Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist Awards and Award Sessions The abstract awards as listed below are available to authors submitting abstracts under the physician/scientist/pharmacist program (Technologist and Technologist Student Abstract Awards are described on pp 10-11). Descriptions and eligibility requirements for each award are listed below. All award winners and/or candidate abstracts must be accepted and placed into an oral scientific session by members of the Scientific Program Committee. Submitting authors must check the appropriate box when submitting abstracts to be considered for the awards. All award winners will be announced onsite during the SNM Annual Meeting events, and award-winning abstracts will be recognized in SNM print publications and electronic media by icons next to the abstract titles. The following are SNM abstract awards authors can indicate for consideration when submitting abstract(s): o Berson-Yalow Award o Young Professionals Committee (YPC) Awards o Young Investigator Awards and Symposia Berson-Yalow Award Commemorates Rosalyn S. Yalow, Ph.D., and the late Solomon A. Bernson, M.D., who together developed the RIA technique in the 1950s. The Award was established by SNM in 1977, the same year that Dr. Yalow received the prestigious Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine in acknowledgement of the RIA breakthrough. The objective of the Berson-Yalow Award is to honor investigators who submit the most original scientific abstracts and make the most significant contributions to basic or clinical radioassay. In 1987 the Scientific Program Committee expanded its criteria to include all research that made use of the indicator-dilution method. Categories such as neurology, oncology and radiopharmaceutical chemistry, in addition to radioassay, fall under the new criteria. The Scientific Program Committee acts as the selection committee for the Berson-Yalow Award. To be considered for this award, check of the “Berson-Yalow Award” box when submitting your abstract. Your abstract must be submitted as Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist abstract type. Young Professionals Committee (YPC) Awards This is an SNM-sponsored competition, in association with the SNM Young Professionals Committee (YPC) of the Academic Council for the best research-based presentation on basic science or clinical topics, designated as the SNM Young Professionals Committee Award. The main objectives of the awards are to foster quality research by young professionals and to identify promising young professionals in their respective areas. To qualify, click the radio button for “Young Professionals Committee Award” during the online submission of your abstract. Submitting authors have the option to be considered for both Young Investigator Awards and Young Professionals Committee Awards, but will be only selected as a winner for a single award. Eligibility Requirements: o Applicants must be medical students, residents, fellows, graduate or undergraduate students OR young physicians or scientists less than 3 years out of training. MDs, MDcandidates, PhDs, and PhD-candidates are eligible. o All former first-prize winners are ineligible. Submission Requirements: o Submit the abstract to the most appropriate Physician/Pharmacist/Scientist Category. o Abstracts must be submitted as “Consider for Either oral or poster”. If the abstract is submitted as “poster only”, it will not be considered for this award. o Check the “Young Professionals Award” box when submitting your abstract online. o No separate submission is necessary. o Authors can be considered for both Young Investigator Awards and Young Professional Awards. To be considered for a Young Investigator Award, follow the specific submission instructions provided for these awards. Review Process and Abstract Presentation if “considered for YPC Awards”: o Abstracts will be evaluated by members of the Scientific Program Committee. o If accepted for presentation at the 2007 SNM Annual Meeting, the presentation format, oral or poster, will be designated by the Scientific Program Committee o If selected for an oral presentation, the abstract will be presented during the respective scientific session, with abstracts covering similar topics. There will be no separate Young Professionals oral session. o These abstracts will be recognizable by a “YPC” icon in the abstract book. Awards: o Award-winning abstracts will be presented at the annual Young Professionals Committee Luncheon, held during the Annual Meeting. o Award winning YPC abstracts presented during oral abstract sessions will be announced by the session moderator at the time of presentation. o Monetary prizes are offered for the following YPC awards: o For Best Clinical Presentation 1st Prize 2nd Prize o For Best Basic Science Presentation 1st Prize 2nd Prize Young Investigator Awards o Cardiovascular Young Investigator Award Symposium o Neurosciences Young Investigator Award Symposium o Computer & Instrumentation Council Young Investigator Award Symposium o Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Young Investigator Award Symposium o (NEW) Correlative Imaging Council Walter Wolf Young Investigator Award o (NEW) Pediatrics Council Young Investigator Award Young Investigator Awards Symposia Each year, the SNM, in association with SNM Councils, sponsors competitions for the best scientific abstracts submitted to categories within the Cardiovascular, Neurosciences, Computer and Instrumentation, and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Tracks. These prestigious, wellattended, 90-minute award sessions, designated as the Young Investigator Award Symposia, are composed of 4 – 7 oral abstract presentations, 12 minutes in duration (10 minutes for presentation plus 2 minutes for discussion). The objectives of these Young Investigator Awards Symposia are to (1) identify promising young investigators working in cardiovascular sciences, neurosciences, computer & instrumentation, or radiopharmaceutical sciences, and (2) to assist in furthering their professional careers and strengthen to theory and practice of these subspecialties in nuclear medicine. How to Apply All applicants must be currently enrolled or within five [5] years of a completed certified training program. All former first prize winners are ineligible. To be considered, authors must check the designated box located in the online abstract submitter ( for the 54th SNM Annual Meeting. Accepted abstracts selected for Young Investigator Award Symposia are published in the May issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) Abstract Book Supplement. Acceptance of an abstract considered for these awards are determined by the Selection Committees for each SNM Council. Awards are processed by the SNM Central Office and presented to recipients at the respective Council Business Meetings during the 2007 SNM Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Cardiovascular Young Investigator Symposium SNM-sponsored symposium and competition, in association with the SNM Cardiovascular Council, for the best scientific abstracts on basic or clinical cardiovascular nuclear medicine, designated as the SNM Cardiovascular Young Investigator Award. The objectives of the award are to identify promising young investigators working in cardiovascular nuclear medicine. All applicants must be currently enrolled in or within five (5) years of a completed certified training program (there is no age limit). To qualify, authors must check the “consider for Cardiovascular Young Investigator award” box during online abstract submission for the SNM Annual Meeting. o All applicants must submit abstract to one of the two categories in the Cardiovascular Track, and indicate their desire to be considered for this award during online submission. o No separate submission is necessary. o All former first-prize winners are ineligible. o All applicants must choose “Either Oral or Poster” as the Presentation Type. o Monetary prizes are offered for the above award in the following amounts: 1st Prize: $500 + certificate 2nd Prize: $300 + certificate 3rd Prize: $200 + certificate Neurosciences Young Investigator Award Symposium SNM-sponsored symposium and competition, in association with the SNM Brain Imaging Council, for the best scientific abstracts on Neurosciences nuclear medicine, designated as the SNM Neurosciences Young Investigator Award. The objectives of the award are to identify promising young investigators working in Neurosciences nuclear medicine. To qualify, authors must check the designated box during their online abstract submissions for the SNM Annual Meeting. o Applicants must be medical students, residents, fellows or graduate students, or be within 2 years of completing a Ph.D. or certified nuclear medicine training program (there is no age limit). o No separate submission is necessary. Applicants should submit an abstract to one of the three (3) categories within the Neurosciences Track and indicate their desire to be considered for this award. The abstract must be original research, not previously published or presented. o All applicants are encouraged to submit supporting data, to allow a better evaluation of their work. o All former first-prize winners are ineligible. o All applicants must choose “Either Oral or Poster” as the Presentation Type. o Presenters for the Neurosciences Young Investigators Symposium platform session will be selected on the basis of their submitted abstracts. The award winners will be selected after the symposium from among the presenters. o Monetary prizes are offered for the above award in the following amounts: o 1st Prize: $500 o 2nd Prize: $300 o 3rd Prize: $200 Computer and Instrumentation Young Investigator Symposium SNM-sponsored symposium and competition, in association with the SNM Computer and Instrumentation Council, for the best scientific abstracts on Computer & Instrumentation research in nuclear medicine, designated as the SNM Computer & Instrumentation Young Investigator Award. The objectives of the award are to identify promising young investigators working in instrumentation and data analysis pertaining to nuclear medicine. To qualify, authors must check the designated box during their online abstract submissions for the SNM Annual Meeting. Entry is open to medical students, residents, fellows, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and those with less than two years experience as a faculty member. Abstracts must be submitted to one of the three (3) categories in the Instrumentation and Data Analysis Track. All applicants must be currently enrolled or within five (5) years of a completed certified training program. All former first prize winners are ineligible. All applicants must choose “Either Oral or Poster” as the Presentation Type. Monetary prizes are offered in the following amounts: o 1st Prize: $500 + certificate o 2nd Prize: $300 + certificate o 3rd Prize: $200 + certificate 2007 RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES COUNCIL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD THE SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE About the Award: The award winner will receive: • a monetary prize of US $ 400, $250 or $150, based on placement • an award certificate How to Apply: Applicants must be either a graduate student, a postdoctoral fellow with less than six years since receiving her/his Ph.D., or a junior faculty 35 years of age or younger on June 3, 2006. Prior year award recipients are not eligible for the award. Interested applicants should check the appropriate box located in SNM’s online abstract submitter to request consideration for the award. The abstract must be original research, never published nor previously presented. The abstract should be prepared using the guidelines for preparation of abstracts located on the SNM website Submitters of the top seven scored abstracts in the Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Track, which are designated for consideration of the award, will be selected as finalists. After notification, the finalists will be required to make an oral presentation at the SNM meeting for further consideration. The seven finalists will present their research at a special Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council (RPSC) Young Investigator Award Symposium held during the SNM meeting. Presenting applicants will be critiqued during the oral presentations by a committee comprised of RPSC Officers/Board Members, and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Track subchairs. The RPSC Young Investigator Award recipients will be announced at the SNM meeting, in an e-mail communication with RPSC membership. Correlative Imaging Council Walter Wolf Young Investigators Award (NEW) The SNM Correlative Imaging Council established the Walter Wolf Young Investigator Award in 2006 in honor of Walter Wolf, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chair of the Biomedical Imaging Science Initiative at the University of Southern California. Dr. Wolf, who is also a Past President of the Correlative Imaging Council, has been a leader in the field of pharmacokinetic imaging and drug development. This award recognizes a young investigator for originality, scientific methodology, and overall contribution to Molecular Imaging or Therapy through original research showing the importance and value of correlative imaging in all fields of medicine. The award recipient (presenting author) will receive a certificate + monetary prize of $500.00, to be presented at the 2007 SNM Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Please NOTE: This is a freestanding award, and thus is not part of an awards symposium. There will be a single award winner for the best correlative imaging abstract, as evaluated by qualified SNM committee members across categories. The award will be presented at the Correlative Imaging Council Business Meeting during the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, and will be recognized during the scientific session in which the Presenting Author will be notified in March 2007. To be considered for the award: Investigators must submit to the Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist program. This award is not track- or category-specific. Abstracts submitted to any track/category within the Physician/Scientist/Pharmacist program are eligible for consideration. Investigators must choose “Oral or Poster” as the designated presentation type. “Poster Only” submissions will not be considered. Investigators are encouraged to submit supporting data to allow better evaluation of their work by SNM peer review teams. Supporting data may include 1 table, and/or 1 image, and/or a set of references. Supporting data is neither publishable nor reproducible, and is used solely for the purpose of conducting abstract reviews by a qualified team of experts in the field. Investigators must be a pharmacist, physician, scientist, technologist, or allied health professional in-training, and less than 10 years in practice. Investigators may be considered for multiple awards, but only one award will be given per investigator. The lead investigator (Presenting Author) must be designated at the time of abstract submission. Pediatrics Council Young Investigator Award Symposium (NEW) This newly-established, SNM-sponsored competition, in association with the SNM Pediatrics Council, offers young investigators the opportunity to receive an award for the best scientific abstract submitted to the Pediatric category. The objective of the SNM Pediatrics Council Young Investigator Award is to identify promising young investigators working in Pediatric nuclear medicine, Pediatric molecular imaging and therapy of Pediatric disease. Only a single winner will be chosen. The prizes for the award include: $150 + certificate + 1 year FREE membership to SNM Pediatrics Council. Please NOTE: This is a freestanding award, and thus is not part of an awards symposium. There will be a single award winner for the best pediatrics abstract, as evaluated by qualified SNM committee members within the Pediatrics category. The award will be presented at the Pediatrics Council Business Meeting during the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, and will be recognized during a Pediatrics scientific session in which the Presenting Author will be notified in March 2007. To be considered for the award: • Authors must check the "Pediatric Council Young Investigator Award" during online abstract submission • Abstracts must be submitted to the Pediatrics category, located within the General Clinical Specialties track. • Applicants must choose "Oral or Poster" as the desired presentation type. “Poster Only” submissions will not be considered. • Applicants are encouraged to submit supporting data to allow better evaluation of their work by SNM peer review teams. Supporting data may include 1 table, and/or 1 image, and/or a set of references. Supporting data is not publishable nor reproducible, and is used solely for the purposes of peer reviews by a qualified team of experts in the field. • Entry is open to presenting authors currently enrolled in or within five (5) years of a completed certified training program. • The abstract must be original research, not previously published or presented as a full paper. SNMTS Technologist Abstract Awards Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Section Abstract Awards Presented by the SNMTS to Technologists for outstanding presentations. They are judged by SNMTS members of the Awards Committee at the SNM Meeting. First, second, and third place are awarded for both oral and poster presentations with plaques and monetary gifts for top awards. The winners are announced at the SNMTS business meeting, held onsite at the Annual Meeting. Presenters are requested to attend the meeting to receive their awards. Cardiovascular Council Outstanding Technologist Abstracts Award Presented by the Cardiovascular Council to Technologists with outstanding presentations related to Cardiovascular Research. Brain Imaging Council Outstanding Technologist Abstracts Award Presented by the Brain Imaging Council to Technologists with outstanding presentations related to Brain Imaging Research. Monetary Prizes for Technologist Awards: Scientific Paper Awards First Place ($500 and plaque) Second Place ($300 and plaque) Third Place ($200 and plaque) Scientific Poster Awards First Place ($200 and plaque) Second Place ($150 and plaque) Third Place ($100 and plaque) Cardiovascular Council Abstract Awards First Place ($300, certificate) Second Place ($200, certificate) Third Place (certificate) Brain Imaging Council Abstract Awards First Place ($300 and plaque) Second Place ($200, certificate) Third Place (certificate) Monetary Prizes for Technologist Student Abstract Awards Technologist Student Abstract Awards First Place ($100 and plaque) Second Place ($50 and plaque) Third Place (no monetary award, plaque) TRAVEL AWARDS (Technologist Student Abstracts ONLY) SNMTS will continue to offer $500 awards to cover travel expenses for 10 technologist students who will be presenting their accepted abstracts at SNM’s 54th Annual Meeting June 2–6 in Washington, DC. These awards are funded by the SNMTS Professional Development and Education Fund (PDEF). The SNM supports education and research in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging through competitive grants and awards funded by the Education and Research Foundation (ERF) for the SNM and the SNMTS Professional Development and Education Fund (PDEF). For more information on the Student Travel Awards and other student technologist award opportunities, please go to the SNM Grants, Awards, and Scholarships page at: