Parapro Roof Membrane System

Parapro Roof
Membrane System
Installer’s Guide
Table of Contents
I. System Overview
II. Personal Protection
III. Storage
IV. Installation Materials, Tools, and Equipment
V. Substrate Requirements, Preparation, and Repair
VI. Measuring and Mixing Parapro Resins
VII. Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T, and Pro Primer R Resins
VIII. Pro Paste Resin and Pro Repair Mortar
IX. Pro Fleece
X. Parapro 123 Flashing Resin
XI. Parapro Roof Membrane Resin
XII. Pro Natural Quartz, Siplast No. 11 Granules,
and Pro Color Finish
XIII. Coverage and Consumption Rates
XIV. Parapro Roof Membrane System Application
over Paradiene 20 P Series Products
I. System Overview and Products
System Overview
The Parapro Roof Membrane System is a liquid-applied,
PMMA resin-based system designed to provide watertight
protection on low slope and sloped applications. Parapro Roof
Membrane is used in conjunction with Parapro 123 Flashing.
The Parapro Roof Membrane System is a layered application
consisting of one coat of primer (where required depending on
substrate conditions), and waterproofing layers reinforced with
polyester fleece fabric.
Parapro Roof Membrane
Waterproofing Layer
(Two waterproofing coats and
reinforcing fleece)
The following products are used in the Parapro Roof Membrane System:
• Pro Primer R Resin
• Pro Catalyst
• Pro Primer T Resin
• Pro Prep
• Pro Primer W Resin
Flashing Membrane
• Parapro Flashing Resin
Roofing Layers
• Paradiene 20 P Series Sheets
• Parapro Roof Membrane Resin
• Pro Fleece
Finish Resin
• Pro Color Finish
Surfacing Aggregates
• Siplast No. 11 Roofing Granules
• Pro Natural Quartz
• Pro Paste
• Pro Repair Mortar
Weather Restrictions
Do not apply Parapro or Pro products if there is a threat
of precipitation, condensation is present on the sub-
strate or the ambient temperature is within 5ºF of the
dew point. Ambient and substrate temperatures affect
the application of Siplast Parapro and Pro materials.
Ambient and substrate temperature guidelines and re-
strictions vary by product, and are noted in the product
sections of this guide.
Upon completion of new work (including all associated
work), use appropriate procedures for protection of fin-
ished work during the remainder of the construction period. Protect all areas where membrane has been
II. Personal Protection
Safety and Protection
and Pro Catalyst dust. Use the products with adequate
each Parapro and Pro product for specific PPE informa-
exposure below TLV values. Do not ingest the prod-
Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for
tion. Parapro and Pro Resins are flammable, and are
harmful if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the
skin. They can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irrita-
tion, and may cause skin and respiratory sensitization.
Do not smoke around Parapro or Pro Resins. Keep the
products away from open flame, fire, or any ignition
source. Avoid breathing Parapro or Pro Resin vapor
ventilation or respiratory protection as needed to keep
ucts, and avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. Wash
thoroughly after handling the products. Keep the products out of reach of children.
First aid information is available on Parapro and Pro
product MSDS documents and product containers.
III. Storage
Exposure to a temperature of 122°F (50°C) or higher can result
a well-ventilated, cool, dry area away from direct sunlight, heat,
erating decomposition is signaled by the presence of bright
Store Parapro and Pro products indoors in closed containers in
open fire, any ignition source, oxidizing agents, strong acids,
and strong alkalis. Resin products may auto-polymerize at temperatures greater than 140°F (60°C). Resin product shelf life is
6 months from ship date. The shelf life of resin products will be
reduced if the products are stored at temperatures above 77°F
(25°C). Pro Catalyst is extremely heat sensitive. Proper storage
is important to help ensure handling safety and that product
in self-accelerating decomposition of Pro Catalyst. Self-accel-
white smoke, and can create temperatures in excess of 500°F
(260°C), depending on the environmental conditions and
quantity of catalyst present. Such temperatures can be haz-
ardous in the presence of flammable materials. Therefore, Pro
Catalyst should never be subjected to conditions that can result in self-accelerating decomposition.
quality is not compromised. To maintain product quality, the
Materials stored on the job site during application should be
(25°C). The reactivity/effectiveness of Pro Catalyst will decrease
areas, materials should be covered with a white, reflective tarp
storage temperature of Pro Catalyst should not exceed 77°F
progressively when stored under high temperature conditions.
kept on a pallet in a shaded, well-ventilated area. In unshaded
in a manner that allows air circulation beneath the tarp.
IV. Installation Materials, Tools, and Equipment
Substrate Preparation
• Drum scarifier
• Application brushes
• Blower, vacuum, & broom
• Shot blaster with dust collector/air-pulse
• Hand grinders with carbide disk or
diamond cup wheel
• Pro Prep
• Pro Paste
• Application rollers
• Pro Prep
• Heavy duty sissors
• Disposable heavy duty butyl rubber
or nitrile gloves
• Pro Repair Mortar
• Clean cotton rags
• Plastic tarps or sheeting
• Variable speed drill with 1/2-inch chuck
• Mixing agitator
• Mixing stir sticks
• 1-tablespoon measure
• Plastic mixing buckets (1 and 5-gallon)
• Battery operated scale with 40-lb (20-kg) capacity
• Masking Tape
• Extension cords
• Plastic garbage bags
• Box or razor knife
• Infrared thermometer
• Tape measure
• Chalk line
V. Substrate Requirements, Preparation, and Repair
Roof Deck Requirements
following section titled Moisture Content Guidelines.
Structural roof decks should be properly designed to provide
Polymer-modified concrete products are acceptable provided
and normal construction traffic without excessive deflection or
Contact Siplast Technical Support for a list of products that
sufficient strength to support anticipated dead and live loads
movement. Provisions for structural expansion and contraction
should be incorporated into the design. All openings, walls, or
that they have been tested/approved in advance by Siplast.
have been tested and approved.
projections through the roof deck should be completed before
Concrete substrates that do not meet Siplast standard guide-
be constructed according to the deck manufacturer’s specifi-
Siplast Technical Support for qualification options.
application of the roof membrane is begun. The deck should
cations and best-established practices. Any Siplast accept-
lines to receive a Siplast primer are listed below. Contact
ance of a deck as satisfactory to receive roofing is based
● Split-slabs with a between-slab vapor impermeable
sign of the roof deck is the responsibility of the architect, engi-
● Slab-on-grade construction.
strictly on the condition of the surface to be roofed. The deneer, or owner.
Roofing over Lightweight Insulating
● Concrete placed over a metal pan (including vented metal).
● Concrete utilizing porous aggregate (LWSC) or aggregate
containing hydrocarbons (trap rock).
Concrete Surfaces
● Concrete with a moisture content exceeding published
Parabase FS be laid dry over all lightweight insulating concrete
● Concrete that has been treated with curing/waterproofing
Parapro Roof Membrane System. All fastening should be done
● Concrete contaminated/affected by hydrocarbons, organic
Siplast requires that one ply of Parabase Plus, Parabase or
substrates prior to application of the Paradiene 20 P layer and
with Zono-tite fasteners for ZIC, Insulcel, and Zonocel Lightweight Insulating Concrete substrates having a minimum 2-
inch thickness, and with NVS Fasteners for substrates having
a minimum 1-inch thickness. Paradiene 20 P is applied over
the nailed Parabase base sheet using PA-100 Asphalt, or
Paradiene 20 P TG is torch-applied over the nailed Parabase
base sheet.
Paradiene 20 TS P and Paradiene 20 TS SA P Applications over Poured Reinforced Concrete
The concrete deck should be fully cured, dry, frost-free,
smooth, and free from release or curing agents. When a Para-
diene 20 P series sheet is used, the deck should be primed
with PA-1125 or PA-917 LS at the rate of 1 gallon per 100-
400 sf and allowed to dry thoroughly. Paradiene 20 TS P may
be torch applied or Paradiene 20 TS SA P may be adhered di-
rectly to the prepared substrate prior to application of the
Parapro Roof Membrane System.
Parapro Roof Membrane System Applied Directly to
Poured Reinforced Concrete
The concrete substrate must have a minimum compressive
strength of 3500 psi (25 N/mm²), provide for bottom-side venting, and have a maximum moisture content as indicated in the
compounds such as bitumen (asphalt) or coal tar,
alkaline silica reaction (ASR), or unreacted silicates.
● Concrete “T”-type constructions without an overlay of
reinforced concrete topping due to concerns about
differential movement between sections.
● Pre-cast concrete panels.
New Concrete Pours
The mix design for new concrete pours should be submitted
to Siplast for review prior to placement. New concrete must
be allowed to hydrate for a minimum of 28 days in accordance
with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Bulletin 308 – Guide to
Curing Concrete, in addition to being below the maximum
moisture content. Concrete should not utilize curing agents,
penetrating release agents, or be treated with waterproofing
materials as these materials can affect primer penetration
and/or adhesion.
New concrete pours may require an extended exposure time
before an acceptable moisture content is reached. To prevent
delays in system installation, the use of an epoxy-based moisture mitigation system should be considered when the mois-
ture content is expected to be above the published maximum
at the time of waterproofing application.
Existing Concrete Substrates
Chloride" is a non-destructive method and measures moisture
depth of 2 inches) and evaluated by an accredited lab. The
days. Prior to performing the test, the concrete surface is
Existing concrete should be cored (3 inches in diameter with a
number of cores should be sufficient to provide a representation of all areas to be waterproofed. Testing procedures
should include ion chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, xray diffraction, and thin-section petrographic analysis. The
depth of carbonation should also be determined. The pres-
ence of contaminants or carbonated concrete may affect the
adhesion of the primer layer. Contaminants include hydrocar-
bons or other organic compounds, concrete affected by alka-
line silica reaction (ASR) or unreacted silicates. The lab should
recommend the remedial work required to bring the concrete
cleaned (ground) to remove any coatings or contaminants that
may be present and to open the surface. A dish of anhydrous
calcium chloride is then placed over the prepared surface for
the specified period of time. The dish is then weighed before
and after placement to measure moisture release from the
concrete. This test method is primarily an indicator of surface
moisture levels and is commonly used by the flooring/water-
proofing industry. Calcium chloride testing must be performed
under specific ambient conditions to yield proper results.
substrate into a condition suitable to receive the waterproofing
ASTM F 2170 "Standard Test Method for Determining Relative
roofing or waterproofing system is also recommended when
that holes be drilled through the concrete slab. Plastic sleeves
system. Reviewing the performance of an existing coating,
evaluating a concrete substrate. If blistering or loss of adhesion of the existing coating/waterproofing is evident, the
source of the problem should be investigated and addressed
with a plan of action before the existing system is removed.
Moisture Content Guidelines – Concrete Substrates
High moisture levels in both new and existing concrete sub-
strates can adversely affect the adhesion of a Parapro System.
The presence of moisture can prevent the primer from pene-
trating the concrete and affect the bond of the Siplast system.
Excessive moisture present beneath a Parapro System can
Humidity in Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes" requires
are then inserted into the holes. Relative humidity levels within
the sleeved cavity are then measured over a 72-hour equilibrium period. The depth of penetration allows for an under-
standing of the moisture percent throughout the core of the
substrate, rather than the near-surface readings calculated
using the ASTM F 1869 test. New test methods have also
been developed for measuring relative humidity over a period
of time shorter than the 72 hours as required by ASTM F
2170. Relative humidity testing must be performed under specific ambient conditions to yield proper results.
also transport soluble salts into the condensation zone be-
Following are Siplast guidelines for maximum moisture content
the primer from the concrete surface after the system has
neath the membrane, resulting in osmosis, which can disbond
been in service for a period of time. Relative humidity and calcium chloride testing require specific ambient conditions for
the testing period. This may preclude performing moisture
testing under hot, cold or wet weather conditions.
Moisture levels can be measured using several standard meth-
ASTM D 2216 "Test Method for Laboratory Determination of
Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock" is a physical measurement of the moisture before and after drying and is the
most accurate of the tests available. This test requires cores to
be removed from the concrete and the cores are then evalu-
ated by a qualified laboratory. The obvious downside of this
movement through a concrete slab over the course of three (3)
based upon testing in accordance with the above-listed protoASTM Method
ASTM D 2216
ASTM F 1869
ASTM F 2170
Maximum Limit
6% moisture content by weight
3 lb of moisture release per 1000 ft2 of surface area per 24-hour period
75% relative humidity
Siplast does not perform moisture content evaluations. The
above tests are offered by most independent labs that provide
services to design firms that utilize concrete in construction.
The choice of test method and final acceptance of the concrete substrate is the responsibility of the design authority
and/or waterproofing contractor.
test is its destructive nature.
Adhesion Testing for Concrete Substrates
ASTM F 1869 "Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor
unforeseen contaminants such as sealers, oils and surface
Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium
Adhesion testing is an excellent indicator of the presence of
moisture that can affect adhesion of the primer layer although
it should not be relied upon as the sole means of evaluation.
tem. Differential movement at cracks and between divided
considered as a substrate.
formance. Dynamic (moving) cracks should be investigated
Adhesion testing is required for all concrete surfaces to be
Adhesion to concrete is evaluated using a device conforming
to ASTM D 4541 that utilizes a 50 mm stainless steel dolly.
The concrete surface should be prepared using the same
areas can potentially compromise long-term roof system perand the causes addressed before system application. Me-
chanical expansion joint systems should be considered for
waterproofing structural expansion joints.
techniques of surface preparation that will be required, or at a
hered to the concrete deck surface using the applicable primer
inch thickness over form boards, allowing drying from the un-
minimum, ground to a CSP 2 profile. The dolly is then ad-
for the project. The adhesion value must exceed 220 psi to be
considered acceptable.
The results of adhesion testing performed by Siplast personnel
Gypsum decks should be poured in place to a minimum 2derside. They should be reinforced with wire mesh and
present a smooth, dry, frost-free surface, free of depressions
or projections.
are strictly for informational purposes and should be evaluated
Siplast requires that one ply of Parabase Plus, Parabase or
the accuracy, adequacy, and appropriateness of the results.
sheet fasteners prior to the application of the Paradiene 20 P
Preparation of Concrete Substrates
mends that fastener pullout tests be performed by the con-
by the design authority and waterproofing contractor to verify
Concrete preparation methods should be chosen based upon
how much of the surface requires removal and the desired
concrete surface profile (CSP). For existing concrete sub-
strates, core testing will provide the information needed to determine the amount (depth) of concrete to be removed from
the surface. Concrete affected by carbonation and/or con-
Parabase FS be laid dry and fastened using approved base
layer and Parapro Roof Membrane System. Siplast recom-
tractor on site to verify the appropriateness of the fastener to
meet all applicable roof design criteria. Paradiene 20 P is applied over the nailed Parabase base sheet using PA-100 Asphalt or SFT Adhesive. Paradiene 20 P TG can be
torch-applied to the Parabase base sheet.
tamination must be removed in its entirety. Concrete surfaces
Structural Wood/Cement-Fiber
Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) as CSP 2 through CSP 4.
weather during storage and installation. Any wet or damaged
should be prepared to a profile designated by the International
Preparation methods for concrete substrates include shotblasting or scarification followed by shotblasting. Multiple
passes with scarification and shotblasting equipment may be
required to remove materials from the concrete surface and
achieve the desired concrete preparation depth and surface
profile. Grinding can be considered for preparation of con-
crete flashing substrates but it is important to note that generation of the desired surface profile can prove difficult.
Concrete preparation should be immediately followed by appli-
cation of the appropriate primer. Exposure of the prepared
concrete surface to the elements may result in contamination,
which can adversely affect Pro Primer adhesion.
Concrete Crack and Joint Treatment
Before application of the Parapro System, cracks and joints
Structural cement-fiber decks must be protected from the
panels should be replaced. Structural cement-fiber decks
should be adequately secured against wind uplift and lateral
movement, and should comply strictly with the specifications
of the deck manufacturer. Decks must be roofed promptly
after installation.
Siplast requires that one ply of Parabase Plus, Parabase, or
Parabase FS be laid dry and fastened using approved base
sheet fasteners prior to the application of the membrane.
Siplast recommends that fastener pullout tests be performed
by the contractor on site to verify the appropriateness of the
fastener to meet all applicable roof design criteria. Paradiene
20 P is applied over the nailed Parabase base sheet using PA100 Asphalt or SFT Adhesive. Paradiene 20 TG P can be
torch-applied to the Parabase base sheet.
should be prepared and treated in accordance with Siplast de-
preparation/treatment are intended to provide methods on a
lumber of a minimum 1-inch thickness, tongue and groove,
tails. Siplast recommendations for crack and joint
best effort basis to construct a watertight waterproofing sys-
Wood decks should be constructed of dry, well-seasoned
and shiplap or splined together at side joints, and matched at
end joints. Boards should have a bearing on rafters at each
with the “A” side to receive the primer. “A” surfaced plywood
knotholes larger than one inch in diameter should be covered
of which can contaminate primers.
end and be securely nailed. Cracks wider than 1/4-inch and
with sheet metal.
Siplast requires that one ply of Parabase Plus, Parabase or
Parabase FS be laid dry and fastened prior to application of
the Paradiene 20 P layer and Parapro Roof Membrane Sys-
tem. All nailing should be done with annular-threaded or spiralthreaded type nails having attached caps of minimum 1-inch
diameter. Siplast recommends that a fastener pullout test be
performed by the contractor on site to verify the appropriate-
Pressure treated and fire-retardant plywood is typically not
produced in a A-grade finish although if available, the panel
type must be tested by Siplast R&D before use to ensure that
the chemicals will not affect primer adhesion. Marine plywood
can be used for exterior applications since it is manufactured
to resist deterioration when exposed to high moisture environments and is free of knots and glues.
ness of the fastener to meet all applicable roof design criteria.
When used in a single-layer orientation, the panels should
using PA-100 Asphalt or SFT Adhesive.
two-layer configuration, minimum 1/2-inch panels can be
Paradiene 20 P is applied over the nailed Parabase base sheet
Plywood decks should be designed and fabricated in accordance with the recommendations of the APA – The Engi-
neered Wood Association. Each panel should be identified
with the appropriate APA trademark, and must meet the re-
quirements of the latest edition of the U.S. Product Standard
PS-1 for Construction and Industrial Plywood.
Plywood panels must meet or exceed a span rating of 32/16
and be a minimum of 15/32-inch thick. They should be fabricated to meet or exceed the requirements of Exposure 1
Durability Classification.
Plywood panels should be applied at right angles to rafters,
continuous over two or more spans with either solid backing
or panel clips stiffening all joints between rafters. Rafter spacing should be a maximum of 24 inches.
Siplast requires that one ply of Parabase Plus, Parabase, or
Parabase FS be laid dry and fastened prior to application of
the Paradiene 20 P layer and Parapro Roof Membrane Sys-
tem. All nailing should be done with annular-threaded or spiralthreaded type nails having attached round caps of a minimum
1-inch diameter. Siplast recommends that fastener pullout
tests be performed by the contractor on site to verify the ap-
propriateness of the fastener to meet all applicable roof design
criteria. Paradiene 20 P is applied over the nailed Parabase
base sheet using PA-100 Asphalt or SFT Adhesive.
Plywood Substrates to Receive a Direct Parapro
is used to eliminate the presence of knots and/or glues, both
Plywood should be exterior grade, AC or better. Install panels
have a minimum thickness of 3/4-inch. When installed in a
used. Ensure that all plywood edges are supported by blocking or primary framing and gap panels in accordance with the
plywood manufacturer’s specifications to minimize the potential for rupture at joints. Plywood panels should be fastened
with corrosion resistant screws using a spacing of not greater
than 6-inches o.c. along panel edges and 12-inches o.c. over
intermediate supports.
Plywood Joint Treatment
Following panel securement, prime panels using Pro Primer W,
including the vertical surfaces at gaps between panels, and
allow to cure. Ensure that the Pro Primer W does not pool in
the joints. Fill joints with Pro Paste and allow to cure. Reinforce the joints using a 6-inch (150 mm) wide strip of Pro
Fleece and Parapro Flashing Resin.
Pre-cast Hollow Core Slabs
or Pre-cast Concrete
Pre-cast hollow core slabs or pre-cast concrete should be dry,
fully cured, clean, and free of imperfections. Slabs should be
securely fastened to the sub frame to prevent movement or
sagging, and should be set level with all joints aligned and
closely butted to provide a smooth, even surface. Using ZonoPatch Patching Compound, grout all joints between uneven
slabs to a slope not to exceed 18-inch per foot on the low
member. For asphalt applications, prime the deck surface with
PA-1125 Primer or PA-917 LS Primer at the rate of 1 gallon
per 100 square feet; keep the primer back 4 inches from
joints. Cover all of the joints with an 8-inch wide strip of
Parabase Plus or Parabase, adhered on one side only with
PA-1021 Plastic Cement. Pre-cast hollow core slabs or pre-
cast concrete decks must be covered by a lightweight insulating concrete fill or an acceptable rigid roof insulation.
Prestressed T or Double T Sections
Prestressed T or Double T sections shall be dry, fully cured,
clean, and free from excessive camber or “set.” Prestressed
sections should be securely anchored against uplift and lateral
movement. Welding plates should be positioned next to the
edge and on the top surface of the member for mid-span securement. Camber differential resulting in offset edges in excess of 14-inch should be corrected with Zono-Patch
Patching Compound prior to the application of insulation and
roofing. Using Zono-Patch, grout all joints between uneven
units to a slope not to exceed 18-inch per foot on the low
member. For asphalt applications, prime the deck surface with
PA-1125 Primer or PA-917 LS Primer at the rate of 1 gallon
per 100 square feet; keep the primer back 4 inches from the
joints. Cover all of the joints with an 8-inch wide strip of
Parabase Plus or Parabase, adhered on one side only with
PA-1021 Plastic Cement. Prestressed T or Double T decks
must be covered by a lightweight insulating concrete fill or an
acceptable rigid roof insulation.
Steel roof decks should be constructed in accordance with the
FM Approvals structural requirements listed in the current Fac-
tory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29. Steel roof decks
should be 22-gauge minimum, and factory galvanized or factory coated with aluminum zinc alloy for corrosion protection.
When specifying galvanized protection, the designer should
Rigid Roof Insulation
Rigid roof insulation should be kept dry at all times. Edges of
the insulation panels should be butted without forcing, and cut
to fit neatly against adjoining surfaces. The insulation layer
should present a smooth surface to accept the roof mem-
brane. No more insulation should be installed than can be covered in the same day. Insulation panels should be installed
strictly according to the insulation manufacturer’s recommendations and FM Approvals requirements (if applicable). Im-
properly attached insulation can result in roof blow-offs. Siplast
will not be responsible for (and the standard Siplast guarantee
does not include) roof blow-offs due to loss of adhesion of the
insulation layer or performance failure of the insulation itself.
Polyisocyanurates and other materials used as a roofing substrate must be specifically approved by Siplast prior to use,
and a coverboard is required over all polyisocyanurate panels
prior to installation of the Parapro Roof Membrane System.
When insulation panels are applied with hot asphalt over
sloped roof decks, insulation stops may be required. Consult
with the insulation manufacturer regarding requirements for,
and the construction and spacing of, insulation stops.
Paratherm and other Siplast-supplied rigid insulation products,
when incorporated into a full Siplast Roof System construction
and attached with Parafast Fasteners or Para-Stik Adhesive,
and overlayed with an approved coverboard are covered by
the Siplast Membrane/System Guarantee.
specify a coating that complies with ASTM A 525, Class G-60
tion, the designer should specify a deck complying with ASTM
strates for direct application of Parapro Roof Membrane Sys-
or Class G-90. When specifying aluminum zinc alloy protec-
A 792. Deck manufacturers should be contacted when specifying decks where highly corrosive atmospheric conditions
exist. Steel decks should be clean and dry, and the ribs of the
deck should be free of snow, ice, and water. The top flanges
of installed steel decks should be flat. Mechanical fastening
should be provided at all of the side laps; spacing between the
side lap fasteners and bar joists or beams should not exceed
DensDeck™ and DensDeck Prime™ are acceptable subtems. All substrate panels must be applied in Para-Stik
Insulation Adhesive. All joints between panels and panel edges
at walls, penetrations and nailers must be taped using an approved tape or membrane. Prime DensDeck and DensDeck
Prime with Pro Primer W prior to application of the Parapro
Roof Membrane.
3 feet. Siplast recommends that insulation fastener pullout
In most instances, it will be preferable to replace the applica-
propriateness of the fastener to meet all applicable roof design
20 P layer. In such cases, Paradiene 20 TS P may be torch-
tests be performed by the contractor on site to verify the ap-
criteria. Steel decks must be covered by an acceptable FM
Approvals Class I rigid roof insulation or lightweight insulating
concrete pour.
New or Unusual Roof Decks
Approval must be secured from the Siplast Technical Depart-
ment prior to the installation of roofing over new or unusual
tion of Pro Primer W over DensDeck panels with a Paradiene
applied or Paradiene 20 TS SA P adhered directly to a DensDeck Prime surface. Standard DensDeck surfaces are not
suitable for self-adhesive applications unless first primed using
the appropriate Siplast primer.
Insulation Adhesives
Insulation adhesives should be properly stored, and applied
according to the specifications and job-specific recommenda-
compatible materials. (2) Remove any areas of the assembly
adhesive manufacturer should be contacted regarding any re-
materials, bringing the area back to level with the surrounding
tions of the insulation adhesive manufacturer. The insulation
quired guarantee that covers the performance of the insula-
tion adhesive itself. Siplast will not be responsible for (and the
standard Siplast guarantee does not include) roof blow-offs
due to failure of insulation adhesives. Para-Stik Adhesive,
when incorporated into a full Siplast Roof System construc-
tion, is covered by the Siplast Membrane/System Guarantee.
Because Siplast materials are light in weight, they are espe-
cially suitable and widely used for re-cover applications. Each
re-cover application is unique and should be considered individually. However, certain requirements and procedures are
necessary in the general consideration of any project.
It should be noted that certain design considerations (such as
the use or construction of vapor retarders and the addition
and positioning of expansion joints as necessary, etc.) are the
responsibility of the architect, engineer, or owner and, as
such, are not part of this section.
Although the following criteria are not all inclusive, they do, if
met and used in conjunction with the applicable Siplast specification and details, indicate an appropriate situation for the
consideration of re-cover with Siplast materials.
Siplast recommends the use of analytical tools such as non-
destructive moisture survey methods as well as test cuts and
any other evaluation methods available to ascertain existing
surfaces. (3) Remove and discard all of the base flashings,
and any metal incorporated into the roof system (i.e. gravel
stops, vent stack jacks, drain leads, etc). Bring these areas
back to level using compatible materials. (4) Existing perimeter
nailers should be carefully inspected for proper securement,
and be anchored to the structural deck or supporting mem-
bers as required to meet building code regulations and appropriate uplift approvals. Install new wood nailers where
necessary due to deterioration or inadequate securement, or
when required to bring the nailer to the proper height. (5) Remove all of the existing counterflashing and determine
whether it is in a reusable condition. Lifting of the existing
counterflashing in good condition is acceptable only if it can
be returned to its original position without deformation that
would affect its performance. (6) Except in those cases where
the new assembly will be mechanically attached to the deck,
the existing assembly should be resecured as necessary to
meet all local code and insurance wind uplift requirements.
In most cases, the old roof assembly should be separated
from the new Siplast materials with a product and installation
procedure appropriate for the existing deck, roof system, and
surfacing. Where possible, it is preferable that the separating
materials be mechanically attached using fasteners designed
for that purpose. Please contact your Siplast representative
for recommendations tailored to meet your particular re-cover
roof conditions.
General Substrate Preparation
This thorough inspection of the existing roof conditions must
terial, unsound material, foreign material (such as dirt, ice,
be made to determine that: (1) the deck is structurally sound,
(2) the deck is able to take the added weight of the new as-
sembly, (3) areas where moisture may be present have been
located, (4) the method and degree of attachment of the ex-
isting assembly has been specifically ascertained, (5) mini-
mum 8-inch flashing heights will exist at curbs, walls, etc, and
(6) the new assembly will provide proper drainage.
Preparation of the existing assembly is extremely important to
the ultimate performance of the new membrane. The following
preparatory procedures should be followed: (1) Power-broom
and vacuum all surfaces, removing all loose aggregate and
where moisture is present and replace them with compatible
foreign substances. Splits, blisters, buckles, and surface irregularities should be cut out and patched using appropriate
All substrates must be free from gross irregularities, loose masnow, water, grease, oil, release agents, lacquers, paint coverings), or any other condition that would be detrimental to the
adhesion of the catalyzed primer and/or resin to the sub-
strate. Some surfaces may require shotblasting, scarification
followed by shotblasting, or grinding to achieve a suitable
Substrate preparation guidelines appear in the chart on the
following page. However, requirements can vary for a particu-
lar situation. In applications where adhesion to a substrate not
listed in the chart is required, please contact the Siplast Technical Department at 1-800-922-8800 for information on testing such substrates for adhesion by performing a field bond
Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Steel
Stainless Steel
Oxidized Mopping Asphalt/ Smooth-Surfaced
SBS-modified bitumen, Hot Rubberized
Concrete (horizontal)
1, 2, 3, 4
Pro Primer W
Pro Primer T
Pro Primer R
1, 2, 3, 4, 13
1, 10 11
Concrete (vertical)
Polymer Concrete
Clay, Ceramic Tiles, Brick
Plywood (ACX)
DensDeck, DensDeck Prime and Durock
Paradiene 20
1, 5
1, 5
1, 6
1, 8
1, 5
1, 9
Paradiene 30
Paradiene 20 P
Galvalume Metal (not approved)
Key to Preparation Guideline
1. Substrate must be clean and dry and free from gross
irregularities, loose material, unsound material, or any
foreign material (such as dirt, ice, snow, water, grease,
10. Mopping asphalt residue should be removed from the
primary substrate that will receive the Parapro or Parapro
Flashing materials.
bitumen/coaltar, oil, release agents, lacquers, paint
11. Priming is recommended only at exposed bitumen over-
tal to the adhesion of the catalyzed primer and/or resin to
12. While priming of the Paradiene 20 is not required, Pro
coverings), or any other condition that would be detrimenthe substrate.
2. Remove rust or other oxidation layers.
3. Abrade surface to bright finish prior to cleaning with Pro
4. Wipe down thoroughly with Pro Prep prior to coating.
Allow Pro Prep a minimum of 20 minutes drying time after
application before continuing. The next application rocess
should be completed within 60 minutes of cleaning with
Pro Prep.
5. See substrate preparation and repair guidelines on page
6. Grind surface to remove glaze. Tiles must be fully bonded
to a sound foundation. No moisture should be present
beneath tiles.
7. All paint coverings and coatings must be removed.
8. Refer to polymer concrete manufacturer’s requirements for
suitability as a substrate for waterproofing materials.
Prepare by shotblasting or grinding. Contact Siplast for
uns at side laps.
Primer R can be applied to maintain a consistent aesthetic
appearance. Pro Primer R cannot be used over concrete
or masonry and is not intended for use over asphalt
contaminated roofing or flashing substrates.
13. A peel test is recommended to ensure that adhesion is
Substrate Preparation and
Repair Masonry Walls
Masonry walls should be prepared in the same manner as
concrete substrates (see page 5). Parapro materials must not
be applied over soft or scaling brick or masonry, faulty mortar
joints, or walls with broken, damaged or leaking coping. Laitance must be completely removed by grinding. The Siplast
Parapro Roof Membrane Guarantee excludes from coverage
moisture entry through walls above the Parapro Flashing termination.
a list of approved polymer concrete products.
Metal & Rigid Plastic
walls, perimeters, and penetrations using gaffer’s tape
Extend the preparation area a minimum of 1⁄4-inch (7 mm)
9. Tape all joints between panels and panel edges at all
before priming or apply Eternabond Webseal after
Lightly abrade and clean metal and rigid plastic substrates.
beyond the termination of the Parapro materials.
Cracks, Joints, and Small Indentations
Before application of the Parapro Flashing Membrane and
Parapro Roof Membrane (and after priming if required), all
immediately after the Pro Paste sets and/or reinforcing strip(s)
joints, cracks, voids, fractures, depressions, and small inden-
Substrate Leveling & Patching
use of Pro Paste for all such substrate repairs. The use of ad-
be leveled using Pro Paste. Pro Repair Mortar can be used for
tations in the substrate must be filled. Siplast recommends the
ditional reinforcement in the form of strips of Parapro Flashing
Resin/Pro Fleece/Parapro Fashing Resin is recommended
over joints or cracks subject to movement. The Parapro Flash-
Following preparation and priming (if required), low areas may
areas requiring a greater thickness. See page 15 for additional
ing Membrane and Parapro Roof Membrane may be applied
VI. Measuring and Mixing Parapro Resin
General Guidelines
Batch Weighing
ting and should only be catalyzed as needed. Depending on
Catalyst is with a portable, battery-operated scale.
Resins used in Parapro Roof Membrane Systems are fast setthe resin type and ambient/temperature, the amount of catalyst needed will vary.
The Tablespoon Method
Mixing All Parapro Resins
tablespoon measure using a standard culinary-type measur-
If a portable, battery-operated scale is not available, a level 1-
Thoroughly mix the entire drum of uncatalyzed Parapro or Pro
Resin for 2-3 minutes prior to pouring off into a second container when batch mixing. This will redistribute liquids/solids
that may have separated during storage. Catalyze only the
amount of resin that can be used within the anticipated pot
life. Add premeasured Pro Catalyst Powder to the resin component, and stir for a full 2 minutes using a slow-speed mechanical agitator or mixing stick before applying to the
Liquid Measure of Resins
ing spoon equals approximately 10 grams or 0.01 kilograms
of catalyst powder.
The following table can be used for calculating catalyst quantities per kg of resin.
Catalyst Tablespoon Measurements (per kg resin)
% Catalyst
Tablespoons per kg of resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst that should be used is based on
Pro Catalyst Mixing
products have different volumes for the same measure of
The amount of Pro Catalyst added to Parapro and Pro Resins
the weight of the uncatalyzed Parapro or Pro Resin. Resin
weight. When a scale is not available, the approximate liquid
measure on the following chart may be used for Parapro and
Pro Resins.
Parapro and Pro Resins may be field measured using the following conversions:
Resin Type
The most accurate means for field measuring resin and Pro
Pro Primer R Resin
Pro Primer T Resin
Pro Primer W Resin
Pro Paste Resin
Parapro Roof Membrane and
Flashing Resin
Pro Color Finish
1.0 kg/liter
1.0 kg/liter
1.0 kg/liter
1.4 kg/liter
1.0 liter/kg
1.0 liter/kg
1.0 liter/kg
0.72 liter/kg
1.0 kg/liter
1.0 liter/kg
1.4 kg/liter
0.72 liter/kg
Ratios & Measurements
is based on the weight (or associated volume) of the resin
used, and varies with the ambient temperature and type of
resin (primer, paste, base, flashing, or color finish). Pro Catalyst is available in 0.1-kg (100 gram) pre-measured bags to
simplify the catalyzing and mixing of Pro Resins. Whenever
possible, pre-measured bags of Pro Catalyst should be used
for mixing. See pages 12-13 for mixing ratios. The amount of
Pro Catalyst added to Parapro and Pro Resins must not be
less than 2%. If resin mixed with the minimum required cata-
lyst of 2% does not offer sufficient pot life, the resin temperature may be too high.
Pro Catalyst Mixing Charts
Pro Paste Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Pro Paste Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 6% maximum by weight, depending upon the ambient
temperature as indicated in the following table:
1.0 kg (0.72 liter)
5.0 kg (3.6 liter)
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 77°F to 95°F
(25°C to 35°C)
0.1-kg Bags
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 41°F to 77°F
(5°C to 25°C)
6% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 32°F to 41°F
(0°C to 5°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Tblsp. 0.1-kg Bags
Pro Primer W Resin, Pro Primer T Resin, and Pro Primer R Resom
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Pro Primer W Resin, Pro Primer T Resin, and Pro Primer R Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 6% maximum
by weight, depending upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
1.0 kg (1.0 liter)
5.0 kg (5.0 liter)
10.0 kg (10.0 liter)
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 77°F to 95°
(25°C to 35°C)
0.1-kg Bags
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 41°F to 77°F (5°C
to 25°C)
0.1-kg Bags
6% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 32°F to 41°F
(0°C to 5°C)
Tblsp. 0.1-kg Bags
Summer Grade Parapro Flashing Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Summer Grade Parapro Flashing Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 4% maximum by weight,
depending upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
1.0 kg (0.72 liter)
5.0 kg (3.6 liter)
10.0 kg (7.2 liter)
Summer Grade
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 68°F to 104°F (20°C to 40°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Summer Grade
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 59°F to 68°F (15°C to 20°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Winter Grade Parapro Flashing Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Winter Grade Parapro Flashing Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 4% maximum by weight, depending
upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
Winter Grade
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 59°F to 68°F (15°C to 20°C)
1.0 kg (0.72 liter)
5.0 kg (3.6 liter)
10.0 kg (7.2 liter)
0.1-kg Bags
Winter Grade
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 23°F to 59°F (-5°C to 15°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Summer Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Summer Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 4% maximum by weight,
depending upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
Summer Grade
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 68°F to 104°F (20°C to 40°C)
1.0 kg (0.72 liter)
0.1-kg Bags
20.0 kg (14.3 liter)
10.0 kg (7.2 liter)
5.0 kg (3.6 liter)
Summer Grade
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 59°F to 68°F (15°C to 20°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Winter Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Winter Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 4% maximum by weight,
depending upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
Winter Grade
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 59°F to 68°F (15°C to 20°C)
1.0 kg (0.72 liter)
0.1-kg Bags
20.0 kg (14.3 liter)
10.0 kg (7.2 liter)
5.0 kg (3.6 liter)
Winter Grade
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 23°F to 59°F (-5°C to 15°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Pro Color Finish Resin
The amount of Pro Catalyst used with Pro Color Finish Resin varies from a minimum of 2% to 6% maximum by weight,
depending upon the ambient temperature as indicated in the following table:
1.0 kg (1.0 liter)
5.0 kg (5.0 liter)
10.0 kg (10.0 liter)
2% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 59°F to 95°F
(15°C to 35°C)
0.1-kg Bags
4% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 41°F to 59°F
(5°C to 15°C)
6% Catalyst
Ambient Temperature 32°F to 41°F
(0°C to 5°C)
0.1-kg Bags
Tblsp. 0.1-kg Bags
VII. Pro Primer W Resin, Pro Primer T Resin, and Pro Primer R Resin
General Application Guidelines
The temperature of the resin itself should be within storage
application of Parapro Roof Systems where horizontal areas of
that the product maintains a workable pot life. In warm tem-
Priming with catalyzed Pro Primer T Resin is required prior to
concrete are to be treated. Pro Primer W is required for concrete in a vertical orientation, plywood, wood, DensDeck, or
DensDeck Prime. For specific priming requirements, refer to
the substrate preparation chart on page 10 of this guide.
Priming with catalyzed Pro Primer R Resin is recommended
prior to application of Parapro Roof Membrane Systems over
asphaltic substrates. For specific priming requirements, refer
to the substrate preparation chart on page 10 of this guide.
Pro Primer T, Pro Primer W, and Pro Primer R may be applied
when the ambient and substrate temperatures are between
32°F (0°C) and 95°F (35°C). The resin itself should be within
storage temperature guidelines at the time of catalyzation to
ensure that the product maintains a workable pot life. Discontinue membrane application when the ambient and/or substrate temperature exceeds 95°F (35°C). In warm
temperatures, the substrate should be shaded for a sufficient
period of time both prior to and during application, as necessary, to maintain substrate temperatures below 95ºF (35ºC).
temperature guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure
peratures, the substrate should be shaded for a sufficient pe-
riod of time both prior to and during application, as necessary,
to maintain substrate temperatures below 122ºF (50ºC).
Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T,
and Pro Primer R Coverage Rate
Pro Primer W Coverage Rate for Wood, Plywood, Vertical Concrete,
and Other Substrates Listed on Page 10.
Minimum Consumption: 0.037 kg/sf - 3.7 kg/sq
(0.4 kg/m2).
Pro Primer T Coverage Rate —
Concrete Substrates (horizontal).
Minimum Consumption: 0.037 kg/sf - 3.7 kg/sq
(0.4 kg/m2).
Pro Primer R Coverage Rate —
Siplast SBS Smooth Surfaced Sheet
Minimum Consumption: 0.037 kg/sf - 3.7 kg/sq (0.4 kg/m2).
Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T, and Pro Primer R are applied with
NOTE: Application rates vary with substrate type. Primer con-
Flashing Resin after the primer is cured (generally a minimum
such as DensDeck and DensDeck Prime and cement boards.
a roller and can be covered with Parapro Roof Membrane or
of 45 minutes following application). Pro Primer W, Pro Primer
T, and Pro Primer R can be exposed for up to 6 months. If
work is interrupted for more than 12 hours, or the surface of
the primer becomes dirty or contaminated from exposure to
the elements, thoroughly clean the in-place and cured primer
with Pro Prep. Pro Prep should be allowed a minimum of 20
minutes drying time after application before continuing. Following the Pro Prep drying time, the next application process
should be completed within 60 minutes.
Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T, and
Pro Primer R Pot Life
The pot life of Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T and Pro Primer R is
approximately 15 minutes when the catalyzed liquid is at 68ºF
(20ºC). Pot life will be reduced if the resin is at higher temper-
atures. Pot life can be maximized by storing product under
controlled conditions and ensuring that the liquid resin is at the
low range of minimum storage temperature during/following
catalyzation and prior to application.
sumption rate is increased over more absorptive substrates
For DensDeck and DensDeck Prime the minimum consumption rate is as follows:
Pro Primer W Coverage Rate —
DensDeck and DensDeck Prime
Minimum Consumption: 0.074 kg/sf - 7.4 kg/sq (0.8 kg/m2).
Pro Primer W, Pro Primer T, and
Pro Primer R Set Times
Minimum set times noted below are approximate, and may
vary. The information provided is based on laboratory conditions, and is intended for use as a guideline only. Actual set
(cure) times should be established in the field, based on actual
field conditions.
Rain Proof at 68°F (20°C): 25 minutes
Ready for Next Coat at 68°F (20°C): 45 minutes
VII. Pro Paste Resin and Pro Repair Motar
Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar Resin
Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar are applied with a trowel and
strate surfaces or other irregularities prior to application of the
or the Parapro Roof Membrane System after the Pro Paste or
Pro Paste Resin is used for remediation of depressions in subParapro System.
Pro Repair Mortar consists of separate resin and aggregate
components that are mixed to create a concrete patching
product. Pro Repair Mortar can be used for patching concrete.
Pro Repair Mortar has a compressive strength similar to that of
structural concrete.
Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar
Application Guidelines
Pro Repair Mortar is set.
Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar
Coverage Rates
Pro Paste Thickness and Coverage Rates
Typical Coverage: 0.13 kg/sf per 1 mm of thickness (1.4 kg/m²
per 1 mm layer of thickness)
Maximum Thickness (per lift): 3/16 inch (5 mm)
Pro Paste Resin and Pro Repair Mortar may be applied when
Pro Repair Mortar Thickness
(35ºC). The resin or aggregate/resin mixture itself should be
Maximum Thickness (per lift): 2 inches (50 mm)
the ambient temperature is between 32ºF (0ºC) and 95ºF
within storage temperature guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure that the product maintains a workable pot life.
At the point of application, the substrate temperature should
be between 32ºF (0ºC) and 122ºF (50ºC). Discontinue product
Minimum Thickness: 3/16 inch (5 mm)
A total thickness greater than 2 inches (50 mm) can be
achieved by applying Pro Repair Mortar in layers (lifts) after the
previous layer has cured.
application when the ambient temperature exceeds 95ºF
Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar Pot Life
(50ºC) maximum. Provide adequate shade over the substrate
mately 15 minutes when the catalyzed liquid or liquid/aggre-
(35ºC) and/or the substrate temperature exceeds the 122ºF
area both prior to and during application as necessary to
maintain surface temperatures below the maximum.
Pro Paste Resin and Pro Repair Mortar, as with all Parapro
and Pro resin products, may require the application of a Pro
Primer product before application. See the table on page 10
for specific substrate preparation guidelines.
When Pro Paste or Pro Repair Mortar are to be applied over a
Pro or Parapro product, thoroughly clean the surface of the in-
place resin product with Pro Prep. This step is required even if
the Pro or Parapro product has been recently applied. Pro
Prep should be allowed a minimum of 20 minutes of drying
time after application before continuing. Following the Pro
Prep drying time, the Pro Paste or Pro Repair Mortar applica-
The pot life of Pro Paste and Pro Repair Mortar is approxi-
gate mixture is at 68ºF (20ºC). Pot life will be reduced if the
resin or liquid/aggregate mixture is at higher temperatures. Pot
life can be maximized by storing product under controlled conditions and ensuring that the liquid resin and aggregate are at
the low range of minimum storage temperature during/following catalyzation and prior to application.
Pro Paste and Pro Repair
Mortar Set Times
Minimum set times noted below are approximate and may
vary. The information provided is based on laboratory conditions and is intended for use as a guideline only. Actual
set/cure times should be established in the field, based upon
actual field conditions.
tion process should be completed within 1 hour.
Pro Paste Resin
Due to its porosity, catalyzed Pro Repair Mortar should not be
Ready for Next Coat at 68ºF (20ºC): 1 hour
exposed to precipitation or allowed to be exposed overnight. If
Rain Proof at 68ºF (20ºC): 30 minutes
Pro Repair Mortar will not be overlaid with Parapro Flashing or
Pro Repair Mortar
using Pro Primer W or Pro Primer T at a minimum rate of
Ready for Next Coat at 68ºF (20ºC): 45 minutes
Base Resin immediately following application, seal the surface
can be covered with Pro Primer, the Parapro Flashing System,
0.037 kg/sf - 3.7 kg/sq (0.4 kg/m ).
Rain Proof at 68ºF (20ºC): 30 minutes
Stress Resistant at 68ºF (20ºC): 1 hour
IX. Pro Fleece
Pro Fleece
Pro Fleece Sizes
Membrane Systems and Parapro Flashing applications.
25-inch (630 mm) for use in the Parapro Flashing System and
Pro Fleece is the reinforcement layer used in Parapro Roof
Pro Fleece is available in three widths: 12-inch (315 mm) and
41-inch (1050 mm) for use in Parapro Roof Membrane applications
X. Parapro Flashing Resin
Parapro 123 Flashing Resin -
An even, generous base coat of catalyzed Parapro Flashing
Parapro Flashing Resin, when catalyzed, is combined with
brush. Pro Fleece reinforcement is worked into the wet, cat-
General Application Guidelines
fleece fabric to form a monolithic, reinforced flashing mem-
brane used for flashing details. Parapro Flashing Resin is available in two formulations: Summer Grade and Winter Grade.
Care should be taken to ensure that the correct formulation of
Parapro Flashing Resin (Summer Grade or Winter Grade) is
chosen for the application based upon the ambient temperature.
Summer Grade Parapro Flashing Resin may be applied when
the ambient temperature is between 59°F (15°C) and 104°F
Resin is applied to the substrate with an application roller or
alyzed Parapro Flashing Resin base coat using an application
roller or brush to fully embed the fleece in the resin and re-
move trapped air. Pro Fleece must be overlapped a minimum
of two inches (51 mm). An additional coat of catalyzed Para-
pro Flashing Resin must be placed between all layers of over-
lapping fleece. Catalyzed Parapro Flashing Resin must extend
a maximum 1⁄4-inch beyond the Pro Fleece reinforcement. An
even, generous top coat of catalyzed Parapro Flashing Resin
is applied immediately following embedment of the fleece to
ensure full saturation of the fleece reinforcement.
(40°C). The resin itself should be within storage temperature
If work is interrupted for more than 12 hours, or the surface of
uct maintains a workable pot life. The substrate temperature
taminated from exposure to the elements, thoroughly clean the
guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure that the prodshould be between 59°F (15°C) and 122°F (50°C). Discontinue
membrane application when the ambient temperature ex-
ceeds 104°F (40°C) and/or the substrate temperature exceeds
the 122°F (50°C) maximum. In warm temperatures, the substrate should be shaded for a sufficient period of time both
prior to and during application, as necessary, to maintain substrate temperatures below 122ºF (50ºC).
Winter Grade Parapro Flashing Resin may be applied when
the ambient temperature is between 23°F (-5°C) and 68°F
(20°C). The resin itself should be within storage temperature
guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure that the product maintains a workable pot life. The substrate temperature
should be between 23°F (-5°C) and 77°F (25°C).
the catalyzed Parapro Flashing Resin becomes dirty or contransition area with Pro Prep. Pro Prep should be allowed a
minimum of 20 minutes evaporation time after application be-
fore continuing work. Following the drying time, the next application process should be completed within 1 hour.
Parapro Flashing Resin Pot Life
Parapro Flashing Resin pot life is approximately 15 minutes
when the catalyzed liquid is at 68°F (20°C). Pot life will be reduced if the resin is at higher temperatures. Pot life can be
maximized by storing product under controlled conditions and
ensuring that the liquid resin is at the low range of minimum
storage temperature during/following catalyzation and prior to
All flashing/penetration applications installed in conjunction
with the Parapro Roof System should be completed prior to
the liquid field membrane application.
Parapro Flashing Resin
Parapro Flashing Resin Set Times
Minimum Total Consumption:
may vary. The information provided is based on laboratory
Coverage Rate (smooth surfaces)
0.31 kg/sf (0.22 liter/sf) (3.3 kg/m²)
Base Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.19 kg/sf (0.13 liter/sf) (2 kg/m²)
Top Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.12 kg/sf (0.09 liter/sf) (1.3 kg/m²)
Coverage Rate (granule surfaces)
Minimum Total Consumption:
Minimum set (cure) times noted below are approximate, and
conditions, and is intended for use as a guideline only. Actual
(cure) times should be established in the field, based on actual
field conditions.
Rain Proof at 68°F (20°C): 30 minutes
Ready for Next Coat at 68°F (20°C): 45 minutes
Ready for Foot Traffic at 68°F (20°C): approximately 2 hours
0.4 kg/sf (0.29 liter/sf) (4.3 kg/m²)
Base Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.28 kg/sf (0.20 liter/sf) (3 kg/m²)
Top Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.12 kg/sf (0.09 liter/sf) (1.3 kg/m²)
XI. Parapro Roof Membrane Resin
General Application Guidelines
Parapro Roof Membrane Resin, when catalyzed, forms the
waterproofing layer in the system.
Parapro Roof Membrane Resin is available in two formulations:
Summer Grade and Winter Grade. Care should be taken to
ensure the correct formulation of Parapro Roof Membrane
Resin (Summer Grade or Winter Grade) is chosen for the ap-
even waterproofing layer of catalyzed Parapro Roof Membrane
Resin is applied to the substrate with a roller. Pro Fleece reinforcement is worked into the wet, catalyzed Parapro Roof
Membrane Resin waterproofing layer using a roller to fully
embed the fleece in the resin and remove trapped air. At side
and end laps, Pro Fleece must be overlapped a minimum of
plication based upon the temperature.
2 inches (51 mm). An additional coat of catalyzed Parapro
Summer Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin may be ap-
overlapping fleece. An even top coat of catalyzed Parapro
plied when the ambient temperature is between 59°F (15°C)
and 104°F (40°C). The resin itself should be within storage
temperature guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure
that the product maintains a workable pot life. The substrate
Roof Membrane Resin must be placed between all layers of
Roof Membrane Resin is then applied immediately following
embedment of the fleece to ensure full saturation of the fleece
reinforcement. Allow the waterproofing layer of Parapro Roof
Membrane Resin to cure for a minimum of 45 minutes before
temperature should be between 59°F (15°C) and 122°F
application of the optional wearing layer and surfacing.
temperature exceeds 104°F (40°C) and/or the substrate tem-
If work is interrupted for more than 12 hours, or the surface of
peratures, the substrate should be shaded for a sufficient
contaminated from exposure to the elements, thoroughly clean
(50°C). Discontinue membrane application when the ambient
perature exceeds the 122°F (50°C) maximum. In warm tem-
period of time both prior to and during application, as necessary, to maintain substrate temperatures below 122ºF (50ºC).
the Parapro Roof Membrane Resin layer becomes dirty or
the area with Pro Prep. Pro Prep should be allowed a mini-
mum of 20 minutes evaporation time after application before
continuing work. Following the drying time, the next applica-
Winter Grade Parapro Roof Membrane Resin may be applied
tion process should be completed within 1 hour.
68°F (20°C). The resin itself should be within storage tempera-
Parapro Roof Resin Pot Life
when the ambient temperature is between 23°F (-5°C) and
ture guidelines at the time of catalyzation to ensure that the
After priming with the appropriate Pro Primer (if applicable), an
product maintains a workable pot life. The substrate temperature should be between 23°F (-5°C) and 77°F (25°C).
Parapro Roof Resin pot life is approximately 15 minutes when
the catalyzed liquid is at 68°F (20°C). Pot life will be reduced if
the resin is at higher temperatures. Pot life can be maximized
by storing product under controlled conditions and ensuring
that the liquid resin is at the low range of minimum storage
temperature during/following catalyzation and prior to application.
Parapro Roof Membrane
Summer Grade Resin Set Times
Minimum set (cure) times noted below are approximate, and
may vary. The information provided is based on laboratory
conditions, and is intended for use as a guideline only. Actual
Parapro Roof Membrane
Resin Coverage Rates: Smooth Surfaces
Minimum Total Consumption:
0.31 kg/sf - 30.7 kg/square (3.3 kg/m2).
Base Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.19 kg/sf - 18.6 kg/square (2.0 kg/m )
Top Coat Minimum Consumption:
set (cure) times should be established in the field, based on
actual field conditions.
Rain Proof at 68°F (20°C): 30 minutes
Ready for Next Coat at 68°F (20°C): 45 minutes
Ready for Foot Traffic at 68°F (20°C): 2 hours
0.12 kg/sf - 12.1 kg/square (1.3 kg/m2)
Night Seals
Resin Coverage Rates: Granule Surfaces
grate beneath the new membrane during breaks in applica-
Minimum Total Consumption:
0.40 kg/sf -39.9 kg/square (4.3 kg/m ).
Base Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.28 kg/sf - 27.9 kg/square (3 kg/m )
Top Coat Minimum Consumption:
0.12 kg/sf -12.1 kg/square (1.3 kg/m2)
Night seals are necessary to ensure that water does not mition. At the end of the day’s work, or when precipitation is
imminent, a night seal must be installed at all open edges.
Such tie-ins can be built using Parapro materials constructed
to withstand protracted periods of service. Refer to the sub-
strate preparation table or contact the Siplast Technical De-
partment for information on compatibility with special materials
not shown. Night seals must be completely removed prior to
the resumption of work.
XII. Pro Natural Quartz, Siplast No. 11 Granules and Pro Color Finish
Optional Surfacings
layer. Pro Color Finish layers must not be applied until the
for Parapro Roof Membrane Systems: Pro Natural Quartz and
is set (cured).
Two protective walkway/skid resistant surfacings are available
Siplast No. 11 Granules.
Pro Natural Quartz and Siplast No. 11 Granules
Pro Natural Quartz or Siplast No.11 Granules are broadcast
into a wearing coat of Parapro Roof Membrane Resin before
resin sets (cures). A finish coat of Pro Color Finish is applied
over Pro Natural Quartz
Base Resin Wearing Layer
(for embedment of aggregate to rejection):
wearing layer has been in place for approximately 2 hours, and
Pro Color Finish Resin Pot Life
Pro Color Finish Resin pot life is approximately 15 minutes
when the catalyzed liquid is at 68°F (20°C). Pot life will be reduced if the resin is at higher temperatures. Pot life can be
maximized by storing product under controlled conditions and
ensuring that the liquid resin is at the low range of minimum
storage temperature during/following catalyzation and prior to
Minimum Consumption: 0.09 kg/sf -9 kg/square (1.0 kg/m2)
Pro Color Finish over Finished
Aggregate Surfacing Application Rate
Minimum Consumption: 0.046 kg/sf -
Pro Natural Quartz or No. 11 Roofing Granules – 1 lb per
square foot - 100 lb/square
Pro Color Finish - General Application Guidelines
Catalyzed Pro Color Finish Resins are applied using a roller
over the completed Parapro Roof Membrane to form a color
Parapro Roof System Coverage Rate
4.6 kg/square (0.5 kg/m2).
Pro Color Finish Resin Coverage Rate over Pro
Natural Quartz
Minimum Consumption: 0.06 kg/sf - 6 kg/square (0.65 kg/m2).
Pro Color Finish Resin Set Times
Minimum set (cure) times noted below are approximate, and may
Rain Proof at 68°F (20°C): 30 minutes
and is intended for use as a guideline only. Actual set (cure) times
Ready for Foot Traffic at 68°F (20°C): 2 hours
vary. The information provided is based on laboratory conditions,
should be established in the field, based on actual field conditions.
Ready for Next Coat at 68°F (20°C): 45 minutes
XIII. Coverage and Consumption Rates
Pro Primer T (concrete)
Pro Primer R (smooth substrates)
Pro Primer W (plywood)
Pro Primer W (DensDeck and DensDeck Prime)
Parapro Base Layer (smooth surfaces)
Reinforcing Fleece - Pro Fleece
Parapro Top Layer
Parapro Base Layer (granule surfaces)
270 sf
(10-kg pail)
135 sf
(5-kg pail)
270 sf
(10-kg pail)
135 sf
(10-kg pail)
64 sf
(20-kg pail)
Reinforcing Fleece - Pro Fleece
50 sf
(20-kg pail)
Pro Color Finish (smooth surfaces)
215 sf
(10-kg pail)
Parapro Roof Resin
(wearing layer for embedment of quartz or granule surfacing)
220 sf
(20-kg pail)
Pro Color Finish (quartz-surfaced substrates)
166 sf
(10-kg pail)
Parapro Top Layer
* Does not include waste, overage due to uneven/rough substrates, product needed to treat joints/cracks/overlaps and material
required to saturate roller/covers. See the Parapro Estimating Guide for more information.
XIV. Parapro Roof Membrane System Applied over Paradiene 20 P Series Products
NOTE: Flashing membrane application is typically accomplished prior to application of the Parapro field membrane. See the Parapro
123 Flashing System Installer’s Guide for information regarding detailed application of flashing materials.
Preparation of Existing
Parapro Surfaces
Using Pro Prep, wipe down thoroughly all horizontal areas of the Parapro Flashing Membrane
which will receive an overlap of the Parapro
Roof Membrane. Allow Pro Prep a minimum 20
minutes drying time after application before
Note: Certain substrates require priming with
Pro Primer before application of Parapro Roof
Membrane Resin. Refer to the Substrate
Preparation Chart in the Parapro Roof Membrane Installer’s Guide for priming requirements. Apply a base coat of catalyzed Parapro
Roof Membrane Resin at a minimum consumption rate of 0.19 kg/sf - 18.6 kg/square
(2.0 kg/m2) using an approved roller. Due to the
Install a layer of Pro Fleece into the wet Parapro Roof Membrane Resin.
varying porosity of different substrates, additional Parapro Roof Membrane Resin may be
required to ensure proper coverage and fleece
Use a roller to embed the fleece in the resin
and remove trapped air. Lap fleece layers a
minimum of 2 inches, and apply an additional
coat of catalyzed Parapro Roof Membrane
Resin between layers of overlapping fleece.
Apply a top coat of catalyzed Parapro Roof
Membrane Resin at a minimum consumption
rate of 0.12 kg/sf -12.1 kg/square (1.3 kg/m2)
using an approved roller immediately following
embedment of the Pro Fleece to ensure full
saturation of the fleece. Allow to cure for
2 hours prior to application of any optional
color finishes or anti-skid surfacings. The completed Parapro Roof Membrane can be exposed to foot traffic after a 2-hour cure time.
1000 E. Rochelle Blvd.,
Irving, Texas 75062
Facsimile: 469-995-2205
In Canada:
201 Bewicke Ave., Suite 210
Vancouver, BC, Canada V7M 3M7
Customer Service in North America:
Toll Free 1-800-922-8800
For information on Siplast Roofing
and Waterproofing Systems, scan
our QR codes.
November 2014