Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, Journal Vol. XII, No. 2, 2006 Multiresonant ZVS CUK Converter El¿bieta SZYCHTA Technical University of Radom, Poland Summary: The article presents properties of multiresonant ZVS Cuk converter. The control system of the converter is based on PWM technique. The operating range of the converter is defined where ZVS operation is assured. Control characteristics are given and the converter’s efficiency is defined. The converter’s operation is analysed on the basis of simulation testing. 1. INTRODUCTION Demand for resonant circuits converting DC/DC electricity switched at high operating frequencies is a result of attempts at great efficiency, minimizing size, and the consequent cost reduction of converters. Energy efficiency of high-frequency converters depends mainly on switching processes of semiconductor components. At turn-on and turn-off, power losses occur which are a result of current multiplied by voltage in switched semiconductor elements. At high operating frequency, parasitic inductances of connections and parasitic capacitances of transistors and diodes produce resonant circuits which generate parasitic electromagnetic oscillations. When the transistor is conducting, impact of rectifying diodes parasitic capacitance occurs, and when the reverse diode is conducting, the transistors parasitic capacitance affects the circuit operation. Topologies of multiresonant converters (MRCs) enable application of switching technique at zero voltage of both the transistor and the diode. Switching of transistor and diode at zero voltage (ZVS) in MRCs allows for obtaining high operating frequency of the circuit while maintaining great energy efficiency and minimizing voltage and current oscillations. References present basic topologies of ZVS MRCs and their characteristics [1, 3, 7, 11]. Properties of ZVS Buck MRC are analysed in [1, 10, 11]. Results of simulation testing for topologies of Boost and Buck-Boost ZVS MRCs are presented in references [5, 6]. This article concentrates on ZVS Cuk MRC topology. An analysis of the circuits operation is presented based on results of simulation testing employing Simplorer software. and capacitor at CD in parallel with diode D. Capacitances CS and CD, in parallel with parasitic capacitances COS, COD, build equivalent resonant capacitances of the circuit. Inductance L comprises parasitic inductances of the circuit. A very high quality factor of the reactor L is assumed, thus, the impact of reactors resistance is ignored. The capacitor at CF is a low-pass filter that limits ripples of output voltage. CT is a large energy-transfer capacitor. The circuit in Figure 1, when PWM control is employed, enables ZVS of transistor T and diode D. 3. OPERATION OF THE CIRCUIT In the Cuk MRC (Fig. 1), operating cycle is divided into five time intervals. Current and voltage waveforms during a cycle (relative units) based on simulation testing are shown in Figure 2. Resonant circuits for five time intervals of operation are presented in Figure 3. In the first time interval (t0 £ t £ t1) (Fig. 2), at t=t0, transistor T is turned on. Voltages: drain source transistor uCS and diode uCD equal zero. In the node 1 (Fig.3a), the value of iL is greater than the supply current ILF = const. The MOSFETsbody diode DS conductes difference iLILF in the circuit: DS, L, CT, D. At t=t1, the current iL= ILF and DS stops conducting. The circuit in Figure 3a is described: I LF − iS − iL = 0 iL − I LF 1 − iD = 0 L diL + uCT + u D + u DS = 0 dt 2. TOPOLOGY OF ZVS CUK MRC The structure of ZVS Cuk MRC is shown in Figure 1. Highinductance reactor LF, in series with DC voltage E, provides constant current ILF to the converter. Reactor at inductance LF1, equal to inductance LF, enforces constant current ILF1 to: capacitor at capacitance CF and load resistance R in parallel connection. MOSFET T at resistance RT when conducting and output capacitance COS is switched at frequency f. Diode DS is an integral part of the transistor and enables bi-directional conducting of current iS. The rectifying diode D includes a junctin capacitance COD. The converters resonant circuit includes: reactor at inductance L, capacitor at CS in parallel with the transistor T, El¿bieta Szychta: Multiresonant ZVS CUK Converter Key words: multiresonant converter, Cuk circuit, zero voltage switching (ZVS), resonant circuits iL = CT I LF 1 − C F (1) duCT dt dU O U O − =0 dt R Fig. 1. ZVS Cuk MRC '# a) b) c) d) Fig. 2. Current and voltage waveforms in ZVS Cuk MRC (relative units) where: u DS diode DS forward voltage, u D diode D forward voltage. In the second time interval (t1£ t £ t3) (Fig. 2), at t = t1, current iS = 0, the transistor starts to conduct at uCS = 0 (Fig. 3b). During this time interval, ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, RT and E, LF, L, CT, D. ILF1 occurs in the circuit: D, (CF || R), LF1. At t=t2, current iL=0, iS=ILF and iD=ILF1. In the interval (t2 £ t £ t3,), iL commutates with the current iD. ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, RT , and ILF1 is in circuits: LF1, CT, L, RT , (CF || R) and LF1, D ,(CF || R). At t=t3, iD=0, D stops conducting. Voltages: uCS and uCD remain zero. The circuit in Figure 3b is described: e) Fig. 3. Resonant circuit of ZVS Cuk MRC a) in the first interval, b) in the second interval, c) in the third interval, d) in the fourth interval, e) in the fifth interval In the third time interval (t3 £ t £ t4) (Fig. 2) the transistor is still on (Fig. 3c). iL becomes greater than ILF1, which initiates charging of CD in the circuit: L, CT, (CD+COD), RT. ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, RT, and ILF1 is in: LF1, CT, L, RT , (CF || R). At t = t4 the transistor is turned off at uCS=0. The circuit in Figure 3c is described: I LF − iS − iL = 0 I LF − iS − iL = 0 iL − iD − I LF 1 = 0 du iL = CT CT dt L diL + uCT + u D − iS RT = 0 dt I LF 1 − CF '$ dU O U O − =0 dt R iL + iCD − I LF 1 = 0 (2) I LF 1 − CF L dU O U O − =0 dt R (3) diL + uCT − iS RT − uCD = 0 dt Power Quality and Utilization, Journal Vol. XII, No 2, 2006 iCD = CD iL = CT duCD dt duCT dt I LF 1 − CF (3) uCT + L In the fourth time interval (t4 £ t £ t8) (Fig. 2), transistor T and diode D do not conduct (Fig. 3d). At t = t4, transistor turn-off causes iS to be commutated by iCS. The resonant current iL is a component of iCS and occurs in the circuit: CT, L, (CS+COS), (CD+COD). In the time interval (t4 £ t £ t5), energy accumulated in the inductance L charges capacitors CS and CD. ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, (CS+COS), and ILF1 occurs in: LF1, CT, L, (CS+COS), (CF¦R). At t=t5, iCD=0 and iL=ILF1. In the time interval (t5 £ t £ t6), capacitor CD starts to discharge. At t = t6, current iL = 0 and iCD = ILF1. Energy stored in CS and CD forces a change in direction of the resonant current iL. ILF occurs in the circuits: E, LF, (CS+COS) and E, LF, L, CT, (CD+COD). ILF1 is in the circuit: LF1, (CD+COD), (CF¦R). At t = t7, iCS = 0, iL=ILF and capacitor CS starts to discharge. In the time interval (t7 = t = t8), ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, L, CT, (CD+COD). The resonant circuit iL occurs in the circuit: L, CT, (CD+COD), (CS+COS), and ILF1 is in: LF1, D, (CF¦R). At t = t8, uCD = uD. The circuit in Figure 3d is described: diL − uCS + u D = 0 dt iL = CT duCT dt iCS = CS duCS dt When the transistor is on, at high quality factor of the circuit, resonant frequency fD of the circuit R, L, CD, COD is: fD = 1 2 p L (CD + COD ) fS = 1 2 p L (CS + COS ) iCS iCD du = CD CD dt uCT + L fN = dU O U O − =0 dt R du = CS CS dt (4) El¿bieta Szychta: Multiresonant ZVS CUK Converter (7) f fS CD + COD CS + COS UO E (8) RN = R ZS ZS = In the fifth time interval (t8 £ t £ t10) (Fig. 2), at t = t8, commutation of iCD and iD begins. Diode D is on. Owing to low value of junction capacitance COD of D, oscillations of iD are negligible. Further discharging of capacitor CS occurs in the circuit: L, CT, D, (CS+COS). ILF occurs in the circuit: E, LF, L, CT, D. At t = t9, where uCS = uDS, diode DS is ready to conduct iS . Current iCS of CS is commutated by iS of DS (Fig. 3a). At t = t10 gate pulse to MOSFET initiates the next cycle of converter operation. The circuit in Figure 3e is described: iL − iD − I LF1 = 0 CN = M = diL − uCS − uCD = 0 dt I LF + iCS + iL = 0 (6) When the diode D is on, at high quality factor of the circuit, resonant frequency fS of the circuit R, L, CS, COS is: iL + iCD − I LF 1 = 0 du iL = CT CT dt (5) ZVS MRC is characterised by: I LF − iCS − iL = 0 I LF 1 − CF dU O U O − =0 dt R (5) L + C ( S COS ) where: f operating frequency, fN operating frequency in relative units, CN ratio of capacitance, M ratio of voltage conversion (output voltage in relative units), UO output voltage of the converter, (IO load current), RN load resistance in relative units, ZS characteristic impedance [1]. Input power Pin of the converter is: Pin = I LF ∗ E (9) where: ILF mean value of current supply to the converter. '% COS = 870pF) and HFA25TB60 fast recovery diode (junction capacitance COD = 100pF) made by International Rectifier. The simulation model of Cuk MRC comprises: L = 7mH, CS = 7nF, CD = 23nF, LF = 600mH, CF = 10mF, R = variable. Resonant frequencies: fS = 678kHz, fD = 396kHz. Supply voltage E = 50V DC. It was assumed that the converter employs ZVS technique. ZVS of the transistor is assured when transistor turns on as DS is conducting at uCS = 0. Transistor is always off when voltage uCS is approximately zero. Turn-on of diode D is related to commutation of current iCD, at uCD = 0. The diodes turn-off occurs when iCD = 0 and uCD = 0. PWM technique was employed in the control system. Variation of operating frequency f and control modulation ratio b is then possible. The ratio b is: Fig. 4. Simulation model of ZVS Cuk MRC a) b= b) Fig. 5. ZVS operation area of Cuk MRC, CN = 2.9, a) RN = 0.5, b) RN = 1 Output power Pout of the converter is: Pout = I O ∗ U O = U O2 R (10) Efficiency h of the converter is: h= Pout Pin (11) The magnitudes defined by (8 ¸ 11) are necessary to determine control characteristics and efficiency h of the converter. Owing to complex mathematical apparatus, the characteristics and the efficiency h can be defined employing results of simulation testing. 4. SIMULATION TESTING ZVS Cuk MRC was subject to simulation testing with Simplorer programme. The simulation circuit in Figure 4 consists of MOSFET IRFP460 transistor (output capacitance '& ton T where: t on time, when transistor is on, T period of transistor operation; T = 1 f Results of simulation testing of the circuit served to determine ZVS operation area of the converter: b = f (fN), at RN = 0.5 and 1 (Fig. 5). The operation area defines permissible limites of frequency fN and ratio b for which the criteria of ZVS are fulfilled. Frequency fN reaches its minimum fNmin and maximum fNmax at b constant. The range of operating frequency fNmin £ fN £ fNmax, is variable depending on the values of b and RN. Boundary frequencies fNmin, fNmax tend to reduce as b rises. Figure 6 illustrates selected current and voltage waveforms of ZVS Cuk MRC when f = 400kHz and b = 0.65. Transistor is turned on when diode DS is conducting, at uCS = 0. Figure 7 presents control characteristics obtained in simulation testing: M = f(fN), ISmax / IO = f(fN), UCSmax / E = f(fN), UCDmax / E = f(fN) for the frequency range fNmin £ fN £ fNmax and ratio b within the ZVS area of transistors operation (Fig. 5). For CN = 2.9, RN = 1, in the range 0.59 £ fN £ 0.98 (400kHz £ f £ 667kHz), the conversion ratio M is within: 1.93 ³ M ³ 0.38, maximum voltage of the transistor UCSmax / E is in the range: 6.2 ³ UCSmax / E ³ 3.0, maximum voltage of the diode UCDmax / E is in the range: 5.5 ³ UCDmax / E ³ 1.1, maximum transistor current: 5.44 ³ ISmax / IO ³ 6.22. Figure 7 implies that increase of relative frequency fN causes a drop in: M, and maximum voltages of: the transistor UCSmax / E and diode UCDmax / E. Greater resistance RN increases: M, maximum voltage of the diode UCDmax / E, and maximum transistor current ISmax / IO. Values of maximum transistor voltage UCSmax / E remain unchanged. Two inflexion points of characteristics occur in the waveforms I Smax / IO. The values of ISmax / IO are minimum for M = 1, and maximum for M = 0.5. The range of boundary values of relative frequency fNmin in control characteristics tends towards greater values as the value of RN increases, and the range of boundary values of relative frequency fNmax remains unchanged. Power Quality and Utilization, Journal Vol. XII, No 2, 2006 Fig. 6. Simulation current and voltage waveforms in ZVS Cuk MRC, CN = 2.9, R = 14.91W, UO = 50.5V, IO = 3.4A, f = 400kHz (fN = 0.59), b = 0.65, h = 0.89, P in = 197W, P out = 175W Figure 8 illustrates total transistor power losses PT and total diode D power losses PD. Simulation testing results indicate that PT are negligible (PT < 10W) in the frequency range 0.62 £ fN £ 0.9 for RN = 0,5 and in 0.68 £ fN £ 0.95 for RN = 1. The increased resistance RN causes higher PT for the same fN. Operation of T causes a major increase of PT at b > 0.55. PT rise by DPT = 30W in the range of frequency variation DfN = 0.15. Power losses PD of diode D reduce as RN and fN. grow. The variation is approximately uniform throughout the El¿bieta Szychta: Multiresonant ZVS CUK Converter frequency range. The maximum losses PD are about (5¸7)W. In the ZVS operation of the converter, when frequencies fN reduce, PT are several times greater than PD at the same b and RN. Both PT and PD significantly reduce as operating frequency of the circuit fN grows. This results from lower transistor current iS and diode current iD, and from decrease of conduction losses in semiconductor elements in high frequency range. The resulting analysis indicates that the transistor should be characterized by the smallest possible resistance RT. '' Fig. 7. Control characteristics for ZVS Cuk MRC in relative units, CN = 2.9, R N = 0.5, R N = 1; a) conversion ratio M; b) maximum transistor current ISmax / IO; c) maximum diode voltage UCDmax / E; d) maximum transistor voltage UCSmax / E Figure 9 shows the output power Pout of ZVS Cuk MRC. Increased RN causes a power Pout increase at the same frequency fN. For b > 0.55, Pout grows significantly in low frequency range. Figure 10 shows efficiency h of ZVS Cuk MRC. The converters efficiency is within the range 0,86 = h = 0,92 at RN. Greater fN does not alter h significantly at CN = const, RN = const. For reducing fN, particularly at b > 0.55, h drops slightly as losses PT climb dynamically. Great and constant h can be maintained when fN is decreasing since output power Pout increases dynamically at the time (Fig. 9). 5. CONCLUSION On the basis of simulation testing of MRC under analysis, it can be concluded that: 1. ZVS Cuk converter provides good conditions of zerovoltage switching for both the transistor and the diode. The area of ZVS operation is determined by switching frequency and ratio of modulation, and depends on load resistance. 2. Maximum voltages of transistor and diode decrease as the converters operating frequency increases or load resistance reduces. 3. 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Since 1981 she has worked for the Transport Faculty Kazimierz Pulaski at the Technical University of Radom. An assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Machinery and Equipment. Interested in industrial power electronics. Address: Politechnika Radomska, Wydzia³ Transportu 26-600 Radom, ul. Malczewskiego 29; tel: (048) 361 77 00 e-mail: e.szychta@pr.radom.pl El¿bieta Szychta: Multiresonant ZVS CUK Converter Fig. 10. Efficiency h of ZVS Cuk MRC, CN = 2.9; a) RN = 0.5; b) RN = 1