2566 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 53, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 A 12–18-GHz Three-Pole RF MEMS Tunable Filter Kamran Entesari, Student Member, IEEE, and Gabriel M. Rebeiz, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper presents a state-of-the-art RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) wide-band tunable filter designed for the 12–18-GHz frequency range. The coplanar-waveguide filter, fabricated on a glass substrate using loaded resonators with RF MEMS capacitive switches, results in a tuning range of 40% with very fine resolution, and return loss better than 10 dB for the whole 0.4% tuning range. The relative bandwidth of the filter is 5.7 over the tuning range and the size of the filter is 8 mm mm. The insertion loss is 5.5 and 8.2 dB at 17.8 and 12.2 GHz, respectively, for a 2-k sq bias line. The loss improves to 4.5 and 6.8 dB at 17.8 and 12.2 GHz, respectively, if the bias line resistance is increased to 20 k sq. The measured 3 level is 37 dBm for kHz. To our knowledge, this is the widest band planar tunable filter to date. excellent performance [7], but the filter results in four separate frequency responses, which are not contiguous. There is a need for a completely contiguous filter design at 8–18 GHz, and this paper addresses this problem. In this paper, we present a three-pole RF MEMS digital tunable filter with 40% tuning range from 12.2 to 17.8 GHz. The frequency band is covered by 16 filter responses (states) with very fine frequency resolution so as to behave as a continuoustype filter. To achieve this high tuning resolution, a novel 4-bit MEMS distributed capacitor bank is used in the resonator. A nonlinear study of the tunable filter is presented in Section IV. Index Terms—Coplanar-waveguide (CPW) filter, loaded resonators, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), RF MEMS, wide-band tunable filter. II. FILTER DESIGN 1 200 4 IIP I. INTRODUCTION R F microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) tunable filters have been developed in the past few years for multiband communication systems, radars, and wide-band tracking receivers [1]. MEMS switches and varactors have very low loss, therefore, resulting in relatively high- designs. RF MEMS also offer outstanding linearity with a measured overall 40–50 dBm [2]–[4]. Electrostatic RF MEMS switches do not require any dc current and, therefore, offer a very low power approach for tuning applications. There are two different types of frequency-tuning methods for MEMS-based filters: analog and digital. Analog tuning is relatively easy with MEMS varactors and provides continuous frequency variation, but the tuning range has been limited to 5%–15% [3]. In digital-type tuning, where a capacitor is switched in and out of the circuit, discrete center frequencies and wide tuning ranges are possible (20%–60%), and several designs are currently available at 0.1–10 GHz [4]–[6]. The main advantage of digital-type designs is that they are less sensitive to bias and Brownian noise [2], and the center frequency is well known (little drift with temperature). However, due to the size of the switching capacitor bank, it has been hard to design filters using the digital approach above 8 GHz. Recently, a 2-bit (four states) 10–14-GHz MEMS filter was presented with Manuscript received September 23, 2004. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Contract ECS9979428. K. Entesari is with the Radiation Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-21222 USA (e-mail: kentesar@umich.edu). G. M. Rebeiz was with the Radiation Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-21222 USA. He is now with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, 92037 CA USA (e-mail: rebeiz@ece.ucsd.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2005.852761 A. Topology Fig. 1 presents the circuit model for a three-pole loaded resonator tunable filter. Each coplanar-waveguide (CPW) resonator is periodically loaded by four switched MEMS capacitors pairs (eight in total), which results in a slow-wave structure with a smaller effective wavelength and lower characteristic impedance in comparison to the unloaded resonator. Every switched capacitor is built as a series combination of a MEMS switch with a capacitance ratio of 30–40 and a . fixed metal–air–metal (MAM) capacitor The loaded MEMS resonators are coupled through inductive impedance inverters and form a three-pole bandpass filter. The inductive impedance inverters are T-combinations of a shunt inductor and two series transmission lines with negative lengths [3]. The response of the filter can be tuned over a wide frequency range by changing the effective electrical length of the resonators using 16 different combinations (4-bit) of pairs of MEMS switches in the up- and down-state positions. Due to the filter topology, the shape and fractional bandwidth of the filter is approximately fixed over the tuning range, and the inductive couplings between the resonators compensate the increasingly capacitive behavior of the resonators when they are tuned toward the lower frequencies [9]. It is also known that the inductive coupling along with capacitive loading provides closer spurious passbands and lower rejection at higher frequencies [1], [8]. However, for a loaded resonator, this negative effect is not observed because the second resonance is eliminated due to loading effect at the center of the resonator. B. Resonator Design The circuit model of a capacitively loaded resonator is shown in Fig. 2 The loading capacitors are placed in a symmetrical fashion around the middle of the resonator and are actuated in pairs. This results in a symmetrical shape of the standing-wave voltage on the loaded resonator and, therefore, for each state, the maximum voltage level always occurs at the middle point 0018-9480/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE ENTESARI AND REBEIZ: 12–18-GHz THREE-POLE RF MEMS TUNABLE FILTER 2567 Fig. 1. Circuit model of a three-pole loaded resonator tunable filter. Fig. 2. Circuit model of a capacitive resonator loaded with eight capacitive MEMS switches. TABLE I RESONATOR CIRCUIT MODEL ELEMENT VALUES EXTRACTED FROM ADS SIMULATIONS Fig. 3. Circuit model and practical realization of a unit cell in a loaded resonator. The biasing resistance is grounded in the simulations. of the resonator. For example, to change the resonant frequency from State-0000 (all the switches are in the up-state position) to State-0001, the two MEMS switches, which are in series with are pulled down. Table I shows the values MAM capacitor for the MEMS capacitors in up- and down-state positions ( and ) and the MAM capacitors . The in series with the largest loading unit cells (MAM capacitors MEMS switches) are placed close to the middle of the resonator and can shift the resonant frequency from 18 GHz to around 14 GHz when they are pulled down. The smallest loading unit cells are placed farther from the middle of the resonator and are for fine tuning. All loading unit cells have the same elecwith an unloaded t-line trical distance from each other impedance of 78 . This distance is simulated to be 4.4 (or 120 m) at the design frequency (18 GHz) with Agilent’s ADS1 when a lumped capacitor model is used as a loading unit cell. A practical realization of a unit cell is shown in Fig. 3, and the physical length of each unit cell is 140 m. The finite width of the bridge and MAM capacitors and the current path over the bridge result in a phase delay, which reduces the effective 1Agilent Technol. Inc., Palo Alto, CA, 2002. physical length of a unit cell to 100 m, and the spacing between m at two adjacent unit cells is 20 m and, hence, 18 GHz. Table I also shows the electrical length of the unloaded sections for each resonator simulated in ADS . The real physical lengths of the unloaded sections will be reduced in the practical realization due to the negative t-line lengths of the inductive inverters. All resonators are simulated using Sonnet2 with CPW dimensions of 70/120/70 m on a 500- m glass substrate ( and at 18 GHz). The dimensions of the CPW line are chosen to minimize the conductor loss [11]. The measured , , and unloaded CPW line parameters are dB/m at 18 GHz with 2- m electroplated gold. Table II shows the transmission-line parameters for the four different and are the loaded sections of the resonator [3]. equivalent capacitor values for each loading cell and are calculated from (1) 2Sonnet 8.52, Sonnet Software Inc., Syracuse, NY, 2003. 2568 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 53, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 TABLE II UNIT CELL CIRCUIT MODEL ELEMENT VALUES EXTRACTED FROM ADS SIMULATIONS AT 18 GHz (Z = 78 ; = 2:8; = 42 dB/m, Q = 65) ripple Chebyshev filter. Canonical equations result in input and pH and interstage inverters output inverters with pH at 18 GHz. The series transmission lines with with negative electrical lengths are absorbed in the unloaded sections of each resonator [3] ( at 18 GHz). The physical realization of shunt inductors in CPW transmission lines is shown in Fig. 5. The length and width of the inductive short-circuit slots are found using a full-wave simulation (Sonnet). Fig. 6 shows the simulated insertion loss k sq, and is 5.4 and for 16 different states with 8 dB at 17.8 and 12.2 GHz, respectively. The higher insertion loss at 12.2 GHz is due to the higher loss factor of a loaded transmission line and the low-resistivity bias line, which has a strong loading effect when all the switches are in the down-state position. III. FABRICATION AND MEASUREMENT A. Fabrication, Implementation, and Biasing Fig. 4. Simulated: (a) unloaded quality factor and (b) resonant frequency for a tunable loaded resonator. The quality factor for an unloaded resonator is calculated from (2) and is 65 at 18 GHz for the unloaded CPW resonator. For the loaded sections, the quality factor is calculated in the up- or ) down-state positions using [10] (assuming (3) These values all are presented in Table II. Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows the simulated unloaded quality factor of the loaded resonator and the resonant frequency for 16 different combinations of the switches, respectively. This is done using a single resonator, which is weakly coupled to the input and output ports, and the simulated resonant frequency and quality factor for each different state is obtained using ADS based on the values on Table I. C. Complete Filter Design and Simulations The final section of the filter design is the inductive inverter implementation. The goal is to design a three-pole 6% 0.1-dB The tunable filter is fabricated on a 500- m glass substrate ( and ) using CPW lines and MEMS switches with a standard RF MEMS process developed at The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor [12]. The MEMS capacitive switch is based on a 8000- sputtered gold layer and is suspended 1.4–1.6 m above the pull-down electrode. The dielectric Si N layer is 1800- thick and the bottom electrode thickness is 6000 (underneath the bridge). The MAM capacitors are suspended 1.5 m above the first metal layer. The CPW conductor, bridge anchor, and top plate of the MAM capacitors are electroplated to 2- m thick using a low-stress gold solution. The bias lines are fabricated using an 800- -thick SiCr layer with a resistivity of approximately 2 k /square. The width, length, and thickness of the MEMS bridge are 60, 280, and 0.8 m, respectively, and the gap is 1.5 m for the bridge and MAM capacitors [see Fig. 3]. The bottom plate of one of the MAM capacitors is connected to the thin-film resistor to bias the bridge. The release height of the MEMS bridge and MAM capacitor is 1.5 m measured by a light-interferometer V, with microscope. The measured pull-in voltage is N/m, and a residual a corresponding spring constant of stress of MPa. The mechanical resonant frequency and kHz and , quality factor of the switch are respectively [2]. The photograph of the complete 12–18-GHz filter is shown in Fig. 5. It is composed of three resonators, each one loaded with eight unit cells, two inductive inverters at the input and output of the filter, and two inductive inverters between loaded resonators. Each switch has a separate SiCr dc-bias line for ENTESARI AND REBEIZ: 12–18-GHz THREE-POLE RF MEMS TUNABLE FILTER 2569 Fig. 5. Complete 12–18-GHz filter fabricated on a glass substrate. Fig. 6. Simulated: (a) insertion loss and (b) return loss of the tunable three-pole 12–18-GHz filter. independent control. The center conductor of the coplanar loaded resonators is connected to the dc ground pad through the RF probe using a bias tee. The filter is excited using ground–signal–ground (GSG) single-ended probes with a pitch of 150 m. B. Measurements The tunable filter is measured using CPW probes and TRL calibration. The measured results are shown in Fig. 7 for 16 different states. The insertion loss [see Fig. 7(a)] is 5.5 and 8.2 dB at 17.8 and 12.2 GHz, respectively, and the relative bandwidth Fig. 7. Measured: (a) insertion loss and (b) return of the tunable three-pole 12–18-GHz filter. is approximately fixed for the whole tuning range, as expected from the simulation results. The return loss [see Fig. 7(b)] is better than 10 dB over the whole tuning range. The measured center frequency and loss for each of the 16 different states is presented in Fig. 8(a). Fig. 8(b) shows the relative bandwidth variation for all responses, and is 6.1% at 17.8 GHz (State 0), and 5.3% at 12.2 GHz (State 15). Fig. 9 compares the measured and simulated insertion loss for three arbitrary states at 17.8 (State 0), 14 (State 8), and 12.2 GHz (State 15), and the 2570 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 53, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 Fig. 10. Experimental setup for intermodulation measurements f . f Fig. 8. (a) Measured center frequency and loss. (b) Measured relative bandwidth of the 16-filter responses 5.7 0.4% . ( 6 ) Fig. 9. Comparison between the measured and simulated insertion loss for three arbitrary states at 12.8 (State 15), 14.0 (State 8), and 17.8 GHz (State 0). simulated and measured responses agree very well. For the case k sq , the simulated insertion loss is 1.0 dB of better at 17.8 GHz, 1.4 dB better at 14 GHz, and 2.2 dB better at 12.2 GHz, as compared with the measurements with k sq. The measured response of a fabricated filter without any bias lines also confirms that the insertion loss improves by 0.8 dB at 17.8 GHz (all the switches are electroplated in the up-state position) to 2.0 dB at 12.2 GHz (all the switches are electroplated in the down-state position). IV. NONLINEAR CHARACTERIZATION The nonlinear analysis of MEMS switches, varactors, and tunable filters has been presented in [13]. For high level RF signals, this analysis shows that the MEMS bridge capacitance self-pull-down results in a nonlinear behavior of the tunable 0 ) = 0 (1f = Fig. 11. Nonlinear measurements at V V: the fundamental and intermodulation components versus the input power, and the two-tone versus the beat frequency. IM filter. In the case of two RF signals, third-order intermodulation is generated. To measure the intermodulation components at the output of the tunable filter, the setup shown in Fig. 10 is used. Fig. 11 shows the measured output power for the fundamental and intermodulation components for several values of . The measured is 37 dBm for kHz. The since this state measurement is in the up-state position products. Tunable filters with diode vargives the worse (12 dBm in [14] and actors have much lower values of 28 dBm in [15]). Fig. 11 also shows the intermodulation component versus the difference frequency between input tones for dBm (no bias voltage on the bridges). The intermodulation component follows the mechanical response of the level drops by 40 dB/decade for , bridge, and the which is in agreement with theory [13]( is the mechanical resis 77 dBm at a differonant frequency). This means that ence frequency of 2 MHz, which is very hard to measure and is quite impressive. V. CONCLUSION The paper has demonstrated a wide-band tunable filter on a glass substrate from 12.2 to 17.8 GHz (40% tuning range). Four different unit-cell pairs (MEMS capacitive switches in series with high- MAM capacitors) have been used to load the CPW resonators to reduce their effective length and make them tunable in a very wide range. This resulted in a tunable filter with very fine tuning resolution. The return loss is better than 10 dB over the whole band, and it is possible to achieve a better return loss, especially at lower frequencies, if the inductive inverters are made tunable. The measured results are very close to full-wave simulations. This study has shown that RF MEMS ENTESARI AND REBEIZ: 12–18-GHz THREE-POLE RF MEMS TUNABLE FILTER 2571 tunable filters are excellent for wide-band designs and result in very low intermodulation levels. [15] A. R. Brown and G. M. Rebeiz, “A varactor-tuned RF filter,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 1157–1160, Jul. 2000. REFERENCES [1] G. L. Matthaei, E. Young, and E. M. T. Jones, Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks, and Coupling Structures. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1980. [2] G. M. Rebeiz, RF MEMS Theory, Design, and Technology. New York: Wiley, 2003. [3] A. Abbaspour-Tamijani, L. Dussopt, and G. M. Rebeiz, “Miniature and tunable filters using MEMS capacitors,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1878–1885, Jul. 2003. [4] K. Entesari and G. M. Rebeiz, “A differential 4-bit 6.5–10-GHz RF MEMS tunable filter,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1103–1110, Mar. 2005. [5] R. M. Young, J. D. Adam, C. R. Vale, T. T. 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Ka X Kamran Entesari (S’03) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1995, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tehran Polytechnic University, Tehran, Iran, in 1999, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering (with an emphasis on applied electromagnetics and RF circuits) at The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His research area includes RF MEMS for microwave and millimeter-wave applications, microwave tunable filters, and packaging structures. Gabriel M. Rebeiz (S’86–M’88–SM’93–F’97) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. He is a Full Professor of electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) with the University of California at San Diego, La Jolla. He authored RF MEMS: Theory, Design and Technology (New York: Wiley, 2003). His research interests include applying MEMS) for the development of novel RF and microwave components and subsystems. He is also interested in SiGe RF integrated-circuit (RFIC) design, and in the development of planar antennas and millimeter-wave front-end electronics for communication systems, automotive collision-avoidance sensors, and phased arrays. Prof. Rebeiz was the recipient of the 1991 National Science Foundation (NSF) Presidential Young Investigator Award and the 1993 International Scientific Radio Union (URSI) International Isaac Koga Gold Medal Award. He was selected by his students as the 1997–1998 Eta Kappa Nu EECS Professor of the Year. In October 1998, he was the recipient of the Amoco Foundation Teaching Award, presented annually to one faculty member of The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor for excellence in undergraduate teaching. He was the corecipient of the IEEE 2000 Microwave Prize. In 2003, he was the recipient of the Outstanding Young Engineer Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S). He is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE MTT-S.