KENOSHA COUNTY DIVISION OF HEALTH 201 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Health is Our Business…Committed to a Healthy Kenosha Kenosha County Division of Health 8600 Sheridan Road, Suite 600 Kenosha, WI 53143 (262) 605-6700 KENOSHA COUNTY DIVISION OF HEALTH Health is Our Business….Committed to a Healthy Kenosha MISSION STATEMENT “To assure the delivery of health services necessary to prevent disease, maintain and promote health, and to protect and preserve a healthy environment for all citizens of Kenosha County regardless of ethnic origin, cultural and economic resources” BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS James Foster, M.D., M.P.H. Linda Weiss, R.N., M.S.N. Diane Gerlach, D.O. Supervisor John O'Day Mark Modory Rita Kadamian, R.N., M.S.N., D.N.P. Mario Maritato, D.D.S. Mary Sue Lux, D.V.M. M. Regner, D.V.M. Jeanne Sanchez-Bell Chair Vice-Chair Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE MEMBERS Supervisor Dayvin Hallmon Supervisor Boyd Frederick Supervisor Anita Johnson Supervisor David Arrington Supervisor Erin Decker Supervisor Angelina Montemurro Supervisor Gabe Nudo Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Member Member Member Member MEDICAL ADVISORS TO THE DIVISION OF HEALTH Diane Gerlach, D.O., Vaccine Preventable Disease Advisor Steve Schwimmer, D.O., STD Clinic Advisor Adi Kaza, M.D., Reproductive Health/Family Practice Clinic Advisor Cynthia Johnson, M.Ed., RN Health Officer – Director John Jansen Director – Department of Human Services Jim Kreuser Kenosha County Executive Final 3.29.16 2 DIVISIONAL ANNUAL REPORT LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION – WI State Statute Chapters 250 and 251 Wisconsin local public health departments (LPHD) function under “home rule” law in this decentralized state. LPHD’s are required to enforce state public health statutes or rules in their jurisdiction. Public health employees, specifically the health officer, public health nurses and sanitarians, requires specific qualifications, duties and registration prescribed in state statutes. LPHD’s are required to meet specific levels of service and perform specific duties. KCDOH is deemed as a Level III LPHD. PREVENTIVE MEDICAL SECTION The preventive medical section provides preventive health program services and education to the residents of Kenosha County. Individuals are seen in clinics, schools, homes, day cares, and workplaces, as well as in the Division of Health on a walk-in basis through our Nurse of the Day clinic at three locations. DISEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM – WI State Statute Chapter 252, HFS Chapter 145, WI Admin. Code The Division of Health receives reports on communicable diseases within Kenosha County and staff provide surveillance, enforcement, investigation, education, reporting, follow-up, case management, and preventive measures to contain these diseases and prevent the spread to the general public. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 Reportable Disease Confirmed Cases 530 554 Reportable Disease Investigations 458 392 NURSE OF THE DAY (NOD) PROGRAM – WI State Statutes Chapter 252, 254; Chapter 144, WI Admin. Code The NOD clinic provides a variety of services to clients on a walk-in basis at three locations: the Kenosha County Job Center (KCJC), the Kenosha County Center (KCC), and the Kenosha County Wellness Center (KCWC). Services include TB skin testing, blood pressure checks, dental fluoride varnishing, immunizations, well child health screenings, lead poisoning screenings, forensic urine testing, as well as other services. Services Immunization Services- Child and Adult: Public Health Nurses provide immunization protection for all ages. The Vaccines for Children’s program is State funded to serve our County’s childhood immunization needs. All school age children are required by state statute to be immunized upon entering the school setting. Parents may waive this requirement for personal, medical, or religious reasons. Seasonal Influenza Vaccine: Recommended for all individuals 6 months of age and older. Final 3.29.16 3 Fluoride Varnishing: Public health nurses administer dental fluoride varnishing to protect teeth, reduce dental cavities and promote preventive oral health services. Tuberculosis Prevention and Control: Skin tests administered by public health nurses provide early detection of infection in individuals who may have been exposed to tuberculosis or an employment screening requirements. Well Child Clinics: Children under age 21 are eligible for a comprehensive health screening. Lead Poisoning Screenings: Public health nurses provide free blood lead screenings for children under 6 years of age. Genetic Testing: This program contracts with the Kenosha Child Support Program to provide paternity identification through genetic testing. Home Visits: Public health nurses make home visits to clients to assess and monitor health status, investigate communicable diseases, case manage elevated lead poisoning referrals, and provide health education. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 5,153 4,470 108 69 2,622 4,561 Seasonal Influenza- Doses Administered 564 1,214 Fluoride Dental Varnishing- Clients Served 867 1,335 Tuberculosis Prevention and Control- Clients Served 534 586 Well Child Clinic- Clients Served 81 76 Genetic Testing- Clients Served 577 769 Urinalysis (Drug) Screenings – Clients Served Lead Tests – Clients Served Immunization- Doses Administered FAMILY AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH PROGRAM – WI State Statute Chapter 252.11; HIV, WI State Statutes Chapter 252.12-15 Family Planning WI State Statute Chapter 253.07-10; Cancer Control/Prevention, Well Woman Program: Chapter 255 Family and Reproductive Health Services provide Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) screening, HIV testing and referral. Pap smears and breast exams are also offered at the Division of Health. Eligible women receive referrals for mammograms. High risk persons are eligible to receive Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine. Partner Services (PS) are also available through the Family and Reproductive Health Team. Services STD Clinic: Clients and contacts are tested and treated for various sexually transmitted diseases. HIV Antibody Testing: KCDOH is an anonymous and confidential State of Wisconsin HIV antibody counseling and testing site. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 STD Clinic- Clients Served 379 497 HIV Antibody Testing- Clients Served 226 318 Final 3.29.16 4 Reportable STD Confirmed Cases 809 925 Screening Tests Done Through STD Clinic 962 1,160 WISCONSIN WELL WOMEN PROGRAM (WWWP) This state contract program provides breast and cervical cancer screening for eligible women. Pap smears and breast exams are offered at the Division of Health. Area providers deliver Mammography services. ACTIVITY WWWP- Clients Enrolled 2015 2014 163 198 KENOSHA COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE HOME VISITATION PROGRAM (KCCHVP) - WI State Statute 253.08 The Kenosha County Comprehensive Home Visitation Program (KCCHVP) offers case management and health education for pregnant women. This program is designed to improve healthy birth outcomes for families. Since the collaboration with KCDOH and WIC in 2008, KCCHVP referrals have steadily increased and more women are receiving the care and services they need. Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program – In 2015, KCCHVP expanded its programming to include a mom-baby health program that promotes long-term success for mothers with other children in the home. Nurses deliver support to moms and their babies providing professional support and knowledge of parenting skills. The relationship between mother and nurse strengthens the foundation for stronger families and healthier birth outcomes. Nurse Family Partnership Program - A mom-baby health program that promotes long-term success for first time moms, their babies, and the community. Nurses deliver the support first-time moms need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. The relationship between mother and nurse provides the foundation for strong families, and lives for forever changed—for the better. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 KCCHVP Referrals 756 834 KCCHVP Clients Served 471 481 PAT Total Clients 56 n/a NFP Total Clients 180 148 1,668 1,624 NFP Face-to-Face visits COMMUNITY HEALTH AND OUTREACH SERVICES PROGRAM – WI State Statute 255.20 and 347.48 Various health information and services are provided in the community through Community Health/Outreach Services. Kenosha County residents are able to receive cribs, car seats, and preventive screenings at no or low cost. Final 3.29.16 5 Services Child Passenger Safety Seats: Car seats distributed to eligible families at low or no cost. Child Safety Seat Checks: This program provides child passenger safety seat checks and education focusing on the importance of child passenger restraint to prevent vehicle injuries. Safe Sleep Program: Parental Education Program on Back-to-Sleep and Cribs for Kids to prevent injuries. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 Number of Child Safety Seats Distributed 184 211 Child Passenger Safety Seat Checks Completed 252 261 Number of Safe Sleep Program Cribs Distributed 80 87 PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS Through a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Division of Health is able to prepare the community for a natural catastrophic event or an emerging/re-emerging disease. Plans have been developed and exercised to ensure staff are able to respond and assist residents in an emergency. The community is educated to prepare their family, homes, and businesses prior to an emergency event. A School Surveillance System monitors student and school staff absenteeism for increase in days out of school. HEALTHY PEOPLE KENOSHA COUNTY 2020 – WI State Statute 251.05 and DHS Administrative Rule Chapter 140.04 Healthy People Kenosha County 2020 is a local initiative that partners public health with community representatives from government, public, private, and non-profit businesses and organizations for the purpose of developing a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for Kenosha County. The overarching goals of the CHIP are consistent with the national initiative Healthy People 2020, and the State of Wisconsin initiative Healthiest Wisconsin -- to increase quality and years of life and eliminate health disparities. Healthy People Kenosha County 2020 is comprised of six committees that were developed to address the overarching goals in specific areas of concern: Access to Healthcare, Youth Health, Healthy Lifestyles, Mental Health, Injury Prevention, and Environmental Health. KENOSHA LIFECOURSE INITIATIVE FOR HEALTHY FAMILIES (KLIHF) – WI State Statute 253.08 and Chapter 69 In 2010, KLIHF was awarded project funding by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program with the goal of improving the health status of African American women over the lifespan, leading to healthy birth outcomes through development of a maternal child health (MCH) Lifecourse Collaborative and a functional community plan. SCHOOL NURSING PROGRAM – WI State Statute 115.001 (11) Public health nurses provide services in the school setting to the individual and community for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health and well being. The nurses develop health care plans for students with chronic medical conditions to accommodate the student in the school setting. They also provide staff training, disease surveillance, and health education to a total of 37 schools the Kenosha Unified School District and Head Start Program. Final 3.29.16 6 2014/ 2015 17,011 Percent of Students with Prevalent and Potentially LifeThreatening Health Conditions 12% 18,111 18% School Population 2013/ 2014 Students Receiving “Family Life” Education Emergency Healthcare Plans Completed Dental Varnishes Completed 6,134 909 1,245 11,784 1,111 893 KENOSHA COUNTY WIC PROGRAM – WI State Statute 253.05-06 The Kenosha County Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) provides food and nutrition information to keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children under five years of age healthy and strong. WIC provides: Checks to buy nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, peanut butter, bread and cereal; health and diet assessments; nutrition and breastfeeding information and support, and referrals to other community resources. The Kenosha County Division of Health contracts with Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency, Inc to provide WIC services to Kenosha families. Health benefits of WIC are the reduction of premature births, low-birth weights, and long term medical expenses. ACTIVITY WIC Program- Average Monthly Caseload 2015 2014 3,949 4,027 KENOSHA COUNTY SUICIDE PREVENTION COALITION PROGRAM – WI State Statute 255.20 The Kenosha County Suicide Prevention Coalition was formed in 2005 as a sub-committee of the Healthy People Kenosha County Injury Prevention Committee and supported through a grant from the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program (HWPP) and the Medical College of Wisconsin. The coalition is focused on identifying long term solutions to address the issue of the suicide in Kenosha County and develop a community-driven plan focused on suicide prevention. The plan includes: • Preventing access to methods of self-harm (with a focus on poison prevention and gunlock distribution). • Extend community outreach and prevention efforts through expansion of the Kenosha County Suicide Prevention Coalition (KCSPC) membership and formation of a Self-harm and Death Analysis Review team (SDART). • Increasing identification, referral, and treatment of persons at risk for suicide and self-harm. ACTIVITY 2015 2014 Cable Gun Locks Distributed 189 4,790 Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR)Training- Number Trained 946 600 Final 3.29.16 7 KENOSHA, RACINE, WALWORTH (KRW) TRI-COUNTY TOBACCO FREE COALITION – WI State Statute 255.20 The Kenosha, Racine and Walworth (KRW) Tri-County Tobacco-Free Coalition is funded by the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program (TPCP), Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services. KRW Tri-County Tobacco-Free Coalition maintains an active, supportive and diverse coalition membership to achieve TPCP long-term goals. They are to prevent tobacco use initiation by adults and youth, eliminate exposure to second-hand smoke, promote the use of evidence-based practices for the treatment of tobacco dependence and identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities. The following are highlights of the Coalition’s 2015 accomplishments. • Two action-based quarterly Coalition meetings held in each county and one annual meeting held, a total of 7 Coalition meetings held. Two strategic partnerships created between the Coalition and a new community agency or organization; 8 networking partnerships maintained between the Coalition and other community groups and organizations. Participation in 12 community events in partnership with other agencies and organizations to share resources and address addiction and tobacco prevention; hosted one community-wide event to celebrate the 5-year anniversary of smoke-free Wisconsin; 16 published media outreach activities completed. 8 other tobacco product (otp) and E-cigarette presentations made to community groups and organizations. 5 Adult Coalition members and 6 youth Coalition members attended the Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) Hearing held on March 20, 2015. 5 Adult Coalition members and two youth Coalition members presented verbal testimonies before members of the Committee. A total of 34 written testimonies were submitted by Coalition members to the Committee. Youth Coalition members represented membership from FACT, the youth-led tobacco prevention advocacy program and Wisconsin Wins (WI Wins), the tobacco youth access program. The verbal and written testimonies supported the continued need for funding of tobacco prevention and control programs. 5 meetings held between Coalition members and legislators to provide the legislators with tobacco prevention and control updates and other tobacco product (otp) education. 10 personal meetings held between the Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing (SFMUH) Liaison and property owners and managers to provide resources about the Clear Gains Initiative; SFMUH Liaison met with the Kenosha Housing Authority (KHA) to provide support for the prospective Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) national smoke-free apartment housing policy. Maintained two active groups, for the youth-led tobacco prevention advocacy program, FACT, at Harborside Academy, Kenosha and LakeView Technology Academy (LVTA), Pleasant Prarie; grew membership to 45 new members, held 18 meetings, completed 18 outreach activities, held 4 meetings between FACT youth members and legislators. Conducted 224 tobacco retailer compliance checks in partnership with local law enforcement agencies in three counties as part of the tobacco youth access program, Wisconsin Wins (WI Wins); 12 community outreach and 12 media outreach activities completed. 2014 - 2015 Comparison: o Kenosha 2015: 45 checks, 1 sale (2.2% youth access rate); 2014: 45 checks, 0 sales (0%) o Racine 2015: 105 checks, 15 sales (14.3% youth access rate); 2014: 102 checks, 4 sales (3.9%) o Walworth 2015: 74 checks, 6 sales (8.1% youth access rate); 2014: 74 checks, 7 sales (9.5%) Final 3.29.16 8 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION The environmental health section preserves and enhances the public health environment of Kenosha County. It provides information, regulations, education, and intervention in areas of food, water, waste, recreation, lodging, environmental and human health hazards, and consumer protection in a professional and responsive manner FOOD PROTECTION – WI State Statutes 97.30, 254.64 and 254.69 The program objective is the prevention of food-borne disease through regulation of restaurants, retail food establishments, vending machines, school lunch programs, farmers markets, food dealers and special events. Activities include licensing, plan review, routine, follow-up and complaint inspections, consultations, and education. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Active Establishments Licensed 901 900 Inspections (Routine/Follow-up) 1,540 1,390 Consultations/Plan Review 530 574 Consumer Complaint Investigations 117 87 ACTIVITY LODGING FACILITIES - WI State Statutes 101.935, 254.64 and 254.69 The program enforces regulations, which seek to ensure a safe, healthy and sanitary environment for residents and transients in hotels, motels, tourist rooming houses, bed and breakfast establishments, and mobile home parks. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Establishments Licensed 57 54 Inspections (Routine/Follow-up) 65 59 Consultations/Complaint Investigations 35 33 ACTIVITY RECREATIONAL SANITATION - WI State Statute 254.47 The program goal is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for residents and visitors at recreational and educational camps, campgrounds, and public swimming pools through enforcement of State codes. Bacteriological testing of pool water is conducted in the KCDOH laboratory. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Facilities Licensed 85 80 Inspections (Routine/Follow-up) 88 89 Consultations/Complaint Investigations 24 38 ACTIVITY Final 3.29.16 9 RABIES CONTROL AND ANIMAL NUISANCES - WI State Statute 95.21 This program conducts investigations related to animal bite cases, determining rabies immunization status, and initiating animal quarantine and observation procedures as required by State Statute and local ordinances. In addition, the investigation of animal nuisances, such as animal waste and excessive number of animals per household; and the licensing and regulation of kennels and pet shops within the City of Kenosha. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Bite Investigations 146 163 Bite Consultations/Follow-ups Animal Nuisance/Complaints Consultations/Follow-ups 315 319 24 44 ACTIVITY SOLID WASTE CONTROL – Local Ordinance Charter 26 – Blighted Lot This program provides enforcement of City of Kenosha Charter #26 - Blighted Lot Ordinance. Control of garbage, debris and rubbish; including investigation of citizen complaints and abatement of actual or potential rodent, insect, litter, blight or eyesore nuisances due to improper storage or disposal of waste. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Investigation of Citizen Complaints 1,050 985 Follow-up/Clean-ups 2,008 1,693 ACTIVITY LEAD HAZARD CONTROL - WI State Statute 254.166 Environmental investigations of dwellings in which lead poisoned children reside. Inspections are conducted according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) policy to identify whether lead hazards exist; and abatement orders are issued to control or eliminate sources of lead. ACTIVITY Environmental Investigations/Follow-ups/ Consultations 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service 31 39 ENVIRONMENTAL/HUMAN HEALTH HAZARDS - WI State Statutes 254.41 and 254.59 Enforcement of Chapter XXIII, Code of General Ordinances, relating to noise nuisances. Investigations consist of identification, measurement and abatement of noise violations and enforcement of code regulations. Investigation of indoor air quality complaints, community odor complaints focusing on identification, providing information to assist in problem resolution and referral to appropriate State agencies as indicated. Maintenance of Wisconsin Division of Health radiation monitoring stations. This program collects data for the purpose of monitoring background radiation levels in areas surrounding the Zion Nuclear Power Plant. Final 3.29.16 10 Investigation of human health hazard complaints that exist in Kenosha County. Conditions include unsanitary conditions in dwellings, dwellings that lack heat or water and other safety hazards. 2015 Units of Service 0 2014 Units of Service 0 Air Quality Investigations 7 4 Human Health Hazard Complaint Investigations 47 38 ACTIVITY Noise Complaint Investigations TRANSIENT NON-COMMUNITY (TNC) WELL PROGRAM - WI State Statutes 280.11 and 281.15 TNC water systems are public systems that serve at least 25 individuals per day and at least 60 days per year. The program involves annual bacteriological and nitrate sampling as well as sanitary survey well inspections to determine compliance with DNR well construction and pump installation requirements. There are a total of 180 TNC wells in Kenosha County. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service Water samples taken 529 414 Well consultations 131 118 ACTIVITY SANITARY CODE AND PRIVATE SEWAGE SYSTEM ORDIANCE (CHAPTER 15) - WI State Statutes 280.11 and 281.15 The principles of Chapter 15 is to regulate the proper sitting, design, installation, alteration, use management, and maintenance of all private sewage systems in Kenosha County. The purpose of this Chapter is to promote health, safety, prosperity, aesthetics, and general welfare to the residents of Kenosha County. 2015 Units of Service 2014 Units of Service New State Sanitary Permits 40 28 Replacement State Sanitary Permits 69 49 County Sanitary Permits 8 6 ACTIVITY ASTHMA PROGRAM - WI State Statutes 280.11 and 281.15 Kenosha County was selected as a pilot community for the State Asthma program to reduce the number of Emergency department visits and hospitalizations. The program provides in home education as well as an environmental review to reduce asthma triggers in the home. By the end of 2015, the program had 38 clients enrolled. Participants that completed the six month program showed improvement in their asthma control. The program also started delivery of asthma education to elementary school students between grades 2 – 5. The State asthma program is funded by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Final 3.29.16 11 LABORATORY SECTION Each year, approximately 10,000 specimens are submitted to the laboratory for testing and examination. The laboratory is certified by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to accept human specimens for the purposes of performing laboratory examinations or procedures. Approval has been granted in the specialties of Microbiology, Diagnostic Immunology and Chemistry. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection have certified the laboratory in milk and water specialties and Safe Drinking Water Certification is maintained from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services also have certified the laboratory to perform Legal Alcohol testing. Highly qualified technical scientists perform over 10,000 analytical tests annually. They participate in several proficiency programs, including the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene Proficiency Testing Program, and Collaborative Testing Services. Testing services are provided in the areas of clinical microbiology, serology, and analytical and forensic chemistry and environmental bacteriology. Each unit provides the following services: CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY/SEROLOGY UNIT - WI State Statute 252.11 and 252.05 Examines stool samples for the presence of organisms, which cause intestinal diseases. Identifies Giardia intestinal parasites. Performs diagnostic tests for gonorrhea in support of statewide STD screening programs. Performs serologic tests for syphilis. Examines throat specimens for the presence of Group A Streptococcus, the causative agent in Strep Throat. TYPE OF TEST SAMPLES TESTED POSITIVE SAMPLES 2015 2014 2015 2014 7 5 0 0 Gonorrhea 146 160 13 5 Syphilis Serology 185 270 0 0 Spore Test 53 47 0 1 TOTALS 401 482 13 6 Strep Throat Cultures ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY UNIT – WI State Statute 254.166 Conducts chemical analyses of public and private water supplies to determine the presence of nitrates. Conducts chemical analyses of private water supplies to determine the concentration of fluoride in drinking water. Analyzes paint and pottery chips for the presence of lead. Performs preliminary testing on capillary and venous blood samples to determine lead levels in children ages 1 to 5 year. Final 3.29.16 12 TYPE OF TEST SAMPLES TESTED UNSAFE SAMPLES 2015 2014 2015 2014 Nitrates 306 240 0 0 Fluoride 24 20 n/a n/a Lead Screens – Paint Chips 0 0 0 0 Blood Lead Screens 112 73 13 6 TOTALS 442 333 13 6 FORENSIC CHEMISTRY UNIT – WI State Statute Chapters 453 and 961 Analyzes urine specimens and other body fluids for the presence of controlled substances, drugs of abuse and alcohol. Analyzes evidence for law enforcement agencies for the presence of controlled substances. Testifies in court regarding analytical findings. TYPE OF TEST SAMPLES TESTED POSITIVE SAMPLES 2015 2014 2015 2014 Forensic Toxicology 737 799 552 644 Controlled Substance Identification 201 120 182 113 TOTALS 938 919 734 757 ENVIRONMENTAL BACTERIOLOGY UNIT – WI State Statutes 280.11 and 281.15 Tests public and private water supplies for the presence of coliform bacteria. Tests swimming pool and whirlpool water samples for coliform bacteria. Tests swimming beaches and recreational water for E.coli bacteria. Documents complaints of food suspected of causing disease outbreaks (food poisoning). Identifies insects. TYPE OF TEST SAMPLES TESTED UNSAFE SAMPLES 2015 2014 2015 2014 Drinking Water 946 766 136 88 Pools 40 62 1 0 County Beaches 115 161 13 41 Lake Michigan Beaches 184 TOTALS Final 3.29.16 1,285 25 989 175 129 13 HUD LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARD REDUCTION PROJECT Lead Hazard Control Program – WI State Statutes 254.12-18 The Division of Health was awarded a three-year, $2,480,000 million grant from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction in June, 2012. The grant award also includes funding to address healthy homes issues in 20 units. In 2014 the Division of Health was awarded a three-year $3,900,000 million for a Lead-Based Paint Demonstration Grant. Additional funding was provided to complete housing based health hazard reduction work in 100 of those homes. This program is being implemented in partnership with the Cities of Racine and Kenosha, and numerous other local community organizations. The primary goal of the Kenosha/Racine Lead-Free Communities Partnership is to protect children under the age of 6 who live in pre-1978 housing units directly through lead hazard control of these atrisk units. The focus will be on low-income families in targeted neighborhoods. In addition to reducing lead hazards, units will be inspected for health and safety hazards such as asthma and allergy triggers, moisture concerns, home safety and unintentional injury, and indoor air quality. The secondary goal is to provide education to these families on the hazards of lead-based paint and to prepare them for relocation during lead abatement of their home. In order to accomplish these goals, the program will use a comprehensive approach which utilizes and coordinates the resources of multiple city and county government agencies, private owners of housing units, the resources of private contractors, community non-profit agencies, higher education, and the faith community. 2014 accomplishments include: • • • • • Provided appropriate levels of abatement services including clearance testing for residential units. Continued to increase the pool of qualified lead contractors. Provided an outreach service which includes lead-based paint risk assessments and education. Provided a full continuum of services including blood samples, reporting, treatment and medical follow-up. Stimulated private sector investment in lead hazard control. 2015 2014 Units Completed 178 79 Inspections Completed 273 73 Individuals Trained 119 12 ACTIVITY Final 3.29.16 14