Team Number: 185-58849
Affiliate: China
Organization: Beijing Zhongguancun No.1 ES
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Elementary Destination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for Spectacular Egyptian costumes and impressive technology, topped by a pyramid-dropping scarab Creature.
Text: Not only was the team's solution imaginative, it was also thoughtfully designed and used many different engineering techniques. The Egyptian theme was pervasive, from the rising pyramid and expanding Sphinx to the chomping scarab. The team integrated all facets of their solution within the parameters of their design philosophy. The Appraisal Team was impressed with how the team fully embraced the theme and the many technical requirements of the Challenge.
Team Number:
Mercer Island Schools
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Elementary Imagination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for A delightfully elegant machine that walked onto the site, relying on a balance of eight legs run by a single motor.
Text: From the moment it walked onto the Presentation Site until the moment it walked back off again, Blueth had us in awe.
This creature, based on a Theo Jansen style walking machine, combined sophisticated engineering and design with a simple and elegant execution.
This creature relied on a system of 8 legs powered by a single motor.
This required finely tuned balance combined with a complex series of linkages to create lifelike motion.
This walking ability, along with a moving head, blinking eyes, and fire-breathing capability worked to bring this creature to life.
Team Number:
Nanjing Zhiyuan Foreign Lang.ES
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Elementary Imagination Site
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for The team's originality of a surrealistic world and their outstanding storytelling technique using a gigantic mirror.
This team created an innovative way to transport our thoughts and feelings into their surreal nightmarish world. Through hand-puppetry, the team collaboratively created singular shapes of peaceful dreamlike images with only white gloves. Then, the world transformed into a battle of dream versus nightmare. Using a larger-than-life mirror, actors glided across the floor with furniture dollies, appearing to float across an eerie city silhouette. This display, along with the ensemble's elegant puppetry, made us all question what happens when our minds are trapped in nightmares. We want to award this team for their outstanding style of storytelling and for the originality of a complex and surrealistic world.
Team Number:
Cedarburg DI Club
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Middle
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for The repurposing of retro-technology, which allowed this team to release the kraken on innovative systems engineering.
Text: This team combined multiple technologies from the past and present to create a wellintegrated and innovative Creature. Components included a 25 year old cassette tape deck, grocery scooter, Arduino, and various metal parts. There was an integrated remote controller which was a central switch for all of the Creature's actions. A broken motor was rebuilt with team-created brushes. All parts were welded by a team member who learned welding for fun and for this solution. Not only was this Creature made with mechanical and electrical systems, but there was also a pneumatic pump for spewing "water" from the kraken's mouth.
Team Number:
Hamilton Southeastern
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Secondary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
This award is given for excellence in engineering design.
Text: What seemed at first to be a simple prop literally turned into an engineering marvel. This team's die rolled multiple times without a person or a problem as the team made its way through a game of monopoly. Using clean parallel wiring, well placed braces to avoid tangling and destruction, strategically placed counterweights to ensure a smooth roll, and a pulley counterweight system to trigger the roll, this team showed how to successfully engineer from concept to completion.
Team Number:
Junior High School no. 13, Wroclaw
Team Challenge: Creature Feature - Secondary
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for a truly unique adventure in the world of coffee beans, tea leaves, sword-spoons and giant cups.
Text: This team took the Appraisers on a truly unique adventure into the world of coffee beans and tea leaves. They transported the Appraisers to their table-top perspective with giant cups and a sword-spoon battle to win the affections of the Queen of Boiling Water. Their solution was an elegant and delightful Presentation from every angle.
Team Number:
North Carolina
Fairview Elementary School
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Elementary Imagination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for An elaborate outfit, from mask to wings to incredible woven tail. This dragon costume really fired us up!
Text: The quality and workmanship of the dragon costume blew the Appraisal Team away. From the articulated wings to the custom-fit mask to the hand-painted pants, the attention to detail and cohesiveness of the costume was amazing. The Appraisers were extremely impressed with the effort and design of the tail - all those small pieces woven together!
This dragon costume really fired the the audience up!
Team Number:
Frisco ISD
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Elementary Imagination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for a well "timed" Presentation with impressive props & scenery, including a giant owl with more than 1500 soda can feathers.
Text: This team didn't waste any time in impressing the Appraisers. Everyone's jaws dropped when they walked in with a giant owl made of soda pop cans that could move its wings, head and eyes. The Appraisers weren't "blind as a bat" when they saw their intricate gears made of melted plastic silverware or the hourglass that gained time instead of losing it. Their polished Presentation shone like only 506 pop cans could. Congratulations to Frisco ISD from Texas!
Team Number:
Stoneridge Elementary
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Elementary Destination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for the outstanding engineering and design of innovative live special effects that set the scene of a terrible bacon storm.
Text: From slinkies and giant plastic tubes to metal coffee cans and flashlights, this team utilized everyday objects in innovative ways to set the scene of a terrible bacon storm that shook the Appraisal Team for hours.
The team identified the unique sound and light effects they wanted, and designed one-of-a-kind noise makers and lighting technique through research and trial and error. Throughout this Presentation, the team went above and beyond the technical requirements of the Challenge to bombard the Appraisal Team with amazing sights and sounds.
Team Number:
British Columbia
York House School
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Elementary Destination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for using multidisciplinary research to create an elegantly simple
Presentation with sophisticated scenery and characters.
Text: This team's silence spoke volumes.
With minimal dialogue, a steampunk theme and sophisticated scenery, we were struck by the elegant simplicity of their Presentation.
The multidisciplinary research required to develop their solution blew the Appraisers away.
The team sought out artists, magicians, and graphic designers (OH MY!) and used the knowledge they gained to polish and enhance their Presentation.
All of this, not to mention their streamlined sets, eerie story, and captivating characters, took their Feary Tale to the next level.
Team Number:
Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Middle Imagination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for capturing our "undivided" attention with an "irrational" number of
"prime" puns that left a "real" impression.
Text: The Appraisal Team has analyzed this team's solution and it derived that it reduced them to laughter with all its math puns.
The continuous use of these puns throughout the
Presentation captured the audience's undivided attention.
Their comedic timing was on point, leaving the Appraisal Team on the edge of their seats.
The number of puns that flowed throughout the script was unparalleled. It all added up and left the Appraisers addicted to math.
Team Number:
Dudes With Awesome Shades
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Middle Imagination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for the simple but "awesome" engineering of the stage, lifelike waterfall, and fire-breathing dragon that awed everyone.
Text: The team presented a three-pronged approach that filled the Presentation Area with incredible feats of engineering.
These "Dudes" impressed the Appraisers with their intricate set that allowed their evil Queen to realistically melt away. The stage, which doubled as a storybook, was a piece of engineered art. The simple yet effective engineering of the team's flowing waterfall captivated the Appraisal Team. A coffee can, a fan, tubing, a red light and dry ice, all came together to produce a believable fire-breathing dragon. The combination of all these elements made for an "awesome" and unforgettable presentation that was to DIe for.
Team Number:
Hart Middle School
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Middle Destination Site
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for beautifully weaving the steampunk aesthetic into their Presentation with immense attention to detail.
Text: Through the words of Sherlock Holmes, The Cat in the Hat, Robin Hood and a diminutive paperboy, the Appraisers were transported to a steampunk world of books. The team beautifully wove the steampunk aesthetic throughout their Presentation with immense attention to detail in their set, props, and Illusion. They brought together old and new technology while conveying the importance of embracing and accepting change. As the Cat in the Hat said, "Without change, flowers wouldn't bloom and suns wouldn't set." Change is inevitable. This team changed the Appraisal Team.
Team Number:
Grafton School District
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Secondary
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for fearlessly proving bigger is not always better with fantastic handmade puppets and harmonized 50's doo-wop.
Text: In a land where large sets and many props generally translate to a larger-than-life
Presentation, this team was fearless! They took a chance by using a simple set and handcrafted puppets and harmonized 50's doo-wop. As they "scaled" things down with their puppet show, this team proved that bigger is not always better!
Team Number:
So Long, EveryboDI
Team Challenge: Feary Tales - Secondary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for bringing a storybook to life through an intricate 360º pivot set with multiple interactive special effects.
Text: Once upon a time, a brave team conquered an insurmountable engineering feat. This team truly brought a story book to life through an intricate, 360º pivot set that allowed pages to be turned as the story progressed. Each page was bolted to a separate, independently functioning disk that had to be stacked and aligned on top of all the others to ensure the pages would flow in sync with the Presentation. Every page featured multiple special effects, such as sliding panels that revealed and rewrote words to their story, and paper flames that disappeared in an instant. Every scene change was flawlessly timed and choreographed both in front and behind the scenes to create a seamlessly executed
Presentation that never slowed down for a second. The preparation and engineering that the team put into this set piece kept the audience and Appraisers anxiously awaiting the next page turn.
Team Number:
Shanghai Jiading Zhenxin ES
Team Challenge:
Making Waves EL
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient Type: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
This award is given for combining magnets, metal eggs, gongs, drums and golf balls on strings to create a jaw dropping view of a sound wave.
The Appraisal Team was immediately drawn into this team's beautiful forest for a panda birthday party. The team created multiple musical instruments and many different technical elements including an egg-laying duck drum that completely blew the appraisers away. This amazing egg laying drum was magnetically activated by a wind-up car along a track. Every time the car passed a magnetic switch, it released a metal "egg" which rolled down a ramp, struck a gong, and beat a drum; which initiated the visualization of the sound wave as a pendulum wave.
Team Number:
Moorhead Area Public Schools
Team Challenge:
Making Waves SL
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient Type: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
This award is given for striking a tune with the Appraisers by constructing an amazing
Incredible Sound Machine that played a full song.
This team "struck a tune" with the appraisers and audience. They got "Bach to Business" with the Incredible Sound Machine. Their Incredible Sound Machine was a fully functional music box that utilized a crank that propelled hammers to hit strings, playing Fur Elise. They clearly weren't "Haydn" their talents for performing a hilarious skit and constructing an amazing Incredible Sound Machine.
Team Number:
Anglo Chinese School (Junior)
Team Challenge: The Improv Games - Elementary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for their flawless comedic timing, showmanship, and creativity far above their age level.
Text: The Appraisers laughed, cried, and squeaked! Over the course of three sketches, this team displayed a range of originality, creativity, and performance ability that would be competitive at the Secondary Level. They began with a Quiz/Game Show that showcased expressive human scenery and an original poetry recital that brought down the house. Their infomercial about a living statue that plugs leaks in a boat brought tears of laughter when their pitchman offered 30% off if we acted right now. Their film trailer about being lost in space on a comet, complete with flash mob, left the audience wanting to go see the movie as soon as it comes to a theater near us. Above that, these young boys displayed humility and gracious manners. They are the epitome of what DI inspires and empowers young people to do and be.
Team Number:
Hamilton Southeastern
Team Challenge: The Improv Games - Secondary
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for The team's Cirque-du-Soleil-like performance and exemplary trust and unity while embodying the true intent of improv.
Text: Displaying extreme teamwork and trust, this team portrayed Cirque-du-Soleil-like manuevers that had the appraisal team literally on the edge of their seats. They effortlessly transformed into intricate human scenery that included motorcycles and half pipes while simulataneously honoring the true intent of improv. This team showcased their skills by escaping shark attacks, demonstrating talent for musical theater, jumping, rolling, and weaving with contortion and parkour to create their unique Challenge solution.
Team Number:
Beijing Zhongguancun No.1 ES
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Elementary
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for a Rube Goldberg series of ramps, pulleys and catapults that flawlessly vaulted a ball into the Parts Container.
Text: Using a Rube Goldberg-like system of ramps, a pulley, elevator and catapaults, this team's
Removal Device flawlessly moved a wooden ball from their Structure into their Parts
Container. The team did not touch it, to the amazement of all. This system was unlike any other seen by the Appraisal Team.
Team Number:
Southwest Academy
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Elementary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for the intricate use of recycled materials, unique design and extensive creativity of the wishing well and dragon.
This team brought recycling to a new dimension via their intricate use of recycled materials on a small scale replica of a large scale model. Their original design and extensive creativity extended beyond the boundaries. This team invested substantial time and effort in the creation of their Challenge solution. The overall effect of the Presentation was incredible.
Team Number:
Cypress Fairbanks ISD
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Middle
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for immersing the Appraisers in storybook worlds through incredible popup scenery and realistic characters.
Text: This team created a pop-up storybook that transported the Appraisers into each story with their incredible attention to detail. This team created costumes to match their astounding backdrop - the Appraisers felt like they were joining Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Alice, the Mad
Hatter, Hansel and Gretel on their adventures. The team also created a smaller storybook that matched the detail of the larger storybook exactly. They immersed the Appraisers in the dream fairy tale world.
Team Number:
Mt. Pleaseant Middle School
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Middle
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
This award is given for Creating a removal device that was a truly uplifting experience for all.
Text: This team created a sensationally outside-the-box Removal Device. Their remarkable device included a removable chair, pulleys, ropes, and forks. A truly "uplifting" experience that had all of the Appraisers on the edge of their seats to get a closer look. The expert driver had to precisely maneuver this incredible device or the entire Structure would have come tumbling down.
Team Number:
North Carolina
Valley Springs Middle School
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Middle
Award Kind: Spirit of Discovery & Imagination
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for a china doll slowly being torn down by bullying as the petals of a flower wilted.
Text: The team portrayed the harmful effects of bullying using a flower and tearing it apart piece by piece like a person's confidence, hope, and self-esteem. The flower representation of these powerful emotions are destroyed as the character is bullied and belittled. This was an extremely moving Presentation of a timely and remarkably important topic. The music was powerful and moving and each of the characters were artfully represented in this cautionary tale. At the end of the team's Presentation, the audicence erupted in applause, committing themselves to further the cause of ending bullying.
Team Number:
Kirkland Independent DI
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Secondary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for a transformation using magnets & thermochromic paint to switch in a unique way between 3 portraits.
Text: The team created two mechanical marvels on top of their Structure and Removal Device.
The team’s solution involved a painting that started as a portrait of a queen. The portrait was then transformed through a series of plates that were sprung off the portrait using a line of magnets cranked across the back. The team then poured warm water into the frame to again change the face using thermochromic paint. The solution also included an enlarged head that blinked on a timer, had a movable mouth and eyebrows, as well as a physical sneeze.
Team Number:
Maharishi School
Team Challenge: Lose to Win - Secondary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for the design and construction of a finely wood-crafted, fully hydraulic removal device.
Text: This team’s Removal Device operated on 3 axes, up/down, in/out, and back and forth with silky smooth hydraulic control. A pincer that was also controlled hydraulically provided the grasping action to latch on to the Structure. The device was intricately designed and finely crafted with many hand-made rotation points using dowelling and O-rings fitted into the elegantly woodcrafted frame. The device operated smoothly, employing all 4 hydraulic motions from its constructed controller resting on the floor.
Team Number:
Villa Park School District 45
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Elementary
Award Kind: Project Outreach Torchbearer
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for building meaningful relationships with the homeless population of
Chicago & providing them over 1900 meals.
Text: The team made more than 1900 meals to deliver to the homeless in Chicago. Not only did the team get all the supplies and help pack all the meals, they also hand delivered the meals to each individual. During the project, they built lasting relationships with the homeless community. The team used this opportunitiy to learn valuable life lessons about being happy with what you have. They have and will continue to serve this community by volunteering every Sunday to pack and deliver more than 100 bags weekly.
Team Number:
Waters Elementary
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Elementary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for outstanding precision and engineering to transform set pieces into a
3D puzzle pyramid promoting healthy eating.
Text: This team thought outside the parameters of a normal puzzle and built a 3D pyramid with mathematical accuracy and creative design. The planning and precision that went into the design and engineering of this pyramid resulted in flawless implementation. The pyramid served as a city scape, car, logo, heiroglyphics, food pyramid and team scrapbook.
Team Number:
Miamisburg City Schools
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Middle
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for excellent use of engineering for the intricate set design that represents a cart full of creative “pasta-bilities.”
Text: This team created a system of expertly engineered mechanical systems to move their creativity cart and puppet. The use of tiny pulleys and marionette style manipulation created an outstanding performance that went above and beyond the Challenge requirements. Their set was designed to maximize creativity and was surprisingly multi-faceted. Not only did the team meet the required puzzle element, they exceeded it by continually introducing innovative puzzles throughout the Presentation. The joyful collaboration of this team is what
DI is all about.
Team Number:
St. Pius X/St. Leo
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Middle
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for demonstrating an innovative solution to joining incompatible puzzle pieces while celebrating human diversity.
Text: This team took a huge creative risk in solving the puzzle requirement with a "touching" approach. They connected the obviously incompatable puzzle pieces through the simple, yet moving action of each member joining hands. This powerful display of joining together by embracing differences clearly articulated the spirit of acceptance and the celebration of diversity.
Team Number:
Miamisburg City Schools
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Secondary
Award Kind: Renaissance
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for their "fun-nominal" performance including rapid fire rearrangements and overall outstanding execution of their solution.
Text: The integration of the team's theme, music, Brand Band performance, rapid-fire rearrangement, and reconfiguration of the box puzzle pieces were "fun-nominal." The team members utilized the elegantly designed project puzzle to showcase their presentation in an extremely effective and well integrated manner. The smooth transitions interlaced the technical, musical, and auditory portions with the backdrop changes to produce a captivationg presentation for the audience.
Team Number:
Pequot Homeschool
Team Challenge: Brand Aid - Secondary
Award Kind: Da Vinci
Recipient: Entire Team
Presentation: Team Challenge
For: This award is given for their inspirational solution that included a technically sophisticated and unique pipe organ.
Text: This team utilized poetry, theatrical verse, costumes, props, and set pieces to create a unique and inspirational Presentation. The team chose to assemble and calibrate their technically sophisticated pipe organ as their project Presentation unfolded. Their element of risk was evident as each piece of the puzzle and tonal range was tested by the team members and their a cappella numbers were interwoven in the team's unfolding story.