Vol. 91 No. 2 June 2015 An Earthquake History: Finding Faults in Virginia by Wendy S. Kelly and Anne C. Witt Introduction Each year, hundreds of lives are lost and billions of dollars in damages occur in the United States due to natural hazards.1 While geological hazards like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions account for only 10 percent of the monetary losses from all types of natural hazards, their impacts can be catastrophic and economically overwhelming to individual communities.1 Unlike hurricanes and floods, where we may have days of warning and preparation time, earthquakes are unpredictable and can occur without warning at any time of the year. When a 5.8 magnitude earthquake shocked central Virginia in August of 2011, it drew new attention to seismic hazard preparedness in what are commonly considered less seismically active areas of the United States. Although most people would not consider earthquakes a common occurrence in Virginia, small earthquakes have occurred regularly throughout recorded history and will continue to occur into the future. Earthquakes will pose an even greater risk as population density and development continue to increase. Developing resources to improve our understanding of earthquake dynamics, frequency, and intensity will ultimately improve our ability to mitigate losses from earthquake hazards and may eventually lead to earthquake prediction. In response to the 2011 Virginia earthquake, the Federal Emergency Management Agency Wendy S. Kelly (FEMA) issued a major disaster declaration to offer assistance to affected businesses and residents. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) is currently managing hazard mitigation projects related to the earthquake that are funded by the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) is completing one of these projects, which involves evaluating Virginia’s seismic history and compiling a geodatabase of the state’s geologic faults to help assess seismic hazards. Anatomy of an Earthquake Anne C. Witt The Earth is dynamic. The tectonic plates that make up the outer layer of the Earth are in constant motion. Stress from their motion transfers across space and accumulates through time. When a sudden release of accumulated stress occurs along a geologic fault, an earthquake occurs (Figure 1). An earthquake originates on a two-dimensional geological discontinuity called a fault. The point at which the earthquake initiates is called the hypocenter. Earthquake hypocenters can be located relatively close to the Earth’s surface (down to 40 miles in depth) or very deep (hundreds of miles in depth). Once an earthquake occurs, the released energy propagates as seismic “body waves” away from the hypocenter traveling through the Earth’s crust. Body waves consist of compressive P-waves The Virginia News Letter Figure 1: Anatomy of an Earthquake “Although the majority of earthquakes are concentrated along tectonic plate boundaries, earthquakes can also occur along faults within the interior of tectonic plates, such as in eastern North America.” Source: Modified from the U.S. Geological survey (USGS). http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/animations/ (primary waves) that travel at the speed of sound, and the slower moving, but more destructive, S-waves (secondary waves) that move with a shearing motion. Once these seismic waves reach the Earth’s surface, they travel as surface waves away from the epicenter, the location of the hypocenter projected upwards to the ground surface. Like body waves, surface waves vary in motion. Rayleigh waves roll across the Earth’s surface, whereas Love waves move horizontally. Both types of surface waves are potentially destructive. Earthquakes are measured by the amount of energy they release (magnitude) and by the amount of damage they cause (intensity) (Table 1). The magnitude of an earthquake can be measured by instruments called seismometers. Each seismic event has a single measure of magnitude. The intensity of an earthquake is the amount of shaking an earthquake produces, which may rattle dishes, overturn furniture, and damage buildings. Because seismic waves dissipate, intensity decreases as distance from the epicenter increases; therefore multiple measurements of intensity can result from a single earthquake. The majority of earthquakes occur where tectonic plates meet and grind together—here stress is the greatest. An example is the April 2015 Nepal earthquake, which occurred along an active plate boundary where the Indian Plate is sliding beneath the Eurasian Plate. Similarly, eastern Japan and the western United States are active tectonic settings with a high incidence of seismicity. Although the majority of earthquakes are concentrated along tectonic plate boundaries, earthquakes can also occur along faults within the interior of tectonic plates, such as in eastern North America. (Figure 2) Human Activity and Earthquakes Although earthquakes are naturally occurring geologic events, they can also be triggered by human activity. Such induced, or “anthropogenic seismicity,” may occur as human industrial activity related to deep well injection, mining, or reservoir construction, alter stresses within the Earth’s crust.2 Table 1: Earthquake Magnitude and Typical Correlated Intensity 2 Source: Modified from the U.S. Geological Survey (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/topics/mag_vs_int.php and http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/ earthq4/severitygip.html) Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service • June 2015 Figure 2: The Worldwide Prevalence of Earthquakes “To date, no Virginia earthquakes have been attributed to oil and gas activity.” Note, black and red dots illustrate global earthquake concentration. Source: Reproduced by permission of the British Geological Survey. © NERC. All rights reserved. CP15/024. http://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/hazards/earthquakes/whyWhere.html. During oil and natural gas production, fluids may be removed or injected underground. This activity can cause stresses within the Earth’s crust to change, potentially triggering earthquakes. For example, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in California in 1983 and a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Uzbekistan in 1984 have been attributed to oil and gas production.2 The modern technique of hydraulic fracturing to stimulate deep underground oil and gas reservoirs has been associated with the increase of seismicity in the central U.S.3, but this increase has been primarily attributed to the injection of oilfield wastewater into deep disposal wells. To date, no Virginia earthquakes have been attributed to oil and gas activity. Mining can also cause seismicity. In areas where coal is mined, such as the Appalachian Basin of West Virginia, Kentucky, and far southwestern Virginia, underground voids left by the removal of coal sometimes collapse, causing tremors. Rock blasting in the mining process can also cause ground shaking. The tremors are detected by seismometers in the region and often reported as earthquakes, although their location and seismic waveforms usually inform researchers that the events are not natural. “Reservoir-induced seismicity” is another well-known phenomenon in which earthquakes are triggered by the filling of large, man-made water reservoirs. Although the mechanisms by which these earthquakes occur are not well understood, it is likely that the geologically rapid loading of the earth’s crust from the weight of water and the propagation of hydraulic forces into existing fracture systems combine to release stress in the crust. Nearly 60 cases of reservoirs causing earthquakes are documented in the scientific literature.4 Some of these earthquakes, such as a magnitude 6.1 earthquake that occurred in 1993 after the construction of a water reservoir in southwestern India, can be quite large. Unraveling Virginia’s Seismic History Although a great deal has been learned about earthquakes in other portions of the globe, much remains to be understood about seismicity in the eastern United States. Far from a tectonic plate boundary, Virginia rests within the geologically stable center of the North American tectonic plate. Even so, earthquakes are nothing new to Virginia. Hundreds of millions of years of geological processes have shaped the commonwealth’s landscape. The same processes that built the Appalachian Mountains and opened the Atlantic Ocean have left Virginia laced with geologic faults. Because these faults are locations of weaker crust, they potentially present a path of least resistance for the Earth’s shifting tectonic plates. Even though generations of geologists have mapped thousands of faults across Virginia, many remain to be discovered. Often, faults are “blind” or hidden underground (see Figure 1). Without surface evidence, locating faults and attributing an earthquake to motion along a particular fault can be challenging. Examining Virginia’s seismic history may reveal trends in earthquake frequency and clustering, which may also help geologists determine recurrence probabilities and identify potentially active faults. 3 The Virginia News Letter Prehistoric Earthquakes “In general, Virginians have experienced frequent, but low magnitude seismic events almost every year.” Today, scientists rely on technology to identify and accurately record information about earthquakes. Virginia’s first seismometer was installed in Blacksburg in 1963, digitally recording local earth tremors as part of a national monitoring system. However prior to that date, our record of earthquakes is incomplete. Historical records, such as newspapers and journals, are our best source for information about past occurrences. Documenting earthquakes prior to colonization becomes even more challenging. Although earthquakes certainly occurred, humans may not have been present to witness the events, or written records may not have been kept. However, evidence for prehistoric seismicity may be preserved within the geologic record. Earthquakes of a high enough magnitude and intensity cannot only cause destruction on the surface, but can also disrupt the subsurface (Figure 3). Geologists can look for deformation of soft sedimentary deposits or of hard geological features (such as breakdown of cavern formations). Although research is ongoing, these types of deformation features have been identified within the Piedmont Province of central Virginia and caverns of the Valley and Ridge Province. Such features, called paleoseismites, may be measureable indicators of prehistoric earthquakes occurring at least within the past 27,000 years of geologic time.5,6,7 Figure 3: Illustration of Earthquake-induced Deformation Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) Historic Earthquakes More recent seismic events have largely been captured by historical documents. Sources such as newspapers and journals provide a record of hundreds of earthquakes occurring in Virginia over the past few hundred years. In general, Virginians have experienced frequent, but low magnitude seismic events almost every year. The majority of these earthquakes have caused little to no damage. Larger magnitude earthquakes have occurred much less frequently, but stand out in documentation as memorable and occasionally damaging (Figure 4). The first earthquake recorded in Virginia history was documented by Thomas Jefferson. In the afternoon of February 21, 1774, his Charlottesville Figure 4: Magnitude of Historically Recorded Earthquakes in Virginia, 1774 to 2014 4 Note, magnitude increases as shading transitions from grey to red. Refer back to table 1 for more information about magnitude. Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service • June 2015 Figure 5: Generalized Felt Area with Intensities for the February 21, 1774 Earthquake “Many earthquakes are preceded or followed by a series of more minor earthquakes that may cause just as much damage as the main shock.” Source: Modified from M.G. Hopper, and G.A. Bollinger, The Earthquake History of Virginia, 1774 to 1900, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va., 1971. estate house, Monticello, was shaken so terribly that the inhabitants are reported to have run outside in fear.8 People also ran outside in the towns of Williamsburg and Fredericksburg, where buildings shook and glasses rattled.3 The first newspaper published in Virginia, The Virginia Gazette, also recorded this event as being strongly felt in Richmond and Westover, accompanied by a loud thunderous sound.9 Aside from causing a general panic, the 1774 earthquake reportedly resulted in serious structural damage close to the probable epicenter. In the towns of both Petersburg and nearby Blandford, houses were physically dislodged from their foundations.3,10 Store bells as far away as Winston-Salem, North Carolina chimed.11 Even though seismometers did not exist in the 1700s, historic records of damage can help today’s geologists assign intensities and piece together a possible epicenter and magnitude for previous events. Based on historic documents, people within 50,000 square miles of the 1774 earthquake reported feeling the event, shocking individuals throughout much of Virginia and into North Carolina (Figure 5). 2,12,13 One of Virginia’s largest earthquakes occurred over a hundred years later in Giles County in western Virginia on May 31, 1897. Newspaper reports suggest that this event was felt over an area of 300,000 square miles from Georgia to Pennsylvania and as far west as Indiana (Figure 6).14 This 5.8 magnitude event caused the greatest damage in the towns of Narrows and Pearisburg, which were closest to the epicenter. Brick homes and chimneys were damaged (cracked, shifted, or toppled) in a wide area around the epicenter from Knoxville, Tennessee and Bluefield, West Virginia to Raleigh, North Carolina.15 Springs are reported to have been disturbed and landslides triggered.16 Many earthquakes are preceded or followed by a series of more minor earthquakes that may cause just as much damage as the main shock. Weeks before the 1897 event an intensity VII foreshock caused plaster and chimney damage in the towns of Radford, Pulaski, and Roanoke, and was felt in several North Carolina towns.15,17 The 1897 main shock was also followed by a series of aftershocks that lasted throughout the remainder of the year.16 On June 28, an aftershock was felt from Lexington to Wytheville, causing a general disturbance and rattling kitchenware and windows in Roanoke.9 Another pronounced aftershock occurred in Pearisburg on September 3, and a third in Wytheville on October 20.9 Although none of these aftershocks caused significant 5 The Virginia News Letter Figure 6: Generalized Felt Area with Intensities for the May 31, 1897 Earthquake “...the most damaging earthquake ever felt in Virginia’s documented history was recorded on August 23, 2011.” Source: Modified from M.G. Hopper, and G.A. Bollinger, The Earthquake History of Virginia, 1774 to 1900, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va., 1971 and from S. E. Hough, “Initial Assessment of the intensity Distribution of the 2011 MW 5.8 Mineral, Virginia Earthquake,” Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 83, No. 4, (2012) p. 649-57. http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/hough/649.full.pdf damage, they were described in local newspapers as “distinct.” Modern Earthquakes 6 In modern times, networks of seismometers have been installed across the eastern United States to detect even the slightest of earthquakes. Such highly sensitive seismic networks help scientists accurately pinpoint earthquake epicenters and measure magnitudes. In Virginia, several seismometers are recording Earth tremors and relaying the information back to universities and other scientific facilities for analysis (Figure 7). With the help of some of these devices, the most damaging earthquake ever felt in Virginia’s documented history was recorded on August 23, 2011. Approximately 150,000 individuals reported feeling the earthquake through the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazard Program, “Did You Feel It?” website (http://earthquake. usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/). The earthquake was felt over the entire eastern United States and into Canada, potentially making it the most widely felt earthquake in United States history (Figure 8).18 This 5.8 magnitude earthquake shocked residents of Central Virginia as homes were shifted off of their foundations, chimneys toppled, and house walls and framing cracked and buckled (Figure 9). Total damages resulting from the 2011 earthquake reached at least $300 million.19 Eight counties in Central Virginia were included in the declared disaster area; Louisa County alone received almost 1,500 damage reports from residents.19 The entire Louisa County school system closed down for weeks following the earthquake, and two schools were considered damaged beyond repair.20 Only 11 miles from the epicenter, the North Anna Nuclear Generating Station experienced an automatic safe-shutdown—the first safe automatic shutdown of a nuclear power plant in U.S. history.21 Although ground motion from the earthquake exceeded plant seismic design levels, the station experienced only minor structural damage and no critical structures were affected.22 The earthquake also triggered several small rock falls, damaged two small dams, broke a water main in the town of Mineral, and left 3,000 people without power.23 While the greatest damage occurred in Central Virginia, damage Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service • June 2015 Figure 7: Virginia’s Network of Seismometers Provides Real-time Seismic Data Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) Note: Live seismic recordings from these stations can be viewed at the following web address: http://dmme.virginia.gov/DGMR/PDF/Seismic_Stations.pdf Figure 8: Generalized Felt Area with Intensities for the August 23, 2011 Earthquake Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) using data compiled from S. E. Hough, “Initial Assessment of the Intensity Distribution of the 2011 MW 5.8 Mineral, Virginia Earthquake,” Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 83, No. 4, (2012), pp. 649-57 and the U.S. Geological Survey, “Did You Feel It?” web site: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ earthquakes/dyfi/events/se/082311a/us/index.html 7 The Virginia News Letter Figure 9: Property Damage from the 2011 Earthquake “Historic epicentral data reveals that the majority of Virginia’s earthquakes occur in three zones of relatively frequent seismicity.” Property damage near the earthquake epicenter in Mineral, Virginia (left) and the steeple of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. that was displaced by the 2011 earthquake (right). Source: Photos by Francis Ashland (left) and William Leith (right), the U.S. Geological Survey 8 was reported into Northern Virginia and Maryland. Monitoring of water wells revealed a disturbance in groundwater levels as far as 350 miles away. 18,24 In Washington, D.C., several of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History’s specimen jars fell to the floor, the Washington Monument developed several cracks, and the National Cathedral was significantly damaged.25 Enough books fell in the University of Maryland library to cause a temporary building shutdown. Following the main shock, temporary seismic networks recorded a series of over 450 aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 1.26,21 Studying the aftershock sequence helped to reveal the location of a previously undiscovered fault and may suggest that there are other potentially active faults within the area.27 Not only did the 2011 earthquake cause structural damage, but it also left its mark in the geologic record. Soft sediment deformation, such as sand boils (Figure 3) and sand dikes (Figure 10) were identified within the epicentral area following the earthquake. Although some of these surface features were washed away by the soon-to-follow Hurricane Irene, geologists continue to search for sub-surface deformation features that may help us learn more about the 2011 earthquake and previous seismic events in Central Virginia. What does Virginia’s Seismic History Tell Us? Historic epicentral data reveals that the majority of Virginia’s earthquakes occur in three zones of relatively frequent seismicity (Figure 11). Scientists have identified these “seismic zones,” along with many other earthquake hot spots across the eastern United States. Stretching from Richmond to Charlottesville, the Central Virginia Seismic Zone (CVSZ), rests largely within the Piedmont. To the southwest, the Giles County Seismic Zone (GCSZ) extends through the New River Valley, while the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone (ETSZ) envelopes the southwestern tip of Virginia. Although it is likely that Virginia’s geologic history has much to do with how stress from tectonic plate motion is transferred and stored within the center of tectonic plates,28 much remains to be discovered about why these zones exist. By reviewing the history of earthquakes in Virginia, we gain a better understanding for the potential future of seismicity in our state. Historically, low magnitude earthquakes have not been uncommon. Although less frequent, high Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service • June 2015 Figure 10: Soft Sediment Deformation “Sand Boils” Near the 2011 Earthquake Epicenter understand why, where, and when earthquakes occur. Gaining a better scientific understanding of seismicity in the eastern U.S. will provide a stronger foundation for local agencies and planning districts to mitigate potential risk from future events. Mapping Virginia Earthquake Hazards Source: Photo by Mark Carter, the U.S. Geological Survey. magnitude damaging earthquakes have also occurred throughout history, and there may be evidence for these types of destructive events occurring back through thousands of years of Virginia’s geologic past. These infrequent, but damaging earthquakes remind us that even in the tectonically stable eastern United States seismic adjustments in the Earth’s crust are ongoing. Because large eastern earthquakes have longer return periods, the memory of their impact is more easily lost to history. Prior to the careful seismic monitoring following the 2011 earthquake, the causative fault was unknown to geologists. Thorough monitoring and analysis of future seismic events will allow us to build a more comprehensive earthquake history of Virginia and help reveal the intricate network of faults beneath our feet. With advancing science and technology, scientists will be able to better The 2011 Mineral earthquake was an abrupt reminder that significant and damaging earthquakes can occur within the commonwealth. Because earthquake prediction is not currently possible, the continued development of regional and local seismic hazard maps29 and the improvement of regional hazard mitigation plans will play an important role in increasing Virginia’s future earthquake preparedness. The 2011 earthquake illustrates that a variety of factors should be considered when evaluating potential risk and hazard mitigation. Not only is basic building construction an important consideration, but other impacts to infrastructure such as power outages and damage to dams, pipelines, and bridges may occur. Earthquakes may also cause temporary to permanent changes in aquifers. Rock falls and landslides can cause additional damage. In an effort to improve our understanding of Virginia’s seismic zones and related hazards, the Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) is participating in a project funded through FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and managed by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM). As part of this project, the DGMR is evaluating Virginia’s “Prior to the careful seismic monitoring following the 2011 earthquake, the causative fault was unknown to geologists.” Figure 11: Virginia’s Seismic Zones are Defined by Areas of Increased Earthquake Frequency Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) 9 The Virginia News Letter “In addition to assessing Virginia’s seismic hazards, effective communication of earthquake hazards and potential risk is imperative to improving Virginia’s preparedness for future seismic events.” seismic history and producing a geologic fault geodatabase, focusing on the three defined areas of greatest seismic activity in Virginia. The geodatabase will be a compilation of faults, at varying scales, mapped by geologists over approximately the past 100 years. The incorporation of new technology, like high-resolution remotely-sensed digital elevation data (Light Detection and Ranging—LiDAR) may also help identify topographic features and offsets that indicate the presence of previously unrecognized faults. Assessing the commonwealth’s seismic hazards involves defining areas of greatest risk. Earthquakes that occur in areas of high population density, with considerable development, have the potential to do the most damage. Overlaying cultural data with geologic fault mapping will help to identify communities and infrastructure potentially at risk to future earthquake damage. In addition to assessing Virginia’s seismic hazards, effective communication of earthquake hazards and potential risk is imperative to improving Virginia’s preparedness for future seismic events. The DGMR is collaborating with emergency management and planning agencies to increase public understanding of seismic hazards and improve possible hazard mitigation. Virginia is divided into 21 planning district commissions (PDCs) (Figure 12). Each PDC is composed of local government elected officials and appointed citizens, who “…promote the orderly and efficient development of the physical, social and economic elements of the district by planning, and encouraging and assisting localities to plan, for the future.”30 Under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, Virginia’s planning district commissions develop Hazard Mitigation Plans that attempt to identify natural hazards with the potential to impact that location, assess potential damage to infrastructure and the public that could result, and present strategies that may help mitigate such loss. The DGMR is collaborating with the twelve Virginia districts that overlap Virginia’s seismic zones. Although each district discusses earthquakes as a potential natural disaster within its hazard mitigation plan, the plans are updated every five years, presenting an opportunity to incorporate new scientific information to improve mitigation strategies. Conclusions Earthquakes are a significant geologic hazard in the United States. Although much research has focused on the active tectonic setting of the western U.S., seismicity in the eastern U.S. is not as well understood. Over hundreds of millions of years of geologic time, Virginia has developed a complex underground network of geologic faults. Motion along some of these faults has caused hundreds of earthquakes documented throughout Virginia’s history. Although severe earthquakes are relatively infrequent, they have occasionally Figure 12: Virginia Planning District Commissions and Overlapping Seismic Zones 10 Source: The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) Division of Geology and Mineral Resources (DGMR) Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service • June 2015 shocked Virginia residents with their destructive power. The 2011 event in central Virginia was a reminder of that potential. As Virginia’s population and infrastructure continue to grow, so too will seismic-related risk. Studying Virginia’s seismic history and real-time monitoring of modern earthquakes by permanent eastern seismic networks will help scientists better understand regional seismicity. Tools such as a comprehensive geologic fault database will be helpful in assessing seismic hazards and identifying areas of greatest risk. Such information will enable planning district commissions to continuously improve their Hazard Mitigation Plans and increase preparedness for future seismicity in the commonwealth. Useful Resources Readers who want to learn more about earthquakes can go to many sources on the web. Table 2 lists several. ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Wendy Kelly is a geologist working for the Virginia Division of Geology and Mineral Resources in Charlottesville. She completed a M.S. in geology at Oregon State University and an undergraduate degree in geology from Hampshire College in Massachusetts. She has worked at the U.S. Geological Survey in Florida, the Vermont Geological Survey, and with the National Park Service. Wendy is particularly interested in how science is communicated to the public. Anne Witt is a geologist with the Virginia Division of Geology and Mineral Resources in Charlottesville. She has been working in geologic hazards for over 12 years and specializes in using geographic information systems (GIS) to map and model natural hazards. She has a M.S. in geology from North Carolina State University and a B.S. in geology from the University of Mary Washington. Table 2: Web Links for Useful Information About Earthquakes Topic Web Link What to do in the event of an earthquake www.shakeout.org Learn more about earthquakes in Virginia http://dmme.virginia.gov/DGMR/earthquakes.shtml Learn more about active seismometers in Virginia http://www.magma.geos.vt.edu/vtso/ U.S. Geological Survey hazard maps http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/ Add your own earthquake observations to a national earthquake database http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi Become better informed about Virginia’s planning districts http://www.vapdc.org/ Learn more about how earthquakes are measured http://www.usgs.gov/faq/taxonomy/term/9828 Endnotes 1 M. Gall, K.A. Borden, C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, “The Unsustainable Trend of Natural Hazard Losses in the United States,” Sustainability 3 (2011), pp. 2,157-81. 2 A. McGarr, D. Simpson, and L. Seeber, “40 Case Histories of Induced and Triggered Seismicity,” International Geophysics, Vol. 81A, (2002), pp.647-661. 3 U.S. Geological Survey http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/ induced/ 4 D.P. Schwartz, W.B. Joyner, R.S. Stein, R.D. Brown, A.F. McGarr, S.H. Hickman, and W.H. Bakun, “Review of Seismic Hazard Issues Associated with the Auburn Dam Project, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California,” U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 96-0011 (1996). 5 Ebasco Services Incorporated, “Studies of Speleothem Deposits in the Giles County, VA Seismic Zone,” Progress Report for April and May (1993). 6 S.F. Obermeier and W.E. McNulty, “Paleoliquefaction Evidence for Seismic Quiescence in Central Virginia during Late and Middle Holocene Time,” EOS, Transaction of the American Geophysical Union, Vol. 79, No. 17, Spring Meeting Supplement, Abstract T41A-9, (1998). 7 W.C. Burton, R.W. Harrison, D.B. Spears, N.H. Evans, and S. Mahan, “Geologic Framework and Evidence for Neotectonism in the Epicentral Area of the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 8 J.A. Bear, Jr. and L.C. Stanton, eds. Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997). 9 M.G. Hopper, and G.A. Bollinger, “The Earthquake History of Virginia, 1774 to 1900,” Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va., (1971). 10 The Virginia Gazette, February 24, 1774, p. 3. 11 G.R. MacCarthy, “An Annotated List of North Carolina Earthquakes,” Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Vol. 73, (1957), pp. 84-100. 12 C.W. Stover and J.L. Coffman, “Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised),” U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1527, (1993) pp. 375-78. 13 G.R.MacCarthy, “A Descriptive List of Virginia Earthquakes through 1960,” Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Vol. 80, No.2 (1964), pp. 95-114. 11 The Virginia News Letter 14 G.A. Bollinger, and C.W. Stover, “List of Intensities, Epicentral Distances, and Azimuths for the 1897 Giles County, Virginia, Earthquake and the 1969 Elgood, West Virginia, Earthquake,” USGS Open-File Report 78-1017, (1978). 15 J.L. Coffman and C.A. von Hake, “Earthquake History of the United States,” U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA and U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Publication 41-1, (1982). 16 M.R. Campbell, “Earthquake Shocks in Giles Co., Va,” Science, Vol. 7, No. 164, p. 233-235, (1898). 17 N. H. Heck, “Earthquake History of the United States,” Department of Commerce U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication No. 149 (1928). 18 J.W. Horton and R.A. Williams, “The 2011 Virginia Earthquake: What are Scientists Learning?,” EOS, Vol. 93, No. 33, p. 317-318, (2012). 19 GEER (Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance) Association. Geotechnical quick report on the affected region of the 23 August 2011 M5.8 Central Virginia earthquake near Mineral, Virginia, GEER Association Report No. GEER-026 (2011). 20 M.J. Heller and A.M. Carter, “Residential Property Damage in the Epicentral Area of the Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake of 23 August 2011,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 21 D. F. Fenster and L. S. Walsh, “Preliminary information on the Mw 5.8 Mineral, VA, earthquake,” AEG News, Vol. 54, No.4, p. 26–30, (2011). 22 Y. Li, G.L. Stirewalt, and K.A. Monoly, “Overview of Performance of the North Anna Nuclear Power Station during the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake and Continued Seismic Evaluations,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 23 R.A Green, S. Lasley, M.W. Carter, J.W. Munsey, B.W. Maurer, and M.P. Tuttle, “Geotechnical Aspects in the Epicentral Region of the 2011 Mw 5.8 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 24 E.A Roeloffs, D.L. Nelms, and R.A. Sheets, “Widespread Groundwater-Level Offsets Caused by the Mw 5.8 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake of 23 August 2011,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 25 D. Wells, J.A.Egan, D.G Murphy, and T. Paret, “Ground Shaking and Structural Response of the Washington Monument During the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 26 A.W. Horton Jr., M.C. Chapman, and R.A. Green, “The 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake, and its Significance for Seismic Hazards in Eastern North America - an Overview,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 27 A.W. Horton Jr., A.K. Shah, D.E. McNamara, S.L. Snyder, and A.M. Carter, “Aftershocks Illuminate the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake Causative Fault Zone and Nearby Active Faults,” The Geological Society of America Special Paper 509, (2015). 28 A. Gangopadhyay and P. Talwani, “Symptomatic Features of Intraplate Earthquakes,” Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 74, No. 6, (2003). 29 For example: M.D. Petersen, M.P. Moschetti, P.M. Powers, , C.S. Mueller, K.M. Haller, A.D. Frankel, Y. Zeng, S. Rezaeian, S.C. Harmsen, O.S. Boyd, N. Field, R. Chen, K.S. Rukstales, N. Luco, R.L. Wheeler, R.A. Williams, and A.H. Olsen, “Documentation for the 2014 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps,” U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014–1091, ( July 17, 2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20141091. 30 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Information System, Code of Virginia 15.2-4207 (https://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+15.2-4207) If you would like to receive email notification of future Web-based issues please visit The Virginia News Letter subscription page to register for inclusion in our email distribution list. Then you will receive notifications six to nine times per year with a synopsis of each article and an opportunity to download a copy. Editor: John L. Knapp VOL. 91 NO. 2 JUNE 2015 Consulting Editor: Robert Brickhouse The Virginia News Letter (ISSN 0042-0271) is published by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400206, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4206; (434) 982-5704, TDD: (434) 982-HEAR. Copyright ©2015 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. The views expressed are those of the author and not the official position of the Cooper Center or the University. 12