Continuity estimates for functions harmonic with respect to jump processes joint work with Moritz Kaßmann Ryad Husseini1 Institut für Angewandte Mathematik Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Workshop on stochastic and harmonic analysis of processes with jumps, Angers 2006 1 Research financed by DFG (German Science Foundation) through SFB 611, project A9. Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 1 / 16 Outline 1 Basic setting 2 Main result 3 The assumptions in detail 4 Examples Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 2 / 16 Basic setting Functions harmonic w.r.t. Markov processes Let X = (Xt , Px ) be a continuous time conservative strong Markov process with values in Rd and càdlàg (r.c.l.l.) paths. Definition A measurable u : Rd → R is called harmonic w.r.t. X in a domain Ω ⊂ Rd iff u(x) = Ex u(XτΩ0 )1{τΩ0 <∞} for all open Ω0 ⊂⊂ Ω, x ∈ Ω0 , where τΩ0 = inf {t : Xt ∈ / Ω0 }. X Brownian motion 99K mean value property of harmonic functions In general (i.e. if X has jumps) harmonicity is a non-local notion. Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 3 / 16 Basic setting Regularity of harmonic functions Regularity generally does not go without saying! Example: (Xt ) solution of dXt = σ(Xt )dBt for Bt Brownian motion. A-priori Hölder estimates: ∃C > 0, γ ∈ (0, 1) : ∀R ∈ (0, 1) : If u : Rd → R is bounded and harmonic in B(x0 , R), then |x − y | γ |u(x) − u(y )| ≤ C · kuk∞ ∀x, y ∈ B(x0 , R/2). R In applications we often need less: a-priori continuity estimates ∀R ∈ (0, 1) : ∃ϑ : [0, 1) → R+ , lim ϑ(t) = 0 : t→0 If u : Rd → R is bounded and harmonic in B(x0 , R), then |u(x) − u(y )| ≤ kuk∞ · ϑ(|x − y |) ∀x, y ∈ B(x0 , R/2). Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 4 / 16 Basic setting Jump-type operators Let ν : Rd × B(Rd ) → [0, ∞] be a family of Lévy measures with Z (|h|2 ∧ 1) ν(x, dh) < ∞. sup x∈Rd Rd L be the associated integro-differential operator on Cb2 (Rd ) Z (L u)(x) = (u(x + h) − u(x) − 1{|h|<1} h · ∇u(x)) ν(x, dh) . Rd Example (fractional Laplacian): α ∈ (0, 2), ν(x, dh) = A (d, −α) · |h|−d−α dh, L = −(−∆)α/2 . Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 5 / 16 Basic setting X and ν Assume: X unique solution to the martingale problem for L , Cb2 (Rd ) , i.e. for all u ∈ Cb2 (Rd ) Z u(Xt ) − u(X0 ) − t (L u) (Xs ) ds is a Px -martingale. 0 The relation between the measure ν(x, ·) and the process X is illustrated by the Lévy system identity: E x X 1{Xs− ∈A,Xs ∈B} s≤S | {z =E x Z S 1A (Xs )ν(Xs , B − Xs ) ds 0 } ] jumps from A to B before S where A, B ⊂ Rd are disjoint Borel sets and S is a bounded stopping time. Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 6 / 16 Basic setting Former results on regularity of jump-type operators Hölder regularity: probabilistic method goes back to Krylov-Safonov (1979) in the case of diffusions Bass-Levin ’02, Song-Vrondraček ’04 ν(x, dh) = n(x, h)dh with n(x, h) |h|−d−α , α ∈ (0, 2) Bass-Kaßmann ’05 (not necessarily absolute continuous ν) Schilling-Uemura ’06 Other results: Komatsu ’85 Counter-example: Barlow-Bass-Chen-Kaßmann ’06 construction of ν(x, dh) such that there are bounded harmonic functions which are not continuous everywhere Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 7 / 16 Main result Main theorem Theorem (H., Kaßmann ’06) Assume: the existence of an strong Markov process in the above sense ν(x, ·) has the properties (A1) and (A2) (see below) Then: ∃ρ > 0 : ∀R ∈ (0, 1/2) : ∃c > 0 : If u : Rd → R is harmonic w.r.t. X on B(x0 , R) then |u(x) − u(y )| ≤ c · kuk∞ · |ln |x − y ||−ρ Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates ∀x, y ∈ B(x0 , R/2). Angers 2006 8 / 16 Main result Why are we interested in such a result? Such a theorem (+ one additional assumption) can be used to prove that the resolvent of X Z ∞ x Rλ f (x) := E e−λt f (Xt )dt, λ > 0, 0 maps bounded functions to uniformly continuous functions. Our method also works if X is the Hunt process associated to a certain class of regular Dirichlet forms. We get qualified uniform continuity for harmonic functions and the resolvent outside an exceptional set. continuous ”modification” of Rλ ! In particular, we can construct a Feller process very much like the counterexample of Barlow-Bass-Chen-Kaßmann. Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 9 / 16 The assumptions in detail Our assumptions in detail Define for r ∈ (0, 1) Z S(x, r ) = ν(x, dh) |h|≥r 1 L(x, r ) = S(x, r ) + r Z Z 1 h ν(x, dh) + 2 r 1≥|h|≥r |h|2 ν(x, dh) |h|<r 1 N(x, r ) = inf ν(x, A − x) : A ⊂ B(x, 2r ), |A| ≥ |B(x, r )| 3 rot.-inv. α-stable case: S, L and N behave like r −α for r → 0. lower bounds on N(x, r ) ensure that the process is not degenerate (enough jumps in ”enough” directions) Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 10 / 16 The assumptions in detail Assumption (A1) (A1) ∃κ1 > 0, σ > 0 : ∀x ∈ Rd , r ∈ (0, 1), 1 < λ < 1 : r S(x, λr ) ≤ κ1 λ−σ S(x, r ). Condition (A1) ensures a ”minimal” activity of small jumps: lim S(x, r )r σ/2 = ∞. r →0 Example: ν(x, dh) = n(x, h)dh with n(x, h) ≥ |h|−d−α , α > 0, where |h| ≤ δ and h belongs to a cone with end 0. Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 11 / 16 The assumptions in detail (A2) – The degeneration of hitting time estimates (A2) ∃κ2 > 0 : ∀x, y ∈ Rd , r ∈ (0, 1/2), |x − y | < 2r : r N(x, r ) ≥ κ2 · |ln r |−1 · L(y , ). 2 Assumption (A2) implies the following degenerate lower bounds on probability of hitting ”big” subsets before exiting, which are a key ingredient of the proof ∃c > 0 : ∀x ∈ Rd , r ∈ (0, 1/2), A ⊂ B(x, r ), |A| ≥ Py TA < τB(x,r ) ≥ c · |ln r |−1 1 3 |B(x, r )|: r ∀y ∈ B(x, ). 2 Compare with the estimate used by Krylov-Safonov r Py TA < τB(x,r ) ≥ c ∀y ∈ B(x, ), 2 i.e. there the lower bound is independent of r ! Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 12 / 16 Examples Examples Assumptions (A1)-(A2) are fulfilled in the following cases where ν(x, dh) = n(x, h) dh: For α ∈ (0, 2): 0 < c1 · |h|−d−α ≤ n(x, h) ≤ c2 · |h|−d−α For α ∈ (0, 2): 0 < c1 · |h|−d−α ≤ n(x, h) ≤ c2 · |ln(|h| /3)| · |h|−d−α n(x, h) = 0 for |h| < 2 for |h| ≥ 2 α : Rd → (0, 2), 0 < inf α(x) ≤ sup α(x) < 2, n(x, h) = n(x, −h) 0 < c1 · |h|−d−α(x) ≤ n(x, h) ≤ c2 · |h|−d−α(x) |α(x) − α(y )| ≤ c3 · |ln |ln |x − y |||−1 Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates for |x − y | ≤ 1 2 Angers 2006 13 / 16 Examples Degeneration of hitting time estimates – Example Let 0 < α < β < 1, a = (1 + β − α)−1 and F = {(h1 , h2 ) ∈ R2 ; |h2 | ≥ |h1 |a , (h1 )2 + (h2 )2 < 1} . Let X be the symmetric Lévy process in R2 with characteristic (0, 0, ν) where ν(dh) = n(h) dh and n(h) = |h|−2−α + 1F (h) · |ln |h|| · |h|−2−β . −2− ∣h∣ log∣h∣ ∣h∣−2− Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 14 / 16 Examples There exists a function σ : (0, 1) → R+ with lim σ(r ) = 0 and r →0 lim P0 r →0 lim r →0 P0 τB(0,r ) ≤ σ(r ) = 1 r sup |Xs1 | > =0 16 s≤σ(r ) B(x,r) Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) ⇒ A-priori continuity estimates degeneration of hitting times A Angers 2006 15 / 16 Examples Merci beaucoup! Ryad Husseini (Uni Bonn) A-priori continuity estimates Angers 2006 16 / 16