i nn i s f a i l KOOL 9 8 . 3 FM & 4 K Z ACMA On-Air Name Frequency Postal Address Suburb/State/Postcode Phone Fax e-mail WWW Format Primary Station Area Coverage Demographic Profile of Station Audience 4KZ The KZ Network 102.5 MHz + 8 translators Po Box 19 INNISFAIL QLD 4860 07 4061 6677 07 4061 3305 4ZKZ Kool 98.3 FM 98.3, 94.9, 91.9 MHz Po Box 19 INNISFAIL QLD 4860 07 4061 7983 07 4061 3305 gm@nqradio.com.au gm@nqradio.com.au www.nqradio.com.au News, Talk & Adult contemporary Innisfail, Gulf, Ingham, Tully & Mission Beach 35-64 www.nqradio.com.au Young adult contemporary Innisfail, Tully and Mission Beach 16-39 More info: Click here for updated Station contacts and non-metro Agency representation 38 C o m m e r c i a l R a d i o M a r k e t P r o f i l e s Radio Licence Area Map © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 i nn i s f a i l Innisfail lies on the far north Queensland coast, less than 95 km south of Cairns. 4KZ and KOOL-FM Licence Area covers the region just south of Cairns, Babinda (within the Cairns City Council area), Innisfail, Tully and Cardwell in the south. 4KZ & KOOL FM extend their broadcast area covering Tully on 4KZ 693, Cardwell on 4KZ 94.7 & KOOL 91.9, and Babinda on 4KZ 102.5 & KOOL 94.9 4KZ coverage area extends to Ingham 1620 kHz, Karumba 1611 kHz, Mission Beach 88.5 with translators in each of these towns. In comparison to the 2006 census the population has increased by 6.99% to 32,756. The number of people aged 0-39 have increased slightly to 15,068, though those aged 40 years and over increased. Over 53% of the population in the radio licence area is aged 40 years and over. The birthplace for 83.1% of the population was Oceania including Australian, New Zealander, Indigenous and Islander persons. Innisfail and Ingham have a significant number of people of Mediterranean descent. Of the 5,432 people attending an educational institution, 50% were in infants or primary, 36% were attending a secondary educational institution, 6% attending University or another tertiary institution and 8% attending TAFE. Of the 9,222 people who already have a tertiary qualification, 20% have a degree and 80% have a certificate, diploma or another tertiary qualification. The tropical coast has a high level of home ownership. Of the total dwellings in Innisfail (12,221) 39% are owned outright and 26% are mortgaged. Private rental properties represent 28% of total dwellings. 23% of the total households (12,209) in Innisfail have a household income range between $21,000-$41,999pa, 17% between $42,000-$64,999pa and 18% between $65,000-$103,999pa. Ag r i cu l t u r e Tourism, fishing and rare tropical fruit production are important local industries. Over 9 thousand tonnes of bananas were produced. The area is a major producer of sugar with five local sugar mills including Victoria Mill at Ingham, which is the largest sugar mill in Australia. Over 3.1 million tonnes of sugar cane was cut for crushing. The Innisfail Radio Licence Area includes over 32 thousand beef cattle. Employment The majority (58.6%) of the labour force of 15,704 is employed full time. The main industries of employment are: • Manufacturing, Construction, Electricity, Gas & Water Supply; • Wholesale/Retail Trade, Accommodation, Cafes & Restaurants; and • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Aquaculture. Although the 4KZ and KOOL-FM’s Licence Area is primarily a farming district, there are some significant non-agricultural industries in the area. These include several large engineering works, foundry and a rotational plastics moulding factory. Over 18% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. commercial radio Australia 39 i nn i s f a i l Age Cohorts Occupation Age Male Female Total % Market Population Aged 10+ Years Aged 0-9 Years Aged 10-17 Years Aged 18-24 Years Aged 25-39 Years Aged 40-54 Years Aged 55+ Years Total 2011 Population Total 2006 Population % Change 2006-2011 14796 2176 1886 1181 2550 3816 5363 16972 15727 13850 1934 1750 1030 2561 3659 4850 15784 14887 28646 4110 3636 2211 5111 7475 10213 32756 30614 7.00% 87.45 12.55 11.10 6.75 15.60 22.82 31.18 100.00 Total % Occupations Managers & Professionals Technicians/Trade Workers/Community Personal Service Workers Clerical & Administrative Workers Sales Workers Machinery Operation/Driver/& Labourers Not Stated Total 4076 3627 27.59 24.55 1545 1138 4113 277 14776 10.46 7.70 27.84 1.87 100.00 Industry Total % Workforce Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Mining Construction/Electricity gas water and waste services/Manufacturing Wholesale/Retail Trade, Accommodation Transport, Postal & Warehouse/ Telecomms Finance & Insurance Services Professional scientific and technical services Public administration and safety Education & Health Arts and recreation services Other services Not stated Total 2675 296 2968 18.12 2.00 20.10 2744 674 766 349 729 2442 136 527 458 14764 18.59 4.57 5.19 2.36 4.94 16.54 0.92 3.57 3.10 100.00 Industry Labour Force Employment Classification Total % Labour Force Full-time Employed Part-time Employed Not Stated Employed Unemployed Total Labour Force 9213 4486 533 939 15704 58.67 28.57 3.39 5.98 100.00 Income Range Total % Occupied Dwellings $0-$9999pa $10000-$20999pa $21000-$41999pa $42000-$64999pa $65000-$103999pa $104000-$155999pa $156000+pa Not Stated Total Households 422 1312 2818 2082 2234 1231 514 528 12209 3.46 10.75 23.08 17.05 18.30 10.08 4.21 4.32 100.00 Household Income Family Structure 40 Employment Classification Annual Household expenditure Food and non Alcoholic Beverages Total % Total Families Couple Families-Children Couple Families-No Children Single Parents Other Families Total Families 3402 3954 1354 136 8846 38.46 44.70 15.31 1.54 100.00 C o m m e r c i a l R a d i o M a r k e t P r o f i l e s 114,453 Total Alcoholic beverages 18,444 Total Clothing and Footwear 22,684 Total Household Linen Furnishings & Equipment 35,876 Furniture and Floor Covering 12,767 Household Appliances Type of Family $000’s pa 8,474 Household Services and Operation 41,523 Total Medical Care and Pharmacy 46,812 Motor Vehicle Purchase 26,548 Total Motor Vehicle Running Cost incl Rego 55,822 Audio Visual Equipment and Parts 31,353 Recreation94,866 Holidays Australia and Overseas 30,611 Total Personal care and Hygiene 13,403 Total Super and Life Insurance 31,589 i nn i s f a i l Type of Educational Institution Being Attended School Male Infants/Primary Secondary TAFE University & Other Total 1425 1002 161 86 2674 Female 1280 943 278 257 2758 Total 2705 1945 439 343 5432 % Market Population 8.27 5.95 1.34 1.05 16.61 Fully Owned Mortgaged Private Rental Housing Authority/Not Stated Other Tenure Type Total Dwellings Value Area of holding - total area (ha) 148,494 Land Use - Grazing land (including pastures and rangelands) area (ha) 53,192 Cereal Crops - Wheat for grain production (t) 368 Cereals for grain total production (t) 402 0 Cereal Crops - Rice for grain production (t) Cereal Crops - Barley for grain production (t) 25 Sorghum for grain production (t) Dwelling Tenure Type Tenure Type Agriculture Commodity 0 Vegetables for human consumption, total area (ha) Total 4808 3143 3428 759 83 12221 % Total Dwellings 39.34 25.72 28.05 6.21 0.68 100.00 0 Tomatoes total production (t) Avocados, total production (kg) 667 Nuts total trees (n) 21 Total grapes total area of vines (ha) 0 Orchard trees (incl. nuts) total trees - number (n) Type of Tertiary Qualification Total % Market Population Degree Certificate Total 1873 7349 9222 5.73 22.47 28.19 Mortgage Payments Monthly Mortgage Payment Total % Mortgaged Dwellings $0-$499 per month $500-$799 per month $800-$999 per month $1000-$1399 per month $1400+ per month Not Stated Total Mortgaged Dwellings 295 346 251 656 1389 240 3177 9.29 10.89 7.90 20.65 43.72 7.55 100.00 Motor Vehicles Number of Cars Total % Total Dwellings No Vehicles 1 Vehicle 2+ Vehicles Not Stated Total 886 4283 6536 493 10819 0.07 0.35 0.54 2.06 0.89 52,850 Sheep and lambs total number (n) 26 Milk cattle (n) 94 Meat cattle (n) University Qualifications 111 32,332 Apples production (kg) 0 Nectarines production (kg) 5 Peaches production (kg) 0 Internet Usage Connection Total % Market Population No Connection Broadband Dial-up Other Not Stated Total 3533 7162 475 479 589 12238 28.87 58.52 3.88 3.91 4.81 100.00 Birthplace by Region Region Male Female Total % Market Population Oceania incl Australia Europe Africa & Middle East Asia Americas Other Total Population Total 14152 923 33 448 70 1324 16950 13036 860 47 525 66 1229 15763 27188 1783 80 973 136 2553 32713 83.11 5.45 0.24 2.97 0.42 7.80 100.00 commercial radio Australia 41