PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 7, NO. 5, 2011 421 Skin Effect in Squirrel Cage Rotor Bars and Its Consideration in Simulation of Non-steady-state Operation of Induction Machines Marcel Benecke1 , Reinhard Doebbelin1 , Gerd Griepentrog2 , and Andreas Lindemann1 1 Institute of Electric Power Systems, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany 2 Siemens AG, Corporate Technology CT T DE, Germany Abstract— This paper deals with squirrel cage induction machines and their modeling concerning the occurrence of current displacement in rotor bars caused by skin effect. Considering non-steady-state operation such as direct on-line start and especially in the case of sustained ramp-up, e.g., by using Y-D starter or soft starters (thyristor controlled AC voltage regulator), an accurate calculation of current and torque is required. An appropriate numerical calculation model is pointed out and an application example by simulating a double-cage induction machine start-up demonstrates the benefit of this extended machine model. 1. INTRODUCTION In order to start-up three-phase induction machines very often three-phase AC voltage controllers based upon SCRs are being used to achieve a smooth transition to nominal speed and avoid high torque and current values. Especially widely used squirrel-cage motors are intentionally designed to develop a higher starting torque by utilizing the skin effect in the rotor bars. This, in turn, affects the stator currents as well. To analyze the characteristics of these machines in non-steady-state operations with higher rotor slip, e.g., start with SCR based AC voltage controller or simple Y-D starter, the skin effect in rotor bars (also known as deep bar effect or current displacement) has to be taken into consideration in order to obtain valid results for torque and stator currents during ramp-up. 2. PRINCIPLE OF SKIN EFFECT IN ROTOR BARS The rotor of current-displacement influenced induction machines is a squirrel cage consisting of a number of bars (N2 ) arranged all-over the rotor perimeter and grouted with short circuit rings. The energized three-phase stator windings generate a rotary field to which the squirrel cage is exposed. This magnetic flux of the stator rotary field induces voltages which excite mesh currents in the adjacent rotor bars. Their values and phase angles are determined by the resistance and the leakage inductance of rotor bars and ring segments and also by the rotor slip s. The N2 “windings” constitute an N2 -phase system which generates a rotor field acting like the field of a three-phase wound rotor [1]. So it is possible to model the rotor as a three-phase equivalent winding and to model the whole motor using the well-known T-equivalent circuit. Under nominal operating conditions the current in the rotor bar cross-section is homogeneously distributed and the leakage flux lines are shaped like illustrated in Fig. 1(left). In non-steady-state operation, e.g., starting, the rotational speed does not correspond to the number of revolutions of the stator rotary field. Therefore, high slip values occur. In the case of a low rotational speed, which is connected with increased values of rotor current frequency, the current in rotor bars is cumulatively displaced in radial direction to the air gap. This effect is caused by the slot leakage field in the environment of the bars. It is assumed that the rotor bar is divided into several elements (Fig. 1). Combined with the adjacent rotor bars they form partial coils connected by the corresponding short-circuit ring segments. Thus, the in radial direction internally located coil is exposed to a stronger leakage field and shows the highest leakage inductance value compared to the leakage inductance values of the upper coils close to the air gap [1]. At increased frequency f2 of the rotor current i2 (decreased rotational speed n) the leakage reactance predominates compared to the resistance and the current concentrates in the upper coils (Fig. 1(right)). Therefore, the effective conducting cross-section decreases and with it the resistance increases. As a consequence, leakage reactance and resistance values of the rotor depend on slip [2, 3]. PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 7, NO. 5, 2011 s n f2 s n f2 0 nnominal 0 422 1 0 f1 i2 Φσ R2(k) L2 σ(k) Figure 1: Principle of leakage field distribution in slots of a bar-wound rotor, with s — slip, n — rotational speed, f — electrical frequency (index: 1 — stator, 2 — rotor), i2 rotor current, Φσ — leakage flux [1]. R1 u1 L1 σ L2 σ R2 i1 Lh u2 i2 R 2 ring i2(0)-i2(1) R2(0) u2 L2σ(0) i2(0) R 2(1) L2σ(1) i2(1) R2(n-1) L2σ(n-1) i2(n-1) Figure 2: Common T-equivalent circuit diagram of an induction machine and its variation with the right side extended by RL-ladder network. 3. MODELING OF SKIN EFFECT One method to model this slip-dependent effect is the determination of correction factors for sinusoidal supply and fundamental slot geometry characteristics [1, 4, 5]. This approach is sufficient in case of sinusoidal supply and for simple rotor bar geometries. Apart from that, another option is modeling of the above defined partial coils by using lumped resistance and inductance elements in an RL-ladder network consisting of n stages, each with a resistance R2(k) and a leakage inductance L2σ(k) (see Fig. 1(right)) and replacing the right side of the T-equivalent circuit by this network [4, 6, 7], as illustrated in Fig. 2. This approach allows the numerical calculation of slip-dependent rotor parameters for more complex rotor bar geometries (e.g., double-cage induction machines) and non-sinusoidal feeding of the machine. The concrete rotor bar geometry affects the resulting current displacement. Therefore the calculation of the bar-element’s electrical parameters R2(k) and L2σ(k) is necessary. In the case of unknown rotor-bar geometry this can be done by an approximation assuming a homogenous rectangular rotor-bar divided into n elements. The resistance values R2(k) can be calculated as parallel connection and the inductance values can be calculated on closer examination of the current fragmentation in the RL-ladder network (see Fig. 2). In the first element flows the total current i2(0) and in every subsequent element (every k-th element) a current representing a portion of (n − k)/n of the total current. Based on the law of energy conservation and the known equation for the n P k 2 = n(n+1)(2n+1) the following calculation formula can be deduced: partial sum 6 k=1 L2σ(k) = L2 · 6n (n + 1) (2n + 1) (1) PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 7, NO. 5, 2011 423 In the case of known rotor bar geometry (esp. shape of the cross sectional area of the bars) approximating the real geometry is possible and more accurate. An example concerning modeling a double-bar geometry is given in Fig. 3. The parameters of the approximated rectangular elements can be calculated from geometry [8]: R2(k) 1 = l κ · ∆x · bk L2σ(k) µ0 · ∆x = l bk (2) with κ — electrical conductance, µ0 — magnetic permeability, ∆x — height of each element, bk — width of one element, l — length of the rotor bars. By extending the T-equivalent circuit as described, an implementation algorithm for computing the current i2(0) is convenient. This can be done using a system of state-space equations (Equation (3)) to express the mesh equations of the RL-ladder network: di2(k) = A · i2(k) + B · i2(0) dt i2(1) = C · i2(k) + D · i2(0) with the state vector representing the partial currents of the of coefficient matrices (A, B) consisting of R/L terms. With this state-space model the relevant partial current can be calculated for known rotor bar parameters. Using current displacement is considered in a calculation algorithm implementation of a specific motor model. (3) ladder elements calculated by means and with it the entire rotor current this state-space model the effect of R by realized in MATLAB- Simulink° 4. APPLICATION EXAMPLE: SIMULATION OF A DOUBLE-CAGE INDUCTION MACHINE An industrial induction machine (Table 1) with double-cage rotor profile (Fig. 3) is the basis to parameterize the proposed model enabling the simulation of the non-steady-state behavior. The intention of using a double-cage rotor profile in induction motors is utilization of the skin effect by a special deep bar geometry (Fig. 3), to obtain a powerful starting torque. To show the impact of modeling of current displacement, comparable simulations with consideration of skin effect (established motor model) and without consideration of skin effect (common motor model in Simulink) were performed. The simulation results of a direct start-up are illustrated in Fig. 4 by comparison of mechanical speed, electric torque and stator current. As expected the ramp-up-time (t = 0 s . . . t = 0.1 s) is shorter if the skin-effect is considered because of a higher starting torque. The oscillation of the torque is more damped in this case, bz ”x rk ht hr hg ro ru Figure 3: Profile section of a rotor double bar with geometry data (see Table 1) and illustrated approximation with rectangular elements (n = 10). PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 7, NO. 5, 2011 424 Table 1: Parameters of the used industrial induction motor. rotor bar geometry: Machine model 1LA5-207-4AA ht = 30.85 mm (data for Y-connection) hg = 29.60 mm PN = hr = 16.45 mm nN = 1465 U/min rk = 3.05 mm mN = 196 bz = 1.50 mm p = 2 ro = 2.75 mm IN = 55 ru = 1.30 mm Number of ladder elements: 30 kW Nm A J = 0.24 Nm · s2 T-equivalent circuit parameters: n = 10 R1 = 98 mΩ R20 = 62 mΩ RF e = 50 kΩ L1σ = 1.235 mH L02σ = 1.146 mH Lh3 = mechanical speed, n / rpm calculation of current displacement 35.3 mH no current displacement calculation 1500 1000 500 0 1000 torque, m / Nm 800 600 400 200 0 -200 800 1 current i / A 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 time t in s 0.4 0.5 0.6 Figure 4: Comparison of machine models with (calculation of current displacement) and without consideration of skin effect (no current displacement calculation) by means of the example of a direct ramp-up, simulation of mechanical speed, electric torque and the stator current of one phase. which yields a faster decline of the stator current amplitude. The simulation results of the skin effect model are in accordance with calculation results from a reference calculation tool and with data sheet specifications of inrush current (iRM S = 385 A corresponding to the RMS-value of the current i1 between t = 0 s and t = 0.1 s in Fig. 4) and average starting torque (M = 510 Nm corresponding to the average value between t = 0 s and t = 0.1 s in Fig. 4). 5. CONCLUSIONS The paper presents a method to calculate the slip-dependent rotor current based on an extended T-equivalent circuit for non-sinusoidal power supply and arbitrary rotor-bar geometry. For complex PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 7, NO. 5, 2011 425 rotor-bar geometries such as double-cage rotor profile these parameters can be obtained by approximation of the rotor bar cross-section using rectangle elements and deriving the R2(k) and L2σ(k) R by values for each element. The calculation algorithm has been realized in MATLAB-Simulink° implementation of a specific motor model. 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