John James Hewson, vice W'. H. Georges', promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1 876*.
Lennard Barrett, vice 0. E. BeadneE,, promoted;
Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Arthur Ernest Hay, vice F. Roberts, promoted.
Dated 2nd August, J 876'.
Wilford Neville Lloyd, vice H. M. J. Feilden,
promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Francis Gleadowe Stone, vice H. Soames, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Arthur Cairnes Daniell, vice G. C. Bayly, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
William Hanna, vice J. F. Houstoun, promoted.
Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Clarence Thomas Irving Noble, vice E. M. T.
- BoddaiB, superseded for absence without leave.
Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Anthony John Abdy, vice E. C. Wace, placed
upon the Supernumerary List. Dated 2nd
August, 1876.
Francis John Fox, vice H. A. Graves, placed
upon the Supernumerary List. Dated 2nd
August, 1876.
Charles Mervyn Barlow, vice T. P. M. Pattle,
resigned. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
William Henry Forbes Taylor, vice J. S. Bridges,
promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Charles Hamilton Felly, vice W. R. Rudge, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1 876.
John Rowley Kyffin Lloyd Heyland, vice W. S.
Langley, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
John Alexander Livingstone Campbell, vice H.
Roberts, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1 876.
John Francis Craig, vice C. F. B. Grey, promoted.
Dated i'nd August, 1876.
John Adye, vice S. C. Halliday, promoted. Dated
2nd August, 1876.
Francis Eugene Cuthbertson, vice W. Whateley,
promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
William Lewis White, vice H. F. Smyth, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1 876.
William Heremon O'Neill, vice F. B. Knox, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Arbuthnott James Hughes, vice W. H. F. Sorell,
promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Latham Charles Miller Blacker, vice A. W.
Ferrier, promoted. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Kenneth John Walker Murchison, vice T.
Cumine, resigned. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Arthur Eardley-Wilmot, vice R. H. K. Ross,
resigned. Dated 2nd August, 1876.
Foo% Lieutenant Henry Earle, from the
Royal Lancashire Artillery Militia, to be
Lieutenant, in succession to Sub-Lieutenant
N: R. F. Kingscote, transferred to the Rifle
Brigade. Dated 13th September, 1876.
41st Foot, Sub-Lieutenant Manley Kingsmill
Manley Power, froth the 17th Foot, to be SubLieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. E.
Passy, transferred to the 17th Foot. Dated
13th September, 1876.
46*A Font, Lieutenant George Reade MacMullen,
from the Galway Militia, to be Lieutenant, vice
W. Farwell, promoted." Dated 13th September,
47tk Foot, Lieutenant Newdigate AddingtonKnightley Burne, from the 7th Royal Lancashire
Militia, to be Lieutenant, in succession to SubLieutenant C. E. Skyring-Hemery, transferred
to the 14th Hussars. Dated 13th September,
Rifle Brigade, Sub-Lieutenant Arthur Edward
William Colville, from the 2nd Foot, to be SubLieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant F; G.,
Viscount Baring, transferred to the Grenadier
Guards. Dated 13th September, 1876.
The undermentioned Gentlemen to be Sub-Lieutenants as follows: Dated llth September,
9tA Lancers, Charles John Bernhard Hough Dressner, in succession to Lieutenant J. A. F. H.
Stewart-Mackenzie, promoted.
l$th Hussars, Robert Stephensou Smyth BadenPowell, in succession to Lieutenant C. S.
Wheler, a Probationer for the Indian Staff
Frederick Stevens Dimond, in succession to.
Lieutenant B. R. Wilson, transferred to the 4th
Dragoon Guards.
3rd Foot, Henry Hodges Forbes, in succession to
Lieutenant R. A. Hickson, promoted.
Ernest De Brath, in succession to Lieutenant A.
T. Leslie, promoted.
Arthur Horsman Coles, in succession to Lieutenant
G. A. Colvill, deceased.
George Edward Hyde Gates, in succession to.
Lieutenant M. K. Martin, a Probationer for the;.
Indian Staff Corps.
5th Foot, Arthur Lionel Pennington, in successionto Lieutenant F. W. Saunders, retired on
Royal Engineers, The temporary Commissions
temporary half-pay.
as Lieutenant of the following Officers to be made
permanent, and antedated to llth September, Joseph Godfrey Ogle, in succession to Lieutenant
J. L. Vincent, promoted.
1873, such antedate not to carry back pay, viz :•—
Reginald Ker Kays (India Cadet), in succession to
Lovick Bransby Friend.
Lieutenant C. de J. Graeme, promoted.
Gerald Edward Shute.
Frederick Rainsford-Hannay.
9th Foot, Ralph Henry Fenwick Lombe, in sucHerbert de Haga flaig.
cession to Lieutenant R. L. P., Lord Westbury,
Cooper Penrose.
transferred to the Scots Fusilier Guards.
. .John George Day.
th Foot, Thomas Arthur Harkness Davies, in
Geoffrey Morehead Porter.
to Lieutenant C. M. FitzGerald, a
Henry Joseph Walker Jerome*
Probationer for .the Indian Staff Corps.
George Kenneth Scott-Moncrieffi
Foot, Lieutenant Harry Everard Passy, from 12tk Foot, Richard Cranley Onslow.
-the 41st Foot, to be Lieutenant, in succession to Archibald Cyril Cubitt, in succession to Lieutenant
G. F. Gavin, promoted.
Sub-Lieutenant M. K. M. Power transferred to
Robert Bellew Adams (India Cadet).
the 41st Foot. Dated 13th September, 1876.
:Sub-Lieutenant Edmund Richard Scott, from the Alexander John Ross Hutchinson (India Cadet).
75th Foot, to be Sub-Lieutenant. Dated 13th. John Maxwell Carpendale (India Cadet).
September, 1876.
15M Foot, Henry Edward Cotton Way (India
Cadet),, in succession to Lieutenant H. H*
%Qtk Foot, Lieutenant Edward Roderic Owen,
Oddie, promoted..
from the 2nd Devon Militia, to be Lieutenant,
vice A. E. Beaumont, promoted. Dated 13th 16th Foot, Randolph Seton Burn, in succession to
Lieutenant H. H. N. Martin, promoted.
September, 1876.