O orn Initialassessmentof complaintsof Interference to amateurradio stationsandshort waveenihusiasts lntroduction This proposalwas raisedat the Ofcom/RSGBForumheldat the Bedford headquarters of the RSGBon 7'nApril. methodology shouldbe employedby FieldEngineersfor The followingmeasurement period of 6 months.The intentionis to quantifythe levelof interference a trial experiencedby amateursin the presenceof widebandinterferes.This is not an exact of the interfererabove measurement of the noisefloorbut a relativemeasurement the noisefloorwhenmeasuredat the receiverend of the amateurantennafeeder. FieldStaffare reouestedto foMard resultsand commentsto theirSeniorField Engineer(SFE). Background of the new EMCdirective'authorisedusersare entitledto Sincethe introduction protectionfrom harmfulinterference from unauthorised radioservices... (and)from (see: non-radiosources' htto://www.rsqb.orq/emc,/odfs/leaflets/emc09inbound.pdO. This hasgivenriseto complaintsmainlyassociatedwith PowerlineAdapters(PLAs) and plasmascreentelevisions.lt is recognisedthat bothamateursand shortwave listenersare workingcloseto theirequipmentnoisefloor andthat manyinstancesof arewell belowany 'protectionratios'affordedto licensed reportedinterference (VHF radioand terrestrialTV). broadcastreception Action It is understoodthat the ambientnoiseflooron HF variesbothdiurnallyand (possibly seasonally.Hencecaremustbe exercisedto completemeasurements acrossa numberof bands)in the presenceof the widebandinterfererto identifythe 'worsecase'signalto noisefigure. antennasvstem It requiresthat an Ofcomreceiveris connectedto the complainant's and an assessmentmadeof the systemnoisefloor beforetuningintothe interferer. Frequency svstemnoisefloor Interferersiqnal Interferersiqnal Interferersiqnal svstemnoisefloor Interferersional signalamplitude apove thenoisefloo|. 3240MH2 3.750MH2' 3.666MH2' 3.562MH2' 7.050MH2' 7124MHX 1=17d8 2--11d8 Detector 9kHz 9kHz 9kHz 9kHz 9kHz 9kHz peak peak peak peak peak Peak Level in dBuV Antenna 28 160m/80m longwire 40m 1/2G5RV 20l15l1Om 2elemini tri-bander HFQI 45 37 45 16 26 wpe' 3=17d8 5=10dB Table 1 See notesdverleaf... 1 Seevaluesin Table2. 2 If the resuftsshow that the measuredinterfereris 6 dB abovethe noisefloor then the investigationcan be accepted. 3 The type of antennais vitatlyimpoftantand as suchshoutdbe describedwith enoughdetail so that the measurementresultscan be fully understood. The Dresenceof noisein the receiveroassbandresultsin an errorin the measured amplitude of the signal.lf the amplitude of the signalis at least6 dB abovethe receivernoisefloorthis erroris small.Belowthis valuethe errorincreases significantly and adverselyaffectsthe accuracyof the measurement. lf the interfererliesbelowthis 6 dB thresholdthenthe caseshouldbe referredto the SFE beforeproceedingwiththe investigation further. The defaultreceiversettingsshownin the tablebeloware a compromise; butthey do providea set of repeatablemeasurement conditions. Frequency Range 150 kHz - 30 MHz 30 MHz- 1000MHz Measurement Bandwidth 9 kHz' 120 kHz Detector Meaaurement unita PeaK dBuV dBuV Peak potentialto a shortwavebroadcast 1. CISPRbandwidth lo assesthe interference transmission. Correctfor modulated andunmodulated stablecarriers. in lhe frequencyrange4.5- 21 MHz. [al HomePlug1.0PLA: 84 equallyspacedsub-carriers The 30 dB notchesin the amateurbandsreducethe numberof useablesub-caniers to 76. Characterised by a 1 second'lick whenidling(no datathroughput). '1536equallyspacedsub-carriers in the frequencyband lbl DS2PLA(includingComtrend): 2-28 MHz.Numberof sub-carriers reducedby amateurbandnotching.Eachmodemis pollingevery1 ms for networkactivitywhichproducesthe characteristic 1 kHztone. interference suchas thatproducedby plasmascreentelevisions mayrequirea [c] Broadband morepragmatic approachin assessingthe truenoisefloor. Table 2 Pleaseensurethatthe resultsof thesemeasurements are reportedin the Siebel casenotes. (Senior)FieldEnsineer contactdetails SiebelCasenumber. CraiqCostford.0'12'14235236 Mr. Conwav.0116 2825884 1-137586581 Table3