Ruby Class Summary of Learning Spring 2016

Ruby Class Summary of Curriculum Experiences Spring term – 2016
Work Ethic
DT, Art,
St. Mary’s School: an inspirational learning community in which all are valued and able to reach their potential.
As a class, we will be working on handwriting, presentation, showing a pride in ourselves and our work and taking responsibility for ourselves and our
own learning. We will build on what we have learnt in the Autumn term to continue to progress both academically and socially.
English this term includes reading and writing in a range of genres linked to the specific topic being studied. Speaking and listening, reading and writing will be
taught in accordance with the New National Curriculum (Sep. 2013). Handwriting, spelling and grammar sessions will also take place throughout the week. When
writing, ‘Punctuation Pete’ will be used to build up a range of punctuation and used as a checking tool. The use of VCOP and ‘Wow words’ will also be encouraged
to help the children include good features in their writing. Finding new words, for words the children already know, will be supported through the use of dictionaries
and thesauruses.
This term’s focus is on written methods. Children will learn these fluently so that they can choose the appropriate method to use efficiently. Number, shape and
space and data handling will also be taught in accordance with the New National Curriculum (Sep. 2013). There will also be a focus on mathematical language
where children will be encouraged to expand their mathematical vocabulary. On a daily basis, all children will be practising their multiplication tables in and out of
order (in Fast Maths) and the related division facts of each. On a weekly basis, the children will complete a mental maths test under timed conditions. Their progress
can be seen on display and this encourages them to improve their mental maths.
This term, we will be covering three mini topics:
Dragons: Fact or fiction?
The theme of ‘dragons’ challenges pupil perception of what is real and what is not. Pupils will look at the mythology surrounding dragons around the world, why
there are so many stories about them and why they fascinate us so much. In art, children will be imaging their own dragon and this will link into their English where
they will be playing the parts of reporters investigating a dragon sighting.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
This topic explores the history of crime and punishment. Some of Great Britain’s most notorious criminals and how the police force was set up to catch them will be
looked at. Stories, myths and legends showing human beings, both real and imaginary, at their very best and worst will also be studied. This will build on their
literacy knowledge recapping on the differences between myths, legends and fables. They will also link back to one of their topics, ‘Were the dark ages dark?’,
where they will study the punishments Vikings used in their villages.
Sounding Off
Pupils will investigate sound and music across different subject areas. They will discover how different sounds are made, how our ears work and even compare how
animals and humans hear. This will be a heavily science based topic and will be very hands (well, ears) on!
Fortnightly on a Monday, the class will have Mr. Vince’s club available to them at lunch time. Their weekly lesson will be gymnastics on a Thursday afternoon and
netball/hockey with myself on an alternative day.
Children will be considering the school’s Christian values and how these values help them in everyday life to be a good friend but also a good citizen. They will also
be studying how the parables that Jesus told really turn our world upside down and how relationships change; even in Jesus’ time. The Easter story will also be
studied. The school’s Christian Values are: love, hope, peace, compassion, respect, tolerance, friendship, fellowship and faith. The theme for this half term is
Fellowship followed by Faith after half term.
Children will be given homework on a Friday and will be due the following Thursday. Spellings will need to be practised on the back of the homework planner so
homework should not be handed in any earlier than Thursday AM. It is expected that every child does their HW and it is their responsibility to hand it in on time. On
the homework diary there is a comments column for any messages or reminders to the class, e.g. when they will be having P.E. There is a column for parents’
signatures, which is for you to acknowledge that you are aware of the homework set for that night and that your child has completed it. The comments column is
also for you to let me know anything that might be relevant about how your child tackled the homework. Spellings will be set on Friday alongside the homework and
are expected to be practised in school and at home for the following Friday.
Important Dates
Magic Monday read: Every other Monday according to your child’s team point
team. The rota will be stated on the Homework sheet and any amendments will also
be noted.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Drop-ins: Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Friday 15th January; 3:15-4:00pm.
The children have made an excellent start to Year 4. I hope that you will
continue to join myself, Mrs Moore, Mrs Bond and Mrs Gallagher in
supporting and encouraging your child so that we can challenge the
children’s learning and build on it. Please ensure that your child
practises their spellings and times tables regularly as these will be
January Birthday Lunch: Thursday 21st January.
Sponsored trail fundraising event: Wednesday 27th January.
Stranger Danger session: Friday 29th January.
Ash Wednesday service at Church: Wednesday 10th February; 10am.
Parents’ Open Afternoon and Evening: Wednesday 10th February.
February Birthday Lunch: Thursday 11th February.
Paddlers’ Cake Sale: Friday 12th February; afterschool.
Half Term: 13th to 21st February.
Midsummer Night Dream’s performance: Thursday 25th February.
Eucharist in school: Friday 26th February; 9:00am.
Paddler’s Disco: Friday 26th February.
International Week: 29th February to 4th March.
March Birthday Lunch: Thursday 10th March.
Bradwell Outdoor Activity Centre Trip: Friday 11th March.
Shakespeare Week: 14th to 18th March.
Year 4 Family Lunch: Monday 21st March.
Easter Service: Wednesday 23rd March; 2pm.
Headdress parade and chick hunt: Thursday 24th March; 2:15pm.
Easter Holidays: 25th March to 10th April.
Happy New Year!
Any questions or queries about the homework, or any other matter,
always feel free to ask! I look forward to working with you and the
children over the rest of this year.
Miss A. Slater