JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. B8, PAGES 15,783-15,797,AUGUST 10, 1994 Shear wave splitting in refracted waves ceturned froin the upper mantle transition zone beneath northern Australia C. Tong, O. Gudmundsson,and B. L. N. Kennett ResearchSchoolof Earth Sciences,AustrMian National University, Canberra Abstract. The broadbandrecordingsite at Warramunga(WRA) in the Northern Territory of Australiaprovidesgoodcoverage of seismicwavepropagationthrough the upper mantle for sourcesin the earthquakebelt throughIndonesiaand New Guinea. $ wavesrecordedon the radial ($V) and tangential(SH) components are of comparablequality becausethe hard-rockrecordingsite minimizesthe influence of couplingto P on the radial component.Refracted$ wavesfrom the uppermantle transition zone show a clear advanceof $H wave arrivals comparedwith $V. Eleven polarizationanalysesof wavesreturned from the transition zoneyield an average time shift of 2.3 s with the fast direction scattered about the transverse direction. Nine polarizationmeasurements of wavesreturnedfrom the top of the lowermantleyield an averagetime shift of 1.7 s, againwith the fast directionnear the transverse. No appreciable time differencesare observedbetween the radial and transversepolarizationsfor paths refractedwithin the lithosphericlid. Because the observations of shearwavesplittingin wavespassingthroughthe low-velocity zone, '•he transition zone, and the top of the lower mantle are not coherentin their absolutepolarization,the causecannotlie in azimuthalanisotropy at shallowdepths under the WRA station. The most plausibleexph•nationis transverseisotropyin shear within the low-velocityzone under the unusuallythick mantle "lid" under Australia. A possiblecontributionmay comefrom anisotrol•yin •-olivine at the top of the upper mantle transition zone. Transverseisotropyin the 200-kin-thick layer below the lithospheredown to the transition zone with a 1% faster shear wave speedsfor horizontalpolarizationcomparedwith verticalpolarizationwill explain the splittingdata. For this asthenospheric regionthe levelof anisotropyis quite reasonable and the polarizationis consistent with lateralflow. The geometryof the availablepathsfor wavespropagating withinthe mmltlelid i• not sufficient to place constraints on the anisotropic propertiesof this heterogeneous a,ndlow-loss region. Introduction ture using sourcesin the major earthquake belt run- ning throughIndonesiaand New Guinea (Figure 1). Most seismic body wave studies of upper mantle structure have been based on the analysis of t' wave arrivals on vertical componentinstruments or on the use of $H waves recorded on a componenttrmisverse to the path froxnthe source. Suchnatural polarization is not easyto find and has limited the extent of $ body wave studies of the upper mantle. Very little work has been done with $V wave records from the radial com- The granites of the Warramungu group provide excellent recording sites with high-velocity material at or very near the surface. Drilling at the site indicates that the weathered layer is less than 30 m thick or much thinner than one wavelength of the waves we record on the WRA broadband instrument. The presence of high P wavevelocitiesat the surface(around6 km/s) minimizes the contamination of the $V wave field. In consequence,it is possibleto exploit $V recordi•gs on ponent becausethe waveformsare usually complicated both the radial and vertical componentsof broadband due to couplingbetweenthe $V arrivals and P waves instruments. in the shallow structure The Proterozoic near the receiver. rocks of the Tennant Creek inlier in A three-component set of broadband seisn•oxneters (Guralp CMG-3) has beenoperatedsince1988at the the Northern Territory of Australia lie at an appropriWarramunga array (WRA) in the NorthernTerritoryof ate distancerange to investigateupper mantle struc- Paper number 94JB00460. Australia, 35 km to the southeastof the small mining town of Tennant Creek. The site is installed o•t granite and has yielded very good data for both P and $ waves propagating through the upper mantle transition zone. 0148-0227/94/94JB00460$05.00 Kennettet al. [1994]havepresented recordsections for Copyright 1994 by the American GeophysicalUnion. 15,783 15,784 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN 'rHE UPPER MANTLE A -lO -2o 1 O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 longitude(degrees E) Figure 1. The locationsof the eventsusedin the analysisof shearwave splitting, and the Warramungaarray (WRA) broadbandinstrumentin the NorthernTerritoryof Australia. A distinctionis madebetweeneventsin the Indonesian region(opencircles)andNew Guineaand SolomonIslandsregion(solidcircles). P, $V and $H propagation and have illustrated the value of the broadband recording by deriving both S and P velocity models from the same set of events. The $V and SH wave record sectionsare very consistentin their general features, but when they are exami]•edin detail, a perceptible time advance may be observedfor many of the $H wave arrivals relative to their SV wave counterparts. The object of this paper is to quantify the extent of shearwave splitting for these $ wavesrefracte(lback from the upper mantle and to attempt to determinethe location and orientation of the anisotropywhich induces the splitting. The geometryof S wave propagationin the presentstudy is very differentfrom that employedin measurementsof shearwave splitting for phasessuchas $KS [SilverandChan,1991;Vinniketa!. 1992]or ScS [Fukao,1984]. In suchworkthe S wavesare traveling closeto vertical, and the resulting splitting represents the cumulative effect of the structure between the core mantle boundary and the surface. For the reft'acted waves through the upper mantle transition zone, consideredhere, the propagation paths are near horizontal. Onlyin thepassage throughthe uppermost mantle(the mantle"lid") arethepropagation pathscloseto vertical and more comparableto the usual SKS configuration. The geometryof the propagation paths(seeFigure2) enablesus to put direct constraintson the likely location of anisotropy. Anisotropy in the Earth's Mantle would need to be describedby 21 elastic moduli, 1)utthe available configurationsfor seismic observationshave tended to limit the class of models which have been consideredin the upper mantle. In particular, because S body wave studies have focusedon waves traveling closeto vertical, attention has been concentrated on the variation of the S wave speedsfor different polarizations in the horizontal plane. Transverseisotropy is a situation where there is cylindrical symmetry in the wave velocity about an axis but where the wave velocity along this symmetry axis differs from the wave velocity in the perpendicular plane. In seismologicalusagethis term has often been applied to a w•rtical symmetry axis, and then there will be a difference between the elastic wave speedsof vertically and horizontally polarized waves. The term azin•uthal anisotropy is also often used in a restricted senseto refer to observationsof a directional dependenceof the seismicwave speedson the angle of propagation in a horizo]•tal plane. Anisotropy can occur in a much more complicated fashion than these simple configurationsand giw•srise to a complexdependenceon orientation. However,since these simplifiedmodelsform the basisof most previous interpretation, we will use them to guide our discussion. Two manifestations of anisotropy in seismic data have been recognized for some time. First, Pn velocities from refraction profiles in the oceea•srevealed in the 1960s a directional dependenceconsistent with 5% azimuthal anisotropyin compressional velocityin the subcrustaloceaniclithosphere[Hess,1964: Raitt et al., 1969; Shearerand Orcutt, 1986]. Sindlarob- Evidencefor anisotropyof variedgeometryin Earth's mantle continuesto grow. In general,suchanisotropy servations have subsequently been made in continental TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER MANTLE Shear velocity(krn/s) 3 4 5 6 15,785 Distance(degree) 7 0 210 210 410 410 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ....................................... o 660 660 Q = 1300 lower mantle Figure 2. The shear velocity structure under northern Australia and a schematicdrawing of ray paths in this study and their relation to the main structural units of the upper mantle. settings[Fuchs,1983; Hearn,1984]. Second,the dis- wedgeof subductionzones[Andoet al., 1983;Fukao, crepancy between the dispersioncharacteristicsof Love 1984; Bowman and Ando 1987] and under the conand Rayleigh waves along comparable paths was rec- tincnts [Vinnik et al., 1984; Silver and Chan, 1991; ognize(tin the early 1960s[Anderson,1961]and was Vinnik et al., 1992]. The time separationof the two split waves at continental sites is generally a.round1 s which would imply anisotropyof the order of 3% if it were to be evenly distributed throughout a 150-kinicant volumenear the top of the mantle [e.g., Yu and thick lithosphere. The total set of stations for which Mitchell,1979;Journetand Joberr,[1982].Dziewonski $K$-splitting measurementshavebeenmadegivescovof observaand Anderson[1981]estimatethe differencebetween erageof mostcontinentswith concentrations the wave speeds for vertically and horizontally polar- tions in Europe and North America. The $KS-splitting ized shear waves, needed to reconcile Love wave and resultsreveal someinterestinggeometricalpa•tcn•s and Rayleighwave(lispersion,as 2-3%in the top 200 km of a generalcorrelationwith surfacetectonics[Vinnik et al., 1992]. But it shouldbe recalledthat the splitting the mantle in their global preliminary referenceEarth observations themselves include no direct inforn•ation model (PREM). Reganand Anderson[1984]foundregionalized models for age provincesin the oceanswith on the localization of anisotropy in depth. The last decade has also seen surfacewave ton•ogravaried degrees of anisotropy which could be confined to the asthcnosphcrcin the oceans. L•v•que and Cara phy attempt to map the lateral variation of anisotropy modeled in terms of a transversely isotropic shear velocity structure with the vertical polarization a few percent slowerthan the horizontal polarizationsin a signif- [1985]useddispersion data for both fundamentaland [seee.g.,Montagnerand Tanimoto,1991].Natal et al., higher modesfrom eventsalong the Tonga-Kcrmadcc [1986]founda correlationof regionswith a fast vertitrench recorded in North America to obtain transversely isotropicmodelsfor the Pacific Ocean on one hand and North America on the other. Their models require horizontally polarized shearwavesto remain faster than ver- ticallypolarizedshearwavesby about1% to depthsexceeding400 km under North America. In their oceanic model, anisotropypersiststhrough the lithosphereand the asthcnosphcreand into the transition zone at a higher level than beneath the North American conti- cal polarization with the locations of mid-ocean ridges. Tanimotoand Anderson[1984]founda high degreeof correlation between their map of the orientation of azimuthal anisotropy with the lateral flow pattern predicted at the relevant depth by Hager and O'Connell [1979]. Both of theseresultshave been interpretedin terms of crystal alignment in the mantle, particularly of fcrromagncsiumsilicatessuchas olivine, induced by flow at high temperature. It is now clear that at least parts of the upper mannent. Nishimuraand Forsyth[1989]reach a similar conclusionfrom a more extensive path coverageof the tle are significantlyanisotropicand that this anisotropy Pacific Ocean. However, it should be noted that the can have a significanteffect on wave propagatimt in didepth resolution attainable in such surface wave stud- verse ways. For simple models of anisotropy the efits is limited, particularly at greater depths. fects on travel times (Pn), phasevelocities(surface Measurementsof shearwavebirefringenceor splitting waves),and shearwavesplitting are well understood. of near verticallytravelingbody waves(S, ScS,SKS) Recent developmentsin wave theory in anisotropic mehave revealed azimuthal anisotropy in the back arc dia demonstrate that gradients in anisotropic proper- 15,786 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER MANTLE wavesreties can causesignificantdistortionof seismicwaveforms larger distancesthe onsetof S, representing throughcouplingof the splitshearwaves[Thomson et fracted back from beneath the 410- or 660-km disconcontent(0.25-0.3 al., 1992]. Further, ray bendingthroughanisotropic tinuities,has a muchlower-frequency arrivalsalsocharacterize regionscan resultin complexmultipathing.Elaborate Hz). Suchintermediate-period analysisinvolvingforward waveformmodelingwill be the S waves returned from the 410- and 660-kin disconnecessaryto handle the full rangeof complexityinduced tinuities at shorter distances. The frequencydifferences havebeeninterpretedby Gudmundsson et al. [1994]in by anisotropy. Most experimentssensitiveto anisotropyhave limited directional resolution. Observations of shear wave terms of a zone of enhanced attenuation and above the 410-km below 210 km transition. splitting for $K$ wavesrepresentthe integrate([effect of the differencesin the S wave speedsthrough the region of anisotropy,for the two orthogonalpolarizations in a near-horizontal plane, and provide no depth resolution. Love and Rayleigh waves taken together do potentially provide three-dimensionaldirectionalresolution, but strong trade-offs exist with lateral hetero- In all we havelookedat about 120seismograms which satisfythe aboveselectioncriteria, recordedat WRA betweenDecember1989throughMay 1992. In many cases,no shear wavesare discerniblefrom the P wave geneity[Andersonand Dziewonski,1982]. which we obtain 34 measurementsof splitting associated with different phase branches. The geographical Measurements of shear wave splitting in more com- coda. In other casesthe signal-to-noiseratio is not sufficient to obtain a reliable measurement of shear wave splitting. In the end we have 29 useful eventsfrom configurationof the WRA recordingstation and the epicentersof the earthquakeswhichprovideusefulshear dimensionaldirectional coverageneededto resolvethe wavesplitting measurementsare displayedin Figure 1; full anisotropy of the mantle, although such measure- the hypocentersof the eventsare also presentedin Taments are admittedly difficult. This is what we attem- ble 1. The turning points in the mantle correspondpt to do in the present study. We are motivated by ing to these propagation paths lie mostly beneath the observationsof seismogramsfor shear wavesrefracted northern margin of the Australian continent. Studiesof through the upper mantle which displaya •imc separa- both shortperiodarrivals[Dey et al., 1993]and broad- plicatedgeometriesthan the SKS geometrysho•fidbe explored, since they can provide some of the three- tion between the onsets of SV bandrecords[Kennettet al., 1994]haveindicatedthe and $H waves. We have to acknowledgethe difficulty posedfor measurementsof shear wave splitting arising from possible contamination by phase conversions,which can give rise to precursorsto the true shearwave. Suchconversions are much more likely to occur on the radial component given l.hat to zeroth order Earth is a sphericallysymmetric body. Thus, when shear waves on the radial componentappear to be advancedin relation to shear waves on the transverse component, scattering must be consideredas a potential cause. In this study virtually all the observations are of earlier shear waves on the transw•.rsecomponent or a fast polarization near the transw.•rse direction. Data Selection and Analysis Procedure The eventsusedfor shearwave splitting analysiswere extract;ed from the broadband records at the WRA site presenceof regional variations in mantle structure under Northern Australia, and so we have divided the sourceregioninto two parts: (1) alongthe FloresArc, Indonesia, with propagationunder northwesternAus- tralia, and (2) in New Guinea,with pathsto the NNE of the array. The events in each classare identified by open or solid symbolsin Figure 1. In the course of the work on the P and $ wave ve- locity structure in the upper mantle beneath northern Australiarecordsectionsfor both the radial ($V) and transw.•rse ($H) components of $ wereconstructed [see Kennettet al., 1994]andit becameclearthat therewas a systematic advance of SH wave onsetscomparedwith the SV onsets, for arrivals from the transition zone at distam:esbeyond 2100 km. In Figure 2, we illustrate the nature of the $ velocity profile which has been pro- posedfor the northernAustralianregion [Kennettet al., 1994];a fast and ratherthickmantlelid extendsto 210 kin. The impressionof SH advancegainedfrom the record sectionswas confirmedby carefulhand picking carried tralian region[Kennettet al., 1994]. The eventsspan out independentlyby at least two peoplefor eachevethe distancerange from 12ø to 30ø from the Indonesian nt. However,for the high-frequencyonsetswhich have and New Guinea earthquake belt. Shallow eventswith propagatedthrough the mantle lid there was no disbody wave magnitudesbetween4.9 and 5.5 have been cerniblepattern of earlier $H waves,but tile correlaselectedfor which there is good signal strength for S tion of arrivals on the different components was much compared to the P wave coda. With this type of event poorerthan for the arrivalsfrom greaterdepth. we try to secureas simple a waveform as possibleand In orderto improvethe quantitativemeasuresof shealso minimize the influence of subduction zone strucar wave splitting, we have undertakena correlation tures near the source. analysisfor arrivals associatedwith each of the major For epicentral distancesout to 2100 km, the onsets classesof propagationpath through tile mantle. For of the $V and SH waveformsshow high frequencies each event, a set of time windows is selectedto span of (greaterthan I Hz) associated with arrivalspropagat- the expectedtime for the arrivalsfor differentclasses ing within a thick lid extendingto 210 km depth. At propagationpath, derivedfrom interpretationof cornas part of a study designedto determinethe P and $ velocity structureswith depth beneath the northern Aus- TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER. MANTLE 15,787 Table 1. Hypocenters andMagnitudes of Eventsfor WhichShearWaveSplittingWasSuccessfully Measured Event Date OriginTime, UT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jan. 5 1990 Feb. 2 1990 Feb. 9 1990 Feb. 10 1990 Feb. 10 1990 Feb. 26 1990 March 3 1990 10 07 21 13 13 18 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 April 4 1990 April 13 1990 April 25 1990 May 7 1990 May 15 1990 May 21 1990 14 15 June I 1990 June 6 1990 16 17 Latitude,deg Longitude,deg Depth, km Magnitude -8.800 -10.233 -9.886 -5.263 -10.506 -9.577 -5.561 106.442 110.290 119.050 151.271 120.304 149.798 129.633 29.0 45.8 41.7 10.0 33.0 33.0 33.7 5.3 5.8 4.6 5.3 4.6 5.2 5.1 19 51:48.95 22 46:55.32 15 32:21.70 14 52:51.60 20 35:34.60 13 24:36.60 -4.738 -6.638 -7.077 -9.648 -7.797 -8.137 151.645 130.513 150.112 155.537 129.467 109.043 31.2 17.7 23.0 25.0 57.0 28.0 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.1 4.8 5.5 04 45:49.85 15 04:50.90 -5.119 -6.422 147.722 131.240 33.0 62.0 5.4 5.0 July 17 1990 Sept. 29 1990 22 05:55.02 11 16:10.90 -7.746 -8.701 128.893 122.385 33.0 33.0 4.7 5.0 18 19 Oct. 18 1990 Dec. 16 1990 03 06:52.30 20 19:48.10 -7.348 -6.002 129.279 142.167 48.0 33.0 5.3 5.4 20 21 22 May 17 1991 May 7 1991 Sept. 26 1991 06 37:47.00 17 07:04.00 09 14:50.40 -9.941 -7.954 -9.283 119.780 124.716 158.620 21.0 30.0 26.0 5.2 5.3 5.2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. March March 19 17 03 11 12 15 13 117.161 157.840 150.840 150.189 148.795 119.063 114.752 50.0 33.0 24.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.2 7 1991 27 1991 28 1991 28 1991 24 1992 29 1992 30 1992 10:21.80 58:14.07 33:40.39 12:14.20 58:07.95 13:59.80 11:39.72 56:21.10 14:30.70 40:31.40 05:20.30 09:24.10 12:30.60 42:19.10 positerecordsections usingall availablerecordsfor both SV andSH arrivals[Kennettet al., 1994].The process is illustratedin Figure3a for an eventin the FloresArc at 17.25ø;the two time windowsusedfor the analysis of the seismogram in Figure 3a correspondto $ wave propagationin the mantle "lid" extendingdownto 210 km and to the arrivals from the mantle transition zone -10.553 -9.093 -6.424 -6.325 -9.402 -10.161 -8.307 and synthetic calculationsconfirm that it is difficult to induce much difference in the excitation of the two branchesunlessthe propagationpath leavesthe source closeto a node in the radiation pattern. The general consistencyof the splitting results obtained from the analysisof many differenteventsarguesagainsta major influence from this cause,but it could •nake a signific- below410 km depth. The seismogram hasbeenfiltered ant contribution to the scatter in the these results. The with a band passfrom 0.05 to 0.5 Hz using a causal, most complex zone of pentuplication in upper mantle four-pole,Butterworthfilter in orderto removesomeof arrival:•,near 23.5ø, is not sampledby our observations. The phasevelocityof the differentclassesof arrivals the incoherent,high-frequency,scatteredenergyassociated with the lithosphericarrivals. Figure 3b illustrates rangesfrom 4.6 km/s for the lithosphericarrivals,to an event south of Java at 29.18 ø where the time win5.4-5.7 km/s for the refractionfrom beneaththe 410 dow corresponds to wavesturned at the top of the lower km transition and to 6.3-6.6 km/s for the wavesthat mantle, in this case,Earth has actedas a suitableband- turn at the top of the lowermantle beneaththe 660-km discontinuity.The arrivalsin the 210 and 410 windows passfilter. The widths of the time windows used for subseque- are thereforepropagatingat phasespeedslessthan the nt analysisare chosenso that they spanapproximately high P wavespeedat the surface,and in consequence, four periodsin the waveform. As a result, thesetime the $V componentwill undergophaseshiftsin its interwindowsinclude the possibleinterferencebetweenthe action with the free surface and also to a lesser extent waves reflected from or refracted beneath the 410- and with the Moho and any crustal discontinuities. The 660-kin discontinuities. Differences between the waveinducedphaselags for SV wavesare small but mean forms of the SV and SH waves could therefore arise that the expectedpolarizationpattern in the horizonfrom a different distribution of energy between the re- tal plane for arrivalsin the 210 and 410 windowsis not flected and refracted arrivals. However, the takeoff purely linear. We have avoidednear-surfaceP wave glesfor the reflectedand refractedwavesare w.•ryclose conversionproblems,with the hard rock recordingsite, 15,788 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING I 210 410 IN THE UPPER MANTLE three time windowsselectedin Figure 3. The top left panel in each figure displays the selectedtime window : I ,, for the horizontal componentsof the seismogramafter ,, ' rotationto a radial/transverse coordinatesystem.The Z correlation •••'•...,• R calculations are carried out over the central portion of the window as indicated by the triangles. As we have noted above,the propagationdirectionfor most of the S arrivals from the upper mantle deviates significantlyfrom the verticaland sothe SV component will be affected by the free surfaceof Earth. Jepsenand Kennett[1990]and Kennett[1991]have T event 20 0 15 , 30 V• 45 •! 17.2 60 75 developeda procedurefor correctingthree-cmnponent seismogramsfor the influenceof the free surface,which has been successful for studiesof regionalwave propagation. This approachcombines the vertical(Z) and radial(R) components of motionto constructan estimate of the incident SV amplitude reachingthe surface. For a modelwith surfacevelocity•0 for S, the SV contributionfor a planewaveof slowness p is givenby sv = Zppo+ •(•b 660 where ' q•o = (•/•o• - p•)•/• I This transformationcompensates for the amplification effectsand the phasedistortionintroducedby the free surface by a simple linear combination of the vertical and radial componentswith real coefficients. Kennett [1991]hasshownthat thecoefficients in thetransformationfor SV wavesarerelativelyslowlyvaryingfunctions of the slowness p and the velocityof S wavesat the free surface, so that the transformation is robust. For SH waves,the equivalent transformation is a simple ampli- •event 1 f•'•'••'9.•2 '"•T tude scalingof the transverse(T) component SH - For each of the selected 0 15 30 45 60 75 Time (seconds) Figure 3. Three-componentshear wave recordsfor a pair of events along the Indonesian Arc recorded at 0.5T. time windows on the seis- mograms we have adopted the slownessp appropriate to the particular arrival and range based on the velocity model presented in Figure 2. For arrivals within the 210 window the valuesfor p have the small range from 0.206 to 0.214 s/km. Within the 410 window,p rangesfrom 0.16 to 0.18 s/km and for the 660 window from 0.14 to 0.15 s/km. We havethen transformed the WRA. (a) Event 20 in Table i at a distanceof 17.2ø three-componentseismogramsinto $V and $H traces (b) Event I in Table I at a distanceof 29.2ø. The time using these simple linear combinationsof components. windowsused for polarization analysisof shear wave The resulting S V and SH wavetracesare illustrated in splittingare markedfor both the "lid" arrivals(210) the top middle panel of Figures 4-6. Since the surface and the phases associatedwith the 410-kin transition velocitiesare quite wellknown(•0 - 3.55 km/s for she- (410) in Figure3a and for phasesturningunderthe ar waves,a0 - 5.8 km/s for compressional waves),this 660-kindiscontinuity (660) in Figure3b. The tracesin transformation will remove most of the phase (tistor- Figure3a havebeenfilteredwith a bandpassfi'om0.05 to 0.5 'Hz. at the expenseof a more complexpolarizationpattern for $ waves. For each of the selected time windows a correlation tion associated with the interaction of SV waves with the free surface.The correctionis most significm•t,and hence uncertain, for the 210 window but will also be significantfor the 410 window. A comparisonwith Fig- ure 1 of Kennett [1991]revealsthe sensitivityof this transformationto the value of the slownessparameter, analysiswas performedfollowinga similar procedure p. The relevant coefficientsfor reconstructingthe in- to that proposedby Bowmanand Ando [1987]. This comingSV wave(Vsz and VsRin Kennett's[1991]noapproachis demonstratedin Figures4, 5, and 6 for the tation) arereasonably smoothfunctionsof the slowness. TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING a IN TIlE UPPER MANTLE b Tf 23O 238 c SV Sl SH S2 SH S2 l 246 15,789 230 238 246 23O 238 246 d Correlation 1 .o -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 coefficient o.o -1 .o 4.0 Time lag (seconds) Figure 4. Correlation analysisto determine the tinheadvanceand rerotation angle from the radial/transverse geometryfor the "lid" arrivalsin Figure3a. (a)Vertical (Z), radial (R)and tangential(T) traces.(b) $V and $H tracesincorporating compensation for the influenceof the free surface. (c) Rotated and time-shiftedtracesfor elementalshearwavesfor whichthe cross correlationis optimized.d) Correlationbetweenorthogonalshearwavecomponents asa function of time shift and rerotation angle; the crossindicates the maximum correlation found. Only in the caseof the scalingof the radial component records can be representedby a simple •nodel for possible shearwave splitting. We considera superpositionof exceed 10%. Thus this transformation is a robust one two orthogonal shear wavesrotated by an angle • from and should yield an accurate result if the wave field is the SV/$H polarizationreference, separated in time by in fact characterizedby a single incoming plane wave. •t The presenceof coda from P wavesobscuresthe transSV(t) = A cosel(t) + B sin½f(t + •t). formation to somedegree. A merit of the transformaSH(t) = Asin el(t) - B cos½f(t + tion processis that information is used from both the vertical and radial componentsin assessingthe d•arac- The amplitudes of the two wavesare assumedto be arteristics of the S V waves. We should note that there bitrary, but the waveformsimposed by sourceprocesses For each time window is no simple relation between the apparent polarization are assumed to be identical. expressedby plotting these SV and SH traces on or- the parameters ½ and •t are estimated using a crossscheme which is restricted to the central thogonal axes and the original polm-izationsin the hor- correlation izontal plane displayedin the top left panel of Figures portionof the time window(the portionusedis indi4-6. The length of the windowsusedin the plots is such catedby the trianglesin Figures4-6). For a spanof that the simple model of a single slownessmay not be time offsetsSt from -4 s to +4 s and rerotation angles adequate for arrivals at the extremities of the wi]tdow. .½ between-90 ø and 90 ø we have decomposedthe $V Oncethe transformationof the originalthree-compon- and $H traces into two contributionsincorporating the for the 210 window(Vsn) is the uncertaintylikelyto ent records for each time window into $H and $V traces rotation has been accomplished,we assumethat the transformed cross-correlation and time offset. between We have then calculated these two trace estimates the of 15,790 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING a IN THE UPPER, MANTLE b c SV Sl SH S2 S2, T1 R 248 d 256 248 264 256 264 248 256 264 9O 60 Correlation 30 1.0 coefficient 0.0 -1.0 0 -30 -60 -9O -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 Time lag (seconds) Figure 5. Correlation analysisto determine the time advanceand rerotation angle from the radial/transversegeometryfor the transitionzonearrivalsin Figure 3b. For explanation,see Figure 4. the elementalshearwaves(S1, S2)for each½,5t combination and contouredthe resulting correlationdiagram. The combination of parameters which gave the largest positive or negative correlation was then adopted as the best estimate of the splitting parameters. This procedure was found to give a closecorrespondencebetween 5t and the time offsetsestimated by visual analysis. In the bottom panel of each of Figures 4-6, the contoured correlation diagram correspondingto the selected time window is displayed. We recall that only the central part of the window indicated by the triangles is used in this analysis. Superimposedon each contour diagram is a crossindicating the combination of splitting parameters •b and 5t which yield the high- It is worth noting that in the contouredcorrelationdiagramsof Figures 4-6 there is somedegreeof nonuniquenessbecausethe rotation angle •bspanshalf a circle. A rotation by 90ø is equivalentto interchangingthe traces while changingthe polarity of one. Thus, for eachpositive correlation peak there is a correspondingnegative correlation peak at a time shift reversedin sign and a 90ø shift in rotation angle. In Figure 4 the peak correlation is found at q• = 65ø, 5t = 0.3 s, but there is an equivalentnegative peak at q• = -25 ø, 5t = -0.3s. It is only becausethe correlation is computed within a time window of finite length that this equivalenceis not perfect for the computed correlation function. Each of the correlation functions presentedin Fig- est correlation.The elementalshearwavetraces(S1, ures 4-6 have a clear maximum at a correlation with S2) incorporating the rotationand time shift fi)r the amplitude approaching0.9. The widths of the correlaoptimal parametersare displayedin the top right panel in Figures 4-6. For the central portion of the window we would expect linear polarization and this has been achiewMquite well. Comparisonof the splitting results in Figures 4-6 with the correspondingthree-component seismogramsof Figure 3 givesgood visual confirmation of the choiceof optimal splitting parameters. tion peaks vary considerably.The width along the time axis is in large part controlled by the dominant period of the waveforms. Taking the half width of the chosen correlation peak along the time axis as an uncertainty of the measurement of time shift, the value would be about 1 s for the 210 and 410 branches(Figures4 and 5) and 1.5 s for the 660 branch(Figure 6). The next TONG ET AL.: a SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER b MANTLE 15,791 c S2, Sl 314 330 314 346 330 346 314 330 346 d Correlation 1 .o coefficient o.o -1 .o %•:i .•::..•.•-.,:,•.-:::::::•:•:::::•:::::•:.::•:•:::•:•:•::_?•:--:---.- 0 i..... • ,i•i•!i:i:•? -•:'.:-!•:::::::'-::--::::'..-:::::::::::::::--:.-::---:':--:--•-ß-•' - -30 -iO0 -4.0 -2.0 '"'""' '!"""'i!•:½"" ""•ii½ii½ 0.0 2.0 4.0 Time lag (seconds) Figure 6. Correlation analysisto determine the time advanceand rerotation angle from the radial]transversegeometry for the upper mantle arrivals in Figure 3b. For explanation, see Figure 4. most significant correlation peak is normally of opposite sign to that selectedand correspondsto a skip of half a cycle. The width of the correlation peak along the angle-of-rotationaxis is primarily controlled1)ythe rotation kernels, cosqband sin qbas is evident from the fact that in general,the correlationfunction sI)ansone cycle in the interval from qb= -90 ø to qb= 90ø. It is not obvious that we can translate the half width of the correlation peak into an absolute measure of uncertainty in this case, but it is clear that the uncertainty in the determination of the optimal rotation angle is considerable,perhaps of the order of 4-20ø. It is difficult to developa more satisfactoryerror analysis for the estimates of the rotation angle and time shift, becduseeachevent and time windowpresentsa during passagethrough an anisotropic zone is admittedly simple, but the present data do not warrant a more complex interpretation. Results The results of the splitting analysis are summarized in Table 2 and Figure 7 for 34 time windows from 29 events, out of the 200 windows for which such analysis was attempted. A measurement from the correlation procedure was deemed useful when a clear arrival was seenin a seismogramfiltered with a low passbelow 0.5 Hz, the signal-to-noiseratio exceededa value of 2.0, and correlationand polarization diagramssuchas thosepresentedin Figures 4-6 were unambiguouslyinterpretable different noise environment. During the time interval (a maximumcorrelationpeak with amplitudeexceedfor whichbroadbanddata are availableit hasnot proved ing 0.8 and a linear polarization achievedthroughout a possibleto achieveduplicationof propagationpathsto significantportionof the main arrival). provide further confirmation of the results. The model which we have used as the basis of the shear wave splitting estimation comprisingtwo orthogonal shear waves subjected to rotation and shift In some cases, arrivals on the shallow "lid" branch contain little energy below 0.5 Hz above the P coda but displaya high level of energyaround i Hz where scattering effects destroy coherencybetween tht: three 15,792 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER MANTLE Table 2. A Summary of the Resultsof Polarizationand Splitting Measurements. Event A, deg 12 16 18 13.03 13.29 13.51 9 15 7 21 19 Jr, s •b,deg R branch 0.3 0.0 -0.3 ...... -25.0 ...... 0.89 210 210 210 13.81 13.85 15.09 15.19 15.87 -0.5 -0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 ...... ...... ...... ...... -15.0 17 16.13 -0.5 ...... 5 16.50 0.2 ...... 20 27 3 23 20 17.25 17.48 17.86 19.03 17.25 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.0 65.0 ...... ...... ...... -20.0 27 17.48 -1.3 10.0 0.87 0.86 28 17.69 -0.6 -10.0 0.88 23 19.03 -3.0 50.0 0.96 10 26 25 19.97 20.53 20.95 -0.9 -3.0 -3.5 60.0 -15.0 0.0 4 29 11 22.05 22.24 22.88 -1.9 -1.6 -4.4 -25.0 30.0 -15.0 0.92 0.97 0.92 0.96 0.83 0.94 24 6 14 29 8 2 24 22 13 i 25.20 18.15 19.71 22.24 22.68 25.10 25.20 25.74 27.18 29.18 -3.2 -2.6 -0.4 -1.6 -0.9 -0.7 -2.0 -0.3 -3.3 -3.5 -15.0 -35.0 -40.0 30.0 5.0 -20.0 0.0 -30.0 30.0 -30.0 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.83 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.92 0.86 0.89 0.89 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 0.88 210 210 210 210 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 * 410 410 660 660 660 * 660 660 660 660 660 660 A is epicentral distance in degrees, dt is the measured time shift, •b is the measured rotation angle of the slow polarization clockwiseaway from the radial direction, and R is the peak correlation for each measurement. Blank entries the polarization direction and correlation indicate where measurementswere made directly from high-frequencyseismograms without polarization analysis. * Two interferringarrivalscannotbe separatedwhilea goodpolarizationmeasurement can still be made. recorded components. In such casespolarization analysis was not undertaken. Instead, travel time picks were made from both the radial and vertical componentsfor $V and the transverse componentsfor $H whenever this could be achieved with reasonable accuracy. The time shift was then definedas the timing differencebe- small. In all we have 14 measurementsaveraging 0.0 s, with a standard deviation of 0.3 s and no systematic trend with epicentral distance. Clearly, no resolvable anisotropiceffect is seen here. This is at odds with tween the onset of the $H wave and onset of the $V wave. Entries in Table 2 with blanks entered for the tween $H and SV waveson this branch basedon only a few observations.For suchvery small time offsetsthere tentativestatementsmadeby Goody[1991]and Dey et ai. [1993]aboutobservations of timingdifferences be- rotation angle and the correlationcoefficientrepresent is very little control on the angle of orientationof the measurementsof this type. For thosecaseswhere corre- anisotropy,and so the rotation anglesfor the lid arrivals lation analysiscould also be achieved,there was a close are not used in the subsequentanalysis. For ghe deeper branches,in all but a few casesthe correspondencebetween the estimates of tirne shift by the two methods. For all the lid arrivals(210 branch) fast polarization is within 30ø from the transversedithe time shift between the two S componentsis very rection. Since the likely uncertainty of measurement TONG ET AL' SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER. MANTLE shift I• I • 2time (secønds) 1:5,793 660 410 210 I I I ' 10 ' I • • • • 15 I , , I 20 I I 25 I = ' ' I 30 epicentraldistance(degrees) Figure 7. A summary of measurements of timeshiftasa functionof epicentral distance and branch on the travel time curve. is 4.20", deviationsfrom a purelySH/SV splittingge- excludethe possibilityof a half cycleskip producing ometry are not significant. The measurementsof time a high and visuallyappealingcorrelation.A further delay 5t display a fair degreeof scatter along each of contributionis possiblefrom a modificationof the apthe 410 and 660 branches. Eleven measurements from parentwaveformsof the SH and $V waveformsdue to arrivalsreturningfrom the transitionzone(410branch) differencesin the excitation of interfering arrivals. In Figure8 we presenta geographical summaryof the havean averagetime shift of 2.3 s and a standm'ddeviation of 1.2 s. Nine measurements from arrivals returned results;we have only plotted thoseeventsfor which a is availablefor eitherthe 410 or from the top of the lowermantle(660 branch)havean splittingmeasurement averagetime offset of 1.7 s and a standard deviation the 660 branch. The events are connected to the WRA of 1.2 s. We should note that the set of observations recordingsiteby a thin line to indicatethe propagation alongeachbranchare built up from a numberof differ- path and the radial directionfor eachevent.The shear ent ew•nts and mix data from the two source clusters wavesplittingresultsare shownas orientedtime bars. The lengthof eachbar is proportionalto St, andthe bar alongthe Indonesianarc and throughNew Guinea. Figure 7 summarizesthe time shiftsbetweenthe two is orientedalongthe inferredfast polarizationdirection. S wavesfrom Table 2 in terms of the branch of the travel A scalingbar is shownfor reference in the lowerleft of time curve, the epicentral distanceand the geographic the figure.The splittingresultsfor the 410 branchare location of the source. As in Figure 1, open symbols plottee[in grey at one third of the epicentraldistance resultsfor tl•e 660 are used to indicate events along the Indonesian arc, awayfrom WRA. The corresponding and solid symbols are used for events in New Guinea branchare plotted in black halfwayalongthe ray. The to separatethe two and the Solomon Islands. It is clear that a significant positionsof the time barsare chosen classes of measurements in the figure and haveno other level of shear wave splitting is found for the 410 and sinceall ofthe measurements aremadefrom 660 branches, while no discernible anisotropic effect is significance found on the shallow 210 branch. The results fi)r the recordingsat the WRA site. 410 and 660 branches show a hint of a weak increase of Figure 8 highlightsthe differences in the resultsfor 5t with epicentral distance. In each casea linear trend the two classesof eventsused(the Indonesianarc and Islands).The absolutepolarizaof d5t/dA = 0.1 s/degis estimatedby linearregression; New Guinea/Solomon with the extraction of the trend, the standard deviation tion is fairly consistentwithin eachclusterbut very diffof the scatter From this is reduced from 1.2 s to 1.1 s. set of observations of $ waves returned from the upper mantle we have a clearindicationof an anisotropiceffectthrough splitting of the differentpo- erent for the two clusters. The fast polarization is close to the transverse direction to each ray, particularly so for the cluster of events in New Guinea and the Solomon larizations of 5'. Even with a fairly favorable geometry Islands. The relative values for the time delays of the two branchesare different in the two regions. The aver- of sourcesfor the recordingsite at WRA we have only agetime delayis aboutthe sameon the 660 branchas a limited on the 410 branch for the Indonesian data set available from the broad bmod in- events but varies strumentwith patchy coverageof the major travel time branches.The limited data set helps to accentuatethe scatter amongthe delay time measurements,which are by almost a factor of 2 for the New Guinean events, where the splitting for the 410 branch has larger values. Unfortunately, the number of observationson each carried out in the coda of other arrivals. The correlation branch from each cluster is still quite low. procedureusedfor the analysishasexpecteduncertain- In summary,no indicationsof anisotropiceffe. cts on the propagationof shearwaveswithin the mantle "lid" ties of the order of 4-0.5- 1.0 s. However, we cannot 15,794 TONG ET AL.' SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER MANTLE -lO 5 seconds -2o '0 1 O0 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 longitude(degrees E) Figure 8. A summary of polarization and time shift measurements.The result of eachsplitting measurement is represented by a time bar orientedalongthe fast polarization(as measuredat the recordingsite). The lengthof the bar is proportionalto the measured time shiftasindicated by the bar in the lower left-hand corner. Only earthquakescontributinga measurementon the 410 and 660 branchesare included. Measurementson the 410 bra•ch are plotted in gray at a quarter of the distance of each event from WRA. Measurementson the 660 branch are plotted in black at the midpoint between eachevent and WRA. were found. However, for paths through the lower parts of the upper mantle, we have shear wave splitting with time delays of 2 s or more which has to be imposedsomewherealong the propagationpath. The wave velocities are generally faster for transversepolarization and slowerfor the radial component. The time shifts 1)etweenthe two polarizations of S may increase slightly with epicentraldistanceon the 410- and 660-kin branches.The time shift is on averagesomewhatlarger on the 410 branch than the 660 branch, particularly for eventsin the New Guinea region. Discussion and Conclusions In the previous sections we have demonstrated the presenceof shear wave splitting in the propagation of shear waveswhich are refracted through the lower part of the upper mantle. What remains is to isolate the sourceof this anisotropic effect, which unfortunately is a poorly constrainedand non unique exercise.We can, howew;r,make use of idealized modelsof anisotropyand the layering of the upper mantle which is a manifestation of temperature and mineralogy. There are three possible assumptionsfor the location of the anisotropy which induces the observed she- plausibleas the dominant cause,so that we must seek the major influenceof anisotropysomewherealong the propagation path. There is a small differencein the take off angle froin the source between the 210 branch, for which waves which travel within the mantle "lid" out to about 18ø, and the 410, 660 branches,for which waves dive deeper into the upper mantle. For the "lid" arrivals we have no indication of significantsplitting which arguesagainst a source effect. There is, however, limited overlap in the patterns of observationsbetweenthe shallowerand deeperpropagationpaths. The eventswhich yiel(l data at shorter epicentral distances, 12-18ø, come i¾omthe Banda sea and the eastern end of the Flores arc, while observations of the deeper penetrating branches are fromgeographically distinctareas(New Guinea,Java). However, there is a relative conformity of the polarization within the two clusters of events in Figure 8 and there is no apparent relationship with the orientation' of the island arcs where the events occurred. All the eventsoccurredin the fore arc region of variousisland arcs(Solomon Islands,NewBritain,Indonesia), but the ray paths bear no uniform relation to the strike of the arcs. ]'he sourceregion is unlikely, therefore,to 1)ethe dominant region for the impositionof shearwave splitar wavesplitting:(1) anisotropynearthe sources, (2) ting on the refracted arrivals. anisotropy neartherecording station,and(3) anisotropy The difference in the absolute polarization for the along the propagation path. We will be able to show two clustersof eventsalong the Indonesia arc and froin that near-sourceand near-receiver anisotropy are im- New Guinea/Solomon Islands,whichis clearlydemon- TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING strated by Figure 8, cannot be consistentwith a major near-receiver contribution to the shear wave splitting. Anisotropy in the upper lithosphere in the immediate vicinity of the WRA site is thus not a major contributor to the observed shear wave birefringence. We therefore need to examine the influence of the different aspects of the propagation path between the sourcesand the recording station at WRA. A shear wave traveling nearly vertically will be most sensitive to anisotropy in the horizontal plane, and similarly for a refracted wave traveling nearly horizontally in the upper mantle the greatest sensitivity will be to the properties in a vertical plane perpendicular to the propagation direction. Because of the nature of the refracted wave paths (Figure 2) the influenceof anisotropywill vary with different portions of the path. We considerfirst the influenceof the lithosphere. The absenceof splitting for the mantle "lid" arrivals is incompatible with a simple model of transverseisotropy with a vertical symmetry axis as is often used to reconcile Love and Rayleigh wave dispersionalong a particular path. For transverseisotropy we would expect to acquir• shear wave splitting along the nearly horizontal part of the path due to the difference between the wave speeds for horizontal and vertical polarizations. The w•.ry thick lithosphere in northern Australia is a zone of low attenuation and intensescattering, and it is possiblethat heterogeneity may mask the influence of anisotropy. Unfortunately, the distribution of sources for which we can sample the lid zone at WRA allowsno assessmentof any azimuthal effects. The paths of the refracted wavesreturned from (teeper in the upper mantle are at a significantangle to the ver- IN THE UPPER. MANTLE 15,795 The most likely location for the imposition of the major componentof shear wave splitting for the refracted wavesfrom deep in the mantle is therefore from the portions of the paths well away from the endpoints. This leavesthe segmentin the asthenosphereand in the transition zone or lower mantle. The lack of significantly anisotropicminerals which are stablebelowa depth of about 480 km [Mainprice and Silver, 1993]constrainsthe regionof likely anisotropy from below. Olivine is the most anisotropic of the most abundant minerals in the upper mantle and apparently the most ductile mineral, i.e., the mineral whichmosteasilyalignswith flow [Anderson,1989].Its anisotropy and alignments of its orientation are generally believed to cause the azimuthal anisotropy which has been observedin Pn wavesand vertical S, ScS, and $KS waves. It is also believed to be the main cause of the anisotropy which manifests itself in the inconsistency between the isotropic models needed to match the dispersionof Love and Rayleighwaves[Anderson, 1989].At or nearthe 410 discontinuity the low-pressure form of olivine is transformed into a spinel-like structure, •-olivine. It is almost as anisotropic a mineral as the low pressureform of the mineral, a-olivine, but nothingis knownaboutits petrofabrics[Mainpriceand Silver,1993].The olivinecontentof the transitionzone may be lowerthan nearerto the earth'ssurface[Duffy and Anderson,1989].Nevertheless, •-olivine mustbe conside,reda plausible source of seismic anisotropy in the mantle. Below a depth of about 480 km/•-olivine transformsinto -/-spinel [e.g,. Ringwood,1991]which is only slightly anisotropic[Anderson,1989]. Thus the lower part of the transition zone is not a candi- tical in the lithosphere(at least 45ø) and so will have date regionfor anisotropy.Mainpriceand Silver[1993] path lengths of rather greater than 200 km within the lithosphere. We have pointed out above the difficulty of reconciling the polarization characteristicsof the arrivals from the two different sourceclusterswith a major effectnear the receiver,but the substantialpath lengths in the lithosphere could introduce some portion of the splitting. The influence of the lithosphere will be rather dif- estimate the maximum shear wave anisotropy of the main constituents of the lower mantle, perovskite and ferent for these refracted waves than for SK$ waves traveling near vertically. There are only a limited number of $K$ splitting observationsavailablewithin Australia. The nearest station CTAO, in Queenslandnear the edgeof the craton, has an $KS splitting of about i s with a polarization direction at an azimuth of 60ø, wustitc, to be around 10%. They point out, however, that little is known about the petrofabrics of these minerals, and that indications are that deformation does not inducepetrofabric[KaratoandLi, 1992].The lower mantle is thus a weak candidate for the anisotropy we are seeking. The measured time delays between the two shear wave components for the 410 and 660 branches do not display a significant dependenceon epicentral distance. It is unlikely that the splitting occursin the region of turning for either branch becausewe would then expect a dependenceof the length of the turning segment. and similar results are obtained for NWAO in WestMainpriceand Silver [1993]argueagainstperceptible ern Australiaand TAU in Tasmania[Vinnik et al. , anisotropy in perovskite at the top of the lower man1992].However,the stationCAN in southernstern Aus- tle. However, it is not trivial to rule out anisotropy in tralia is reported as having no perceptiblesplitting for the/•--olivine regime at the top of the transition zone. $KS arrivals[Vinnik et al., 1989].Despitethe tectonic In order to predict an observation where the time shift stability of Australia, there is considerablecomplexity in the assemblageof the craton and it is not easy to extrapolate the $KS results to WRA, but to achievea delay time of about I s between the two shear wave components requires the presence of some azimuthal anisotropy which is normally associatedwith the up- per mantle[ e.g.,MainpriceandSilver,1993]. does not increase with epicentral distance on the 410 branch, the level of anisotropy would have to decrease sharply with depth. Allowing for a 70-km-thick layer at the top of the transition zone with a linearly decreasing level of anisotropyresults in about 10% anisotropyat the top of the layer in order to satisfy the 1.7-s delay on the 660 branch. The maximum level of shear anisotropy 15,796 TONG ET AL.: SHEAR WAVE SPLITTING IN THE UPPER MANTLE in /•--olivineis 14 % [Anderson, 1989]whichassumes lithosphere,the geometry of availablesourcesdoesnot perfect.alignmentin an aggregateof 100%/•-spinel placesignificantconstraintson lithosphericproperties. and samplingof the maximalpolarization.Tenpercent The level of anisotropywe have proposedfor the asanisot,'opy is thereforeunreasonable. Anisotropy at the thenosphere beneath northern Australia is much lower top of the transitionzone cannotbe the major con- thanthe2.5%anisotropy (ofunspecified type)indicated tributorto our splittingmeasurements, althoughsome by Gahertyand Jordan[1993]for pathsto the station contribution is possible. NWAO in westernAustralia. A modestanisotropyin We are then left with the depth intervalbetween210 the asthenosphere wouldnot vitiate their suggestion and 410 km as the sourceregionfor the anisotropic ef- that the Lehmanndiscontinuity(210 km deepin our fect. 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