Newsletter - Horsham College

Volume 21 No: 1/14
February 7 2014
PO Box 508
Ph: 5381 7100
Fax: 5382 6105
“Learning Achieving and Growing Together”
WEBSITE – to view the latest edition of the Newsletter
Email Address –
Tuesday February 11
Tuesday February 11th
Tuesday February 11
Wednesday February 12
Wednesday February 12
Monday February 17th
Tuesday February 18
Wednesday February 19
Wednesday February 26
Monday March 3
Tuesday March 11th
Tuesday March 11
Wednesday March 12th
Friday March 28th
Wednesday March 26
Friday February 28th
Year 7 BBQ & Music Information Evening – 6.00pm – Middle School Site
Finance Sub Committee Meeting – 6.00pm – Administration Building
Grounds & Facilities Sub Committee Meeting – 7.00pm – Administration Building
School Council Meeting – 7.30pm – Administration Building
Year 11 Study Day
Year 12 Parent Information Night – Wimmera Trade Training Centre – 7.30pm
House Swimming Trials – Year 8 & 9 students (Periods 1 to 4) - Year 7 (Period 5 & 6)
Darwin Defenders Service – Assembly Hall
Year 11 Study Day
Accountability & Improvement Sub Committee Meeting – 6.00pm – Administration Building
Finance Sub Committee Meeting – 6.00pm – Administration Building
Grounds & Facilities Sub Committee Meeting – 7.00pm – Administration Building
Year 11 Study Day
Free Dress Day – $1.00 to SRC
Year 11 Study Day
House Swimming Sports
Sports Dates
on back page of
From the Principal
I’m impressed! Yes, it was a great start to the school year last week. We started with a whole school assembly followed by Year Level meetings. The students
were eager to meet their friends, keen to get to class and were ready to learn.
I had a quick chat with some of the students prior to the first assembly. The Year 7 students were a little hesitant about starting at “High School” but were
looking forward to the experience. The older students reported a having a good holiday and indicated they were ready to start school.
When I spoke at the whole school assembly I made three points – put in effort, take responsibility for your learning and enjoy your schooling. With effort,
responsibility and enjoyment comes learning, achieving and growing together.
New Staff
Horsham College has a number of new staff this year. Welcome to:
Mrs. Faye Shaw – QuickSmart Tutor
Mr. Daniel Garner – Humanities
Mr. John Nichols – Science
Mr. Freddy Dyer – QuickSmart Tutor
Ms. Susan Pavlovich – Art/Photography
Ms. Patricia O’Connor – Technology
Ms. Caroline O’Donnell – English
Ms. Huan Jiang – Chinese Language Assistant
Mr. Dan Frost – English
Ms. Kristin Haughton – Integration Aide
Ms. Georgina Hobbs – English
Ms. Kerrie Pietsch – ConnectEd
Mr. Tim Carter – AFL Sports Trainee
Mr. David Jabornik – English
Mr. Eric Jones – Technology (returning Staff member)
Ms. Jaymi O’Connor – Year 10 Team Leader/PE
You will be meeting these staff through this Newsletter over the next few editions.
School Captains
It was pleasing to meet up with our school captains, Lucas and Lauren, on Tuesday. They are keen to
improve communication within the SRC and to increase participation across a wide range of sporting
and cultural activities. These inspiring students have clear plans for their role this year and know
exactly what they want to do in the future. I am sure they will be excellent leaders of the student body.
School Council Elections
Yes, it is election time already. Information on vacancies and dates accompany this Newsletter. Please
consider nominating for School Council as the council plays a central role in policy making and other
significant decisions which impacts on students and you as parents and carers.
Appointment of new Principal
The selection process for a new principal has commenced. The College Council was briefed earlier this
week and advertisements should be published soon.
Thank You
Thanks goes to the many people, too many to name here, for making me feel so welcome here at Horsham College. Please feel free to drop in and see me at the
office if you would like to discuss any matters.
Graeme Holmes, Principal
59 – 61 Wilson Street
Phone: 5382 5577
Fax: 5382 5588
Call in and see Geoff or Darren
for all your stationery needs.
Hours – Term 1, 2014
12noon to 2.00pm
Term 1 – Week 3 & 4: February 10 to February 21 2014
Term 1 – Week 3: February 10 to 14 2012
Senior Canteen
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Canteen Roster 2014
Buffy Harrison
Katie Walsgott
Susie Schmidt
Janine Launder
Anna Potter
Jennie Emmerson
If volunteers are unable to attend on their appointed day, could they
please swap with someone else and leave a message on 5381 7131.
Leanne Robertson
Prue Beltz
Year 11 Study Day
Rhonda Clyne
Tania Barber
Junior Canteen
Geraldine Scott
Kelli Dickerson
Gayle Manwaring
Amanda Wynne
Sacha Rose
Term 1 – Week 4: February 17 to 21 2014
Senior Canteen
The following people have money to collect from the Uniform Shop:
 Atkins, Teena
 Ellis, Wendy
 King, Kelly
 Radford, Sue
 Atwood, Rosalie
 Emmett, Kaye
 Knight, Dana
 Roach, Janice
 Bamford, Cathy
 Gregory, Anne
 Kosch, Amanda
 Robertson, Jane
 Barnes, Chris
 Hannan, Helen
 Krahe, Marcia
 Robson, Inge
 Barnott, Colleen
 Hansen, Sue
 Kruger, Deb
 Rook, Chris
 Black, Robyn
 Harrison, Gina
 Ladlow, Alice
 Scott, Debbie
 Blackwell, Peter
 Hateley, Deb
 Lawson, Joanne
 Sleep, Delwyn
 Brooks, Heather
 Hermans, Ray
 Liston, Maree
 Smith, Annette
 Brown, Monica
 Hill, Rachel
 Mackley, Sharon
 Snowden, Donna
 Burke, Justine
 Hinge, Robyn
 Margetts, Pauline
 Sullivan, Louis
 Carberry, Anna
 Hobbs, Abbey
 McAlpine, Darren
 Sudholz, Gianna
 Carine, Judy
 Hobbs, Dianne
 McCourt, Lea
 Taylor, Sharon
 Carter, Ash
 Horsham Special School
 McLean, Janelle
 Taylor, Leanne
 Carter, Jenny
 Hunter, Maddison
 Mellington, Di
 Thompson, Jan
 Chamberlain, Sarah
 James, Wendy
 Meyer, Helen
 Thompson, Jan
 Clark, Tara
 Janetzki, Lisa
 Miller, Nadine
 Tucker, Olivia
 Cowan, Travis
 Johns, Donna
 Moyle, Lynne
 Wallis, Zac
 Cross, Belinda
 Johnson, Judy
 Norton, Debbie
 Wills, Chris
 Dempster, Paige
 Johnston, Sharon
 Nuzum, Julie
 Wilson, Leisa
 Dixon, Mandy
 Jones, Jennifer
 O’Connor, Narelle
 Duldig, Dianne
 Jorgensen, Andrea
 Pirouet, Mandy
 Dymke, Sharon
 Jorgensen, Linda
 Price, Fiona
There is a good range of secondhand uniform available at present.
Prices range for $5.00 - $30.00
Lay-By facilities are available if desired
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Uniform Shop Manageress
Marg Gunning – 5381 7131
Would you like to receive the Newsletter by email
each fortnight?
If you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, please contact
Mrs. Judi Landwehr in the Administration Office by phone 5381 7114
(direct line) or by email:
Parents are reminded that if your child is going to be absent from school you
can call the school’s Absence Hotline to advise details of the absence.
Megan Preusker
Cynthia Hill
Julie Schuller
Celeste Patterson
Genni Smith
Junior Canteen
Noela Lawson
House Swimming Trials – no helper required
Rohan Dalgleish
Alison Smith
Anna Carberry
7.00pm immediately following on from the Year 7 BBQ
Thinking of learning an instrument or voice?
Want to become part of a band?
Come and find out about the possibilities and opportunities
available for your child in the music program at Horsham College.
Meet the Music Staff and music students while you enjoy
the Year 7 BBQ.
If you have indicated on Transition forms that you would like to
learn an instrument it is essential that you come to this Information
Night to sign up for lessons.
If you are unable to attend please contact Mrs. Angela Facey or Mr.
Nick Shirrefs in the Music Office by phoning 5381 7184.
Music Lessons and Bands/String Ensemble & Choir
Music lessons for existing students began on Tuesday February 5
 String Ensemble begins Wednesday February 12th - 3.30pm to
4.45pm – please note Change of Day !
 Stage/Concert Band begins Tuesday February 11th – 3.30pm to
Mrs. Angela Facey/Mr. Nick Shirrefs, Music
The number is 5382 1191
Free Maths Tutoring for students will be held as follows:
Middle School students - Wednesday nights after school in the
Library from 3.30pm to 4.15pm with Ms. Denise Vallance
Senior School students – Monday nights after school in Room 1
from 3.30pm to 5.00pm with Mr. Gordon Poultney
Students who need assistance with their Mathematics or just a supportive
environment to complete their work are invited to attend at any time.
Ms. Denise Vallance & Mr. Gordon Poultney, Maths Teachers
Wimmera Roadways have advised that the bus fares, within the Horsham
boundary have increased for 2014. These apply to Bus Nos: 17 and 18 only,
who pick up and drop off in town. The fares are as follows:
One Way = $1.10
Daily = $2.00
Weekly Ticket = $10.20
Please contact Mr. Martin Harris, Bus Coordinator at the College if you have
any queries in relation to country bus travel. Enquiries regarding town bus
travel should be directed to Wimmera Roadways on 5381 1548.
Mr. Martin Harris, Bus Coordinator
Senior School Update
Middle School Update
In 2014 we are continuing the message of personal responsibility which
worked so well last year. Our year 12 students achieved excellent results and
are now about to start a wide variety of study options or moving directly into
work. We would now like all our students to consider their futures and talk to
their Learning Advisor and Chris Wallis in Careers if they have need more
Welcome to parents, students and staff to the 2014 academic year. It was a
real pleasure to see the students start the year with enthusiasm and get on
with their work. Our Year 7 students dealt with the transition into a new
school with a positive attitude and were very keen to know their teachers and
their new environment.
A number of issues have been raised by parents regarding the parent-school
communication. Traditionally our school has used the diaries as a mode of
day-to-day communication. Parents were informed during the parent
information sessions that the inbuilt calendar in the iPad would act as the
diary. We are currently training our teachers in the use of a wide variety of
strategies to harness new media in order to enhance and complement our
communication with parents. We anticipate that our communication will be
more frequent and effective than before.
After welcoming all our new students and staff, the school started quickly and
efficiently with all students in class Period 3. This year we have adopted a
new system - if students in Years 10 and 11 wish to change a class they collect
a form from their Year Level Office, take it home and discuss and get a
signature from a parent or carer. If a VCE subject is involved it must be then
taken to Chris Wallis who will check that it does not affect the VCE pathway.
The form is then returned to the Year Level office where the Team Leader or
Learning Advisor will sign if the change is appropriate. The form will then be
processed and the student informed if the change is possible. While Year 12
changes are dealt with immediately changes at Years 10 and 11 must wait
until all numbers are confirmed in each class. The forms are processed in
order of receipt.
On Thursday February 13th we are formally opening our newly renovated
Koorie Centre and would encourage all interested families to attend. The
event starts at 2.30pm but families who cannot come then are encouraged to
come after school.
Mrs. Sheila White, Associate Principal, Senior School
The school provides each student with a locker provided they keep it LOCKED,
clean and tidy.
This is an Occupational Health and Safety issue. Unlocked doors provide a
possible danger to other people using the area. Unlocked lockers are also
obviously not secure so items can be easily removed without permission and
doors and locks can be damaged by other students or the wind.
In previous years there have been break-ins where students had valuable
items, including prescription glasses and expensive calculators, stolen from
unlocked lockers.
All students will be given until Monday February 10th to put a lock on their
locker. After this time unlocked lockers will be repossessed and locked by the
school. As carrying bags to class is also an OH&S issue these will have to be
left on top of the locker banks. The simple message is to ensure that all
students HAVE and USE a LOCK from the start of the school year.
With the laptop program, securing lockers is even more essential. Students
are reminded that their laptop must be taken home each night for charging.
The laptop must not stay in the locker overnight or at weekends.
The Year 7 Team would like to extend a warm welcome to all students and
family members to the 2014 school year at Horsham College. This is an
exciting time of the year and we hope that your experience is both enjoyable
and rewarding. The 2014 Year 7 team includes:
Team Leader - Megan Woolford and Leading Teacher - Rod Kirkwood
Learning Advisors:
7A- Denise Vallance
7B- Paul Denson
7C- Luke McCallum
7D- Alison Bain
7E- Julia Chen
We encourage all parents/guardians to contact their relevant Learning
Advisors with feedback concerning their child. You can make contact with
anyone in the Year 7 Team either through e-mail (available via the Horsham
College website) or by calling the Year 7 Office on 5381 7107.
There will be numerous opportunities for students to get involved in Horsham
College life including SRC, class leaders, school sports, the music program,
production amongst others. I can guarantee that it will be a rewarding
experience for all students who get involved in the wider college community.
The Meet, Eat and Greet for 2014 will be held on the Tuesday 11th of
February commencing at 6pm. Please return RSVP slips this week for catering
purposes. The BBQ is a great opportunity for you to meet with your child’s
teachers and learning advisors and we hope to see you there. Directly
following the BBQ the Music Department will hold an information session for
any student interested in learning a musical instrument.
For those of you who have children in older years who will have noticed some
differences; with the implementation of the iPad program some things have
changed. These include that students no longer have physical diaries and also
that there is no Math Mates.
Finally the Year 7 team wish each student a successful year and that they
strive for personal excellence.
Ms. Meg Woolford, Year 7 Team Leader
Swimming Standards – weather warning
The Swimming Standards for Years 7, 8 & 9 students have been scheduled for
Tuesday February 18th. At this stage, the long-range weather forecast is for 40
degrees. If this does not change over the next couple of weeks, we may need
to postpone. If so, we will let you know.
Year 7 BBQ
We are looking forward to meeting Year 7 parents and their students at the
BBQ to be held at 6.00pm on Tuesday February 11th at the Middle School BBQ
area. We will be working hard to strengthen relationships with parents and
facilitate family and community participation.
Working Bees
A school of the size of Horsham College requires some attention and we will
shortly be scheduling a number of working bees to focus on particular areas
where improvement can be made to the amenity. These will be arranged by
year levels as we have found this enables the working bees to have a social
component where parents can meet the families of students from the same
year level.
Mr. Carlos Lopez, Associate Principal, Middle School
On behalf of the Year 8 team, I would like to welcome back all students and
parents for another school year. The start of Term 1 is always a busy but
exciting time, and we are all looking forward to an enjoyable and productive
year ahead.
This year, the Year 8 team consists of the following members:
 Mr. Dean Berger – Leading Teacher
 Mr. Daniel Marget – Year Team Leader
 Mr. Leon Barents – Hands on Learning Coordinator
 Mrs. Tina Fitzgerald
 Mr. Graeme Wilkinson
As well as our Learning Advisors for each form group:
 8A – Mr. Daniel Garner
 8B – Mrs. Patricia O’Connor
 8C – Ms. Mary-Lee Fenech
 8D – Mr. Dan Frost
 8E – Mr. Will Hehir
At our first year level assembly last week, we stressed that this year is all
about the students. It is our goal to make the school year as enjoyable as
possible for our Year 8 students, providing them with a number of
opportunities and listening to their feedback and suggestions.
At the College, our key values are Communication, Respect and Achievement,
which are continually being reinforced by members of staff. Should students
fail to adhere to these values and not meet the expectations at Horsham
College, we will not be able to accommodate them as willingly as previously
mentioned. Parents should note that this term there will be a fixed weekly
afterschool detention timeslot on Friday afternoons. If students are to engage
in behaviour that warrants this level of consequence, parents will be notified
and students will be required to attend at this time.
On additional housekeeping matters, it is imperative that students take
responsibility for their belongings. Each student has been assigned a locker
number, which is to remain his or hers for the entirety of the year. If a
student misplaces a key to their lock, we are unable to remove it until a
replacement lock has been provided.
Lastly, if students have not yet returned their signed Acceptable Use
Agreement to the IT office, they will be unable to access the school’s network
until this has occurred.
The Year 8 team wishes all students the very best for the start of the 2014
school year and beyond!
Mr. Daniel Marget, Year 8 Team Leader
Financial Assistance - Information for Parents
(effective February 2014)
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA):
The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is provided by the
Victorian Government to lower-income families to help with
education-related costs.
If you have a child under 16, and you hold a valid Health Care Card,
Pension Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible
to receive the EMA. The allowance is paid in two instalments, one in
March and one in August.
The payment is intended to assist with education-related costs such
as; uniforms, excursions, textbooks, and stationery. You can elect to
have your EMA paid in one of the following ways:
 Paid by direct deposit (Electronic Funds Transfer) into your own
nominated bank account; or
 Paid to the school to be held as credit which you can use towards
education expenses; or
 Paid by cheque which will be posted to the school for collection.
In 2014, the annual EMA amount per student is:
 $200 for prep students
 $150 for students in Years 1 – 6.
 $300 for year 7 students
 $250 for students in year 8 – until age 16*.
* A pro-rata amount is payable for students turning 16 in 2014.
How to Apply: Contact the Administration Office to obtain an EMA
application form.
Closing Date:
You need to obtain an EMA application form from the
Horsham College Administration Office and return it by
February 28th 2014
For more information about the EMA, visit:
Term 1 – 2012
Term 2 – 2012
Term 3 – 2012
Term 4 – 2012
January 31st – April 4th
Easter: April 18th – 21st
April 22nd – June 27th
Anzac Day Holiday – April 25th
July 14th – September 19th
October 6th – December 19th
Sweet Chilli Chicken Wraps
Chicken Burgers
Focaccia’s chargrilled chick
Hot Chicken Roll
Cheese Burger
Home Made Pizza
Pasta (Wednesday)
Hot Dogs (Friday)
Chicken Nuggets/Goujons
Salad Rolls (Chicken/Ham, Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Carrot, Beetroot)
Salad Wraps
$ 2.50
Yoghurt – Large
Yoghurt – Small
Mousse – Chocolate
Slices – Hedgehog – Large
Slices – Hedgehog – Small
Fruit Cups
450ml bottles (Diet flavours only)
Cans (Diet flavours only)
600ml Cool Ridge Water
750 ml Cool Ridge Water
Big M (Straw/Choc/Coffee)
Big M (small milk)
Nippy’s Choc Coffee
Berri Fruit Juice 100% - Large
$ 3.00
Chips – Red Rock 28g
ANZAC Cookies
Zooper Doopers
Shelton and Lane Stationery are pleased to announce the following
winners in their Stationery List Competition:
 Year 7 – Elly Potter
 Year 8 – Matthew Pannan
 Year 9 – Ella Hernon-Dalgleish
 Year 10 – Ellena Binney
 Year 11 – Ruby Blair
 Year 12 – Dean Hole
These students will receive the total of their 2014 Stationery List
refunded in full. The students will be presented with this Award at
Assembly next week.
Geoff, Darren and staff, Shelton and Lane Stationery would like to
thank all students who purchased required stationery items for
The College wishes to thank Shelton and Lane Stationery for their
ongoing support in many areas.
In this edition we would like to introduce our Principal, Mr. Graeme Holmes.
Graeme Holmes:
Teaching Subjects:
Physical Education
Humanities, History, Philosophy,
Positions of responsibility: Principal
Where have you taught previously?:
Camperdown, Hamilton
Apollo Bay,
Interests: Squash, jogging, reading, writing
Family: wife Gail, and three children
Where did you grow up?: In a very small country
community named Drik Drik which is on the Glenelg
River near Dartmoor
What do you most enjoy about your job?: Working with
positive people and seeing students grow in their
learning and social skills.
Horsham College in partnership with various groups would like to invite your
family to an Afternoon Tea to be held at the Wimmera Trade Training Centre
on Thursday February 13th 2014 at 2.30pm.
We would also like to discuss options of utilising the Koorie Education Centre
located on our Middle School Site.
Mrs. Sheila White, Associate Principal, Senior School
We have had a great start to the 2014 school year with our Year 9 classes.
Day One started with a General Assembly with the involvement of the whole
school. We then moved into our Year 9 Assembly before our individual
classes then moved into their rooms, spending time with their Learning
Advisors before starting official classes after recess. From that time it has
been ‘all systems go’ with students being introduced to their elective subjects
and working hard in their core classes of Communication and Culture (C&C),
Investigation and Discovery (I&D), Physical Education and the new subject
called Health and Community which runs for a double lesson each week. All
reports from Year 9 teachers have been very positive and we are all looking
forward to a great year.
Our team of Year 9 Core teachers are very keen to be working with parents in
supporting your children throughout the year. We have found that
communication is often easier via email and request that parents make
contact with your child’s core teachers via email so email addresses can be
verified and used when messages need to be sent. The table below outlines
the Year 9 Team with the classes they teach and their contact email
Ms Melissa Twaddell
Mrs. Nellie Op de Coul
Mr Neil King
Ms. Claire Breed
Ms. Heather Deayton
Ms. Denise Vallance
Ms. Bianca Tyler
Mr. Nick Rigas
Mr. Mark Block
Ms. Megan Shaw
Mr. David Jabornik
Mrs. Kellie Gardy
Leading Teacher Year 9
(supporting Year 9 staff)
Year Team Leader
9 Orange I&D teacher
9 Purple Learning Advisor
and C&C teacher
9 Purple I&D teacher
9 Green Learning Advisor
and C&C teacher
9 Green I&D teacher
9 Blue Learning Advisor
and C&C teacher
9 Blue I&D teacher
9 Orange Learning Advisor
and C&C teacher
9 Aqua C&C teacher
9 Aqua Learning Advisor
and I&D teacher
9 Red Learning Advisor and
C&C teacher
9 Red I&D teacher
This email address will be advised as soon as
It is really important that the College has up-to-date details regarding
students on record so contact can be made easily with families in case of
emergency. Please remember that if you have moved, if you have changed
landline or mobile phone numbers or if you have started work with a new
employer to let the College know so our information is kept as accurate as
possible. It is also a good idea to ensure that the emergency contacts you
nominated are still appropriate and that their details are also updated. It is
also important to inform us of any changes in your child’s medical
There are a lot of great experiences coming up for our Year 9 students that
you will soon be hearing more about – the Mudmap to Manhood and Girls’
Day Out are the first of our special activities with a trip to the Wimmera
Machinery Field Days and to the Biolab in Geelong also being planned for
March. More details about these events will be forthcoming in the near
future. Please ensure that your child promptly returns all authorisation forms
that were issued earlier this week to ensure that they are able to participate
fully in class activities.
Mrs. Heather Deayton, Year 9 Team
The year 12 motto this year, as chosen by this group is: “The Best You’ve Ever
Seen, 2014”.
This is a wonderful self-statement for our Year 12 group to make, although, it
needs to be addressed in terms of concrete ambitions and actions now. To
become the best, you need dreams, dreams become desires, but only desires
are fulfilled if they are driven by written goals (and hard work).
Written goals only then become a reality if you take personal responsibility for
them to happen. This then is (one of) the key themes for this year’s group:
Personal Responsibility. Another theme that the group has briefly reflected so
far this year is adopting the traits of successful athletes.
In our first meeting of the year, we discussed among other things, that there
are close connections between an elite athlete and a Year 12 VCE student.
For both to succeed they must have clear, written, SMART goals, they must be
patient to overcome the testing times that lay ahead, they must adopt
appropriate tactics to succeed, their responses to adversity must be positive,
something to learn from, always strive to keep beating your previous best, to
maintain that driving passion and desire to succeed. And, they must stay
healthy (sleep, good food, etc.)
Once out on the arena, the athlete needs to be fully prepared. So, for the
Year 12 student, the “arena” for them is the end of the year and all that it
contains: exams, assessments, planning for the future, etc. It is about
(continual) learning, growth, achievements and doing all this together as a
cohesive group; hence the school motto is reflected most acutely in this year
level - “Learning, Achieving and Growing Together”
To support your son/daughter achieve their best, we have put together a
wonderful team this year. At the centre of this, are the Learning Advisors.
These staff have been specifically appointed to this year level. They have the
skills and attributes to work closely and consistently with a small group of
students throughout the year in learning groups. These people will be the first
contact with your student and will get to know them well, and support them
in seeking out solutions to issues which may arise throughout the year.
The Learning Advisors are:
· Nick Rigas (12A)
· Steve Hu (12B)
· Sharon Warrick (12C)
· Emily Friedrichsen (12D)
· Caroline O’Donnell (12E).
Added to this team, is the VCE Coordinator, Nick Rigas and the Pathways
Leader, Chris Wallis. Together, your student will have access to people with
vast experience across key areas that they will need to tap into throughout
2014. Learning Advisor sessions will be 30 minutes weekly on Thursdays in
Semester 1 and Fridays in Semester 2.
The Year 12 team would like to emphasise, that although that support is there
for your student, the success(es) that your son/daughter will experience this
year, is going to (have to)be self-driven. Previous students who have adopted
the positive habits we have discussed, have generally been quite successful at
this level.
The Year 12 team would cordially like to invite ALL of the parents of students
tackling year 12 this year to an information/meet and greet evening on
Monday February 17th. This evening will be a wonderful opportunity to meet
many of the subject teachers and Year 12 team, and to discuss the various
issues that you may like addressed, and understand how you may be able to
positively influence the outcomes of your child this year.
We would love to have you all there on the night.
Mr. Campbell Pallot, Year 12 Team Leader
Welcome to the new year and in particular to all the new families starting at
Horsham College. Hands on Learning will continue in 2014 (and long term).
What is Hands on Learning?
Hands on Learning is a supportive in-school learning program. Students come
out of normal classes one day per week to join a small team (up to 10) formed
of Years 7 to 10 students to work on creative construction projects around
their school and in their local community. The students remain part of their
normal school program the other four days of the week. Participation is
voluntary and long term — students can remain in the program from several
weeks to several years, depending upon their needs.
HOL was reviewed by the University of Melbourne and identified as an
example of effective strategies for increasing school completion. The program
was also considered by Monash University as a way of improving educational
outcomes. The program has featured in newspaper and radio broadcasts in
Melbourne media, is acknowledged by the Dusseldorp Skills Forum and
endorsed as a strategy to be implemented by schools in the Gippsland region
as part of their Youth Commitment to help increase retention rates.
What are the program outcomes for students?
 Increased self-esteem, motivation and confidence
Through the successful completion of projects
Through seeing what they are capable of
Through ongoing encouragement from HOL teachers/mentors
 Increased knowledge of their individual skills and talents
Through participating in a diverse range of activities and environments
 Strengthened links between HOL students, their school and the local
By students completing projects that have a positive impact on the
Through connecting students with local community representatives
Through students’ increased pride towards their community
 More highly developed self-management and co-operative group skills
By observing and taking on more appropriate behaviours as modelled by the
HOL leaders (such as peaceful conflict resolution, negotiation, decisionmaking strategies and group co-operation)
 Increased awareness of the need for a more sustainable lifestyle
Through completing projects that have an emphasis on sustainability
Through HOL leaders modelling lifestyles that promote a more holistic outlook
on life (such as reducing, reusing and recycling project materials)
HOL requires a team effort.
Mr. Leon Barents, HOL Coordinator
The Year 11 Team would like to welcome back all students to the 2014 school
year. This is an exciting year as you commence your VCE or VCAL studies and
we wish you every success in your endeavours. As was stated at the Year 11
Assembly on your first day back, this is the pointy end of your secondary
education and your results will be a reflection of the efforts you have put in
over the year.
The 2014 Year 11 Team consists of Team Leader ‐ Miss Claire Breed, Leading
Teacher ‐ Mrs. Cheryl Bradshaw and our Learning Advisors:
 11A - Ms. Susan Pavlovich
 11B - Mrs. Angela Facey
 11C - Miss Georgina Hobbs
 11E - Mr. Ben Hobbs
 11D – Mrs. Merrilyn Opie
 11F - Ms. Lenda Newton
Also part of the team is Mr. Gordon Poultney, Mr. Martin Harris and our new
Sports Trainee Mr. Tim Carter.
Just a reminder, timetable changes can only be made after Monday February
10th for one week. Students require a note from home giving permission and
a valid reason for the change. This will then need to be signed by either the
students’ Learning Advisor or the Team Leader then be submitted to Mrs.
Celeste Patterson in the Senior Site Administration Office for consideration. If
there are any other issues with your Timetable, or if you don’t have six
subjects, please see Miss Claire Breed as soon as possible.
Students have received their Media Consent Form and General Excursion
Form and we ask that they are returned to the Year 11 Office as soon as
possible so it doesn’t interfere with classroom activities. If the General
Excursion Form is not returned, students will NOT be allowed to attend
activities off school campus.
If there are any questions about Year 11 studies or any other issue please do
not hesitate to contact Team Leader Miss Claire Breed either by email or telephone 5381 7111.
To all our new and existing Year 11 students, good luck this year!
Miss Claire Breed, Year 11 Team Leader
Welcome back to the 2014 school year! We hope that you have had a safe
and relaxing holiday and are looking forward to the year ahead. Frau Pfitzner
and Ms. Megan Woolford will again be teaching German this year. We extend
a warm welcome to Ms. Julia Chen and our Chinese Language Assistant Ms.
Huan Jiang who will be working with Mr. Steve Hu in the delivery of Chinese
to our students.
During 2014 our Year 7 students will each study one semester of German and
one semester of Chinese. This will enable them to have an introduction to
each of the languages that Horsham College offers.
People often comment on a good year for wine, however I would like to shout
from the roof tops, “2014 is a great year for VCAL”. VCAL is the Victorian
Certificate of Applied Learning and is a Senior School Certificate for students
wishing to gain an apprenticeship or traineeship, rather than go on to
University. This year we have an exceptional group of young people who have
motivation, enthusiasm and drive. Already the students are planning their
projects for the year, with some fantastic ideas to support and enhance our
community. If you have an idea for a project that you would like to present to
the VCAL Class please ring Sharon Warrick on 5381 7112 or email:
This year we already have a number of students with School Based
Apprenticeships (SBA) in the areas of hospitality, agriculture, engineering,
hairdressing, building and carpentry. This is a great start for the year for those
students who are expanding their knowledge in their chosen field. All other
students will be completing a VET Certificate on Wednesday.
All VCAL Students not doing a SBA need to be ready for their VET Program on
Wednesday. VET is a compulsory part of the VCAL Certificate.
Congratulations to Monique Wissell who has been accepted into Ballarat to
pursue her career in Nursing. This is a credit to Monique who gained her
Senior VCAL Certificate last year. We are also excited to welcome Tim Carter
to the Horsham College Staff, another student who gained his Senior VCAL
Last year. The community are recognising the skills that VCAL students come
out with.
As part of the VCAL program we have a VCAL Camp each year. The camp is a
valuable opportunity for students to connect with each other and the staff. It
is also a chance for students to meet some of the course competencies in
Personal Development Skills.
Students will be assessed on their employability skills such as the ability to
work in a team, effective communication, problem solving, initiative,
negotiation and leadership. Students are observed as they participate in a
range of activities from Raft Building to supporting each other on the Ropes
Cost: $125.00 to be paid to Admin Building by March 3rd, 2013.
Date: Monday March 24th and Tuesday March 25th, 2014.
Leave: Horsham College at 8:30am and return at 3:20pm.
Bring: Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Clothing, notepad & pens, shoes for canoeing and
shoes for walking.
Further details including a video can be found on the following site:
This year Horsham College VCAL Students will be hosting the VCAL EXPO for
the region. Keep your eye on this space for more details.
Have a great year everyone.
Ms. Sharon Warrick, VCAL Coordinator
Conveyance Allowance forms are available from the Administration Office. All
new students will need to apply or re-apply for Conveyance Allowance and be
lodged at the Administration Office by February 28th 2014. Students who
already receive Conveyance Allowance DO NOT NEED to reapply, your
application will automatically rollover. Queries can be directed to Miss Sophie
Matthews or Mrs. Sue Williams at the College.
Conveyance Allowance – Eligibility
To receive a conveyance allowance individual students must meet all of the
following criteria:
1. Attend a school/campus located outside Melbourne’s Urban Growth
Boundary (UGB).
2. Attend the closest appropriate school/campus at which admission is
3. Reside 4.8km or more from the school/campus (shortest practicable
route calculated by school at time of application from the student’s home
to the school/campus attended) or 4.8km from home to the student’s bus
4. Be of school age (between five and 18 years old at the time of
application), and a resident of Victoria
5. Be enrolled and travelling to school three or more days per week.
The Senior Site is abuzz with senior German students who have recently
returned from time overseas. Lucas Shaw (our School Captain) has returned
from ten weeks in Germany and will be completing Year 12 German this year.
Chloe Maroske and Alex Blake (both Year 11) have also spent ten weeks in
Germany as part of the BJR Exchange. In addition we welcome back Lily Talbot
who has spent a year in Switzerland and Victoria Oliver who has spent a year
in Denmark. These students have all been keen to share their language and
cultural experiences with others. They are reaping the benefits of learning a
Thomas Oliver (Year 10) and his family will also soon be hosting Konrad Kruse
as part of the 2014/2015 BJR German Exchange. Tom will then be travelling
back to Germany towards the end of this year.
We wish all students well as they embark on their 2014 language studies!
Ms Kristen Pfitzner, Learning Area Head - Languages
eLearning Report - Communication
Communication is one of the key college values. At Horsham College we
recognise that digital technologies are evolving very quickly and we too must
evolve with respect to the way we communicate with the college community.
All staff are still able to be contacted via a simple phone call. This has not
changed. However, we would like to encourage you to use email as an
additional communication method. The college does have some email from
parents on our system, however many have not been provided or need to be
updated. Can you please contact the college to add or update your email
address. Last year we introduced a new intranet system (EWS) which enables
all staff to easily communicate with parents via email. This year EWS will be
extended to allow for parent access (more information on parent access
codes will be provided soon). We also use SMS to deliver key messages and to
remind you that the next edition of the Newsletter is available on the College
website. If you would like to receive the Newsletter via email, please contact
Mrs. Judi Landwehr in the Administration Office.
Staff have introduced some interactive online classroom spaces this year. We
will be using as our online educational centre for the majority of
our classes. Your child will provide you with your unique parent code that
enables you to view your child’s progress and assessment results/feedback
from their classroom teachers. We encourage you to download the Edmodo
app which is free for apple and android devices. We trialled Edmodo last year
and the feedback from the trial parent group was very receptive Some staff
are trialling which gives the student and parent feedback on
the student’s behaviour in class.
With respect to social media, the college can be followed on twitter
@Horsham_College, YouTube search for HCTV AU and on Facebook Horsham
For Year 7 parents, please note your child is not required to have a school
diary. This is a break in tradition, but we believe that the iPad will be more
that suitable replacement for a diary. The majority of key school information
can be found on our college website
We recommend that your child uses the following apps to help with their day
to day management of information; calendar, edmodo (planner), reminders,
evernote and notes. We also suggest that commonly visited pages such as the
college website, college portal and edmodo be bookmarked and added to the
home screen.
Mr. Rod Kirkwood, Leading Teacher: eLearning (Assessment & Reporting)
At the end of last term many of the lockers were not completely cleared out
and I have a collection of student books, pencil cases, shoes and uniform
items. If you think that you are missing anything please come and see me
this week.
Mrs. Susie Penny, Chaplain
We are looking for a volunteer in the school community who can occasionally
help out by doing minor sewing repairs on secondhand uniform items. Please
see Mrs. Marg Gunning in the Uniform Shop if you can help out in any way.
Mrs. Susie Penny, Chaplain
Year 10 staff and students have started the year full of enthusiasm!
2014 marks the 21st year of operation of Horsham College having been sent
into operation on January 1st 1994.
Students are particularly excited about being able to choose their own
subjects and start working towards their career pathways. The year has
started off on a really positive note, with teachers and students happy with
their progress so far.
Some of the things students are most looking forward to in the year ahead
include the Melbourne trip and snow trip as well as their work experience.
We would like to welcome new teacher Mr. John Nichols to the Year 10 team
this year, his happy and positive attitude has been very well received by both
staff and students alike.
I would also like to welcome all new students to the school and hope that
everyone can help support them to settle in. Here’s looking forward to an
enjoyable and successful year ahead.
Ms. Jaymi O’Connor, Year 10 Team Leader
Special Examination Arrangements
If students, because of illness or disability, are unable to complete their VCE
examinations in the same way or under the same conditions as other students
they can apply to sit their exams under special conditions.
Special Examination Arrangements enable students to access the examination
questions and communicate their responses in a timed examination. Students
are eligible for Special Examination Arrangements if it can be demonstrated
that their capacity to access the examination is impaired due to:
Severe health impairment
Significant physical disability
Hearing impairment
Vision impairment
Learning disability
Severe language disorder
Some examples of where students have accessed Special Examination
Arrangements in the past
• A student is a diabetic and would like to bring food, drink & medicine into
their exams.
• A student suffers from severe migraines and will need to sit their exams
in a separate darkened room and have rest breaks.
• A student has a disability that affects the speed at which they write. The
student will need more time to complete their exams.
Applications are submitted from the school and must be accompanied by
recent supporting medical or other specialist reports. Some additional testing
may be required. If students wish to apply for Special Examination
Arrangements for 2014 they should speak with Mr. Nick Rigas as soon as
possible. Applications must be received by the Victorian Curriculum
Assessment Authority (VCAA) by Friday March 7th 2014.
Mr. Nick Rigas, VCE Coordinator
In a series of articles we take a look back at the development of the College
and its growth over those 21 years.
In 1989 there were two Secondary schools in Horsham - Horsham Technical
School in High Street and Horsham High School in Dimboola Road. Both
schools were coeducational schools, both offered VCE subjects and both
offered alternative eLearning options. The schools were fierce rivals in the
sporting field, in the community and had unique identities.
The Technical School's principal was Fenton Colliton while the late Jock McRae
was the Deputy Principal whereas the High School had Robert Munro as
principal with Iain McNee as his deputy. It was at this time that discussions
started to merge the schools into a single identity. The schools shared a
Chaplain; the Rev Father John Matthes.
The early 1990's saw the arrival of McDonald's in Horsham closely followed by
KFC and a move away by students from riding their bicycles in school.
Schools suffered budget cuts under the Kirner Labour Government and
further cuts under the Kennett Liberal Government. the curriculum was
becoming more crowded with things like drug education, road safety, the
provision of counselling and health services, breakfast, uniforms, school
equipment etc. all now the responsibility of schools rather than many families.
Computers were now widespread in schools with computer rooms.
So 1991 rolled in and the discussions about a merger got serious. The
Horsham Technical School with 750 students and 76 staff were in favour of a
merger with the High school arguing that it would broaden curriculum and
establish the concept of junior and senior campuses while the Horsham High
School with 680 students and 60 teachers was opposed to any amalgamation
believing that parents should have a choice of schools and a larger school
would increase discipline issues.
1992 saw the completion of an investigation into a proposed merger
conducted by John Scott from the local Department of Education Regional
Office and the celebration of the High School's 80th birthday.
1993 saw the Technical school renamed Horsham Secondary College and
while the local member Bill McGrath said "There will be no forced merger, the
question is whether there is enough money to facilitate any proposed
In March the High school staff voted 47 to 10 to oppose the merger while the
High School Council voted 12 to 3 to oppose the merger while the Secondary
College staff voted 62 to 3 in favour and the Secondary College council voted
19 to 0 in favour. The issue of reorganisation continued to escalate making
forward planning difficult until a decision was made one way or another.
The decision was announced to both schools on the October 6th that the
merger would go ahead with Rob Munro to be the new Principal of Horsham
College and the Secondary College site was to be the home of Years 7 to 10
students and the High school site was to house Year 11 and 12 plus specialised
teaching areas like Home Economics and Music.
Mr. Munro said it was now time to forge ahead so Term 4 became a frantic
time of planning, meetings, packing up and moving. Once the decision was
made both schools buried the hatchet and moved into the task of creating a
new school identity. A Joint School Council was set up headed by Colin Hobbs
and Barry Bardell. The Timetabler was appointed who was Rod Dunn and
Deputy Principals were put in place - Iain McNee on the Senior Campus in
Dimboola Road while Graeme Sargent secured the position created by the
retirement of Jock McRae and Jane Wilkinson became the third Assistant
Principal. Mrs. Bev Walker was appointed Curriculum Director and Mrs.
Barbara Voigt the Sports Coordinator. The Chaplain was Rev Father John
It quickly became clear that the new Horsham College was not going to get a
new school so work was done to rationalise and consolidate facilities and
buildings through a master planning process.
Next time the first few years and settling in to the new school.
Sourced from materials held by Horsham College including " A Notable Century
Indeed" by Simone Dalton
Mr. Neil King, College Historian
Musical Production - 2014
The 2014 Horsham College musical production will be Disney’s ‘Alice in
Wonderland’. A student information session will be held this Friday February
7th at 1.00pm in the Drama Room (Assembly Hall Foyer) on the Senior Site.
Ms. Larissa Riddell, Production Coordinator
Career News
Sports Dates – Term 1
You have just come back to school and if you are reading this, chances are that you are
thinking about exploring your career and pathway options. It is never too early to start
thinking about career ideas, researching your options, developing pathway action plans,
or simply having a discussion with your Career Advisor (Mr Wallis) or your Learning
If you are in Year 12, it is essential that you discuss your options with the key people in
your life as soon as possible.
Have no idea what you would like to do when you leave school? No stress!!! Don’t delay
seeing your Career Advisor- now is the perfect time! Not sure what to say? Don’t worrywe will assist in opening up possibilities you may not have considered before.
If you are interested in pursuing a traineeship or apprenticeship pathway, it is
important that you gain as much industry experience as possible. Seeing the Work
Experience Coordinator (Mrs Genni Smith) and Mr Wallis early in the year is important
to ensure you can get organised early and to be able to start making links with local
employers. It is important to read the Career News each fortnight to ensure that you
keep up to date with upcoming career events, and to make an interview with your Career
Advisor as soon as possible.
February 18th
February 18th
February 28th
House Swimming Trials – Year 8 & 9 – Periods 1 to 4
House Swimming Trials – Year 7 – Period 4 to 6
House Swimming Carnival
Welcome back to all for another big year in school sport. There has been
some changes to the School sport structure with Horsham College moving
into the Greater Western Sports Region. We continue to be in Black
Ranges Sports Division. The Greater Western Sports region runs from
Colac to Portland to Kaniva, Hopetoun and back to Ballarat and includes
Hamilton and Warrnambool.
We welcome ex-student Tim Carter as our AFL Trainee and we are pleased
to have on board the expertise of Mr. Ben Hobbs and Mrs. Fiona Rowe. We
would like to thank all those students who took up the Challenge and
became House leaders on Senior Years and Middle Years sites and House
Assistants on the Middle Years site.
The list of House appointments are set out below:
2014 House Leadership Positions – Middle Years
Male Captains
Zane Batson
Lucy Brand
Tyler Puls
Remy Cross
Louis Goudie
Female Captains
Maddy King
Ashley Lawson
(Term 1)
Kieren Priestley
(Term 2, 3 & 4)
Jasper Gunn
Kaylee Schmidt
Georgia Hiscock
Katie Ladlow
Indi Chipperfield
Male Vice Captains
Reuben Macchia
Wade Francis
Jarrod Morrow
Female Vice
Sarah Hateley
Sam Leith
Aidan Jones
Ashley Lawson
(Term 2, 3 & 4)
Sally Baker
Maddi Focroul
Alex Hiscock
Tamika Baker
Lily Martin
Bardell Shield
Dawson Cross
Alex Hiscock
Jarrod Morrow
House Assistants
Tara Emmerson
McKenzie Fennell
Emma Buwalda
Aiden Jones
(Term 1)
Thomas Jones
(Term 2, 3 & 4)
Charlotte Launder
Olivia Treacy
Bella Patterson
Zara Burford
Neve Lawson
Sarah Hughes
Angus Gove
Mitchell Crough
Zachary Smith
Nick Smith
Molly Parfett-Oliver
Nia Harrison
Diani Leslie
Oscar Crosgrove
Luke Dickerson
Ben Russell
Riley Jervis
Matt McCulloch
Lily Risson
Kali Roberts
Millie Kemp
Riley Winfield
Traiyth Leffler
Brayden Helyar
Jackson Walsgott
2014 House Leadership Positions – Senior Years
Male Captains
Beau Cross
Michael Roldan
Daniel Easson
Sid Hernon
Female Captains
Kobi Batson
Freya Effrett
Taylah Klemm
Lucy O’Connor
Maddie Milton
Male Vice Captains
Charlie Pennant
Keegan Mellington
Cameron Robinson
Matt Clyne
Female Vice Captains
Rani Decker
Hannah Laffy
To be advised
Belinda Warren
17 Feb: VCE PARENT INFORMATION EVENING. 7.30pm, Wimmera Trade Training
Centre, Baillie St. Horsham College
Monash University is running an interactive program called First Strike on Saturday
22 and Sunday 23 February at the Caulfield Campus for students in Years 7 – 12.
This is an induction event for students who would like to be involved in IT events run
by the University such as the Computer Games Boot Camp, IT Challenge
Competition and the Step IT Up program. This is a free event and parents are
welcome to attend. For more information and to register, go to:
 16 March: VETERINARY SCIENCE OPEN DAY, University of Melbourne, Werribee,
26 March: ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA CAREERS EXPO, Melbourne Convention &
Exhibition Centre,
At the end of 2013, 65 Year 12 Horsham College students applied for courses with
tertiary institutions in Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland. Course firstround offers came out in mid-January and it was very pleasing to see the following offers:
98% of our student applicants were offered a position either in Victoria or
interstate. This is well-above the State average
71 offers were made. Many students received two or more offers (ie from
both Victoria, SA and other states).
89% of students received their first or second course preference
Victorian institutions: (64 offers): ACU 1; AIE 1; Deakin Uni (Geelong) 15;
Deakin Uni (Melb) 5; Federation Uni (Ballarat) 14; Federation Uni (Horsham&
Off-campus) 4; JMC 1; La Trobe Uni (Bendigo) 4; La Trobe Uni (Bundoora)4;
Longerenong 1; Monash 4; RMIT 4; The Gordon 1; Uni Melb 3; Victoria Uni 1.
South Australia (5) Flinders Uni (5)
James Cook University (1)
Uni Tasmania (1)
First Round course offers from Victoria, SA, Tasmania and Queensland included:
 52 different course options were offered to our students. These included:
Accounting, Acting, Agronomy, Animal & Veterinary Biosciences, Arts (3), Arts/Visual
Arts; Arts/Law, Beauty Therapy (2), Biological Science, Biomedical Science Advanced with
Honours, Bioscience, Business Scholars Program, Chiropractic/Health Sci, Clinical Science
(Medicine), Commerce (2), Construction Management, Criminal Justice, Criminology (2),
Criminology /Pschological Science, Dentistry, Education, Education (Early Childhood) (2),
Education (P-6) or (P-10), Education (Primary), Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Civil),
Engineering (Civil) (Honours)/Science,), Engineering- Mechatronics and Robotics (2),
Exercise and Sport Science (2), Exercise Science & Human Movement, Fine Arts, Fine Art
(Expanded studio Practice, Fine Arts (Visual Art), Food & Nutrition Science, Forensic Sci /
Criminology, Game Programming, Graphic Design, Health Sciences (2), Health Sciences &
Physical Education, , International Business, International Tourism, Justice & Society
(Law), Law / Business, Medicine/Surgery, Music, Nursing (5), Nursing (Div 2)- (1),
Psychological Science, Psychology, Rural Social Welfare, Science (3), Science (Wildlife &
Conservation Biology).
Congratulations to the students who were offered places at a University or TAFE
CADET JOURNALIST The Warracknabeal Herald currently has a part-time position vacant
for a Cadet Journalist including sports writing (3 days per week). Enquiries should be
directed to the Editor, David Ward, on 0418 504 059. Full advertisement details are
available from Chris Wallis at Horsham College. Applications to be submitted in the
applicants own handwriting with resume attached and should be addressed to:
Editor, Warracknabeal Herald, 89 Scott Street, Warracknabeal 3393
Neil King/Ben Hobbs/Tim Carter/Fiona Rowe
Sports Team
If you would like to study in France on exchange, please explore the AFX Student
Exchange website and speak to your French teacher or Career Adviser. Any students who
participate in a high school program this year, will be eligible for a free holidays intensive
course run by your local Alliance Francaise, providing you apply by 15th February. For
more information and to register, go to:
School Council Elections 2014
What is a School Council and what does it do?
All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to
set the key directions of a school within statewide guidelines. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence
the quality of education that the school provides for its students.
Who is on the School Council?
For most school councils, there are three possible categories of membership:
 A mandated elected Parent category - more than one third of the total members must be from this category.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) employees can be parent members at their
child’s school as long as they are engaged in work at the school.
 A mandated elected DEECD employee category - members of this category may make up no more than one-third
of the total membership of school council. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members.
 An optional Community member category - members are coopted by a decision of the council because of their
special skills, interests or experiences. DEECD employees are not eligible to be community members.
Generally, the term of office for members is two years. The term of office of half of the members expires each year,
creating vacancies for the annual School Council Elections.
Why is parent membership so important?
Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of
the school. Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying in itself and may
also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
How can you become involved?
The most obvious way is to vote in the elections, which are held in Term 1 each year. However, ballots are only held if
more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant. In view of this, you might seriously consider:
 standing for election as a member of the school council
 encouraging another person to stand for election.
Do I need special experience to be on School Council?
No. What you do need is an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help
shape the school’s future.
What do you need to do to stand for election?
The Principal will issue a Notice of Election and Call for Nominations following the commencement of Term 1 each
year. All school council elections must be completed by the end of March unless the usual timeline has been varied by
the Minister.
If you decide to stand for election, you can arrange for someone to nominate you as a candidate or you can nominate
yourself in the Parent category.
DEECD employees whose child is enrolled in a school in which they are not engaged in work are eligible to nominate
for parent membership of the School Council at that school.
Once the Nomination Form is completed, return it to the Principal within the time stated on the Notice of Election.
You will receive a Nomination Form Receipt in the mail following the receipt of your completed nomination.
Generally, if there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted
during the two weeks after the call for nominations has closed.
Ask at the school for help if you would like to stand for election and are not sure what to do.
Consider standing for election to council this year.
Be sure to vote in the elections.
Contact Graeme Holmes, Acting Principal for further information
School Council Elections 2014
SScchheedduullee 33:: N
An election is to be conducted for members of the School Council of Horsham College.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by 4.00pm on Friday February 28th
The ballot (if required) will close at 4.00pm on Monday March 7th 2014.
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. The
terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for
election are as follows:
mbbeerrsshhiipp CCaatteeggoorryy
Parent Member
Parent Member
DEECD Employee Member
m ooff O
mbbeerr ooff PPoossiittiioonnss
From March 7 2014 to and inclusive of the date of the
declaration of the poll in 2015
From March 7 2014 to and inclusive of the date of the
declaration of the poll in 2016
From March 7 2014 to and inclusive of the date of the
declaration of the poll in 2016
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for
further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
AAccttiinngg PPrriinncciippaall
The full list of current School Councillors is listed below with an indication of those members whose tenure is
about to expire and those who still have one year more to serve. Outgoing Councillors are free to
renominate if they are still eligible.
There are three categories of membership: Parent, Department employee and Community member.
Elections are held for the first two categories and the third category is filled through cooption.
Parent category – ongoing: Tim Shaw, Vacant, Vacant
Parent category – tenure expires: Rowan Smith, Simone Dalton, Stuart Hobbs
Department employee category – ongoing: Graeme Holmes, Ros Matthews, Sheila White
Department employee category – tenure expires: Brandi Galpin, Neil King
Community category – ongoing: None applicable
Community category – tenure expires: Pauline Schmidt, SRC representative