ARGE Guideline - Part 3 "System functionality fire detection and fire

ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality
fire detection and fire
fighting systems in rolling
Functional proof for detection and control of
system functions
Regulation for layout and inspection
Rev. No. Date
This guideline is the result of a cooperation of the Detection Technology
Consortium (ARGE) comprising the following companies:
Title: ARGE-Part 3
Revision: 2.0
Valid from: 17/09/2012
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Creator: ARGE
Creation Date: 19/06/2012
Phone: +49 (0) 89 5791 - 1349
Fax: +49 (0) 89 5791 - 2933
Ridlerstraße 57
80339 Munich
ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
List of Contents
GENERAL ................................................................................................ 3
Preface .................................................................................................. 3
Field of Application .............................................................................. 4
Reference to regulations ..................................................................... 5
Area of Validity ..................................................................................... 5
Basic function of alarm ........................................................................ 8
Basic function system operation ........................................................ 8
Assessment procedure ........................................................................ 9
Maintaining the function ...................................................................... 9
EDITING AND REVISION OF THE GUIDELINES ................................... 9
REGULATIONS ................................................................................ 11
APPENDIX 2 - PARTICIPANTS OF THE CONSORTIUM (ARGE)............................... 12
Document: ARGE-Guideline_Part-3_Sys_Func_Fire_Detect_and_Fire_Fight_Rollg_Stock_V-2.doc
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
This guideline serves specifying the functionality and of the safety and reliability
characteristics of fire detection, fire fighting and fire extinguishing systems.
The focus is on the design and correct system function of the interaction of the
respective system technology with the control devices, including alarms.
This guideline sets minimum requirements for the system technology up to the system
interfaces to the rail vehicle, including control and data communication (e.g. for alarm
and fault messages).
Measures to minimize external influences (e.g. resistance to vandalism or operationally
induced environmental conditions) as well as reliability, availability and maintainability
are not part of this guideline.
For these aspects, reference is made to EN 50126.
Note: The requirements for system reliability result from the requirement specification
of the vehicle manufacturer. To ensure system reliability, the manufacturer's
instructions have to be followed.
By using the ARGE Guideline Part 3,
 ARGE Guideline Part 1
 ARGE Guideline Part 2
have to be considered.
The Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), the current codes of practice and
the future European standard EN 45545-6 include requirements for the installation of
fire detection systems. Partyl requirements for assessment procedures are also
included in the EN 50553. Thereby the purpose of EN 50553 is defining requirements
for rolling stock in terms of running capability in case of fire. The ARGE Guideline,
however, focuses on the safety objective "Safety of Persons". Thus, the assessment
procedures are more conservative compared to the standard requirements of EN
50553 (requirements of running capability in the event of a fire on board railway
To provide complete planning certainty for the installation of fire detection systems in
rolling stock, system specific requirements for design, construction and assessment are
This guideline identifies the required criteria for the practical assessment.
Document: ARGE-Guideline_Part-3_Sys_Func_Fire_Detect_and_Fire_Fight_Rollg_Stock_V-2.doc
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
On the basis of the safety objectives defined in laws, guidelines and codes of practice,
a fire event shall be detected and fought already in an early fire development phase.
The objective of this Guideline is the alignment of functional requirements to ensure the
implementation of the protection objectives concerning the system properties which are
described in the rolling stock's fire protection concepts. When this Guideline's
requirements are regarded within the system design, it can be assumed that sufficient
measures for limiting fire risks below a tolerance threshold have been taken into
The design criteria defined in the Guideline are the basis for final type testing or
acceptance tests of the whole system "fire detection system" or "fire detection, fire
fighting, fire extinguishing system". Project management e.g. according to the
International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS), Rev. 02, 2009, and the development of
a system concept in accordance with EN 50126 (V model) is presumed.
The Guideline is accepted by the regulatory authorities of Germany (Federal Railway
Authority - EBA), Austria (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology BMVIT) and Switzerland (Federal Office of Transport - BAV). In addition, via the crossacceptance process for vehicle registration, the Guideline is being applied Europewide. The Guideline already is accepted in many countries as acknowledged code of
Field of Application
This Guideline helps for designing and proofing the functionality of fire detection, fire
fighting and fire extinguishing systems.
The proof of function and type test and/or the conformity assessment must be carried
out by an officially acknowledged expert in the field of rolling stock in cooperation with
the vehicle manufacturer and the system manufacturer, so that a confirmed audit trail is
present for the operational approval of the vehicle/train as well as for further
certifications (e.g. within the scope of the Technical Specification Interoperability– TSI).
The specification and implementation of the type test according to EN 50126 is the
vehicle manufacturer's responsibility. The system supplier has to grant the necessary
Document: ARGE-Guideline_Part-3_Sys_Func_Fire_Detect_and_Fire_Fight_Rollg_Stock_V-2.doc
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
Reference to regulations
In this Guideline, regulations are not mentioned in detail. The standards listed in
Appendix 1 have to be regarded when defining the necessary requirements. Further
regulations are stated in chapter 2 of this ARGE Guideline.
Area of Validity
This Guideline is valid for application in railway vehicles and track bound vehicles,
which are equipped with fire detection, fire fighting and/ or fire extinguishing systems.
This Guideline may also be used for comparable technical systems (e.g. buses).
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
System specification and conceptional design
A design and realization according to the current codes of practice is presumed in the
The following functional requirements for the interfaces between system and rail vehicle
shall be specified by the vehicle manufacturer and shall be adopted by the system
manufacturer in the technical implementation and documentation:
 Definition of safety classification or more extensive system functionalities with
respect to the ARGE Guideline by the vehicle manufacturer or operator
(Recommendation: Expert assessment of the classification).
 Definition of energy supply, depending, among other things, on the system's
safety classification in compliance with the vehicle-related and system-specific
system design.
 Definition of environmental conditions relating to the installation situation and to
the functional requirements with respect to the defined environmental conditions,
e.g. on the basis of the temperature classification according to EN 50155.
 Definition of reliability and availability requirements at the system level with
respect to the vehicle specifications.
 Information on the maintenance intervals (inspection, maintenance, preventive
replacement of components) defined for the vehicle type. The lengths of the
intervals have to be defined according to the requirements for the respective rail
 Definition of on-board external and internal interfaces (e.g. human-machine
interfaces (HMIs), such as displays, audio systems) for signal or state
transmission concerning
operation and fault reporting,
alarm within the vehicle or compartments and/ or outside the vehicle,
active control of on-board components (such as air treatment equipment,
end doors, shut-down of technical facilities).
Generally, impacts of fire detection software or system control software on safetyrelated equipment of the vehicle or train must be prevented (e.g. in signal transmissions
on the vehicle's data bus).
The assessment of the defined RAM parameters must be carried out in accordance
with EN 50126.
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
The ARGE Guideline defines minimum requirements. In addition, further countryspecific requirements concerning technical and functional design of the system
equipment have to be regarded, if available.
Note: Based on the fire protection concept, the vehicle manufacturer specifies the
requirements for the system manufacturer concerning alarm and control of further
technical equipment in the vehicle. The vehicle manufacturer has to consider the codes
of practice.
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
Specification for the assessment process
The following specifications relate to the proof of system functionality, which will be
documented and tested within the type test.
Basic function of alarm
The following requirements for the alarm are defined:
 The fire alarm must be transmitted to the staff (driver and/or train staff) visually
and acoustically, according to the operating concept.
 A local alarm has to be signalized in the passenger area when a limited
noticeability of a fire by the passengers can be assumed. In sleeping or
couchette cars, in double-deck coaches and in WCs, an acoustic signal has to
be provided; in sleeping and couchette cars additionally a visual signal.
 The driver has to be informed about the triggering of a fire fighting or fire
extinguishing system (e.g. in connection with the shutdown of devices affected
by the fire).
 For transmission to the leading vehicle, alarm messages may be combined.
Basic function system operation
The following points are required for the technical facilities:
 Monitoring of system state, signal output concerning operation, transmission to
required for the vehicle's unlimited operation
Monitoring of system state, signal output concerning potential faults in the
system, transmission to interface
 limited operation is still possible, or operation state is withdrawn
Monitoring of system state, signal output of fire alarms, transmission to interface
 Basis for subsequent operational processes according to the vehicle
operator's instructions for staff
Internal processing of the alarm signal and providing the signal at the interface
for possible external switching operations
For transmission to the leading vehicle, fault messages may be combined.
Document: ARGE-Guideline_Part-3_Sys_Func_Fire_Detect_and_Fire_Fight_Rollg_Stock_V-2.doc
Page 8 of 12
ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
The term "interface" includes monitors, visual and acoustic warning devices and, in
individual cars, also the connections of data lines.
Assessment procedure
The defined and implemented functionalities have to be proved as follows:
 For individual vehicles, the proof has to be provided at least at the interface to
the adjacent vehicle and at the defined alarm and fault indicators/displays in the
In vehicles not separable for operation, the proof has to be provided at the
defined alarm and fault indicators/displays.
Maintaining the function
The monitoring requirement has to be realized in accordance with DIN EN 54-2 (affects
fire alarm central control panels) and DIN EN 12094-1 (affects gas extinguishing
systems), as far as required for rail vehicles.
For ensuring the function during operation, the system has to be checked and
maintained in accordance with the instructions written by the system manufacturer.
The transmission of alarms and fault messages requires the disclosure of errors in data
transmission between the individual components. This concerns the following data
between fire detection and fire alarm central control panel
between fire detection or fire alarm central control panel and fire fighting or fire
extinguishing system
between the above subsystems and electrical control equipment and (where
available) alarm devices
The operation state “ready” is achieved when the data transmission path, starting from
the interface between fire detection and/ or fire fighting up to the defined alarm and
fault display, functions properly and when the state is monitored.
Note: The monitoring of the on-board alarm and fault transmission has to be ensured
by the vehicle manufacturer.
Editing and Revision of the Guidelines
Changes and updates to the Guidelines will be carried out by the ARGE consortium as
a result of technical discussions and exchange of experience, only. Latest information
and insights related to the application of the guidelines will be considered.
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
The leading supervision of the editorial work is made by TÜV SÜD. The 4-eye principle
is guaranteed by TÜV NORD. The certified quality assurance systems of the
companies are applied.
An annual update of the Guideline is planned.
Editorial work: TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH
Ridlerstraße 57
D - 80339 Munich
TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co.KG
Große Bahnstraße 31
D - 22525 Hamburg
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
Appendix 1 - Regulations
CEN TS 45545 - 6-2009 Railway applications –
Fire protection on railway vehicles, Part 6 "Fire control and management
resp. EN 45545 - 6 (expected in February 2013)
Chapter 5.4.6 indicates in which vehicle areas stationary systems have to be
installed, with respect to the operating category (Field of application and
vehicle type).
Special requirements for the process of functional proofing are not included.
DIN EN 50126-2000 "Railway applications - The specification and
demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)",
(March 2000)
DIN EN 54 Fire alarm systems –
Fire alarm control panels (December 1997)
/R-4 /
DIN EN 12094-1 Fixed fire fighting systems components for fire
extinguishing systems using gaseous extinguishing agents - Requirements
and test methods for automatic electrical control and delay devices
(September 2006)
DIN EN 50155 Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling
stock (January 2004)
DIN VDE 0833-1 Alarm systems for fire, intrusion and hold-up - general
requirements (September 2009)
EN 50159 Railway applications - Communication, signaling and processing
systems – Safety-related communication in transmission systems
(September 2010)
EN 50553-2012 “Railway applications- Requirements for running capability
in case of fire on board of rolling stock” (February 2012)
TSI SRT (2008/163/EC) – Safety in Railway Tunnels –
in the trans-European conventional and high-speed rail system (July 2008)
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ARGE Guideline - Part 3
"System functionality fire alarm and fire
fighting equipment for railway rolling stock"
Functional proof for alarm and control of system
Regulation for layout and inspection
Appendix 2 - Participants of the consortium (ARGE)
Domain Expert
AOA Apparatebau Gauting GmbH
Mr. Weber
AQUASYS Technik GmbH
Mr. Biberauer
Mr. Müller
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG
Mr. Dirksmeier
HEKATRON Vertriebs GmbH
Mr. Behrens
IME Elektrotechnik GmbH
Mr. Langbein
KIDDE-DEUGRA Brandschutzsysteme GmbH
Mr. Kacar
MARIOFF Corporation Oy
Mr. Valkohaapa
RWS Railway Service GmbH
Mr. Fenske
WAGNER Bayern GmbH
Mr. Kainz
TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Mr. Thiel
Dr. Heyn
Consortium meetings
First consultation - Kick-Off and formulation of ARGE
Second consultation - Revision (Rev. 02)
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