Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 39 (1996) 449-468 The Cauchy Problem for Degenerate Parabolic Equations and Newton Polygon By Masahiro MIKAMI (Ehime University, Japan) 1. Introduction We are concerned with the homogeneous Cauchy problem for -evolution equations: $¥mathrm{p}$ (1) $L(t, x, ¥partial_{t}, ¥partial_{X})u(t, ¥mathrm{x})¥equiv(¥partial_{t}^{m}-¥sum_{j=1}^{m}¥sum_{|a|¥leq pj}a_{ja}(t,x)¥partial_{X}^{a}¥partial_{t}^{m-j})u(t, x)=0$ (2) $¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥mathrm{u}(0,¥mathrm{x})=¥varphi_{j}(x)$ , $1¥leq j¥leq m$ , , where $¥in[0, T]$ , $T>0$ and $p>0$ . It is known that the Cauchy problem is wellposed if the equation (1) is -parabolic (see I. G. Petrowsky [1] and S. Mizohata [2] . There are also several papers on the Cauchy problem for , M. degenerate parabolic equations published in the 1970’s (cf. O. A. Miyake [4] and K. Igari [5] . The equations studied there are, however, of first order in . Recently K. Kitagawa [6], [7] investigated necessary conditions for the Cauchy problem $(1)-(2)$ to be well-posed. Put $H^{¥infty}-$ $t$ $¥mathrm{p}$ $)$ $¥mathrm{O}¥mathrm{l}¥mathrm{e}¥dot{¥mathrm{i}}¥mathrm{n}¥mathrm{i}¥mathrm{k}$ $[3]$ $)$ $¥partial_{t}$ (3) $a_{ja}(t, ¥mathrm{x})¥equiv t^{¥sigma(ja)}b_{ja}(t,x)$ plot the points $(1+¥frac{¥sigma(ja)}{j},¥frac{|a|}{j})$ on the with $P_{0}¥equiv(0,0)$ and equation corresponding to each vertex each side $P_{i}P_{i+1}(1¥leq i¥leq N-1)$ : $P_{0}P_{1}¥cdots P_{N+1}$ , -plane and draw the Newton polygon $¥mathrm{X}¥mathrm{Y}$ $ P_{N+1}¥equiv$ $(¥infty,p)$ . He defines a characteristic and one corresponding to $P_{i}(1¥leq i¥leq N)$ , (4) $p_{i}^{o}(x, ¥lambda, ¥xi)¥equiv¥lambda^{m}-¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma_{i}^{¥circ}}b_{ja}(0, x)(i¥xi)^{a}¥lambda^{m-j}=0$ (5) $p_{i}(t,x, ¥lambda, ¥xi)¥equiv¥lambda^{m}-¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma_{i}}t^{¥sigma(ja)-q_{i}j}b_{ja}(0,¥mathrm{x})(i¥xi)^{a}¥lambda^{m-j}=0$ , Masahiro MIKAMI 450 where $P_{i}¥equiv(1+q_{i},r_{i})$ , $¥Gamma_{i}^{o}¥equiv¥{(ja);(1+¥frac{¥sigma(ja)}{j},¥frac{|a|}{j})¥equiv P_{i}¥}$ and $¥Gamma_{i}¥equiv¥{(ja);(1+¥frac{¥sigma(ja)}{j},¥frac{|a|}{j})¥in P_{i}P_{i+1}¥}$ . Note that $p_{i}(0, x, ¥lambda, ¥xi)=p_{i}^{o}(x, ¥lambda, ¥xi)(1¥leq i¥leq N-1)$ . Regarding them as equaand by $¥lambda_{ik}(t,x, ¥xi)(1¥leq k¥leq m)$ tions of , denote their roots by respectively. $¥lambda_{ik}^{o}(x, ¥xi)$ $¥lambda$ Theorem 1 (K. Kitagawa [6, Theorem 1], [7, Theorem 1]). wellposed, it is necessary that Cauchy problem to be For the $H^{¥infty}-$ (6) (7) $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{ik}^{o}(x, ¥xi)¥leq 0$ $Re¥lambda_{ik}(t, x, ¥xi)¥leq 0$ , , $(x, ¥xi)¥in R^{n}¥times R^{n}$ , $1¥leq i¥leq N$ $(t, x, ¥xi)¥in(0, ¥infty)¥times R^{n}¥times R^{n}$ , , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ , , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ . But, in his papers, nothing is mentioned about sufficient conditions. Note first that the conditions (6) and (7) are not sufficient. In fact, consider the equation: , (8) $(¥partial_{t}-a¥partial_{X}^{2}-bt^{3}¥partial_{X}^{3}-ct^{5}¥partial_{¥mathrm{x}}^{4})u(t,x)=0$ $b¥neq 0$ . In this example, (6) and where , and are complex constants with $c ¥ leq 0$ $a ¥ geq 0$ . But, by applying the theorem and (7) are equivalent to that of Petrowsky, which will be cited in §3, we see easily that the Cauchy problem $a>0$ -wellposed if and only if for this equation with datum at $t=0$ is $c<0$ . and In this paper, we prove $a$ $b$ $¥mathrm{I}¥mathrm{m}$ $c$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $¥mathrm{H}$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ Theorem 2. Suppose the following A.1-A.4: depend only on and A.I the coefficients $t¥in[0, T_{0}]$ , $T_{0}>0$ . $a_{ja}$ $b_{ja}$ $t$ and are continuous in Degenerate Parabolic Equations A.2 A.3 are non-negative rational numbers. $¥sigma(ja)$ there exist (9) 451 $¥delta_{i}>0$ such that $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{ik}^{o}(¥xi)¥leq-¥delta_{i}|¥xi|^{r_{i}}$ , $¥xi¥in R^{n}$ , $1¥leq i¥leq N$ , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ . A.4 (10) $Re¥lambda_{ik}(t, ¥xi)¥leq 0$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in(0, ¥infty)¥times R^{n}$ , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ . Then there exists $T>0$ such that the Cauchy problem $(1)-(2)$ is wellposed, $u(t,x) ¥ in C_{t}^{m}([0, T]$ ; that is, for any , there exists a unique solution . Moreover $u(t, x)¥in C_{t}^{m}((0, T];H_{1/p}^{¥infty}(R^{n}))$, where stands for the Gevrey class of exponent $1/p$ . $H^{¥infty}-$ $¥varphi_{j}(x)¥in H^{¥infty}(R^{n})$ $H^{¥infty}(R^{n}))$ $H_{1/p}^{¥infty}(R^{n})$ The outline of the proof is as follows. respect to , we get $(¥subset H^{¥infty}(R^{n}))$ By the Fourier transform with $x$ (11) u(t, ) $(¥partial_{t}^{m}-¥sum_{j=1}^{m}¥sum_{|a|¥leq pj}a_{ja}(t)(i¥xi)^{a}¥partial_{t}^{m-j})$ $¥xi$ $=0$ . The following proposition will be proved in §3. Proposition 3. Suppose the conditions A.I-A.4. constants , , and such that any solution u $T$ (12) $C$ $¥gamma$ $(t, ¥xi)$ $¥rho$ Then there exist positive of (11) satisfies $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{¥gamma}¥exp¥{-¥rho t^{1+q_{N}}¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{p}¥}¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ $(t, ¥xi)¥in[0, T]¥times R^{n}$ , . Theorem 2 immediately follows from this inequality. To get the inequality (12), we need to obtain a series of energy estimates corresponding to the vertexes and the sides of the Newton polygon. One of the most crucial points is to prove the uniform boundedness of the definite integral (13) $¥int_{a}^{b}|¥frac{d}{dt}¥lambda_{ik}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})|d¥theta$ , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ with respect to (Lemma 5). We essentially use the fact that the coefficients of the characteristic equations (5) are polynomials in with some $¥xi_{0}¥in S^{n-1}$ $t^{1/v}$ $v¥in N$ . This paper is constituted as follows: In §2, two algebraic lemmas are prepared, whose proofs are given in §5. In §3, Proposition 3 is proved. In §4, we consider the uniform $H^{¥infty}-$ 452 Masahiro MIKAMI wellposedness of the Cauchy problem and give sufficient conditions. We should remark that the conditions A.1-A.4 are not sufficient for the uniform -wellposedness. Notation. We use the following notation in this paper: $X¥equiv(x_{1}, ¥ldots,x_{n})¥in R^{n}$ $¥sqrt{1+|¥xi|^{2}}$ , $¥partial_{t}¥equiv¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial t}$ $|a|¥equiv a_{1}+¥cdots+a_{n}$ , , , $¥xi¥equiv(¥xi_{1^{ }},¥ldots, ¥xi_{n})¥in R^{n}$ $¥partial_{x_{j}}¥equiv¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial x_{j}}$ $¥partial_{x}^{a}¥equiv¥partial_{x_{1}^{1}}^{a}¥ldots¥partial_{x_{n}^{n}}^{a}$ , , $|¥xi|¥equiv¥sqrt{¥xi_{1}^{2}++¥xi_{n}^{2}}¥cdots$ $a¥equiv(a_{1}, a_{2^{ }},¥cdots, a_{n})¥in N^{n}$ , $ S^{n-1}¥equiv$ , $¥{¥xi¥in R^{n}; |¥xi|=1¥}$ $m$ , , , $H_{1/p}^{¥infty}(R^{n})¥equiv¥bigcup_{¥rho>0}¥{f(x)¥in H^{¥infty}(R^{n}); ¥exp(¥rho¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{p})¥hat{f}(¥xi)¥in L^{2}(R^{n})¥}$ denotes the set of with value in $X$ . $¥langle¥xi¥rangle¥equiv$ $N¥equiv¥{0,1,2, ¥ldots, ¥}$ $H^{¥infty}(R^{n})¥equiv¥bigcap_{s¥geq 0}¥{f(¥mathrm{x})¥in L^{2}(R^{n});¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{s}¥hat{f}(¥xi)¥in L^{2}(R^{n})¥}$ $C_{t}^{m}(I;X)$ , , times continuously differentiable functions of $t¥in I$ 2. Two algebraic lemmas The following two lemmas are essential in our proof. proved in §5. Lemma 4. Let $A$ be an $m¥times m$ matrix of They will be form: the following $A=¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}a_{11} & 1 & & O¥¥a_{21} & & & ¥¥¥vdots & O & & 1¥¥a_{m1} & a_{m2} & ¥cdots & a_{mm}¥end{array}¥right)$ and $¥lambda_{k}(1¥leq k¥leq m)$ $(n_{ij})_{1¥leq i,j¥leq m}$ (i) (ii) (iii) its eigenvalues. Then there exists a regular matrix $N=$ such that $¥det N=1$ . $n_{ij}$ are polynomials in $(a_{ij},¥lambda_{k})$ $D¥equiv N^{-1}AN=¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}¥lambda_{1} & & & a_{ij}^{*}¥¥ & ¥lambda_{2} & & ¥¥O & & .. Lemma 5. Let $P(¥lambda, t)$ & ¥lambda_{m}¥end{array}¥right)$ , where be a polynomial in $P(¥lambda, t)¥equiv¥lambda^{m}+¥sum_{j=1}^{m}a_{j}(t)¥lambda^{m-j}$ and denote continuous roots . of , are polynomials in $a_{ij}^{*}$ $(¥lambda, t)$ by . , that is, $a_{j}(t)¥equiv¥sum_{k=1}^{n}a_{jk}t^{k}$ $P(¥lambda, t)=0$ $(a_{ij}, ¥lambda_{k})$ and $¥lambda_{k}(t)(1¥leq k¥leq m)$ . $a_{jk}¥in C$ Let $M>0$ and Degenerate Parabolic Equations suppose $|a_{jk}|¥leq M$ for all $j_{f}k$ . Then for any 453 $-¥infty<a<b<¥infty$ , there exists $a$ positive constant $C=C(m, n, a, b,M)$ such that (14) $¥int_{a}^{b}|¥frac{d}{dt}¥lambda_{k}(t)|dt¥leq C(m, n, a, b, M)$ , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ . 3. Energy estimate In order to prove Proposition 3, we prepare two propositions. The following proposition enables us to get energy estimates corresponding to the vertexes of the Newton polygon. Let and $¥sigma_{i}^{-}(1¥leq i¥leq N)$ stand for the slopes of the sides and those of the sides respectively. $¥sigma_{i}^{+}$ $P_{i}P_{i+1}$ $P_{i}¥_{}_{1} P_{i}$ Proposition 6. Assume (9), then there exist positive constants such that estimates of the following form hold for any solution u(t, ) every satisfying , there exist positive of (11): for fixed constants ¥ constants such that $¥beta_{i}>0$ $(1¥leq i¥leq N)$ $¥xi$ $0<¥Theta_{i}¥leq¥beta_{i}$ $¥Theta_{i}$ $C^{o}=C^{o}( Theta_{i})$ (14) $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C^{o}(¥Theta_{i})|¥xi|^{¥mu_{i}^{o}}¥exp[-3K_{i}|¥xi|^{s_{i}}$ $¥times¥{(t|¥xi|^{¥sigma_{i}^{+}})^{1+q_{i}}-(¥Theta_{i}^{-1}|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma_{¥mathrm{i}}^{-}-¥sigma_{i}^{+})})^{1+q_{i}}¥}]$ $¥times¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(¥Theta_{i}^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{-}}, ¥xi)|$ , , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[¥Theta_{i}^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{-}}, ¥Theta_{i}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{¥mathrm{i}}^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma_{i}^{-}-¥sigma_{i}^{+})/2}2^{1/2(1+q_{i})}¥leq¥Theta_{i}¥}$ there $¥mu_{i}^{o}¥equiv(m-1)(r_{i}-¥sigma_{i}^{-}q_{i})_{¥mathit{3}}$ $1¥leq i¥leq N$ $K_{i}¥equiv¥frac{¥delta_{i}}{4(1+q_{i})}$ and $s_{i}¥equiv r_{i}-¥sigma_{i}^{+}(1+q_{i})$ . $Proo/$. To avoid confusion, omit a suffix . $i$ , $¥hat{u}_{j}^{0}(t, ¥xi)¥equiv t^{(m-j)q}|¥xi|^{(m-j)r}¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)$ $¥hat{U}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥equiv¥prime t(¥hat{u}_{1}^{o_{ }},¥ldots,¥hat{u}_{m}^{O})$ , $¥xi=¥xi_{0}|¥xi|$ Put $1¥leq j¥leq m$ $(¥xi_{0}¥in S^{n-1})$ , , then $¥partial_{t}¥hat{u}_{j}^{o}=t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}¥hat{u}_{j+1}^{o}+¥frac{(m-j)q}{t}¥hat{u}_{j}^{o}$ , $1¥leq j¥leq m-1$ , $¥partial_{t}¥hat{u}_{m}^{o}=¥sum_{j=1}^{m}[¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma^{o}}b_{ja}(0)(i¥xi_{0})^{a}+¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma^{o}}¥{b_{ja}(t)-b_{ja}(0)¥}(i¥xi_{0})^{a}$ $+¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o}}t^{¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{|}}b_{ja}(t)(i¥xi_{0})^{a}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj]¥hat{u}_{m-j+1}^{o}t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}}$ . , 454 Masahiro MIKAMI Set $¥partial_{t}¥hat{U}^{o}¥equiv[$ ( $.¥mathit{0}¥mathit{1}.$ $a_{1}^{o}O1)+¥left(¥begin{array}{lll} & O & ¥¥b_{m}^{o} & ¥cdots & b_{1}^{o}¥end{array}¥right)$ $0mo$ $..¥cdot..$ . . $+¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}d_{1}^{o} & & & O¥¥ & ¥ddots & & ¥¥O & & d_{m-1}^{o} & ¥¥c_{m}^{o} & ¥cdots & ¥cdots & c_{1}^{o}¥end{array}¥right)]t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}¥hat{U}^{o}$ $¥equiv[A^{o}(¥xi_{0})+B^{o}(t, ¥xi_{0})+C^{o}(t, ¥xi)]t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}¥hat{U}^{o}$ , where $a_{j}^{o}=a_{j}^{o}(¥xi_{0})¥equiv¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma^{o}}b_{ja}(0)(i¥xi_{0})^{a}$ , $b_{j}^{o}=b_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi_{0})¥equiv¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma^{o}}¥{b_{ja}(t)-b_{ja}(0)¥}(i¥xi_{0})^{a}$ , $c_{j}^{o}=c_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥equiv¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o}}t^{¥sigma(ja)-qi}b_{ja}(t)(i¥xi_{0})^{a}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj}$ $d_{j}^{o}=d_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥equiv(m-j)qt^{-(1+q)}|¥xi|^{-r}$ Note that for the roots $1¥leq j¥leq m$ . of the characteristic equation and they are eigenvalues of the matrix . $¥lambda_{k}^{o}(¥xi)(1¥leq k¥leq m)$ , By the assumption A.3, $p^{o}(¥lambda, ¥xi)=0$ , , $|¥xi|^{-r}¥lambda_{k}^{o}(¥xi)=¥lambda_{k}^{o}(¥xi_{0})$ $A^{o}(¥xi_{0})$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{k}^{o}(¥xi_{0})¥leq-¥delta$ , By Lemma 4, there exists a regular matrix the following conditions: . (i) $¥det N^{o}¥equiv 1$ , . are polynomials in (ii) $¥xi_{0}¥in S^{n-1}$ . $N^{o}(¥xi_{0})¥equiv(n_{jk}^{o}(¥xi_{0}))_{1¥leq j,k¥leq m}$ satisfying $¥xi_{0}¥in S^{n-1}$ $(a_{j}^{o}, ¥lambda_{k}^{o})$ $n_{jk}^{0}$ (iii) , where $D^{o}¥equiv N^{o-1}A^{o}N^{o}=¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}¥lambda_{1}^{o} & ¥lambda_{2}^{o} & & a_{jk}^{*}¥¥ & & ¥ddots & ¥¥O & & & ¥lambda_{m}^{o}¥end{array}¥right)$ in Put $(a_{j}^{o},¥lambda_{k}^{o})$ . $a_{jk}^{*}$ are polynomials Degenerate Parabolic Equations 455 $I_{¥epsilon}¥equiv¥left(¥begin{array}{ll}1¥ddots & O¥¥O & ¥epsilon^{m-1}¥end{array}¥right)$ and $N_{¥epsilon}^{o}¥equiv N^{o}I_{¥epsilon}$ , then $D_{¥epsilon}^{o}¥equiv N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}A^{o}N_{¥epsilon}^{o}=¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}¥lambda_{1}^{o} & & & ¥epsilon^{k-j}a_{jk}^{*}¥¥ & ¥lambda_{2}^{o} & & ¥¥ & & .. We shall determine the size of later. , then Put $¥epsilon$ & ¥¥O & & & ¥lambda_{m}^{o}¥end{array}¥right)$ . and $W_{¥epsilon}^{o}¥equiv N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}¥hat{U}^{o}¥equiv^{t}(w_{1^{ }}^{o},¥ldots, w_{m}^{o})$ $S_{¥epsilon}^{o}¥equiv|W_{¥epsilon}^{o}|^{2}¥equiv¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|w_{j}^{o}|^{2}$ $¥partial_{t}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}=(D_{¥epsilon}^{o}+N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}B^{o}N_{¥epsilon}^{o}+N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}C^{o}N_{¥epsilon}^{o})t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}$ . Since $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $(D_{¥epsilon}^{o}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}, W_{¥epsilon}^{o})=¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $¥{¥sum_{j=1}^{m}(¥lambda_{j}^{o}w_{j}^{o}+¥sum_{k=j+1}^{m}¥epsilon^{k-j}a_{jk}^{*}w_{k}^{o},$ $w_{j}^{o})¥}$ $¥leq¥sum_{j=1}^{m}(¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{j}^{o})|w_{j}^{o}|^{2}+¥sum_{j=1}^{m}¥sum_{k=j+1}^{m}¥epsilon^{k-j}|a_{jk}^{*}||w_{k}^{o}||w_{j}^{o}|$ $¥leq$ where $(1 -¥delta+ const.¥epsilon)S_{¥epsilon}^{o}$ , is a positive constant independent of , we have const, $¥epsilon$ $¥frac{d}{dt}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)=2¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥{(D_{¥epsilon}^{o}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}, W_{¥epsilon}^{o})+(N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}B^{o}N_{¥epsilon}^{o}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}, W_{¥epsilon}^{o})+(N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}C^{o}N_{¥epsilon}^{o}W_{¥epsilon}^{o}, W_{¥epsilon}^{o})¥}t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}$ $¥leq$ { $-2¥delta+$ Here estimate First, since $|B^{o}|$ , const, $¥epsilon+2(|B^{o}|+|C^{o}|)|N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}||N_{¥epsilon}^{o}|$ $|C^{o}|$ , $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o}|$ and in turn. $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}|$ $|b_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi_{0})|¥leq¥max_{0¥leq t¥leq¥Theta}|b_{ja}(t)-b_{ja}(0)|¥sum_{(ja)}1$ for any $¥epsilon>0$ $|b_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi_{0})|¥leq¥frac{¥epsilon^{m}}{¥sqrt{m}}$ that is, , $t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)$ Assume and , there exists a positive constant } $ t¥in$ . $[¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}, ¥Theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}}]$ $b_{ja}(t)¥in C^{0}([0, T_{0}];C)$ $¥beta_{1}=¥beta_{1}(¥epsilon)$ $0<¥Theta¥leq¥beta_{1}$ , such that , . 456 Masahiro MIKAMI $0¥leq¥Theta¥leq¥beta_{1}$ . Second, since $|c_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq¥max_{0¥leq t¥leq¥Theta}|b_{ja}(t)|¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{¥circ}}t^{¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{f}}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj}$ and $|a|-rj$ $-¥sigma^{¥pm}(¥sigma(ja)-qj)¥leq 0$ , $(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o}$ , we decompose and estimate the summation as follows: const. $|c_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq$ $¥{¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o},¥sigma(ja)>qj}¥Theta^{¥sigma(ja)-qj}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj-¥sigma^{+}(¥sigma(ja)-qj)}+¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o},¥sigma(j¥alpha)=q¥dot{|}}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj}$ $+¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o},¥sigma(ja)<q¥dot{f}}¥Theta^{-(¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{|})}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj-¥sigma^{-}(¥sigma(ja)-qj)¥}}$ $¥leq$ const. Then for any . $¥{¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o},¥sigma(ja)¥neq qj}¥Theta^{|¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{¥mathfrak{s}}|}+(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma^{o},¥sigma(ja)=q¥sum_{¥dot{f}}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj}¥}$ $¥epsilon>0$ , there exists a positive constant $|c_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq¥frac{¥epsilon^{m}}{¥sqrt{2m-1}}$ , $¥beta_{2}=¥beta_{2}(¥epsilon)$ such that $|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})/2}2^{1/2(1+q)}¥leq¥Theta¥leq¥beta_{2}$ . Next, since $|d_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq(m-1)q¥Theta^{1+q}|¥xi|^{¥sigma^{-}(1+q)-r}¥leq(m-1)q¥Theta^{1+q}$ for any $¥epsilon>0$ , there exists a positive constant $|d_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq¥frac{¥epsilon^{m}}{¥sqrt{2m-1}}$ , such that $¥beta_{3}=¥beta_{3}(¥epsilon)$ $0<¥Theta¥leq¥beta_{3}$ . The estimates above imply that $|C^{o}(t, ¥xi)|=¥sqrt{¥sum_{j_{-}^{-}1}^{m}¥{|c_{j}^{o}(t,¥xi)|^{2}+|d_{j}^{o}(t,¥xi)|^{2}¥}}¥leq¥epsilon^{m}$ $|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})/2}2^{1/2(1+q)}¥leq¥Theta¥leq¥min(¥beta_{2},¥beta_{3})$ Next, since $n_{jk}^{o}(¥xi_{0})$ are bounded, $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o}(¥xi_{0})|¥leq|N^{o}(¥xi_{0})||I_{¥epsilon}|¥leq$ const. , . , 457 Degenerate Parabolic Equations Moreover, since cofactors of the matrix $¥tilde{n}_{jk}^{o}(¥xi_{0})$ $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}(¥xi_{0})|¥leq|I_{¥epsilon}^{-1}||N^{o-1}$ Put $¥leq¥beta$ $N^{o}(¥xi_{0})$ $(¥xi_{0})|¥leq$ are bounded, $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}$ Then, for any positive constant , the following inequalities hold: $¥beta¥equiv¥min$ $(¥beta_{1}, ¥beta_{2}, ¥beta_{3})$ . $|B^{o}|¥leq¥epsilon^{m}$ $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}|¥leq$ , $|C^{o}|¥leq¥epsilon^{m}$ $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}$ , , $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o}|¥leq$ . $¥Theta$ satisfying $ 0<¥Theta$ and const. $|¥xi|¥geq(¥Theta 2^{-1/2(1+q)})^{-2/(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})}$ . Then $¥frac{d}{dt}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥leq$ $(-2¥delta+ const.¥epsilon)t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)$ Since const. is independent of , we can choose the size of $¥epsilon$ $¥epsilon$ satisfying , $¥frac{d}{dt}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥leq-¥frac{3¥delta}{2}t^{q}|¥xi|^{r}S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)$ so we obtain $S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥leq¥exp[¥int_{¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}}^{t}(-¥frac{3¥delta}{2}x^{q}|¥xi|^{r})dx]S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}, ¥xi)$ . Then , $S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(t, ¥xi)¥leq¥exp[-6K|¥xi|^{s}¥{(t|¥xi|^{¥sigma^{+}})^{1+q}-(¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})})^{1+q}¥}]S_{¥epsilon}^{o}(¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}, ¥xi)$ . $(t, ¥xi)¥in[¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}, ¥Theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq(¥Theta 2^{-1/2(1+q)})^{-2/(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})}¥}$ Using the inequalities and replacing by $S_{¥epsilon}^{o1/2}=|W_{¥epsilon}^{o}|¥leq|N_{¥epsilon}^{o-1}||¥hat{U}^{o}|$ $|N_{¥epsilon}^{o}|S_{¥epsilon}^{o1/2}$ Remark. u, and $|¥hat{U}^{o}|¥leq|N_{¥epsilon}^{o}||W_{¥epsilon}^{o}|=$ we obtain (15). In (15), consider in the case , we are $t=¥Theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}}$ Noting the inequality $|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})/2}2^{1/2(1+q)}¥leq¥Theta$ $-3K|¥xi|^{s}¥{¥Theta^{1+q}-(¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})})^{1+q}¥}¥leq-¥frac{3K}{2}¥Theta^{1+q}|¥xi|^{s}$ , thus we obtain $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(¥Theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}}, ¥xi)|¥leq C^{o}(¥Theta)|¥xi|^{¥mu^{o}}¥exp(-¥frac{3K}{2}¥Theta^{1+q}|¥xi|^{s})¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(¥Theta^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{-}}, ¥xi)|$ $|¥xi|¥geq(¥Theta 2^{-1/2(1+q)})^{-2/(¥sigma^{-}-¥sigma^{+})}$ , . The following proposition enables us to get energy estimates corresponding to the sides of the Newton polygon. 458 Masahiro MIKAMI $(1 ¥leq i¥leq N-1)$ Proposition 7. Assume (10), then for the constants given by Proposition 6, there exist positive constants $C=C(¥Theta_{i})$ and $R=R(¥Theta_{i})$ such that for any solution of (11), $¥Theta_{i}$ u (16) $(¥mathrm{t}, ¥xi)$ $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C(¥Theta_{i})|¥xi|^{¥mu_{i}}¥exp(¥frac{K_{i}}{2}¥Theta_{i}^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{s_{i}})¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(¥Theta_{i}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}, ¥xi)|$ $(t, ¥xi)¥in[¥Theta_{i}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}, ¥Theta_{i}^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq R(¥Theta_{i})¥}$ there $¥mu_{i}¥equiv(m-1)(r_{i}-¥sigma_{i}^{+}q_{i})$ , We omit a suffix Proposition 6, put , , then set Proof. $¥theta¥equiv t|¥xi|^{¥sigma^{+}}$ , , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ . $i$ $¥theta¥in$ also here. For $¥hat{u}_{j}^{o}(t, ¥xi)(1¥leq j¥leq m)$ $[¥Theta, ¥Theta^{-1}],¥hat{u}_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥equiv¥hat{u}_{j}^{o}(¥theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}}, ¥xi)$ and given by $(¥theta, ¥xi)¥equiv$ $t(¥hat{u}_{1},¥hat{u}_{2}, ¥ldots,¥hat{u}_{m})$ $¥partial_{¥theta}¥hat{u}_{j}=¥{¥hat{u}_{j+1}+(m-j)q¥theta^{-(1+q)}|¥xi|^{-s}¥hat{u}_{j}¥}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}$ $¥equiv¥{¥hat{u}_{j+1}+d_{j}(t, ¥xi)¥hat{u}_{j}¥}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}$ , $1¥leq j¥leq m-1$ , $¥partial_{¥theta}¥hat{u}_{m}=¥sum_{j=1}^{m}[¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma}¥theta^{¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{|}}b_{ja}(0)(i¥xi_{0})^{a}+¥sum_{(ja)¥in¥Gamma}¥theta^{¥sigma(ja)-q}¥dot{|}¥{b_{ja}(¥theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}})-b_{ja}(0)¥}(i¥xi_{0})^{a}$ $+¥sum_{(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma}¥theta^{¥sigma(ja)-q¥dot{|}}b_{ja}(¥theta|¥xi|^{-¥sigma^{+}})(i¥xi_{0})^{a}|¥xi|^{|a|-rj-¥sigma^{+}(¥sigma(ja)-qj)}]¥hat{u}_{m-j+1}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}$ $¥equiv¥sum_{j=1}^{m}¥{a_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})+b_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi)+c_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥}¥hat{u}_{m-j+1}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}$ . Set $¥partial_{¥theta}¥hat{U}=[¥left(¥begin{array}{lll}0 & 1 & O¥¥ & O & 1¥¥a_{m} & ¥cdots & a_{1}¥end{array}¥right)$ $+¥left(¥begin{array}{llll}d_{1} & & & O¥¥ & .. $+$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{lll} & O & ¥¥b_{m} & ¥cdots & b_{1}¥end{array}¥right)$ & & ¥¥O & & d_{m-1} & ¥¥c_{m} & ¥cdots & ¥cdots & c_{1}¥end{array}¥right)]¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}¥hat{U}$ $¥equiv[A(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})+B(¥theta, ¥xi)+C(¥theta, ¥xi)]¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}¥hat{U}$ Now, note that of the matrix and they are eigenvalues of the characteristic equation $|¥xi|^{-r}¥lambda_{k}(t, ¥xi)=¥lambda_{k}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})(1¥leq k¥leq m)$ $A(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})$ for the roots $¥lambda_{k}(t, ¥xi)$ . 459 Degenerate Parabolic Equations $p(t, ¥lambda, ¥xi)=0$ . By the assumption A.4, , $(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥in[¥Theta, ¥Theta^{-1}]¥times S^{n-1}$ $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{k}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥leq 0$ By virtue of Lemma 4, there exists a regular matrix satisfying the following conditions: (i) (ii) , are polynomials in $¥det N¥equiv 1$ $n_{jk}$ (iii) $[¥Theta, ¥Theta^{-1}]¥times S^{n-1}$ $(a_{j}, ¥lambda_{k})$ . , mine the size of $t(w_{1}, w_{2}, ¥ldots, w_{m})$ , where $a_{jk}^{*}$ are polynomials in . same the $N(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥equiv(n_{jk}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0}))_{1¥leq j,k¥leq m}$ . $D¥equiv N^{-1}AN=¥left(¥begin{array}{lll}¥lambda_{1} & & a_{jk}^{*}¥¥ & ¥lambda_{2} & ¥¥O & & ¥lambda_{m}¥end{array}¥right)$ $(a_{j}, ¥lambda_{k})$ In $(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥in$ . way as $S_{¥epsilon}¥equiv|W_{¥epsilon}|^{2}¥equiv¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|w_{j}|^{2}$ $¥epsilon$ later. 6, Proposition and put $N_{¥epsilon}¥equiv NI_{¥epsilon}$ $D_{¥epsilon}¥equiv N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}AN_{¥epsilon}$ , ≡ $W_{¥epsilon}¥equiv N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}$ We shall deter- . Then $¥partial_{¥theta}W_{¥epsilon}=¥{(D_{¥epsilon}+N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}BN_{¥epsilon}+N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}CN_{¥epsilon})¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}+(¥frac{d}{d¥theta}N_{¥epsilon}^{-1})N_{¥epsilon}¥}W_{¥epsilon}$ , $¥frac{d}{d¥theta}S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)=2¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}$ $[¥{(D_{¥epsilon}W_{¥epsilon}, W_{¥epsilon})+(N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}BN_{¥epsilon}W_{¥epsilon}, W_{¥epsilon})+(N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}CN_{¥epsilon}W_{¥epsilon}, W_{¥epsilon})¥}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}$ $+((¥frac{d}{d¥theta}N_{¥epsilon}^{-1})N_{¥epsilon}W_{¥epsilon}$ , $W_{¥epsilon}$ ) $]$ $¥leq[¥{const.¥epsilon+2(|B|+|C|)|N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}||N_{¥epsilon}|¥}¥theta^{q}|¥xi|^{s}+2|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}||N_{¥epsilon}|]S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)$ . Here and hereafter const, denotes a positive constant depending on . In the , there exists a positive constant same way as Proposition 6, for any $R=R(¥Theta, ¥epsilon)$ such that the following inequalities hold: $¥Theta$ $¥epsilon>0$ $|B|¥leq¥epsilon^{m}$ , $|C|¥leq¥epsilon^{m}$ , $|N_{¥epsilon}|¥leq$ const, and $|N_{¥epsilon}^{-1}|¥leq$ $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}$ , $|¥xi|¥geq R(¥Theta,¥epsilon)$ Here note that we can obtain the estimates above for any constant and $|a|-rj$ $-¥sigma^{+}(¥sigma(ja)-qj)<0$ Proposition 6 because ¥ $ sigma^{+}>0$ $(ja)¥not¥in¥Gamma$ . $(¥neq 0)$ $¥Theta$ given by when $(¥neq 0)$ Since $|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}N_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})^{-1}|¥leq¥epsilon^{1-m}|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}N(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})^{-1}|¥leq$ $¥frac{d}{d¥theta}S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥leq¥{const.¥epsilon|¥xi|^{s}+$ . , $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}(1+¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}¥lambda_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})|)$ , $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}(1+¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}¥lambda_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})|)¥}S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)$ 460 Masahiro MIKAMI then $S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥leq¥exp[¥int_{¥Theta}^{¥Theta^{-1}}¥{const.¥epsilon|¥xi|^{s}+$ $const.¥epsilon^{1-m}(1¥dotplus¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥frac{d}{d¥theta}¥lambda_{j}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})|)¥}d¥theta]S_{¥epsilon}(¥Theta, ¥xi)$ . By Lemma 5, $S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥leq¥exp¥{const.(¥epsilon|¥xi|^{s}+¥epsilon^{1-m})¥}S_{¥epsilon}(¥Theta, ¥xi)$ Thus, for the constant , we can take a small constant energy estimate holds: $¥Theta$ $¥epsilon$ . such that the following $S_{¥epsilon}(¥theta, ¥xi)¥leq¥exp(K¥Theta^{1+q}|¥xi|^{s}+const.)S_{¥epsilon}(¥Theta, ¥xi)$ , $(¥theta, ¥xi)¥in[¥Theta, ¥Theta^{-1}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq R(¥Theta, ¥epsilon)¥}$ Replacing the estimate above by u, . we obtain (16). of Proposition 3. For the constants $¥beta_{i}(1¥leq i¥leq N)$ given by Proposition 6, put . Then we can choose a common constant $T$ for the energy estimates corresponding to the vertexes $P_{i}(1¥leq i¥leq N)$ and the sides $P_{i}P_{i+1}(1¥leq i¥leq N-1)$ of the Newton polygon. First, note that, by simple computation, there exists a positive constant such that for any solution of (11), $Proo/$ $T¥equiv¥min_{1¥leq i¥leq N}¥beta_{i}$ u (17) $C_{0}$ $(t, ¥xi)$ $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C_{0}¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[0, T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{0}^{+}}]¥times R^{n}$ . Combining Proposition 6, Proposition 7 and (17), we get the following estimates: there exist positive constants $C$, and $M$ such that for any solution of (11), u $¥gamma$ (18) $(¥mathrm{t}, ¥xi)$ $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C|¥xi|^{¥gamma}¥exp[-¥sum_{v=0}^{i-1}K_{v}T^{1+qv}|¥xi|^{s_{v}}-3K_{i}|¥xi|^{r_{i}}$ , $¥times¥{t^{1+q_{i}}-(T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{-}})^{1+q_{i}}¥}]¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{-}}, T|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq M¥}$ (19) , , $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C|¥xi|^{¥gamma}¥exp(-¥sum_{v=0}^{i}K_{v}T^{1+q_{v}}|¥xi|^{s_{v}})¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ $(t, ¥xi)¥in[T|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{¥mathrm{i}}^{+}}, T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq M¥}$ where $1¥leq i¥leq N$ $q_{0}=-1$ , $s_{0}=0$ and $K_{0}$ is some real constant. , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ , 461 Degenerate Parabolic Equations If $t¥in[T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{-}}, T|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{¥mathrm{i}}^{+}}](1¥leq i¥leq N)$ , then $t^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{r_{i}}=(t^{1+q_{N}}|¥xi|^{p})(t^{q_{¥mathrm{i}}-q_{N}}|¥xi|^{r_{i}-p})$ , $t^{q_{i}-q_{N}}|¥xi|^{r_{i}-p}¥geq(T|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}})^{q_{i}-q_{N}}|¥xi|^{r_{i}-p}¥geq T^{q_{i}-q_{N}}$ If $t¥in[T|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}, T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}](1¥leq i¥leq N-1)$ . , then $T^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{s_{i}}=(t^{1+q_{N}}|¥xi|^{p})(t^{-1-q_{N}}T^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{s_{i}-p})$ , $t^{-1-q_{N}}T^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{s_{i}-p}¥geq(T^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}})^{-1-q_{N}}T^{1+q_{i}}|¥xi|^{s_{i}-p}¥geq T^{2+q_{i}+q_{N}}$ . Hence, by the inequalities (17), (18) and (19), there exists a positive constant such that (20) $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C|¥xi|^{¥gamma}¥exp$ $¥{-¥rho t^{1+q_{N}}|¥xi|^{p}¥}¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ $(t, ¥xi)¥in[0, T]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq M¥}$ $¥rho$ , , that is, we get the inequality (12). Theorem 2 immediately follows from Proposition 3 and the following well-known theorem due to I. G. Petrowsky [1]. Petrowsky’s theorem A. Assume A.I. Then the Cauchy problem $(1)-(2)$ is wellposed if and only if there exist two positive constants $C$ and such that any solution of (11), $H^{¥infty}-$ for (21) $l$ u $(t, ¥xi)$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[0, T]¥times R^{n}$ $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{l}¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(0, ¥xi)|$ 4. Uniform $H^{¥infty}$ -wellposedness Consider the non-homogeneous Cauchy problem instead of (22) . $L(t, x, ¥partial_{t}, ¥partial_{x})u(t, x)=f(t, x)$ (23) $¥partial_{t}^{j-1}u(t_{0}, x)=¥varphi_{j}(x)$ , $(t, x)¥in[t_{0}, T]¥times R^{n}$ , $1¥leq j¥leq m$ $(1)-(2)$ : , . Following I. G. Petrowsky [1], we introduce -wellposedness). Definition 8 (uniform formly-wellposed, if for any $¥mathrm{H}^{¥infty}$ $¥varphi_{j}(x)¥in H^{¥infty}(R^{n})$ , $1¥leq j¥leq m$ there exists a unique solution , $t_{0}¥in[0,$ $T)$ , We say that (22)?(23) is uni$f(t,x)¥in C_{t}^{0}([0, T];H^{¥infty}(R^{n}))$ $u(t, x)¥in C_{t}^{m}([t_{0}, T];H^{¥infty}(R^{n}))$ of (22)?(23). , 462 Masahiro MIKAMI Concerning the uniform $¥mathrm{H}^{¥infty}$ -wellposedness, we know Petrowsky’s theorem B. Assume A.I. Then the Cauchy problem (22)?(23) wellposed if and only if there exist two positive constants $C$ and is uniformly such that for any solution of (11), $H^{¥infty}-$ u $l$ (24) $(t, ¥xi)$ $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C¥langle¥xi¥rangle^{l}¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t_{0}, ¥xi)|$ where $C$ and are independent of $l$ $t_{0}$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[t_{0}, T]¥times R^{n}$ , . The assumption A.1-A.4 are not sufficient for the uniform wellposedness. The following example is due to K. Kitagawa [8]. $H^{¥infty}-$ Consider the operator Example. . $L(t, ¥partial_{t}, ¥partial_{x})¥equiv¥partial_{t}-¥partial_{¥chi}^{¥mathit{6}}(t^{2}¥partial_{X}^{4}+2t¥partial_{X}^{2}+1)-t^{2}¥partial_{X}^{8}$ Drawing the Newton polygon, we see easily that the conditions (9) and (10) are -wellposed satisfied. Then, for the operator, the Cauchy problem $(1)-(2)$ is -wellposed. In fact, for sufficient small $T>0$ , however, is not uniformly following to K. Kitagawa [8], putting $t=1/¥xi(¥xi-1)$ and $t_{0}=1/¥xi(¥xi+1)$ $(¥xi>1)$ for the solution of the equation $¥mathrm{H}^{¥infty}$ $(¥partial_{t}+¥xi^{6}(t^{2}¥xi^{4}-2t¥xi^{2}+1)-t^{2}¥xi^{8})¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)=0$ with datum at u ( $¥frac{1}{¥xi(¥xi-1)}$ $t=t_{0}$ , , we have $¥xi)=¥exp[¥int_{1/¥xi(¥xi+1)}^{1/¥xi(¥xi-1)}¥{-¥xi^{6}(t¥xi^{2}-1)^{2}+t^{2}¥xi^{8}¥}dt]$ $=¥exp¥{¥frac{4¥xi^{5}}{3(¥xi^{2}-1)^{2}}¥}¥hat{u}$ ( $¥frac{1}{¥xi(¥xi+1)}$ , $¥xi$ u $(¥frac{1}{¥xi(¥xi+1)},$ $¥xi)$ ), implying that the Cauchy problem is not uniformly $¥mathrm{H}^{¥infty}$ -wellposed. 463 Degenerate Parabolic Equations Now, replace the assumption A.4 by the following one: A.4’ (25) $Re¥lambda_{ik}(t, ¥xi)¥leq-¥delta_{i}|¥xi|^{r_{i}}$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in(0, ¥infty)¥times R^{n}$ Then, it is easy to obtain the estimate (24). (26) $¥mathrm{R}¥mathrm{e}¥lambda_{ik}(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥leq-¥delta_{i}$ , , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ In fact, setting $(¥theta, ¥xi_{0})¥in(0, ¥infty)¥times S^{n-1}$ , , $1¥leq k¥leq m$ $¥theta=t|¥xi|^{¥sigma_{i}^{+}}$ $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ , . , we have $1¥leq k¥leq m$ and, in the same way as the proof of Proposition 6, we can get the following energy estimates instead of (16): $¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(t, ¥xi)|¥leq C(¥Theta_{i})|¥xi|^{¥mu_{i}}¥exp[-3K_{i}|¥xi|^{s_{i}}¥{(t|¥xi|^{¥sigma_{i}^{+}})^{1+q_{i}}-¥Theta_{i}^{1+q_{i}}¥}]$ $¥times¥sum_{j=1}^{m}|¥partial_{t}^{j-1}¥hat{u}(¥Theta_{i}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}, ¥xi)|$ , $(t, ¥xi)¥in[¥Theta_{i}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}, ¥Theta_{i}^{-1}|¥xi|^{-¥sigma_{i}^{+}}]¥times¥{¥xi¥in R^{n};|¥xi|¥geq R(¥Theta_{i})¥}$ , $1¥leq i¥leq N-1$ . Thus we obtain Theorem 9. Suppose A.1-A.3 and A.4;. Then there exists $T>0$ such wellposed. that the Cauchy problem (22)?(23) is uniformly $H^{¥infty}-$ 5. Proof of lemmas Proof of Lemma 4. and that is, $¥mathrm{x}¥equiv t(x_{1}, x_{2}, ¥ldots,x_{m})$ Put $ A_{m}¥equiv A¥equiv$ ( $¥mathrm{a}_{1},¥mathrm{a}_{2}$ , $¥ldots$ , a ). Let $m$ an eigenvector corresponding to it. be one of Then $¥lambda$ $¥lambda_{k}$ $A_{m}¥mathrm{x}=¥lambda ¥mathrm{x}$ , $¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}a_{11^{X}1}¥dagger X_{2}=¥lambda x_{1}¥¥a_{21}x_{1}+x_{3}=¥lambda x_{2}¥¥.¥cdot¥¥.¥cdot¥¥.¥cdot¥¥ a_{m-1,1^{X}1}+¥chi_{m}=¥lambda x_{m-1}¥¥a_{m1^{X}1}+a_{m2}¥mathrm{x}_{2}+a_{m3^{X}3}¥cdots+a_{mm^{X}m}=¥lambda x_{m}¥end{array}¥right.$ If we assume $t(1,x_{2}, ¥ldots, ¥mathrm{x}_{m})$ , then where $x_{1}=0$ , $t(0, ¥ldots, jl, ¥ldots,0)$ $¥mathrm{x}=0$ , thus we can choose an eigenvector $x_{j+1}=¥lambda x_{j}-a_{j1}$ and $(1 ¥leq j¥leq m-1)$ . Now $N_{m}¥equiv(¥mathrm{x},¥mathrm{x}+¥mathrm{e}_{2}, ¥ldots, ¥mathrm{x}+¥mathrm{e}_{m})¥equiv(¥mathrm{n}_{1}, ¥ldots,¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}})$ put , then $¥mathrm{x}=$ $¥mathrm{e}_{¥mathrm{j}}¥equiv$ 464 Masahiro MIKAMI $¥det N_{m}=¥det(¥mathrm{x}, ¥mathrm{e}_{2}, ¥ldots,¥mathrm{e}_{¥mathrm{m}})=1$ , $A_{m}N_{m}=(A_{m}x, A_{m}x+A_{m}e_{¥mathit{2}}, ¥ldots,A_{m}x+A_{m}e_{m})$ $=¥lambda(¥mathrm{X}_{ },¥ldots, ¥mathrm{X})+$ Each column vector follows: ( $¥mathrm{o},$ $¥mathrm{a}_{2}$ , $¥ldots$ , a ). $¥mathrm{m}$ is a linear combination of $¥mathrm{a}_{¥mathrm{i}}(2¥leq j¥leq m)$ $¥mathrm{n}_{1}$ , $¥ldots$ , $¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}}$ as $¥mathrm{a}_{2}=¥mathrm{e}_{1}+a_{m2}¥mathrm{e}_{¥mathrm{m}}$ $=(¥mathrm{n}_{1}-¥sum_{j=2}^{m}x_{j}¥mathrm{e}_{j})+a_{m2}(¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}}-¥mathrm{n}_{1})$ $=¥mathrm{n}_{1}-¥sum_{j=2}^{m}x_{j}(¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{j}}-¥mathrm{n}_{1})+a_{m2}(¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}}-¥mathrm{n}_{1})$ $=(¥sum_{j=1}^{m}x_{j}-a_{m2})¥mathrm{n}_{1}-¥sum_{j=2}^{m-1}x_{j}¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{j}}+(-x_{m}+a_{m2})¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}}$ , $(x_{1}=1)$ $¥mathrm{a}_{¥mathrm{i}}=¥mathrm{e}_{¥mathrm{i}-1}+a_{mj}¥mathrm{e}_{¥mathrm{m}}$ $(3¥leq j¥leq m)$ $=-(1+a_{mj})¥mathrm{n}_{1}+¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{i}^{¥_}1}+a_{mj}¥mathrm{n}_{¥mathrm{m}}$ . Thus $A_{m}N_{m}=N_{m}$ Then, set $¥left(¥begin{array}{lllll}¥lambda & ¥lambda+¥sum_{j=1}^{m}x_{j}-a_{m2} & ¥lambda-1-a_{m3} & ¥cdots & ¥lambda-1-a_{mm}¥¥0 & -x_{2} & 1 & & O¥¥¥vdots & ¥vdots & & .. $D_{m}¥equiv N_{m}^{-1}A_{m}N_{m}¥equiv(_{0}^{¥lambda}$ $A_{m-1}*$ ), where & ¥¥0 & -x_{m-1} & O & & 1¥¥0 & -x_{m}+a_{m2} & a_{m3} & ¥cdots & a_{mm}¥end{array}¥right)$ $*$ . denote polynomials in . has the same form with and the $(m -1)¥times(m-1)$ matrix $m=1$ $m$ it is true ; assume for is trivial Now we use induction on . The claim $ A_{m1}¥_$ $(a_{ij}, ¥lambda_{k})$ for $m-1$ exists ( an $¥cdot$ . $(m ¥geq 2)$ . Now put $(m -1)¥times(m-1)$ $¥lambda_{m}*$ ). Put $¥lambda=¥lambda_{1}$ . Since matrix $T¥equiv¥left(¥begin{array}{ll}1 & 0¥¥0 & N_{m-1}¥end{array}¥right)$ $ N_{m1}¥_$ and $A_{m}$ $N_{m}^{-1}A_{m}N_{m}=(_{0}^{¥lambda_{1}}$ such that $N_{m}^{*}¥equiv N_{m}T$ $A_{m-1}*)$ , there $N_{m-1}^{-1}A_{m1}¥_ N_{m1}¥_=$ , then $N_{m}^{*-1}A_{m}N_{m}^{*}=$ 465 Degenerate Parabolic Equations $¥left(¥begin{array}{ll}1 & 0¥¥0 & N_{m-1}^{-1}¥end{array}¥right)$ Thus $N_{m}$ ( $01$ $A_{m-1}*$ ) $¥lambda_{2}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{ll}1 & 0¥¥0 & N_{m-1}¥end{array}¥right)=(_{o}^{¥lambda_{1}}$ satisfies the conditions $(¥mathrm{i})-(¥mathrm{i}¥mathrm{i}¥mathrm{i})$ . $¥lambda_{m}*)$ . . be one of the continuous roots of the Write $¥lambda(t)¥equiv x(t)+iy(t)$ and $P(x+iy, t)¥equiv P_{1}(x,y, t)+$ $iP_{2}(x,y, t)$ , where $P_{1}(x,y, t)$ and $P_{2}(x,y, t)$ are polynomials in $(x,y, t)$ with real coefficients. Hereafter consider the polynomial ring $R[x,y, t]$ with coefficient field $R$ . First, we show that the resultant $Q(y, t)¥equiv R(P_{1}(¥cdot,y, t), P_{2}(¥cdot,y, t))¥not¥equiv 0$ , which is, by the Euclidean algorithm and Gauss’ lemma, equivalent to that $P_{1}(x,y, t)$ and $P_{2}(x,y, t)$ have no common divisor as a polynomial including . Consider in the case $m=$ even. We can also show in the case $m=odd$ in the same way. Put Proof of equation Lemma 5. $P(¥lambda, t)=0$ Let $¥lambda(t)$ . $x$ $P_{1}(x,y, t)=P_{1}(x)¥equiv x^{m}+p_{1}x^{m-1}+p_{2}x^{m-2}+¥cdots+p_{m}$ $P_{2}(¥mathrm{x},y, t)=P_{2}(x)¥equiv q_{1}x^{m-1}+q_{2}x^{m-2}+¥cdots+q_{m}$ , , then $order_{y}$ $p_{j}(y, t)¥{_{=j}^{¥leq j-1}$ $order_{y}$ $((j=¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{d}¥mathrm{d})j=¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{v}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{n})$ ’ $q_{j}(y, t)¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}=j(j=¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{d}¥mathrm{d})¥¥¥leq j-1(j=¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{v}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{n})¥end{array}¥right.$ and . $p_{1}q_{2}q_{1}1$ $Q(y, t)=|q_{1}1$ $.p_{2}p_{1}q_{2}.$ . $q_{m-1}...p_{2}1....$ $|$ $p_{m-1}q_{m-1}..q_{m}p_{1}q_{1}..$ $p_{m-1}p_{m}.q_{m}p_{2}q_{2}.$ . $..p_{m}...$ . $p_{m-1}q_{m-1}$ . $p_{m}q_{m}$ . Denoting the highest order terms of and those of respectively, by simple computation, we have $p_{j}(¥cdot, t)$ $q_{j}^{o}(¥cdot, t)$ $q_{j}(¥cdot, t)$ by $p_{j}^{o}(¥cdot, t)$ and by 466 Masahiro MIKAMI . . $.p_{2}^{o}00.$ . $q_{1}^{o}001$ der $¥mathrm{t}¥mathrm{t}¥mathrm{h}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{h}¥mathrm{i}¥mathrm{g}¥mathrm{h}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{s}¥mathrm{t}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{r}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{r}¥mathrm{m}¥mathrm{o}¥mathrm{f}Q(¥cdot,t)$ . $=|q_{1}^{o}1$ $q_{m-1}^{¥circ}.....p_{2}^{o}1.......$ $.p_{m}^{o}p_{2}^{o}000$ $q_{m-1}^{o}...q_{1}^{o}000...$ $|$ . $.....p_{m}^{o}........$ $q_{¥dot{m}-1}^{o}0...$ $p_{m}^{o}0$ . . ¥ ¥ ¥ Now put $(x+iy)^{m}¥equiv P_{1}^{o}(x,y)+iP_{2}^{o}(x,y)$ and , then the determinant above is just equal to $Q^{o}(y)$ . Thus, “the highest order term of $Q(¥cdot, t)’’=Q^{o}(¥cdot)$ . The fact that and have some common divisor as a polynomial including is equivalent to that $Q^{o}(y)¥equiv 0$ . By the theorem on unique factorization in prime elements in polynomial ring, it is obvious that and have no common divisor including . Thus that is, $Q(y, t)¥not¥equiv 0$ . does not exist in such that Second, we take out values of $Q^{o}(y) equiv R(P_{1}^{o}( cdot,y), P_{2}^{o}( cdot,y))$ $P_{1}^{o}(x,y)$ $P_{2}^{o}(x,y)$ $x$ $P_{1}^{o}(x,y)$ $P_{2}^{o}(x, y)$ $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)$ $t$ $t¥in(a, b)$ By the theorem on implicit function, if . $Q^{o}(y)¥not¥equiv 0_{>}$ $x$ $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)=-(¥frac{¥partial Q}{¥partial t}/¥frac{¥partial Q}{¥partial y})$ Then we take out values of $t$ satisfying , $¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial y}Q(y, t)¥neq 0$ . $¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial y}Q(y, t)=0$ is irreducible without loss of generality. equations: $Q(y, t)$ We can assume that . Consider the simultaneous $¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}Q(y,t)=0¥¥¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial y}Q(y,t)=0¥end{array}¥right.$ Now put $T^{o}(t)¥equiv R(Q(¥cdot, t),¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial y}Q(¥cdot, t))$ . $T^{o}(t)$ is a polynomial in $t$ with real coefficients, whose degree is depending only on $m$ and . If $T^{o}(t)¥equiv 0$, then $Q(y, t)$ is reducible, thus in $t¥in(a, b)$ . Then denote the zeros of by , , , , where the integer has an upper bound depending only on $m$ and . Putting $n$ $T^{o}(t)¥not¥equiv 0$ $T^{o}(t)$ $l^{o}$ $t_{1}^{o}$ $t_{2}^{o}$ $¥ldots$ $t_{l^{o}}^{o}$ $n$ $¥Delta^{o}$ : $t_{0}^{o}¥equiv a<t_{l}^{o}<¥cdots<t_{l^{o}}^{o}<t_{l^{o}+l}^{o}¥equiv b$ , 467 Degenerate Parabolic Equations then we have $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)=-(¥frac{¥partial Q}{¥partial t}/¥frac{¥partial Q}{¥partial y})¥in C^{0}((t_{k}^{o}, t_{k+1}^{o});R)$ Next, we take out values of $t¥in(a, b)$ . $t$ such that , $1¥leq k¥leq l^{o}$ $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)$ . changes the sign in By the theorem on implicit function, if $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)=0$, then $¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial t}Q(y, t)=0$ . Then consider the following simultaneous equations: $¥left¥{¥begin{array}{l}Q(y,t)=0¥¥¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial t}Q(y,t)=0¥end{array}¥right.$ Putting $T^{*}(t)¥equiv R(Q(¥cdot, t),¥frac{¥partial}{¥partial t}Q(¥cdot, t))$ in $t¥in(a, b)$ by , , bound depending only on $m$ and . zeros of $T^{*}(t)$ $t_{1}^{*}$ $t_{2}^{*}$ , in the same way as $¥ldots$ $n$ $¥Delta^{*}:$ , $t_{l^{*}}^{*}$ $T^{o}(t)$ , where the integer , we denote the $l^{*}$ has an upper Put $t_{0}^{*}¥equiv a<t_{1}^{*}<¥cdots<t_{l^{*}}^{*}<t_{l^{*}+1}^{*}¥equiv b$ and $¥Delta¥equiv¥Delta^{o}¥cup¥Delta^{*}:$ then $¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)$ $t_{0}¥equiv a<t_{1}<¥cdots<t_{l}<t_{l+1}¥equiv b$ is continuous and of definite sign in $(l ¥leq l^{o}+l^{*})$ , $t¥in(t_{k}, t_{k+1})(0¥leq k¥leq l)$ . Thus $¥int_{a}^{b}|¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)|dt=¥sum_{k=0}^{l}|¥int_{t_{k}}^{t_{k+1}}¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)dt|=¥sum_{k=0}^{l}|y(t_{k+1})-y(t_{k})|¥leq 2¥max_{t¥in[a,b]}|y(t)|¥cdot(l+1)$ Then there exists a positive constant $C_{1}=C_{1}(m, n, a, b, M)$ $¥int_{a}^{b}|¥frac{d}{dt}y(t)|dt¥leq C_{1}(m, n, a, b, M)$ In the same way, there exists a positive constant such that . $C_{2}=C_{2}(m, n, a, b, M)$ $¥int_{a}^{b}|¥frac{d}{dt}x(t)|dt¥leq C_{2}(m, n, a, b, M)$ . such that . Hence the inequality (14) holds. Acknowledgement. The author wishes to thank Professors K. Kitagawa and K. Igari for their valuable suggestion and advice. 468 Masahiro MIKAMI References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Petrowsky, I. G., Uber das Cauchysche Problem fur ein System linearer patieller Differentialgleichungen in Gebiete der nichtanalytischen Funktionen, Bull, de I’Univ. d’Etat de Moskau., 2 (1938), 1-74. Mizohata, S., Le probleme de Cauchy pour les equations paraboliques, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 8 (1956), 269-299. Ole?nik, O. 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