Physics, BS - Western Washington University

Old Main
of 380
Sciences and
Physics, BS
WWU is an equal opportunity institution.
What Is the Study of Physics?
Contact Information:
Physics is the fundamental science. It is the study of matter and energy and the interaction
between the two. Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Engineering apply the
principles of physics to specific problems. Almost all areas of modern technology involve
applications of physics. An undergraduate major in Physics provides a solid foundation upon
which to build later work and study in physics, astronomy and engineering.
Why Should I Consider This Major?
A Bachelor’s degree in Physics provides an excellent foundation in liberal arts and
technology. The Physics BS degree can open a variety of doors for jobs in high tech industries,
government labs, and as preparation for graduate school. Recent Physics graduates have
found positions in a variety of fields including engineering, software development,
optoelectronics, failure analysis, and education, among many others. Many graduates have
found the skills acquired in our degree program have prepared them for further academic
studies in Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, Patent Law, Medical Physics, Medicine, and
Education to name a few.
Physics Department Website:
Undergraduate Advisor:
Brad Johnson
CF 385; 360-650-3818
Administrative Manager:
Donna VanderGriend
CF 385; 360-650-3818
Sample Careers:
Research and Development
Laboratory Technician
Software Developer
How to Declare:
Technical Consultant
Classes within the Physics major are highly sequenced and early departmental advisement
and major declaration are vital to remain on track for a timely graduation. First quarter
freshmen should begin with MATH 124 (or prerequisite Math coursework) and PHYS 161 and
meet with a departmental advisor as soon as possible. A freshman or transfer student who
has not yet received grades at Western can still be admitted to the major.
Physics Teacher
Industrial Hygienist
Optical Devices Designer
Satellite Data Analyst
Science Writer
Major/Career Resources:
Academic Advising Center, a unit of Academic and Career Development Services
Old Main 380
This document has been created for advising purposes only. Please contact the appropriate department for updates and changes.
Physics, BS (104-108 credits)
Students are advised to see the department for GPA requirements within the major.
❑ASTR 315 - The Solar System
❑CSCI 140 - Programming Fundamentals in C++
❑MATH 224 - Multivariable Calculus and Geometry I
❑PHYS 161 - Physics with Calculus I
❑PHYS 162 - Physics with Calculus II
❑PHYS 163 - Physics with Calculus III
❑PHYS 224 - Modern Physics I
❑PHYS 225 - Modern Physics II
❑PHYS 226 - Physics with Calculus IV
❑PHYS 322 - Fundamentals of Electronics
❑PHYS 326 - Tools and Data Analysis
❑PHYS 335 - Statistical and Thermal Physics
❑PHYS 339 - Optics
❑PHYS 363 - Classical Mechanics
❑PHYS 368 - Electromagnetism I
❑PHYS 369 - Electromagnetism II
❑PHYS 391 - Junior Lab
❑PHYS 419 - Professional Writing for Physicists
❑PHYS 455 - Quantum Mechanics I
❑PHYS 456 - Quantum Mechanics II
❑PHYS 475 - Physics of Solids and Materials I
❑PHYS 485 - Mathematical Physics
❑PHYS 486 - Computational Physics
❑Choose either:
MATH 124 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I and
MATH 125 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MATH 134 - Calculus I Honors and
MATH 135 - Calculus II Honors
MATH 138 - Accelerated Calculus
❑Choose either:
MATH 203 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations I
MATH 303 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations II
MATH 204 - Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 304 - Linear Algebra
MATH 331 - Ordinary Differential Equations
❑One course selected from:
PHYS 391 - Junior Lab (as a repeated course)
PHYS 444 - Special Topics in Physics
PHYS 476 - Physics of Solids and Materials II
ASTR 316 - Stars and Galaxies
ASTR 320 - Cosmology
ASTR 416 - Astrophysics
OR other courses under advisement
Other Physics Options
Physics/Mathematics—Secondary, BAE
Astronomy Minor
Physics Minor
General University Requirements (GUR):
The courses below satisfy GUR requirements and may also be used to
fulfill major requirements.
QSR: CSCI 140; MATH 124, 125, 134, 135, 138
LSCI: PHYS 161, 162, 163
Academic Advising Center, a unit of Academic and Career Development Services
Old Main 380
This document has been created for advising purposes only. Please contact the appropriate department for updates and changes.