EM – FIRE SAFETY UNIT "Promoting Safety - Reducing Risk" DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY BUILDING CODE: DEPARTMENT: Date: Issued by FSU Initial: Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” CONTENTS Form 1 Visiting persons who are connected with matters of fire safety Form 2 Staff training records Form 3 Fire alarm – test / maintenance record Form 4 Fire fighting equipment – test / maintenance record Form 5 Electronic locks on fire exit routes – Test record Form 6 Emergency lighting – Test & Maintenance sheet Form 7 Fire alarm – Record of Unwanted Fire Signals Form 8 Automatic fire detection and alarm installation: record of disablements/isolations Form 9 Other fire safety systems / Equipment Defect & test record Form 10 Reporting fire safety hazards Form 11 Record of fire incidents Form 12 Fire Evacuation Drills Form 13 Hot work permit Form 14 Hot work permit - precautions Form 15 Evac-Chair / Stairclimber maintenance record For advice on any aspect of testing, record keeping or general fire safety please contact the fire safety unit on 37822 or email fire.safety.office@admin.cam.ac.uk Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 1 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” VISITING PERSONS WHO ARE CONNECTED WITH MATTERS OF FIRE SAFETY Date Name & Position Reason for Visit Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ FORM 2 EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” STAFF FIRE SAFETY TRAINING RECORDS Date Name of Person Type of Training Instruction given by Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 3 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” FIRE ALARM – TEST / MAINTENANCE RECORD Date ID No Detail Result / Action Taken Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ Name FORM 4 EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT – TEST / MAINTENANCE RECORD Date ID No Detail of Test Result / Action Taken Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ Name EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” FORM 5 ELECTRONIC LOCKS ON FIRE EXIT ROUTES – TEST RECORD Date ID No Detail of Test Result / Action Taken Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ Name EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 6 FORM 4 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” EMERGENCY LIGHTING – TEST / MAINTENANCE RECORD Date ID No Detail of Test Result / Action Taken Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ Name EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 7 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” FIRE ALARM – RECORD of UNWANTED FIRE SIGNALS Date / Time Device No Location CCFRS Incident No (if any) Comment / Investigation of Cause Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ FORM 8 EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM INSTALLATION: RECORD OF DISABLEMENTS/ISOLATIONS Zone/Device Work Location Reason for isolation and expected duration Date & Time Isolated Responsible Person Name and Signature Date & Time Reinstated Responsible Person Name and Signature Recommendations for the management of fire alarm systems to avoid unwanted alarm activations Where works involving the generation of dust, smoke, steam, etc are to be carried out in an area protected by smoke detectors, the following precautions should be taken to prevent unwanted fire signals: 1. Provision of brightly coloured temporary (proprietary) covers over detectors to prevent the ingress of contamination. 2. Disablement of automatic detectors. 3. Temporary arrangements for giving warning in case of fire in the affected area/s On completion of the works, the responsible person appointed by the user to manage the system should ensure that proper reinstatement of the protection occurs. Details of any disablement and reinstatement should be recorded on this form. Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” FORM 8.1 9 FORM OTHER FIRE SAFETY SYSTEMS / EQUIPMENT EFFECT AND TEST RECORD ID No Floor Location Type Comment Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 10 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” REPORTING FIRE SAFETY HAZARDS Date Reported Hazard Action Taken & Date Name Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ FORM 11 EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” RECORD OF FIRE INCIDENTS Date Details CCFRS Incident No (if any) Name Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ FORM 12 EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” RECORD OF FIRE EVACUATION DRILLS Date of drill: Type of drill: Number of people involved: Staff: Students: Visitors: Contractors: Optimum evacuation time: Actual evacuation time: Time to confirming building empty: Assessment of drill: Remedial action necessary: Person responsible for drill: Fire Safety Managers comments: Name: Signature: Date: Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 13 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” HOT WORK PERMIT TO WORK Building ………………………………………….. Floor……..…….. Area ……………….………………. Nature of job (including exact location) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. The above location has been examined and the precautions listed on the form 14.1 have been taken. Date ……………… Time of issue of permit…………..Time of expiry of permit ……….. Signature of person issuing permit ………………………………………………………..……….. Signature of person to whom permit is issued…………………………….…………..……….. NB It is not desirable to issue hot work permits for protracted periods; for example, fresh permits should be issued where work carries on from day to day. FINAL CHECK-UP Work area and all adjacent areas to which sparks and heat might have spread (such as floors above and below and on opposite sides of walls) were inspected continuously for at least one hour after the work was completed and were found fire safe. Name & signature of employee carrying out fire watch ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... AFTER SIGNING RETURN PERMIT TO PERSON WHO ISSUED IT Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 14 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” PRECAUTIONS The person carrying out this check should tick as appropriate Where sprinklers are installed that these are operative. Cutting and welding equipment in good repair and adequately secured. Precautions within 15m of work; Floors swept clean of combustible materials. Combustible floors protected by wetting down and covering with damp sand or sheets of non-combustible material. Combustible materials and flammable liquids protected with non-combustible curtains or sheets. All wall and floor openings covered with sheets of non-combustible material. All gaps in walls and floors through which sparks could pass covered with sheets of non-combustible material. Work on walls or ceilings; Combustible constructions protected by non-combustible curtains or sheets. Combustibles moved away from opposite side and clear of any metal likely to conduct heat. (Where metal beams are being worked on, and extend through walls or partitions, precautions must be taken on the far side of such a wall). Work on enclosed equipments (Tanks, containers, ducts, dust collectors etc.) Equipment cleaned of all combustibles. Containers free of flammable vapours. FIRE WATCH Provision for the attendance of an employee during and for one hour after completion of work. Such employee being supplied with extinguishers or small bore hose and trained in the use of such equipment and in sounding and alarm. Signature of person carrying out the above check Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’ EMBS – FIRE SAFETY UNIT FORM 15 “Promoting Safety – Reducing Risk” EVAC-CHAIR / STAIRCLIMBER MAINTENANCE RECORD (One form per chair) Type of chair: Location: ID No: Date Date of issue: Detail of Check Result / Action Taken Name Fire Safety Unit’s Mission Statement ‘To deliver the highest level of fire safety support and advice to all stakeholders thereby protecting the University’s people, estate and reputation from the possible consequences of fire.’