Agenda Number: PC 14-27 PC MEETING DATE: September 4, 2014 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Almadale Farms PD, Ph. 15 - Shell Gas Station - Request approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for conversion of an existing 2,792 square foot building on 1.24 acres from a bank to a 3,675 square foot gas station and convenience store located at 2015 S. Houston Levee Road. INTRODUCTION: Ms. Brenda Solomito with Solomito Land Planning representing property owner David Halle with Houston Levee Commercial and Developer Rooziman Shah with New Development LLC, is requesting a recommendation from the Planning Commission (PC) for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience store with fuel pumps at the northwest corner of Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard on 1.24 acres. The property, is zoned R-1 with a PD Overlay (Almadale Farms) which permits SCC: Shopping Center Commercial uses on the subject property. EXHIBITS: 1.Applicant’s cover letter addressing CUP provisions (7/15/14). 2.Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alterations Exhibits & Renderings (8/21/14) 3.Trip Generation Analysis (7/15/14) 4.Site & Context Photos 5.Staff Comments (08/29/14) 6.Herbie Krisle Email (08/18/14) The property is surrounded by vacant parcels to the north and west which also allow SCC uses which provide separation between the site and The Laurels Subdivision (further west) and the Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center (further north). A Walgreens Pharmacy is located to the east of the subject property across Houston Levee Road and a First Tennessee Bank and the Almadale Crossing Shopping Center is located south of the subject property across Wolf River Boulevard. All surrounding properties mentioned, except The Laurels, are part of the Almadale Farms Planned Development. ISSUES: There are two issues associated with the application: 1. Is existing road infrastructure adequate for this use? A Trip Generation Analysis (Exhibit 3) was provided and the Planning Commission must waive the requirement for a Level I Traffic Analysis (see Condition 4) which is typically required for the trip generation indicated on the applicants analysis. The Town Engineer has indicated that a Level II Traffic Analysis is not needed since both Wolf River Boulevard and Houston Levee Road have been improved to match the Major Road Plan. 2. Will the site and structures be designed to be compatible with area? The subject property, formerly a Trust One Bank branch location, has been vacant for the past 6 months. The applicant filed a separate site plan modification/exterior alteration request (see Exhibit 2) that is being reviewed administratively. Comments have been issued (Exhibit 5) by staff requesting revisions and further comments are possible (Condition 5). Staff has been working with the applicant to ensure that the design is compatible with surrounding development Exhibits 2 & 4 demonstrate the applicant’s intent to design a compatible facility. An administrative development agreement likely given the lack of public improvements. DISCUSSION AND DETAILED ANALYSIS: The pending site plan modifications (Exhibit 2) includes a convenience store, retail, and a detached canopy providing shelter for up to six refueling vehicles at any given time. The retail building will be approximately 3,675 square feet in size and will orient towards Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard. The canopy will be located in front of the convenience store and will orient towards Houston Levee Road. In addition to the preliminary site layout, the applicant has provided, in Exhibit 2, an existing conditions/survey plan, demolition plan, site layout plan, grading & drainage plan, erosion control 8/29/2014 10:15:10 AM Page 1 of 6 plan, combined utility plan, a landscaping and irrigation plan, lighting plan, architectural plan, and a canopy plan. Auto rental sales shall not be permitted at the site (Condition 3). An email (Exhibit 6) from Herbie Krisle, representing the Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center, indicates his general support for the gas station convenience store but mentions that he would like some additional plantings around the dumpster and loading areas. A summary of major features follows: 6-Prong CUP Test: Staff has been working with the applicant on a site plan modification/exterior alteration application to ensure that the design is compatible with surrounding development (see Exhibit 3 for Photos) and minimize any adverse impacts to adjacent property, a requirement for the 6-Prong CUP Test. See the applicant’s cover letter (Exhibit 1) for responses to the Grounds for Issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commissions review of the Condition Use Permit Test is summarized below. A convenience store with retail fuel sales in GC General Commercial or SCC Shopping Center Commercial zoning district requires a conditional use permit from the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. A conditional use is a use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout the zoning district but which would promote the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity or general welfare. Such uses may be permitted in such zoning district as conditional uses, if specific provisions are met. Conditional uses typically meet the purpose and intent of the zoning district but require the approval of the appropriate review body to ensure that any adverse impacts on adjacent uses, structures, or public services and facilities are mitigated, and any special requirements unique to that use are addressed. The Planning Commission may: x x x recommend approval or denial of a request based on the standards (see below); recommend additional conditions of approval if findings are citied beyond such generalities as in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare; and provide flexibility from the strict application of the zoning ordinance, as circumstances may arise where the standards of the zoning district are inconsistent with the requirement for compatibility with surrounding property. A condition may be less restrictive than the standards of the zoning district if the Commission specifically cites the reasoning for the condition based on compatibility with the surrounding property. All approved plans, conditions, restrictions, and requirements made part of the approval run with the land. 6-Prong Test for a conditional use permit (General Standards): A conditional use permit shall be granted, provided the Mayor and Aldermen, with a recommendation from the Planning Commission, finds that the proposed use complies with the following. (See staff analysis in right column.) Conditional Use Test Test 1: Does the use conform to all applicable provisions of the zoning district in which it is to be located, unless modified as part of the conditional use application per §151.310 of Collierville’s Town Code of Ordinances? Staff Analysis of the Application The Site Layout (Exhibit 2) along with the changes required by the Conditions will bring the site into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and Design Guidelines. Staff has noted additional issues related to the Design Guidelines in the report and has included recommended Conditions of Approval that may address those issues as well. Test 2: Does the use conform to the Footnotes of There are no special footnotes applicable to convenience store §151.021 and the Specific Provisions for or retail fuel pump uses in SCC per §151.021 or §151.024. Conditional Uses as set forth in §151.024. Test 3: Is the use consistent with the overall The proposed use is consistent with the existing and potential character of existing development in the immediate uses in the vicinity of the subject property, which includes a vicinity of the subject property, and will the use not variety of retail and commercial uses (described more fully in materially adversely affect other property in the area this report). The building and canopy are designed to match area and significant landscaping provided to prevent adverse in which it is located? impacts. Conditions have been added to ensure compatibility of character and minimize adverse impacts to adjacent property. 8/29/2014 10:15:10 AM Page 2 of 6 Conditional Use Test Test 4: Is the use generally consistent with the policies of the Collierville Land Use Plan for the parcel or surrounding neighborhood, including any applicable Small Area Plans? Test 5: Will the use adversely affect a known archaeological, environmental, historical or cultural resource? Test 6: Are there adequate public facilities and services intended to serve the subject property, including but not limited to roadways, transit service, parks and recreational facilities, police and fire protection, hospitals and medical services, schools, storm water drainage systems, water supplies, and wastewater and refuse disposal? Bulk Regulations: Table 1 indicates a Site Plan Data Summary of the bulk requirements which have been met assuming a parking ratio of one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of building floor area. Buffers, Access & Circulation: There is access into the property from Wolf River Boulevard and Houston Levee Road and between the property and adjacent undeveloped properties via a shared access drive which wraps the site to the north and west. Appendix II of the Design Guidelines requires 40’ front yard buffers along arterial streets. A 40’ buffer will remain along both frontages with parking areas altered for the fuel pumps. The existing site does not contain a detention basin and due to no major changes in runoff and the site’s close proximity to the Wolf River it has been determined that no addition detention is necessary with this application. Staff Analysis of the Application The Town’s Land Use Plan indicates that the subject property should develop as Suburban Commercial. There are no known archaeological, environmental, historical or cultural resources on the site or in the immediate vicinity. Adequate public and private facilities currently exist to serve a convenience store with fuel pumps, or will exist once the PC Conditions have been added to ensure adequate facilities. Specifically, Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard have already been improved per the Major Road Plan and are adequately designed to handle traffic from a convenience store. TABLE 1 SITE PLAN DATA SUMMARY Convenience Store Fuel Center Almadale Farms PD, Phase 15 Zoning District R-1 with PD allowing SCC: Shopping Center Commercial Site Area 1.24 ac. Gross Building Floor Area 3,675 sq. ft. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.25 Maximum Allowed in SCC Use 0.07 Proposed FAR Parking Requirements Minimum Required (1/200) 19 Proposed Parking 25 (including 6 at fuel pumps) Green Space (%) Minimum Required 28% (P.D.) Proposed Green Space 42% Building Height Maximum allowed 70’ Proposed Building Height (Max.) No change (1 story building) Setbacks – Proposed Setbacks – Required Front: 97.9’ (Wolf River) Front: 50’ (Wolf River Blvd.) 123’ (Houston Levee) 50’ (Houston Levee Road) Side: 15’ adjoining non-residential Side (west): +/- 17.5’ Rear: 30’ Rear (north): +/- 77’ Survey (Exhibit 2): The Survey indicates existing topography, buildings, landscape areas, sidewalks, easements, and utilities for the subject property. Preliminary Site Layout (Exhibit 2): As noted above, the applicant has chosen to orient the convenience store fuel pump canopy along Houston Levee Road frontage. The internal drive isles, proposed building, and canopy location meet the requirements of the Fire Marshal assuming canopy clearance is adequate but not exceeding 15’ as required by the Zoning Ordinance (Section 151.025 (7)(c)). Parking for the site is located along the north and south side of the convenience store. North of the building the parking and dumpster is served by a drive lane only adequate for one-way traffic which will continue to circulate north to south as it did for the previous bank use. The Zoning Ordinance allows for queuing spaces provided “at the gas island(s)” to be counted towards the minimum parking requirement. Six (6) of the site’s 25 parking spaces are provided at the fuel pumps. Outdoor storage for propane tanks are not indicated on the plans. A note will be added to the Final Site Plan indicating “no outdoor display area except as shown on this plan”. 8/29/2014 10:15:10 AM Page 3 of 6 Sidewalks connecting to both Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard will be installed by the applicant. The applicant should also add a sidewalk connecting Houston Levee Road to the buildings primary façade The subject property is located at a major intersection (of two major roads: Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard) that serves as a gateway into the Town of Collierville. The Design Guidelines (Ch.III.A.3) recommend using building placement and special elements (walls, monuments, landscaping, etc.) to define the character of an area at major intersections. The DRC, at the August 14th work session, was asked for their thoughts on a feature at this intersection. The DRC did not feel it was necessary as the bank was constructed prior to this requirement and none of the other three corners of the intersection contain such a feature. Preliminary Grading Plan (Exhibit 2): The applicant proposes to only minor site plan modifications effecting drainage. The primary change effecting grading and drainage is in the vicinity of the former bank drive-thru in which the canopy is being enclosed and becoming part of the building. Parking in the vicinity of the drive through along with a dumpster enclosure north of the building is proposed and will slightly alter the sites grading. Existing and proposed drainage is captured and exits the site near the southeast corner tying to a drain line in Wolf River Boulevard. Preliminary Utility Plan (Exhibit 2): Utilities, including water and sewer, exist to serve the site. A 2” water line serves the site from Houston Levee Road while the sanitary sewer exits the site to the east near the southwest corner. A 2” gas line originating from Houston Levee Road also serves the site. Existing Landscape Plan (Exhibit 2): The Existing Landscape Plan indicates the plantings to be removed as well as those which are to remain. A total of twelve (12) trees from the original approved landscape plan will be removed including the following species: Silver Maples, Crape Myrtles, and Cherry Trees. Since trees to be removed were approved on the original landscape plans all twelve (12) will need to be replaced. Currently only one (1) tree is indicated as a mitigation tree. A total of twelve (12) mitigation trees are required to replace the twelve (12) removed. Consider planting several of the mitigation trees in the island on the west property line in order to help hide the west wall from the former bank canopy which contains to windows. Landscape Plans (Exhibit 2): As mentioned above, the 40-foot buffer along the Houston Levee Road and Wolf River Boulevard frontages will remain. The site includes street trees, evergreen plantings to screen the parking and trash enclosure, and foundation plantings. Additional plantings should be planted in the island west of the building to help conceal the west elevation of the now enclosed addition as there are no windows or room for foundation plantings between the one-way drive and the building. The site exceeds the open space recommendations of the Design Guidelines. An email was received from an adjacent property owner, Herbie Krisle with Page Robbins (see Exhibit 6), who would like to see additional screening of the service areas on the north side of the convenience store. The applicant has added some additional plantings on the north side of the building to address the adjacent property owners concerns. Lighting Plans (Exhibit 2): The set of plans does not include light fixture cut sheets which were submitted as 8 ½” x 11” copies separate from the plans. The applicant will be required to place the cut sheets onto the plan set as part of the site plan approval. the location of the external light fixtures nor type of fixture. All light fixtures will be required to meet the requirements of the Lighting Ordinance. Elevations (Exhibit 2): The former bank canopy is being enclosed and incorporated into the building. The façade to be enclosed along Wolf River Boulevard includes windows of a similar spacing to the existing façade but does not contain windows on the west facing elevation. There are existing shrubs which will remain along the west property line to help hide the window-less wall. If mitigation trees are planted in this island then the wall will be further screened at least while the trees hold their leaves. The primary building materials for the 8/29/2014 10:15:10 AM Page 4 of 6 existing building is brick (façade, canopy columns, and screen wall), EIFS (gable, cornice) and architectural shingles. The drive-thru to be enclosed along with the fuel canopy will be of similar materials with windows and an entry door facing the Wolf River Boulevard frontage. The west face of the drive-thru to be enclosed does not contain walls and either faux windows or additional landscape is needed to help soften that façade. The fuel canopy has a base and additional banding has been requested on the columns to provide more interest. The elevations provide some callout but are not adequate as more labeling, dimensions, and colors/finishes are needed. The applicant is proposing a freestanding fuel canopy featuring brick support columns, an EIFS cornice (fascia), and a shingled hip roof that is in scale with surrounding development. The color of the EIFS cornice is not indicated on the elevations but should be a natural color (not white). The canopy columns shall contain a base and banding to provide interest. The Zoning Ordinance (Section 151.025 (7)(e)) require that all lighting should be full cut-off and recessed into the canopy to prevent glare and light trespass. To respect the existing architectural character, architectural dimensional shingles are proposed for the canopy. Signage is not included in this approval. A sign permit application shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to the erection of any signage. NEXT STEPS: x Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) Approval of the Conditional Use Permit: Once the PC has made a recommendation, the BMA, on September 22, 2014, will consider the Conditional Use Permit. x Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alteration Development Agreement: Assuming the BMA approves the Conditional Use Permit, the Site Plan Modification shall be revised to address the CUP Conditions and any Departmental Review Team (DRT) comments which will be followed by a Development Agreement. An Administrative Development Agreement is likely. PC EXAMPLE MOTION AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: To recommend that the BMA approve the request (Exhibit 1) for a Conditional Use Permit for conversion of an existing 2,792 square foot building on 1.24 acres from a bank to a 3,675 square foot gas station and convenience store located at 2015 S. Houston Levee Road, subject to the following conditions: 1. This development is subject to all applicable standard conditions of approval as adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Resolution 2006-54. 2. The Conditional Use Permit for a convenience store with fuel pumps shall become null and void if the applicant does not enter into a Development Agreement for Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alterations by 09/08/15. 3. No Automobile rental uses shall be permitted at the subject property. 4. The Planning Commission waives the requirement for a Level I Traffic Analysis and instead permits the Trip Generation Analysis (Exhibit 3) as an acceptable substitution. 5. The Site Plan Modification/Exterior Alteration request shall be modified to reflect comments in Exhibit 5 prior to a Development Agreement being executed. These comments are based on the versions of the plan received July 15, 2014. Further comments may be issued upon review of subsequent revisions and prior to executing a Development Agreement. 8/29/2014 10:15:10 AM Page 5 of 6 CONTACTS: Property Owner Applicant Applicant’s Representative Project Planners David Halle Rooziman Shah Brenda P. Solomito Scott Henninger (primary) Jaime Groce New Development, LLC Solomito Land Planning Town of Collierville 4640 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38118 2067 Kirby Parkway Memphis, TN 38119 500 Poplar View Parkway Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 237-3553 (901) 755-7495 m brendasolomito@bellsou 457-2360 457-2354 shenninger@ci.collierville. Contact: Organization: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Houston Levee Commercial 3284 Shea Road Collierville, Tennessee 38017 (901) 853-0763 lowgrove@bellsouth.n et 9/2/2014 8:59:08 AM Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT 3 EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 5 TOWN OF COLLIERVILLE Development Department Jason Gambone Director Dale Perryman, P.E Town Engineer Tim Pendleton Building Official . Jaime Groce, AICP Town Planner 500 Poplar View Parkway z Collierville, TN 38017 z (901) 457-2300 z FAX (901) 457-2354 To: Rooziman Shah New Development, LLC 4640 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Via: David Halle Houston Levee Commercial 3284 Shea Road Collierville, Tennessee 38017 Via: Brenda P. Solomito Solomito Land Planning 2067 Kirby Parkway Memphis, TN 38119 Via: Barbara Hildebrandt Houston Levee Commercial 3284 Shea Road Collierville, Tennessee 30017 Via: Cc: Jaime Groce, AICP Town Planner Scott Henninger, AICP Project Planner From: Jay O. Northrup, AICP Development Technician Date: August 29, 2014 (including previous staff comments issued August 14, 2014) Application: DD 14-037, Shell Gas Station, Almadale Farms PD, Ph. 15- Request approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for conversion of an existing 2,792 square foot building on 1.24 acres from a bank to a gas station and convenience store located at 2015 S. Houston Levee Road. 1. Canopy clearance height shall not exceed 15’ (Zoning Ordinance 151.025 (7)(c)). 2. Add note to Final Site Plan that says “no outdoor display area except as shown on this plan”. 3. Provide a total of 12 mitigation trees to replace the 12 trees to be removed that were on the approved landscape plan for the former bank. 4. Indicate all ground and attached appurtenances (i.e. backflow preventers, utilities, meters, mechanical equipment, etc.) which shall be screened with evergreen landscaping and/or a masonry wall matching the principle façade and all rooftop appurtenances shall be screened by the parapet. Paint wall mounted appurtenances to match the color of the surrounding building material (Site Plan Checklist). 5. The applicant shall place the 8 ½” x 11” cut sheets for all exterior light fixtures requested for this site on the Final Lighting Plan Sheets (Site Plan Checklist). All light fixtures will be required to meet the requirements of the Lighting Ordinance. 6. Evergreen landscaping is required to screen the light fixtures for any proposed ground signs and all lighting shall be full cut-off and recessed into the canopy to prevent glare and light trespass (Lighting Ordinance). 7. For the Final Site Plan, indicate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramps at driveway connections and the parking lot access route to the building. Refer to the Standard Detail sheets found on /Departments/Development/Engineering/Standard Details, for a design that meets Town standard. EXHIBIT 5 GENERAL COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT NAME: Almadale Farms PD, Phase 15, Shell Gas Station TYPE OF APPLICATION: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) COMPILED BY: All Divisions and Departments PLAN STAMP DATE: 07-15-2014 COMMENT DATE: 80/08/2014 DRT DATE: 08/12/2014 __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Water line easement should be shown to the end of the pipe. (Sheets 1,2,3,5). [Public Services] No Issues this stage. [Fire Department] This development is subject to all applicable standard conditions of approval as adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA), Resolution 2006-54. [Planning] Consistently label all sheets; the elevations are not labeled to match the Table of Contents on the Cover Sheet. The canopy elevations should be included in the table of contents as well as the existing landscape plan (see landscape plan notes). The landscape plans have been omitted from the set. [Planning] Use the proper sheets size the Town’s Standard Title Block on all sheets (Site Plan Checklist). [Planning] Scale the drawings consistently as site plan, grading plan, and landscape sheets are in three different scales. The site plan which is at 1”=40’ is difficult to read; consistently use either 20 or 30 scale for legibility. The drawings are difficult to read as easements and line weights are overpowering. Clean up upon resubmittal (Site Plan Checklist). [Planning] Please provide a CAD file. [Engineering] When revisions are provided, please provide written responses stating how each comment was addressed. [Engineering] Marked up plans are available for your review if needed. [Engineering] There was a sheet included that was not for this project. Also, there were duplicates included for some of the sheets. Please make sure that all sheets are included as per the Index of Sheets on the Cover Sheet. [Engineering] Please make sure that all sheets are numbered correctly. The Landscape Plan has 7 of 13 while other sheets have ?? of 9. [Engineering] Please align the proposed with the existing curb and the 40’ landscape buffer in order to avoid breaks in the curb line. [Development] Please provide a written explanation of the hours that the gas station shall be in operation. [Development] Please provide a Development Agreement Information Sheet (DAIS). Until it is provided it will not be possible to determine if a “short form” administrative Development Agreement can be utilized. If it can, it may be signed by the Mayor rather than go to the full BMA. [Development] Page 2 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Engineering Division Comments DEVELOPMENT NAME: Almadale Farms P.D. Phase 15 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Site Plan Modification COMPILED BY: Steven Russell PLAN STAMP DATE: 7-15-14 _______________________________________ Cover Sheet: 1. No comment. DRT DATE: 8-12-14 Survey: 2. The water easement needs to be shown further to the north. Demolition Plan: 3. This is required to be included in the plans. Site Plan: 4. Please add a note that the Developer/Contractor is responsible for making sure that all sight triangles are clear of obstructions. 5. The water easement needs to be extended further to the north. 6. The Town no longer records Site Plans. Please put this on a regular construction plan border and change the scale to 1”=20’ like the other sheets. 7. Please provide a dimension for the drive aisle on the east side of the pumps. 8. Due to the small scale of the drawing some items are difficult to see. Further comments may be made once the scale is revised. Grading & Drainage Plan: 9. Please add the following note: “The Town of Collierville shall have the right to enter the property for the purpose of maintaining the drainage, water and sewer systems located within public easements. However, the Town does not have the responsibility to repair any damage to the yards, parking lot, streets or drives caused by soil settlement or other reasons that are not directly caused by the Town’s action of performing maintenance to the underground systems.” 10. Please remove the water easement and any other water items. 11. Please remove the bearings and distances. Erosion Control Plan: 12. Listed on the Cover Sheet but was not included in the plans Combination Utility Plan: 13. Please add the following note: “The Town of Collierville shall have the right to enter the property for the purpose of maintaining the drainage, water and sewer systems located within public easements. However, the Town does not have the responsibility to repair any damage to the yards, parking lot, streets or drives caused by soil settlement or other reasons that are not directly caused by the Town’s action of performing maintenance to the underground systems.” 14. Please remove the Erosion Control Phasing notes 15. Please add a note that the abandoned sewer line is to be filled with flowable fill/concrete Page 3 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Engineering Division Comments 16. The fire hydrant is shown as being relocated. What about the water meter that is south of the fire hydrant? Relocated? Traffic rated top? Civil Details: 17. Please use the Town’s Standard Notes sheet (TOC-100NR). Since there is not much new construction of utilities occurring, you will not be required to include all of the Town’s Standard Detail sheets. You can just add the site specific details to the Standard Notes sheet Landscaping Plan: 18. No comment Lighting Plan: 19. No comment Architectural Plan: 20. Would prefer for these sheets to have the Town’s standard title block just like the other sheets 21. There are double doors shown at the southwest corner. There isn’t any sidewalk shown going to these doors on the plans. Page 4 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Planning Division Comments DEVELOPMENT NAME: Almadale Farms PD, Phase 15 (Shell C-Store) TYPE OF APPLICATION: CUP & Site Plan Modification Exterior Alterations COMPILED BY: Scott Henninger PLAN STAMP DATE: 7/15/14 COMMENT DATE: 08/08/14 DRT DATE: 08/12/14 _______________________________________ Plat: The property is already platted. Site Layout Plan: 22. Use the proper sheet size and title block and remove what appears to be plat notes, certificates, and signatures from the site plan (Site Plan Checklist). 23. Add the 6 pump spaces to the plan data chart and delineate the spaces with a dashed rectangle. Indicate designated loading spaces and dimension (Site Plan Checklist, § 151.115 thru § 151.117). 24. Dimension the distance between the pumps and provide additional dimensions for dive isles sidewalks etc. (Site Plan Checklist). 25. Indicate traffic flow to be one way from north to south and / or add a do not enter sigh at the south end of the drive so drivers are not trying to enter the 3 angled parking spaces behind the building from the wrong direction. 26. A 10’ buffer is required between commercial properties and will need to be discussed at the DRC Worksession to determine if the buffers provided are adequate (D.G. Appendix II). 27. If there is to be outdoor storage for ice or propane indicate on the plans and provide details for the screening (Site Plan Checklist, Section 151.025 D, Design Guidelines III., H.). Add note to Final Site Plan that says “no outdoor display area except as shown on this plan”. 28. Label crosswalks on the site plan (Site Plan Checklist). 29. At least 48” sidewalk clearance is required for pedestrian routes to the building entrance. Use wheel stops where parking is adjacent to sidewalks or widen sidewalks to 7’ to maintain adequate sidewalk clearance. 30. All parking areas shall use white striping to designate spaces (D.G. III.B.1). 31. Place paths in a logical pattern where people will want to walk (D.G. III., C., 1. & E., 1. a). a. Provide sidewalk connections to Wolf River Boulevard and Houston Levee Road. Consider using the alignment of the crosswalk to the handicap space extending it to the sidewalk along Wolf River Boulevard and consider extending the existing sidewalk in front of the building north to the drive isle beyond the pumps and connecting to Houston Levee Road adjacent to the access drive. b. Provide a sidewalk in front of the 3 spaces north of the building to connect to the building entrance(s). c. Provide a sidewalk from the 3 spaces southwest of the building tying them to the primary building entrance(s). Extend the sidewalk east along the north side of the drive isle to allow pedestrians who park in the 13 spaces to have a landing once crossing the drive isle. d. Provide a pedestrian route the required bicycle rack to the building entrance(s). Page 5 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Planning Division Comments 32. 33. Designate areas to be considered useable open space and include into the plan data chart. Commercial Areas require at least 3% to be useable open space (D.G. III, E., 1.). To be classified as usable open space, the space must having lighting, seating, landscaping, and be adjacent to a building or roadway. Since you have parking between intersection of two major roads and your building, provide a wall or plaza area with seating (to help meet the useable open space requirement). Chapter 3 of the Design Guidelines requires sites to define the edges of the streets at the corners of major intersections (where roads on the Major Road Plan intersect) with building frontage or other features, such as low site walls and landscaping or decorative signage or entry features. Given your proposed building setback, to meet this requirement, look to other developments in Collierville (Schilling Farms, Porter Farms, Villages at Porter Farms, Carriage Crossing) that have successfully used masonry walls to demarcate a major intersection. The following type of wall is interpreted by staff to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines: e. made of brick and/or stone (wood and decorative metal are appropriate for use in the design); f. at least 42 inch tall; g. supplemented with shrubs and trees; and, h. the design and location shall allow for proper sight distance at the street intersection. Grading & Drainage Plan: (See General Comments) Combined Utility Plan: (See General Comments) Erosion Control Plan: (See General Comments) Tree Survey and Protection Plan: 34. An existing landscape plan has been provided but plant material to be removed needs to be clearly delineated (see landscape plan notes). 35. Provide a tree protection plan including fencing location, notes, and details for landscape areas to be preserved (Site Plan Checklist). Landscaping: 36. The landscape plan appears to be at a different site at the corner of New Brunswick Road and Wolf Lake Drive. Submit the correct landscape plan showing both the existing and new and indicate the buildings, gas canopy, revised hardscape, and lighting on the plan. Once submitted the landscape plan will be reviewed and comments issued. 37. Clearly define areas on the existing landscape plan to be removed and the existing plant material to remain on the modified landscape plan. 38. Include the existing landscape plan and the landscape plan modifications into the site plan set. Verify that sheet names and numbers match the sheets as well as the table of contents. 39. Buildings shall be softened with landscaping. Thirty to forty percent (30%-40%) of a building’s frontage shall have some form of foundation plantings. Foundation landscaping shall be designed to respond in scale to the building (D.G. III., E., 5). 40. Provide evergreen plantings to screen of HVAC, meters, backflow preventers, transformers, and other utility equipment; indicate all structures and screening on the plans (D.G. III., H.). Page 6 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Planning Division Comments 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Provide a bicycle rack and label its location on both the site and landscape plans. Include a detail of the bicycle rack and screen accordingly. (D.G. III., D., 1 & D.G. III., E., 8). Provide details and locations of other site furnishing such as benches, and trash receptacles. Indicate and label the site triangles on the landscape plan and verify that there are no conflicts within the site triangle (Subdivision Regulations & §151.006). Provide an evergreen hedge to screen all parking, gas pumps, and service areas from view from adjacent property along the south property line (D.G. III., B., 2 & D.G. III., H., 1). Provide plant material of adequate size to screen all parking, utilities, appurtenances, and service areas. Plant sizes are required to match the Minimum Plant Size Requirements at Installation (D.G. III., E., 3.). Indicate all proposed lighting on the landscape plans including any ground mounted lighting. The layout of lighting shall be designed so that poles do not interfere with other elements of the approved site such as trees, landscaping, and parking (§151.190). Evergreen landscaping is required to screen the light fixtures for any proposed ground signs (D.G. III.F.). Landscaping over 12” SHALL not encroach within 3 feet of any fire protection equipment. Lighting Plan: 48. Provide a lighting plan and a detailed light fixture schedule for all exterior lighting that includes a photometric grid at least 20’ beyond the property line. Review of lighting plans, details, and manufacturers cut sheets will occur and additional comments will be issued once submitted (§151.190). 49. Provide call outs for shielding as well as color and finishes of all light fixtures in the lighting schedule. All lighting shall meet the Lighting Ordinance (§151.190) and intent of the Design Guidelines (D.G. III., F). All light fixtures shall be shielded to prevent light trespass into vehicular and pedestrian areas. 50. Provide installation details to clearly display the mounting of the wall and ground mounted fixtures as pole lights. Detail should include the method of shielding (§151.190). 51. Provide the Town of Collierville Standard Lighting Data Chart including footcandle average, minimum, maximum, and uniformity ratio. In addition, provide lighting notes and installation details (§151.190). 52. All lighting should be full cut-off and recessed into the canopy to prevent glare and light trespass (Lighting Ordinance (Zoning Ordinance 151.025 (7)(e) & (D.G. III.H.4.)). 53. Provide the light “corridor” per building code. Include emergency lighting on the plan at all entrances as well cut sheets. 54. Emergency lighting should be painted to match the architectural façade or trim on a building (D.G. III., H). Irrigation Plan: 55. Submit an irrigation plan or include a performance specification on the landscape plan if to be installed by a design-build irrigation contractor. As-built irrigation plans and certification of adequate irrigation coverage will be required following installation. Architectural Plans: 56. Re-label Elevations as “Final Exterior Elevations” (DRC). 57. Provide the west elevation of the building where the former drive-thru was located (Site Plan Checklist). Page 7 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Planning Division Comments 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. The color perspectives appear to show a blank wall without windows or doors where the former drive through was located while the south elevation indicates windows as well as doors. Revise the color perspectives to indicate the windows and doors. If possible, relocate the brick utility screen, indicated on the south elevation, to the rear of the building. Indicate all utility structures, meters, transformers, generators, backflow preventers, rooftop units, etc. on the plans and elevations. Locate such structures at the rear of the building where possible and indicate how they will be screened. HVAC and other roof appurtenances should be located at the back of buildings and screened by parapet walls to conceal visibility from streets and adjacent property. Vents, meters, conduit, cameras, spouting and other roof and wall appurtenances shall be painted to match the surrounding architectural façade or roof color. Landscaping, parapets, and screen walls can aid in concealing equipment (D.G. III., H). Consider additional vertical and horizontal articulation of the building’s and gas canopy roof form, such as dormers or a cupola, to avoid a monolithic appearance on large-scale buildings (D.G. IV., C.). Provide a brick banding and/or quoins on the canopy columns to match details on the building. Provide a slightly wider column base to match the height of the brick utility screen wall to add articulation and interest to the canopy columns (D.G. IV., C.). Use dimensional architectural or slate shingles which are compatible with the surrounding architectural character (D.G. III.H.4 & D.G. IV.C.4. & 5.). Canopy clearance height shall not exceed 15’ (Zoning Ordinance 151.025 (7)(c)). Provide a dumpster enclosure detail. The exterior finish on the trash enclosure should match the predominant material on the building (D.G. III., E., 8. & D.G. III., H., 1 & D.G. IV., C., 5 & Site Plan Checklist). Provide a cut sheet for the pumps (being aware that there is a maximum on the allowed digital signage on them) and details of the screen wall, cornice, canopies, columns, and bollards with dimension, material, and color callouts (Site Plan Checklist). Delineate on the elevations any changes to the façade with a box with a dashed line and label (Site Plan Checklist). Provide more dimensions, material, and color call outs on the elevations (Site Plan Checklist). Provide a Finish Schedule on the Elevation Plans and indicate what materials will be used and where the materials will be used (Site Plan Checklist). Indicate the color, material, location, size, and font of the address number on the exterior elevations (Site Plan Checklist). Provide a roof plan indicating all appurtenances and other features (Site Plan Checklist). Signage is fully reviewed through a separate process. Submit sign application(s) prior to erection of any signage (Sign Ordinance, See Attachment A, below). Home / Property Owners’ Association Documents: 73. Provide a note related to maintenance of the property and that the property is subject to any Umbrella Property Owners Association for the Almadale Farms Planned Development. List the instrument number for such Property Owners Association Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. Staff Suggestions: 74. Architecture Plans: In that roof signage is not allowed, it might avoid future issues with signage if a sign band was integrated into the design of the building. Page 8 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Attachment A: Sign Ordinance Please Note: Some of the more applicable sections have been highlighted for your convenience. This is not intended to be an indication of the entirety of that which applies to this project. YOU MUST REVIEW THE ENTIRE ORDIANANCE TO ASSURE YOUR COMPLIANCE WITH IT. §151.174 SIGNS PROHIBITED IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS The following signs shall be prohibited and may neither be erected nor maintained. (A) Signs erected in a public right-of-way or on public property; (B) Bench signs; (C) Canopies or awnings with backlighting; (D) Electronic message boards; (E) Government-imitation signs; (F) Inflatable animated characters, lighter than air devices, or similar balloon-type devices; (G) LED electronic message center window signs; (H) Moving signs; (I) Flashing signs; (J) Signs that are not securely affixed to the ground, or that are not otherwise affixed in a permanent manner to an approved supporting structure, including but not limited to, portable signs; provided however, that temporary signs specifically allowed under this subchapter shall be exempt from this prohibition; (K) Noisy mechanical devices; (L) Plastic-faced cabinet signs, with the exception of menu boards that are screened or not visible from the public right-of-way; (M) Parked-vehicle signs (see §151.180(Q) for special provisions for political signs); (N) Roof signs, including signs painted on roofs or that extend above the highest point of a roof; (O) Changeable copy signs (manual and automatic); (P) Signs that contain reflective materials, except that the Development Director shall have the ability to approve decorative metals (e.g., brass, copper) on a case-by-case basis; (Q) Searchlights; (R) Strobe lights: (S) Signs interfering with, or blocking the visibility of, directional, instructional, or warning signs; (T) Signs on natural features such as trees, other living vegetation, and rocks; (U) Trailer signs (see §151.180(Q) for special provisions for political signs); (V) Home occupation signs, with an exception for those required by State law; (W) Snipe signs; (X) Trash receptacle signs; (Y) Signs that contain words suggestive of, or pictures depicting those acts or displays described in, § 130.046 NUDITY AND SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. (Z) Animated signs; (AA) Hand held signs displayed within the public right-of-way; and (BB) Obsolete or abandoned signs that are not lawful nonconforming signs (CC) Digital display signs larger than 48 square inches incorporated into a gas pump (DD) Internally illuminated window signs within 10 feet of the interior of a window. (EE) Off-premises commercial advertising signs (FF) Wall mounted metal cabinet signs outside of the Historic District or an approved planned Development (L) For service stations solely engaged in the retail distribution of petroleum and petroleum products the following signs are exempt: (1) One non-illuminated permanent price sign per street frontage, the sign not to exceed 2 square feet in face area, and located upon the pump island nearest to the street or upon the face of the station building; Page 9 of 10 EXHIBIT 5 Attachment A: Sign Ordinance (2) Two non-illuminated self service or full service signs per pump island, the signs not to exceed 2 square feet in sign area nor to be located at a height more than 8 feet from the surrounding grade; (3) Signs displaying the federal and state stamps, octane ratings, pump use direction, no smoking signs and other signs as required by federal, state and local authorities, provided that the accumulated square footage of same shall not exceed 2 square feet per pump island; and (4) Other signs and stamps required by state and federal law, provided same are of a size no greater than the minimum requirements of the law and for design, size and lighting is approved by the Development Director. (5) Digital display signs with a combined area of no more than 48 square inches per pump. (S) Attached Service Station Canopy Signs. The following additional provisions shall apply to all attached service station canopy signs: (1) No illumination shall be allowed for attached service station canopy signs; (2) Maximum letter height shall be 30”; (3) Maximum width shall be 25 percent of canopy face; (4) Service station canopy signs shall be placed on the fascia area only; and (5) The minimum space between the edge of the letter and the top and bottom of the fascia shall be 1.5 inches. (E) Window Signs. All window signage, whether temporary or permanent, shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Temporary signs shall be located fully within the interior of the building. (2) Temporary or permanent signs may be and attached directly to or mounted within 3 feet of the inside of commercial-type businesses; (3) Except as provided in this section, window signage may be constructed of vinyl, paper, cloth, or other like material; (4) Signs, whether temporary or permanent, shall not exceed 15 percent of the aggregate window and door area. A group of windows on a particular building elevation separated by a distinct architectural feature, other than the window frame, shall be considered a separate contiguous window area and the sign area within each contiguous window area shall not exceed 15 percent. Each building elevation shall be considered separately; and (5) LED, or similar technology, electronic message center window signs are prohibited. (L) Freestanding/Ground Signs, If Not Otherwise Regulated. The following additional provisions shall apply to all freestanding/ground signs, if not otherwise regulated, including a multiple tenant project sign for one parcel with less than 5 tenants that does not qualify for a project sign.. (1) Freestanding/ground signs shall have a minimum of 100 feet between signs on adjacent lots; (2) Freestanding/ground signs shall be constructed only of masonry or natural materials, except for attached letters or logo, and may include signs constructed within entrance walls; (3) The maximum overall area of a freestanding/ground sign, including the finished masonry frame, shall be 100 square feet; (4) Freestanding/ground signs, other than ornamental ground signs, shall have a 2 foot masonry base; and (5) The base of any freestanding/ground sign shall be fully landscaped with planters and/or shrubbery in all directions to soften the appearance of the sign and to provide a transition to the ground. Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT 6 Scott Henninger From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Herbie Krisle <> Monday, August 18, 2014 5:20 PM 'Brenda Solomito' 'Scott Henninger'; 'Barry Maynard'; ROOZIMANSHAH@YAHOO.COM;;; 'Blair Parker'; 'David Bray' RE: Shell Station at Houston Levee and Wolf River Blvd. My one concern that I would voice if I were able to attend the meeting after seeing the plan, is that I would like to see a bit more ‘coverage’ from our vantage point… of the dumpster area/back dock area of a convenience store. And maybe the coverage should come by adding some more buffer closer to our property line. But I may be ‘misreading’ the plan…. There have been plenty of days I wished for a gas station close by, when I was afraid that I wasn’t going to make it to Canales… or Kroger! H From: Brenda Solomito [] Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:59 PM To: 'Herbie Krisle' Cc: 'Scott Henninger'; Barry Maynard; ROOZIMANSHAH@YAHOO.COM;;; Blair Parker; David Bray Subject: RE: Shell Station at Houston Levee and Wolf River Blvd. Thank you so much for your comments. Please find attached the proposed landscape plan that illustrates the replacement of a couple of trees and interior landscaping where the drive thru was. Please do not hesitate to call with questions. Brenda P. Solomito SolomitoLandPlanning 2067KirbyParkway Memphis,TN38119 Office9017557495 Cell9015690310 From: Herbie Krisle [] Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 11:18 AM To: Subject: Shell Station at Houston Levee and Wolf River Blvd. Brenda, I will be unable to attend the neighborhood meeting on 8/26 because that is our regularly scheduled board meeting. However, we see no adverse impact of having the Shell station on the corner. We hope to be good neighbors and to have a good neighbor. You did not mention if there would be any additional plantings either on the northern most edge of the property… or just to the north of the bank/service station property. Can you give any insight? 1 EXHIBIT 6 Herbie Herbert Ann Krisle Executive Director Page Robbins Adult Day Center 1961 S. Houston Levee Road Collierville, Tennessee 38017 901.854.1200 fax 854.5726 cell 901.237.3082 How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. George Washington Carver Thisemailisfreefromvirusesandmalwarebecauseavast!Antivirusprotectionisactive. 2