US008704456B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent: Shteynberg et a]. (54) REGULATION OF WAVELENGTH SHIFT AND PERCEIVED COLOR OF SOLID STATE LIGHTING WITH INTENSITY VARIATION (56) (72) Inventors: Anatoly Shteynberg, San Jose, CA 6,441,558 B1 6,469,457 B2 DCC,” Jan. 2005, < (Continued) (21) Appl. N0.: 13/741,896 Primary Examiner * Tuyet Thi V0 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Christensen O’Connor Jan. 15, 2013 Johnson Kindness PLLC Prior Publication Data (57) Jun. 6,2013 Division of application No. 11/927,084, ?led on Oct. 29, 2007, now Pat. No. 8,368,636, which is a a full intensity level and at a selected temperature, with a ?rst continuation-in-part of application No. 11/859,680, a ?rst wavelength shift, and a second electrical biasing for the ?led on Sep. 21, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,880,400. (58) electrical biasing for the solid state lighting system producing solid state lighting system producing a second, opposing wavelength shift. Representative embodiments provide for Int. Cl. G05F 1/00 (52) ABSTRACT Representative embodiments of the invention provide a sys tem, apparatus, and method of controlling an intensity and spectrum of light emitted from a solid state lighting system. The solid state lighting system has a ?rst emitted spectrum at Related US. Application Data (51) 8/2002 Muthu 10/2002 Callahan mentati0n/applicati0n-briefs>, pp. 1-38. U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (60) 4/2001 Lys 1/2002 Lys Lumileds Application Brief AB27, “For LCD Backlighting Luxeon Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 US 2013/0140989 A1 Misumi Vitello Crawford Mueller Mueller OTHER PUBLICATIONS Company, Dover, DE (US) (65) 6/1991 2/1998 ll/l999 1/2000 ll/2000 (Continued) (73) Assignee: Point Somee Limited Liability Filed: A A A A A 6,211,626 B1 6,340,868 B1 (US); Harry Rodriguez, Gilroy, CA (US); Bradley M. Lehman, Belmont, MA (US); Dongsheng Zhou, San Jose, CA (US) (22) References Cited 5,026,978 5,719,474 5,994,844 6,016,038 6,150,774 Company, Dover, DE (US) (*) Apr. 22, 2014 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: Point Somee Limited Liability Notice: US 8,704,456 B2 receiving information designating a selected intensity level or (2006.01) a selected temperature; and providing a combined ?rst elec US. Cl. trical biasing and second electrical biasing to the solid state USPC ...... .. 315/291; 315/185 S; 315/307; 315/247; lighting system to generate emitted light having the selected 315/312 intensity level and having a second emitted spectrum within a predetermined variance of the ?rst emitted spectrum over a Field of Classi?cation Search USPC ....... .. 315/247, 246, 224, 225, 291, 3074326, 315/185 S See application ?le for complete search history. 19 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets LE] UJNTWILBI DIH FRAHE REGISTER predetermined range of temperatures. INTENSITY REGISTER DIGITAL CUNTHOL All) DEBOOE LOGIC INTNPEAKn a EGISTEM n REGISTER? CYCLE)" CW. IEXTIIJTY mam IJUTY US 8,704,456 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,528,934 6,636,003 6,731,079 6,788,011 6,801,003 6,806,659 6,963,175 6,975,079 6,987,787 7,014,336 7,038,398 7,038,399 7,081,722 7,088,059 7,135,824 7,161,311 7,208,713 7,598,685 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 3/2003 10/2003 5/2004 9/2004 10/2004 10/2004 11/2005 12/2005 1/2006 3/2006 5/2006 5/2006 7/2006 8/2006 11/2006 1/2007 4/2007 10/2009 Chen Rahm Andersen Mueller Schanberger Mueller Archenhold Lys Mick Ducharme Lys Lys Huynh McKinney Lys et al‘ Mueller Ishiguchi Shteynberg 7,863,829 B2 7,898,187 B1 1/2011 Sayers 3/2011 Mei g,253,666 B2 8,410,723 B2 8/2012 Shteynberg 4/2013 Deurenberg 5%?gga 2001/0033252 A1 2002/0101395 A1 2002/0153851 A1 10/2001 Yamazaki 8/2002 Inukai 10/2002 Morgan 2003/0214725 A1 11/2003 Akiyama 2004/0245941 2005/0134197 2005/0225264 2005/0237284 A1 A1 A1 A1 12/2004 6/2005 10/2005 10/2005 2006/0202630 2006/0273236 2007/0001587 2007/0001588 2007/0024213 2007/0103086 2007/0194210 2007/0267978 2008/0012804 2009/0021178 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 9/2006 12/2006 1/2007 1/2007 2/2007 5/2007 8/2007 11/2007 1/2008 1/2009 Schrodinger Lee Kemp Yaguma Yamada Gutbrod Hatwar Boroson Shteynberg Neudorf Lee Shteynberg Kim Furukawa 2009/0079358 2009/0079362 2009/0189547 2009/0236994 A1 A1 A1 A1 3/2009 3/2009 7/2009 9/2009 Shteynberg Shteynberg Spartano Deurenberg 2009/0322234 A1 2010/0164403 A1 2011/0115394 A1 12/2009 Chen 7/2010 Llu 5/2011 Shteynberg OTHER PUBLICATIONS International Search Report mailed Nov. 19, 2008, issued in Interna tional Application No. PCT/US2008/076552, ?led Sep. 16, 2008, 1 page. International Search Report mailed Dec. 1, 2008, issued in Interna tional Application No. PCT/US2008/076587, ?led Sep. 17, 2008, 2 pages. US. Patent ‘Apr.22,2014*2 .é gm. Sheet10f16 52w6a%s 9..mHm US 8,704,456 B2 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 16 SWPAVHELIANFGKTH SWPAHVEILAFNGKTH CURRENT LEVEL/DUTY CYCLE US 8,704,456 B2 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 3A FIG. 3B A A g g g g E g 525- ....... ....... E i l 530 20 i i 40 i 50 i . i 30 i 100 535 I 530- ....... E 20 i 40 Tj (DEGREE C) ....... I ....... +39 TEMP +66 CURRENT FIG. 4 FIG. 5 .. . i 60 i BO Ti (DEGREE C) "hum TEMP --o--PWM CURRENT -a ... ?r?" “L 520 120 .. Z . ‘1'“? f i 100 120 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 6 AL 7 a FIG . a=20% HO" 7 WWW La 7 FIG. 8 FORWARD BIASING (v on I) ‘*T T T -*> Olldlilt3 t1 t2 ETA FIG. 9 FORWARD BIASING (v OR I) ka (Vpk) J | M fl US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 10 FORWARD BIASING (v OH I) FAST SWITCHING ka (Vpk) T If Iavg |— FIG. 11 FORWARD BIASING (v OR I) ka (Vpk) Iavg FIG. 12 FORWARD BIASING (v OR I) ka (Vpk) TWA US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FEIE;. 15? FORWARD BIASING. ANY Ac SUPERIMPOSED 0N DC FIG. 14 FORWARD BIASING, ANY Ac SUPERIMPOSED GM as FIG. 15 [M (k=1) 0=1 (k=1) (k=1) M) m US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 15 ILED ILEDi ILEDE -------------- ---1 -------------- ---1 -* ---- --02 ---- ---B{ i a: a: FIG. 17 02 (WITH ILED2) 02 (WITH ILEDE) DEH ---- -- 01 (WITH ILEDl) 02L--- I ' 5 01 (WITH ILEDl) t US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FRIYS. .1E? SELECT TWO OR MORE ELECTRICAL ./'105 BIASING TECHNIQUES WHICH PROVIDE OPPOSING WAVELENGTH SHIFTS IN RESPONSE TO INTENSITY VARIATION AND/0R JUNCTION TEMPERATURE T CHARACTERIZE EACH TYPE/COLOR 0F LED DEVICE IN RESPONSE T0 EACH SELECTED ELECTRICAL BIASING TECHNIQUE AND/0H ./'110 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE L DETERMINE COMBINATIONS OF ELECTRICAL ,/'115 BIASING TECHNIQUES PREDICTED To RESULT IN AN EMITTED SPECTRUM WHICH IS PERcETvEn TO BE SUBSTANTIALLY CONSTANT 0R WITHIN SELECTED TOLERANCE LEVEL T CONVERT THE COMBINATIONS OF BIASING TECHNIQUES INTO PARAMETERS CORRESPONDING TO SELECTABLE INTENSITY LEVELS AND/OR SENSED TEMPERATURE LEVELS. AND STORE IN MEMORY RETURN 125 1"120 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 19 START: MONITOR AND/0R RECEIVE SIGNALTS) INDICATING SELECTED INTENSITY LEVEL AND/OR JUNCTION TEMPERATURE I CONTROLLER OBTAINS CORRESPONDING PARAMETERS FROM MEMORY FOR AT LEAST TWO ELECTRICAL BIASING TECHNIOUES WHICH PROVIDE OPPOSING WAVELENGTH SHIFTS AT SELECTED INTENSITY LEVEL AND/OR JUNCTION TEMPERATURE 13° /135 I CONTROLLER PROCESSES PARAMETERS AND GENERATES CORRESPONDING LED DRIVING CONTROL SIGNALS I CONTROLLER SYNCHRONIZES CONTROL SIGNALS WITH LED DRIVER I CONTROLLER PROVIDES CONTROL SIGNALS TO LED DRIVER TO GENERATE BIASING COMBINATION TO OPERATE LEDS AND PRODUCE SELECTED INTENSITY LEVEL WITH AN EMITTED SPECTRUM WHICH IS PERCEIVED TO BE SUBSTANTIALLY CONSTANT OR WITHIN A SELECTED TOLERANCE LEVEL RETURN 155 /145 /150 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 I Sheet 10 0f 16 =1> CONTROLLER US 8,704,456 B2 US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 US 8,704,456 B2 Sheet 11 0f 16 _nGA ._ + “55% "a a52%- a“; A.“ |m ?\ mg?|_ m5l.3% 5: _)\_ / "a 5 $5? f ?gsU\||$ _ mEmE EI 72 _Na /:mgsz52 =5$<?\2 2“a58Hmmml5 1% m(II.a2=5% §~\\T\$ $55:gmgm|I|\.| | |l h|l¢ hln|r: |_ $55; SE3w“_ll _ m Q“ m \am Eaam 2 El /m |w|@238 5% E:E_x .h as ni=5‘ \z I=5am:252m \ m A ._$5 /$I.“_ ?gs Mm m m/m :2a 25U $580vac:.28EBIl"An .11 _£5:2E2 5 [TmL_ITzJ;I _ m 2k._ 23528EEO V5258%,". 7% a u n Ill“ _IlI US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 13 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 FIG. 23 E 51\_ “P ____ "— 250A\ 320 /250A _h 311 /300 300\ lf310 H— 320 310\‘ Y 311 Y ‘ LED N313 313w LEB' Y 2 FIG. 24 g 51\_ PIP ____ 2505\ _ _ 320 _h __ 311\ /250B 320 face 300\ d—__ l l I 1 LED __ 313/" Y /330 EIEIO\ /311 __ LED Y Nan US. Patent Apr. 22, 2014 Sheet 15 0f 16 US 8,704,456 B2 26FIG. 313/ CONT_RLER ,/~30 ' SZ LED 313/ 25LED0A8.\ US 8,704,456 B2 1 2 REGULATION OF WAVELENGTH SHIFT AND PERCEIVED COLOR OF SOLID STATE LIGHTING WITH INTENSITY VARIATION and/or color of the generated light from LEDs is altered using pulse-width modulated signals, at high or low voltage levels, with a preprogrammed maximum current allowed through the LEDs, in which an activation signal is used for a period of time corresponding to the duty cycle of a PWM signal (with CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED APPLICATIONS the timing signal effectively being the PWM period). See also US. Pat. Nos. 6,528,934, 6,636,003, 6,801,003, 6,975,079, 7,135,824, 7,014,336, 7,038,398, 7,038,399 (aprocessormay This application is a divisional of US. patent application Ser. No. 11/927,084, ?led Oct. 29, 2007, which is a continu control the intensity or the color by providing a regulated current using a pulse modulated signal, pulse width modu ation-in-part of US. patent application Ser. No. 11/859,680, lated signals, pulse amplitude modulated signals, analog con ?led Sep. 21, 2007, now US. Pat. No. 7,880,400, the disclo sures of which are hereby incorporated by their reference herein. trol signals and other control signals to vary the output of BACKGROUND a duty cycle of PWM), and US. Pat. No. 6,963,175 (pulse LEDs, so that a particular amount of current supplied gener ates light of a corresponding color and intensity in response to amplitude modulated (PAM) control). These methods of controlling time averaged forward cur rent of LEDs using different types of pulse modulations, at constant or variable frequency, by switching the LED current Arrays of light emitting diodes (“LEDs”) are utilized for a wide variety of applications, including for general lighting and multicolored lighting. Because emitted light intensity is proportional to the average current through an LED (or 20 alternatively from a predetermined maximum value toward a through a plurality of LEDs connected in series), adjusting lower value (including zero), creates electromagnetic inter the average current through the LED(s) is one typical method of regulating the intensity or the color of the illumination ference (“EMI”) problems and also suffers from a limitation on the depth of intensity variation. Analog control/Constant Current Reduction (or Regulation) (“CCR”), which typically source. Because a light-emitting diode is a semiconductor device 25 problems, including inaccurate control of intensity, espe that emits incoherent, narrow-spectrum light when electri cally biased in the forward direction of its (p-n) junction, the cially at low current levels (at which component tolerances are most sensitive), and including instability of LED perfor mance at low energy biasing of the p-n junction, leading to most common methods of changing the output intensity of an LED biases its p-n junction by varying either the forward current (“I”) or forward bias voltage (“V”), according to the 30 FIGS. 1-3, both the PWM and CCR techniques of adjusting brightness also result in shifting the wavelength of the light 35 used to regulate the lighting source current. Such converters and regulators are often implemented as a single unit, and 40 Pulse width modulation (“PWM”), in which a pulse is generated with a constant amplitude but having a duty cycle which may be variable, is a technique for regulating average control is used over a ?rst range of intensities, while PWM or trol is used over a second range of illumination intensities. In 45 to the two control inputs (peak current control and PWM technology” by Jim Williams, Linear Technology, November control). Despite some improvement of intensity control and color mixing of these two patents, however, the proposed 50 color changes when these techniques are executed, either as a single analog control or as a combination of pulse and analog controls. intensity and color control of LEDs). In these applications for 55 light is acceptable. It has been proposed to correct this dis tortion through substantially increasing the complexity and cost of the control system by adding emission (color) sensors 60 the control of a processor (or other controller), the brightness and other devices to attempt to compensate for the emission shift during intensity regulation. See Application BriefAB 27 “For LCD backlighting Luxeon DCC” Lumiledes, January 2005, at FIG. 5.1 (Functional model of Luxeon DCC driver). ety of modulation techniques, such as PWM current control, analog current control, digital current control and any other current control method or system for controlling the current. For example, in Mueler et al., US. Pat. Nos. 6,016,038, 6,150,774, 6,788,011, 6,806,659, and 7,161,311, entitled “Multicolored LED Lighting Method and Apparatus”, under Depending on a quality of the light source, this wavelength change may be tolerated, assuming the reduced quality of the trum. Such current control for dimming may be based on a vari combinations of averaging techniques still do not address the resulting wavelength shifting and corresponding perceived modulated current control or other form of current control for LEDs, a processor is typically used for controlling the amount of electrical current supplied to each LED, such that a par ticular amount of current supplied to the LED module gener ates a corresponding color within the electromagnetic spec Mick US. Pat. No. 6,987,787, PWM control is used in addi tion to variable current control, to provide a much wider range of brightness control by performing a “multiplying” function LCDs, and ?uorescent lighting, for example. See, e. g., Appli cation Note AN65 “A fourth generation of LCD backlighting 1995 (LCDs); Vitello, US. Pat. No. 5,719,474 (dimming of ?uorescent lamps by modulating the pulse width of current pulses); and Ihor Lys et al., US. Pat. Nos. 6,340,868 and 6,211,626, entitled “Illumination components” (pulse width applications, have not been particularly successful. For example, in McKinney et al. US. Pat. No. 7,088,059 analog pulse frequency modulation (“PFM”) control and analog con current and thereby adjusting the emitted light intensity (also referred to as “dimming”) of LEDs, other solid-state lighting, emitted, further resulting in color distortions which may be unacceptable for many applications. Various methods of addressing such color distortions, which are perceptible to the human eye and which can interfere with desired lighting may be referred to equivalently as either a converter or a regulator. substantial wavelength shifting and corresponding color dis tortions. As described in greater detail below with reference to selected LED speci?cations, which may be a function of the selected LED fabrication technology. For driving an illumi nation system (e. g., an array of LEDs), electronic circuits typically employ a converter to transform anAC input voltage (e.g., AC line voltage, also referred to as “AC mains”) and provide a DC voltage source, with a linear “regulator” then varies the amplitude of the supplied current, also has various Accordingly, a need remains for an apparatus, system, and 65 method for controlling the intensity (brightness) of light emissions for solid state devices such as LEDs, while simul taneously providing for substantial stability of perceived US 8,704,456 B2 3 4 color emission and control over wavelength shifting, over wavelength shifts of a plurality of dominant peak wave both a range of intensities and also over a range of LED lengths for a corresponding plurality of colors (e.g., red, junction temperatures. Such an apparatus, system, and method should be capable of being implemented with few components, and without requiring extensive feedback sys green and blue) are controlled within corresponding prede termined variances, in response to variables such as intensity, temperature, selected color temperature (intensity and wave tems. length/spectra), selected lighting effects, other criteria, etc. It should also be noted that the various references to a “combination” of electrical biasing techniques should also be interpreted broadly to include any type or form of combining, SUMMARY The representative embodiments of the present disclosure provide numerous advantages for controlling the intensity of as discussed in greater detail below, such as an additive super position of a ?rst biasing technique with a second (or third or more) biasing technique; a piece-wise superposition of a ?rst biasing technique with a second (or third or more) biasing light emissions for solid state devices such as LEDs, while simultaneously providing for substantial stability of per technique (i.e., a time interval-based superposition, with a ?rst biasing technique applied in a ?rst time interval followed by a second (or third or more) biasing technique applied in a second (or third or more) time interval); an alternating of a ?rst biasing technique with a second (or third or more) biasing ceived color emission, over both a range of intensities and also over a range of LED junction temperatures. The repre sentative embodiments provide digital control, without including external compensation. The representative embodi ments do not utilize signi?cant resistive impedances in the current path to the LEDs, resulting in appreciably lower power losses and increased ef?ciency. The representative cur rent regulator embodiments also utilize comparatively fewer components, providing reduced cost and size, while simulta 20 technique; or any other pattern comprised of or which can be decomposed into at least two or more different biasing tech niques during a selected time interval. It should also be noted that providing such a combination of two or more electrical neously increasing ef?ciency and enabling longer battery life biasing techniques will result in an applied electrical biasing when used in portable devices, for example. which has its own corresponding waveform which will differ from the waveforms of the ?rst and second biasing tech niques. For example, a combined or composite waveform may be created by applying a ?rst biasing technique in a ?rst A representative embodiment provides a method of con trolling an intensity of light emitted from a solid state lighting system, the solid state lighting having a ?rst emitted spectrum at full intensity, with a ?rst electrical biasing for the solid state lighting producing a ?rst wavelength shift, and with a second electrical biasing for the solid state lighting producing a sec ond, opposing wavelength shift. The ?rst and second wave length shifts are typically determined as corresponding ?rst and second peak wavelengths of the emitted spectrum. The 25 30 sponding ?rst, second and third time intervals (periods). The resulting waveform of such a combination may be referred to equivalently as a piece-wise or time-based superposition of representative method comprises: receiving information des ignating a selected intensity level lower than full intensity; and providing a combined ?rst electrical biasing and second electrical biasing to the solid state lighting to generate emitted light having the selected intensity level and having a second emitted spectrum within a predetermined variance of the ?rst emitted spectrum. The predetermined variance may be sub 35 signals, or as a resulting electrical biasing waveform. For example, two or more biasing techniques may be selected, 40 having ?rst and second respective waveforms, with the result ing combination utilized to create or provide parameters (such as operational parameters) and/ or control signals which then operate in a lighting system to produce a third waveform (as an instance of the resulting combination) for the electrical electrical biasing and the second electrical biasing may be a forward current or an LED bias voltage. 45 biasing provided to the solid state lighting. Any and all of these different representations or instantiations may be con sidered a resulting combination or composite waveform in accordance with the present disclosure. Reference to a parameter or parameters is also to be con 50 strued broadly, and may mean and include coe?icients, vari 55 ables, operational parameters, a value stored in a memory, or any other value or number which can be utilized to represent a signal, such as a time-varying signal. For example, one or more parameters may be derived and stored in a memory and utilized by a controller to generate a control signal, mentioned such an emitted spectrum may range from a quite narrow band (e.g., a single wavelength) to a considerably broader the ?rst, second and third biasing techniques. The combina tion may be represented in any number of equivalent ways, for example, as one or more parameters, as one or more control stantially zero or within a selected tolerance level. The ?rst lt shouldbe noted that as used herein, the terms “spectrum” and “spectra” should be interpreted broadly to mean and include a single wavelength to a range of wavelengths of any emitted light. For example, depending upon any number of factors including dispersion, a typical green LED may emit light primarily at a single wavelength (e. g., 526 nm), a small range ofwavelengths (e.g., 525 .8-526.2 nm), or a larger range of wavelengths (e. g., 522-535 nm). Accordingly, as indicated above, the wavelength shifts referred to herein should be measured as peak wavelengths of the emitted spectrum, and time interval, followed by a second biasing technique in a second time interval, followed by a third biasing technique in a third time interval, followed by repeating this sequence of ?rst, second and third biasing techniques for the next corre band (a range of wavelengths), depending upon the type of above, for a lighting system which provides an electrical solid state lighting and various other conditions. In addition, various mixes and combinations of wavelengths are also biasing having a third, combined waveform. Continuing with the example, in this instance the parameters may be stored in memory and may represent information such as duty cycle, included, such as combinations of red, green, and blue wave lengths, for example, each of which generally has a corre 60 sponding peak wavelength, and each of which may have the amplitude, time period or time interval, frequency, duration, repetition interval or repetition period, other time- or interval various narrower or broader ranges of wavelengths described de?ned values, and so on, as discussed in greater detail below. above. Further, the various wavelength shifts of emitted spec For example, time-de?ned values of amplitude and duration tra may refer to a shift in a peak wavelength, corresponding shifts of multiple peak wavelengths, or an overall or compos ite shift of multiple wavelengths, as the context may suggest. For example, in accordance with the present disclosure, 65 are representative parameters, such as 100 mV from the inter val of 0 to l microseconds, followed by 200 mV from the interval of l to 2 microseconds, followed by 0 mV from the interval of 2 to 3 microseconds, which sequence may then be