Programme Description - Estudia a la UIB

Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
Programme Description
The UPC-UIB PhD in Electrical Engineering is the continuation of the UPC-UIB-URV interuniversity programme,
which gained the quality hallmark from the Spanish Ministry of Education over the 2004-07 period. This doctoral
programme currently forms part of the official postgraduate programme in experimental and technological sciences at
the UIB.
From a teaching point of view, the PhD programme comprises a group of subjects aimed at training students in
research, bringing together the experience gained in the previous programme and forming part of the Interuniversity
Masters in Electrical Engineering . This masters course was first offered in the academic year 2006-07 at the UPC and
is being offered for the first time at the UIB. The PhD programme that has become the masters course was also offered
at the UIB in the academic year 2006-07.
The PhD programme is organised in four thematic fields, which are:
Power electronics
Devices and microsystems
Circuits and integrated systems
Instrumentation and measurements
Justification of the need for the programme
The motives justifying the need for this programme can be summarised in the following points:
a. The essential and transferable nature of knowledge of electrical engineering in many strategic
socio-economic sectors
Given the transferable nature of electrical engineering, scientific and technological knowledge in the discipline,
both in the theoretical and practical dimensions, are key in many sectors, such as areas of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), industrial automation, electromedicine, renewable energies and the
aerospace industry. Many of the businesses involved with these sectors use cutting-edge technology and feature a
rapid innovation dynamic in a highly competitive market, and this dynamic can only be arrived at through the
inclusion of a strong research ethos, and thus the need to train researchers is justified. On the other hand, these
sectors are vital in the information society and contribute decisively to the sustainability of resources, something
that confers on them a high growth potential, something that forms part of the strategic objectives of various
governmental agencies (EU, Spain, USA). It is then reasonable to foresee the need for highly qualified
researchers who work in these sectors and contribute to scientific, technological, social and economic progress
with knowledge of electrical engineering and its practical application.
b. Course and structure that can be validated across Europe
The course structure follows the European Higher Education Area, shared by many European universities, and
improves the mobility of students and researchers in the EU and thus making the course attractive for students
from around the world. The programme thus enables the import and students and export of researchers within the
c. The importance of the proposed specialities and their international academic referents
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
The interest and opportunity of the proposed specialisations is justified both by their content and the academic
offer of similar options at postgraduate level by other European universities, as detailed below:
Specialisation in power electronics :
Power converters are present in all power supplies and any electrical equipment, in any field of application
(industrial, communications, aeronautics, automotive industry, electric traction, etc.) Recently, the importance of
this field has grown due to the energy crisis and has moved toward increased efficiency of all manner of systems,
in particular renewable energy, transport and the use of electricity. Power electronics is also highly important in
the aeronautic and aerospace industries, which are considered strategically key in Europe. The training of
researchers to a high level in this field is thus vital.
As European academic referents, we can cite the following :
Master in Power Electronics & Drives, Universitat d‘Aalborg (Finlàndia)
Master in Power Electronics & Drives, Universitat de Notthingham (Anglaterra)
Specialisation in devices and microsystems :
Semiconductor devices (SC) and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) are increasingly important in
modern society. The former can be found in microchips, and the latter in intelligent sensors, integrating sensors
and/or micro-mechanised actuators into processing and control circuits. They can also be found in ICT
applications (optical and high-frequency devices, RF filters and MEMS optical transmission subsystems) and
industrial applications (SC power devices and MEMS SC sensors). The fields of application are diverse and
cover everything from biomedical instrumentation to the aerospace sector, including the field of renewable
energy (photovoltaic cells). Production technology for these devices is constantly evolving. At present
nanotechnology is gradually taking the place of microtechnology. This rapid evolution is complemented by the
discovery of new materials and compounds such as organic SCs, which together with new production technology
are increasing the range of applications and their impact on our society.
As European academic referents, we can cite the following:
Msc in Micro & Nanotechnology, Institute of Microtechnology, Universitat de Neuchâtel (Suïssa)
Msc of Microsystems Engineering, Vestfold University College (Noruega)
Specialisation in circuits and integrated systems :
Integrated systems and circuits, embedded, intelligent and adaptable systems are being progressively
implemented in all fields of everyday life. Mobile voice and data communication systems, systems that capture
and present information, systems enabling sensory perception in those with sensory deficiencies, etc. This
‘ambient intelligence’ requires technological solutions at the level of circuits, subsystems, architecture,
integration, robustness and computing paradigms. Moore’s law, which predicts exponential growth of silicon
technologies, has been fulfilled over the past forty years, and will probably be valid for a few more years. It is
possible that in the future it will give way to alternatives, such as the many new nanotechnologies. It is, then,
clear that this attractive area in constant evolution poses important challenges and opportunities for research,
innovation and business.
As European academic referents, we can cite the following:
Master Program in System-On-Xip Design, School on Information & Communication Techynology, KTH,
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
Master Program on Electronics & Microelectronics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Master Program, Department of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH), Suïssa
Master of Science in System-Level Integration, Institute for System Level Integration, Universitat
d'Edimburg (Regne Unit)
Specialisation in instrumentation and measurements :
Electrical instrumentation is a discipline with impacts in many areas. However, there are scientific societies
specialised in measurement methods and the design of equipment, such as the Instrumentation and Measurement
Society of the IEEE, which organises two international conferences a year where roughly 2000 research works
are presented in a range of fields related to the science and technology of measurements, and it also publishes a
journal in the area. Other organisations such as the Institute of Physics and the American Institute of Physics also
have prestigious publications dedicated to instrumentation.
As European academic referents, we can cite the following:
Master of Measurement & Control Engineering, Universitat de Twenthe
Master's Degree in Physics & Applications Spécialité: Sensors, Measurement & Instrumentation,
Universitat Pierre i Marie Curie (UPMC-França)
d. Other strong points
As wells as the aforementioned, we can cite the following strong points of this proposal:
Candidates can come from a wide range of previous studies.
The different specialisations proposed allow a synergy between complementary knowledge, improving
research in a multidisciplinary field that is electrical engineering.
The articulation of the programme around the research activity of competitive and internationally
recognised research groups constitutes a guarantee of quality and constant updating of knowledge.
Entry requirements
Thesis evaluation criteria
Global aims
Programme structure
Research topics
Thesis Advisory
Administrative Procedures and further information
Complaints, comments and suggestions
This PhD is aimed at all those interested in learning more about the field of electrical engineering and who fulfil the
specific and general entry requirements.
Students can come from a range of previous studies, although the ideal profile is an engineering (or 180 ECTS credits
of technical engineering) related to the field of electrical engineering. Those with a degree in the sciences with
reasonably advanced knowledge of electrical engineering will also be accepted. Depending on previous studies, the
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
course can be begun in either semester. In the case of foreign students, applications are welcomed from those with a
bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer science or applied physics.
Access to the specialisation semester will be possible for those students who will move on to PhD studies and require
complementary training.
The committee will assess applications and recommend that most appropriate pathway for each student according to
his/her knowledge and skills. The committee can call the candidate to interview if necessary once their report has been
passed to the departmental board.
Candidates should present an application by post, email or in person to the Centre of Postgraduate Studies . If
candidates have not studied their degree at the UIB, they should present an official and stamped copy of their degree
certificate accompanied by a letter from the awarding university.
The committee will analyse applications, including cases of credit validation and recognition. Merits presented by
applicants will be assessed, and proposals on whether to offer a place may be taken up at departmental level. This
proposal will be accompanied by the CV of those students whose degree is not in the ideal areas to begin the Master's
Degree in Electronical Engineering .
The academic coordination body will name tutors annually and assign each with no more than students.
Teaching staff who have held the degree of PhD for at least two years and wish to supervise dissertation should
communicate the title of the area to the course committee. The course committee will publish the list of areas offered
and during the first semester students should communicate their choice to their tutor. In the case of students who need
to study for two years due to their holding a 180 ECTS credit degree, they should choose their area at the start of the
second academic year.
If the number of fields offered is lower than the number of students enrolled for a dissertation, the course committee
will establish with the qualified teaching staff the areas necessary to fulfil demand.
Dissertation - PhD project (DEA)
During the final semester of the programme, students should complete a dissertation or research project for their
PhD, either with the supervision of a course lecturer or a local or foreign business or research institution. The
dissertation will be completed with the submission of a report on the project, its defence, and assessment by a
General aims
This interuniversity PhD aims to train research personnel in the areas off specialisation linked to the design and trial of
electrical circuits and systems, power electronics, devices and microsystems and electronic instrumentation.
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
The main objective of the programme comprises the training of national and international specialists able to work in
their area at an international level, able to develop new products and services in the areas of the programme, that is,
power electronics, devices and microsystems, integrated systems and circuits and instrumentation and measurements.
The skills gained can be summarised in two areas, namely specific skills and general skills. Specific:
Ability to identify, formulate and resolve optimally problems in the fields of electrical technology and electrical
Ability to adapt to the rapid evolution of electrical technologies and the ICT market.
Ability to elaborate and transmit technical documentation.
Ability to carry out and direct projects.
Ability to understand engineering as an economic and industrial activity, without forgetting the social, ethical and
sustainable aspects.
Ability to analyse critically and value various alternatives.
Creative and innovative ability to create products and services.
Ability to lead and work in multidisciplinary teams.
Ability to learn continuously: ability to carry on studying independently and continuously.
General skills:
Analyse and value various alternatives.
Analyse critically.
Find optimal solutions to complex problems and projects.
Create and innovate products and services.
Adapt to the rapid evolution of electrical technologies and ICT markets.
Write projects and technical documents.
Orally present results, products and services clearly and fluently both to specialised and lay audiences.
Generate documents and present them with the help of appropriate software and IT tools.
Write and speak fluently in a third language.
Work in multidisciplinary teams and show leadership.
Learn throughout life.
Manage resources and projects.
Act with professional ethics and analyse the social dimension of activity.
Encourage internationalisation and mobility.
Professional opportunities
Students of the course will be experts in the field of electrical engineering and will be able to work in research
departments of public and private organisations.
Particular objectives for each subject
These are specified on the descriptor of each subject and can be accessed through the web pages.
This PhD comprises 120 ECTS credits over four semesters (each one with 30 credits): the foundation semester, the core
semester, the specialisation semester and the project semester. The first two semesters are obligatory in terms of the
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Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
access level, whilst the specialisation semester plans research specialism in four areas: power electronics, devices and
microsystems, integrated systems and circuits, and instrumentation and measurements . Futher information in the
section " Subjects " in the Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering .
Foundation semester
The aim of this semester is to provide base knowledge for students from a range of backgrounds and prepare
them for the following semester, when fundamental concepts are introduced. Students who have already partially
or totally reached the level of knowledge of these subjects through previous study will gain recognition and
possible exemption for that previous knowledge.
Core semester
In this semester advanced knowledge (postgraduate level) of electrical engineering is introduced. It comprises six
subjects that cover the majority of central themes in electrical engineering.
Specialisation semester
Students, with the agreement of their tutor, should choose four subjects (20 ECTS credits).
Dissertation - PhD project (DEA)
During the final semester of the programme, students should complete a dissertation or research project for their
PhD, either with the supervision of a course lecturer or a local or foreign business or research institution. The
dissertation will be completed with the submission of a report on the project, its defence, and assessment by a
The rest of the credits can be gained through any of the research specialisms or optional modules from related studies,
always with the prior agreement of a tutor.
It should be noted that this is the specialisation semester offered at the UIB. The core semesters corresponding to
research guidance are given at the UPC in line with the four areas of specialisms. The subjects to be taken for each area
are as following. If students so wish they may study the subjects offered only at the UPC.
Power electronics
Energy Management for Information and Communication Systems
AC Energy Converters: Design, Control through DSP and Applications
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power and Control Systems
Power Control in Renewable Energy Systems
Energy Conversion and Motion
Simulation Model and Control of Electronic Power Systems
Power Quality in the Electricity Network
Devices and microsystems
Microsystems (MEMS) and Nanosystems (NEMS)
Micro and Nanosensors and Actuators
Micro and Nanotechnologies
Semiconductor Power Devices
Advanced Concepts of Semiconductors
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
Solar Cells: Devices and Technologies
Photovoltaic Systems
Optoelectronic and High Frequency Devices
Circuits and integrated systems
VLSI Analogue Design
Advanced Digital Systems
High Level Digital Design
Electronic Systems for Handling Information. Microprocessors and DSP
Advanced Analogue Design
Circuits for Communications
RF Communication Systems On-Chip
Circuits for On-Chip Power Management
Test and Tolerance of Faults
Advanced EDA Tools and Methods for ICs
Physical Implementation of Nanometric Integrated Systems
Intelligent Systems
Instrumentation and Measurements
Advanced Theory and Technology of Measurement Systems
Circuits for the Optical and Electrical Definition of Materials
Ultrasonic Systems. Instrumentation and Applications
Interference in Instrumentation Systems. Measurements, Simulation and Reduction
Oceanographic and Aerospace Instrumentation Systems
Automotive Electronics
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Sensors, Actuators and Microprocessors. Application to Robotics
As well as the lines of research of the course itself, there are also the lines of research of the research groups linked to
the teaching of the course, which can be summarised as follows:
At the UIB
Microelectronic design
Advanced test techniques for microelectronic circuits
Consumption models for devices and integrated circuits
Instrumentation and control
Industrial robotics
Systems engineering
Industrial communications
At the UPC
AHA - Advanced hardware architectures
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
EPIC - Design of integrated analogue circuits and commuted power converters
GREP - Power electronics research group
GRUP ISI - Instrumentation, sensors and interface group
GSS - Sensor systems group
HIPICS - High performance integrated circuits and systems group
IEB - Biomedical and electronic instrumentation
MCIA - Motion control and industrial applications group
MNT- Micro and Nanotechnologies Group
QINE - Low Power Design, Testing, Verification and Fault Tolerance
SARTI - Remote acquisition and handling systems for information
SEPIC - Electronic power and control systems.
TIEG - Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group
Since the course is interuniversity, supervisory staff are at both institutions.
At the UIB
Alorda Ladaria, Bartomeu
Bota Ferragut, Sebastià
Calvo Ibáñez, Oscar
Crespi Cladera, Rafel
García Moreno, Eugeni
González Cid, Yolanda
Isern Riutort, Eugeni
Oliver Codina, Gabriel
Ortiz Rodríguez, Alberto
Roca Adrover, Miquel
Rosselló Sanz, Pep Lluis
Segura Fuster, Jaume
At the UPC
Alarcon Cot, Eduard
Alcubilla Gonzalez, Ramon
Altet Sanahujes, Josep
Aragones Cervera, Xavier
Arias Pujol, Antoni
Balado Suarez, Luz M.
Balcells Sendra, Josep
Bermejo Sanchez, Sergio
Biel Sole, Domingo
Bordonau Farrerons, Josep
Bragos Bardia, Ramon
Cabestany Moncusi, Joan
Calderer Cardona, Josep
Carrasco Lopez, Juan Antonio
Casas Piedrafita, Jaime Oscar
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
Castañer Muñoz, Luis
Castilla Fernandez, Miquel
Chavez Dominguez, Juan Antonio
Cosp Vilella, Jordi
Dominguez Pumar, Manuel M.
Fernandez Chimeno, Mireya
Figueras Pamies, Joan
Gago Barrio, Javier
Garcia De Vicuña Muñoz De La Nava, Jose Luis
Garcia Gonzalez, Miquel A.
Garcia Hernandez, Miguel J.
Garcias Salva, Pau
Gasulla Forner, Manel
Gonzalez Diez, David
Gonzalez Jimenez, Jose Luis
Guinjoan Gispert, Francesc
Jimenez Serres, Vicente
Lopez Garcia, Mariano
Lopez Gonzalez, Juan Miguel
Lupon Roses, Emili
Madrenas Boadas, Jordi
Manich Bou, Salvador
Manuel Lazaro, Antonio
Masana Nadal, Francesc
Mateo Peña, Diego
Moll Echeto, Francesc
Moreno Arostegui, Juan Manuel
Moreno Eguilaz, Juan M.
Ortega Redondo, Juan Antonio
Ortega Villasclaras, Pablo Rafael
Pallas Areny, Ramon
Parisi Baradad, Vicenç
Pindado Rico, Rafael
Pique Lopez, Robert
Pons Nin, Joan
Pou Felix, Josep
Poveda Lopez, Alberto
Prat Viñas, Lluis
Puigdollers Gonzalez, Joaquim
Ramos Castro, Juan Jose
Riu Costa, Pere Joan
Rius Vazquez, Josep
Rodriguez Martinez, Angel
Rodriguez Montañes, Rosa
Romeral Martinez, J.L.
Rosell Ferrer, Javier
Rubio Sola, Jose Antonio
Salazar Soler, Jorge
Silva Martinez, Ferran
Silvestre Berges, Santiago
Torrents Dolz, Josep M.
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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Programme Description
Doctoral Degree in Electronic Engineering: 2011-12
Turo Peroy, Antonio
Vidal Lopez, Eva
Voz Sanchez, Cristobal
Pre-registration and registration
Contact information (general administrative services)
Contact information (administrative services of the Center for Postgraduate Studies):
Course coordinator:
Dr. Jaume Segura Fuster
971 17 2530
Department of Physics
Comments and suggestions
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