LECTURE 33 AC CIRCUITS (RC & L & LC) Instructor: Kazumi Tolich Lecture 33 2 ! Reading chapter 24-3 to 24-4. ! Resistors and capacitors in AC circuits (RC circuit) ! Inductors in AC circuits ! Resistors and inductors in AC circuits (RL circuit) RC circuit voltages 3 ! ! Consider an RC circuit with a generator with a maximum voltage of Vmax, a resistor and a capacitor. The voltage across the resistor and the voltage across the capacitor are not in phase; they do not peak at the same time. Therefore Vmax ≠ Vmax, R + Vmax, C where Vmax, R = I max R Vmax, C = I max X C = I max ωC Phasor diagram for an RC circuit 4 ! ! ! ! Current phasor with a magnitude Imax. Resistor-voltage phasor with a magnitude ImaxR. The resistor-voltage phasor is in phase with the current phasor. Capacitor-voltage phasor with a magnitude ImaxXC. The capacitor-voltage phasor lags current phasor by 90°. The total voltage phasor is the vector sum of the resistor-voltage and capacitor-voltage phasors. Impedance for an RC circuit 5 ! The magnitude of the total voltage is Vmax = ! (I ) ( 2 R + I max X C max ) 2 = I max R 2 + X C2 This has the exact same form as Ohm’s law (V = IR) if we define the impedance, Z (in Ω) for an RC circuit: ⎛ 1 ⎞ Z = R + X = R +⎜ ⎝ ω C ⎟⎠ 2 ! 2 C 2 2 The maximum current in an RC circuit is I max = Vmax Z Example: 1 6 ! An ac generator with a frequency of f = 105 Hz and an rms voltage of Vrms = 22.5 V is connected in series with a resistor with a resistance of R = 10.0 kΩ, and a capacitor with a capacitance of C = 0.250 µF. What is the rms current in this circuit? Phase angle 7 There is a phase angle ϕ between the total voltage and the current. ! The phase angle can be found by ! Power factor for an RC circuit 8 ! The average power delivered to the circuit is ⎛ Vrms ⎞ Pav = I R = I rms ⎜ R = I rmsVrms cos φ ⎟ ⎝ Z ⎠ 2 rms ! Therefore cos ϕ is called the power factor. Purely resistive Purely capacitive Example: 2 9 a) b) Sketch the phasor diagram for an ac circuit with a resistor with a resistance of R = 105 Ω in series with a capacitor with a capacitance of C = 32.2 µF. The frequency of the generator is f = 60.0 Hz. If the rms voltage of the generator is Vrms = 120 V, what is the average power consumed by the circuit? Inductors in AC circuits 10 ! The relationship among the rms current Irms in the inductor, its inductance L, the angular frequency ω, and the rms voltage across the inductor Vrms is given by I rms = ! Vrms ωL In analogy with ohm’s law applied to resistance (Vrms = IrmsR), we write: Vrms = I rmsω L ≡ I rms X L Inductive reactance 11 ! Inductive reactance is defined by X L ≡ ω L = 2π f L and has a unit of Ohms, Ω. ! Rms current and rms voltage, and max current and max voltage are related by I rms = Vrms XL I max = Vmax XL Behaviors at high or low frequencies ! ! ! ! The inductive reactance depends on the frequency. X L ≡ ω L = 2π fL In the low frequency limit, XL is small, an inductor acts like a short circuit. In the high frequency limit, XL is large, a inductor acts like a open circuit. The behavior as a function of frequency is opposite from that of capacitors. Reactance, or resistance 12 I and V in an ac inductor circuit 13 ! The voltage across an inductor leads the current by 90° or π/2. ! The current and voltage are ( ) I = I max sin ω t ! ( V = Vmax sin ω t + 90! ) The phase difference ϕ between the current and the voltage is -90°, giving the power factor of cos ϕ = 0. Power 14 ! ! ! ! ! The instantaneous power for any circuit is P = IV. P > 0 in 0 < ωt < π/2: the inductor delivers energy to the generator. P < 0 in π/2 < ωt < π: the inductor draws energy from the generator. The average power as a function of time is zero. An inductor in an ac circuit consumes zero net energy. Clicker question: 1 15 Example: 3 16 ! An inductor with an inductance of L = 0.22 µH is connected to an ac generator with an rms voltage of Vrms = 12 V. For what range of frequencies will the rms current in the circuit less than 1.0 mA? RL circuit voltages 17 ! ! Consider an RL circuit with a generator oscillating at ω with a maximum voltage of Vmax, a resistor with a resistance R and an inductor with an inductance L. The voltage across the resistor and the voltage across the inductor are not in phase; they do not peak at the same time. Therefore Vmax ≠ Vmax, R + Vmax, L where Vmax, R = I max R Vmax, C = I max X L = I maxω L Phasor diagram for an RL circuit 18 ! ! ! ! Current phasor with a magnitude Imax. Resistor-voltage phasor with a magnitude ImaxR. The resistor-voltage phasor is in phase with the current phasor. Inductor-voltage phasor with a magnitude ImaxXL. The inductor-voltage phasor leads current phasor by 90°. The total voltage phasor is the vector sum of the resistor-voltage and inductorvoltage phasors. Impedance for an RL circuit 19 ! The magnitude of the total voltage is Vmax = ! (I ) ( 2 R + I max X L max ) 2 = I max R 2 + X L2 This has the exact same form as Ohm’s law (V = IR) if we define the impedance, Z (in Ω) for an RL circuit: ( ) Z = R + X = R + ωL 2 ! 2 L 2 2 The maximum current in an RL circuit is I max = Vmax Z Power factor for an RL circuit 20 ! The power factor for an RL circuit is: Irms comparisons 21 ! Rms currents in a resistor-only, an RC, and an RL circuits as a function of angular frequency: Ferrite beads 22 A ferrite bead contains an inductor made of a special material called a ferrite with a large resistance. ! Electronic devices might be near other devices that radiate damaging high-frequency signals. ! Such high-frequency noise signals can be reduced by ferrite beads by dissipating the unwanted signals as heat. !