Demand Side Response System Frequency Control using Temperature Controlled Devices: Potentials and Requirements in Germany by 2020 Lea Wagner, Eckehard Tröster Energynautics GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Straße 7, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Email: Abstract—In power systems with high share of convertercoupled supply devices, such as modern wind turbines or photovoltaic systems, the inherent inertia decreases. As a result, system frequency can become more vulnerable to active power imbalances. In the course of the German Energiewende the question arises, whether Germany can balance its share of the reference power plant outage, as defined in the ENTSOE Operation Handbook, without relying on imported inertial response. Demand Side Response System Frequency Control (DSRSFC) can be used to replace the inertia of synchronous generators. In this report the potential of the German domestic sector for DSRSFC is analysed and compared to the demand for frequency response. It is shown that the potential is many times higher than the demand and the selection of the used technology is key to socio-economic efficiency. cut D i L la P PR r ref s SF C I. I NDICES time averaged cutoff Demand technology i Load linear activation Potential Primary Response rated reference loss switch Demand Side Response System Frequency Control II. I NTRODUCTION The angular speed of the rotor of synchronous generators is electromechanically coupled to system frequency. After a sudden loss of generation the rotational energy stored in the inertial masses provides the lacking power (inertial reserve). With an increasing proportion of converter-coupled energy sources (such as modern wind turbines and photovoltaic) the inertial response will decrease. Hence, system frequency will become more vulnerable to power imbalances and higher values of the rate of change of frequency will be attained. The European Network of Transmission System Operator for Electricity has addressed this drawback in its grid code draft “Demand Connection Code” [1]. In this draft Demand Side Response System Frequency Control (DSRSFC), a very fast load shedding measure reacting to frequency deviations, is defined. The intent of this report is to analyse the potential of DSRSFC to replace inertial response. The following specifications of DSRSFC are made in the Demand Connection Code [1]: In order to make an automatic load shedding without consumer inconvenience possible, devices with an inherent heat storage shall be used. • The Transmission System Operators are supposed to publish a list with suitable temperature controlled devices. • The devices should react to frequency deviations exceeding a deadband by load shedding. • The frequency measurement shall be updated at least every 0.2 s. • The reconnnection should take place within 5 min after the stabilisation of system frequency. The objectives of this report are as follows: First, the suitability of common domestic appliances for DSRSFC is reviewed in Section III. Second, the required amount of shedded load is estimated (Section IV). Third, the potential and the demand are compared in Section V. • III. T HEORETIC P OTENTIAL OF THE DOMESTIC SECTOR The identification of the DSRSFC potential of the German domestic sector can be achieved by the assessment of the time-resolved power consumption of temperature controlled, domestic devices. The considered technologies are displayed in the first column of Table I. The process cooling of food retailing is not a domestic appliance but was included for comparison. Accounting for the assumptions, which were made during data analysis, the potentials were determined for a best guess, representing the expected potential, and a worst case scenario, estimating the mimimal potential. A. Method Data analysis was conducted based on the following steps: 1) Identification of potential: Data provided in [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] was compiled (see Table I, column 3). The available records were time averaged and in most cases for load shifting of at least one hour. Because of the latter, the used data were most likely an underestimation of the real DSRSFC potential. In the next steps time resolution and extrapolation was conducted. 2) Time resolution: Time categories consisting of a yearly (month), a weekly (work day, Saturday, Sunday) and a time of day (day, night) breakdown were defined. Best guess scenario: For the resolution of the monthly electricity consumption related to heating, heating degree days1 from [7] were used. It was presumed that the cooling 1 Heating degree days are a measure of heating. TABLE I: Characteristics and used values of the considered temperature controlled devices. PSF C,P,,i = time-averaged DSRSFC potential of technology i, df = development factor, d – n = day or night, bg = best guess scenario, wc = worst case scenario. 3 circulation pump bg wc 1,716 X - heat pump bg wc 319 electric water heating bg wc fridge PSF C,P,,i [MW] 2,633 4 5 dependency month day d X - 6 7 df –n - 0.74 0.37 - X - 0.83 0.76 X - - X X 3.00 1.33 718 - X X X 0.98 0.98 bg wc 1,117 - - X X 1.00 0.68 freezer bg wc 1,237 - - X X 0.88 0.80 process cooling (food retailing) bg wc 678 - X X X X 1.33 1.00 devices are located in a room at constant temperature and the consumption of warm water is continuous during the course of the year. A dependency on weekdays was considered only for the consumption of warm water and the process cooling of food retailing. Load curves from [8] were used to estimate the proportion of power consumed during night and day time. Night storage heating and the considered electrical water heating devices are equipped with a storage capacity, which is capable of storing the demand of at least 24 h. Thus, the time of electricity demand and heat supply are independent within a period not exceeding 24 h. Consequently, no dependency of the power consumption of night storage and water heating on the time of the day was considered. Worst case scenario: It was assumed that during the whole year several days with an average temperature above the heating limit (15 ◦ C, [7]) can occur. Hence, in the worst case there is no electricity consumption of heating devices. For the determination of the minimum potential of the nonheating devices the minimum of the respective load curves was chosen. An overview of the assumed dependencies can be found in Table I, columns 4-6. 3) Extrapolation: The extrapolation to 2020 was conPSF C,2020 ducted with development factors, df = PSF , which C,today were deduced from [9], [10], [4], [6]. For the worst case scenario the lowest development factor was chosen, for the best guess scenario the value with the highest congruence in the literature (see Table I, column 7). B. Results The resulting data set defines the time-resolved DSRSFC potential of each considered technology. In Figure 1 the aggregated DSRSFC potential is presented. The maximum potential is available at a Saturday in January and amounts to 13.6 GW. The minimim of 3.9 GW occurs in July or August during weekend nights. The dependency of the accumulated potential on the time of the year 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 (a) Best Guess Scenario 3,000 2,500 2,000 ∑ PSFC,P,i [MW] night storage heating 2 scenario bg wc work day - day work day - night Saturday - day Sunday - day weekend - night 14,000 ∑ PSFC,P,i [MW] column technology 16,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Workday Saturday Sunday Night (b) Worst Case Scenario Fig. 1: Time-resolved, accumulated DSRSFC Potential. is lower for night times. The daytime potential exceeds the nighttime potential by approximately one third. Because of the vanishing potential of the heating devices the aggregated minimum potential is not dependent on the time of the year. Hence, this dependency is not considered in Figure 1 (b). The minimum potential adds up to 1.6 GW (night) – 2.6 GW (workday), accounting for 20 – 50% of the expected potential, depending on the time of the year. C. DSRSFC Potential per Device Assuming that the investment costs for enabling a device to DSRSFC are equal for every type of technology i, the DSRSFC potential per device PSF C,device,i is a pointer for the unlocked DSRSFC potential per investment costs. The expected DSRSFC potential per device can be deduced from the findings exposed in Table I column 3 (PSF C,P,,i ), market penetration data mi [2] and the number of households nHH [6]. PSF C,P,,i PSF C,device,i = . (1) mi nHH In order to determine the minimum DSRSFC potential per device the minimum of the timely resolved data per technology presented in Section III-A2 was chosen and equation (1) applied. Note that the potential per device relates to 2005– 2012. Figure 2 shows that a domestic cooling device provides a low but reliable potential (bg: 24–42 W, wc: 18–37 W), while the potential of a heating device is middle to large (bg: 46–2,051 W) though not always available. It becomes evident that reserves of process cooling of food retailing are 100,000 PSFC,device,i [W] 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 fridge freezer circulation heat pump pump water heating night storage heating process cooling (a) Best Guess Scenario 100,000 PSFC,device,i [W] 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 fridge freezer process cooling (b) Worst Case Scenario Fig. 2: DSRSFC potential per device. the best choice to provide DSRSFC: The potential per device is large and secured (bg: 12,237 W, wc: 3,059 W). IV. R EQUIREMENTS FOR STABILISING S YSTEM F REQUENCY For the assessment of the required DSRSFC potential solely the active power balance was considered. System frequency serves as an indicator for this equilibrum. As system frequency is a global quantity in a synchronous zone the corresponding network can be modelled as one node. A recent study [11] investigates the effect of decreasing inertial response, quantified by the acceleration time constant T , on system frequency. It was shown that reduced inertial response only becomes grave once the acceleration time constant T drops below 1 s. Today typical values of the time constant in the transmission grid of Continental Europe (CE) are 10 s and higher [12]. It is very unlikely that critical T values will occur in CE by 2020, but solely regarding Germany T ≤ 1 s is reasonable in a low load situation with high wind penetration. Since the German Energiewende should not be undertaken at the expense of the other nations, measures to replace inertial response, such as DSRSFC, must be investigated. The developed one node model was justified by and tuned to the simulations presented in [11] (Section IV-B). The tuning was conducted within the scope of CE while the DSRSFC requirements were determined for Germany (Section IV-C). This transfer included the following assumptions: • Apart from scaling issues the size of the grid is nonrelevant for the course of frequency. • German primary response resembles the CE ones. The theoretic behavior of system frequency after a sudden generation loss is explained in the following Section IV-A. A. Theory of the course of frequency After a sudden loss of generation ∆P the course of frequency can be described by equation (2). ∆P f˙ k PP R =T − (fr − f ) − PL fr fr PL (2) The inertial response (first term, right hand side) is mainly responsible for the rate of change of frequency, f˙, immediately after the loss. The load dependency on system frequency, k, (due to rotating machines, etc.) is described by the second term and accounts for the self-regulating effect. The third term depicts the effect of the primary response PP R . PL is the total load of the system and fr the rated frequency, 50 Hz in this case. A detailed derivation of the correlations can be found in [13]. Note that all of these parameters except fr are time dependent on longer time scales. As at most the first minute after a sudden loss of generation is considered, only the dependency of f and PP R are relevant. For PP R a real proportional control according to equation (3) was assumed (Parameter TP R and KP R ). ṖP R + TP R PP R = KP R (fr − f ) (3) B. Method The simulations were performed with DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The one node model consists of two synchronous generators and two loads connected to a busbar. One generator represents a failing power station and the other the rest of the supply devices. They supply the power ∆Pref and (a) 100 (b) (c) PSFC,D (T) [MW] 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 T [s] 0.8 1 1.2 Fig. 4: Dependency of the DSRSFC demand on the acceleration time constant T . The demand was activated according to (a) a frequency sensing switch with fcut = 49.6 Hz, (b) linear activation without time delay, (c) linear activation with ∆t = 0.2 s. Fig. 3: System frequency after a generation loss of 3 GW with a total load of 150 GW and varying acceleration time constants T . Simulation results of [11] (black, thick lines) in comparison with the results of the developed model (grey, thin lines). PL − ∆Pref , respectively. The loads, which are qualified for DSRSFC, consume PSF C,D , while the non-dispatchable loads consume PL − PSF C,D . The dynamic behaviour of system frequency can be described by equations (2) and (3). The parameter KP R of the primary response was determined according to the ENTSO-E Operation Handbook [14]. In an iterative process the time constant TP R was ascertained in such a way that the simulation results were in accordance with [11] (see Figure 3). (The difference in the settling frequencies is irrelevant, as only the frequency course until its nadir is of interest in this paper.) A sudden loss of a specific amount of power injection is particularly critical in low load situations. Thus, the reference loss ∆Pref,CE = 3 GW [14] was simulated by the Transmission System Operators in a low load situation (PL,CE = 150 GW) with varying acceleration time constants [11]. In order to determine the DSRSFC demand of Germany, the total load was rescaled to PL,Germany = 30 GW, which represents a common low load situation of Germany. Thus, the generation loss ∆Pref,Germany , which Germany has to balance by itself, amounts to: PL,Germany 30 GW · ∆Pref,CE = · 3 GW = 0.6 GW PL,CE 150 GW In order to draw a worst case and to account for the establishment of converter-coupled loads the parameter k was fixed to the low value 1 [13]. The power PSF C,D was determined so that the frequency nadir ∆fnadir scratches the maximum allowed dynamic deviation ∆fnadir,max = 800 mHz as prescribed in the ENTSO-E Operation Handbook [14]. Measurement inaccuracies are ∆PSF C,D = ±1 MW and ∆(∆fnadir ) = ±1 mHz. There were two ways of activation of DSRSFC examined: As a first approach the DSRSFC load was equipped with a frequency sensing switch. The load was completely shed if system frequency falls below the cutoff frequency fcut . Varied parameters included the acceleration time constant T and the cutoff frequency fcut . In a more realistic approach a linear dependency of the activated DSRSFC potential on the frequency deviation was assumed. This linear model reflects a high number of DSRSFC loads each including a cutoff frequency, which is randomly chosen within a specific range (central limit theorem). The frequency fmax , where the activation of DSRSFC begins, was selected to be 49.9 Hz and the frequency fmin , where DSRSFC is fully activated, was set to 49.5 Hz. It is expected that the linear activation corresponds to activation by a switch, if the DSRSFC potentials activated from fmin to fcut and fcut to fmax are equal. Thus, because 1 √ (fmax − fmin ) + fmin = 49.617 Hz 2 holds the linearly activated DSRSFC demand is expected to correlate with the DSRSFC demand activated by a switch with fcut = 49.617 Hz. The investigations were performed under varying acceleration time constants and linear activation without time delay and with ∆t = 0.2 s . C. Results According to the expectation (Section IV-B) the DSRSFC demand activated by a switch (fcut = 49.6 Hz) is similar to linearly activated DSRSFC demand (Figure 4, (a) and (b)). The demand decreases with increasing acceleration time constant and approaches zero near T = 1.1 s. Interestingly it does not exceed 110 MW even for very low acceleration time constants (e.g. T = 0.1 s). If the DSRSFC potential is linearly activated and additionally a time delay of 0.2 s included, the DSRSFC demand is slightly increased compared to an activation without time delay. The impact is higher for lower acceleration time constants. The dependency of the DSRSFC demand on the cutoff frequency is presented in Figure 5. It is largely independent of the acceleration time constant. As an example T = 0.5 s was chosen. The selection of the cutoff frequency impacts the DSRSFC demand only by several MW. Thus, Figure 4 gives overall evidence about the DSRSFC demand. PSFC,D,s (fcut, T = 0.5 s) [MW] 70 66 62 58 54 50 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.9 50.0 fcut [Hz] Fig. 5: Example of the correlation between DSRSFC demand PSF C,D,s (fcut , T = 0.5 s) and the cutoff frequency fcut . The maximum measured DSRSFC demand amounts to PSF C,D,s (fcut = 49.25 Hz, T = 0.1 s) = 106 MW. In systems with T = 0.1 s the maximum dynamic deviation fnadir,max = 800 mHz is exceeded 159 ms after the failure. Thus, if the time delay amounts to ∆t = 0.2 s, no DSRSFC can be activated within this period. By means of DSRSFC only systems with acceleration time constants ≥ 0.167 s can be stabilised. V. C ONCLUSION The German domestic sector provides a huge DSRSFC potential of up to 13.6 GW. Even worst circumstances allow for a DSRSFC potential of 1.6 GW, if all relevant devices are appropriately equipped. The required DSRSFC demand is comparatively small: It does not exceed 110 MW. From a socio-economic point of view the most efficient technology appears to be the process cooling of food retailing (see Section III). It was estimated that during workdays and Saturdays the power demand of these devices sum up to 928 MW; on Sundays and during nighttime the average power demand is 384 MW. In the worst case scenario the power demand is 697 MW and 174 MW on workdays and Saturdays and on Sundays and during the nights, respectively. Thus, if all cooling devices of the food retailing sector were equipped with frequency sensing relays, the DSRSFC demand could be easily covered, even if one third of the powered devices cannot be switched off, because (for example) the internal temperature is too close to the upper temperature range setting. In real power systems the limitation of DSRSFC to systems with T ≥ 0.167 s is not relevant, because also in a 100 % renewable energy scenario there is synchronous generation such as hydro power or biomass power stations [15], which provide enough inertia to ensure that T ≥ 0.167 s. Future investigations of the DSRSFC demand should take voltage issues into account and consider the effect of the spatial distribution of generators and loads. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Nis Martensen for enlightening discussions. R EFERENCES [1] European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, “ENTSO-E Network Code on Demand Connection,” demand-connection, 2012. [2] M. Klobasa, “Dynamische Simulation eines Lastmanagements und Integration von Windenergie in ein Elektrizitätsnetz auf Landesebene unter regelungstechnischen und Kostengesichtspunkten,” Dissertation, ETH Zurich, 2007. [3] I. 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