JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 90, NO. D4, PAGES 6013-6025, JUNE 30, 1985 Large-ScaleCharge Separation in Thunderclouds EARLE R. WILLIAMS Departmentof Earth, Atmosphericand PlanetarySciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo•Iy,Cambrid•Ie Currently available evidencefor the mechanismsthought to be responsiblefor large-scalecharge separationin thundercloudsis reviewed.The evidencesuggeststhat electricallychargedprecipitation particlesare basicto the electrificationprocessbut that convectivemotionsare essentialin accounting for the electricalenergyof activethunderstorms.The relativecontributionsof air and particle motions remain largely unquantified,and the physical origins of thundercloudelectrificationhave yet to be established. 1. The electrification INTRODUCTION of clouds is a result 2. of the relative dis- placement of positive and negative electric charge at the molecular scale and the subsequentmacroscopicseparation of opposite charge by air and particle motions. This paper is concernedwith a review of the evidencefor various processes thought to be responsiblefor chargeseparationon scalescommensurate with the cloud dipole. Vital to a complete understanding of cloud electrification is a consideration of charge separation on both large and small scales,and the interested reader is referred to a paper by Illin•tworth [this issue] that addressesthe microphysicsof chargeseparation. Other review articles concernedwith large-scalecharge separation that are more comprehensivethan the presentone, in the sensethat existing theories and mechanismsare described, are those by Vonne•tut [1963], Moore and Vonne•tut [1977], Latham [1981], and Lhermitte and Williams [1983]. The paper is somewhatarbitrarily subdividedinto nine categories of observational results, each of which places constraints(to a greater or lesserdegree)on the processes responsible for large-scalecharge separation.Section 2 is concerned with the many studies contributing to a description of the main negative charge center in thunderclouds and with the evidencethat cloud temperatureis influencingelectricalstructure. In situ charge measurements and vertically pointing Doppler radar observationsof precipitation are reviewed in section 3 and 4, respectively,in order to assessthe contribution of precipitation particle motions to electrification.This contribution is further examined in section 5, in which the gravitational power associatedwith falling precipitation is explored. The effectsof air motion on electrificationare investigated in section6 by consideringhow the electricalpower and flash rate of a thunderstorm depend on its size; further interesting implications are exposed. Multiple Doppler radar analysis,which is essentialin distinguishingthe contributions of air and particle motions to electrification,is the subject of section 7. Section 8 is concerned with trends in the paths taken by lightning relative to precipitation structureand with possible implications for the distribution of electric space charge that may influencelightning paths. The still-unresolved question of whether the first lightning in developing clouds can be accounted for by currently considered precipitation mechanismsis addressedquantitatively in section 9. Finally, section 10 reviews present information about the large-scale electriccurrentsflowing within and around thunderclouds. Copyright 1985 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 5D0015. 0148-0227/85/005D-0015505.00 60i3 DESCRIPTION OF THE MAIN NEGATIVE CHARGE REGION Perhaps the most firmly establishedresult in all of cloud electrification research is the systematic positive dipole characterof terrestrialthunderclouds[Wilson, 1920]. A principal result of studiesin recent years is a vastly improved descriptionof the lower negativeend of this dipole, which has beenmore accessible to observationbecauseof its closerproximity to the earth'ssurface.The resultsof thesemany observations as they pertain to the vertical location of the main negative charge region are summarizedin Figure 1. These observations include balloon and rocket soundingsof the electricfield within the cloud [Chapman, 1956; Winnet al., 1974, 1981; Marshall and Winn, 1982; Byrne et al., 1983-1,electric field measurementsof the charge transferred by lightning [Jacobsonand Krider, 1976; Krehbiel et al., 1979; Krehbiel, 1981-1, and the locations of acoustic and VHF radiation sources as- sociatedwith.lightning [Weber et al., 1980; MacGorman et al., 1981; Proctor, 1983]. All of the inferred locations for negative charge are in regions of the cloud colder than 0øC, a result that has been frequentlycited as evidencefor a precipitation-basedcharging mechanisminvolving the ice phase ILarham, 1981]. Although the range of cloud temperaturesassociatedwith the various height determinationsis 0øC to -45øC, a remarkable feature of individual electric field soundings[e.g., Winnet al., 1981; Byrne et al., 1983] is the evidencefor layers of negativespace charge that are only ,-, 1000 m thick, a mere 10-20% of the height of the parent thundercloud.This relatively small thickness and the stratified character often identified with these negative regions are not readily accounted for by convective theoriesfor cloud electrification[Vonne•tut,1955; Wa•tner and Telford, 1981]. Indeed, extensivecharge stratification appears to be most pervasivein cloud systemsin which the vertical air motions are small. To cite a few examples,the longest horizontal lightning discharges ever documented [Li•7da, 1956-[ were observedin the rear portions of squall lines,regionsthat Doppler radar observationshave sinceshownto be regionsof small vertical air motion. Acousticreconstructionsof lightning channels [Teer and Few, 1974] and the mapping of charge participating in lightning [Krehbiel, 1981] show the most extensive discharge development in the dissipating stages of thunderstormsthat are often convectivelyquiescent.Finally, the largest charge transfers associatedwith lightning have been recorded in relatively shallow Japanese winter snowstorms [Nakano, 1979; Brook et al., 1982], which are characterized by large wind shear and strong horizontal air motion but modest vertical air motion. These conditionsagain suggesta stratifiedorganizationof charge,particularly in light of laboratory scalemodels [Williams et al., this issue]. 6014 WILLIAMS:THUNDERCLOUD than those in New Mexico. Whatever the reason, this re•sult 12 :•;::•:;&......LIGHTNING CHARGE :. CHARGE SEPARATION should be of interest to modelers of cloud convection and r---.]JAC OBSON-•A-K RiDE electrificationprocessesand to laboratory workers who are ............ :............ •.......... FLORI.DA_ •_.1___ (19761_i• concernedwith the microphysicsof chargetransfer. A secondtrend apparent in Figure 1 is for the lightning 10 chargeheightsto be systematicallygreaterthan the inferences i.•.•< ..... [ ...... ; 7"•--Ne-'-'v•,/!-•'){iCOr=] -KREHBIEL•AU •....... I ............... :•-• ....... :....... (1979)..... based on other methods. Furthermore, the charge heights basedon total flash analysisin Florida [Jacobsonand Krider, 1976] are higher than thosebasedon individual stroke analysisin Florida [Krehbiel et al., 1979; Krehbiel,1981]. In light of the apparent oblate shape of negative charge regions the .......• above discrepancymay be attributable to a finite sizeeffectin the inversionof electricfield changescausedby lightning.It 6 • v.. • ...........•---•--•............ •:.a....... •. ß can easilybe shownthat a laterally extensivesourceof charge will have an exaggeratedheight if it is modeledas a point charge.This biasis most easilyunderstoodby consideringthe •0.C limiting case of an infinite horizontal sheet of charge whose •-....... •y•ne e•al (t98•) •4 effectat the groundis reproducedby a point chargeat infinite VHF ACOUSTIC NEGATIVE height. Additional negative charge height bias (P. Krehbiel, 3__•SAD!ATION. SOURCES_ C.HARGE personalcommunication,1984) may result from the subsidiary ....... SOURCES ......................... LAYERS'_ lower positive charge center, which may participate in cloud to ground discharges. Another remarkableresult pertainingto the inferredheight of the negativechargeregionin thundercloudsis its apparent ..... time stability. Lightning charge location analysisfor a se•-; .... quence of 15 dischargesin one storm [Krehbiel et al., 1984; Fig. 1. Observations pertaining to the vertical locations of nega-• see Figure 2] indicates that the inferred negative charge tive charge regions in thunderclouds.Lightning charge locations are heightsvary by lessthan 1 km over a period of severalminplotted in histogramform. Negative chargecentersinferredfrom balloon and rocket soundingsand the mean heightsof VHF and acous- utes.Simultaneously,the inferred positiveend of the thundercloud dipole risessteadily with time. One would like to know tic source distributions are both denoted by horizontal arrows. An approximate scale for cloud temperature correspondingwith msl whether this behavior is due to an ever-expandingregion of height is included. selective charge transfer to precipitation particles or to 7 -20c........ ] .. . ;. , upward transport of space charge by vertical air motions. The negativechargeheight comparisonsin Figure 1 reveal two significanttrends: First, the inferred MSL heightsfor negative charge regions in Florida are systematicallyhigher and at lower temperature than those in New Mexico. This differencemay be attributable to a difference in moisture regimes in Florida and New 3. IN SITU MEASUREMENTS OF CHARGE CARRIED BY PRECIPITATION The nature of the chargedparticlesthat composethe prominent negativechargeregion in thundercloudsis a fundamental questionin cloud electrification.Although very few measurementsof cloud particle chargeshave beenmade, severalinvestigators have succeededin measuringthe chargesand local Mexico or to a difference in characteristic cloud size (see sec- tion 6), as the Florida clouds are recognizedas being larger Average Height of LightningCharge Centers for First 15 Discharges in Small Storm Day 220 (Aug 8) 1977 (Florida TRIP 77) -5O - q0 -30 -20 (-)• • l-l'l • t' .' Krehbielet al (1984) ,. :I' -]_•.sm CG Discharges • - l0 . Tl•, SIllliB Fig. 2. Lightning charge structure,derived by Krehbiel et al. [1984] for August 8, 1977, Florida thunderstorm, illustratingtemporalstabilityof negativechargecenterheightsand systematicrise of positivechargecenterheights.Also shownare VHF radiation sourcesprovidedby the LDAR (lightningdetectionand ranging)system. WILLIAMS:THUNDERCLOUD CHARGESEPARATION 6015 TABLE 1. Summaryof In Situ Measurements of PrecipitationParticleCharge Altitude Range Investigator negative 1-9 nA/m2 3/16 negative 3-10 nA/m2 4-5 km msl GaskeN et al. all dissipative 4/4 ( + 4øC-0øC) [1978] 4-6 km msl et al. negative 2-20 nA/m2 positive 1-25 nA/m2 negative 1-5 nA/m2 (+ løC to - 8øC) [1980] 3-7 km msl and Winn mostly generafive mostly dissipative (+ 10øC to - 15øC) [1982] Gatdiner GenerationCases/ DissipationCases ( + 7øC-0øC) [1974] Marshall Magnitude of CurrentDensity 3-4 km msl Rust and Moore Christian Preferential Signof Change 4-5 km msl et al. (- 3øC to - 7øC) [1984] currents carried by precipitation particles in situ. These The findingthat the negativespacechargedensitycould be measurements are summarized in Table 1. roughlyaccountedfor by the negativechargefound on preThe natural variability of thundercloudsrequiresa large cipitationwithin the inferrednegativechargeregionsuggests This number of suchmeasurementsto establishrepresentativecon- an importantrole for precipitationin the electrification. ditions,and no grand generalizations can be drawn on the findingis particularlynoteworthyin light of the likely possibasis of the available information in Table 1. In four of these bility that the total surfacearea of the cloudparticlesin situ studiesa tendencywasfoundfor negativelychargedprecipi- was 1-2 ordersof magnitudegreaterthan that of the precipitation particlesbeneaththe inferrednegativechargeregion, tation particles.Sorelyneededare additionalin situ measurewith corresponding particlemotionsthat were dissipating ments of this kind, both within the main negative charge electrostaticenergy.Marshall and Winn [1982], on the other regionand, perhapsmore importantly,in the centraldipole hand,founda strongtendencyfor generafiveparticlemotion. regionof thunderclouds. Theselatter measurements (Figure 3) deserveparticular atten4. DOPPLER RADAR MEASUREMENTS OF PRECIPITATION AT tion, sinceboth precipitationparticle chargesand the vector VERTICAL INCIDENCE electric field were recorded from the same balloon. These data alloweda comparisonbetweenthe chargedensityassociated Additional efforts to quantify the role of precipitationin with the precipitationand the net spacechargedensityin situ. electrificationon somewhatlargescalesand at higherlevelsin 150 100 AUGUST 7, lg7g. •r-5500m, Bc:lloon E ?ield d MSL cloud 1015 ' ' ' 10'20 .... 10'25 ' 1029 • I -•0MST MST MSTMST -100 -.,_so L 7500m, MSL••15 øC) •odE/dz . (,•ono-Cowl/cub i ½ me'• e r") . . 10'15 i i • i MST 1 1020 NST , Prec i p. c¬ar•e densi Ly Ill MST , r'• , i-t-, 1020 4, M'ln,,,,,•Tn,,[,,}•[;•,,•,'•, MST MST MST . Marshall & Winn Fig. 3. Electric fieldeo(dE/dz) andthespace charge density associated withprecipitation •orAugust 7, 1979, NewMexico thunderstorm[Marshall and Winn, 1982]. 6016 WILLIAMS:THUNDERCLOUDCHARGESEPARATION TABLE 2. Summaryof VerticallyPointingDopplerRadar Measurements of Precipitation at theTimeof NearbyLightning Discharge Investigator 10 Location Findings L. J. Battan(unpublished) Arizona Zrnidet al. [1982] Oklahoma WilliamsandLherrnitte New Mexico negativeresult negativeresult velocityperturbations Mazur et al. [1983] negativeresult [1983] Negative Charge LocationData- l ) Jacobson and Krider, 1976 1 in < 1% of cases Oklahoma the cloud have been made with verticallypointing Doppler radar [Zrni6 et al., 1982' Williams and Lhermitte, 1983; Mazur et al., 1983]. Theseeffortswere motivatedby the predictions of precipitation chargingmechanisms[Levin and Ziv, 1974; Chiu, 1978] that the terminalvelocitiesof precipitationparticleswould be appreciablymodifiedby fieldsof thunderstorm magnitude.At the time of a nearby lightningdischargethe electricalforcesacting on the precipitationparticlesshould suddenlychange,resultingin a changein the Doppler velocity. The resultsof thesestudies,summarizedin Table 2, are,for the most part negative.The few positiveresultsare too few in numberto supportany broad generalizations but do provide evidencethat on occasionthe precipitationparticleswithin Precipitat 3-- -- Power Distribution • x• 2-- 1-- I 00 0.5 I 1.0 I 1.5 Gravitational Power(gigawatts/km) the regionof radarsurveillance (severalhundredcubicmeters) Fig. 5. Verticaldistributionof the gravitationalpowerassociated were chargedpredominantlywith a singlepolarity. No evi- with precipitation in August13, 1979,Florida thunderstorm [Wildencefor systematicgenerativeprecipitationparticlemotions liamsand Lhermitte,1983] and comparisonwith inferredelectrical structure[JacobsonandKrider, 1976]. has yet appeared. 5. GRAVITATIONAL POWER ASSOCIATEDWITH FALLING PRECIPITATION The vertically pointing Doppler radar measurementsde- scribedin section4 were motivatedin additionby considerations of the gravitationalenergyavailable to precipitation mechanisms[Williams and Lhermitte,1983], a quantity at leastan orderof magnitudelessthan the convective energyof thunderclouds[Braham, 1952]. Radar measurementsof the gravitational power associatedwith falling precipitation (Figure 4) indicatethat for widespreadstorm systemswith modestconvectiveactivityand lightningflashrateslessthan 1 min-•, thegravitational energy of precipitation caneasilyaccount for the electrification.In suchcases,no detectableveloc- ity perturbations are expected in the verticallypointingDoppler radar measurements. For convectivelyvigorousstorms with lightningflash rates of severalper minute the gravitationaland electricalpowerare of comparablemagnitude.If fallingprecipitationis the principalcontributorto the electrification of these clouds, then it follows that the electrical and gravitationalforcesacting on theseparticleswill be of comparable magnitude and that the charging processmust be consideredhighly efficient[Williams and Lhermitte,1983]. This predictionis not consistentwith the generalabsenceof O ß Thunderstorms W•despreadRa•nshower Systems T J_ i velocitychangesin the Doppler measurements. If one examinesthe vertical distributionof precipitation gravitationalpower in a thunderstorm(Figure 5) and compares it with presentinformation on grosschargestructure (recall Figure !), one finds that less than 10% of the total precipitationgravitationalpower lies in the inferredcentral dipoleregion,whereaccordingto the classicalprecipitation hypothesis,negativelycharged precipitationparticlesfall againstthe local field to maintain the positivethundercloud dipole.As discussed in section7, the centraldipoleregionin electrically active thundercloudsis not so much characterized T 0.101 . I 1 ß I lO Electrical l Power(gigawatts) Gravitational lOO by largequantities of fallingprecipitation asby strongupward air motionsin whichprecipitation particlesmayberisingrelative to the ground. A vital but poorly known quantityis a representative value for the total electrostatic energytransformed by a lightning Fig. 4. Radarmeasurements of the gravitationalpowerassociated If thisenergyis 109J, thenthegravitational power with falling precipitationin thunderstormsand estimatesof the simul- discharge. to accountfor taneouselectricalpower basedon lightningflashrate [Williams and in the centraldipoleregionappearsinadequate Lherrnitte, 1983]. the observedelectrification. If a representative valuefor flash WILLIAMS' THUNDERCLOUDCHARGE SEPARATION 6017 energyis 108J, the availableenergyis adequate, but detect- l able velocity changesin the Doppler radar observationsare expected. 6. The SCALING LAWS FOR CLOUD ELECTRIFICATION well-established correlation between + the convective + + + vigor of clouds and their simultaneouselectrification leaves little doubt that air motionsare playinga fundamentalrole in large-scaleelectrification.Nevertheless,a quantitative assessment of this contributionis still unavailable.A semiquantitative assessment is affordedby a considerationof how the electrical output of a thunderclouddependson its size[Vonnegut, + + + + t 1963; Williams, 1981]. Simplescalingrelationshipsfor the steadystate electrical power output of a thunderclouddipole structurewith characteristicsizeL were outlinedby Vonnegut[1963] and are summarized in Figure 6. Accordingto Gauss' Law, if the space chargedensityis scaleindependent,the electricfield will scale with the size of the cloud and the total potential differenceas L 2. The chargingcurrentthat maintainsthe positivedipole will dependon the productof the chargetransportvelocityV and the cross-sectional area of the cloud, or VL 2. The electrical power generatedis the product of the chargingcurrent and the potentialdifferencethroughwhichit passesand scales Electric like L ½timesthechargetransportvelocity. A fundamentalquestionconcernsthe variation of charge Gauss' transport velocity with cloud size. If convectiveair motions areimportant,onemay expectthe chargetransportvelocityto increasesubstantiallywith the sizeof the cloud.A compilation of maximum air velocitydeterminationsfor cloudsrangingin size from a few kilometersto 17 km is shown in Figure 7. Empirically, the convectivevelocityis proportional to the size Potential Law Pield { E) ?'E = 0/½ Difference (P.D.) of the cloud. The relationshipbetweenprecipitation charge transport ve- locity and cloud size will dependon the vertical scaleover which precipitation is making an electrical contribution. If precipitation in a relatively narrow range of msl (mean sea level) altitude, or equivalently,cloud temperature,is important, one may expectthat the chargetransport terminal velocity would be independentof cloud size,in which caseelectrical P.D.= • E'dl - pL2 ' nz Charging Current {I) J ß (area) - pVL Electrical Power - VL powerwouldscalelikeL '•.If, on theotherhand,precipitation particlesovera substantial depthof thecloudare contributing to electrification,one must considerthe variation of particle terminal velocitywith heightin the atmosphere.In sucha case thechargetransportvelocitywill increase with cloudsizeand, given the natural variability in quantitiesof this kind, will be indistinguishable from convectivechargetransport,as will be P = I ' (P.D.) ~ VL (P) ß L ' VL Fig. 6. Scaling relationships for cloud electrification [Vonnegut, 1963]. demonstrated. Cloud height and flash rate data from three geo•aphical locatiOns--New England [$chackford,1960], Forida [Jacobsonand Krider, 1976; Livingstonand Krider, 1978], and New Mexico [Williams, 1981]--were used to test the scaling law predictions.Flash rate valueswere averagedwithin 1-km cloudheightintervalsto producethe plots in Figure 8. Least squaresfits exhibitpowerlaw slopesof 5.0 (New England),4.7 Brook, personalcommunication,1979) on flash rate and cloud height for a particularly vigorousFlorida thunderstorm.The fifth power of the cloud height is very well correlated with flashrate for a period of severalhours. The empirical fifth power dependenceof flash rate on cloud size has severalimportant implicationsin light of the scaling First of all, lightningflashrate appearsto be (Florida), and4.9(NewMexico). All threevalues arein good law predictions. agreementwith the predictedslopeof 5. The agreementwith the simplesteadystate predictionis quite remarkable in light of the obvious departuresfrom an honest measure of the quasi-steady state electrical power producedby a thunderstorm.This conclusionin turn requires that the energyper flash be independentof the size of the steadystate behavior in actual thunderclouds,and indeed, the cloudin whichit occurs. Thisresultis surprising andrepre- naturalvariabilityin thesedatawassuppressed by theaverag- sentsa departurefromcertainelectrostatic predictions [Voning procedures adoptedin Figure8. HOwever, the largerand negut, 1963].Furthermore, because theenergy disslpated will moreelectricallyactivethe cloud,the betterthe steadystate goliketheproductof chargetransfer andthepotentialdifferassumption becomes.Figure 9 shows unpublished data (M. ence,one has a prediction that the charge transfer AQ will be 6018 WILLIAMS:THUNDERCLOUD CHARGESEPARATION lOO Data from: LU Adler and Fenn (1979) Battan (1975) Battan and Thei$$ (1965,1970) Kropfli and Miller (1976) Lawson (1979) Malku$ (1954) Schmeter and Silaeva (1966) Shenk (1974) Steiner Telford Warner and Rhyne (1964) and Warner (1969) (1962) ,< 1 3 10 20 CLOUD SIZE (KM) Fig. 7. Compilation of maximumverticalair motionsin cloudsof varioussizes,illustrafin8empiricalincrease of convectivevelocity with cloud size. smallerfor largeactiveflashrate storms,a predictionin qualitative agreementwith observations[Livingstonand Krider, 1978;Lhermitteand Krehbiel,1979; Williams,1981]. A related implicationconcerns the cloudchargingcurrent.A stormproducingflashesat 10 timesthe rate of anotheris not expected to have a chargingcurrent10 timesas large but rather more like a factorof 3 as large.Finally,the fifth powersizedependencedoesnot permita distinctionbetweenchargetransport by convectionand by falling precipitationover a substantial depth of the cloud. A differentkind of scalinglaw implicationconcernslightning in warm clouds [Moore et al., 1960], whoseoccurrence is everywheregreater than 0øC is constrainedto be no more than 3-4 km in height.If the scalinglaw trend in Figure 8 is extrapolatedto thesesmallclouds,the predictionfor flashrate is lessthan one flash every 10 min. Sincethe lifetimeof clouds of this size is also of this order, it seemslikely that small cloudshave a small probability for reachingthe lightning stage,and it is perhapsnot surprisingthat warm cloudlightning has beeninfrequentlyobserved. 7. DOPPLER RADAR DETERMINATION OF AIR AND PARTICLE MOTIONS Very valuableinformationusefulin distinguishing the roles has not beensatisfactorily explained.Becauseof the temper- of air and precipitationparticlemotionsin electrificationhas ature structurein the troposphere,a cloud whosetemperature comefrom multiple Doppler radar analysis.The resultsof one WILLIAMS'THUNDERCLOUD CHARGESEPARATION 6019 ...... •ß ........................................... : , .•..... '•.i,.r 2 .. • .;L.,25•f2•: ::......•.'.;::::T::.,. •..., • ,, .... : .. . .:.:.:::. : : :;:-.-.- ........... _ ............ .......... .......... ..,., L' . ................................... ..........•ß ............................... '..,,;.,,.•.;,• ................................ •::::..4'..•..•.,.;?;};,,,:;.5..•:•:•: •::': :•:-•: ................... , ............... • , ........ ........... ....... • ............... • ...,.• ....... •.:•:• '•:': ::...,.:.:.:.:• i•:..•.:..•..•..'-;:•:. ,t:•.:-: •:,. :•:•::•.:.• ß ................ • ............. 6020 WILLIAMS'THUNDERCLOUD CHARGE SEPARATION ß FloSh ß 14 Ternporol Vatlotion of Lightning Flash •Rate and Cloud Height Fig.9. Temporal variation oflightning flash rate, cloud height, and fifth power ofcloud height forAugust 10,1976, Floridathunderstorm (M. Brook,personal communication, 1979). of theseanalysesfor a Florida thunderstorm[Lhermitteand Krehbiel, 1979] is shownin Figure 10, in which both the scalar field of radar reflectivity and the vector field of air motion are illustrated.Superimposed on this storm structure altitudeof maximumreflectivity is comparable withtheheight at which negativecharge has been located, and indeed one expectsto have negativespacechargecolocatedwith the intenseprecipitationif the fallingprecipitationis responsible for is the histogramof lightningchargeheights[Krehbiel,1981] the electrification. Otherobservations, to be discussed in sec- as it appears in Figure 1. A prominent feature of the air tion 8, on this storm and a number of others are inconsistent motionwithin the radar reflectiveportion of the cloudis the with the view that negativespacechargecoincides with the occurrence of an updraftwith maximumamplitudehighin the mostintenseprecipitationaloft. cloudand a regionof maximumreflectivityaloft whoseintenAlsoevidentin this Doppleranalysisof air motionis the sityis unmistakably correlated with theelectrical activity.The existenceof both updraftsand downdrafts,which are most pervasive in the inferredcentraldipoleregionandin the up--' ' ,',/ -' 19 a07a•TO19 I•09"GM---'• permost few kilometers of the radar reflectivecloud. These are features of cloud circulation that are essential to convective electrification and that were advocatedby Vonnegut[1955, Reflectivity Structure 1963] long beforesuch Doppler observationsbecameavailAugust13 1978 able.The downdraftair is on the veryedgeof the detectable radar echoand thereforeis not fully resolved,therebyillus(1979 I trating a limitation of centimetricradars in providingthe ....-.-.---..\.. %,•,•,, -'iL•.'..,,,,,,., '•• • I 1%•, Velocffy ond -' • ,t 4 ...._ :•[.•/... ,,_...... ,,,-•.. ,, [I/ Lherm,,e on Krehb,el "_•.• ' ' - '•'*'"'""'"'/"" "'""'-""'" CHARGE.•D,UR• .... , •, *K•'ehbieJ •(AGI) ?)' completepicture of air motion in and around the cloud. Since spacecharge screeninglayers have been identified at cloud boundaries[Winnet al., 1978; Byrne et al., 1983; Marshall et al., 1984], new methodsfor observingperipheralair motion are essential in quantifyingthe contributionof screening layer convection to cloud electrification. 8. LIGHTNING PATHS AND PRECIPITATIONECHOES A puzzling result in need of theoreticalattention concerns t0 km Fig. 10. Dual-Dopplerradar analysisoœAugust]3, ]978, Florida thunderstorm rœhermitte and Krehbiel,]979-1and comparison with inferredheightsof negativechargeregionfor a numberof Florida storms[Krehbiel,1981]. the relationship betweenlightningpathsand radar precipi- tationechoes. Whiletherenowseems littledoubtthatlight- ningpropagates withi n bothstrong precipitation andpreciPi- tation freecloud, aswellasintheclearairoutside thecloud' a number ofobservations indicate a trendforlightning to avoid WILLIAMS: THUNDERCLOUD CHARGE SEPARATION 6021 TABLE 3. Spatial RelationshipsBetweenLightning and Precipitation Technique Radar measurements Investigator Szymanskiand Rust [1979] "lightning echoes... where precipi- Mazur "maximum lightning density tends to be near leading edge of precipitation cores" "lightning is within high reflectivity region and ahead of it in lessintenseprecipitation" "most of the negativechargeis associatedwith strong precipita- and Rust [1983] Mazur et al. [1984] Electric field change measurements VHF radiation location Results Krehbiel et al. [1979] Krehbiel [ 1981] Proctor [ 1976] Williams [1981] tation tion but some is associated Cloud-to-ground stroke location Holle et al. [1983] Geotis and Orville [1983] with weaker precipitation" "tendencyfor lightning to track the edgesof precipitation regions" "radiation sourcessystematically displacedfrom upper level precipitation Proctor [1983] echo ... less than maximum" echoes" "most flashesprogressedfrom regionsof higher reflectivity to regionsof lower reflectivity" "a strong decreasein likelihood of lightning ... above 50 dBZ" "strokesfound primarily in peripheral regionsrather than in or near cores" Acoustic(thunder) Few [1974] source location MacGorman [1978] MacGorman et al. [1980] "lightning activity is concentrated (if not confined)to regionsof the cloud with low radar reflectivity" "lightning channelstend to go around regions of high reflectivity" "tendencyfor lightning channelsto closelyparallel reflectivity contours" regionsof maximum radar reflectivity.Table 3 summarizesthe findingsbased on radar observationsof the lightning plasma [Szymanskiand Rust, 1979; Mazur and Rust, 1983; Mazur et al., 1984], electricfield measurementsof the chargetransferred by lightning [Krehbiel et al., 1979; Krehbiel, 1981], acoustic reconstructionsof major lightning channels[Few, 1974; MacGorman, 1978], locations of VHF radiation sourceswithin the cloud [Proctor, 1976, 1983], and fixes on the vertical channel of cloud to ground lightning events [Geotis and Orville, 1983; Holle et al., 1983]. Although the interpretation of these observations is still open to question, experimentswith dischargesin laboratory spacechargeclouds [Williams et al., this issue]provide graphical evidence(Figure 11) that dischargespropagate into regions of enhancednegativespacechargeand often completely avoid regionsdevoid of spacecharge.The implication here, in light of the trends in the lightning observations(Table 3), is that regions of intense precipitation are not regions of maximum spacecharge density. It is important to note that such a prediction is contrary to the resultsof theoreticalmodels for cloud electrification[e.g., Rawlins, 1982; Takahashi,1984], in which the maximum space charge density is colocated with maximum reflectivity. There are of course other possible explanations for the trends in lightning paths. Some direct electrical interaction between the lightning and the precipitation particles in its vicinity may interfere with its progression.It is also possible that a few very large precipitation particlescompletelydominate the radar reflectivity but contribute little to the local spacechargedensity becauseof their small total surfacearea [Lathare, 1981]. Yet another possible explanation for the lightning avoidance phenomenonaloft is that the regions of ;..' "-'-. ' .....•. ...:'"..., .......{.•;-:':.'.-:::.--..•', : ,,.;;' .. ..... .• .......... --.... :.•'.•....:... ..: ............ :.:•:.•.::.:•: ............ ,:.... ......> %.' ....... ß ':.':"7::'":7::":'::'"',:-'::: .,,. ..... ..... :.....: ß .-' ......... :.-'.'.:'....... :':"...X':' :'-":'""' • ...'..:::• :-:•-.': . ...•....... ...... . ..........-"" Fig.11. Electrical discharge structure within a laboratory scale spacechargecloud [Williams et al., this issue],illustratingtendency for pervasionof high spacechargeregionsand avoidanceof regions devoid of spacecharge. 6022 WILLIAMS: THUNDERCLOUDCHARGESEPARATION TABLE 4. Summaryof ParametersContributingto the Triple Productn. Aq. P Ice Crystal Concentration Jones [1960] Latham and Stow n, per L ChargeTransfer per Collision Aq, fC Maximum Precipitation Rate at First Lightning P, mm/h 80 Reynoldset al. [1957] Takahashi[1978] Gaskell and Illingworth [1980] Jayaratneet al. [1983] 140 Moore [1965] Moore [1974] Holmeset al. [1977] Lhermitte and Krehbiel [1979] Atchleyet al. [1980] Christianet al. [1980] Krehbiel et al. [1984] 1-3 3 6 24 10-100 [19693 Mossop et al. [1972] 1-100 Hallerr 1-60 et al. [1978] Gatdiner et al. 1-5 30 30 10 2 21 11-24 [1984] larger reflectivityrepresentupwellingzonesthat conveypositively charged subcloudair to higher levels,as in the convective theory [Vonnegut, 1963]. This positivechargecould dilute or completely offset the negative charge at these levels and result in a dischargestructuresimilar to the one illustrated in Figure 11. 9. PRECIPITATION MECHANISMS AND THE FIRST LIGHTNING DISCHARGE An old problem [Moore, 1974, 1976; Mason, 1976] in cloud electrification,but one still in urgent need of experimental attention on both the cloud scaleand the particle scale,concerns the adequacy of precipitation charging mechanismsin accountingfor the first lightning dischargein a developing cloud. The quantity of interest[e.g.,lllingworth and Latham, 1977] is the triple product n. Aq.P, where n is the small particle (ice crystal)concentration,P is the precipitationrate and is representativeof the large particles,and Aq is the selectivecharge transfer that occurs when small particles collide with large particles.Table 4 presentsa summaryof valuesfor thesethree quantitiesfrom the literature, where valuesof ice crystal concentration are based on in situ measurements within clouds, valuesof precipitationrate P are inferredfrom radar measurements,and chargetransfervaluesAq are basedon laboratory measurements. Noteworthy here is the fact that the values for all three quantitiesvary by at leastan order of magnitude,a resultthat leadsto a very large uncertaintyin the triple product.Vitally important but still poorly known are representativevaluesfor each of the three quantities. Illingworth and Latham [1977] have referred to their cloud model as being crude, but in this reviewer'sopinion, charge transfer and separation by sedimenting precipitation can be modeled unambiguouslyand probablyhavebeenadequatelytreatedfor the purposesof this problem. As it stands,with a charge transferAq of 140 fC [Reynoldset al., 1957], the largestvalue in this category,and an ice crystalconcentrationof 80 per liter, a high value in this category,the modelsstill cannotaccountfor the first lightning in the available time with precipitation rates lessthan 10-20 mm/h [e.g., Illingworth and Latham, 1977]. Factor-of-2 discrepancies between theory and experiment are not too troublesome in cloud electrification but order-of-magnitude discrepancies deserveattention, and as it standsthe discrepancyis closerto an order of magnitude. Larger precipitationrates at the time of the first lightning have been recordedin Florida storms [Lhermitte and Krehbiel, 1979; Krehbiel et al., 1984], but the observationsare too few in number to draw any firm generalizationsconcerningpossible geographicaldifferences.Additional observationsof this kind are essentialin resolvingthis important issue. 10. THUNDERSTORM CURRENTS This final sectionis concernedwith a review of present knowledgeabout the large-scaleelectriccurrentsflowing in and around thunderclouds. Some of these currents are better knownthan others,but considerations of currentcontinuityin a quasi-steadystate dipole permit inferencesabout current magnitudesand directions.This information is summarizedin Figure 12. Flowing in the clear air above the cloud is the Wilsonconductioncurrent,whichin many respectsis the current most easilymeasuredand in other respectsthe most difficult. The averagecurrent measuredby Gishand Wait [1950] was 0.5 A, with a maximum value of 6.5 A for a deepcloud, which is of interest in light of the scaling law predictions (section6). Based on the lightning charge transferanalysis shown in Figure 2, Krehbiel et al. [1984] have inferred an intracloud lightning current in the range 0.1-0.7 A. Representative values for the anvil advection current are still una- vailable, but if this current is small and if the Gish and Wait averagevalue is representative,then it may be inferredthat a dipole charging current of the order of 1 A must flow to maintain the upper positivecharge.Krider and Musser[1982] have establisheda lower bound of 0.5 A for the dipole charging current based on an analysis of Maxwell current beneath a thundercloud. The nature of the dipole charging current must be consideredone of the biggestunknownsin cloud electrification. Based on the in situ precipitation current density measurements in Table 1, one may expect the magnitude of these currents within the cloud to be of the order of hundreds of milliamperes.The systematiclocationsand directionsof these currentshave not yet been established. The current contributionof screeninglayer spacechargeby convective motions, which is a fundamental element of one convectivetheory [Vonnegut, 1955], is likewisepoorly specified. Again to maintain current continuity in Figure 12, the large-scalecurrents must be upward directed in the region beneath the cloud. Results of recent studies [Livingston and Krider, 1978; Standlerand Winn, 1979] suggestthat the largest contributor here is the cloud-to-groundlightning current. Beneath electricallyactive thunderclouds,the corona current densityis small in comparisonwith the situation beneathelectrified clouds whose lightning rate is small or nonexistent. Standlerand Winn estimatea representativevalue of 0.1 A for the corona current beneath a thundercloud. Since this value is small in comparisonwith estimatesfor intracloud lightning current [Krehbiel et al., 1984], positivecorona spacechargeis an unlikelyprincipalcontributorto positivechargeaccumulation in the upper regions of thunderclouds,contrary to the predictionof Vonnegut's[1955] convectivetheory. WILLIAMS: THUNDERCLOUD CHARGE SEPARATION C.T.R. CLOUD TOP WILSON 6023 CURRENT • AVG 0.5AMP LIGHTNING cURRENT(?) MAX6.5AMP •k'Gish &Wait (1950) SCREENING LAYER CURRENTS (?) • / -- -- - +.+++ 0.5AMP ( . I Krider &Musser (19•) _ - - - - 1 TOTAL• [ - ' PRECIPITATION C•RENT8 (?) • _- - • • Krehbiel (1981) CLOUD TOGROUND / UHTNN,CURRENT 0.1-1AMP Livingston & Krider(1978) • 8tandler& CORONA CURRENT Winn (1979) O. 1 AMP • Fig. 12. Summaryof knowledge concerning quasi-steady statethundercloud currentson dipolescale. 11. CONCLUSIONS Although the origin of thundercloud electrificationremains an open qustion, recent systematicresults shed new light on this difficult problem. The stable stratified character of negative chargeregionsis qualitativelymore consistentwith largescale charge separation by differential particle motions than by convectiveoverturn. The additional consistentfinding that the cloud environmentassociatedwith negativechargeregions is colder than 0øC is indirect evidencethat the ice phase is basic to electrification. Bothersomein supporting precipitation as the sole contributor to large-scalecharge separationis (1) the paucity of evidencefor systematicgenerativeparticle motions (sections3 and 4), (2) the quantitative inadequacyof the currently popular ice phase precipitation mechanismin accountingfor the first lightning in a developingcloud (section9), and (3) the indirect evidencethat electric spacecharge is displacedboth verticallyand horizontallyfrom the bulk of the precipitation within fully developedthunderclouds(sections5 and 8). The scaling behavior of cloud electrification(section 6), the longrecognizedassociationbetweenvertical air motion and lightning activity (sections6 and 7), and the energyrequirementsof electricallyactive clouds(section5) all support an important role for convectiveair motions in large-scalecharge separation. The contributionsof precipitationand convectionto largescale electrification remain largely unquantified and require further study. We shall need many more observationsof the chargescarried by the various particles in thundercloudsas well as an improved understandingof the convectivemotions that affect the displacementof all chargedparticles.We shall also need additional studiesin the laboratory that isolate and realistically quantify those charging phenomena that occur systematically in thunderclouds. Most of all, we shall need new ideas about the physicalorigins of chargeseparationand the meansfor distinguishingone contribution from another in the field. Acknowledgments.The author is gratefulto Marx Brook, Chathan Cooke, Paul Krehbiel, Roger Lhermitte, Thomas Marshall, Charles Moore, and Bernard Vonnegutfor supplyingmaterial for this review. He is gratefulto theseindividualsand to manyothersfor illuminating discussions on the mysteriesof cloudelectrification. REFERENCES Adler, R. F., and D. D. Fenn, Thunderstormintensityas determined from satellitedata, J. Appl.Meteorol.,18, 502-517, 1979. Atchley,A. 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