IndianJournalof Engineering & MaterialsSciences Vol. 4, August1997,pp. 129-133 A novel dual PFD charge-pump phase locked loop B C Sarkar, M Nandi, R Hati & A Hati Physics Department, Burdwan University, Burdwan 713 104, India Received 14October1996;accepted 27February 1997 A novel charge-pumpphaselocked loop (CP-PLL)comprisingof a modified dual edge sensitive phasefrequencydetector (PFD)has beenproposed.The new structurehas an increasedloop gainand a faster transient response,althoughits filter time constant,loop VCO sensitivityand pump current magnitude aresameasthoseof the conventionalCP-PLL. I, Charge pump phase-lock loops (CP-PLLs) based on tristate sequential logic phase/frequency detectors (PFDs) are extensively used in present day communication receivers because of its number of merits over conventional phase-locked 100psl-4. These include large tracking range, almost zero steady state phase error, easy implementation facility and low cost. Moreover, the loop structure parameters, viz., loop damping factor (p), loop natural frequency (wJ, and loop gain or bandwidth (K) can be easily controlled to satisfy several application-specific requirements. The present paper describes a simple modification in the structure of the loop PFD which can be used to change the loop parameters (K, p and wJ without changing the pump current magnitude (Ip), VCO sensitivity (Ko (rad/s)/V) and loop filter tiIne constant (1").Considering a large input signal frequency (wJ to loop bandwidth (K) ratio, the transfer fuDction analysisl of the modified CP-PLL shows that the value of p and Wn are increased by a factor of J2 while the value of K is doubled compared to those of a conventional CP-PLL. The effective increase of K can improve the acquisition behaviour of the modified loop. The changed response of the new CP-PLL would fmd application in high speed frequency synthesizers with better spectral purity. VCO signal. The phase error is obtained as a time interval once in each period of the phase leading waveform and the pump current flows during that interval of time once in that cycle. Assuming 50% duty cycle of the square wave input one can employ a second PFD to detect the phase error for the second time in the same cycle at the negative going edges of the signal under consideration. Thus the average pump current over a cycle can be made two times of the average pump current of a single PFD CP-PLL. This increases the loop bandwidth and therefore reduces the acquisition time. The schematic diagram of the modified CP-PLL is shown in Fig. 1. The PFD-1 is activated by the positive going edge transitions of the two input signals I and V while PFD-2 responds to those of the negative going edge transitions. Remembering the basic operation principle of the sequential~. tristate PFD, one can note that the UP output terminals (Ui or U2) of the two PFDs will be active (logic state 1) when I waveform leads the V waveform and will remain active for a duration proportional to the phase difference between I and V. The DOWN terminals (Di or D2) will reINPUT ~ / "i Structure Modification Algorithm Conventional CP-PLLs use one PFD which detects the lead or lag in phase of the local reference VCO signal (of frequency wo) with respect to the incoming input signal of frequency Wi' For this purpose sequential logic circuit based PFDs are employed which are activated by the transition edges (say positive going edge) of the input or Fig. I-Functional blockdiagramof the proposeddual-PFD CP-PLL 130 INDIAN J. ENG. MATER. SCI., AUGUST 1997 main passive (logic state 0) during this period. The roles of UP and DOWN terminals are reversed when V leads I. If V an~ I are in s~me ph~se, both UP and DOWN termInals remam passive. The control signals required to act~vate the pump cir- 8j (t) = 8i (0) + Wi t K i r 8 (t)= 80(0)+ wo(t)+ Ko[i R+ Vx(O)]t+ 6.0.p. 0 p 2C cuit are derived using a simple logic circuit whic4 has two outputs U and D. U and D are. obtained according to the following rule: for 0 < t< tp = 8 U=(UIANDU2),andD=(l5IANDl52) The pump current flows into (from) the loop filter when U=O, D= 1 (U= 1, D=O) respectively. No current will flow when U= D= 1. ...(3) 0 o() + w o() t + , ...(4a) K [ 0 ir ilt i Rl _.:£:P.+.:P.:£:+ p p 2C C for tp< t< T i t Vx(T)= Vx(tp)= Vx(O)+~ Vx(O) ] ...(4b) ~ ...(5) Analytical Studies . It is evident from the modified PFD structure Here ip (= ::t:Ip) is the filter pump current whose that if there is a phase error of amount 8e between sign depends on the sign of phase error, tp is the the input signal and the reference signal on.e gets pump "ON" interval, T is the time interval betwo pump ON intervals of approximate duration tween two consecutive active transitions of the 18el/Wi in a period of (2JrIWj)' Thus, if Ip be the PFD and Vx(T) is the voltage stored in the filter pump current magnitude, the average pump cur- capacitor C at t= 1: The value of tp can be obrent I PAover a full cycle can be obtained as, tained by solving the equations IpA=Ip(18eI/Jr) ...(1) 80(tp+)=0 for positive error and /~ which is twice the average current of the conventional CP-PLL. The average VCO control voltage is obtained by pas~ing the average .pump cu~ent throu~ the filter Impe~ance func~lon compnsed of resistor R ~d capacitor c: of time cons~ant 'f (= Rq. Followmg the analysIs of Ga:dner one gets different system parameters as given below. With suffix m, for modified loop they are related . 8j(tp_)=Ofornegatlveerror. The quantity 8j (T) or 80 (T) which becomes Jr earlier gives the solution of T indicating the start of a new cycle. Having obtained the exact value of 7; the value of phase error 8e (T) can be calculateQfrom the following relation ' to conventional loop parameters as, 8e (T) = 8j (T) -80 (T) K = (K I R/Jr) = 2K mop (Wn)m =/""K:h= [2 Wn ...(2a) ...(2b) Pm=(wJm'f/2=.j2P ...(2c) ...(6) The cal~ulation is repeate.d, ~einitializing all the state vanables at each startmg mstant of pump cycle, until a previously specified small phase error is achieved. Taking (WiI K)= 10, p=0.5, (~w/K) =(wj-wo)IK=::t:2 and ~(}e=::t:6 radians, the Here Ko ISthe loop VCO sensitiVIty. time evolution of 8e has been numerically computed and results are shown in Figs 2a and 2b. It is This modification of the system parameters can be verified by simulating the real time development of the loop phase error numerically in accordance with the proposed hardware. The same has been done as follows. Assuming input signal phase and VCO phase -at time t as 8i(t) and 80(t) respectively and choosing the time origin at the active transition instant of U or D terminals, 8i(t) and 80(t) can be written in the first pump current cycle (until the next pump current starts) as, observed that the modified system with new PFD has quicker time responses. However, the response of the modified CP-PLL in this case is same as that of the conventional CP-PLL with damping constant P = 0.707 which indicates that the modified CP-PLL has a damping constant [2 times of the value taken for computation (0.5). The stability requirement is critical for a sampledsignal control system like a change pump PLL. Stability problem of nth order digital PLL has been addressed by Osbome5. Here the increase in -1 ~ SARKAR et al.: CHARGE-PUMPPHASELOCKED LOOP 131 2 H ~ 6 I. -, ~ o. ~ -: i~ i...r '--- ::: ~ %-0. ~ ~- x ~ .. _1. RHS 01(9) . Unstable Region nO) I -, -H 'GJ -6 '0) Fig. 2-The computed time evolution of loop phase error of a second order CP-PLL, wj/K= 10, Kr= 1; (a) Frequency step input ~w/K=:t2, (b) Phase step input ~(Je=:t6 radians; T I = input signal period ' (~ ) conventional ' ( ) modi- 0 0'571' I'ig. 3-Variation 71' W. T 1, \'571' 271' of r.h.s of Eq. (9) and Eli. (10) with normalized input frequency (Wi r) effective gain requires critical analysis of the stability problem of the new system. Following the analysis of Gardner, one can examine the locations of the poles of the Z-domain expression of loop phase error obtained in Appendix as lJe(Z) = 1l (i\w/ Wj)Z (Z-IY+(Z-I)Czrz+Cz(rz-l) where C =(21lK/w.)andr 2 1 ...()~ 7 =1+(1l/w.-r). 2 ""_DUG' D-F,..-Flo.. 1 "121 -"ono.ho' The stability condition of the systemis, Fig. 4-Block Cz~4/(r2+1) (K-r)m~[(1l/Wj-r)(1 +(1l/2Wj -r))]-1 )0 ..lues f e same diagram of the experimental set-up ...(8) which can be written in terms of the loop parameters for the modified CP-PLL as, Th ,h;. .I or a conventlona K-r~[(1l/w.-rXl+(1l/w.-r))]-1 I I CP PLL' -IS .:. (9) 1 matic diagram of the experimental circuit is shown in Fig. 4. The transient responses of the modified as well as conventional CP-PLL have been verified in the face of frequency shift keyed (FSK) input signal circuit (10) The equalit1 sign in the above equations indicates stability limits. The variation of the right hand side expressions of (9) and (10) with (Wj(t) is shown in Fig. 3 which gives information regarding the range of (K -r) for stable system operation. It is evident that the modified ~tructure remain stable for a large range of values of K-r. Since Ip, Ko and R varemain unchanged, the modified system will have the same VCO overload limit as that of the conventional CP-PLL. for identical pump current and loop filter constants. The parameters taken in the de- sign are Ko=9 kHz/V, Ip=0.309 mA, R=6.8 kg, C= 0.022 .uF, input si~al frequency /; = 37 kHz, frequency step i\f=:I: 1.2 kHz, modulating frequency fm = 750 Hz. For the design parameters taken here (K-r)mis 5.658 and the right hand side expression of (9) is 10.592, which means the stability condition is satisfied. Incidentally the minimum input signal frequency which can be taken for the experimental circuit is about 20.5 kHz. Upper limit of input signal frequency is restricted by the technology used to realise different functional blocks of. the circuit. Figs 5a and 5b show the performances of the modified and conventionExperimental Details al CP-PLL based FSK demodulator where the upThe modified CP-PLL is designed in the labora- per trace is the modulating wave and the lower tory using common IC functional blocks. A sche- trace is the demodulated output. It has been ob. 132 INDIAN 1. ENG. MATER. sci., AUGUST 1997 0·28 O· 2~ 00·2 0·16 ~ '0 > 0·12 0 > 0·08 O·O~ O'~ 0·6 0'8 1·0 f 1·2 m, KHz Fig. 6-Variation of the amplitude of loop control voltage (Vo) in the face of an FM input signal with the modulating frequency (fm). K; = 9 kHz/V, Ip = 7.35 X 10-5 . A, R= 2.2 kQ, C=0.022 .uF; (a) modified CP-PLL, (b) conventional CP-PLL. Fig. 5-Photographs of experimental responses of a CP-PLL based FSK demodulator. Upper trace-modulating waveform, lower trace-demodulated output; (a) modified system, (b) conventional system. X-axis = 50 ms/ em, Y-axis = 0.5 V/ em served that the modified system has better transient response than that of a conventional one. The effective increase of loop bandwidth in the modified CP-PLL with respect to the conventional CP-PLL has been verified in the laboratory by studying the frequency response of the two loops in the face of continuous wave frequency modulated (CWFM) signals. It has been observed that the demodulated output (Vo) of the modified CP-PLL becomes maximum at a higher modulating frequency t; compared to that obtained in the case of conventional CP-PLL. This indicates that the modified system has a larger value of the loop natural frequency indicating larger loop bandwidth. The signal and circuit r~,rameters were taken in the experiment as Ko = 9 kHz/V, Ip=7.35xlO-sA, R=2.2 kQ, C=0.022,uF. Using these design parameters (K r)m becomes 0.1408; which means that the system will remain stable if the input signal frequency be more than 3.568 kHz. In the experiment carrier frequency of the input CWFM signal was taken 40 kHz. The experimental variation of Vo with f m for conventional and modified CP-PLL are shown in Fig. 6. The experimental results give that I; = 0.87 kHz, ([n)m = 1.26 kHz =J2 In' It should be noted that since the bandwidth of the modified system has increased, its loop phase error variance? will also increase. Discussion The modified CP-PLL using two PFDs, proposed in this paper, has a larger loop bandwidth and faster transient response. The FSK response for modified loop is nearly 35% faster than that of conventional loop for identical signal and circuit parameters. Moreover, since the actual pump current magnitude I p and loop filter resistance R have not been altered in the modified system, the inherent granularity problems of a second order CPPLL, due to voltage step at the vca control terminal during the pump current off instant, will not change. This will happen if the average pump current be increased by increasing the pump current magnitude. The proposed structure can be used in high speed frequency synthesizers if it be in a switched mode. The switching should be automatically done from a two-PFD structure (during acquisition mode) to a one-PFD structure (during tracking mode). This will ensure faster transition from one frequency to another as well as purer spectral characteristics of the synthesized frequency. SARKAR et al.: CHARGE-PUMP References For small phase errors one can approximate I Gardner F M, IEEE Trans COM, 28 (1980) 1849 . 2 Wolaver D, Phase locked loop circuit design, (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ), 1991. 3 Young I A, Greason J K & Wong K L, IEEE 5 Osborne H C, IEEE Trans COM, 28 (19~O) 1343. 6 Sarkar B C & Nandi M, Indian J Pure Appl Phys, 32 (1994)817. 1\n)=n/w; 0, (n)= OJ (n) - 00 (n) + K" ... (AI) V, (n- +- Aw:n = Oe(n - 1) Wj Wi The discrete difference equations expressing 0e and V, at the nth pump current ON instant in terms of those at the previous instants and loop parameters can be obtained as follows. For small Oe, tp and T can be considered same for positive and negative phase errors. Then Eqs (3), (4) and (5) reduce to )+[w" ... (AS) Using (A4) and (AS) and utilizing only linear terms of can write 0, (n) at the nth pump ON instant as, _!!.. K V(n- 1\n) (AA) and Appendix O;(n)=O;(n-I)+wj ... J Solid State Circuits, 27 (1992) 1599 . 4 Jeong D K, et al., IEEE J Solid-State Circuits, 22(2) (1987) 585. O,,(n)= O,,(n-I 133 PHASE LOCKED LOOP (I 1) .\ Oe, one , C1r10. (n - 1) ... (A6) ... (A7) and V,(n)= V,(n-l)+ II,O,(n- 1) wjC where I)] 7(n) 2:nK (:. =-Wi and r:= I +(:n/Wj r) ... (Al) Taking the initial frequency error Aw as a frequency step and utilizing Z transformed equations of (A6) and (A7), onc gcts aft~r a bit of algchra and :n(Aw/ V,(n)= V,(n-l)+~ C ... (A3) O,(Z)= (Z- I): +(Z-l w,)Z )C:r: + C!(r: - I) ... (AS)