Wideband Active Integrated Antenna for RFID Tag Applications Christopher Yafrate and Daniel Schaubert University of Massachusetts-Amherst, ECE Dept., Antennas and Propagation Lab. INTRODUCTION VARACTOR TUNED SPLIT PATCH IMPEDANCE & RADIATION MEASUREMENTS Split-Patch Resonant Frequency and |S11|2 vs. Bias Voltage Antenna Substrate: Rogers 5880 Dielectric Constant: εr = 2.2 Dissipation Factor: tan δ = 0.0009 Thickness: t = 45 mil (1.143 mm) DC-RF Isolation Resistors Coaxial Feed Probe Antenna Geometry: Sub patch 1 Length: L1 = 10 mm Sub patch 2 Length: L2 = 10 mm Patch Width: W = 10 mm W Varactor Specifications: Model: Micrometrics MHV500 Cj @ Vr = 0 V: 2.5 pF Cj @ Vr = 4 V: 0.8 pF Cj @ Vr = 20 V: 0.2 pF Q: 2600 (min) L2 L1 Hyper-abrupt Varactor -22 5.4 -24 5.2 -26 5 -28 4.8 -30 4.6 -32 4.4 |S11|2 4.2 Resonant Frequency 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Varactor Reverse Bias Voltage (V) -34 14 16 4 2 0 -2 -4 -36 -38 -6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Varactor Reverse Bias Voltage (V) 14 16 Split Patch - H-plane Radiation Pattern Varactor Tuned Split Patch Test Antenna 0o10 dB -30o Design Procedure: • Parameter sweeps performed on L1, L2, W • Varactor model selected based on simulations • Optimal varactor loading position(s) determined 30o 0 V Bias 17 V Bias 60o -10 -60 -20 -90o 90o -20 -10 -120o 120o 0 -150o 10 dB 150o 180o Split Patch - Resonant Frequency vs. Varactor Capacitance Split Patch - Gain vs. Varactor Capacitance 9 5 4 8 7.5 2 7 Gain (dBi) Resonant Frequency (GHz) 3 6.5 6 Measurement Observations: • Linear relationship between varactor bias voltage and patch resonant frequency • Well matched across entire tuning range • Measurements agree well with simulated results 1 FIXED FREQUENCY ACTIVE INTEGRATED ANTENNA 0 5.5 -1 5 -2 4.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 Varactor Capacitance (pF) 2 2.5 -3 Proximity Coupled Feedback 0 0.5 1 1.5 Varactor Capacitance (pF) 2 2.5 HFSS Simulated Split Patch Radiation Pattern Amplifier Bias Circuitry Split Patch - H-plane Radiation Pattern 0o10 dB -30o 30o Proximity Fed Plastic Packaged Monolithic Amplifier 2.5 pF Cap. 0.1 pF Cap. 0 -60o 60o -10 -20 -90o 90o • Oscillates and radiates at 5.8 GHz • Cross-polarization minimized by symmetric design -20 -10 -120o 120o WHAT’S NEXT 0 Several antenna designs are investigated to determine the optimal design. An optimal design is defined as having the maximum attainable tuning bandwidth while maintaining acceptable radiation efficiency across the entire tuning range. 5.6 6 0 8.5 APPROACH -20 o ANSOFT DESIGNER & HFSS SIMULATIONS Given these requirements, an active RFID tag is to be designed capable of operating over a wide bandwidth and in various environments. An electronically tunable active integrated antenna is to be created by reactively loading a microstrip patch antenna using a varactor diode. The microstrip patch provides performance robustness to objects behind the antenna while the tunability provides the antenna with a wide operating bandwidth. The patch is integrated into the feedback loop of a series feedback oscillator. -18 Gain (dBi) Ground Via Split Patch - Absolute Gain vs. Bias Voltage 6 5.8 |S 11|2 (dB) Bias Voltage Pad Resonant Frequency (GHz) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are gradually becoming a more efficient and effective means of maintaining a large inventory. Because the tags are used in a wide range of environments, they must be capable of performing well regardless of their environment. For example, an RFID tag placed on a box containing a metallic body must operate with similar performance characteristics as if it were placed on a box containing a non-metallic object. It is also desirable for the tags to operate over a wide range of frequencies (UWB) in order to overcome multipath fading and mitigate the effects of large signal interference. Additionally, active RFID tags are desirable due to their ability to operate over larger distances than their passive counterparts. Simulation Observations: • Characteristic patch pattern achieved • Pattern quality maintained through tuning range • Operation limited by low efficiency at low tuning frequencies (large capacitive loading) -150o 10 dB 180o 150o • • • • Integrate tunable patch into series feedback oscillator Maximize oscillator tuning range and DC-RF efficiency Adjust feedback coupling to optimize radiated power Minimize design footprint and profile