Frequency Response Hans-Petter Halvorsen, M.Sc. Reguleringsteknikk Spesialtilfelle Tilstandsrommodeller Differensial -likninger Laplace K = Forsterkning T=Tidskonstant 1.orden med tidsforsinkelse Blokkdiagrammer Tidsplanet 1.orden Transferfunksjoner Sprangrespons S-planet Serie, Parallel, Feedback 2.orden Dataverktøy Analyse/Design MathScript LabVIEW StabilitetsDet komplekse plan analyse 1. Systemets poler Realisering/ Implementering 2. Frekvensrespons Bodediagram Det komplekse plan Diskretisering Reguleringssystem Asymptotisk stabilt system Air Heater Tidsplanet Ustabilt system Marginalt stabilt system Asymptotisk stabilt system Marginalt stabilt system Ustabilt system Table of Contents 1. What is Frequency Response? 2. Bode Diagram 3. Frequency Response in MathScript 1. Using built-in functions 2. Create from “scratch” Frequency Response What is Frequency Response? Vizualization Why do we need Frequency Response? Analysis and Design of Control Systems Bode Diagram MathScript Stability Analysis Check if the system is stable or not Introduction to Frequency Response Frequency Response Example Outside Temperature frequency 1 (year) T = 1 year frequency 2 (24 hours) -> Only the gain and phase are different T = 24 hours Assume the outdoor temperature is varying like a sine function during a year (frequency 1) or during 24 hours (frequency 2). Inside Temperature frequency 1 (year) frequency 2 (24 hours) Then the indoor temperature will be a sine as well, but with different gain. In addition it will have a phase lag. Frequency Response Example Air Heater Imput Signal Output Signal Dynamic System Amplitude Frequency Gain (“forsterkning”) Phase Lag (“faseforskyvning”) The frequency response of a system expresses how a sinusoidal signal of a given frequency on the system input is transferred through the system. Frequency Response - Definition and the same for Frequency 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. • The frequency response of a system is defined as the steady-state response of the system to a sinusoidal input signal. • When the system is in steady-state, it differs from the input signal only in amplitude/gain (A) (“forsterkning”) and phase lag (Ο) (“faseforskyvning”). Frequency Response from Input-Output Signals t The gain is given by: (“forsterkning”) The phase lag is given by: (“faseforskyvning”) Exercise t Students: Pen and paper: Find the gain (A) and the phase lag (Ο) for this example Solutions From the Plot we get: t Cont. next page -> Solutions (“forsterkning”) (“faseforskyvning”) Bode Diagram Bode Diagram You can find the Bode diagram from experiments on the physical prosess or from the transfer function (the model of the system). A simple sketch of the Bode diagram for a given system: ππ βπΎ π π180 πΏππ π ω [rad/s] πΏππ π ω [rad/s] ο¨ The Bode diagram gives a simple Graphical overview of the Frequency Response for a given system. A Tool for Analyzing the Stability properties of the Control System Find Data Bode Diagram We find A and Ο for each of the frequencies, e.g.: The same for frequency 3, 4, …, n Based on that we can plot the Frequency Response in a so-called Bode Diagram: Cont. next page-> Bode Diagram The x-scale is logarithmic Gain (“Forsterkningen”) The y-scale is in [dB] Phase lag (“Faseforkyvningen”) The y-scale is in [degrees] Vanligvis er enheten for frekvens Hertz [Hz], men i frekvensrespons/Bodediagram brukes radianer ω [rad/s]. Sammenhengen Using MathScript to calculate and plot the Frequency Response in a Bode Diagram Bode Diagram – MathScript Example Given the following transfer function: We will use MathScript to find the Frequency Response/Bode Diagram: % We define the transfer function: K = 1; T = 1; num = [K]; den = [T, 1]; H = tf(num, den) % We plot the Bode diagram: bode(H); % We add grid to the plot: subplot(2,1,1) grid on subplot(2,1,2) grid on Students: Implement this example in MathScript Cont. on bext page-> Bode Diagram – MathScript Example cont. Given the following transfer function: Instead of Plotting the Bode Diagram we can also use the bode function for calculation and showing the data as well: ... wlist = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 100];[mag, phase, w] = magdB = 20*log10(mag); freq_data = [w, magdB, 2 ,3 ,5 ,10, bode(H, wlist); % Convert to dB phase] MathScript gives the following results: Students: Try this code also Bode Diagram – MathScript Example cont. w We see that the Calculated Data and the Bode Diagram gives the same values A(w) [dB] Ο(w) [deg.] Bode Diagram – MathScript Example Given the following transfer function: Students: Plot the Bode Diagram for the given transfer function using MathScript Bode Diagram – MathScript Example - Solutions or: clear, clc % Transfer function num=[1]; den1=[1,0]; den2=[1,1] den3=[1,1] den = conv(den1,conv(den2,den3)); H = tf(num, den) % Bode Diagram bode(H) subplot(2,1,1) grid on subplot(2,1,2) grid on or: clear, clc % Transfer function num=[1]; den=[1,2,1,0]; H = tf(num, den) % Bode Diagram bode(H) subplot(2,1,1) grid on subplot(2,1,2) grid on How-To Manually find the Frequency Response from the Transfer Function Frequency Response from the Transfer function A and Ο is a function of the frequency ω so we may write A = A(ω), Ο = Ο(ω) We want to manually find mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) (assuming the bode function does not exist, actually, this is how the bode function does it.) s=jω Where H(jω) is the frequency response of the system, i.e., we may find the frequency response by setting s=jω in the transfer function. This mean we have to deal with complex numbers! The Gain function is defined as: Length (“Gain”) Length Angle The Phase function is defined as: Angle (“Phase”) Complex Numbers Rectangular form of a complex number Length (“Gain”): Angle (“Phase”): Exponential/polar form of a complex number Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) We find the Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) by setting s=jω in the transfer function cont. next page -> <- cont. from previous page ο¨ Disse funksjonene kan vi enkelt implementere i MathScript eller andre programmeringsspråk Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) - Example Given the following transfer function: Students: Find the Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) (Pen & Paper) Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) - Solutions We find the Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) by setting s=jω in the transfer function [dB] Gain: Phase: [rad] Students: Implement these equations in MathScript and find the Frequency Response for different frequencies, i.e find values for A(ω) and Ο(ω) for different frequencies (e.g, w=0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 5 ,10, 100). Plot the Frequency Response as well based on the calculated values for A(ω) and Ο(ω). MathScript functions needed: • atan • log10 • sqrt • pi • subplot • semilogx MathScript Solutions Method 1: We find A(ω) and Ο(ω) for w=0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 5 ,10, 100, etc. w=1; gain = 20*log10(1) - 20*log10(sqrt(w^2+1)) phase = -atan(w) * 180/pi Method 2 (recommended): We find A(ω) and Ο(ω) for w=0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 5 ,10, 100, etc. using a For Loop We find the values for A and Ο for different frequencies and write them manually into a table w = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100]; N = length(w); for i=1:N gain(i) = 20*log10(1) - 20*log10(sqrt(w(i)^2+1)); phase(i) = -atan(w(i)) * 180/pi; %Gain Plot end subplot(2,1,1) semilogx(w, gain), grid %Phase Plot Plotting: subplot(2,1,2) semilogx(w, phasedeg), grid MathScript Solutions The bode function is used directly on the transfer function H(s) The mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) are used together with the subplot and semilogx functions Conclusion: We get the same results (of course). If we had plotted more frequencies, the results would be even closer. More Examples… Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) We find the Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) by setting s=jω in the transfer function cont. next page -> Complex Numbers Given 2 Complex Numbers: and Multiplikasjon: Divisjon: <- cont. from previous page Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) - Example Students: Find the Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) for the different transfer functions below using pen and paper Mathematical expressions for A(ω) and Ο(ω) - Examples Solutions: Students: Implment them in MathScript and plot the Bode diagram. Compare with the built-in bode function. Hans-Petter Halvorsen, M.Sc. Telemark University College Faculty of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics E-mail: Blog: 38