2 3 4 5 6 7. Cindy A. Cohn, Esq. (SBN 145997) Wendy Seltzer,Esq. ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDA nON 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco,CA 94110 Telephone: (415) 436-9333xl08 Facsimile: (415) 436-9993 Alan Kom. Esq. (SBN ) 61933) LAW OFFICE OF ALAN KORN 1840Woolsey Street Berkeley. CA 94103 Telephone:(510) 548-1300 Facsimile: (510) 540-4821 8 9 Attorneysfor Plaintiffs ONLINE POLICYGROUP 10 Jennifer Stisa Granick, Esq. (SBN 168423) STANFORD LAW SCHOOL 12 13 CENTER FOR INTERNET 559 Nathan Abbott Way & SOCIETY Stanford, CA 94305-8610 Telephone: (650) 724-0014 Facsimile: (650) 723-4426 14 Attorneysfor Plaintiffs 15 16 NELSON CHU PAVLOSKY and LUKE THOMAS SMITH UNITED STA~ 17 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 18 19 ONLINE POLICY GROUP, NELSON CHU ) PAVLOSKY, andLUKE THOMASSMITH ~ 20 21 22 23 Plaintiffs, DIEBOLD, INCORPORATED, andDIEBOLD ELECTION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED, ~ ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) 2S 26 28 ~ )) v. 24 27 DISTRICT COURT :, Nelson Chu Pavlosky, declare: No. C-O3-4913JF DECLARATION OF NELSON CHU PA VLOSKY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Date: Time: Courtroom: February 9, 2004 9:00 a.m. 3 .1 2 3 4 5 6 I amNelsonChu Pavlosky,a plaintiff in the above-captioned case. I am oneof the two Swarthmorestudentswho foundedthe SwarthmoreCoalition for Digital Commons(SCDC). 2. As describedmore fully in my previous declarations,which I hereby incorporateby this reference,SCDC'spublicationof and linking to the Dieboldemail archivewaspreventedby SwarthmoreCollege, our ISP, after receipt of two ceaseand desistletters from DefendantDiebold. .3 Without a judicial decision the future of the SCDC as a free speechorganization is in jeopardy. Though Diebold Corporation has officially withdrawn its DMCA notification to our 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 s 16 17 18 organizationfor displayingthe email archive,Dieboldhasmadeno representations regardingits future legal actionstowardmyself, Luke ThomasSmith, or SCDCfor our publicationsof other materialsin the future. We thereforefeel as if we are operatingunder the constantthreat of litigation for any actionswe undertakewith regardto Diebold. 4. our future actions.we are concernedaboutother companiesor individuals with similar claims against SCDC and ourselves. Without a clear statementof the application of copyright law to our noncommercialpublication of leaked internal companyinformation about electronic voting machines,we would be forcedto repeatthe samecycle of notification,countemotification,two weeks of not publishing and threatsof impending lawsuits the next time someonenotifies SwarthmoreCollege that he or she claims a copyright interest in such information. 19 s. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Additionally,sincewe haveno judicial decisionto serveas a clearbenchmarkfor For two undergraduatestudents,this is simply not feasible. My parents are rightly concernedthat my involvementin respondingto Diebold's legal claims is detractingfrom my studiesand activities Neither we nor the SCDC (which we founded)have the fmancial or emotionalreservesto repeatthis scenario.While we were fortunateto havethe StanfordClinic assistus this time, we cannotbe surethat we will receivepro bono legal representationin the future. Any futureparties- includingDiebold- desiringfor us capitulateto their demandswould easily win by virtue of perseveringfinancially in their pursuit. 6. A distinct dangerexists to the mission of the SCDC, which among other goals seeks to improvevoting accountabilitythroughexaminingelectronicvoting sourcecodefor flaws. As 28 -2- ~ Jan 09 04 09:28p (9731267-7858 Robert.".P.vlo.k~~D~C. p.2 long as SCDC has accessto information suggestingvoting softwareis not secureand reliable, it 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 will wish to makethat informationpublic. However,without a judicial decision,SCDCcannotbe certain that email archives like Dicbold's may be legally published and our ISP) Swarthmore College,is likely to onceagainrequireus to removeany questionedmaterial. Given SCDC's and our very limited personalresources,publishing information that must first be cleared through expensivecopyright litigation is not a risk we can afford to take, The uncertaintyassociatedwith Diebold's vagueletter and the lack of a judicial decisionrendersSCDC ineffective and unableto pursueits missionof promotingfree speechandvoting accountability. 7 SCDC's December conference on open-source voting was limited by the absenceof a judicial resolution. SCDC originatly planned to distribute CD-ROMs with Diebold's email archivesto thoseattendingthe conference,so that the participantscould read the archivesin their 12 13 14 15 16 17 entirety, perhaps immediately at the conference, without having to fmd the archives on the Internet. However,SCDCultimately decidedagainstpursuingthis methodof distributionbecauseit wished to err on the side of safety from additional Diebold legal claims. Any future information about Diebold or other partieswill inevitably havea similar effect on SCDC's efforts at publication, as long as there is no clear legal demarcation of acceptable and unacceptable uses for the information. It is therefore crucial for SCDC to have a judicial decision for reference in similar future situations. 18 .~w Tan.." I declareunderpenaltyof perjuryunderthe lawsof the Stateof 1"MMi~"-:I.I'that the 20 21 22 23 foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed in WWoYOV"~ 'PiG."'$ ~~::.m: ~~f ,.' NELSON CHU PA VLOSKY 24 2S 26 27 28 -3~ .