PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 4G bits DDR2 Mobile RAM™ EDB4432BABH (128M words × 32 bits) Specifications Features • Density: 4G bits • Organization: 16M words × 32 bits × 8 banks • Package: 134-ball FBGA — Package size: 11.5mm × 11.5mm — Ball pitch: 0.65mm — Lead-free (RoHS compliant) and Halogen-free • Power supply — VDD1 = 1.70V to 1.95V — VDD2, VDDCA, VDDQ = 1.14V to 1.30V • Data rate: 1066Mbps (max.) • Interface: HSUL_12 • Burst lengths (BL): 4, 8, 16 • Burst type (BT) — Sequential (4, 8, 16) — Interleave (4, 8) • Read latency (RL): 8 • Precharge: auto precharge option for each burst access • Programmable driver strength • Refresh: auto-refresh, self-refresh • Refresh cycles: 8192 cycles/32ms — Average refresh period: 3.9s • Operating case temperature range — TC = -30°C to +85°C • Low power consumption • Per Bank Refresh • Partial Array Self-Refresh (PASR) — Bank Masking — Segment Masking • Auto Temperature Compensated Self-Refresh (ATCSR) by built-in temperature sensor • Double-data-rate architecture; two data transfers per one clock cycle • The high-speed data transfer is realized by the 4 bits prefetch pipelined architecture • Differential clock inputs (CK and /CK) • Bi-directional differential data strobe (DQS and /DQS) • Commands entered on both rising and falling CK edge; data and data mask referenced to both edges of DQS • Data mask (DM) for write data • Burst termination by burst stop command Document No. E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) Date Published May 2012 (K) Japan Printed in Japan URL: Elpida Memory, Inc. 2012 EDB4432BABH Ordering Information Part number Organization (words x bits) Clock frequency Data rate Read latency Package EDB4432BABH-1D-F 128M x 32 533MHz 1066Mbps 8 134-ball FBGA Part Number E D B 44 32 B A BH - 1D - F Elpida Memory Environment Code F: Lead Free (RoHS compliant) and Halogen Free Type D: Packaged Device Product Family B: DDR2 Mobile RAM Speed 1D: 1066Mbps Density/Chip select 44: 4Gb/1-CS Package BH: FBGA Organization 32: x32 Revision Power Supply, Interface B: VDD1 = 1.8V, VDD2 = VDDCA = VDDQ = 1.2V, S4B device, HSUL Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 2 EDB4432BABH CONTENTS Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Features ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Ordering Information ............................................................................................................................. 2 Part Number .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Pin Configurations ................................................................................................................................. 4 Pin Descriptions .................................................................................................................................... 5 Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Pin Capacitance .................................................................................................................................... 7 Package Drawing .................................................................................................................................. 8 1. Electrical Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................. 9 1.2 Recommended DC Operating Conditions ........................................................................ 9 1.3 AC and DC Input Measurement Levels .......................................................................... 10 1.4 VREF Tolerances ........................................................................................................... 11 1.5 Input Signal ..................................................................................................................... 12 1.6 AC and DC Logic Input Levels for Differential Signals ................................................... 13 1.7 Differential Input Cross Point Voltage ............................................................................. 16 1.8 Slew Rate Definitions for Single-Ended Input Signals .................................................... 16 1.9 Slew Rate Definitions for Differential Input Signals ........................................................ 17 1.10 AC and DC Output Measurement Levels ....................................................................... 18 1.11 Differential Output Slew Rate ......................................................................................... 20 1.12 Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications ..................................................................... 21 1.13 RONPU and RONPD Resistor Definition ....................................................................... 21 2. Electrical Specifications ............................................................................................................... 24 2.1 IDD Measurement Conditions ........................................................................................ 24 2.2 DC Characteristics 1 ....................................................................................................... 26 2.3 DC Characteristics 2 ....................................................................................................... 28 2.4 Clock Specification ......................................................................................................... 29 2.5 Period Clock Jitter .......................................................................................................... 31 2.6 AC Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 34 2.7 CA and /CS Setup, Hold and Derating ........................................................................... 40 2.8 Data Setup, Hold and Slew Rate Derating ..................................................................... 47 3. Pin Function ................................................................................................................................. 54 4. Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 55 5. Simplified State Diagram ............................................................................................................. 56 6. Truth tables .................................................................................................................................. 57 7. Power-up, initialization and Power-Off ......................................................................................... 59 7.1 Power Ramp and Device Initialization ............................................................................ 59 8. Mode Register Definition ............................................................................................................. 63 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 3 EDB4432BABH Pin Configurations /xxx indicate active low signal. 134-ball FBGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NU NU NU NC NC VDD2 VDD1 DQ31 VDD1 VSS NC VSS VSS VSS VDD2 ZQ VDDQ VSS CA9 CA8 VDDCA* CA6 CA7 8 9 10 NU NU DQ29 DQ26 NU VDDQ DQ25 VSS VDDQ DQ30 DQ27 DQS3 /DQS3 VSS DQ28 DQ24 DM3 DQ15 VDDQ VSS VSS DQ11 DQ13 DQ14 DQ12 VDDQ /DQS1 DQS1 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 VSS VDD2 VSS VREFDQ A B C D E F G VDD2 CA5 VREFCA H VDDCA* VSS /CK DM1 VDDQ J VSS NC CK VSS VDDQ CKE NC NC DM0 VDDQ /CS NC NC CA4 CA3 CA2 K L /DQS0 DQS0 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 VSS M VSS DQ4 DQ2 DQ1 DQ3 VDDQ VSS VDDCA* CA1 DQ19 DQ23 DM2 DQ0 VDDQ VSS VSS VDD2 CA0 VDDQ DQ17 DQ20 DQS2 /DQS2 VSS VDD1 VSS NC VSS VSS VDDQ DQ22 VSS VDDQ NU NC NC VDD2 VDD1 DQ16 DQ18 DQ21 NU NU NU NU NU N P R T U (Top view) * VDDCA balls are internally connected to VDD2. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 4 EDB4432BABH Pin Descriptions Pin name Function CK, /CK Clock CKE Clock enable /CS Chip select CA0 to CA9 DDR command/address inputs DM0 to DM3 Input data mask DQ0 to DQ31 Data input/output DQS0 to DQS3 /DQS0 to /DQS3 Data strobe VDD1 Core power supply 1 VDD2 Core power supply 2 VDDCA Input receiver power supply VDDQ I/O power supply VREFCA Reference voltage for CA input receiver VREFDQ Reference voltage for DQ input receiver VSS Ground ZQ Reference pin for output drive strength calibration NC*1 NU *2 No connection Not usable Notes: 1. Not internally connected. 2. Don’t connect. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 5 (Address configurations: Row:R0-R13, Column:C0-C9, Bank:BA0-BA2) EDB4432BABH Block Diagram CKE /CS VDD1 VDD2 CK, /CK VDDCA CA0 to CA9 4G bits (128M x 32) VDDQ VREFCA DQS0 to DQS3 /DQS0 to /DQS3 DQ0 to DQ31 DM0 to DM3 ZQ VREFDQ VSS Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 6 EDB4432BABH Pin Capacitance Parameter Symbol Pins min. max. Unit Note Input capacitance CI1 CK, /CK 1.0 3.5 pF 1, 2 CI2 All other DDR2 Mobile RAM input only pins 1.0 3.5 pF 1, 2 CI/O DQ, DM, DQS, /DQS 1.5 4.5 pF 1, 2, 3 CZQ ZQ 1.5 3.5 pF 1, 2, 3 Data input/output capacitance Notes: 1. This parameter is not subject to production test. It is verified by design and characterization. 2. These parameters are measured on f = 100MHz, VOUT = VDDQ/2, TA = +25°C. 3. DOUT circuits are disabled. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 7 EDB4432BABH Package Drawing 134-ball FBGA Solder ball: Lead free Unit: mm 11.50 ± 0.10 0.15 S B 11.50 ± 0.10 INDEX MARK 0.15 S A 0.80 max. 0.10 S S 0.08 S 0.22 ± 0.05 134−φ0.30 ± 0.05 φ0.08 M S A B 0.65 B 10.40 A INDEX MARK 0.65 0.325 5.85 ECA-TS2-0462-01 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 8 EDB4432BABH 1. Electrical Conditions • All voltages are referenced to VSS (GND) • Execute power-up and Initialization sequence before proper device operation is achieved. • Operation or timing that is not specified is illegal, and after such an event, in order to guarantee proper operation, the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device must be powered down and then restarted through the specialized initialization sequence before normal operation can continue. 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Note VDD1 supply voltage relative to VSS VDD1 -0.4 2.3 V 2 VDD2 supply voltage relative to VSS VDD2 -0.4 1.6 V 2 VDDCA supply voltage relative to VSSCA VDDCA -0.4 1.6 V 2 VDDQ supply voltage relative to VSSQ VDDQ -0.4 1.6 V 2, 3 Voltage on any ball relative to VSS VIN, VOUT -0.4 1.6 V Storage Temperature TSTG -55 125 C Notes: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. See Power-Ramp section “Power-up, initialization and Power-Off” on page 59 for relationship between power supplies. 3. VREF 0.6 x VDDQ; however, VREF may be VDDQ provided that VREF 300mV. 4. Storage Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device. For the measurement conditions, please refer to JESD51-2 standard. Caution Exposing the device to stress above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings could cause permanent damage. The device is not meant to be operated under conditions outside the limits described in the operational section of this specification. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1.2 Recommended DC Operating Conditions Table 2 Recommended DC Operating Conditions(TC = -30C to +85C) Parameter Symbol min. typ. max. Unit Core Power1 VDD1 1.70 1.80 1.95 V Core Power2 VDD2 1.14 1.20 1.30 V Input Buffer Power VDDCA 1.14 1.20 1.30 V I/O Buffer Power VDDQ 1.14 1.20 1.30 V Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 9 EDB4432BABH 1.3 1.3.1 AC and DC Input Measurement Levels AC and DC Input Levels for Single-Ended CA and /CS Signals Table 3 Single-Ended AC and DC Input Levels for CA and /CS Inputs Parameter AC input logic high Symbol VIHCA(AC) min. max. Unit Note VREF + 0.220 Note 2 V 1, 2 AC input logic low VILCA(AC) Note 2 VREF - 0.220 V 1, 2 DC input logic high VIHCA(DC) VREF + 0.130 VDDCA V 1 DC input logic low VILCA(DC) VSS VREF - 0.130 V 1 0.49 × VDDCA 0.51 × VDDCA V 3, 4 Reference Voltage for CA and /CS inputs VREFCA(DC) Notes: 1. For CA and /CS input only pins. VREF = VREFCA(DC). 2. See “Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications” on page 21. 3. The ac peak noise on VREFCA may not allow VREFCA to deviate from VREFCA(DC) by more than ± 1% VDDCA (for reference: approx. ± 12 mV). 4. For reference: approx. VDDCA/2 ± 12 mV. 1.3.2 AC and DC Input Levels for CKE Table 4 Single-Ended AC and DC Input Levels for CKE Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Note CKE Input High Level VIHCKE 0.8 × VDDCA Note 1 V 1 CKE Input Low Level VILCKE Note 1 0.2 × VDDCA V 1 Note: 1. 1.3.3 See “Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications” on page 21. AC and DC Input Levels for Single-Ended Data Signals Table 5 Single-Ended AC and DC Input Levels for DQ and DM Parameter AC input logic high Symbol VIHDQ(AC) min. max. VREF + 0.220 Note 2 Unit Note V 1, 2 AC input logic low VILDQ(AC) Note 2 VREF - 0.220 V 1, 2 DC input logic high VIHDQ(DC) VREF + 0.130 VDDQ V 1 DC input logic low VILDQ(DC) VSSQ VREF - 0.130 V 1 Reference Voltage for DQ, DM inputs VREFDQ(DC) 0.49 × VDDQ 0.51 × VDDQ V 3, 4 Notes: 1. For DQ input only pins. VREF = VREFDQ(DC). 2. See “Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications” on page 21. 3. The ac peak noise on VREFDQ may not allow VREFDQ to deviate from VREFDQ(DC) by more than ± 1% VDDQ (for reference: approx. ± 12 mV). 4. For reference: approx. VDDQ ± 12 mV. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 10 EDB4432BABH 1.4 VREF Tolerances The dc-tolerance limits and ac-noise limits for the reference voltages VREFCA and VREFDQ are illustrated in Figure 1. It shows a valid reference voltage VREF(t) as a function of time. (VREF stands for VREFCA and VREFDQ likewise). VDD stands for VDDCA for VREFCA and VDDQ for VREFDQ. VREF(DC) is the linear average of VREF(t) over a very long period of time (e.g. 1 sec) and is specified as a fraction of the linear average of VDDQ or VDDCA also over a very long period of time (e.g. 1 sec). This average has to meet the min/max requirements in Table 3. Furthermore VREF(t) may temporarily deviate from VREF(DC) by no more than ± 1% VDD. VREF(t) cannot track noise on VDDQ or VDDCA if this would send VREF outside these specification. voltage VDD VREF(t) VREF AC-noise VREF(DC)max VREF(DC) VDD/2 VREF(DC)min VSS time Figure 1 — Illustration of VREF(DC) tolerance and VREF AC-noise limits The voltage levels for setup and hold time measurements VIH(AC), VIH(DC), VIL(AC) and VIL(DC) are dependent on VREF. “VREF “ shall be understood as VREF(DC), as defined in Figure 1. This clarifies that dc-variations of VREF affect the absolute voltage a signal has to reach to achieve a valid high or low level and therefore the time to which setup and hold is measured. Devices will function correctly with appropriate timing deratings with VREF outside these specified levels so long as VREF is maintained between 0.44 × VDDQ (or VDDCA) and 0.56 × VDDQ (or VDDCA) and so long as the controller achieves the required single-ended AC and DC input levels from instantaneous VREF (see the “Single-Ended AC and DC Input Levels for CA and /CS Inputs” on page 10 and “Single-Ended AC and DC Input Levels for DQ and DM” on page 10.) Therefore, system timing and voltage budgets need to account for VREF deviations outside of this range. This also clarifies that the DRAM setup/hold specification and derating values need to include time and voltage associated with VREF AC-noise. Timing and voltage effects due to AC-noise on VREF up to the specified limit (± 1% of VDD) are included in DRAM timings and their associated deratings. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 11 EDB4432BABH 1.5 Input Signal VIL and VIH Levels With Ringback 1.550V VDD + 0.35V 1.200V VDD 0.820V VIH(AC) 0.730V VIH(DC) 0.624V 0.612V 0.600V 0.588V 0.576V VREF + AC noise 0.470V VIL(DC) 0.380V VIL(AC) 0.000V VSS Minimum VIL and VIH Levels 0.820V 0.730V VIH(AC) VIH(DC) 0.624V 0.612V 0.600V 0.588V 0.576V 0.470V 0.380V VIL(DC) VIL(AC) -0.350V VREF + DC error VREF - DC error VREF - AC noise VSS - 0.35V Figure 2 — DDR2 Mobile RAM-533 to DDR2 Mobile RAM-1066 Input Signal Notes: 1. Numbers reflect nominal values. 2. For CA0 – CA9, CK, /CK and /CS, VDD stands for VDDCA. For DQ, DM, DQS, and /DQS, VDD stands for VDDQ. 3. For CA0 – CA9, CK, /CK and /CS, VSS stands for VSS. For DQ, DM, DQS, and /DQS, VSS stands for VSSQ. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 12 EDB4432BABH 1.6 1.6.1 AC and DC Logic Input Levels for Differential Signals Differential signal definition differential voltage tDVAC VIHdiff(AC)min. VIHdiff(DC)min. CK – /CK DQS – /DQS 0.0 VILdiff(DC)max. VILdiff(AC)max. half cycle tDVAC time Figure 3 — Definition of differential ac-swing and “time above AC-level” tDVAC 1.6.2 Differential swing requirements for clock (CK – /CK) and strobe (DQS – /DQS) Table 6 Differential AC and DC Input Levels Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Note Differential input high VIHdiff(DC) 2 × (VIH(DC) - VREF) Note 3 V 1 Differential input low VILdiff(DC) Note 3 2 × (VIL(DC) - VREF) V 1 Differential input high AC VIHdiff(AC) 2 × (VIH(AC) - VREF) Note 3 V 2 Differential input low AC VILdiff(AC) Note 3 2 × (VIL(AC) - VREF) V 2 Notes: 1. Used to define a differential signal slew-rate. 2. For CK – /CK use VIH/VIL(AC) of CA and VREFCA; for DQS – /DQS, use VIH/VIL(AC) of DQs and VREFDQ; if a reduced AC-high or AC-low level is used for a signal group, then the reduced level applies also here. 3. These values are not defined, however the single-ended signals CK, /CK, DQS, and /DQS need to be within the respective limits (VIH(DC) max, VIL(DC)min) for single-ended signals as well as the limitations for overshoot and undershoot. Refer to “Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications” on page 21. 4. For CK and /CK, VREF = VREFCA(DC). For DQS and /DQS, VREF = VREFDQ(DC). Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 13 EDB4432BABH Table 7 Allowed time before ringback (tDVAC) for CK – /CK and DQS – /DQS tDVAC [ps] @ |VIH/Ldiff(AC)| = 440mV tDVAC [ps] @ |VIH/Ldiff(AC)| = 600mV min. min. > 4.0 175 75 4.0 170 57 3.0 167 50 2.0 163 38 1.8 162 34 1.6 161 29 1.4 159 22 1.2 155 13 1.0 150 0 < 1.0 150 0 Slew Rate [V/ns] Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 14 EDB4432BABH 1.6.3 Single-ended requirements for differential signals Each individual component of a differential signal (CK, DQS, /CK, or /DQS) has also to comply with certain requirements for single-ended signals. CK and /CK shall meet VSEH(AC)min / VSEL(AC)max in every half-cycle. DQS, /DQS shall meet VSEH(AC)min / VSEL(AC)max in every half-cycle preceeding and following a valid transition. Note that the applicable AC-levels for CA and DQ’s are different per speed-bin. VDDCA or VDDQ VSEH(AC)min. VSEH(AC) VDDCA/2 or VDDQ/2 CK, /CK DQS, /DQS VSEL(AC)max. VSEL(AC) VSS or VSSQ time Figure 4 — Single-ended requirement for differential signals. Note that while CA and DQ signal requirements are with respect to VREF, the single-ended components of differential signals have a requirement with respect to VDDQ/2 for DQS, /DQS and VDDCA/2 for CK, /CK; this is nominally the same. The transition of single-ended signals through the AC-levels is used to measure setup time. For single-ended components of differential signals the requirement to reach VSEL(AC)max, VSEH(AC)min has no bearing on timing, but adds a restriction on the common mode charateristics of these signals. The signal ended requirements for CK, /CK, DQS and /DQS are found in tables 3 and 5, respectively. Table 8 Single-ended levels for CK, DQS, /CK, /DQS Parameter Single-ended high-level for strobes Single-ended high-level for CK, /CK Single-ended low-level for strobes Single-ended low-level for CK, /CK Symbol VSEH(AC) min. max. (VDDQ / 2) + 0.220 Note 3 V 1, 2 (VDDCA / 2) + 0.220 Note 3 V 1, 2 Note 3 (VDDQ / 2) - 0.220 V 1, 2 Note 3 (VDDCA / 2) - 0.220 V 1, 2 VSEL(AC) Unit Note Notes: 1. For CK, /CK use VSEH/VSEL(AC) of CA; for strobes (DQS0, /DQS0, DQS1, /DQS1, DQS2, /DQS2, DQS3, /DQS3) use VIH/VIL(AC) of DQs. 2. VIH(AC)/VIL(AC) for DQs is based on VREFDQ; VSEH(AC)/VSEL(AC) for CA is based on VREFCA; if a reduced AC-high or AC-low level is used for a signal group, then the reduced level applies also here 3. These values are not defined, however the single-ended signals CK, /CK, DQS0, /DQS0, DQS1, /DQS1, DQS2, /DQS2, DQS3, /DQS3 need to be within the respective limits (VIH(DC) max, VIL(DC)min) for single-ended signals as well as the limitations for overshoot and undershoot. Refer to “Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications” on page 21. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 15 EDB4432BABH 1.7 Differential Input Cross Point Voltage To guarantee tight setup and hold times as well as output skew parameters with respect to clock and strobe, each cross point voltage of differential input signals (CK, /CK and DQS, /DQS) must meet the requirements in Table 8. The differential input cross point voltage VIX is measured from the actual cross point of true and complement signals to the midlevel between of VDD and VSS. VDDCA or VDDQ /CK, /DQS VIX VDDCA/2 or VDDQ/2 VIX VIX CK, DQS VSS or VSSQ Figure 5 — VIX Definition Table 9 Cross point voltage for differential input signals (CK, DQS) Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Note Differential Input Cross Point Voltage relative to VDDCA/2 for CK, /CK VIXCA -120 120 mV 1, 2 Differential Input Cross Point Voltage relative to VDDQ/2 for DQS, /DQS VIXDQ -120 120 mV 1, 2 Notes: 1. The typical value of VIX(AC) is expected to be about 0.5 × VDD of the transmitting device, and VIX(AC) is expected to track variations in VDD. VIX(AC) indicates the voltage at which differential input signals must cross. 2. For CK and /CK, VREF = VREFCA(DC). For DQS and /DQS, VREF = VREFDQ(DC). 1.8 Slew Rate Definitions for Single-Ended Input Signals See “CA and /CS Setup, Hold and Derating” on page 40 for single-ended slew rate definitions for address and command signals. See “Data Setup, Hold and Slew Rate Derating” on page 47 for single-ended slew rate definitions for data signals. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 16 EDB4432BABH 1.9 Slew Rate Definitions for Differential Input Signals Input slew rate for differential signals (CK, /CK and DQS, /DQS) are defined and measured as shown in Table 10 and Figure 6. Table 10 Differential Input Slew Rate Definition Measured Description Defined by from to Differential input slew rate for rising edge (CK – /CK and DQS – /DQS). VILdiffmax VIHdiffmin [VIHdiffmin - VILdiffmax] / DeltaTRdiff Differential input slew rate for falling edge (CK – /CK and DQS – /DQS). VIHdiffmin VILdiffmax [VIHdiffmin - VILdiffmax] / DeltaTFdiff Note: 1. The differential signal (i.e. CK – /CK and DQS – /DQS) must be linear between these thresholds. Differential Input Vollage (i.e. DQS - /DQS, CK - /CK) DeltaTRdiff VIHdiffmin 0 VILdiffmax DeltaTFdiff Figure 6 — Differential Input Slew Rate Definition for DQS, /DQS and CK, /CK Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 17 EDB4432BABH 1.10 AC and DC Output Measurement Levels 1.10.1 Single Ended AC and DC Output Levels Table 11 shows the output levels used for measurements of single ended signals. Table 11 Single-ended AC and DC Output Levels Parameter Symbol Value DC output high measurement level (for IV curve linearity) VOH(DC) 0.9 × VDDQ V 1 DC output low measurement level (for IV curve linearity) VOL(DC) 0.1 × VDDQ V 2 AC output high measurement level (for output slew rate) VOH(AC) VREFDQ + 0.12 V AC output low measurement level (for output slew rate) VOL(AC) VREFDQ - 0.12 V min. -5 A max. 5 A min. -15 % max. 15 % Output Leakage current (DQ, DM, DQS, /DQS) (DQ, DQS, /DQS are disabled; 0V VOUT VDDQ) IOZ Delta RON between pull-up and pull-down for DQ/DM MMPUPD Unit Note Notes: 1. IOH = -0.1mA. 2. IOL = 0.1mA. 1.10.2 Differential AC and DC Output Levels Table 12 shows the output levels used for measurements of differential signals. Table 12 Differential AC and DC Output Levels Parameter Symbol Value Unit AC differential output high measurement level (for output SR) VOHdiff(AC) +0.2 × VDDQ V AC differential output low measurement level (for output SR) VOLdiff(AC) -0.2 × VDDQ V Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 18 Note EDB4432BABH 1.10.3 Single Ended Output Slew Rate With the reference load for timing measurements, output slew rate for falling and rising edges is defined and measured between VOL(AC) and VOH(AC) for single ended signals as shown in Table 13 and Figure 7. Table 13 Single-ended Output Slew Rate Definition Measured Description Defined by from to Single-ended output slew rate for rising edge VOL(AC) VOH(AC) [VOH(AC) - VOL(AC)] / DeltaTRse Single-ended output slew rate for falling edge VOH(AC) VOL(AC) [VOH(AC) - VOL(AC)] / DeltaTFse Note: 1. Output slew rate is verified by design and characterization, and may not be subject to production test. Single Ended Output Vollage (i.e. DQ) DeltaTRse VOH (AC) VREF VOL (AC) DeltaTFse Figure 7 — Single Ended Output Slew Rate Definition Table 14 Output Slew Rate (single-ended) Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Single-ended Output Slew Rate (RON = 40 30%) SRQse 1.5 3.5 V/ns Single-ended Output Slew Rate (RON = 60 30%) SRQse 1.0 2.5 V/ns 0.7 1.4 Output slew-rate matching Ratio (Pull-up to Pull-down) Remark: Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. SR: Slew Rate, Q: Query Output (like in DQ, which stands for Data-in, Query-Output), se: Single-ended Signals Measured with output reference load. The ratio of pull-up to pull-down slew rate is specified for the same temperature and voltage, over the entire temperature and voltage range. For a given output, it represents the maximum difference between pull-up and pulldown drivers due to process variation. The output slew rate for falling and rising edges is defined and measured between VOL(AC) and VOH(AC). Slew rates are measured under normal SSO conditions, with 1/2 of DQ signals per data byte driving logic high and 1/2 of DQ signals per data byte driving logic low. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 19 EDB4432BABH 1.11 Differential Output Slew Rate With the reference load for timing measurements, output slew rate for falling and rising edges is defined and measured between VOLdiff(AC) and VOHdiff(AC) for differential signals as shown in Table 15 and Figure 8. Table 15 Differential Output Slew Rate Definition Measured Description from Differential output slew rate for rising edge Defined by to VOLdiff(AC) VOHdiff(AC) [VOHdiff(AC) - VOLdiff(AC)] / DeltaTRdiff Differential output slew rate for falling edge VOHdiff(AC) VOLdiff(AC) [VOHdiff(AC) - VOLdiff(AC)] / DeltaTFdiff Note: 1. Output slew rate is verified by design and characterization, and may not be subject to production test. Differential Output Vollage (i.e. DQS - /DQS) DeltaTRdiff VOHdiff(AC) 0 VOLdiff(AC) DeltaTFdiff Figure 8 — Differential Output Slew Rate Definition Table 16 Differential Output Slew Rate Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit Differential Output Slew Rate (RON = 40 30%) SRQdiff 3.0 7.0 V/ns Differential Output Slew Rate (RON = 60 30%) SRQdiff 2.0 5.0 V/ns Remark: SR: Slew Rate, Q: Query Output (like in DQ, which stands for Data-in, Query-Output), diff: Differential Signals Notes: 1. Measured with output reference load. 2. The output slew rate for falling and rising edges is defined and measured between VOL(AC) and VOH(AC). 3. Slew rates are measured under normal SSO conditions, with 1/2 of DQ signals per data byte driving logic high and 1/2 of DQ signals per data byte driving logic low. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 20 EDB4432BABH 1.12 Overshoot and Undershoot Specifications Table 17 AC Overshoot/Undershoot Specification Parameter 1066 Unit Maximum peak amplitude allowed for overshoot area. max. 0.35 V Maximum peak amplitude allowed for undershoot area. max. 0.35 V Maximum overshoot area above VDD*1. max. 0.15 V-ns Maximum undershoot area below VSS*2 max. 0.15 V-ns Notes: 1. For CA0 – CA9, CK, /CK, /CS, and CKE, VDD stands for VDDCA. For DQ, DM, DQS, and /DQS, VDD stands for VDDQ. 2. For CA0 – CA9, CK, /CK, /CS, and CKE, VSS stands for VSS. For DQ, DM, DQS, and /DQS, VSS stands for VSSQ. 3. Values are referenced from actual VDDQ, VDDCA, VSSQ, and VSS levels. Maximum Amplitude Overshoot area Volts (V) VDD VSS Undershoot area Time (ns) Figure 9 — Overshoot and Undershoot Definition 1.13 RONPU and RONPD Resistor Definition VDDQ – Vout RONPU = -----------------------------------------ABS Iout Note 1: This is under the condition that RONPD is turned off Vout RONPD = ----------------------------ABS Iout Note 1: This is under the condition that RONPU is turned off Chip in Drive Mode Output Driver VDDQ IPU To other circuitry like Receiver, ... RONPU IOut RONPD IPD DQ VOut VSSQ Figure 10 — Output Driver: Definition of Voltages and Currents Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 21 EDB4432BABH 1.13.1 RONPU and RONPD Characteristics with ZQ Calibration Output driver impedance RON is defined by the value of the external reference resistor RZQ. Nominal RZQ is 240. Table 18 Output Driver DC Electrical Characteristics with ZQ Calibration RONNOM 34.3 40.0 48.0 60.0 80.0 120.0 (optional) Mismatch between pull-up and pull-down Resistor Vout min. nom. max. Unit Note RON34PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/7 1, 2, 3, 4 RON34PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/7 1, 2, 3, 4 RON40PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/6 1, 2, 3, 4 RON40PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/6 1, 2, 3, 4 RON48PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/5 1, 2, 3, 4 RON48PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/5 1, 2, 3, 4 RON60PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/4 1, 2, 3, 4 RON60PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/4 1, 2, 3, 4 RON80PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/3 1, 2, 3, 4 RON80PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/3 1, 2, 3, 4 RON120PD 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/2 1, 2, 3, 4 RON120PU 0.5 × VDDQ 0.85 1.00 1.15 RZQ/2 1, 2, 3, 4 % 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 MMPUPD -15.00 +15.00 Notes: 1. Across entire operating temperature range, after calibration. 2. RZQ = 240. 3. The tolerance limits are specified after calibration with fixed voltage and temperature. For behavior of the tolerance limits if temperature or voltage changes after calibration, see following section on voltage and temperature sensitivity. 4. Pull-down and pull-up output driver impedances are recommended to be calibrated at 0.5 × VDDQ. 5. Mesaurement definition for mismatch between pull-up and pull-down, MMPUPD: Measure RONPU and RONPD, both at 0.5 × VDDQ: RONPU – RONPD MMPUPD = ---------------------------------------------------- 100 RONNOM For example, with MMPUPD max.= 15% and RONPD = 0.85, RONPU must be less than 1.0. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 22 EDB4432BABH 1.13.2 Output Driver Temperature and Voltage Sensitivity If temperature and/or voltage change after calibration, the tolerance limits widen according to the Tables shown below. Table 19 Output Driver Sensitivity Definition Resistor RONPD RONPU Vout 0.5 × VDDQ min. max. Unit 85 - (dRONdT × |T|) - (dRONdV × |V|) 115 + (dRONdT × |T|) + (dRONdV × |V|) % Note 1, 2 Notes: 1. T = T - T(@ calibration), V = V - V(@ calibration) 2. dRONdT and dRONdV are not subject to production test but are verified by design and characterization Table 20 Output Driver Temperature and Voltage Sensitivity Parameter Symbol min. max. Unit RON Temperature Sensitivity dRONdT 0 0.75 %/C RON Voltage Sensitivity dRONdV 0 0.20 %/mV Note 1.13.3 RONPU and RONPD Characteristics without ZQ Calibration Output driver impedance RON is defined by design and characterization as default setting. Table 21 Output Driver DC Electrical Characteristics without ZQ Calibration RONNOM 34.3 40.0 48.0 60.0 80.0 120.0 (optional) Note: 1. Resistor Vout min. nom. max. Unit Note RON34PD 0.5 × VDDQ 24 34.3 44.6 1 RON34PU 0.5 × VDDQ 24 34.3 44.6 1 RON40PD 0.5 × VDDQ 28 40 52 1 RON40PU 0.5 × VDDQ 28 40 52 1 RON48PD 0.5 × VDDQ 33.6 48 62.4 1 RON48PU 0.5 × VDDQ 33.6 48 62.4 1 RON60PD 0.5 × VDDQ 42 60 78 1 RON60PU 0.5 × VDDQ 42 60 78 1 RON80PD 0.5 × VDDQ 56 80 104 1 RON80PU 0.5 × VDDQ 56 80 104 1 RON120PD 0.5 × VDDQ 84 120 156 1 RON120PU 0.5 × VDDQ 84 120 156 1 Across entire operating temperature range, without calibration. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 23 EDB4432BABH 2. Electrical Specifications 2.1 IDD Measurement Conditions The following definitions are used within the IDD measurement tables: LOW: VIN VIL(DC) max. HIGH: VIN VIH(DC) min. STABLE: Inputs are stable at a HIGH or LOW level SWITCHING: See Table 22, 23 and 24. Table 22 Definition of Switching for CA Input Signals Switching for CA CK CK CK CK CK CK CK CK (RISING) / (FALLING) / (RISING) / (FALLING) / (RISING) / (FALLING) / (RISING) / (FALLING) / /CK /CK /CK /CK /CK /CK /CK /CK (FALLING) (RISING) (FALLING) (RISING) (FALLING) (RISING) (FALLING) (RISING) Cycle N N+1 N+2 N+3 /CS HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH CA0 HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH CA1 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH CA2 HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH CA3 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH CA4 HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH CA5 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH CA6 HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH CA7 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH CA8 HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH HIGH CA9 HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW HIGH Notes: 1. /CS must always be driven HIGH. 2. 50% of CA bus is changing between HIGH and LOW once per clock for the CA bus. 3. The above pattern (N, N + 1, N + 2, N + 3...) is used continuously during IDD measurement for IDD values that require SWITCHING on the CA bus. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 24 EDB4432BABH Table 23 Definition of Switching for IDD4R Clock CKE /CS Clock Cycle Number Command CA0 – CA2 CA3 – CA9 All DQ Rising HIGH LOW N Read_Rising HLH LHLHLHL L Falling HIGH LOW N Read_Falling LLL LLLLLLL L Rising HIGH HIGH N+1 NOP LLL LLLLLLL H Falling HIGH HIGH N+1 NOP HLH HLHLLHL L Rising HIGH LOW N+2 Read_Rising HLH HLHLLHL H Falling HIGH LOW N+2 Read_Falling LLL HHHHHHH H Rising HIGH HIGH N+3 NOP LLL HHHHHHH H Falling HIGH HIGH N+3 NOP HLH LHLHLHL L Notes: 1. Data strobe (DQS) is changing between HIGH and LOW every clock cycle. 2. The above pattern (N, N + 1...) is used continuously during IDD measurement for IDD4R. Table 24 Definition of Switching for IDD4W Clock CKE /CS Clock Cycle Number Command CA0 – CA2 CA3 – CA9 All DQ Rising HIGH LOW N Write_Rising HLL LHLHLHL L Falling HIGH LOW N Write_Falling LLL LLLLLLL L Rising HIGH HIGH N+1 NOP LLL LLLLLLL H Falling HIGH HIGH N+1 NOP HLH HLHLLHL L Rising HIGH LOW N+2 Write_Rising HLL HLHLLHL H Falling HIGH LOW N+2 Write_Falling LLL HHHHHHH H Rising HIGH HIGH N+3 NOP LLL HHHHHHH H Falling HIGH HIGH N+3 NOP HLH LHLHLHL L Notes: 1. Data strobe (DQS) is changing between HIGH and LOW every clock cycle. 2. Data masking (DM) must always be driven LOW. 3. The above pattern (N, N + 1...) is used continuously during IDD measurement for IDD4W. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 25 EDB4432BABH 2.2 DC Characteristics 1 (TC = -30C to +85C, VDD1 = 1.70V to 1.95V, VDD2, VDDCA, VDDQ = 1.14V to 1.30V) Table 25 IDD Specification Parameters and Operating Conditions Symbol Power Supply 1066 Unit Parameter/Condition Operating one bank active-pecharge current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; tRC = tRCmin; CKE is HIGH; /CS is HIGH between valid commands; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE max. IDD0_1 VDD1 11 mA IDD0_2 VDD2 55 mA IDD0_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD2P_1 VDD1 0.4 mA IDD2P_2 VDD2 0.9 mA IDD2P_IN VDDCA VDDQ 0.1 mA IDD2PS_1 VDD1 0.4 mA IDD2PS_2 VDD2 0.9 mA IDD2PS_IN VDDCA VDDQ 0.1 mA IDD2N_1 VDD1 0.6 mA IDD2N_2 VDD2 15 mA IDD2N_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD2NS_1 VDD1 0.6 mA IDD2NS_2 VDD2 7.0 mA IDD2NS_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD3P_1 VDD1 0.7 mA IDD3P_2 VDD2 5.5 mA IDD3P_IN VDDCA VDDQ 0.1 mA IDD3PS_1 VDD1 0.7 mA IDD3PS_2 VDD2 5.5 mA IDD3PS_IN VDDCA VDDQ 0.1 mA IDD3N_1 VDD1 1.0 mA IDD3N_2 VDD2 22 mA IDD3N_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD3NS_1 VDD1 1.5 mA IDD3NS_2 VDD2 15 mA IDD3NS_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA Idle power-down standby current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is LOW; /CS is HIGH; All banks idle; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE Idle power-down standby current with clock stop: CK = LOW, /CK = HIGH; CKE is LOW; /CS is HIGH; All banks idle; CA bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are STABLE Idle non power-down standby current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is HIGH; /CS is HIGH; All banks idle; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE Idle non power-down standby current with clock stop: CK = LOW, /CK = HIGH; CKE is HIGH; /CS is HIGH; All banks idle; CA bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are STABLE Active power-down standby current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is LOW; /CS is HIGH; One bank active; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE Active power-down standby current with clock stop: CK = LOW, /CK = HIGH; CKE is LOW; /CS is HIGH; One bank active; CA bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are STABLE Active non power-down standby current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is HIGH; /CS is HIGH; One bank active; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE Active non power-down standby current with clock stop: CK = LOW, /CK = HIGH; CKE is HIGH; /CS is HIGH; One bank active; CA bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are STABLE Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 26 EDB4432BABH Table 25 IDD Specification Parameters and Operating Conditions (cont’d) Symbol Power Supply 1066 Unit Parameter/Condition IDD4R_1 VDD1 2.0 mA VDD2 190 mA Operating burst read current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; /CS is HIGH between valid commands; One bank active; BL = 4; RL = RLmin; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; 50% data change each burst transfer; IDD4R_2 IDD4W_1 VDD1 2.0 mA IDD4W_2 VDD2 220 mA IDD4W_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD5_1 VDD1 40 mA IDD5_2 VDD2 150 mA IDD5_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD5AB_1 VDD1 2.0 mA IDD5AB_2 VDD2 16 mA IDD5AB_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA IDD5PB_1 VDD1 2.0 mA IDD5PB_2 VDD2 16 mA IDD5PB_IN VDDCA VDDQ 1.0 mA max. Operating burst write current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; /CS is HIGH between valid commands; One bank active; BL = 4; WL = WLmin; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; 50% data change each burst transfer; All Bank Auto Refresh Burst current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is HIGH between valid commands; tRC = tRFCabmin; Burst refresh; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE; All Bank Auto Refresh Average current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is HIGH between valid commands; tRC = tREFI; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE; Per Bank Auto Refresh Average current: tCK = tCK(avg)min; CKE is HIGH between valid commands; tRC = tREFI/8; CA bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are STABLE; Notes: 1. IDD values published are the maximum of the distribution of the arithmetic mean. 2. IDD current specifications are tested after the device is properly initialized. Table 26 IDD6 Full and Partial Array Self-Refresh Current Parameter Symbol typ. max. Unit Condition Self-Refresh Current IDD6_1 — 450 A IDD6_2 — 1300 A IDD6_IN — 12 A CK = LOW, /CK = HIGH; CKE is LOW; CA bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are STABLE; -30C TC+45C Full Array Self-Refresh Current +45C <TC+85C Full Array IDD6_1 — 900 A IDD6_2 — 3200 A IDD6_IN — 12 A Note: 1. IDD values published are the maximum of the distribution of the arithmetic mean. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 27 EDB4432BABH 2.3 DC Characteristics 2 (TC = -30C to +85C, VDD1 = 1.70V to 1.95V, VDD2, VDDCA, VDDQ = 1.14V to 1.30V) Table 27 Electrical Characteristics and Operating Conditions Symbol min. max. Unit Parameter/Condition IL -2 +2 A Input leakage current: For CA, CKE, /CS, CK, /CK Any input 0V VIN VDD2 = VDDCA (All other pins not under test = 0V) IVREF -1 +1 A VREF supply leakage current: VREFDQ = VDDQ/2 or VREFCA = VDD2/2 = VDDCA/2 (All other pins not under test = 0V) Note 2 1 Notes: 1. The minimum limit requirement is for testing purposes. The leakage current on VREFCA and VREFDQ pins should be minimal. 2. Although DM is for input only, the DM leakage shall match the DQ and DQS, /DQS output leakage specification. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 28 EDB4432BABH 2.4 Clock Specification The jitter specified is a random jitter meeting a Gaussian distribution. Input clocks violating the min/max values may result in malfunction of the DDR2 Mobile RAM device. 2.4.1 Definition for tCK(avg) and nCK tCK(avg) is calculated as the average clock period across any consecutive 200 cycle window, where each clock period is calculated from rising edge to rising edge. N tCK avg = tCK j N j = N = where Unit ‘tCK(avg)’ represents the actual clock average tCK(avg) of the input clock under operation. Unit ‘nCK’ represents one clock cycle of the input clock, counting the actual clock edges. tCK(avg) may change by up to +/-1% within a 100 clock cycle window, provided that all jitter and timing specs are met. 2.4.2 Definition for tCK(abs) tCK(abs) is defined as the absolute clock period, as measured from one rising edge to the next consecutive rising edge. tCK(abs) is not subject to production test. 2.4.3 Definition for tCH(avg) and tCL(avg) tCH(avg) is defined as the average high pulse width, as calculated across any consecutive 200 high pulses. N tCH avg = tCH j N tCK avg j = N = where tCL(avg) is defined as the average low pulse width, as calculated across any consecutive 200 low pulses. N tCL avg = tCL j N tCK avg j = N = where Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 29 EDB4432BABH 2.4.4 Definition for tJIT(per) tJIT(per) is the single period jitter defined as the largest deviation of any signal tCK from tCK(avg). tJIT(per) = Min/max of {tCKi - tCK(avg) where i = 1 to 200}. tJIT(per),act is the actual clock jitter for a given system. tJIT(per),allowed is the specified allowed clock period jitter. tJIT(per) is not subject to production test. 2.4.5 Definition for tJIT(cc) tJIT(cc) is defined as the absolute difference in clock period between two consecutive clock cycles. tJIT(cc) = Max of |{tCKi +1 - tCKi}|. tJIT(cc) defines the cycle to cycle jitter. tJIT(cc) is not subject to production test. 2.4.6 Definition for tERR(nper) tERR(nper) is defined as the cumulative error across n multiple consecutive cycles from tCK(avg). tERR(nper), act is the actual clock jitter over n cycles for a given system. tERR(nper), allowed is the specified allowed clock period jitter over n cycles. tERR(nper) is not subject to production test. i+n– tERR nper = tCK j – n tCK avg j=i tERR(nper),min can be calculated by the formula shown below: tERR nper min = + LN n tJIT per min tERR(nper),max can be calculated by the formula shown below: tERR nper max = + LN n tJIT per max Using these equations, tERR(nper) tables can be generated for each tJIT(per),act value. 2.4.7 Definition for duty cycle jitter tJIT(duty) tJIT(duty) is defined with absolute and average specification of tCH / tCL. tJIT duty min = MIN tCH abs min – tCH avg min tCL abs min – tCL avg min tCK avg tJIT duty max = MAX tCH abs max – tCH avg max tCL abs max – tCL avg max tCK avg 2.4.8 Definition for tCK(abs), tCH(abs) and tCL(abs) These parameters are specified per their average values, however it is understood that the following relationship between the average timing and the absolute instantaneous timing holds at all times. Table 28 Definition for tCK(abs), tCH(abs), and tCL(abs) Parameter Absolute Clock Period Symbol Min tCK(abs) tCK(avg),min + tJIT(per),min Absolute Clock HIGH Pulse Width tCH(abs) tCH(avg),min + tJIT(duty),min / tCK(avg)min tCK(avg) Absolute Clock LOW Pulse Width tCL(abs) tCL(avg),min + tJIT(duty),min / tCK(avg)min tCK(avg) Notes: 1. tCK(avg),min is expressed is ps for this table. 2. tJIT(duty),min is a negative value. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 30 Unit ps EDB4432BABH 2.5 Period Clock Jitter DDR2 Mobile RAM devices can tolerate some clock period jitter without core timing parameter de-rating. This section describes device timing requirements in the presence of clock period jitter (tJIT(per)) in excess of the values found in Table 29 on page 34 and how to determine cycle time de-rating and clock cycle de-rating. 2.5.1 Clock period jitter effects on core timing parameters (tRCD, tRP, tRTP, tWR, tWRA, tWTR, tRC, tRAS, tRRD, tFAW ) Core timing parameters extend across multiple clock cycles. Period clock jitter will impact these parameters when measured in numbers of clock cycles. When the device is operated with clock jitter within the specification limits, the DDR2 Mobile RAM device is characterized and verified to support tnPARAM = RU{tPARAM / tCK(avg)}. When the device is operated with clock jitter outside specification limits, the number of clocks or tCK(avg) may need to be increased based on the values for each core timing parameter. Cycle time de-rating for core timing parameters For a given number of clocks (tnPARAM), for each core timing parameter, average clock period (tCK(avg)) and actual cumulative period error (tERR(tnPARAM),act) in excess of the allowed cumulative period error (tERR(tnPARAM),allowed), the equation below calculates the amount of cycle time de-rating (in ns) required if the equation results in a positive value for a core timing parameter (tCORE). tPARAM + tERR tnPARAM act – tERR tnPARAM allowed CycleTimeDerating = MAX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- – tCK avg tnPARAM A cycle time derating analysis should be conducted for each core timing parameter. The amount of cycle time derating required is the maximum of the cycle time de-ratings determined for each individual core timing parameter. Clock Cycle de-rating for core timing parameters For a given number of clocks (tnPARAM) for each core timing parameter, clock cycle de-rating should be specified with amount of period jitter (tJIT(per)). For a given number of clocks (tnPARAM), for each core timing parameter, average clock period (tCK(avg)) and actual cumulative period error (tERR(tnPARAM),act) in excess of the allowed cumulative period error (tERR(tnPARAM),allowed), the equation below calculates the clock cycle derating (in clocks) required if the equation results in a positive value for a core timing parameter (tCORE). tPARAM + tERR tnPARAM act – tERR tnPARAM allowed ClockCycleDerating = RU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- – tnPARAM tCK avg A clock cycle de-rating analysis should be conducted for each core timing parameter. 2.5.2 Clock jitter effects on Command/Address timing parameters (tIS, tIH, tISCKE, tIHCKE, tISb, tIHb, tISCKEb, tIHCKEb) These parameters are measured from a command/address signal (CKE, CS, CA0 – CA9) transition edge to its respective clock signal (CK, /CK) crossing. The spec values are not affected by the amount of clock jitter applied (i.e. tJIT(per), as the setup and hold are relative to the clock signal crossing that latches the command/address. Regardless of clock jitter values, these values shall be met. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 31 EDB4432BABH 2.5.3 Clock jitter effects on Read timing parameters tRPRE When the device is operated with input clock jitter, tRPRE needs to be de-rated by the actual period jitter (tJIT(per),act,max) of the input clock in excess of the period jitter (tJIT(per),allowed,max). Output deratings are relative to the input clock. tJIT per act ,max – tJIT per ,allowed ,max tRPRE min derated = – ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tCK avg For example, if the measured jitter into a DDR2 Mobile RAM-800 device has tCK(avg) = 2500 ps, tJIT(per),act,min = -172 ps and tJIT(per),act,max= + 193 ps, then tRPRE,min,derated = 0.9 - (tJIT(per),act,max - tJIT(per),allowed,max)/tCK(avg) = 0.9 - (193 - 100)/2500= 0.8628 tCK(avg) tLZ(DQ), tHZ(DQ), tDQSCK, tLZ(DQS), tHZ(DQS) These parameters are measured from a specific clock edge to a data signal (DMn, DQm.: n=0,1,2,3. m=0 –31) transition and will be met with respect to that clock edge. Therefore, they are not affected by the amount of clock jitter applied (i.e. tJIT(per). tQSH, tQSL These parameters are affected by duty cycle jitter which is represented by tCH(abs)min and tCL(abs)min. Therefore tQSH(abs)min and tQSL(abs)min can be specified with tCH(abs)min and tCL(abs)min. tQSH(abs)min = tCH(abs)min - 0.05 tQSL(abs)min = tCL(abs)min - 0.05 These parameters determine absolute Data-Valid window at the DDR2 Mobile RAM device pin. Absolute min data-valid window @ DDR2 Mobile RAM device pin = min { ( tQSH(abs)min × tCK(avg)min - tDQSQmax - tQHSmax ) , ( tQSL(abs)min × tCK(avg)min tDQSQmax - tQHSmax ) } This minimum data-valid window shall be met at the target frequency regardless of clock jitter. tRPST tRPST is affected by duty cycle jitter which is represented by tCL(abs). Therefore tRPST(abs)min can be specified by tCL(abs)min. tRPST(abs)min = tCL(abs)min - 0.05 = tQSL(abs)min Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 32 EDB4432BABH 2.5.4 Clock jitter effects on Write timing parameters tDS, tDH These parameters are measured from a data signal (DMn, DQm.: n=0,1,2,3. m=0 –31) transition edge to its respective data strobe signal (DQSn, /DQSn : n=0,1,2,3) crossing. The spec values are not affected by the amount of clock jitter applied (i.e. tJIT(per), as the setup and hold are relative to the clock signal crossing that latches the command/address. Regardless of clock jitter values, these values shall be met. tDSS, tDSH These parameters are measured from a data strobe signal (DQSx, /DQSx) crossing to its respective clock signal (CK, /CK) crossing. The spec values are not affected by the amount of clock jitter applied (i.e. tJIT(per), as the setup and hold are relative to the clock signal crossing that latches the command/address. Regardless of clock jitter values, these values shall be met. tDQSS This parameter is measured from a data strobe signal (DQSx, /DQSx) crossing to the subsequent clock signal (CK, /CK) crossing. When the device is operated with input clock jitter, this parameter needs to be de-rated by the actual tJIT(per),act of the input clock in excess of the period jitter tJIT(per),allowed. tJIT per act ,min – tJIT per ,allowed ,min tDQSS min derated = – ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tCK avg tJIT per act ,max – tJIT per ,allowed ,max tDQSS max derated = – -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tCK avg For example, if the measured jitter into a LPDDR2-800 device has tCK(avg)= 2500 ps, tJIT(per),act,min= -172 ps and tJIT(per),act,max= + 193 ps, then tDQSS,(min,derated) = 0.75 -(tJIT(per),act,min - tJIT(per),allowed,min)/tCK(avg) = 0.75 - (-172 + 100) /2500 = 0.7788 tCK(avg) and tDQSS,(max,derated) = 1.25 - (tJIT(per),act,max - tJIT(per),allowed,max)/tCK(avg) = 1.25 - (193 - 100) /2500 = 1.2128 tCK(avg) Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 33 EDB4432BABH 2.6 AC Characteristics (TC = -30C to +85C, VDD1 = 1.70V to 1.95V, VDD2, VDDCA, VDDQ = 1.14V to 1.30V) Table 29 AC Characteristics Table*6 Parameter Symbol min. min. max. tCK*9 Max. Frequency*4 1066 Unit — 533 MHz min. — 1.875 ns max. — 100 ns min. — 0.45 max. — 0.55 min. — 0.45 max. — 0.55 Clock Timing Average Clock Period tCK(avg) Average high pulse width tCH(avg) Average low pulse width tCL(avg) Absolute Clock Period tCK(abs) min. — tCK(avg)(min.) + tJIT(per)(min.) Absolute clock HIGH pulse width (with allowed jitter) tCH(abs), allowed min. — 0.43 max. — 0.57 Absolute clock LOW pulse width (with allowed jitter) tCL(abs), allowed min. — 0.43 max. — 0.57 Clock Period Jitter (with allowed jitter) tJIT(per), allowed min. — -90 max. — 90 Maximum Clock Jitter between two consecutive clock cycles (with allowed jitter) tJIT(cc), allowed max. — 180 min. — min((tCH(abs),min tCH(avg),min), (tCL(abs),min tCL(avg),min)) × tCK(avg) max. — max((tCH(abs),max tCH(avg),max), (tCL(abs),max tCL(avg),max)) × tCK(avg) Duty cycle Jitter (with allowed jitter) tJIT(duty), allowed Cumulative error across 2 cycles tERR(2per), allowed min. — -132 max. — 132 Cumulative error across 3 cycles tERR(3per), allowed min. — -157 max. — 157 Cumulative error across 4 cycles tERR(4per), allowed min. — -175 max. — 175 Cumulative error across 5 cycles tERR(5per), allowed min. — -188 max. — 188 Cumulative error across 6 cycles tERR(6per), allowed min. — -200 max. — 200 Cumulative error across 7 cycles tERR(7per), allowed min. — -209 max. — 209 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 34 tCK(avg) tCK(avg) ps tCK(avg) tCK(avg) ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps EDB4432BABH Table 29 AC Characteristics Table*6 (cont’d) Parameter Symbol min. min. max. tCK*9 1066 Cumulative error across 8 cycles tERR(8per), allowed min. — -217 max. — 217 Cumulative error across 9 cycles tERR(9per), allowed min. — -224 max. — 224 Cumulative error across 10 cycles tERR(10per), min. allowed max. — -231 — 231 Cumulative error across 11 cycles tERR(11per), min. allowed max. — -237 — 237 Cumulative error across 12 cycles tERR(12per), min. allowed max. — -242 — 242 min. — tERR(nper),allowed,min. = (1 + 0.68ln(n)) × tJIT(per),allowed,min. max. — tERR(nper),allowed,max. = (1 + 0.68ln(n)) × tJIT(per),allowed,max. min. — 2500 max. — 5500 Cumulative error across n = 13, 14 . . . 49, 50 cycles tERR(nper), allowed Unit ps ps ps ps ps ps Read Parameters DQS output access time from CK, /CK tDQSCK DQSCK Delta Short*15 tDQSCKDS max. — 330 ps DQSCK Delta Medium*16 tDQSCKDM max. — 680 ps DQSCK Delta Long*17 tDQSCKDL max. — 920 ps DQS – DQ skew tDQSQ max. — 200 ps Data hold skew factor tQHS max. — 230 ps DQS Output High Pulse Width tQSH min. — tCH(abs) - 0.05 tCK(avg) DQS Output Low Pulse Width tQSL min. — tCL(abs) - 0.05 tCK(avg) Data Half Period tQHP min. — min(tQSH, tQSL) tCK(avg) DQ / DQS output hold time from DQS tQH min. — tQHP - tQHS Read preamble*12,*13 tRPRE min. — 0.9 tCK(avg) Read postamble*12,*14 tRPST min. — tCL(abs) - 0.05 tCK(avg) DQS low-Z from clock*12 tLZ(DQS) min. — tDQSCK(min.) - 300 ps DQ low-Z from clock*12 tLZ(DQ) min. — tDQSCK(min.) (1.4 × tQHS(max.)) ps DQS high-Z from clock*12 tHZ(DQS) max. — tDQSCK(max.) - 100 ps DQ high-Z from clock*12 tHZ(DQ) max. — tDQSCK(max.) + (1.4 × tDQSQ(max.)) ps Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 35 ps ps EDB4432BABH Table 29 AC Characteristics Table*6 (cont’d) Parameter Symbol min. min. max. tCK*9 1066 Unit Write Parameters*11 DQ and DM input hold time (VREF based) tDH min. — 210 ps DQ and DM input setup time (VREF based) tDS min. — 210 ps DQ and DM input pulse width tDIPW min. — 0.35 tCK(avg) Write command to 1st DQS latching transition tDQSS min. — 0.75 max. — 1.25 DQS input high-level width tDQSH min. — 0.4 tCK(avg) DQS input low-level width tDQSL min. — 0.4 tCK(avg) DQS falling edge to CK setup time tDSS min. — 0.2 tCK(avg) DQS falling edge hold time from CK tDSH min. — 0.2 tCK(avg) Write postamble tWPST min. — 0.4 tCK(avg) Write preamble tWPRE min. — 0.35 tCK(avg) CKE min. pulse width (high and low pulse width) tCKE min. 3 3 tCK(avg) CKE input setup time tISCKE*2 min. — 0.25 tCK(avg) CKE input hold time tIHCKE*3 min. — 0.25 tCK(avg) Address and control input setup time (VREF based) tIS*1 min. — 220 ps Address and control input hold time (VREF based) tIH*1 min. — 220 ps Address and control input pulse width tIPW min. — 0.40 tCK(avg) max. — 100 min. — 18 tCK(avg) CKE Input Parameters Command Address Input Parameters*11 Boot Parameters (10 MHz – 55 MHz)*5,*7,*8 Clock Cycle Time tCKb ns CKE Input Setup Time tISCKEb min. — 2.5 ns CKE Input Hold Time tIHCKEb min. — 2.5 ns Address & Control Input Setup Time tISb min. — 1150 ps Address & Control Input Hold Time tIHb min. — 1150 ps DQS Output Data Access Time from CK, /CK tDQSCKb min. — 2.0 max. — 10.0 Data Strobe Edge to Ouput Data Edge tDQSQb - 1.2 tDQSQb max. — 1.2 ns Data Hold Skew Factor tQHSb max. — 1.2 ns Mode Register Write command period tMRW min. 5 5 tCK(avg) Mode Register Read command period tMRR min. 2 2 tCK(avg) ns Mode Register Parameters Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 36 EDB4432BABH Table 29 AC Characteristics Table*6 (cont’d) Parameter Symbol min. min. max. tCK*9 1066 Unit DDR2 Mobile RAM Core Parameters*9 Read Latency RL min. 3 8 tCK(avg) Write Latency WL min. 1 4 tCK(avg) ACTIVE to ACTIVE command period tRC min. — tRAS + tRPab (with all-bank Precharge) tRAS + tRPpb (with per-bank Precharge) ns CKE min. pulse width during Self-Refresh (low pulse width during Self-Refresh) tCKESR min. 3 15 ns Self-refresh exit to next valid command delay tXSR min. 2 tRFCab + 10 ns Exit power down to next valid command delay tXP min. 2 7.5 ns CAS to CAS delay tCCD min. 2 2 tCK(avg) Internal Read to Precharge command delay tRTP min. 2 7.5 ns RAS to CAS Delay tRCD min. 3 18 ns Row Precharge Time (single bank) tRPpb min. 3 18 ns Row Precharge Time (all banks) tRPab min. 3 21 ns Row Active Time tRAS min. 3 42 ns max. — 70 s Write Recovery Time tWR min. 3 15 ns Internal Write to Read Command Delay tWTR min. 2 7.5 ns Active bank A to Active bank B tRRD min. 2 10 ns Four Bank Activate Window tFAW min. 8 50 ns Refresh Window tREFW max. — 32 ms Required number of REFRESH commands R min. — 8192 Average time between REFRESH commands (for reference only) tREFI max. — 3.9 s tREFIpb max. — 0.4875 s Refresh Cycle time tRFCab min. — 130 ns Per Bank Refresh Cycle time tRFCpb min. — 60 ns Burst Refresh Window = 4 × 8 × tRFCab tREFBW min. — 4.16 s Initialization Calibration Time tZQINIT min. — 1 s Long Calibration Time tZQCL min. 6 360 ns Short Calibration Time tZQCS min. 6 90 ns Calibration Reset Time tZQRESET min. 3 50 ns DDR2 Mobile RAM Refresh Requirement Parameters ZQ Calibration Parameters*9 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 37 EDB4432BABH Notes: 1. Input set-up/hold time for signal(CA0 – CA9, /CS). 2. CKE input setup time is measured from CKE reaching high/low voltage level to CK, /CK crossing. 3. CKE input hold time is measured from CK, /CK crossing to CKE reaching high/low voltage level. 4. Frequency values are for reference only. Clock cycle time (tCK) shall be used to determine device capabilities. 5. To guarantee device operation before the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device is configured a number of AC boot timing parameters are defined in the Table 29 on page 34. Boot parameter symbols have the letter b appended, e.g. tCK during boot is tCKb. 6. Frequency values are for reference only. Clock cycle time (tCK or tCKb) shall be used to determine device capabilities. 7. The DDR2 Mobile RAM will set some Mode register default values upon receiving a RESET (MRW) command as specified in “Mode Register Definition” on page 63. 8. The output skew parameters are measured with Ron default settings into the reference load. 9. These parameters should be satisfied with both specification, analog (ns) value and min. tCK. 10. All AC timings assume an input slew rate of 1V/ns. 11. Read, Write, and Input Setup and Hold values are referenced to VREF. 12. For low-to-high and high-to-low transitions the timing reference will be at the point when the signal crosses VTT. tHZ and tLZ transitions occur in the same access time (with respect to clock) as valid data transitions. These parameters are not referenced to a specific voltage level but to the time when the device output is no longer driving (for tRPST, tHZ(DQS) and tHZ(DQ) ), or begins driving (for tRPRE, tLZ(DQS), tLZ(DQ) ). Figure 11 shows a method to calculate the point when device is no longer driving tHZ(DQS) and tHZ(DQ), or begins driving tLZ(DQS), tLZ(DQ) by measuring the signal at two different voltages. The actual voltage measurement points are not critical as long as the calculation is consistent. VOH X VOH - X mV 2x X VTT + 2x Y mV VTT + Y mV VOH - 2x X mV tLZ(DQS), tLZ(DQ) VTT VTT Y actual waveform 2x Y VTT - Y mV tHZ(DQS), tHZ(DQ) VOL + 2x X mV VTT - 2x Y mV VOL + X mV T1 T2 VOL T1 T2 stop driving point = 2 x T1 - T2 begin driving point = 2 x T1 - T2 Figure 11 — tLZ and tHZ Method for Calculating Transition and Endpoints The parameters tLZ(DQS), tLZ(DQ), tHZ(DQS), and tHZ(DQ) are defined as single-ended. The timing parameters tRPRE and tRPST are determined from the differential signal DQS-/DQS. 13. Measured from the start driving of DQS – /DQS to the start driving the first rising strobe edge. 14. Measured from the from start driving the last falling strobe edge to the stop driving DQS – /DQS. 15. tDQSCKDS is the absolute value of the difference between any two tDQSCK measurements (within a byte lane) within a contiguous sequence of bursts within a 160ns rolling window. tDQSCKDS is not tested and is guaranteed by design. Temperature drift in the system is < 10C/s. Values do not include clock jitter. 16. tDQSCKDM is the absolute value of the difference between any two tDQSCK measurements (within a byte lane) within a 1.6s rolling window. tDQSCKDM is not tested and is guaranteed by design. Temperature drift in the system is < 10C/s. Values do not include clock jitter. 17. tDQSCKDL is the absolute value of the difference between any two tDQSCK measurements (within a byte lane) within a 32ms rolling window. tDQSCKDL is not tested and is guaranteed by design. Temperature drift in the system is < 10C/s. Values do not include clock jitter. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 38 EDB4432BABH 2.6.1 HSUL_12 Driver Output Timing Reference Load These ‘Timing Reference Loads’ are not intended as a precise representation of any particular system environment or a depiction of the actual load presented by a production tester. System designers should use IBIS or other simulation tools to correlate the timing reference load to a system environment. Manufacturers correlate to their production test conditions, generally one or more coaxial transmission lines terminated at the tester electronics. VREF 0.5 x VDDQ DDR2 Mobile RAM RTT = 50 Output VTT = 0.5 x VDDQ Cload = 5pF Figure 12 — HSUL_12 Driver Output Reference Load for Timing and Slew Rate Note: 1. All output timing parameter values (like tDQSCK, tDQSQ, tQHS, tHZ, tRPRE etc) are reported with respect to this reference load. This reference load is also used to report slew rate. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 39 EDB4432BABH 2.7 CA and /CS Setup, Hold and Derating For all input signals (CA and /CS) the total tIS (setup time) and tIH (hold time) required is calculated by adding the data sheet tIS(base) andtIH(base) value (see Table 30) to the tIS and tIH derating value (see Table 31) respectively. Example: tIS (total setup time) = tIS(base) + tIS Setup (tIS) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF(DC) and the first crossing of VIH(AC)min. Setup (tIS) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF(DC) and the first crossing of VIL(AC)max. If the actual signal is always earlier than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘VREF(DC) to AC region’, use nominal slew rate for derating value (see Figure 13). If the actual signal is later than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘VREF(DC) to AC region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the AC level to DC level is used for derating value (see Figure 15). Hold (tIH) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIL(DC)max and the first crossing of VREF(DC). Hold (tIH) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIH(DC)min and the first crossing of VREF(DC). If the actual signal is always later than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘DC to VREF(DC) region’, use nominal slew rate for derating value (see Figure 14). If the actual signal is earlier than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘DC to VREF(DC) region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the DC level to VREF(DC) level is used for derating value (see Figure 16). For a valid transition the input signal has to remain above/below VIH/IL(AC) for some time tVAC (see Table 32). Although for slow slew rates the total setup time might be negative (i.e. a valid input signal will not have reached VIH/IL(AC) at the time of the rising clock transition) a valid input signal is still required to complete the transition and reach VIH/IL(AC). For slew rates in between the values listed in Table 30, the derating values may obtained by linear interpolation. These values are typically not subject to production test. They are verified by design and characterization. Table 30 CA and /CS Setup and Hold Base-Values for 1V/ns Note: 1. Unit [ps] 1066 Reference tIS(base) 0 VIH/L(AC)=VREF(DC) ± 220mV tIH(base) 90 VIH/L(DC)=VREF(DC) ± 130mV AC/DC referenced for 1V/ns CA and /CS slew rate and 2 V/ns differential CK – /CK slew rate. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 40 EDB4432BABH Table 31 Derating values DDR2 Mobile RAM tIS/tIH - AC/DC based AC220 tIS, tIH derating in [ps] AC/DC based a AC220 Threshold -> VIH(AC)=VREF(DC)+220mV, VIL(AC)=VREF(DC)-220mV DC130 Threshold -> VIH(DC)=VREF(DC)+130mV, VIL(DC)=VREF(DC)-130mV CK,/CK Differential Slew Rate 4.0 V/ns 3.0 V/ns 2.0 V/ns 1.8 V/ns 1.6 V/ns 1.4 V/ns 1.2 V/ns 1.0 V/ns tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH tIS tIH CA, /CS Slew rate V/ns 2.0 110 65 110 65 110 65 1.5 74 43 74 43 74 43 89 59 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 32 32 -3 -5 -3 -5 13 11 29 27 -8 -13 8 3 24 19 40 35 56 55 2 -6 18 10 34 26 50 46 66 78 10 -3 26 13 42 33 58 65 4 -4 20 16 36 48 -7 2 17 34 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 a. Cell contents blanked are defined as ‘not supported’. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 41 45 43 EDB4432BABH Table 32 Required time tVAC above VIH(AC) {below VIL(AC)} for valid transition tVAC @ 220mV [ps] Slew Rate [V/ns] min. max. > 2.0 175 — 2.0 170 — 1.5 167 — 1.0 163 — 0.9 162 — 0.8 161 — 0.7 159 — 0.6 155 — 0.5 150 — < 0.5 150 — Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 42 EDB4432BABH /CK CK tIS tIS tIH tIH VDD2 VDDCA tVAC VIH(AC) min VREF to AC region VIH(DC) min nominal slew rate VREF(DC) nominal slew rate VIL(DC) max VREF to AC region VIL(AC) max tVAC VSS TR TF VREF(DC) - VIL(AC)max Setup Slew Rate = Falling Signal TF VIH(AC)min - VREF(DC) Setup Slew Rate = Rising Signal TR Figure 13 — Illustration of nominal slew rate and tVAC for setup time tIS for CA and /CS with respect to clock. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 43 EDB4432BABH /CK CK tIS tIS tIH tIH VDD2 VDDCA VIH(AC) min VIH(DC) min DC to VREF region nominal slew rate VREF(DC) nominal slew rate DC to VREF region VIL(DC) max VIL(AC) max VSS TF TR VREF(DC) - VIL(DC)max Hold Slew Rate = Rising Signal TR Hold Slew Rate = Falling Signal VIH(DC)min- VREF(DC) Figure 14 — Illustration of nominal slew rate for hold time tIH for CA and /CS with respect to clock Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 44 TF EDB4432BABH /CK CK tIS tIS tIH VDD2 VDDCA nominal line tIH tVAC VIH(AC) min VREF to AC region VIH(DC) min tangent line VREF(DC) tangent line VIL(DC) max VREF to AC region VIL(AC) max nominal line TR tVAC VSS tangent line [ VIH(AC)min - VREF(DC) ] Setup Slew Rate = Rising Signal TR TF Setup Slew Rate tangent line [ VREF(DC) - VIL(AC)max ] Falling Signal = TF Figure 15 — Illustration of tangent line for setup time tIS for CA and /CS with respect to clock Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 45 EDB4432BABH /CK CK tIS tIS tIH tIH VDD2 VDDCA VIH(AC) min nominal line VIH(DC) min DC to VREF region tangent line VREF(DC) DC to VREF region tangent line nominal line VIL(DC) max VIL(AC) max VSS TR TF tangent line [ VREF(DC) - VIL(DC)max ] Hold Slew Rate Rising Signal = TR Hold Slew Rate tangent line [ VIH(DC)min - VREF(DC) ] Falling Signal = TF Figure 16 — Illustration of tangent line for hold time tIH for CA and /CS with respect to clock Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 46 EDB4432BABH 2.8 Data Setup, Hold and Slew Rate Derating For all input signals the total tDS (setup time) and tDH (hold time) required is calculated by adding the data sheet tDS(base) and tDH(base) value (see Table 33) to the tDS and tDH (see Table 34) derating value respectively. Example: tDS (total setup time) = tDS(base) + tDS. Setup (tDS) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF(DC) and the first crossing of VIH(AC)min. Setup (tDS) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF(DC) and the first crossing of VIL(AC)max (see Figure 17). If the actual signal is always earlier than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘VREF(DC) to ac region’, use nominal slew rate for derating value. If the actual signal is later than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘VREF(DC) to AC region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the AC level to DC level is used for derating value (see Figure 19). Hold (tDH) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIL(DC)max and the first crossing of VREF(DC). Hold (tDH) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIH(DC)min and the first crossing of VREF(DC) (see Figure 18). If the actual signal is always later than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘DC level to VREF(DC) region’, use nominal slew rate for derating value. If the actual signal is earlier than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘DC to VREF(DC) region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the DC level to VREF(DC) level is used for derating value (see Figure 20). For a valid transition the input signal has to remain above/below VIH/IL(AC) for some time tVAC (see Table 35). Although for slow slew rates the total setup time might be negative (i.e. a valid input signal will not have reached VIH/IL(AC) at the time of the rising clock transition) a valid input signal is still required to complete the transition and reach VIH/IL(AC). For slew rates in between the values listed in the tables the derating values may obtained by linear interpolation. These values are typically not subject to production test. They are verified by design and characterization. Table 33 Data Setup and Hold Base-Values Note: 1. Unit [ps] 1066 Reference tDS(base) -10 VIH/L(AC)=VREF(DC) ± 220mV tDH(base) 80 VIH/L(DC)=VREF(DC) ± 130mV AC/DC referenced for 1V/ns DQ slew rate and 2 V/ns differential DQS – /DQS slew rate. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 47 EDB4432BABH Table 34 Derating values DDR2 Mobile RAM tDS/tDH - AC/DC based AC220 tDS, DH derating in [ps] AC/DC based a AC220 Threshold -> VIH(AC)=VREF(DC)+220mV, VIL(AC)=VREF(DC)-220mV DC130 Threshold -> VIH(DC)=VREF(DC)+130mV, VIL(DC)=VREF(DC)-130mV DQS, /DQS Differential Slew Rate 4.0 V/ns 3.0 V/ns 2.0 V/ns 1.8 V/ns 1.6 V/ns 1.4 V/ns 1.2 V/ns 1.0 V/ns tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH tDS tDH DQ Slew rate V/ns 2.0 110 65 110 65 110 65 1.5 74 43 73 43 73 43 89 59 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 32 32 -3 -5 -3 -5 13 11 29 27 45 43 -8 -13 8 3 24 19 40 35 56 55 2 -6 18 10 34 26 50 46 66 78 10 -3 26 13 42 33 58 65 4 -4 20 16 36 48 -7 2 17 34 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 a. Cell contents blanked are defined as ‘not supported’. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 48 EDB4432BABH Table 35 Required time tVAC above VIH(AC) {below VIL(AC)} for valid transition tVAC @ 220mV [ps] Slew Rate [V/ns] min. max. > 2.0 175 — 2.0 170 — 1.5 167 — 1.0 163 — 0.9 162 — 0.8 161 — 0.7 159 — 0.6 155 — 0.5 150 — < 0.5 150 — Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 49 EDB4432BABH /DQS DQS tDS tDS tDH tDH VDDQ tVAC VIH(AC) min VREF to AC region VIH(DC) min nominal slew rate VREF(DC) nominal slew rate VIL(DC) max VREF to AC region VIL(AC) max tVAC VSSQ TF TR Setup Slew Rate VREF(DC) - VIL(AC)max = Falling Signal TF Setup Slew Rate Rising Signal = VIH(AC)min - VREF(DC) TR Figure 17 — Illustration of nominal slew rate and tVAC for setup time tDS for DQ with respect to strobe Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 50 EDB4432BABH /DQS DQS tDS tDS tDH tDH VDDQ VIH(AC) min VIH(DC) min DC to VREF region nominal slew rate VREF(DC) nominal slew rate DC to VREF region VIL(DC) max VIL(AC) max VSSQ TF TR Hold Slew Rate VREF(DC) - VIL(DC)max = Rising Signal TR Hold Slew Rate = Falling Signal VIH(DC)min - VREF(DC) Figure 18 — Illustration of nominal slew rate for hold time tDH for DQ with respect to strobe Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 51 TF EDB4432BABH /DQS DQS tDS tDH tDS VDDQ nominal line VIH(AC) min tDH tVAC VREF to AC region VIH(DC) min tangent line VREF(DC) tangent line VIL(DC) max VREF to AC region VIL(AC) max nominal line tVAC TR VSSQ Setup Slew Rate tangent line [ VIH(AC)min - VREF(DC) ] = Rising Signal TR TF Setup Slew Rate tangent line [ VREF(DC) - VIL(AC)max ] Falling Signal = TF Figure 19 — Illustration of tangent line for setup time tDS for DQ with respect to strobe Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 52 EDB4432BABH /DQS DQS tDS tDS tDH tDH VDDQ VIH(AC) min nominal line VIH(DC) min DC to VREF region tangent line VREF(DC) DC to VREF region tangent line nominal line VIL(DC) max VIL(AC) max VSSQ TR Hold Slew Rate Rising Signal = Hold Slew Rate = Falling Signal tangent line [ VREF(DC) - VIL(DC)max ] TR tangent line [ VIH(DC)min - VREF(DC) ] TF Figure 20 — Illustration of tangent line for hold time tDH for DQ with respect to strobe Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 53 TF EDB4432BABH 3. Pin Function Table 36 Pad Definition and Description Name Type Description Input Clock: CK and /CK are differential clock inputs. All Double Data Rate (DDR) CA inputs are sampled on both positive and negative edge of CK. Single Data Rate (SDR) inputs, /CS and CKE, are sampled at the positive Clock edge. Clock is defined as the differential pair, CK and /CK. The positive Clock edge is defined by the crosspoint of a rising CK and a falling /CK. The negative Clock edge is defined by the crosspoint of a falling CK and a rising /CK. CKE Input Clock Enable: CKE HIGH activates and CKE LOW deactivates internal clock signals and therefore device input buffers and output drivers. Power savings modes are entered and exited through CKE transitions. CKE is considered part of the command code. See Command Truth Table on page 57 for command code descriptions. CKE is sampled at the positive Clock edge. /CS Input Chip Select: /CS is considered part of the command code. See Command Truth Table on page 57 for command code descriptions. /CS is sampled at the positive Clock edge. CA0 – CA9 Input DDR Command/Address Inputs: Uni-directional command/address bus inputs. CA is considered part of the command code. See Command Truth Table on page 57 for command code descriptions. DQ0 – DQ31 I/O Data Inputs/Output: Bi-directional data bus x32 : DQ0 – DQ31 , x16 : DQ0 – DQ15 CK, /CK Data Strobe (Bi-directional, Differential): The data strobe is bi-directional (used for read and write data) and differential (DQS and /DQS). It is output with read data and input with write data. DQS is edge-aligned to read data and centered with write data. DQS0 – DQS3, /DQS0 – /DQS3 I/O The following is corresponding table between DQ and DQS, /DQS DQ 32 DQS, /DQS DQ 16 DQS, /DQS DQ0-7 DQS0, /DQS0 DQ0-7 DQS0, /DQS0 DQ8-15 DQS1, /DQS1 DQ8-15 DQS1, /DQS1 DQ16-23 DQS2, /DQS2 DQ24-31 DQS3, /DQS3 Input Data Mask: DM is the input mask signal for write data. Input data is masked when DM is sampled HIGH coincident with that input data during a Write access. DM is sampled on both edges of DQS. Although DM is for input only, the DM loading shall match the DQ and DQS (or /DQS). DM0 – DM3 Input The following is corresponding table between DQ and DM 16 32 DQ DM DM0 DQ0-7 DM0 DQ DM DQ0-7 DQ8-15 DM1 DQ8-15 DM1 DQ16-23 DM2 DQ24-31 DM3 VDD1 Supply Core Power Supply 1 VDD2 Supply Core Power Supply 2 VDDCA Supply Input Receiver Power Supply VDDQ Supply I/O Power Supply VREFCA Supply Reference Voltage for CA Input Receiver VREFDQ Supply Reference Voltage for DQ Input Receiver VSS Supply Ground VSSQ Supply I/O Ground ZQ I/O Reference Pin for Output Drive Strength Calibration Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 54 EDB4432BABH CK /CK CKE Clock generator 4. Block Diagram CA0 to CA9 Row address buffer and refresh counter Row decoder Mode register Memory cell array Bank 0 Sense amp. Control logic /CS Address/command decoder Bank 7 Bank 6 Bank 5 Bank 4 Bank 3 Bank 2 Bank 1 Column decoder Column address buffer and burst counter Data control circuit Latch circuit Input & Output buffer DQ Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 55 DQS, /DQS DM EDB4432BABH 5. Simplified State Diagram Power Applied Automatic Sequence Power On Resetting MR Reading Command Sequence Reset MRR Self Refreshing Resetting PD SREF PDX Resetting Power Down SREFX Reset MRR Idle MR Reading REF Idle MRW PDX MR Writing ACT Active Power Down PD Idle Power Down MRR PDX Refreshing Active MR Reading PD Active*1 BST WR BST RD WR Writing Reading WRA PR(A) = Precharge (All) ACT = Activate WR(A) = Write (with Autoprecharge) RD(A) = Read (with Autoprecharge) BST = Burst Terminate Reset = Reset is achieved through MRW command MRW = Mode Register Write MRR = Mode Register Read PD = Enter Power Down PDX = Exit Power Down SREF = Enter Self Refresh SREFX = Exit Self Refresh REF = Refresh PR, PRA RDA WRA Writing with Autoprecharge RD RDA PR, PRA Reading with Autoprecharge Precharging Figure 21 — Simplified Bus Interface State Diagram Notes: 1. For DDR2 Mobile RAM in the Idle state, all banks are precharged. 2. RESET command can be issued from any state if CKE is kept high and NOP commands are issued for at least tINIT3 = 200 μs before the RESET command. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 56 EDB4432BABH 6. Truth tables Operation or timing that is not specified is illegal, and after such an event, in order to guarantee proper operation, the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device must be powered down and then restarted through the specified initialization sequence before normal operation can continue. Table 37 provides the command truth table. Table 37 Command Truth Table SDR Command Pins Command CKE /CS MRW MRR DDR CA pins (10) CK(n-1) CK(n) H H H Refresh (per bank) H Refresh (all bank) H Enter Self-Refresh H Activate (bank) H Write (bank) H Read (bank) H Precharge (bank) H BST H H H CA0 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 L L L L MA0 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA5 MA6 MA7 OP0 OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 OP6 OP7 L L L H MA0 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA5 MA6 MA7 L L L L X H L X L X L H L H H X L X L L L H X L X H H H H H L H R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 BA0 BA1 BA2 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R13 RFU H L L RFU RFU C1 C2 BA0 BA1 BA2 AP*3 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 RFU RFU H L H RFU RFU C1 C2 BA0 BA1 BA2 AP*3 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 RFU RFU H H L H AB X X BA0 BA1 BA2 X X X X X X X X X X H H L L L L L L X L X H NOP H H H H X L X Maintain PD, SREF (NOP) H L L H H X L X Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 57 CK EDGE EDB4432BABH Table 37 Command Truth Table SDR Command Pins Command DDR CA pins (10) CKE /CS CK(n-1) CK(n) H H CA0 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CK EDGE X NOP H X X Maintain PD, SREF (NOP) L Enter Power Down H Exit PD, SREF L Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L H X X L H X X H H X All commands are defined by states of /CS, CA0, CA1, CA2, CA3, and CKE at the rising edge of the clock. Bank addresses determine which bank is to be operated upon. AP “high” during a READ or WRITE command indicates that an auto-precharge will occur to the bank associated with the READ or WRITE command. “X” means “H or L (but a defined logic level)” Self-refresh exit is asynchronous. VREF must be between 0 and VDDQ during Self-Refresh operation. CAxr refers to command/address bit “x” on the rising edge of clock. CAxf refers to command/address bit “x” on the falling edge of clock. /CS and CKE are sampled at the rising edge of clock. The least-significant column address C0 is not transmitted on the CA bus, and is implied to be zero. RFU needs to input “H” or “L“ (but a defined logic level). Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 58 EDB4432BABH 7. Power-up, initialization and Power-Off DDR2 Mobile RAM Devices must be powered up and initialized in a predefined manner. Operational procedures other than those specified may result in undefined operation. 7.1 Power Ramp and Device Initialization The following sequence shall be used to power-up an DDR2 Mobile RAM Device. Unless specified otherwise, these steps are mandatory. 1. Power Ramp While applying power (after Ta), CKE shall be held at a logic low level ( 0.2 × VDD2 (VDDCA)), all other inputs shall be between VILmin and VIHmax. The DDR2 Mobile RAM Device will only guarantee that outputs are in a high impedance state while CKE is held low. On or before the completion of the power ramp (Tb) CKE must be held low. DQ, DM, DQS and /DQS voltage levels must be between VSSQ and VDDQ during voltage ramp time to avoid latch-up. CK, /CK, /CS and CA inputs levels must be between VSS and VDD2 (VDDCA) during voltage ramp up to avoid latch-up. The following conditions apply: Ta is the point where any power supply first reaches 300mV. After Ta is reached, VDD1 must be greater than VDD2 (VDDCA) - 200mV. After Ta is reached, VDD1 and VDD2 must be greater than VDDQ - 200mV. After Ta is reached, VREF must always be less than all other supply voltages. The voltage difference between any of VSS and VSSQ pins may not exceed 100mV. The above conditions apply between Ta and power-off (controlled or uncontrolled). Tb is the point when all supply and reference voltages are within their respective min/max operating conditions. For supply and reference voltage operating conditions, See Table 2 on page 9. Power ramp duration tINIT0 (Tb - Ta) must be no greater than 20ms. Note: VDD2 is not present in some systems. Rules related to VDD2 in those cases do not apply. 2. CKE and clock Beginning at Tb, CKE must remain low for at least tINIT1 = 100 ns, after which it may be asserted high. Clock must be stable at least tINIT2 = 5 x tCK prior to the first low to high transition of CKE (Tc). CKE, /CS and CA inputs must observe setup and hold time (tIS, tIH) requirements with respect to the first rising clock edge (as well as to the subsequent falling and rising edges). The clock period shall be within the range defined for tCKb (18 ns to 100 ns), if any Mode Register Reads are performed. Mode Register Writes can be sent at normal clock operating frequencies so long as all AC Timings are met.. Furthermore, some AC parameters (e.g. tDQSCK) may have relaxed timings (e.g. tDQSCKb) before the system is appropriately configured. While keeping CKE high, issue NOP commands for at least tINIT3 = 200 s. (Td). 3. Reset command After tINIT3 is satisfied, a MRW(Reset) command shall be issued (Td). The memory controller may optionally issue a Precharge-All command prior to the MRW Reset command. Wait for at least tINIT4 = 1 s while keeping CKE asserted and issuing NOP commands. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 59 EDB4432BABH 4. Mode Registers Reads and Device Auto-Initialization (DAI) polling: After tINIT4 is satisfied (Te) only MRR commands and power-down entry/exit commands are allowed. Therefore, after Te, CKE may go low in accordance to Power-Down entry and exit specification. The MRR command may be used to poll the DAI-bit to acknowledge when Device Auto-Initialization is complete or the memory controller shall wait a minimum of tINIT5 before proceeding. As the memory output buffers are not properly configured yet, some AC parameters may have relaxed timings before the system is appropriately configured. After the DAI-bit (MR#0, “DAI”) is set to zero “DAI complete“ by the memory device, the device is in idle state (Tf). The state of the DAI status bit can be determined by an MRR command to MR#0. The DDR2 Mobile RAM will set the DAI-bit no later than tINIT5 (10 s) after the Reset command. The memory controller shall wait a minimum of tINIT5 or until the DAI-bit is set before proceeding. After the DAI-Bit is set, it is recommended to determine the device type and other device characteristics by issuing MRR commands (MR0 “Device Information” etc.). 5. ZQ Calibration: After tINIT5 (Tf), an MRW ZQ Initialization Calibration command may be issued to the memory (see MR#10). This command is used to calibrate output drivers (RON) over process, voltage, and temperature. In system in which more than one DDR2 Mobile RAM Device exists on the same bus, the controller must not overlap ZQ Calibration commands. The device is ready for normal operation after tZQINIT. 6. Normal Operation: After tZQINIT (Tg), MRW commands may be used to properly configure the memory, for example the output buffer driver strength, latencies etc. Specifically, MR1, MR2, and MR3 shall be set to configure the memory for the target frequency and memory configuration. The DDR2 Mobile RAM Device will now be in IDLE state and ready for any valid command. After Tg, the clock frequency may be changed according to the clock frequency change procedure described in section “Input clock stop and frequency change during CKE low events” of “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). Table 38 Timing Parameters for initialization Symbol min. max. Unit Comment tINIT0 — 20 ms Maximum Power Ramp Time tINIT1 100 — ns Minimum CKE low time after completion of power ramp tINIT2 5 — tCK Minimum stable clock before first CKE high tINIT3 200 — s Minimum Idle time after first CKE assertion tINIT4 1 — s Minimum Idle time after Reset command tINIT5 — 10 s Maximum duration of Device Auto-Initialization tZQINIT 1 — s ZQ Initial Calibration tCKb 18 100 ns Clock cycle time during boot Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 60 EDB4432BABH Ta Tb Tc Td Tf Te Tg tINIT2 = 5 tCK (min) CK, /CK tINIT0 = 20 ms (max) Supplies tINIT3 = 200 s (min) tINIT1 = 100 ns (min) CKE PD tISCKE tINIT5 tINIT4 = 1 s (min) CA* RESET MRR tZQINIT ZQC Valid DQ TD_ResetPowerRamp_4 (modified) * Midlevel on CA bus means: valid NOP Figure 22 — Power Ramp and Initialization Sequence 7.1.1 Initialization after Reset (without Power Ramp): If the RESET command is issued outside the power-up initialization sequence, the reinitialization procedure shall begin with step 3 (Td). 7.1.2 Power-Off Sequence The following sequence shall be used to power-off the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device. Unless specified otherwise, these steps are mandatory. While removing power, CKE shall be held at a logic low level ( 0.2 × VDD2 (VDDCA)), all other inputs shall be between VILmin and VIHmax. The DDR2 Mobile RAM Device will only guarantee that outputs are in a high impedance state while CKE is held low. DQ, DM, DQS and /DQS voltage levels must be between VSSQ and VDDQ during power-off sequence to avoid latch-up. CK, /CK, /CS and CA input levels must be between VSS and VDD2 (VDDCA) during power-off sequence to avoid latch-up. Tx is the point where any power supply decreases under its minimum value specified in the DC operating condition table. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 61 EDB4432BABH Tz is the point where all power supplies are below 300mV. After Tz, the device is powered off. The time between Tx and Tz (tPOFF) shall be less than 2s. The following conditions apply: Between Tx and Tz, VDD1 must be greater than VDD2 (VDDCA) - 200mV. Between Tx and Tz, VDD1 and VDD2 must be greater than VDDQ - 200mV. Between Tx and Tz, VREF must always be less than all other supply voltages. The voltage difference between any of VSS and VSSQ pins may not exceed 100mV. For supply and reference voltage operating conditions, See Table 2 on page 9. Table 39 Timing Parameters for Power-Off Symbol tPOFF 7.1.3 min. max. — 2 Unit s Comment Maximum Power-Off ramp time Uncontrolled Power-Off Sequence The following sequence shall be used to power-off the DDR2 Mobile RAM Device under uncontrolled condition. Unless specified otherwise, these steps are mandatory. Tx is the point where any power supply decreases under its minimum value specified in the DC operating condition table. After turning off all power supplies, any power supply current capacity must be zero. Tz is the point where all power supply first reaches 300mV. After Tz, the device is powered off. The time between Tx and Tz (tPOFF) shall be less than 2s. The relative level between supply voltages are uncontrolled during this period. VDD1 and VDD2 shall decrease with a slope lower than 0.5V/usec between Tx and Tz. Uncontrolled power-off sequence can be applied only up to 400 times in the life of the device. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 62 EDB4432BABH 8. Mode Register Definition Table 40 shows the mode registers for DDR2 Mobile RAM. Each register is denoted as “R” if it can be read but not written and “W” if it can be written but not read. Mode Register Read command shall be used to read a register. Mode Register Write command shall be used to write a register. Table 40 Mode Register Assignment MR# MA <7:0> Function Access OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 0 00H Device Info. R (RFU) 1 01H Device Feature 1 W nWR (for AP) 2 02H Device Feature 2 W (RFU) RL & WL MR#2 3 03H I/O Config-1 W (RFU) DS MR#3 4 04H Refresh Rate R 5 05H Basic Config-1 R Manufacturer ID MR#5 6 06H Basic Config-2 R Revision ID1 (Die Revision) MR#6 7 07H Basic Config-3 R Revision ID2 (RFU) MR#7 8 08H Basic Config-4 R 9 09H Test Mode W Vendor-Specific Test Mode 10 0AH IO Calibration W Calibration Code 11:15 0BH~0FH (Reserved) RZQI WC (RFU) BT I/O width OP0 DI DAI BL (RFU) TUF OP1 MR#0 MR#1 Refresh Rate Density Link Type MR#4 MR#8 MR#10 (RFU) 16 10H PASR_Bank W Bank Mask MR#16 17 11H PASR_Seg W Segment Mask MR#17 18:19 12H~13H (Reserved) 32 20H DQ Calibration Pattern A 33:39 21H~27H (Do Not Use) 40 28H DQ Calibration Pattern B 41:47 29H~2FH (Do Not Use) 48:62 30H~3EH (Reserved) 63 3FH Reset 64:126 40H~7EH (Reserved) 127 7FH (Do Not Use) (RFU) R See “DQ Calibration” of “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). MR#32 R See “DQ Calibration” of “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). MR#40 (RFU) W X (RFU) 128:190 80H~BEH (Reserved) 191 BFH (RFU) (Do Not Use) 192:254 C0H~FEH (Reserved) 255 FFH MR#63 (RFU) (Do Not Use) Notes 1: RFU bits shall be set to ‘0’ during Mode Register writes. 2: RFU bits shall be read as ‘0’ during Mode Register reads. 3: All Mode Registers that are specified as RFU or write-only shall return undefined data when read and DQS, /DQS shall be toggled. 4: All Mode Registers that are specified as RFU shall not be written. 5: Writes to read-only registers shall have no impact on the functionality of the device. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 63 EDB4432BABH MR#0_Device Information (MA<7:0> = 00H): Read-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 (RFU) OP3 RZQI OP2 OP1 OP0 (RFU) DI DAI OP<0> DAI (Device Auto-Initialization Status) 0B: DAI complete 1B: DAI still in progress OP<1> DI (Device Information) 0B: DDR2 Mobile RAM OP<4:3> RZQI (Built in Self Test for RZQ Information) 01B: ZQ-pin may connect to VDD2 or VDDCA or float 10B: ZQ-pin may short to GND 11B: ZQ-pin self test completed, no error condition detected (ZQ-pin may not connect to VDD or float nor short to GND) Notes: 1. DDR2 Mobile RAM will not implement DNV functionality. 2. RZQI will be set upon completion of the MRW ZQ Initialization Calibration command. 3. If ZQ is connected to VDD2 or VDDCA to set default calibration, OP[4:3] shall be set to 01. If ZQ is not connected to VDD2 or VDDCA, either OP[4:3]=01 or OP[4:3]=10 might indicate a ZQ-pin assembly error. It is recommended that the assembly error is corrected. 4. In the case of possible assembly error (either OP[4:3]=01 or OP[4:3]=10 per Note 3), the LPDDR2 device will default to factory trim settings for RON, and will ignore ZQ calibration commands. In either case, the system may not function as intended. 5. In the case of the ZQ self-test returning a value of 11b, this result indicates that the device has detected a resistor connection to the ZQ pin. However, this result cannot be used to validate the ZQ resistor value or that the ZQ resistor tolerance meets the specified limits (i.e. 240 1%). Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 64 EDB4432BABH MR#1_Device Feature 1 (MA<7:0> = 01H): Write-only OP7 OP6 nWR (for AP) OP5 OP4 OP3 WC BT OP<2:0> BL 010B: BL4 (default) 011B: BL8 100B: BL16 All others: Reserved OP<3> BT 0B: Sequential (default) 1B: Interleaved OP<4> WC 0B: Wrap (default) 1B: No wrap (allowed for BL4 only) OP<7:5> nWR 001B: nWR=3 (default) 010B: nWR=4 011B: nWR=5 100B: nWR=6 101B: nWR=7 110B: nWR=8 All others: Reserved OP2 OP1 OP0 BL Notes: 1. BL 16, interleaved is not an official combination to be supported. 2. Programmed value in nWR register is the number of clock cycles which determines when to start internal precharge operation for a write burst with AP enabled. It is determined by RU(tWR/tCK). Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 65 EDB4432BABH Table 41 Burst Sequence by BL, BT, and WC C3 C2 C1 C0 WC wrap BT any BL 4 Burst Cycle Number and Burst Address Sequence 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 2 3 0 1 y y+1 y+2 y+3 5 6 7 8 X X 0B 0B X X 1B 0B X X X 0B nw any X 0B 0B 0B wrap seq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 0B 1B 0B 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 X 1B 0B 0B 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 X 1B 1B 0B 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 X 0B 0B 0B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 0B 1B 0B 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 X 1B 0B 0B 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 X 1B 1B 0B 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 X X X 0B nw any 0B 0B 0B 0B wrap seq 0B 0B 1B 0B 1B 0B 0B 1B 1B 1B 8 int 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A B C D E F illegal (not allowed) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 0B 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 1B 0B 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 0B 0B 0B 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0B 1B 0B A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1B 1B 0B 0B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B 1B 1B 1B 0B E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D X X X 0B X X X 0B Notes: 1. nw 16 int illegal (not allowed) any illegal (not allowed) C0 input is not present on CA bus. It is implied zero. 2. For BL=4, the burst address represents C1 - C0. 3. For BL=8, the burst address represents C2 - C0. 4. For BL=16, the burst address represents C3 - C0. 5. For no-wrap (nw), BL4, the burst shall not cross the page boundary and shall not cross subpage boundary. The variable y may start at any address with C0 equal to 0 and may not start at any address in Table 42 below for the respective density and bus width combinations. Table 42 Non Wrap Restrictions Not across full page boundary Not across sub page boundary Note: 1. x16 7FE, 7FF, 000, 001 x32 3FE, 3FF, 000, 001 x16 3FE, 3FF, 400, 401 x32 None Non-wrap BL=4 data-orders shown above are prohibited. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 66 EDB4432BABH MR#2_Device Feature 2 (MA<7:0> = 02H): Write-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 (RFU) OP<3:0> OP2 OP1 OP0 RL & WL RL & WL 0001B: RL3 / WL1(default) 0010B: RL4 / WL2 0011B: RL5 / WL2 0100B: RL6 / WL3 0101B: RL7 / WL4 0110B: RL8 / WL4 All others: Reserved MR#3_I/O Configuration 1 (MA<7:0> = 03H): Write-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 (RFU) OP<3:0> OP2 OP1 DS DS 0000B: Reserved 0001B: 34.3 typ. 0010B: 40 typ. (default) 0011B: 48 typ. 0100B: 60 typ. 0101B: Reserved 0110B: 80 typ. 0111B: 120 typ. All others: Reserved Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 67 OP0 EDB4432BABH MR#4_Device Temperature (MA<7:0> = 04H): Read-only OP7 OP6 TUF OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 (RFU) OP1 OP0 Refresh Rate OP<2:0> Refresh Rate 000B: Low temperature operating limit exceeded 001B: 4× tREFI, 4× tREFIpb, 4× tREFW 010B: 2× tREFI, 2× tREFIpb, 2× tREFW 011B: 1× tREFI, 1× tREFIpb, 1× tREFW(+85C) 100B: RFU 101B: 0.25× tREFI, 0.25× tREFIpb, 0.25× tREFW, do not de-rate AC timing 110B: 0.25× tREFI, 0.25× tREFIpb, 0.25× tREFW, de-rate AC timing 111B: High temperature operating limit exceeded OP<7> TUF(Temperature Update Flag) 0B: OP<2:0> value has not changed since last read of MR4. 1B: OP<2:0> value has changed since last read of MR4. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A Mode Register Read from MR4 will reset OP7 to ‘0’. OP7 is reset to ‘0’ at power-up. OP<2:0> bits are undefined after power-up. If OP2 equals ‘1’, the device temperature is greater than 85C. OP7 is set to “1” if OP2:OP0 has changed at any time since the last read of MR4. DDR2 Mobile RAM will drive OP<6:5> to ‘0’. Specified operating temperature range and maximum operating temperature are refer to “Electrical Conditions” on page 9. If maximum temperature is 85C, functionality for over 85C is not guaranteed. MR#5_Basic Configuration 1 (MA<7:0> = 05H): Read-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 Manufacturer ID OP<7:0> Manufacturer ID 00000011B (Elpida) Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 68 OP2 OP1 OP0 EDB4432BABH MR#6_Basic Configuration 2 (MA<7:0> = 06H): Read-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 OP2 OP1 OP0 OP2 OP1 OP0 Revision ID1(Die Revision) OP<7:0> Revision ID1 (Die Revision) 00000000B: A-version MR#7_Basic Configuration 3 (MA<7:0> = 07H): Read-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 Revision ID2 (RFU) OP<7:0> Revision ID2 (RFU) 00000000B: Default Value MR#8_Basic Configuration 4 (MA<7:0> = 08BH): Read-only OP7 OP6 I/O width OP<1:0> Type 00B: S4 Device OP<5:2> Density 0110B: 4Gb OP<7:6> I/O width 00B: ×32 OP5 OP4 OP3 Density Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 69 Type EDB4432BABH MR#10_Calibration (MA<7:0> = 0AH): Write-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 Calibration Code OP<7:0> Calibration Code 0xFF: Calibration command after initialization 0xAB: Long calibration 0x56: Short calibration 0xC3: ZQ Reset others: Reserved Notes: 1. Host processor shall not write MR10 with “Reserved” values. 2. DDR2 Mobile RAM Devices shall ignore calibration command when a “Reserved” value is written into MR10. 3. See AC timing table for the calibration latency. 4. If ZQ is connected to VSS through RZQ, either the ZQ calibration function (see “Mode Register Write ZQ Calibration Command” of “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E).) or default calibration (through the ZQreset command) is supported. If ZQ is connected to VDD2 or VDDCA, the device operates with default calibration, and ZQ calibration commands are ignored. In both cases, the ZQ connection shall not change after power is applied to the device. MR#16_PASR_Bank Mask (MA<7:0> = 010H): Write-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 Bank Mask OP<7:0> Bank Mask 0B: refresh enable to the bank (=unmasked, default) 1B: refresh blocked (=masked) Bank and OP corresponding table OP<7:0> Note: 1. Bank Bank # Bank Address OP0 Bank 0 000B OP1 Bank 1 001B OP2 Bank 2 010B OP3 Bank 3 011B OP4 Bank 4 100B OP5 Bank 5 101B OP6 Bank 6 110B OP7 Bank 7 111B Each bank can be masked independently by setting each OP value. Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 70 EDB4432BABH MR#17_PASR_Segment Mask (MA<7:0> = 0H): Write-only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 Segment Mask OP<7:0> Segment 0B: refresh enable to the segment (=unmasked, default) 1B: refresh blocked (=masked) Segment and OP corresponding table OP<7:0> Note: 1. Segment Segment # Row Address (R13:11) OP0 Segment 0 000B OP1 Segment 1 001B OP2 Segment 2 010B OP3 Segment 3 011B OP4 Segment 4 100B OP5 Segment 5 101B OP6 Segment 6 110B OP7 Segment 7 111B Each segment can be masked independently by setting each OP value. MR#32_DQ Calibration Pattern A (MA<7:0> = 20H): Reads to MR32 return DQ Calibration Pattern “A”. See “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). MR#40_DQ Calibration Pattern B (MA<7:0> = 28H): Reads to MR40 return DQ Calibration Pattern “B”. See “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). MR#63_Reset (MA<7:0> = 3FH): MRW only OP7 OP6 OP5 OP4 OP3 OP2 OP1 OP0 X Note: 1. For additonal information on MRW RESET see “DDR2 Mobile RAM General Functionality and Electrical Condition” datasheet (E1354E). Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 71 EDB4432BABH NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR MOS DEVICES Exposing the MOS devices to a strong electric field can cause destruction of the gate oxide and ultimately degrade the MOS devices operation. Steps must be taken to stop generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it, when once it has occurred. Environmental control must be adequate. When it is dry, humidifier should be used. It is recommended to avoid using insulators that easily build static electricity. MOS devices must be stored and transported in an anti-static container, static shielding bag or conductive material. All test and measurement tools including work bench and floor should be grounded. The operator should be grounded using wrist strap. MOS devices must not be touched with bare hands. Similar precautions need to be taken for PW boards with semiconductor MOS devices on it. 2 HANDLING OF UNUSED INPUT PINS FOR CMOS DEVICES No connection for CMOS devices input pins can be a cause of malfunction. If no connection is provided to the input pins, it is possible that an internal input level may be generated due to noise, etc., hence causing malfunction. CMOS devices behave differently than Bipolar or NMOS devices. Input levels of CMOS devices must be fixed high or low by using a pull-up or pull-down circuitry. Each unused pin should be connected to VDD or GND with a resistor, if it is considered to have a possibility of being an output pin. The unused pins must be handled in accordance with the related specifications. 3 STATUS BEFORE INITIALIZATION OF MOS DEVICES Power-on does not necessarily define initial status of MOS devices. Production process of MOS does not define the initial operation status of the device. Immediately after the power source is turned ON, the MOS devices with reset function have not yet been initialized. Hence, power-on does not guarantee output pin levels, I/O settings or contents of registers. MOS devices are not initialized until the reset signal is received. Reset operation must be executed immediately after power-on for MOS devices having reset function. CME0107 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 72 EDB4432BABH Mobile RAM is a trademark of Elpida Memory, Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, confirm that this is the latest version. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Elpida Memory, Inc. Elpida Memory, Inc. does not assume any liability for infringement of any intellectual property rights (including but not limited to patents, copyrights, and circuit layout licenses) of Elpida Memory, Inc. or third parties by or arising from the use of the products or information listed in this document. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Elpida Memory, Inc. or others. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of the customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. Elpida Memory, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. [Product applications] Be aware that this product is for use in typical electronic equipment for general-purpose applications. Elpida Memory, Inc. makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However, this product is not intended for use in the product in aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation, traffic, safety equipment, medical equipment for life support, or other such application in which especially high quality and reliability is demanded or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury. Customers are instructed to contact Elpida Memory's sales office before using this product for such applications. [Product usage] Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges and conditions guaranteed by Elpida Memory, Inc., including the maximum ratings, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation conditions and other related characteristics. Elpida Memory, Inc. bears no responsibility for failure or damage when the product is used beyond the guaranteed ranges and conditions. Even within the guaranteed ranges and conditions, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Elpida Memory, Inc. products does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to the operation of the Elpida Memory, Inc. product. [Usage environment] Usage in environments with special characteristics as listed below was not considered in the design. Accordingly, our company assumes no responsibility for loss of a customer or a third party when used in environments with the special characteristics listed below. Example: 1) Usage in liquids, including water, oils, chemicals and organic solvents. 2) Usage in exposure to direct sunlight or the outdoors, or in dusty places. 3) Usage involving exposure to significant amounts of corrosive gas, including sea air, CL 2 , H 2 S, NH 3 , SO 2 , and NO x . 4) Usage in environments with static electricity, or strong electromagnetic waves or radiation. 5) Usage in places where dew forms. 6) Usage in environments with mechanical vibration, impact, or stress. 7) Usage near heating elements, igniters, or flammable items. If you export the products or technology described in this document that are controlled by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, you must follow the necessary procedures in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of Japan. Also, if you export products/technology controlled by U.S. export control regulations, or another country's export control laws or regulations, you must follow the necessary procedures in accordance with such laws or regulations. If these products/technology are sold, leased, or transferred to a third party, or a third party is granted license to use these products, that third party must be made aware that they are responsible for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. M01E1007 Preliminary Data Sheet E1890E20 (Ver. 2.0) 73