … 1. CËVao doJù¶m CËVan{ÌHo$da {bhmd¶mMr AmhoV. 2. gXa àíZn{ÌHo$V 100 A{Zdm¶© àíZ AmhoV. à˶oH$ AMyH$ CËVamg EH$ JwU Amho. 3. à˶oH$ àíZmbm Mma n¶m©¶r CËVao gyM{dbr AmhoV. ˶mn¡H$s ¶mo½¶ Vmo CËVamMm H«$‘m§H$ CËVan{ÌHo$V N>m¶m§{H$V H$amdm. 4. ˶mgmR>r H$mù¶m qH$dm {Zù¶m emB©Mm ~m°bnoZ dmnamdm. 5. EH$Xm Z‘yX Ho$bobo CËVa ImoS>Vm ¶oUma Zmhr, Vgo Ho$ë¶mg Vnmgbo OmUma Zmhr. EH$mM àíZmMo EH$mnojm OmñV Jmob N>m¶m§{H$V Ho$ë¶mg Vmo àíZ Vnmgbm OmUma Zmhr. 6. CËVa {b{hʶmMr ¶mo½¶ nÜXVr CXm. àíZ 1. -------- earamVrb gdm©V ‘moR>r J«§Wr Amho. 1. ñdmXþqnS> 2. Wm¶am°p³gZ 3. ¶H¥$V 4. bmbmoËnmXH$ J«§Wr CËVa … 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. KmB©‘wio MyH$m hmoUma ZmhrV ¶mMr XjVm ¿¶mdr. doioMo {Z¶moOZ H$amdo. 8. {ZJo{Q>ìh JwU nÜXVr bmJy Zmhr. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. nmʶmMm JmoR>Um§H$ = ---------Freezing point of water is -------1. 320F 2. 2. 00C 4. n¶m©¶ 1 d 2 [option 1 & 2] 3. 1000C ñQ>oZbog ñQ>rb ¶m g§{‘lmV Imbrb n¡H$s H$moUVm KQ>H$ ZgVmo? Which of the following component does not present in an alloy of stainless steel? 1. H$m~©Z [C] 2. H«$mo{‘A‘ 3. [Cr] A°ë¶w{‘{ZA‘ [Al] 3. {Q>S>m§b n[aUm‘ hm àH$memÀ¶m ---------- ‘wio {XgVmo. The Tyndall effect is caused by ---------- of light. 1. namdV©Z [Reflection] 2. AndV©Z [Incidence] 3. AnñH$aU [Dispersion] 4. {d{H$aU [Scattering] 4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶m JQ>mVrb ‘ybÐì¶o ñWm¶yê$nmV AmT>iVmV? 4. {ZHo$b [Ni] Which elements from the groups are found in solid state? 1. 3. 5. nmam, J§YH$ [Mercury, Sulphur] ~«mo{‘Z, Zm¶Q´>moOZ [Bromine, Nitrogen] 2. 4. nmam, ~«mo{‘Z [Mercury, Bromine] nmoQ>°{eA‘, gmo{S>A‘ [Potassium, Sodium] Imbrbn¡H$s gdm©V AJmoXa H$emMm emoY bmJbm? Which of the following is discovered first? 1. 4. àmoQ>m°Z [Proton] 2. Bbo³Q´>m°Z [Electron] 3. AUyH|$ÐH$ Bbo³Q´>m°ÝgMo H$jm‘Yrb {dVaU [Electronic configuration] 1 [Nucleus of an atom] 6. ݶyQ>ZMm n{hbm {Z¶‘ åhUOo ------Newtons first law is also called as 1. 3. 7. g§doJmMm {Z¶‘ [law of momentum] CO}Mm {Z¶‘ [law of energy] ¶m Bbo³Q´>m°Z H$joV OmñVrV OmñV -------- Bbo³Q´>m°Ýg gm‘mdy eH$VmV. The maximum capacity of the N shell is -------- electrons. 2. 8 3. 18 4. 32 J«°‘ hm¶S´>moOZ åhUOo {H$Vr ‘mob? 5 gm of Hydrogen contains ------- mole of Hydrogen. 5 1. 0.5 9. OS>ËdMm {Z¶‘ [law of inertia] Jwê$ËdmMm {Z¶‘ [law of gravitation] N 1. 2 8. 2. 4. 2. 2.5 g‘Om ‘ybÐì¶ A Mr g§¶wOm 5 Am{U 3. 1 B ¶m 4. 2 ‘ybÐì¶mMr g§¶wOm 2 Agë¶mg ˶m§Mo amgm¶{ZH$ aoUwgyÌ H$moUVo? Suppose an element A have valency 5 and element B have valency 2, then What will be the molecular formula of the compound. 1. A5B2 10. 11. 2. A2B5 3. 5AB2 ’w$bo d ’$io ¶m§Zm --------- ‘wio a§J àmßV hmoVmo. Floweres and fruits get colour due to ------1. dU©bdHo$ [pigments] 2. V§VHw ${UH$m [mitochondri] 3. noer{^ËVrH$m 4. 2A5B [cell walls] 4. [ap³VH$m [vacuoles] Oa EImXr dñVw ËdaUrV Zgob Va If a body is not accelerated. 1. 2. 3. 4. 12. {VÀ¶mda H$moUVohr ~b à¶w³V ZgVo [no force acts on it] H$moUVohr Ag§Vw{bV ~b {VÀ¶mda H$m¶© H$aV Zmhr. [no unbalanced force acts on it] n[aUm‘r ~b eyݶ AgVo [the resultant force is not zero] {VÀ¶mda EH$M ~b H$m¶© H$aVo [a single force acts on it] Mma dñVy§Mo dñVy‘mZ d JVr Imbrb à‘mUo Amho The mass and speed of four bodies are : Body Mass Speed A 1kg 10m/s B 2kg 9m/s C 3kg 8m/s D 4kg 7m/s Va gdm©{YH$ g§doJ H$moU˶m dñVy‘ܶo Agob. The body with the largest magnitude of momentum is 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 13. ÐdmV EImXm nXmW© Va§JVmo Ooìhm ßbmdH$ ~b --------- AgVo. When a body floats a liquid in the buoyant force is ------1. eyݶ> [Zero] 2. dñVyÀ¶m dOZmnojm OmñV [greater than its weight] 3. dñVyÀ¶m dOZmnojm H$‘r [less than its weight]> 4. dñVyÀ¶m dOZmEdT>o [equal to its weight] 14. EImXr dñVy daÀ¶m {XeoZo ’o$H$br AgVm Jwê$Ëd~b ho -------- AgVo. When a body is thrown upwards the force of gravity is 1. 3. daÀ¶m {XeoZo [in the upward direction] eyݶ [Zero] 2. 4. 2 ImbÀ¶m {XeoZo [in the downward direction] {j{VO g‘m§Va {XeoZo [in the horizontal direction] 15. dñVyMm A§Va-H$mb AmboI nhm d ¶mo½¶ CËVa {bhm. Distance Look at the given distance-time graph of an object and find the correct answer. time 1. 2. 3. 4. 16. dñVyMr JVr gmV˶mZo dmT>V OmVo. [The speed of the object is increases continuously] dñVyMr JVr gmV˶mZo H$‘r hmoVo. [The speed of the object is decreases continuously] dñVyMr JVr H$m¶‘ amhVo [The speed of the object remains constant] dñVyMr ËdaUrV JVr eyݶ Amho. [The acceleration of the object is zero] A{H©${‘S>rOÀ¶m VËËdmbmM --------- Agohr åhUVmV. Archimedes principle is also known as the Va§JʶmMm {Z¶‘ [law of buoyancy] D$Om© Ajæ¶VoMm {Z¶‘ [law of conservation of energy]> dñVw‘mZ Ajæ¶VoMm {Z¶‘ [law of conservation of mass] ¶m§n¡H$s Zmhr [None of these] g‘wÐmVrb nmʶmda Va§JUmè¶m hmoS>r‘ܶo ~gboë¶m ‘mUgmZo g‘wÐmVrb H$mhr nmUr {në¶mg g‘wÐmVrb nmʶmMr nmVir --------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 17. A man is sitting in a boat which is floating on a pond if a man drinks some water from the pond the level of water in the pond------- 1. 4. dmT>Vo [increases] 2. H$‘r hmoVo [decreases] 3. ~XbV Zmhr dmT>Uo/H$‘r hmoUo ‘mUgmÀ¶m dOZmda Adb§~yZ AgVo. [remains unchanged] [increasing or decreasing depends upon the weight of the man] 18. ~«mg ho H$moU˶m àH$maMo CXmhaU Amho. Brass is an example of a 1. 3. 19. EH${OZgr g§¶wJ [homogeneous compound] {df‘m§Jr {‘lU [hetrogeneous mixture] 2. 4. EH$OrZgr {‘lU [homogeneous mixture] {df‘m§Jr g§¶wJ [hetrogeneous compound] Imbrbn¡H$s gdm©V OS> H$U H$moUVm? The heaviest particle is 1. 20. Bbo³Q´>m°Z [electron] 2. Aë’$m H$U [a-particle] 3. ݶyQ´>m°Z [neutron] 4. ¶m§n¡H$s Zmhr [non of these] gmo{S>A‘ YZ à^marV Am¶Zm§‘ܶo ---------- AgVmV. Na+ (Sodium ion) contains Bbo³Q´>m°Z, àmoQ>m°Z Am{U ݶyQ´>m°Z [electron, proton & neutron] ’$³V àmoQ>m°Z [only proton] àmoQ>m°Z d Bbo³Q´>m°Z [proton and electron both] ’$³V Bbo³Q´>m°Z [only electron] ‘mZdr a³V --------- Mo CXmhaU Amho. Human blood is an example of ------1. H${bb ÐmdU [colloidal solution] 2. g‘m§Jr {‘lU [homogeneous mixture] 3. {Zb§~Z [suspension] 4. gd© n¶m©¶ [all of the above] 1. 2. 3. 4. 21. 3 22. 23. nmʶmMo amgm¶{ZH$ Zmd -------- Amho. The chemical name of water is -----1. OS> nmUr [heavy water] 3. hm¶S´>moOZ S>m¶Am°³gmBS> [hydrogen dioxide] 2. 4. hm¶S´>moOZ Am°³gmBS> [hydrogen oxide] hm¶S´>moOZ noam°³gmBS> [hydrogen peroxide] Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo g§¶wJ Zmhr? Which amongst the following is not a compound? {‘WoZ dm¶y [Methane gas] 3. gmIaoMo ÐmdU [Sugar solution] 1. 24. 25. 2. 4. A‘mo{ZAm dm¶y [Ammonia gas] H$m~©ZS>m¶ Am°³gmBS> [CO2] ñnm¶amoJm¶am ho ----------- Mo CXmhaU Amho. Spirogyra is a -------1. dZñnVr [plant] 2. àmUr [an animal] 3. OrdmUy [a bacterium] 4. H$dH$ [a fungus] 4. bmoUr [Butter] Imbrbn¡H$s H$moU˶m KQ>H$mÀ¶m ApñVËdmgmR>r Am¶mo{S>ZMo ÐmdU dmnaVmV? Which of the following would give a positive test with an iodine solution? 1. 26 OrdZgËd A [Vitamine A]> 2. ñQ>mM© [Starch] à{WZo [Protein] 3. Pwai ho {H$Q>H$ AmW«m}nmoS>m ¶m g§KmVrb AgyZ Imbrbn¡H$s ¶m g§KmMo ‘w»¶ bjU H$moUVo Amho? Cockroach is an insect which belongs to phylum Arthropoda. Which of these following characters is the main character of the phylum? nm¶m§À¶m VrZ OmoS>¶m AgVmV. [Three pairs of legs] 2. n§ImÀ¶m XmoZ OmoS>¶m AgVmV. [Two pairs of wings] 3. g§Yr¶w³V Cnm§Jo AgVmV. [Jointed appendages] 4. ñn¥em§Mr EH$ OmoS>r AgVo. [A pair of antennae (feelers)] 1. 27. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm àmUr C^¶qbJr Amho? --------- is a hermaphrodite animal. 1. O§V [Ascaris] 2. Jm§Sw>i [Earthworm] 3. Pwai [Cockroach] 4. ~oSy>H$ [Frog] 28. ‘mZdr a³VmVrb -------- a³Vnoet‘ܶo {h‘mo½bmo~rZ dmhÿZ ZoʶmMr j‘Vm A{YH$ AgVo. -------- are human blood cells those are capable to carry more haemoglobin. 1. nm§T>è¶m a³Vnoer [WBCs] 2. Vm§~S>¶m a³Vnoer [RBCs] 3. a³VnQ²>Q>rH$m [Platelets] 4. ßbm‘m [Plasma] 29. noer {gX²Ym§V H$moUr ‘m§S>bm? Who proposed the cell theory? 1. 3. {eëS>Z Am{U ídmZ [Schleiden and Schwann] 2. dm°Q>gZ Am{U {H«$H$ S>m{d©Z Am{U d°bog [Darwin and Wallace] 4. nwH$s©ÝOo [Purkinje] [Watson & Crick] 30. ---------- ¶m§Zm ídoV H«$m§VrMo OZH$ åhUVmV. --------- is known as the father of white revolution. 1. àmo. d{J©g Hw$ar¶Z [Prof. Verghese Kurien] 2. S>m°. ~m°abm°J [Dr. Borlaug] 3. H$mb© {b{ZAg [Carlous Linnaeous] 4. S>m°. ñdm‘rZmWZ [Dr. Swaminathan] 31. harVbdH$mVrb ----------- ^mJmV {d{dY g§íbofH$ {dH$ao AgVmV. -------- part of the chloroplast contains variety of photosynthetic enzymes. 1. Va§JH$ [Grana] 2. AmYmaH$ [Matrix] 3. {nR>rH$m [Stroma] 4. ¶m§n¡H$s Zmhr [None of the above] 4 32. --------- bm noetMm amgm¶{ZH$ H$maImZm åhUVmV. --------- are called as chemical factory of the cell. 1. V§VwH${UH$m [Mitochondria] 2. Jm°ëJrH$m¶ [Golgi bodies] 3. [a³VrH$m [Vacuoles] 4. noerÐì¶> [Cytoplasm] 33. noerÀ¶m -------- ^mJmV ATP V¶ma Ho$bo OmVmV. ---------- is the main cellular site of ATP generation. 1. noerÐì¶ [Cytoplasm] 2. H|$ÐH$ [Nucleus] 3. V§VHw ${UH$m [Mitochondria]> 4. am¶~moPmoåg$ [Ribosomes] 34. ------- bm A§S>r KmbʶmgmR>r ‘mZdr a³VmVrb à{WZm§Mr Amdí¶H$Vm AgVo. ------- requires proteins of human blood to lay eggs. 1. A°Zm{’${bg ‘mXr [Female Anopheles] 2. ‘m¶H$mo~°³Q>oarA‘ [Mycobacterium] 3. A{‘~m [Amoeba]> 4. {’$bmarAm$ [Filaria] 35. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVr bg A§V…ñZm¶y bg Zmhr. Which of the following vaccin is not a intramuscular vaccine. 1. 36. {hnmQ>m¶Q>rg-A [Hepatitis-A] 2. H$m°bam [Cholera] 3. nmo{bAmo [Polio]> 4. Q>m¶’$m°BS> [Typhoid] {ÛZm‘ nX²YVrMm emoY H$moUr bmdbm? Who proposed binomial nomenclature? 1. 3. 37. H$mb© {b{ZAg [Carl Linnaeus] AZ©ñQ> ‘m¶a [Ernest Mayr]> 2. 4. {bìhoZhþH$ [Leevenhook] {WAmo’«$mñQ>g [Theophrastus] 2. 4. ÐdmMm a§J [colour of a liquid] ¶mn¡H$s Zmhr> [none of these] ßbmdH$ ~b H$emda Adb§~yZ AgVo. Buoyant force depends on 1. 3. 38. ÐdmMr Imobr> [depth of a liquid] ÐdmMr KZVm [density of liquid] 1kg dñVw‘mZ Agboë¶m dñVwMo n¥ÏdrÀ¶m n¥ð>^mJmda {H$Vr dOZ ^aob? A body having a mass of 1kg on the surface of the earth weights? 1. 9.8 N 2. 1 N 3. 980 N 9.8 39. 4. 1 N 980 {H«$¶m d à{V{H«$¶m ~b ho Action and reaction force Zoh‘r OmoS>rZo ¶oVmV> [always exist in pairs] ˶m§Mr n[a‘mUo g‘mZ AgVmV [are equal in magnitude] Zoh‘r {dê$XY {XeoZo à¶w³V hmoVmV [always act in apposite directions] gd© n¶m©¶ [all of these] XmoZ dñVy§Mo dñVw‘mZ 2kg d 4kg AgyZ ˶m§À¶m‘Yrb A§Va 4m AgVmZm ˶mÀ¶mVrb AmH$f©U ~b 3.335 x 10-11 N BVHo$ AgVo. Oa ¶mM XmoZ dñVw M§Ðmda ZoD$Z A§Va VoM R>odbo AgVm ˶m§À¶mVrb AmH$f©U ~b {H$Vr? 1. 2. 3. 4. 40. If the force between bodies of mass 2kg and 4kg separated by distance 4m, is 3.335 x 10-11 N then the force between them if the bodies are shifted to the moon without altering the distance between them will be -----1. 0.03335 N 2. 3.335 x 10-11 N -11 3. 3.335 x 10 N 4. 3.335 x 10-11 N x 6 6 5 41. AW©emñÌ d ^yJmob ¶m {df¶mVrb Aä¶mgmXaå¶mZ ‘m{hVoMo {díbofU H$aʶmgmR>r ------- dmna g§emoYH$mH$Sy>Z Ho$bm OmVmo. While study Economics and Geography -------- packages are used by researchers to practice & learn how to use and analyze data. 1. 3. 42. g§nyU© [Whole] Am°Q>mo‘°{Q>H$ [Automatic] 2. shareware 3. copied {dñVm[aV ê$n -------DNS stands for -------- 3. review 4. page setup ‘ܶo gm§Ho${VH$ {MÝho Q>mH$ʶmgmR>r -------- Q>°~Mm dmna H$aVmV. In Ms-word to insert symbols -------- tab is used. 2. page layout 3. references 4. home ---------- gm°âQ>doAa åhUOo ‘yi gm°âQ>doAaMr V§VmoV§V Z³H$b hmo¶. -------- software means the duplicate copy of the original software. 1. advanced 47. 2. page layout Ms-Word 1. insert 46. 2. Digital Number System 4. Dot Net System ------- ìh¶y ‘ܶo AmnU A°S>Oog‘|Q> H$ê$Z Pmbobo ~Xb qàQ>tJ À¶m AJmoXa ñH«$sZda ~Ky eH$Vmo. In -------- view we can make adjustments a page and view the changes before printing. 1. print preview 45. 4. duplicate DNS Mo 1. Domain Name System 3. Digital Name System 44. [a{nQ>oS> [Repeted] ñQ>°Q>rñQ>rH$b [Statistical] --------- ho EH$ Ago gm°âQ>doAa Amho Oo ‘w³VnUo H$m°nr, nwZ{d©V[aV Am{U gwYm[aV H$aVm ¶oVo. -------- is termed as free software that allow everyone to copy, redistribute & modify it. 1. freeware 43. 2. 4. 2. pirated 3. authorized 4. free nm°da nm°BQ§ > Q>åo nboQ> åhUOo ñbmB©S>À¶m aMZm qH$dm ñbmB©S>Mm J«nw hmo¶ Omo AmnU ------ E³ñQ>oÝeZ Zo god H$aVmo. A Power Point template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save with -------- extension. 1. .potx 48. 2. pptx 3. .ptem 4. .tem nm°da nm±BQ> àoP|Q>oeZ ‘ܶo {MÌmbm {d{dY àH$mao bmJy H$aʶmgmR>r ------ Q>°~ dmnaVmV. You can apply a picture style to make your picture or clip stand out in your presentation using ----- tab 1. format 49. 3. Transition 4. Design ~m¡pÜXH$ ‘mb‘ËVoMo ajU H$aVmZm ---------- ‘hËdmMr ^y{‘H$m ~OmdVmo. To protect intellectual property right -------- plays an important role. 1. distribution 50. 2. Animation 2. duplication 3. encryption 4. development ‘ܶo ñ‘mQ>© AmQ>© J«m{’$H$ nm{hOo {VWo Q>mH$ʶmgmR>r ---- em°Q> H$Q> {H$ Mm dmna H$aVmV. In the Microsoft Office programme where you want to insert the graphic, -------- short cut Microsoft Office key is used to open the Smart Art Graphic dialog box. 1. ALT,N,M 3. ALT+Shift+N 2. ALT,Shift+M 4. ALT,N 6 51. ^maVmMm n{hbm A§V[aj CnJ«h Am¶©^Q²>Q> ¶mMr aMZm -------- ¶oWo Ho$br. India’s first space satellite Aryabhatta was constructed at ------1. S>m°. {dH«$‘ gmam^mB© [agM© g|Q>a Ah‘Xm~mX [Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Research Centre, Ahmadabad] 2. Ww§~m am°Ho$Q> bm±{MJ ñQ>oeZ [Thumba Rocket Launching Station] 3. Zmgm [N A S A] 4. BñÌmo [ISRO] 52. Mmëg© S>m{d©Z ¶m§Zm {H$Vr An˶o hmoVr? How many children did Charls Darwin have? 1. 2 53. 2. 4 3. 6 4. 10 Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo {dYmZ Wm°‘g E{S>gZ ~m~V g˶ Amho? Which of the followings is true about Thomas Edison? Vo A§eV… ~{hao hmoVo [He was partially deaf] Vo Am§Yio hmoVo [He was blind] Vo ìhrbMoAa ‘ܶo Agm¶Mo [He was in a wheel chair] 4. ˶m§Zm EH$M nm¶ hmoVm [He had only one leg] 1. 2. 3. 54. àmoQ>m°Z, ݶyQ´>m°Z d Bbo³Q´>m°ZMm emoY AZwH«$‘o ------- ¶m emñÌkm§Zr bmdbo. The proton, neutron and electron were discovered by ---- respectively. 1. ê$Xa’$moS>©, S>mëQ>Z, H$UmX [Rutherford, Dalton, Kannad] 2. ê$Xa’$moS>©, M°S>{dH$, {Zëg ~moa [Rutherford, Chadwick, Neils Bohr] 3. ê$Xa’$moS>©, M°S>{dH$, Wm°‘gZ [Rutherford, Chadwick, Thomson] 4. ê$Xa’$moS>©, S>o‘mo{H«$Q>g, Wm°‘gZ [Rutherford, Democritus, Thomson] 55. nXmW© {dkmZmV Zmo~ob nwañH$ma {‘idUmao ^maVr¶ emñÌk H$moUVo? Which of the following Indian scientists was honoured by Nobel prize in physics? 1. 3. 56. S>m°. gr.ìhr. am‘Z [Dr. C.V. Raman] S>m°. haJmoqdX IwamUm [Dr. Hargobind Khorana] 2. 4. S>m°. Eg. M§ÐeoIa [Dr. S. Chandrashekhar] n¶m©¶ 1 d 2 [Option 1 & 2] ‘’$m°b Am°’$ ñn°amo’ ho nwñVH$ ------- ¶m§Zr {b{hbo. ‘The Fall of Sparrow’ is a book written by 1. 3. 57. Mmb©g S>mduZ [Charls Darwin] AmB©ZñQ>mB©Z [Eienstein] Mmëg© ~°~oO ¶m§Zr V¶ma Ho$bobm n{hbm ¶m§{ÌH$ g§JUH$ -------- ¶m ZmdmZo AmoiIbm OmVmo. The first mechanical computer designed by Charls Babbage was called as ------1. Abacus 58. S>m°. g{b‘ Abr [Dr. Salim Ali] 4. S>m°. {dH«$‘ gmam^mB© [Dr. Vikram Sarabhai] 2. 2. Analytical Engine 3. Calculator 4. Processor ‘{~J {~J ~±J Vo ãb°H$ hmob’ ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {b{hbo? The book Big bang to black hole is written by -------- 1. 3. 59. pñQ>’$Z hm°qH$J [Stephen Hawking] AmB©ZñQ>mBZ [Eienstein] 2. 4. S>m°. {dH«$‘ gmam^mB© ݶyQ>Z [Newton] [Dr. Vikram Sarabhai] Amë’«o$S> Zmo~ob ¶m§Zr H$emMm emoY bmdbm? Which of the followings was discovered by Alfred Nobel? 1. nmobmo{ZA‘ [Polonium] 2. ao{S>A‘ [Radium] 7 3. E = mc2 4. S>m¶Zm‘mB©Q> [Dynamite] 60. d¡ÚH$emñÌmV Zmo~ob nm[aVmo{fH$ {‘idUmao emñÌk H$moUVo? Which of the following scientists was honoured by Nobel Prize in medicine? 1. 3. 61. S>m°. gbr‘ Abr [Dr. Salim Ali] Mmëg© S>m{d©Z [Charls Darwin] 2. 4. S>m°. haJmoqdX IwamUm [Dr. Hargobind Khorana] S>m°. Eg. M§ÐeoIa [Dr. S. Chandrashekhar] A§VamimV gmoS>ʶmV Ambobm n{hbm H¥${Ì‘ CnJ«h H$moUVm? The very first artificial satellite launched is the space was -------- ñnwQ>{ZH$-l [Sputnic - I] 3. Am¶©^Q>Q²> [Aryabhata] Anmobm-l [Appolo - I] 4. ‘o[aZa-l [Mariner - I] 1. 62. 2. A{V{Zb {H$aUo Imbrb n¡H$s earamÀ¶m H$moU˶m ^mJmda gdm©V OmñV n[aUm‘ H$aVmV. Which of the following body parts can be most affected due to ultra violet radiation? 1. 63. 64. OR>a [Stomach] 2. ¶H¥$V [Liver] ao{’«$OaoQ>aMm emoY H$moUr bmdbm? Refrigerator was invented by -------1. EÝQ>moZr ~o³¶yaob [Antoine Bacquerel] 3. Om°Z ~oAS>© [John Baird] A, B, O 3. MoVm noer [Nerve cell] 2. 4. Ooåg h°[agZ [James Harrison] J«°h‘ ~ob [Graham Bell] 4. ËdMm [Skin] ho a³VJQ> àW‘V… H$moUr emoYbo? Who discovered the blood group A, B, O for the first time? 1. 3. 65. Amë’«o$S> dm°Z S>oH$m°ñQ>obmo [Alfred Von Decastello] 2. am°~Q>© H$m°H$ [Robert Cock] Mmëg© S>mduZ> [Charls Darwin] 4. H$mb© b±S>ñQ>oZa [Karl Landsteiner] 1 {S>g|~a hm {Xdg ------- åhUyZ gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo. 1st December is celebrated as 1. 3. 66. ¶wZmo {Xdg [UNO Day] OmJ{VH$ ES²>g {XZ [World AIDS Day] 2. 4. n¶m©daU {Xdg [Environment Day] ‘mZdr h³H$ {XZ [Human Rights Day] ZwH$VrM OJmVrb ------- hr g§gX gm¡a CO}da MmbUmar R>abr. Which of the following parliament is runing recently on solar energy? 1. 3. 67. ^maV [India] a{e¶m [Russia] 2. 4. nm{H$ñVmZ [Pakistan] OnmZ [Japan] -------- ¶m {gX²Ym§Vmg 2015 gmbr 100 df} nyU© Pmbr. In the year 2015 hundred years have been completed to ------- theory. 1. E = mc2 3. ao{S>A‘ [Radium] 68. 2. 4. ݶyQ>ZMo {Z¶‘ [Newtons Laws] nmobmo{ZA‘ [Polonium] 3. ³bmoarZ Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo gyú‘ nmofÐì¶ Zmhr? Which of the following is not a micro nutrient. 1. 69. bmoh [Iron] 2. OñV [Zinc] [Chlorine] 4. Zm¶Q´>moOZ [Nitrogen] ‘°Jr‘ܶo ------- hm KQ>H$ A{YH$ à‘mUmV gmnS>ë¶mZo ^maVmV ˶m nXmWm©À¶m {dH«$sbm ~§Xr KmVbr hmoVr. Maggi was banned in India due to high contents of ------1. E‘.Eg.Or. [M S G] 2. {ego [Lead] 3. {b{WA‘ [Lithium] 4. n¶m©¶ 1 d 2 [Option 1 & 2] 8 70. 28 ’o$~«wdmar amoOr amï´>r¶ {dkmZ {XZ gmOam H$aVmV H$maU ¶m {Xder 28th February is celebrated as the national science day because? S>m°.gr.ìhr. am‘Z O¶§Vr> [Dr. C.V. Raman’s Birthday] am‘Z B’o$³Q>Mr KmofUm Ho$br [Raman Effect annouced] 3. S>m°.gr.ìhr. am‘Z ¶m§Zm Zmo~ob [Dr. C.V. Raman was award by Noble prize] 4. gd© n¶m©¶> [All of these] 1. 2. AB C D E FGH I J K LM N O PQ R S T UVWXYZ For Q. 71 to 78 nwT>rb Aja‘m{bH$m / g§»¶m‘m{bH$m nyU© H$am. Complete alphabet series / number series. 71. A, F, J, M, ? 1. O 72. 2. RWP 3. QVS 4. SXU 2. ijk 3. kji 4. hgi 2. 52 3. 51 4. 50 2. 49 3. 44 4. 46 3. 503 4. 593 748, 737, 716, 685, 644, ?. 1. 634 78. 4. TU 7, 23, ?, 79, 119. 1. 47 77. 3. YC 65, 48, 64, 49, 63, ?. 1. 53 76. 2. TV qpo, nml, ? 1. ghf 75. 4. P FOX, IQV, LST, OUR, ? . 1. RPW 74. 3. Q BD, HJ, NP, ? , ZB 1. QS 73. 2. N 2. 643 Imbrb g§»¶m‘m{bHo$V àíZ{MÝhmÀ¶m OmJr H$moUVr g§»¶m ¶oB©b? The missing number of a series is : 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 72, ? 1. 90 79. 2. 96 3. 102 4. 108 EH$m gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV ‘PERMANENT’ ho ‘REPNAMTNE’ Ago {b{hVmV Va ˶mM gm§Ho${VH$ ^mfoV ‘DIRECTION’ H$go {bhmb? If ‘PERMANENT’ is coded as ‘REPNAMTNE’, then how can ‘DIRECTION’ will be written? 1. RIDTECNOI 3. RIDTECION 80. 2. RIDTCENOI 4. RIDCTENOI Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm Aja JQ>mMr AmaemVrb à{V‘m gmaIrM Agob? Which of the letters will look the same in the mirror? 1. TERMINATE 3. AOVIVOA 2. FIXING 4. VHRTRVH 9 81. Imbrb AmH¥$VrV g‘m§Va^wO Mm¡H$moZm§Mr g§»¶m {H$Vr? What will be the number of parallelogram in the given figure? 1. 15 82. 2. 17 3. 13 dS>rb d ‘wbmÀ¶m AmOÀ¶m d¶mMr ~oarO Agë¶mg XmoKm§Mo AmOMo d¶ {H$Vr? 70 df} Amho. 10 4. 16 dfm©Z§Va ‘wbmMo d¶ ho dS>rbm§À¶m d¶mÀ¶m {Zå‘o hmoV The sum of the ages of father and son presently is 70 years. After 10 years the son’s age is exactly half that of the father’s. What are their ages now? 1. 45 years, 25 years 2. 50 years, 20 years 3. 47 years, 23 years 4. 50 years, 25 years 83. PmS>mda nmM njr ~gbobo AmhoV. H$~wVa ho nmonQ>mÀ¶m COì¶m ~mOybm ~gbobo Amho. {M‘Ur hr H$~wVamÀ¶m da Amho. H$mdim H$~wVamÀ¶m nwT>o Amho. ~Jim hm H$mdi¶mÀ¶m Imbr Amho. Va ‘ܶ^mJr H$moUVm njr Agob? Five birds are sitting on a tree. The Pigeon is to the right of the Parrot. The Sparrow is above the Pigeon. The Crow is next to the Pigeon. The Crane is below the Crow. Which bird is at the centre? 1. H$mdim [Crow] 2. H$~wVa [Pigeon] 3. nmonQ> [Parrot] 84. Oa + åhUOo d , x åhUOo __ , d åhUOo + Am{U If + means d , x means 16 d 8 x 6 - 2 + 12 = ? 1. 22 85. 4. {M‘Ur [Sparrow] __ , d means + and __ åhUOo x Va __ means x then 2. 23 3. 1 4. 3 X ¶m ehamnmgyZ {ZKmboë¶m ~g‘ܶo pñ̶m§Mr g§»¶m nwê$fm§À¶m g§»¶m§À¶m {Zå‘r hmoVr. Y ¶m ehamV 10 nwê$f ~g‘YyZ CVabo d 5 pñ̶m ~g‘ܶo ~gë¶m AgVm nwê$f d pñ̶m§Mr g§»¶m g‘mZ Pmbr Va gwê$dmVrbm ~g‘ܶo EHy$U {H$Vr àdmgr hmoVo? A bus starts from city X, The number of women in the bus is a half of the number of men In city Y, 10 men leave the bus and 5 women enter now number of men and women is equal How many passengers entered the bus in the begining? 1. 15 2. 30 3. 36 4. 45 For Q. 86 to 89 nwT>o {Xboë¶m AmH¥$VrMo {ZarjU H$ê$Z ˶mImbrb àíZm§Mr CËVao X¶m. Observe the following figure carefully and answer the questions: bmoH$gËVm Loksatta 15 g 13 11 g 10 18 17 g 12 19 20 18 14 g 86. Lokmat Sarvamat Sakal gmd©‘V gH$mi bmoH$‘V {H$Vr 춳Vr ’$³V EH$M d¥ËVnÌ dmMVmV? How many people read only one news paper? 1. 60 2. 71 3. 70 10 4. 59 87. 88. {H$Vr 춳Vr H$‘rV H$‘r 2 dV©‘mZnÌ dmMVmV? How many people read minimum two news papers? 1. 61 2. 78 3. 108 4. 98 {H$Vr 춳Vr 3 dV©‘mZnÌ dmMVmV? How many people read three news papers? 1. 30 89. 2. 20 3. 40 4. None {H$Vr 춳Vr Mmahr dV©‘mZnÌo dmMVmV? How many people read all the four news papers? 1. 17 90. 2. 61 3. 108 4. Nobody EH$m ñÌrH$S>o ~moQ> XmIdV amohZ åhUmbm, “Vr ‘m¶m AmB©À¶m n{VÀ¶m AmB©Mr ‘wbJr Amho” Va amohZMo ˶m ñÌrer ZmVo H$m¶? Pointing to a lady Rohan said, “She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother. What will be the relation of Rohan to the Lady? Am˶m [Aunt] 3. ~{hU [Sister] ZmV [Grand daughter] 4. ‘wbJr [Daughter] 1. 91. 2. Imbrb B§J«Or eãX dUm©ZwH«$‘o bmdë¶mg eodQ>Mm eãX H$moUVm? If we arrange the following words alphabetically which of them will be the last? 1. summer 2. some 3. synergy 4. sunday For Q. 92 to 94 Imbr {Xboë¶m AmH¥$˶m§‘YyZ ˶mImbr {dMmaboë¶m àíZmVrb Jmoï>tMm ¶mo½¶ nañna g§~Y§ Xe©{dUmar AmH¥$Vr {ZdS>m. Choose the correct diagram that dipicts the correct relationship among the three groups of things from the given figures. 1. 2. 3. 92. Ka‘mem [flies] S>mg 93. goH§$X [seconds] {‘{ZQ> 94. {ÌH$moU [triangle] 4. {H$Q>H$ [mosquitoes] Vmg [minutes] [insects] [hours] Mma ~mOy Agbobr AmH¥$Vr [four sided figure] Mm¡ag [square] For Q. 95 to 97 àíZ{MÝhm§À¶m OmJr ¶mo½¶ A§H$ emoYm. Find the missing number? 95. 3 15 4 7 38 5 ? 5 3 1. 15 2. 16 3. 18 11 4. 20 96. 9 ? 2 3 4 7 5 5 1. 11 97. 5 2 6 60 8 4 2 64 3. 10 4. 9 2. 49 3. 39 4. 126 7 6 3 ? 1. 68 98. 2. 12 EH$m Hw$Qy>§~mV nwê$f d ˶mMr ~m¶H$mo Am{U ˶m§Mo 4 ‘wbo d ˶m§À¶m ~m¶H$m amhVmV d à˶oH$ ‘wbmg 3 ‘wbo d ‘wbJr Amho. Va ˶m Hw$Qy>§~mVrb nwpëb¨Jr gXñ¶ {H$Vr? 1 A family has a man his wife, their four sons and their wifes, The family of every son also has 3 sons and on daughter find out the total numbers of male members in the whole family? 1. 17 99. KS>¶mimV 4 dmOyZ 2. 15 20 {‘{ZQ>o 3. 16 4. 8 Pmbo AgVm Vmg H$mQ>m d {‘{ZQ> H$mQ>m ¶m§À¶m‘Yrb H$moZ {H$Vr A§emMm Agob? Is 4:20 the angle between the hands of the clock is 1. 100 100. 2. 200 3. 150 4. 4 10 2 {efm©gZmVrb ¶moJm H$aUmè¶m EH$m 춳VrMo Vm|S> npíM‘obm hmoVo. Va ˶mMm S>mdm hmV H$moU˶m {Xeobm Agob? A man is performing yoga with his head down and legs up. His face is towards the west. In which direction will his left hand be 1. CËVa [North] 3. nwd© [East] 2. X{jU [South] 4. npíM‘ [West] ******* (¶m àíZn{ÌHo$Mr CËVa gwMr (Answer Key) 4/5 {XdgmV WWW.drcvramanexam.com ¶m do~gmB©Q>da CnbãY hmoB©b) 12